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react-native-twilio-phone's People


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react-native-twilio-phone's Issues

Invalid ApplicationSid

I have followed the whole example as it is. From server it is fetching perfect fetchAccessToken i have parsed in jwt it was perfect.

2020-12-21 16:08:56.940599+0500 driver[749:86001] [TwilioPhone] Call failed to connect: Invalid ApplicationSid

This is the error which is shown in Xcode logs and although i have not used ApplicationSid in my code at all so why this error is appearing ? if it is necessary to user ApplicationSid then where to use kindly mention that .

Below is my onPress call code

`const [from, setFrom] = React.useState('+61253665456'); // from number which i have bought from twilio
const [to, setTo] = React.useState('+61452545369'); // to whom i am calling

async function call() {

if (to === '') {


try {
  await RNTwilioPhone.startCall(to, 'My friend', from);
} catch (e) {


now from server i am only receiving fetchAccessToken and i am trying to make call is it ok or i should call any other api as well ?

Receiving Events in the Background on Android

Thanks so much for your great library @MrHertal!

Running on Android 11 with Firebase Messaging configured, I can receive FCM notifications in the background from an incoming call and answer this call as well. I see the following message on logcat as the call is received:
D/TwilioPhone: Call did connect

However, this event is not received in the event listener in my App.tsx file (I've defined the listeners as you have in your example project). The events are received as expected in App.tsx if the incoming call is initialed while the app is in the foreground. Any thoughts as to why this event is not sent back through the React context and to the JS listener while the app is in the background?

IOS is not calling

[RNCallKeep][requestTransaction] Error requesting transaction ((
"<CXStartCallAction 0x600002f3c240 UUID=58B8615A-5CB0-4F99-A5D9-672FE6885E8C state=0 commitDate=(null) callUUID=E8507260-9349-4FF8-9488-AD141735161A handle=<CXHandle 0x600001daa180
type=Generic value=5099995574> contactIdentifier=My Friend video=0 relay=0 upgrade=0 retry=0 emergency=0 isVoicemail=0 ttyType=0 localLandscapeAspectRatio={0, 0}
localPortraitAspectRatio={0, 0} dateStarted=(null) localSenderIdentityUUID=(null) shouldSuppressInCallUI=0>"
)): (Error Code=1 "(null)")

I don't know what am missing yet it works on Android

Issue VoIP does not work on iOS on release.

Hi @MrHertal, I used your lib, it works great.

  • I have a problem when release app, VoIP call is not working when releasing via testflight.
  • But it works when I build the release directly to my iPhone device.

Glad if you know what the problem is and help me. Thanks 💯

Answer incoming call while app in background

Hi, I have managed to get an incoming call and answer it while the app is in the foreground on iOS using:


but when I answer to call while the app is in the background or while the app is locked and in the background, Twilio does not connect

is there any example of how to answer incoming while the app is in the background?

Cancel call functionality?

Hi, when I click start call using this function

await RNTwilioPhone.startCall('+00123456789');

it takes some time to fetch the token, initialize the call a start riniging. Is there a possibility to cancel the call before it even started ringing?


Incoming calls not receiving by the app.

Hi @MrHertal , I used your package to make and receive calls. I have followed all the steps that mentioned in the doc. After that I have successfully make a call to non twilio number. but when I tried to make a incoming call through non twilio number it is unable to make a incoming call on app. Can you help me out in the issue that I am facing.

Support for call quality stats

Hi, we've been using your module to implement VoIP capabilities in our mobile app and it's been working great!
I was just wondering about how we might add support for extracting the call quality stats from the native SDKs and exposing them in this module. Twilio supports this pretty easily in their web based javascript library already.

Is this an existing part of your roadmap for this project? If not, we would be happy to develop and contribute this feature from our end as well. Also, if you already have any thoughts on how to go about this, we will be sure to follow any and all guidance on implementing this within the module.

The native modules for Twilio unfortunately don't seem to be open source, but there does seem to be some simple documentation regarding how to fetch this data in their latest SDK for iOS.

In Voice iOS 3.0 SDK you can now access media stats in a Call using the [TVOCall getStatsWithBlock:] method.

call.getStatsWith { (statsReports) in
    for report: TVOStatsReport in statsReports {
        let localAudioTracks: Array<TVOLocalAudioTrackStats> = report.localAudioTrackStats
        let localAudioTrackStats = localAudioTracks[0]
        let remoteAudioTracks: Array<TVORemoteAudioTrackStats> = report.remoteAudioTrackStats
        let remoteAudioTrackStats = remoteAudioTracks[0]

        print("Local Audio Track - audio level: \(localAudioTrackStats.audioLevel), packets sent: \(localAudioTrackStats.packetsSent)")
        print("Remote Audio Track - audio level: \(remoteAudioTrackStats.audioLevel), packets received: \(remoteAudioTrackStats.packetsReceived)")

with documentation on what the specific classes look like written here

Please let us know what your thoughts are, thanks!

Access token not found

Hi @MrHertal . I'm getting the errors regarding access token not found.
I deployed the Twilio server-side web application followed by the Android SDK Quickstart. &
I'm able to get all the things (TwiML application for the access token, access token for the quickstart, Push Credential using your FCM Server API Key),
& also I followed the installation of the 3 modules (React Native CallKeep, React Native Firebase Messaging, React Native VoIP Push Notification). in root directory of the project.
After that when I run the project,
access token code
I'm getting the error like this..
api response
So I'm not getting the correct API endpoint for the access token so that Can I put here..
access token code
So please help me regarding this issues, & also let me know what's the correct way to get the correct access token, so that can I make a call.
so please help me regarding this issues. Thank You :)

Question for outgoing call open dialer screen

Hi @MrHertal
I start outgoing call from my iPhone to other android or iOS device. it is not moving to native screen(dialer screen) in my phone.
so is it anyway to open dialer screen if i start outgoing call to someone?
please help me.

Handle Incoming Call When app is in background state


First of all thanks a lot for the library which is very helpful. By following the documentation, I've managed to integrate Twilio voice call functionality in a react native app. Outgoing call working fine, also receiving incoming calls as well.

But when the app is in the background state or killed then if the device receives an incoming call it just opens the app's homepage without showing callkeep UI. I'm not sure if that is the expected behavior that you've implemented. If so is there any event that exists where we can listen and get the data ex. caller phoneNumber and trigger the callkeep from the app.

I've tried these events CallInvite , CallRinging but these events don't; trigger when the app comes in the foreground state.

Note: I'm only working on the android platform at the moment

Build fails while running example app

I am getting this error:
error: Error: Unable to resolve module @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault from ../src/RNTwilioPhone.ts: @babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault could not be found within the project.

I have tried these solutions: 1. Clear watchman watches: watchman watch-del-all
2. Delete node_modules: rm -rf node_modules and run yarn install
3. Reset Metro's cache: yarn start --reset-cache
4. Remove the cache: rm -rf /tmp/metro-*
Also tried changing version of this module to "@babel/runtime": "7.0.0-beta.55". I am still getting same issue. Can you please help?

Couldn't attend call

I was tested my Twilio app in multiple android devices (versions >= 8). But it's not working in some devices. I have 2 issues
1- Sometimes call not ringing in some particular device
2- Sometimes couldn't attend call

Nb: I was integrated Twilio phone client as task router worker. In Twilio dashboard tasks assigned and reserved without any problem. But in some devices call rings multiple times or couldn't attend call or sometimes call not ringing. I attaching a video.

React.useEffect(() => {
return RNTwilioPhone.initialize(callKeepOptions, fetchAccessToken, options);
}, []); // in my home.js

RNTwilioPhone.handleBackgroundState(); //in my

Can you please help to figure out this issue

Thank you

Issue on android 10 and 10+


I got a strange behavior in my app, I can make twilio calls ios to ios, android to io, android and ios to android OS v8, but the call disconnects when calling from whatever device to android OS v10 or higher (don't know about OS v9) after like 5 seconds (I'm getting the push notification with the call). No matter I answer the call or I let pass the 5 seconds, the call gets disconnecting every time with twilio error 'GCM/FCM client uninstalled or turned off notifications' Error - 52103.

Any help?

Toggle speaker not working on Android

Hi MrHertal, i have 2 problem when using the package:

  1. I did implement Toggle speaker on the app, but i notice it only works on IOS, but not Android, do you have any solution for this issues?

2, this issues only happen on Android, i did using "backToForeground" when the Android phone make voice call, sometime it working, sometime the native callkit screen will back to foreground, do you have any solution for this?

Appreciate if you can provide the solution, Thanks :)

Didn't receive incoming call when app is kill/quit


Android failed to receive incoming call when the app is quit/kill state, I did added RNTwilioPhone.handleBackgroundState(); before AppRegistry in index.js, but maybe the handleBackgroundState() has not initialize RNTwilioPhone, so it's not working? i not sure

Please guide me ya, thanks

Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code


When I add react-native-twilio-phone lib into my project ,the build is failing . I am using Apple M1 Mac mini and trying to run the app in ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator. Please find the log below


PhaseScriptExecution [CP]\ Copy\ XCFrameworks /Users/user1/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-chzqqwjhtndollcblhkjgpdsipcq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ (in target 'TwilioVoice' from project 'Pods')
    cd /Users/user1/Desktop/app/app-mobile-app/ios/Pods
    /bin/sh -c /Users/user1/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-chzqqwjhtndollcblhkjgpdsipcq/Build/Intermediates.noindex/

Selected xcframework slice ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator
rsync --delete -av --filter P .*.?????? --links --filter "- CVS/" --filter "- .svn/" --filter "- .git/" --filter "- .hg/" "/Users/user1/Desktop/app/app-mobile-app/ios/Pods/TwilioVoice/TwilioVoice.xcframework/ios-arm64_x86_64-simulator/*" "/Users/user1/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/app-chzqqwjhtndollcblhkjgpdsipcq/Build/Products/Release-iphonesimulator/XCFrameworkIntermediates/TwilioVoice"
building file list ... done
rsync error: received SIGINT, SIGTERM, or SIGHUP (code 20) at /System/Volumes/Data/SWE/macOS/BuildRoots/e90674e518/Library/Caches/ [sender=2.6.9]
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

Voice iOS SDK

"react-native-twilio-phone": "^1.6.0",
6.3.0 via CocoaPods]



iOS Version

Simulator- iphone12 - ios 15
Mac mini (M1, 2020)

CallRinging event not firing

When we do the outgoing call onConnected event is firing without firing the onRinging event thats why call is not adding to the active calls list and CallDisconnect , hold or other function which are using callSid are not working..
showing activecalls :0 .. Anyone other facing the same issue?

Incoming Client Call Not Received

Hey MrHertal,

First off, thanks for providing this wonderful package. It is extremely useful. However, I️ am having some issues getting calls to notify on my receiving client. I️ am using purely client to client TwilioVoice calls, and have set that up correctly in my call handler for Twilio.

Following your docs, and VoipPushNotif, I️ think I️ have set up that end correctly as well. As far as I️ can tell, I️ requesting permissions (as I️ accept them), initializing both callKeep and Twilio with a token generated by my server with a user's phone # as the identity. This is also reflected in decoding the JWT token.

The call goes through, and even reaches a CallConnected state (Without any CallKeep UI though). But, it gets weird as it immediately goes into CallDisconnected with no error. I️ can pull up the Call SID in Twilio and see that I️ got a NO-ANSWER state for the call, even though the receiving client never saw a call come through, even in the logs from TwilioVoice.

Something that did catch my eye though is that in my Twilio console, I️ see two calls, one that is Incoming with a "From" tag of
client:{phoneNumber} and then one right above it with that is Incoming with client:{phoneNumber}. It seems that my Incoming call instance is generating another that actually places the call to the client. The latter call is a different callSID completely than the first, being a "child" of it, however, Twilio and RNTwilioPhone are reading the first call SID. My APN tokens are solid as Twilio would have thrown errors for invalid ones earlier in the process.

Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 4 31 12 PM'

Twilio Call Handler XML

    <Dial callerId="+1{phone}">

I️ did have to add the following to AppDelegate.m on iOS 14 for VOIP notifications, but no dice.

- (void)pushRegistry:(nonnull PKPushRegistry *)registry didUpdatePushCredentials:(nonnull PKPushCredentials *)pushCredentials forType:(nonnull PKPushType)type {
  [RNVoipPushNotificationManager didUpdatePushCredentials:pushCredentials forType:(NSString *)type];

Init Twilio Phone (callKeepOptions and options are default from README)

• Token is stored in AsyncStorage earlier in this function, so a promise is passed returning the static value.
• After logging in your library, I️ can confirm CallKeep is being initted.


        await RNTwilioPhone.initializeCallKeep(callKeepOptions, () => Promise.resolve(token), options)

I️ can confirm I️ am seeing this on my receiving client (physical iPhone) in logs:

"[TwilioPhone] Successfully registered for VoIP push notifications"

Along with:

handleRemoteNotificationsRegistered notification.userInfo = {
    deviceToken = {token};

Logs when a call is started (caller side):

2020-11-14 16:47:56.045660-0600 Parley[51315:992984] [TwilioPhone] Starting call
2020-11-14 16:47:56.070253-0600 Parley[51315:992996] [RNCallKeep][requestTransaction] Requested transaction successfully
2020-11-14 16:47:56.074695-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [RNCallKeep][CXProviderDelegate][provider:performStartCallAction]
2020-11-14 16:47:56.074817-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [RNCallKeep][configureAudioSession] Activating audio session
2020-11-14 16:47:56.162007-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [RNCallKeep][CXProviderDelegate][provider:didActivateAudioSession]
2020-11-14 16:47:56.162170-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [RNCallKeep][configureAudioSession] Activating audio session
2020-11-14 16:47:56.179633-0600 Parley[51315:992879] [TwilioPhone] Activating audio
2020-11-14 16:47:56.179800-0600 Parley[51315:992879] [TwilioPhone] Activating audio
2020-11-14 16:47:56.400593-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [TwilioPhone] Call did start ringing
2020-11-14 16:47:56.557595-0600 Parley[51315:993052] [aurioc] AURemoteIO.h:323:entry: Unable to join I/O thread to workgroup ((null)): 2
2020-11-14 16:47:56.704762-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [TwilioPhone] Call did connect
2020-11-14 16:47:58.652520-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [TwilioPhone] Call disconnected
2020-11-14 16:47:58.711680-0600 Parley[51315:992984] [RNCallKeep][reportEndCallWithUUID] uuidString = dab079d1-ff0f-4b92-9047-a58a840aea8a reason = 2
2020-11-14 16:47:58.753777-0600 Parley[51315:974541] [RNCallKeep][CXProviderDelegate][provider:didDeactivateAudioSession]
2020-11-14 16:47:58.756235-0600 Parley[51315:992996] [TwilioPhone] Deactivating audio
2020-11-14 16:47:58.756384-0600 Parley[51315:992996] [TwilioPhone] Deactivating audio

Nothing comes through on callee side, log wise. Not even any errors coming from didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload, which isn't even running. My going theory is that there is some disconnect happening with the Twilio servers pushing to the correct device, as I️ am registering with Twilio on both ends with a phone number as the identifier (EG +1555555555) yet the call is looking for a identifier of client:+15555555555 according to the logs.

Does anything here stick out to you?

Thanks for reading, and thanks for your work on this.


RNTwilioPhone.fetchAccessToken is not a function

I am trying to integrate call masking using Twilio.
while I am trying to startcall() it returns the error RNTwilioPhone.fetchAccessToken is not a function

const callKeepOptions = {
ios: {
appName: 'TwilioPhone Example',
supportsVideo: false,
android: {
alertTitle: 'Permissions required',
alertDescription: 'This application needs to access your phone accounts',
cancelButton: 'Cancel',
okButton: 'OK',
additionalPermissions: [],
// Required to get audio in background when using Android 11
foregroundService: {
channelId: '',
channelName: 'Foreground service for my app',
notificationTitle: 'My app is running on background',

const options = {
requestPermissionsOnInit: false, // Default: true - Set to false if you want to request permissions manually

async function fetchAccessToken() {
axios.get('https://xxxxxxxxxx/api/Account/getTwilioToken').then(res => {
retun res
}).catch(err => console.log('err>>>>>>', err))

React.useEffect(() => {
return RNTwilioPhone.initialize(callKeepOptions, fetchAccessToken. options);
}, []);

  async function startCall(to, calleeName, from) {
    try {
      await RNTwilioPhone.startCall(to, calleeName, from);
    } catch (e) {


Call received when app is killed/terminated, but not connected to the call

I am using this package for client to client call in react native (iOS) app. Everything is working fine but there is some issue when app is killed or terminated.
Here are the scenarios:
-> Seconds are not incrementing in native call UI
Received VOIP PUSH -> Incoming Call displayed with as expected -> Immediately answered the call -> call was not connected the other end -> On receiver side ring was stopped and seconds are not incrementing but on caller side it was in ringing state. (Looks like JS bundle was not loaded)
-> Received VOIP PUSH -> Incoming Call displayed with as expected -> Waited to load JS bundle and then answered the call -> call was not connected the other end -> On receiver side seconds are incrementing but on caller side it was in ringing state.
CallConnected event was not triggered in both cases.

facing same issue (in foreground and background) when use RNTwilioPhone.initializeCallKeep(callKeepOptions, this.fetchAccessToken); instead of RNTwilioPhone.initialize(callKeepOptions, this.fetchAccessToken);

Everything is working fine when the app is in background or foreground state.

How to show native UI after accepting call on iOS

Hi, I've been playing with this lib and on Android it works seamlessly. However on iOS (iPhone 6s - 13.5.1) when receiving an incoming call it initially shows the native Reject/Accept UI as the device rings, but as soon as the call is accepted the native UI disappears and the App UI shows.

In this comment on issue #3 you do mention that on iOS this is default behaviour, however in the screenshots in the readme I can see you have it displaying the native UI of an active call. How can we achieve this?

I've tried invoking RNCallKeep.displayIncomingCall inside the CallConnected event like follows with no luck.

twilioPhoneEmitter.addListener(EventType.CallConnected, () => {
    RNCallKeep.displayIncomingCall(RNTwilioPhone.calls[0].uuid, '0422222222', 'test');

Any ideas how we can keep the Native Call UI on screen for the entire duration of the call?

(Also on a side note, you should register for GitHub sponsors - I would sponsor you for this project as it is going to save me a LOT of time)

Multiple incoming calls

Hi, is it possible to register incoming calls for multiple Twilio accounts?
I have two Twilio accounts and I want to enable receive calls from both numbers, but that means that:

RNTwilioPhone.initialize(callKeepOptions, this.fetchAccessToken);

should be initialised twice, once for each account with different access token.

Getting Custom Parameters from incoming calls.

Is it possible to get custom parameters twi_params passed along with call data sent with the twilioPhoneEmitter events -- more specifically the CallInvite event type?

I've found a way to retrieve customParameters using RNVoipPushNotification.

if (Platform.OS == "ios") {
    useEffect(() => {
        (notification) => {
          delete notification.aps;

          console.log(notification.twi_params); // URL string with twi_params pass from TwiML app

      return () => {
    }, [false]);

I also noticed that the TVOCallInvite [documentation] class has a property called customParameters.

I'm considering created a PR to add this functionality -- as it is a powerful way to pass along data to Twilio Apps to make more intuitive Call Answer Screens.

Just want to know if there is existing implementation / best practices for retrieving this info somewhere that I'm missing.

Unregister function not working

Hi MrHertal,

I want to unregister the phone after sign out (so the phone no longer receive any call), and RNTwilioPhone.initialize() again after i sign in (the phone ready to receive call and can outgoing call)

I did using the function unregister(), but i still receive the call.
Can you guide me how to achieve the above process?

Many Thanks!!

Error while installing pods for ios

CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "react-native-twilio-phone"
In Podfile:
react-native-twilio-phone (from ../node_modules/react-native-twilio-phone)

Specs satisfying the react-native-twilio-phone (from ../node_modules/react-native-twilio-phone) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
Aborting run

My ios target is 13.0. I think in the podspec file the target set is 11.0 but iOS now requires apps to have minimum 13.0.

How to re-register device token if it is updated or invalidated

Twilio recommend implementing the following logic to check if the device token is updated or invalidated

- Invoke [TwilioVoice registerWithAccessToken:deviceToken:completion] the first time the App is launched
- Store the device token and the current time. This is necessary to determine if the device token has changed
- Implement PKPushRegistryDelegate and check when the token is updated or invalidated. Compare it to the token value stored in 2. If it has changed, invoke[TwilioVoice registerWithAccessToken:deviceToken:completion] and store the new device token value.
- Check when [TwilioVoice registerWithAccessToken:deviceToken:completion] was last invoked. If it has been over 6 months, register the token again to not let it expire.


How can I implement this with react-native-twilio-phone? Is there any method to check the device token is updated?

Permission Audio not working when Android App killed.

I have a problem when calling, A calls B(Android, kill app) then it seems that the audio permission is no longer active, even though the call is received and accepted but no sound from B transmits to A. A transmits for B is stable.

Is there any event to get call accepted?

Hi @MrHertal how do we know that outgoing call accepted from callee.
is there any event trigger when call attend from receiver (callee.
i want to display call timing thats why i need it.
please help me!

Inbound Call Name vs Number

Apologies if this is an inappropriate place to pose this issue. Feel free to point me elsewhere. I have this all setup (thanks @MrHertal!) and functional, but one piece yields a bit of a poor user experience.

When a user receives an inbound call the number coming in just looks like +11234567890 instead of John Doe even if I have a contact in my phone book for that number.

I didn't go the route in the suggested Quick Start by using Twilio Serverless. For reasons I won't go into, I have my own server that integrates with TwiML. I bring this up because perhaps I'm having this issue because I'm not providing the right TwiML instruction -- such as callerId

Any ideas?

is it sim required to use this library?

Hi @MrHertal
I am trying to use react-native-twilio-phone for outgoing call.
and i am debugging on my phone which does not have sim. so is it sim required inside iPhone?
if not then how to pass from number when i will startcall ?
right now i am stuck here please help.

When one user hangs up the call - the second one continues to run the call time.

Hello, I have a problem when making calls between two users when one hangs up the second one continues to run the call time. How can you make the receiver go down as well as with usual phone calls?

on the js side this code does not give the expected behavior

function hangup() { RNCallKeep.endAllCalls(); setCallInProgress(false); }


exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
  const from = 'client:'+event.from;
  const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();

  var to =;
    if (!to) {
      twiml.say('Congratulations! You have made your first call! Good bye.');
    } else {
      const dial = twiml.dial({callerId : from, action: '/hangup', method: 'POST'});
    callback(null, twiml);

an attempt to redirect a function from the server to a TwiML does not bring any result either


exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
    const twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
    callback(null, twiml);

Function to return UUID

How can i get the UUID from startcall function?
I need it to implement on rejectcall(), setmutecall() and etc


Is there a way to determine if an outbound call is answered?

If so, can we add documentation to the README?

Specifically, I would like some sort of event to fire when the call receiver answers/accepts the call. I assumed that's what the CallConnected was, but it seems that is fired immediately after the CallRinging event -- rendering it essentially useless. Is this a bug?

[Enhance] `startCall` function of RNTwilioPhone should allow pass additional params

Hi @MrHertal ,

As you can see from the image,


params could be an object that accept any value (not only 2 params as currently: "from" and "to"), and Twilio functions can use these params to serve its request.

So I think we should update the parameter for startCall function, it should look like this, I think.

static async startCall(to: string, calleeName?: string, from?: string, additionalParams: ConnectParams = {})

If you think that this is correct, could you help me update it?

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