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node-sprite's Introduction

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A node.js Sprite Library with Stylus and Retina Support


node-sprite uses ImageMagick for its graphics operations. So make sure you have the convert and identify command available in your envirnoment.


There are three exported functions: sprite, sprites and stylus. The following examples show how to use them.

Example Directory Stucture

- app.js
- images/
  - global/
    - bar.jpg     // 200x100px image
    - foo.png     // 10x50px   image
  - animals/
    - cat.gif     // 64x64px   image
    - duck.png    // 64x64px   image
    - mouse.gif   // 64x64px   image

Single Sprite

var sprite = require('node-sprite');

sprite.sprite('global', {path: './images'}, function(err, globalSprite) {
  console.log('foo', globalSprite.image('foo'));
  console.log('bar', globalSprite.image('bar'));

This code will generate a sprite image named ./images/global-[checksum].png and output the following:

foo, {width: 200, height: 100, positionX: 0, positionY: 52}
bar, {width: 64, height: 64, positionX: 0, positionY: 0}

Multiple Sprites

var sprite = require('node-sprite');

sprite.sprites({path: './images'}, function(err, result) {
  var globalSprite = result['global'];
  var animalsSprite = result['animals'];
  console.log('animals/duck', animalsSprite.image('duck'));

This code will generate a sprite image for every subfolder of ./images. The images are named ./images/[folder]-[checksum].png.

animals/duck, {width: 10, height: 50, positionX: 0, positionY: 66}

Stylus Integration

// screen.styl
  sprite animal duck
  sprite global mouse false

The sprite function generates the correct background image and position for the specified image. By default it also adds width and height properties. You can prevent this behaviour by setting the third optional parameter to false.

/* screen.css */
#duck {
  background: url('./images/animals-b775d.png') 0px -66px;
  width: 64px;
  height: 64px;
#mouse {
  background: url('./images/animals-b775d.png') 0px -132px;

The sprite.stylus function behaves similar to sprite.sprites, but it returns a helper object, with provides a stylus helper function helper.fn.

var sprite = require('node-sprite');
var stylus = require('stylus');

var str = require("fs").readFileSync("screen.styl")

sprite.stylus({path: './images'}, function (err, helper) {
    .set('filename', 'screen.styl')
    .define('sprite', helper.fn)
    .render(function (err, css) {

Retina / High Resolution Sprite Support

node-sprite has a special mode for high resolution sprites. When your sprite folder ends with @2x it will be treated differently.

Basic Example

- cat.gif    // 128x128px image
- duck.png   // 128x128px image

Although we have 128x128px images. The elements should only have the size of 64x64px and the background has to be scaled down.

// screen.styl
  sprite(animal@2x, duck)
  background-size sprite-dimensions(animal@2x, name)

will be transformed to

/* screen.css */
#duck {
  background: url('./images/[email protected]') 0px -66px;
  width: 64px;
  height: 64px;
  background-size: 64px 194px;

For this to work you have to add the sprite-dimensions helper in you stylus configuration:

.define('sprite-dimensions', helper.dimensionsFn)

Retina Mixin

If you want to have a retina and a non-retina sprite it makes sense to create a mixin like this one:

// screen.styl
retina-sprite(folder, name)
  sprite(folder, name)
  hidpi = s("(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 1.5dppx)");
  @media hidpi
    sprite(folder+"@2x", name, false)
    background-size sprite-dimensions(folder+"@2x", name)

  retina-sprite animals duck

This will generate the following css code:

#duck {
  background: url('./images/animals-b775d.png') 0px -66px;
  width: 64px;
  height: 64px;
@media (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 1.5dppx) {
  #duck {
    background: url('./images/[email protected]') 0px -66px;
    background-size: 64px 194px;

Note: All images in the retina folder should have even height and width pixels.


All three functions accept an optional options parameter.

  path: './images',     // sprite directory
  padding: 2,           // pixels between images
  httpPath: './images', // used be the stylus helper
  watch: false,         // auto update sprite in background
  retina: '@2x'         // postfix for retina sprite folders

Auto Update on Image Change

If you pass watch: true as an option node-sprite will watch the sprite folders and regenerate the sprite when something changes.

You can subscribe to the update event of the sprite or helper object to get notified.

var generateCss = function () {...};

sprite.stylus({watch: true}, function (err, helper) {
  helper.on("update", generateCss);

Structural Sprite Information / JSON

node-sprite will put a ./images/[folder].json next to every generated sprite image. This file contains structural information of the generated sprite. This files can be used by other modules or applications.

They are also usefull if you running your application on a production machine without ImageMagick. In this case node-sprite will fallback to this data.

  "name": "animals",
  "checksum": "b775d6fa89ad809d7700c32b491c50f0",
  "shortsum": "b775d",
  "images": [
      "name": "cat",
      "filename": "cat.gif",
      "checksum": "25ce6895f8ed03aa127123430997bbdf",
      "width": 64,
      "height": 64,
      "positionX": 0,
      "positionY": 0


Feel free to post issues or pull request.

You can run the projects tests with the npm test command.


The MIT License

node-sprite's People


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node-sprite's Issues

Sprite._cleanup deletes other -2x spritemaps

If you have two spritemaps being generated by a call to sprites, and they both have 2x versions, the 2x spritemaps will all get deleted.

In, _cleanup:

  _cleanup: (cb = ->) ->
    self = @
    fs.readdir "#{@path}", (err, files) ->
      for file in files
        if file.match("^#{}-.*\.png$") and file isnt self.filename()
          fs.unlinkSync "#{self.path}/#{file}"

The pattern ^#{}-.*\.png will match any -2x files that don't have the correct suffix. If you have two spritemaps being generated, each one will remove the other's output.

I assume this is trying to remove old shortsums of the current file.

Stylus ignores sprite

Hello, I try to integrate sprite with my test express app and have some problems.

if app.settings.env is "development"
        path: './assets/blocks/',
        watch: true,
        (err, result) ->
            console.log result

Sprite is able to generate images, but watch option is ignored.

  sprite header bg

Is rendered to:

body {
  sprite: header bg;

Modules info:

    "name": "express-coffee"
  , "version": "0.1.6"
  , "private": true
  , "dependencies": {
      "express": "3.x" 
    , "coffee-script": "1.4.0"
    , "jade": "0.26.0"
    , "connect-assets": "2.3.3"
    , "stylus": "0.27.x"
    , "nib": "0.9.0"
    , "markdown": "0.4.0"
    , "passport": "0.1.15"
    , "which": "1.0.5"
    , "mongoose": "3.5.3"
    , "wrench": "1.4.4"
  }, "scripts": {
    "install": "node node_modules/coffee-script/bin/cake build",
    "start": "node server.js",
    "test": "mocha --require should --compilers coffee:coffee-script --colors"
  }, "devDependencies": {
      "coffee-script": "*"
    , "mocha": "*"
    , "should": "*"
    , "supertest": "*"
    , "request": "*"
    , "supervisor": "*"
    , "docco-husky": "*"
    , "puts": "*"
    , "node-inspector": "*"
    , "ejs": "*"
  "engines": {
    "node": "~0.8.x",
    "npm": "1.1.x"

Try to run examples - vain

Trace after run /example/stylus.js

{ [TypeError: /Users/echuvelev/Development/hospital/express/node_modules/stylus/lib/functions/index.styl:286:14
   283|     &,
   284|     /$cache_placeholder_for_{$id}
   285|       $stylus_mixin_cache[$key] = $id
   286|       {block}

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at "#smallSquare" (/Users/echuvelev/Development/hospital/express/node_modules/node-sprite/example/sprite.styl:2:1)
  lineno: 286,
  column: 14,
  filename: '/Users/echuvelev/Development/hospital/express/node_modules/stylus/lib/functions/index.styl',
  stylusStack: '    at "#smallSquare" (/Users/echuvelev/Development/hospital/express/node_modules/node-sprite/example/sprite.styl:2:1)',
  input: 'called-from = ()\n\nvendors = moz webkit o ms official\n\n// stringify the given arg\n\n-string(arg)\n  type(arg) + \' \' + arg\n\n// require a color\n\nrequire-color(color)\n  unless color is a \'color\'\n    error(\'RGB or HSL value expected, got a \' + -string(color))\n\n// require a unit\n\nrequire-unit(n)\n  unless n is a \'unit\'\n    error(\'unit expected, got a \' + -string(n))\n\n// require a string\n\nrequire-string(str)\n  unless str is a \'string\' or str is a \'ident\'\n    error(\'string expected, got a \' + -string(str))\n\n// Math functions\n\nabs(n) { math(n, \'abs\') }\nmin(a, b) { a < b ? a : b }\nmax(a, b) { a > b ? a : b }\n\n// Trigonometrics\nPI = -math-prop(\'PI\')\n\nradians-to-degrees(angle)\n  angle * (180 / PI)\n\ndegrees-to-radians(angle)\n  unit(angle * (PI / 180),\'\')\n\nsin(n)\n  n = degrees-to-radians(n) if unit(n) == \'deg\'\n  round(math(n, \'sin\'), 9)\n\ncos(n)\n  n = degrees-to-radians(n) if unit(n) == \'deg\'\n  round(math(n, \'cos\'), 9)\n\n// Rounding Math functions\n\nceil(n, precision = 0)\n  multiplier = 10 ** precision\n  math(n * multiplier, \'ceil\') / multiplier\n\nfloor(n, precision = 0)\n  multiplier = 10 ** precision\n  math(n * multiplier, \'floor\') / multiplier\n\nround(n, precision = 0)\n  multiplier = 10 ** precision\n  math(n * multiplier, \'round\') / multiplier\n\n// return the sum of the given numbers\n\nsum(nums)\n  sum = 0\n  sum += n for n in nums\n\n// return the average of the given numbers\n\navg(nums)\n  sum(nums) / length(nums)\n\n// return a unitless number, or pass through\n\nremove-unit(n)\n  if typeof(n) is "unit"\n    unit(n, "")\n  else\n    n\n\n// convert a percent to a decimal, or pass through\n\npercent-to-decimal(n)\n  if unit(n) is "%"\n    remove-unit(n) / 100\n  else\n    n\n\n// check if n is an odd number\n\nodd(n)\n  1 == n % 2\n\n// check if n is an even number\n\neven(n)\n  0 == n % 2\n\n// check if color is light\n\nlight(color)\n  lightness(color) >= 50%\n\n// check if color is dark\n\ndark(color)\n  lightness(color) < 50%\n\n// desaturate color by amount\n\ndesaturate(color, amount)\n  adjust(color, \'saturation\', - amount)\n\n// saturate color by amount\n\nsaturate(color = \'\', amount = 100%)\n  if color is a \'color\'\n    adjust(color, \'saturation\', amount)\n  else\n    unquote( "saturate(" + color + ")" )\n\n// darken by the given amount\n\ndarken(color, amount)\n  adjust(color, \'lightness\', - amount)\n\n// lighten by the given amount\n\nlighten(color, amount)\n  adjust(color, \'lightness\', amount)\n\n// decrease opacity by amount\n\nfade-out(color, amount)\n  color - rgba(black, percent-to-decimal(amount))\n\n// increase opacity by amount\n\nfade-in(color, amount)\n  color + rgba(black, percent-to-decimal(amount))\n\n// spin hue by a given amount\n\nspin(color, amount)\n  color + unit(amount, deg)\n\n// mix two colors by a given amount\n\nmix(color1, color2, weight = 50%)\n  unless weight in 0..100\n    error("Weight must be between 0% and 100%")\n\n  if length(color1) == 2\n    weight = color1[0]\n    color1 = color1[1]\n\n  else if length(color2) == 2\n    weight = 100 - color2[0]\n    color2 = color2[1]\n\n  require-color(color1)\n  require-color(color2)\n\n  p = unit(weight / 100, \'\')\n  w = p * 2 - 1\n\n  a = alpha(color1) - alpha(color2)\n\n  w1 = (((w * a == -1) ? w : (w + a) / (1 + w * a)) + 1) / 2\n  w2 = 1 - w1\n\n  channels = (red(color1) red(color2)) (green(color1) green(color2)) (blue(color1) blue(color2))\n  rgb = ()\n\n  for pair in channels\n    push(rgb, floor(pair[0] * w1 + pair[1] * w2))\n\n  a1 = alpha(color1) * p\n  a2 = alpha(color1) * (1 - p)\n  alpha = a1 + a2\n\n  rgba(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], alpha)\n\n// invert colors, leave alpha intact\n\ninvert(color = \'\')\n  if color is a \'color\'\n    rgba(#fff - color, alpha(color))\n  else\n    unquote( "invert(" + color + ")" )\n\n// give complement of the given color\n\ncomplement( color )\n  spin( color, 180 )\n\n// give grayscale of the given color\n\ngrayscale( color = \'\' )\n  if color is a \'color\'\n    desaturate( color, 100% )\n  else\n    unquote( "grayscale(" + color + ")" )\n\n// mix the given color with white\n\ntint( color, percent )\n  mix( white, color, percent )\n\n// mix the given color with black\n\nshade( color, percent )\n  mix( black, color, percent )\n\n// return the last value in the given expr\n\nlast(expr)\n  expr[length(expr) - 1]\n\n// return keys in the given pairs or object\n\nkeys(pairs)\n  ret = ()\n  if type(pairs) == \'object\'\n    for key in pairs\n      push(ret, key)\n  else\n    for pair in pairs\n      push(ret, pair[0]);\n  ret\n\n// return values in the given pairs or object\n\nvalues(pairs)\n  ret = ()\n  if type(pairs) == \'object\'\n    for key, val in pairs\n      push(ret, val)\n  else\n    for pair in pairs\n      push(ret, pair[1]);\n  ret\n\n// join values with the given delimiter\n\njoin(delim, vals...)\n  buf = \'\'\n  vals = vals[0] if length(vals) == 1\n  for val, i in vals\n    buf += i ? delim + val : val\n\n// add a CSS rule to the containing block\n\n// - This definition allows add-property to be used as a mixin\n// - It has the same effect as interpolation but allows users\n//   to opt for a functional style\n\nadd-property-function = add-property\nadd-property(name, expr)\n  if mixin\n    {name} expr\n  else\n    add-property-function(name, expr)\n\nprefix-classes(prefix)\n  -prefix-classes(prefix, block)\n\n// Caching mixin, use inside your functions to enable caching by extending.\n\n$stylus_mixin_cache = {}\ncache()\n  $key = (current-media() or \'no-media\') + \'__\' + called-from[0] + \'__\' + arguments\n  if $key in $stylus_mixin_cache\n    @extend {"$cache_placeholder_for_" + $stylus_mixin_cache[$key]}\n  else if \'cache\' in called-from\n    {block}\n  else\n    $id = length($stylus_mixin_cache)\n\n    &,\n    /$cache_placeholder_for_{$id}\n      $stylus_mixin_cache[$key] = $id\n      {block}\n' }
watching for file changes in './images' ...

Rebuild *.json file if it doesn't exist but image does

I just had the case that for some reason the spritesheet.png was available in the filesystem but the corresponding spritesheet.json wasn't (not commited). node-sprite ran over the thing and told me it processed all files properly and I naturally assumed there would be a .json file waiting for me. Yet unfortunately there was no .json file because node-sprite seems to not recreate a .json file if the .png exists.

Would it be posssible that node-sprite creates a .json file (and recreates the .png) if the .json file doesn't exist? It would be also okay to add a option for that?

Now: I know its the users problem if they decide to not push a .json file however: A chance less for human-error is a chance for a better life ;)

in case _getFiles got crash (in

I got an error when I was going to make spritesheet file. 'uncaught exception' occurred.
(can't remember exact condition)
In file, '_getFiles' method made an error.

A simple 'if' check would protect it from error. Code goes below: (

104 104       _getFiles: (cb) ->
105 105         fs.readdir "#{@path}/#{@name}", (err, files) ->

106     -         files = files.filter (file) -> file.match /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)$/
    106 +         if not err and files
    107 +           files = files.filter (file) -> file.match /\.(png|gif|jpg|jpeg)$/

107 108           cb err, files

Thanks for your contribution.

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