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bertsum's Introduction


This code is for paper Fine-tune BERT for Extractive Summarization(

!New: Please see our full paper with trained models

Results on CNN/Dailymail (25/3/2019):

Transformer Baseline 40.9 18.02 37.17
BERTSUM+Classifier 43.23 20.22 39.60
BERTSUM+Transformer 43.25 20.24 39.63
BERTSUM+LSTM 43.22 20.17 39.59

Python version: This code is in Python3.6

Package Requirements: pytorch pytorch_pretrained_bert tensorboardX multiprocess pyrouge

Some codes are borrowed from ONMT(

Data Preparation For CNN/Dailymail

Option 1: download the processed data


unzip the zipfile and put all .pt files into bert_data

Option 2: process the data yourself

Step 1 Download Stories

Download and unzip the stories directories from here for both CNN and Daily Mail. Put all .story files in one directory (e.g. ../raw_stories)

Step 2. Download Stanford CoreNLP

We will need Stanford CoreNLP to tokenize the data. Download it here and unzip it. Then add the following command to your bash_profile:

export CLASSPATH=/path/to/stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09/stanford-corenlp-3.8.0.jar

replacing /path/to/ with the path to where you saved the stanford-corenlp-full-2017-06-09 directory.

Step 3. Sentence Splitting and Tokenization

python -mode tokenize -raw_path RAW_PATH -save_path TOKENIZED_PATH
  • RAW_PATH is the directory containing story files (../raw_stories), JSON_PATH is the target directory to save the generated json files (../merged_stories_tokenized)

Step 4. Format to Simpler Json Files

python -mode format_to_lines -raw_path RAW_PATH -save_path JSON_PATH -map_path MAP_PATH -lower 
  • RAW_PATH is the directory containing tokenized files (../merged_stories_tokenized), JSON_PATH is the target directory to save the generated json files (../json_data/cnndm), MAP_PATH is the directory containing the urls files (../urls)

Step 5. Format to PyTorch Files

python -mode format_to_bert -raw_path JSON_PATH -save_path BERT_DATA_PATH -oracle_mode greedy -n_cpus 4 -log_file ../logs/preprocess.log
  • JSON_PATH is the directory containing json files (../json_data), BERT_DATA_PATH is the target directory to save the generated binary files (../bert_data)

  • -oracle_mode can be greedy or combination, where combination is more accurate but takes much longer time to process

Model Training

First run: For the first time, you should use single-GPU, so the code can download the BERT model. Change -visible_gpus 0,1,2 -gpu_ranks 0,1,2 -world_size 3 to -visible_gpus 0 -gpu_ranks 0 -world_size 1, after downloading, you could kill the process and rerun the code with multi-GPUs.

To train the BERT+Classifier model, run:

python -mode train -encoder classifier -dropout 0.1 -bert_data_path ../bert_data/cnndm -model_path ../models/bert_classifier -lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 0,1,2  -gpu_ranks 0,1,2 -world_size 3 -report_every 50 -save_checkpoint_steps 1000 -batch_size 3000 -decay_method noam -train_steps 50000 -accum_count 2 -log_file ../logs/bert_classifier -use_interval true -warmup_steps 10000

To train the BERT+Transformer model, run:

python -mode train -encoder transformer -dropout 0.1 -bert_data_path ../bert_data/cnndm -model_path ../models/bert_transformer -lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 0,1,2  -gpu_ranks 0,1,2 -world_size 3 -report_every 50 -save_checkpoint_steps 1000 -batch_size 3000 -decay_method noam -train_steps 50000 -accum_count 2 -log_file ../logs/bert_transformer -use_interval true -warmup_steps 10000 -ff_size 2048 -inter_layers 2 -heads 8

To train the BERT+RNN model, run:

python -mode train -encoder rnn -dropout 0.1 -bert_data_path ../bert_data/cnndm -model_path ../models/bert_rnn -lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 0,1,2  -gpu_ranks 0,1,2 -world_size 3 -report_every 50 -save_checkpoint_steps 1000 -batch_size 3000 -decay_method noam -train_steps 50000 -accum_count 2 -log_file ../logs/bert_rnn -use_interval true -warmup_steps 10000 -rnn_size 768 -dropout 0.1
  • -mode can be {train, validate, test}, where validate will inspect the model directory and evaluate the model for each newly saved checkpoint, test need to be used with -test_from, indicating the checkpoint you want to use

Model Evaluation

After the training finished, run

python -mode validate -bert_data_path ../bert_data/cnndm -model_path MODEL_PATH  -visible_gpus 0  -gpu_ranks 0 -batch_size 30000  -log_file LOG_FILE  -result_path RESULT_PATH -test_all -block_trigram true
  • MODEL_PATH is the directory of saved checkpoints
  • RESULT_PATH is where you want to put decoded summaries (default ../results/cnndm)

bertsum's People


nlpyang avatar


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bertsum's Issues

run error due to dsataset

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 340, in
train(args, device_id)
File "", line 272, in train
trainer.train(train_iter_fct, args.train_steps)
File "/home/wsy/xry/BertSum-master/src/models/", line 142, in train
for i, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
File "/home/wsy/xry/BertSum-master/src/models/", line 131, in iter
for batch in self.cur_iter:
File "/home/wsy/xry/BertSum-master/src/models/", line 235, in iter
batch = Batch(minibatch, self.device, self.is_test)
File "/home/wsy/xry/BertSum-master/src/models/", line 27, in init
src = torch.tensor(self._pad(pre_src, 0))
File "/home/wsy/xry/BertSum-master/src/models/", line 14, in _pad
width = max(len(d) for d in data)
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence

question about candidate


about the trigram blocking. Is the candidate c (as per your paper), a group of 3-grams randomly selected for each source sentence?

is this the code for the candidate?

for i, idx in enumerate(selected_ids):
                            _pred = []
                            for j in selected_ids[i][:len(batch.src_str[i])]:
                                if(j>=len( batch.src_str[i])):
                                candidate = batch.src_str[i][j].strip()
                                    if(not _block_tri(candidate,_pred)):

                                if ((not cal_oracle) and (not self.args.recall_eval) and len(_pred) == 3):

I m trying to understand this code. It seems 'j' here in the for loop is a character or is it a word? I was trying to match this with preprocessing step and trigram blocking.

def _block_tri(c, p):

If you can help me understand this code a bit it would be great.

is this code saying take the character of each source string and find repeating trigrams? is the '_pred' appending each word or character here?

Processed data lacks files

Dear author,

May I ask why the number of data points in processed training data is only 287084, while the paper claims it uses 287227 training points?

Looking forward to your reply,
Thank you,

Evaluation part

Sorry, I encountered some errors while running the model evaluation. How can I solve it?

About rouge score



In the paper, the result is the best result in a checkpoints or the averaged results on the top-3 checkpoints? Becasue in my test the result for bertsum+transformer the best result is 43.23 and the averaged results is 43.1466.

The Option 1: download the processed data use combination_selection or greedy_selection?
Because if use data with Option 1 will have better rouge result than Option 2.


Doubt about processed data

Sorry for opening an issue on this, the doubt is sort of trivial.
What oracle mode was used for the processed data, combination or greedy?

About preprocessing for CNN/DailyMail

In your paper or the data Option 1 . Did you remove the sentence that shorter than args.min_nsents 5(default) for lead3 or any mode in CNN/DailyMail?

Thank you very much.

Question about Learning rate

According to your paper :


As you said, it follows Attention is all you need :


But in your case, what is the reason you choose 2e-3 as initial learning rate ?

If we follow the formula of Vaswani, we have :

d_model = 768 (because we use BERT-base)
d_model^-0.5 ~= 0.036

So where this 2e-3 comes from ?

Also, why choosing 10 000 warmup steps ?

Original Transformer paper used 4 000 warmup steps - 100 000 total steps.

BERT paper used 10 000 warmup steps - 1 000 000 total steps, but they didn't use noam decay method, just linear decay.


Can i have your ROUGE1.5.5 file or download link?
Beacause my lead3 and other result is better than the result on your paper .
Is it normal ?


model training interrupt

Following the readme, I download the processed data and try to train the model by myself.
I use single-GPU to downloading data. After that I rerun the code with multi-GPUs. The program can start executing, but after a while, whether it is a single GPU or multiple GPUs, the following problems always occur. The step of running at the time of interruption may be different between different experiments.

[2019-04-04 00:46:20,545 INFO] loading vocabulary file from cache at ../temp/26bc1ad6c0ac742e9b52263248f6d0f00068293b33709fae12320c0e35ccfbbb.542ce4285a40d23a559526243235df47c5f75c197f04f37d1a0c124c32c9a084
[2019-04-04 00:46:23,405 INFO] Step 400/50000; xent: 3.30; lr: 0.0000008; 20 docs/s; 368 sec
[2019-04-04 00:47:08,724 INFO] Step 450/50000; xent: 3.33; lr: 0.0000009; 22 docs/s; 413 sec
[2019-04-04 00:47:51,472 INFO] Step 500/50000; xent: 3.19; lr: 0.0000010; 23 docs/s; 456 sec
[2019-04-04 00:48:35,173 INFO] Step 550/50000; xent: 3.22; lr: 0.0000011; 23 docs/s; 500 sec[2019-04-04 00:49:16,433 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../bert_data/, number of examples: 2001[2019-04-04 00:49:41,427 ERROR] Model name 'bert-base-uncased' was not found in model name list (bert-base-uncased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, bert-large-cased, bert-base-multilingual-uncased, bert-base-multilingual-cased, bert-base-chinese). We assumed '' was a path or url but couldn't find any file associated to this path or url.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 335, in
train(args, device_id)
File "", line 267, in train
trainer.train(train_iter_fct, args.train_steps)
File "/users4/zyfeng/gitcodes/BertSum/src/models/", line 142, in train
for i, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
File "/users4/zyfeng/gitcodes/BertSum/src/models/", line 141, in iter
self.cur_iter = self._next_dataset_iterator(dataset_iter)
File "/users4/zyfeng/gitcodes/BertSum/src/models/", line 159, in _next_dataset_iterator
device=self.device, shuffle=self.shuffle, is_test=self.is_test)
File "/users4/zyfeng/gitcodes/BertSum/src/models/", line 175, in init
self.bert_data = BertData(args)
File "/users4/zyfeng/gitcodes/BertSum/src/models/", line 15, in init
self.sep_vid = self.tokenizer.vocab['[SEP]']
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'vocab'

The following files is downloaded in temp dir.


I am curious about this reason. I don't know what should I do ?

testing on new text


I am currently in the process of testing some recent approaches for extractive summarization. I just want to test the models on a collection of text that I have, but I still could not sort out what should I do just to summarize a new piece of text using your codebase. Any pointers?


How to test?

Hello,can u tell me how to test?how to set the -test_from
can you show me the order?

saved checkpoints

Are you planning to publish your saved checkpoints for the models ? (particularly BERTSUM+Transformer)

Thanks in advance :)

Empty Logs Directory for First Run

I am trying to mimic the code in Google Colab using a GPU, however, after preprocessing when I try run the BERT+Classifier model for the first time (with visible_gpus 0 etc.), I have an error that the '/logs/bert_classifier' file/directory doesn't exist as the logs folder is empty. Should there be anything there? Or is the issue that the code hasn't downloaded the bert model?

BertSum logs error


Problem of processed data


I clone the git, then download the processed data, then run the cmd:
----------- cmd-----------
python -mode train -encoder rnn -dropout 0.1 -bert_data_path ../bert_data/cnndm -model_path ../models/bert_classifier -lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 0 -gpu_ranks 0 -world_size 1 -report_every 50 -save_checkpoint_steps 1000 -batch_size 64 -decay_method noam -train_steps 5120 -accum_count 2 -log_file ../logs/bert_classifier -use_interval true -warmup_steps 256
----------- cmd-----------

I got this error:
[2019-05-14 03:21:58,963 INFO] Start training...
[2019-05-14 03:21:59,150 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../bert_data_tmp/, number of examples: 2001
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 340, in
train(args, device_id)
File "", line 272, in train
trainer.train(train_iter_fct, args.train_steps)
File "/notebooks/workspace/git/BertSum/src/models/", line 158, in train
File "/notebooks/workspace/git/BertSum/src/models/", line 323, in _gradient_accumulation
sent_scores, mask = self.model(src, segs, clss, mask, mask_cls)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in call
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/notebooks/workspace/git/BertSum/src/models/", line 96, in forward
sent_scores = self.encoder(sents_vec, mask_cls).squeeze(-1)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in call
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/notebooks/workspace/git/BertSum/src/models/", line 129, in forward
memory_bank = self.dropout(memory_bank) + x
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (512) must match the size of tensor b (768) at non-singleton dimension 2

Bert Fine-tuned problem

Are Token Embeddings 、Interval Segment Embeddings and Position Embeddings will be train(Fine-tune)?

Thank you!

Problem about Running Test to get Rouge Score

Hello Yang. First, thank you very much for sharing your method and code. I have met a problem, when doing the model evaluation. Could you please help me figure it out?

I have run this code for testing the model on test set:
python -mode test -bert_data_path ../bert_data/cnndm -model_path MODEL_PATH -visible_gpus -1 -gpu_ranks 0 -batch_size 30000 -log_file LOG_FILE -result_path RESULT_PATH -test_all -block_trigram true -test_from /Users/admin/Desktop/XXX/

An Error is raised:
FileNotFoundError: [Error 2] No such file or directory: 'XXX/.pyrouge/settings.ini'

Have you met this kind of problem before? Or can you provide another ways to calculate ROUGE for the model? Thank you very much!

Training without GPU

Hi, I have downloaded the processed data and I am trying to run the command

python -mode train -encoder classifier -dropout 0.1 -bert_data_path ../bert_data/cnndm -model_path ../models/bert_classifier -lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 0,1,2 -gpu_ranks 0,1,2 -world_size 3 -report_every 50 -save_checkpoint_steps 1000 -batch_size 3000 -decay_method noam -train_steps 50000 -accum_count 2 -log_file ../logs/bert_classifier -use_interval true -warmup_steps 10000

However, I get the error:

RuntimeError: the distributed NCCL backend is not available; try to recompile the THD package with CUDA and NCCL 2+ support at /Users/distiller/project/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1556653464916/work/torch/lib/THD/process_group/General.cpp:20

My machine does not have a GPU. Is there any way I can run this only on a CPU? Thanks!

Access to pretrained model

Hi Yang , i wanted to see the pretrained model results,May you please provide access to the pretrained model,the permission to download is not open from the link mentioned in the README file

A question about the final vocabulary

Thanks for your great jobs.
I have a question about the final vocabulary.

Should I maintain a vocabulary for the corpus, or use the exact vocabulary privided by the BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased').vocab ?
In other words, should I use the exact vocab in BerTokensizer when finetuning Bert?
I found that there are only 27615 English words in the vocab of BertTokenizer.

Best regards.

Evaluation problem

The program is running, but the results directory don't have some results, is there some wrong?
My commend is:
python -mode validate -bert_data_path /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/cnndm -model_path /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/models/bert_classifier -visible_gpus 0 -gpu_ranks 0 -batch_size 30000 -log_file /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/logs/Evaluation/bert_classifier -result_path /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/results/classifier/cnndm -test_all -block_trigram true

The information is:
[2019-05-08 20:19:55,407 INFO] Loading checkpoint from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/models/bert_classifier/
Namespace(accum_count=1, batch_size=30000, bert_config_path='../bert_config_uncased_base.json', bert_data_path='/home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/cnndm', beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, block_trigram=True, dataset='', decay_method='', dropout=0.1, encoder='classifier', ff_size=512, gpu_ranks=[0], heads=4, hidden_size=128, inter_layers=2, log_file='/home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/logs/Evaluation/bert_classifier', lr=1, max_grad_norm=0, mode='validate', model_path='/home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/models/bert_classifier', optim='adam', param_init=0, param_init_glorot=True, recall_eval=False, report_every=1, report_rouge=True, result_path='/home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/results/classifier/cnndm', rnn_size=512, save_checkpoint_steps=5, seed=666, temp_dir='../temp', test_all=True, test_from='', train_from='', train_steps=1000, use_interval=True, visible_gpus='0', warmup_steps=8000, world_size=1)
[2019-05-08 20:20:04,796 INFO] Loading valid dataset from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/, number of examples: 2001
gpu_rank 0
[2019-05-08 20:20:04,799 INFO] * number of parameters: 109483009
[2019-05-08 20:20:42,455 INFO] Loading valid dataset from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/, number of examples: 2001
[2019-05-08 20:21:21,366 INFO] Loading valid dataset from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/, number of examples: 2001
[2019-05-08 20:22:00,217 INFO] Loading valid dataset from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/, number of examples: 2001
[2019-05-08 20:22:39,093 INFO] Loading valid dataset from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/, number of examples: 2001
[2019-05-08 20:23:17,807 INFO] Loading valid dataset from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/, number of examples: 2000
[2019-05-08 20:23:56,463 INFO] Loading valid dataset from /home/test/WangHN/BertSum-master/bert_data/, number of examples: 1362
[2019-05-08 20:24:22,847 INFO] Validation xent: 0.125946 at step 3000

should i wait for this commend end of run?

Problem for artical

Hi,sorry to trouble you:
:how can I get the original article?
For example, the reference summary ref.83.txt and can.83.txt, i cannot find the original article.

And the results I get are different from yours, my pyrouge configuration is correct, what's wrong with me? can you help me? Thanks!
This is classifier log file


Truncated article without oracle

Thank you for sharing such a great codebase :)

I have a question about truncated article.

As mentioned in #14, article are truncated at 512 tokens. In some case, if the oracle sentences were located at the end of the article, this will produce samples with no gold labels.

So for these "empty" samples, the network will be trained to classify all of the article's sentence as not salient.

This process raises several questions :

  1. Is it useful for the performance to keep such "empty" samples ?
    Did you compare the performance of the actual network with a network trained without "empty" samples (even empirically) ?

  2. It seems similar to SQuAD 2.0 : teaching the network that there is not always 3 salient sentences in the fed input (sometimes there is 2, sometimes 1, sometimes 0).
    Yet at test time, you invariably pick the 3 best sentences, no matter their score (= no matter if the network decided that only 2/1/0 sentence was really salient).
    It seems to be an important difference between training and inference. Is my intuition wrong ?
    If I'm wrong, can you (quickly) explain where I misunderstood.
    If I'm right, isn't it going to hurt the performance (maybe there is too little of these empty sample to really hurt the performance) ?

Thank you for your answer !

about positional encoding

under model_builder,

bert is initialized and vectors from bert are fed into the encoder. The encoder itself has positional embedding of vectors (under There are no positional embedding prior to this. Am I to assume the Bert model adds positional embedding to each sentence and we are not required before vectorization to bert?

how long does it take with 3 gpus?


I was wondering how long will take to train the model with 3 gpus? I m trying to calculate the cost and whether it is affordable for me to use an aws p3.16xlarge to train the model.

requirements for bert-large?

What if any issues would occur if bert-large was used? For example gpu requirements and training time? would it be too costly? Any reason why bert-base was used instead of bert-large?

about load_pretrained_bert=True?

I see that load_pretrained_bert=True was used during training but not for validation or testing. Is there a particular reason for this? I m assuming 'load_pretrained_bert=True' is to load the pretrained bert. why not use for testing and validation as well?

Unable to preprocess my own data

Hi, I'm currently trying to preprocess my own news articles so that I can use it with the pre-trained model. I'm currently trying to use Stanford NLP to preprocess the data and am then looking to use Am I on the correct lines, and is this something I need to do if I want to generate summaries of my own articles?

Testing Performance

Just wanted to know if this is comparable to your model. and if not where could i possibly improve?

Do you have the limitation of the article length?

Since the original Bert model in training restricts the max length of sentence to 512. So in summarization, did you set any hand-crafted scheme to restrict the article length? Or, you just inject all the article token into the pre-trained Bert model.

Tow confused parts

  1. From the code &, I think you compare cnndm_step50000.candidate and to compute rouge for model evaluation. In my comprehension, is oracle summary, generated from greedy algorithms, that is, it is not the abstractive summary from original document. I wonder why you take as ref, but not the abstractive summary of the document? I think taking original abstractive summary as ref will give more comparable rouge score.

2.In the paper's Table1: Test set results on the CNN/DailyMail dataset using ROUGE F1, you show rouge score of Oracle and other model. I want to know how do you calculate Oracle_ROUGE-1(52.59; 31.24; 48.87), and taking what as ref? And how do you calculate BERTSUM+Transformer_ROUGE-1(43.25; 20.24; 39.63), and taking what as ref?

A question about preprocessing


I have some problems in preprocessing.

I download the data cnn_stories_tokenized and dm_stories_tokenized, however, it's all *.story. In your, it requires *.json as input, can you provide the code that transform *.story to *.json? I meet some problem in reading the sample json with you load_json function in Appreciated!

Format JSON file to Pytorch File

First of all, many thanks for the code!

I am trying to convert the sample json file in the ../json_data directory to a Pytorch file in the ../bert_data directory (testing this out so I can use my own text in JSON format:

python -mode format_to_bert -oracle_mode greedy -n_cpus 4 -log_file ../logs/preprocess.log

However, the code doesn't seem to do much. I get the following back:

[('../json_data\\cnndm_sample.train.0.json', Namespace(dataset='', log_file='../logs/preprocess.log', lower=True, map_path='../data/', max_nsents=100, max_src_ntokens=200, min_nsents=3, min_src_ntokens=5, mode='format_to_bert', n_cpus=4, oracle_mode='greedy', raw_path='../json_data/', save_path='../bert_data/', shard_size=2000), '../bert_data/bert.pt_data\\c')]

And it has been stuck on this for the last 2/3 hours. I would think that converting the .json files to .pt shouldn't take this long (also my CPU's are not utilized at all). Have you encountered this?

about preprocessing step

can you explain what labels plays a role in bert tokenizer.

especially this code:

labels = labels[:len(cls_ids)]

i don't understand what the above code does and how do labels play a part in tokenization for bert?

Experimenting with the number of sentences selected

I read in the paper that for extractive summarization, you only take the top 3 sentence scores, There's no explicit mention of this in the code, is there any way i could modify this to get more sentences and experiment a little?


There are 50 checkpoints in the file ,I need the summarization of the article to compare ,but the results file have nothing.

list index out of range

File "D:/untitled/BertSum-master/src/", line 349, in
step = int(cp.split('.')[-2].split('_')[-1])
IndexError: list index out of range

what should i do ?

Infinite loop on loading training dataset

hi, my command line is "pythons -mode train -encoder transformer -dropout 0.1 -bert_data_path ../news_bert/cnndm -model_path ../bert_model/bert_transformer -lr 2e-3 -visible_gpus 1 -gpu_ranks 1 -world_size 1 -report_every 50 -save_checkpoint_steps 1 -batch_size 3000 -decay_method noam -train_steps 1 -accum_count 2 -log_file ../logs/bert_transformer -use_interval true -warmup_steps 10000 -ff_size 2048 -inter_layers 2 -heads 8",
then I encountered a bug: the dataset during the training phase is loaded an infinite number of times.

[2019-06-12 16:39:12,359 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1961
[2019-06-12 16:39:13,338 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1970
[2019-06-12 16:39:14,270 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1564
[2019-06-12 16:39:15,057 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1962
[2019-06-12 16:39:16,033 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1971
[2019-06-12 16:39:17,077 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1959
[2019-06-12 16:39:18,029 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1972
[2019-06-12 16:39:18,870 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1967
[2019-06-12 16:39:19,761 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1973
[2019-06-12 16:39:20,687 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1970
[2019-06-12 16:39:21,623 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1971
[2019-06-12 16:39:22,526 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1971
[2019-06-12 16:39:23,377 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1973
[2019-06-12 16:39:24,187 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1963
[2019-06-12 16:39:25,108 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1962
[2019-06-12 16:39:26,105 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1970
[2019-06-12 16:39:27,056 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1959
[2019-06-12 16:39:28,027 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1960
[2019-06-12 16:39:28,954 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1982
[2019-06-12 16:39:29,930 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1972
[2019-06-12 16:39:30,946 INFO] Loading train dataset from ../news_bert/, number of examples: 1971
What can I do? Thanks!

A question about format_to_lines


My command
python3 -mode tokenize -raw_path ../raw_stories/ -save_path ../merged_stories_tokenized -log_file ../logs/cnndmtoken.log -n_cpus 50 -log_file ../logs/cnndmtoken.log
python3 -mode format_to_lines -raw_path ../merged_stories_tokenized -save_path ../json_data/cnndm -map_path ../urls -lower -log_file ../logs/cnndmtoken.log

But After format_to_lines tgt in my file is a empty list

a part of cnndm.train.0.json

portedly", "treated", "for", "appendicitis", "but", "was", "well", "enough", "to", "walk", "out", "of", "the", "clinic", "on", "his", "own", "@highlight", "took", "a", "private", "jet", "to", "the", "argentinian", "capital", "and", "is", "now", "under", "`", "observation", "'"]], "tgt": []},


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