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cloudabi's Introduction

NOTE: This project is unmaintained

CloudABI is no longer being maintained. It was an awesome experiment, but it never got enough traction to be sustainable. If you like the idea behind CloudABI, please consider looking into the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). WASI's design has been inspired by CloudABI.

The author of CloudABI (Ed Schouten) would like to thank all of the people who contributed to this project. Let's hope CloudABI lives on in spirit and influences the way software is designed in the future!

Nuxi CloudABI

CloudABI is what you get if you take POSIX, add capability-based security, and remove everything that's incompatible with that. The result is a minimal ABI consisting of only 49 syscalls.

CloudABI doesn't have its own kernel, but instead is implemented in existing kernels: FreeBSD has CloudABI support for x86-64 and arm64, and a patch-set for NetBSD and a patch-set for Linux are available as well. This means that CloudABI binaries can be executed on different operating systems, without any modification.

Capability-Based Security

Capability-based security means that processes can only perform actions that have no global impact. Processes cannot open files by their absolute path, cannot open network connections, and cannot observe global system state such as the process table.

The capabilities of a process are fully determined by its set of open file descriptors (fds). For example, files can only be opened if the process already has a file descriptor to a directory the file is in.

Unlike in POSIX, where processes are normally started with file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 reserved for standard input, output, and error, CloudABI does not reserve any file descriptor numbers for specific purposes.

In CloudABI, a process depends on its parent process to launch it with the right set of resources, since the process will not be able to open any new resources. For example, a simple static web server would need to be started with a file descriptor to a TCP listener, and a file descriptor to the directory for which to serve files. The web server will then be unable to do anything other than reading files in that directory, and process incoming network connections.

So, unknown CloudABI binaries can safely be executed without the need for containers, virtual machines, or other sandboxing technologies.

Watch Ed Schouten's Talk at 32C3 for more information about what capability-based security for UNIX means.


Cloudlibc is an implementation of the C standard library, without all CloudABI-incompatible functions. For example, Cloudlibc does not have printf, but does have fprintf. It does not have open, but does have openat.


CloudABI-Ports is a collection of ports of commonly used libraries and applications to CloudABI. It contains software such as zlib, libpng, boost, memcached, and much more. The software is patched to not depend on any global state, such as files in /etc or /dev, using open(), etc.

Using CloudABI

Instructions for using CloudABI (including kernel modules/patches, toolchain, and ports) are available for several operating systems:

Specification of the ABI

The entire ABI is specified in a file called cloudabi.txt, from which all headers and documentation (including the one you're reading now) is generated.

System calls


Obtains the resolution of a clock.




Obtains the time value of a clock.


  • cloudabi_clockid_t clock_id

    The clock for which the time needs to be returned.

  • cloudabi_timestamp_t precision

    The maximum lag (exclusive) that the returned time value may have, compared to its actual value.



Wakes up threads waiting on a userspace condition variable.

If an invocation of this system call causes all waiting threads to be woken up, the value of the condition variable is set to CLOUDABI_CONDVAR_HAS_NO_WAITERS. As long as the condition variable is set to this value, it is not needed to invoke this system call.


  • _Atomic(cloudabi_condvar_t) *condvar

    The userspace condition variable that has waiting threads.

  • cloudabi_scope_t scope

    Whether the condition variable is stored in private or shared memory.

  • cloudabi_nthreads_t nwaiters

    The number of threads that need to be woken up. If it exceeds the number of waiting threads, all threads are woken up.


Closes a file descriptor.



Creates a file descriptor.




Creates a pair of file descriptors.




Synchronizes the data of a file to disk.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor of the file whose data needs to be synchronized to disk.


Duplicates a file descriptor.


  • cloudabi_fd_t from

    The file descriptor that needs to be duplicated.



Reads from a file descriptor, without using and updating the file descriptor's offset.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor from which data should be read.

  • const cloudabi_iovec_t *iovs and size_t iovs_len

    List of scatter/gather vectors where data should be stored.

  • cloudabi_filesize_t offset

    The offset within the file at which reading should start.


  • size_t nread

    The number of bytes read.


Writes to a file descriptor, without using and updating the file descriptor's offset.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor to which data should be written.

  • const cloudabi_ciovec_t *iovs and size_t iovs_len

    List of scatter/gather vectors where data should be retrieved.

  • cloudabi_filesize_t offset

    The offset within the file at which writing should start.


  • size_t nwritten

    The number of bytes written.


Reads from a file descriptor.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor from which data should be read.

  • const cloudabi_iovec_t *iovs and size_t iovs_len

    List of scatter/gather vectors where data should be stored.


  • size_t nread

    The number of bytes read.


Atomically replaces a file descriptor by a copy of another file descriptor.

Due to the strong focus on thread safety, this environment does not provide a mechanism to duplicate a file descriptor to an arbitrary number, like dup2(). This would be prone to race conditions, as an actual file descriptor with the same number could be allocated by a different thread at the same time.

This system call provides a way to atomically replace file descriptors, which would disappear if dup2() were to be removed entirely.


  • cloudabi_fd_t from

    The file descriptor that needs to be copied.

  • cloudabi_fd_t to

    The file descriptor that needs to be overwritten.


Moves the offset of the file descriptor.



  • cloudabi_filesize_t newoffset

    The new offset of the file descriptor, relative to the start of the file.


Gets attributes of a file descriptor.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor whose attributes have to be obtained.

  • cloudabi_fdstat_t *buf

    The buffer where the file descriptor's attributes are stored.


Adjusts attributes of a file descriptor.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor whose attributes have to be adjusted.

  • const cloudabi_fdstat_t *buf

    The desired values of the file descriptor attributes that are adjusted.

  • cloudabi_fdsflags_t flags

    A bitmask indicating which attributes have to be adjusted.


Synchronizes the data and metadata of a file to disk.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor of the file whose data and metadata needs to be synchronized to disk.


Writes to a file descriptor.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor to which data should be written.

  • const cloudabi_ciovec_t *iovs and size_t iovs_len

    List of scatter/gather vectors where data should be retrieved.


  • size_t nwritten

    The number of bytes written.


Provides file advisory information on a file descriptor.



Forces the allocation of space in a file.



Creates a file of a specified type.



Creates a hard link.


  • cloudabi_lookup_t fd1

    The working directory at which the resolution of the source path starts.

  • const char *path1 and size_t path1_len

    The source path of the file that should be hard linked.

  • cloudabi_fd_t fd2

    The working directory at which the resolution of the destination path starts.

  • const char *path2 and size_t path2_len

    The destination path at which the hard link should be created.


Opens a file.



  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor of the file that has been opened.


Reads directory entries from a directory.

When successful, the contents of the output buffer consist of a sequence of directory entries. Each directory entry consists of a cloudabi_dirent_t object, followed by cloudabi_dirent_t::d_namlen bytes holding the name of the directory entry.

This system call fills the output buffer as much as possible, potentially truncating the last directory entry. This allows the caller to grow its read buffer size in case it's too small to fit a single large directory entry, or skip the oversized directory entry.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The directory from which to read the directory entries.

  • void *buf and size_t buf_len

    The buffer where directory entries are stored.

  • cloudabi_dircookie_t cookie

    The location within the directory to start reading.


  • size_t bufused

    The number of bytes stored in the read buffer. If less than the size of the read buffer, the end of the directory has been reached.


Reads the contents of a symbolic link.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The working directory at which the resolution of the path of the symbolic starts.

  • const char *path and size_t path_len

    The path of the symbolic link whose contents should be read.

  • char *buf and size_t buf_len

    The buffer where the contents of the symbolic link should be stored.


  • size_t bufused

    The number of bytes placed in the buffer.


Renames a file.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd1

    The working directory at which the resolution of the source path starts.

  • const char *path1 and size_t path1_len

    The source path of the file that should be renamed.

  • cloudabi_fd_t fd2

    The working directory at which the resolution of the destination path starts.

  • const char *path2 and size_t path2_len

    The destination path to which the file should be renamed.


Gets attributes of a file by file descriptor.



Adjusts attributes of a file by file descriptor.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The file descriptor whose attributes have to be adjusted.

  • const cloudabi_filestat_t *buf

    The desired values of the file attributes that are adjusted.

  • cloudabi_fsflags_t flags

    A bitmask indicating which attributes have to be adjusted.


Gets attributes of a file by path.


  • cloudabi_lookup_t fd

    The working directory at which the resolution of the path whose attributes have to be obtained starts.

  • const char *path and size_t path_len

    The path of the file whose attributes have to be obtained.

  • cloudabi_filestat_t *buf

    The buffer where the file's attributes are stored.


Adjusts attributes of a file by path.


  • cloudabi_lookup_t fd

    The working directory at which the resolution of the path whose attributes have to be adjusted starts.

  • const char *path and size_t path_len

    The path of the file whose attributes have to be adjusted.

  • const cloudabi_filestat_t *buf

    The desired values of the file attributes that are adjusted.

  • cloudabi_fsflags_t flags

    A bitmask indicating which attributes have to be adjusted.


Creates a symbolic link.


  • const char *path1 and size_t path1_len

    The contents of the symbolic link.

  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The working directory at which the resolution of the destination path starts.

  • const char *path2 and size_t path2_len

    The destination path at which the symbolic link should be created.


Unlinks a file, or removes a directory.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    The working directory at which the resolution of the path starts.

  • const char *path and size_t path_len

    The path that needs to be unlinked or removed.

  • cloudabi_ulflags_t flags

    Possible values:


Unlocks a write-locked userspace lock.

If a userspace lock is unlocked while having its CLOUDABI_LOCK_KERNEL_MANAGED flag set, the lock cannot be unlocked in userspace directly. This system call needs to be performed instead, so that any waiting threads can be woken up.

To prevent spurious invocations of this system call, the lock must be locked for writing. This prevents other threads from acquiring additional read locks while the system call is in progress. If the lock is acquired for reading, it must first be upgraded to a write lock.


  • _Atomic(cloudabi_lock_t) *lock

    The userspace lock that is locked for writing by the calling thread.

  • cloudabi_scope_t scope

    Whether the lock is stored in private or shared memory.


Provides memory advisory information on a region of memory.


  • void *mapping and size_t mapping_len

    The pages for which to provide memory advisory information.

  • cloudabi_advice_t advice

    The advice.


Creates a memory mapping, making the contents of a file accessible through memory.



  • void *mem

    The starting address of the memory mapping.


Change the protection of a memory mapping.


  • void *mapping and size_t mapping_len

    The pages that need their protection changed.

  • cloudabi_mprot_t prot

    New protection options.


Synchronize a region of memory with its physical storage.


  • void *mapping and size_t mapping_len

    The pages that need to be synchronized.

  • cloudabi_msflags_t flags

    The method of synchronization.


Unmaps a region of memory.


  • void *mapping and size_t mapping_len

    The pages that needs to be unmapped.


Concurrently polls for the occurrence of a set of events.



  • size_t nevents

    The number of events stored.


Replaces the process by a new executable.

Process execution in CloudABI differs from POSIX in two ways: handling of arguments and inheritance of file descriptors.

CloudABI does not use string command line arguments. Instead, a buffer with binary data is copied into the address space of the new executable. The kernel does not enforce any specific structure to this data, although CloudABI's C library uses it to store a tree structure that is semantically identical to YAML.

Due to the strong focus on thread safety, file descriptors aren't inherited through close-on-exec flags. An explicit list of file descriptors that need to be retained needs to be provided. After execution, file descriptors are placed in the order in which they are stored in the array. This not only makes the execution process deterministic. It also prevents potential information disclosures about the layout of the original process.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    A file descriptor of the new executable.

  • const void *data and size_t data_len

    Binary argument data that is passed on to the new executable.

  • const cloudabi_fd_t *fds and size_t fds_len

    The layout of the file descriptor table after execution.


Terminates the process normally.


Does not return.


Forks the process of the calling thread.

After forking, a new process shall be created, having only a copy of the calling thread. The parent process will obtain a process descriptor. When closed, the child process is automatically signaled with CLOUDABI_SIGKILL.


  • cloudabi_fd_t fd

    In the parent process: the file descriptor number of the process descriptor.

    In the child process: CLOUDABI_PROCESS_CHILD.

  • cloudabi_tid_t tid

    In the parent process: undefined.

    In the child process: the thread ID of the initial thread of the child process.


Sends a signal to the process of the calling thread.



Obtains random data from the kernel random number generator.

As this interface is not guaranteed to be fast, it is advised that the random data obtained through this system call is used as the seed for a userspace pseudo-random number generator.


  • void *buf and size_t buf_len

    The buffer that needs to be filled with random data.


Receives a message on a socket.



Sends a message on a socket.



Shuts down socket send and receive channels.



Creates a new thread within the current process.




Terminates the calling thread.

This system call can also unlock a single userspace lock after termination, which can be used to implement thread joining.


  • _Atomic(cloudabi_lock_t) *lock

    Userspace lock that is locked for writing by the calling thread.

  • cloudabi_scope_t scope

    Whether the lock is stored in private or shared memory.

Does not return.


Temporarily yields execution of the calling thread.


cloudabi_advice_t (uint8_t)

File or memory access pattern advisory information.

Used by cloudabi_sys_file_advise() and cloudabi_sys_mem_advise().

Possible values:


    The application expects that it will not access the specified data in the near future.


    The application expects to access the specified data once and then not reuse it thereafter.


    The application has no advice to give on its behavior with respect to the specified data.


    The application expects to access the specified data in a random order.


    The application expects to access the specified data sequentially from lower offsets to higher offsets.


    The application expects to access the specified data in the near future.

cloudabi_auxtype_t (uint32_t)

Enumeration describing the kind of value stored in cloudabi_auxv_t.

Possible values:


    Base address of the binary argument data provided to cloudabi_sys_proc_exec().


    Length of the binary argument data provided to cloudabi_sys_proc_exec().


    Base address at which the executable is placed in memory.


    Base address of a buffer of random data that may be used for non-cryptographic purposes, for example as a canary for stack smashing protection.


    Length of a buffer of random data that may be used for non-cryptographic purposes, for example as a canary for stack smashing protection.


    Number of CPUs that the system this process is running on has.


    Terminator of the auxiliary vector.


    Smallest memory object size for which individual memory protection controls can be configured.


    Address of the first ELF program header of the executable.


    Number of ELF program headers of the executable.


    Identifier of the process.

    This environment does not provide any simple numerical process identifiers, for the reason that these are not useful in distributed contexts. Instead, processes are identified by a UUID.

    This record should point to sixteen bytes of binary data, containing a version 4 UUID (fully random).


    Address of the ELF header of the vDSO.

    The vDSO is a shared library that is mapped in the address space of the process. It provides entry points for every system call supported by the environment, all having a corresponding symbol that is prefixed with cloudabi_sys_. System calls should be invoked through these entry points.

    The first advantage of letting processes call into a vDSO to perform system calls instead of raising hardware traps is that it allows for easy emulation of executables on top of existing operating systems. The second advantage is that in cases where an operating system provides native support for CloudABI executables, it may still implement partial userspace implementations of these system calls to improve performance (e.g., cloudabi_sys_clock_time_get()). It also provides a more dynamic way of adding, removing or replacing system calls.


    Thread ID of the initial thread of the process.

cloudabi_auxv_t (struct)

Auxiliary vector entry.

The auxiliary vector is a list of key-value pairs that is provided to the process on startup. Unlike structures, it is extensible, as it is possible to add new records later on. The auxiliary vector is always terminated by an entry having type CLOUDABI_AT_NULL.

The auxiliary vector is part of the x86-64 ABI, but is used by this environment on all architectures.

Used by cloudabi_processentry_t.


cloudabi_ciovec_t (struct)

A region of memory for scatter/gather writes.

Used by cloudabi_send_in_t, cloudabi_sys_fd_pwrite(), and cloudabi_sys_fd_write().


  • const void *buf and size_t buf_len

    The address and length of the buffer to be written.

cloudabi_clockid_t (uint32_t)

Identifiers for clocks.

Used by cloudabi_subscription_t, cloudabi_sys_clock_res_get(), and cloudabi_sys_clock_time_get().

Possible values:


    The system-wide monotonic clock, which is defined as a clock measuring real time, whose value cannot be adjusted and which cannot have negative clock jumps.

    The epoch of this clock is undefined. The absolute time value of this clock therefore has no meaning.


    The CPU-time clock associated with the current process.


    The system-wide clock measuring real time. Time value zero corresponds with 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.


    The CPU-time clock associated with the current thread.

cloudabi_condvar_t (uint32_t)

A userspace condition variable.

Used by cloudabi_subscription_t and cloudabi_sys_condvar_signal().

Special values:


    The condition variable is in its initial state. There are no threads waiting to be woken up. If the condition variable has any other value, the kernel must be called to wake up any sleeping threads.

cloudabi_device_t (uint64_t)

Identifier for a device containing a file system. Can be used in combination with cloudabi_inode_t to uniquely identify a file on the local system.

Used by cloudabi_filestat_t.

cloudabi_dircookie_t (uint64_t)

A reference to the offset of a directory entry.

Used by cloudabi_dirent_t and cloudabi_sys_file_readdir().

Special values:


    Permanent reference to the first directory entry within a directory.

cloudabi_dirent_t (struct)

A directory entry.


  • cloudabi_dircookie_t d_next

    The offset of the next directory entry stored in this directory.

  • cloudabi_inode_t d_ino

    The serial number of the file referred to by this directory entry.

  • uint32_t d_namlen

    The length of the name of the directory entry.

  • cloudabi_filetype_t d_type

    The type of the file referred to by this directory entry.

cloudabi_errno_t (uint16_t)

Error codes returned by system calls.

Not all of these error codes are returned by the system calls provided by this environment, but are either used in userspace exclusively or merely provided for alignment with POSIX.

Used by cloudabi_event_t.

Possible values:


    No error occurred. System call completed successfully.


    Argument list too long.


    Permission denied.


    Address in use.


    Address not available.


    Address family not supported.


    Resource unavailable, or operation would block.


    Connection already in progress.


    Bad file descriptor.


    Bad message.


    Device or resource busy.


    Operation canceled.


    No child processes.


    Connection aborted.


    Connection refused.


    Connection reset.


    Resource deadlock would occur.


    Destination address required.


    Mathematics argument out of domain of function.




    File exists.


    Bad address.


    File too large.


    Host is unreachable.


    Identifier removed.


    Illegal byte sequence.


    Operation in progress.


    Interrupted function.


    Invalid argument.


    I/O error.


    Socket is connected.


    Is a directory.


    Too many levels of symbolic links.


    File descriptor value too large.


    Too many links.


    Message too large.




    Filename too long.


    Network is down.


    Connection aborted by network.


    Network unreachable.


    Too many files open in system.


    No buffer space available.


    No such device.


    No such file or directory.


    Executable file format error.


    No locks available.




    Not enough space.


    No message of the desired type.


    Protocol not available.


    No space left on device.


    Function not supported.


    The socket is not connected.


    Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory.


    Directory not empty.


    State not recoverable.


    Not a socket.


    Not supported, or operation not supported on socket.


    Inappropriate I/O control operation.


    No such device or address.


    Value too large to be stored in data type.


    Previous owner died.


    Operation not permitted.


    Broken pipe.


    Protocol error.


    Protocol not supported.


    Protocol wrong type for socket.


    Result too large.


    Read-only file system.


    Invalid seek.


    No such process.




    Connection timed out.


    Text file busy.


    Cross-device link.


    Extension: Capabilities insufficient.

cloudabi_event_t (struct)

An event that occurred.

Used by cloudabi_sys_poll().


cloudabi_eventrwflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

The state of the file descriptor subscribed to with CLOUDABI_EVENTTYPE_FD_READ or CLOUDABI_EVENTTYPE_FD_WRITE.

Used by cloudabi_event_t.

Possible values:


    The peer of this socket has closed or disconnected.

cloudabi_eventtype_t (uint8_t)

Type of a subscription to an event or its occurrence.

Used by cloudabi_event_t and cloudabi_subscription_t.

Possible values:

cloudabi_exitcode_t (uint32_t)

Exit code generated by a process when exiting.

Used by cloudabi_event_t and cloudabi_sys_proc_exit().

cloudabi_fd_t (uint32_t)

A file descriptor number.

Unlike on POSIX-compliant systems, none of the file descriptor numbers are reserved for a purpose (e.g., stdin, stdout, stderr). Operating systems are not required to allocate new file descriptors in ascending order.

Special values:

cloudabi_fdflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

File descriptor flags.

Used by cloudabi_fdstat_t.

Possible values:


    Append mode: Data written to the file is always appended to the file's end.


    Write according to synchronized I/O data integrity completion. Only the data stored in the file is synchronized.


    Non-blocking mode.


    Synchronized read I/O operations.


    Write according to synchronized I/O file integrity completion. In addition to synchronizing the data stored in the file, the system may also synchronously update the file's metadata.

cloudabi_fdsflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Which file descriptor attributes to adjust.

Used by cloudabi_sys_fd_stat_put().

Possible values:

cloudabi_fdstat_t (struct)

File descriptor attributes.

Used by cloudabi_sys_fd_stat_get(), cloudabi_sys_fd_stat_put(), and cloudabi_sys_file_open().


cloudabi_filedelta_t (int64_t)

Relative offset within a file.

Used by cloudabi_sys_fd_seek().

cloudabi_filesize_t (uint64_t)

Non-negative file size or length of a region within a file.

Used by cloudabi_event_t, cloudabi_filestat_t, cloudabi_sys_fd_pread(), cloudabi_sys_fd_pwrite(), cloudabi_sys_fd_seek(), cloudabi_sys_file_advise(), cloudabi_sys_file_allocate(), and cloudabi_sys_mem_map().

cloudabi_filestat_t (struct)

File attributes.

Used by cloudabi_sys_file_stat_fget(), cloudabi_sys_file_stat_fput(), cloudabi_sys_file_stat_get(), and cloudabi_sys_file_stat_put().


cloudabi_filetype_t (uint8_t)

The type of a file descriptor or file.

Used by cloudabi_dirent_t, cloudabi_fdstat_t, cloudabi_filestat_t, cloudabi_sys_fd_create1(), cloudabi_sys_fd_create2(), and cloudabi_sys_file_create().

Possible values:


    The type of the file descriptor or file is unknown or is different from any of the other types specified.


    The file descriptor or file refers to a block device inode.


    The file descriptor or file refers to a character device inode.


    The file descriptor or file refers to a directory inode.


    The file descriptor refers to a process handle.


    The file descriptor or file refers to a regular file inode.


    The file descriptor refers to a shared memory object.


    The file descriptor or file refers to a datagram socket.


    The file descriptor or file refers to a byte-stream socket.


    The file refers to a symbolic link inode.

cloudabi_fsflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Which file attributes to adjust.

Used by cloudabi_sys_file_stat_fput() and cloudabi_sys_file_stat_put().

Possible values:

cloudabi_inode_t (uint64_t)

File serial number that is unique within its file system.

Used by cloudabi_dirent_t and cloudabi_filestat_t.

cloudabi_iovec_t (struct)

A region of memory for scatter/gather reads.

Used by cloudabi_recv_in_t, cloudabi_sys_fd_pread(), and cloudabi_sys_fd_read().


  • void *buf and size_t buf_len

    The address and length of the buffer to be filled.

cloudabi_linkcount_t (uint32_t)

Number of hard links to an inode.

Used by cloudabi_filestat_t.

cloudabi_lock_t (uint32_t)

A userspace read-recursive readers-writer lock, similar to a Linux futex or a FreeBSD umtx.

Used by cloudabi_subscription_t, cloudabi_sys_lock_unlock(), and cloudabi_sys_thread_exit().

Special values:


    Value indicating that the lock is in its initial unlocked state.


    Bitmask indicating that the lock is write-locked. If set, the lower 30 bits of the lock contain the identifier of the thread that owns the write lock. Otherwise, the lower 30 bits of the lock contain the number of acquired read locks.


    Bitmask indicating that the lock is either read locked or write locked, and that one or more threads have their execution suspended, waiting to acquire the lock. The last owner of the lock must call the kernel to unlock.

    When the lock is acquired for reading and this bit is set, it means that one or more threads are attempting to acquire this lock for writing. In that case, other threads should only acquire additional read locks if suspending execution would cause a deadlock. It is preferred to suspend execution, as this prevents starvation of writers.


    Value indicating that the lock is in an incorrect state. A lock cannot be in its initial unlocked state, while also managed by the kernel.

cloudabi_lookup_t (struct)

Path lookup properties.

Used by cloudabi_sys_file_link(), cloudabi_sys_file_open(), cloudabi_sys_file_stat_get(), and cloudabi_sys_file_stat_put().


cloudabi_lookupflags_t (uint32_t bitfield)

Flags determining the method of how paths are resolved.

Used by cloudabi_lookup_t.

Possible values:


    As long as the resolved path corresponds to a symbolic link, it is expanded.

cloudabi_mflags_t (uint8_t bitfield)

Memory mapping flags.

Used by cloudabi_sys_mem_map().

Possible values:


    Instead of mapping the contents of the file provided, create a mapping to anonymous memory. The file descriptor argument must be set to CLOUDABI_MAP_ANON_FD, and the offset must be set to zero.


    Require that the mapping is performed at the base address provided.


    Changes are private.


    Changes are shared.

cloudabi_mprot_t (uint8_t bitfield)

Memory page protection options.

This implementation enforces the W^X property: Pages cannot be mapped for execution while also mapped for writing.

Used by cloudabi_sys_mem_map() and cloudabi_sys_mem_protect().

Possible values:


    Page can be executed.


    Page can be written.


    Page can be read.

cloudabi_msflags_t (uint8_t bitfield)

Methods of synchronizing memory with physical storage.

Used by cloudabi_sys_mem_sync().

Possible values:


    Perform asynchronous writes.


    Invalidate cached data.


    Perform synchronous writes.

cloudabi_nthreads_t (uint32_t)

Specifies the number of threads sleeping on a condition variable that should be woken up.

Used by cloudabi_sys_condvar_signal().

cloudabi_oflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Open flags used by cloudabi_sys_file_open().

Possible values:


    Create file if it does not exist.


    Fail if not a directory.


    Fail if file already exists.


    Truncate file to size 0.

cloudabi_processentry_t (function type)

Entry point for a process (_start).


cloudabi_recv_in_t (struct)

Arguments of cloudabi_sys_sock_recv().


  • const cloudabi_iovec_t *ri_data and size_t ri_data_len

    List of scatter/gather vectors where message data should be stored.

  • cloudabi_fd_t *ri_fds and size_t ri_fds_len

    Buffer where numbers of incoming file descriptors should be stored.

  • cloudabi_riflags_t ri_flags

    Message flags.

cloudabi_recv_out_t (struct)

Results of cloudabi_sys_sock_recv().


cloudabi_riflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Flags provided to cloudabi_sys_sock_recv().

Used by cloudabi_recv_in_t.

Possible values:


    Returns the message without removing it from the socket's receive queue.


    On byte-stream sockets, block until the full amount of data can be returned.

cloudabi_rights_t (uint64_t bitfield)

File descriptor rights, determining which actions may be performed.

Used by cloudabi_fdstat_t.

Possible values:

cloudabi_roflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Flags returned by cloudabi_sys_sock_recv().

Used by cloudabi_recv_out_t.

Possible values:

cloudabi_scope_t (uint8_t)

Indicates whether an object is stored in private or shared memory.

Used by cloudabi_subscription_t, cloudabi_sys_condvar_signal(), cloudabi_sys_lock_unlock(), and cloudabi_sys_thread_exit().

Possible values:


    The object is stored in private memory.


    The object is stored in shared memory.

cloudabi_sdflags_t (uint8_t bitfield)

Which channels on a socket need to be shut down.

Used by cloudabi_sys_sock_shutdown().

Possible values:


    Disables further receive operations.


    Disables further send operations.

cloudabi_send_in_t (struct)

Arguments of cloudabi_sys_sock_send().


  • const cloudabi_ciovec_t *si_data and size_t si_data_len

    List of scatter/gather vectors where message data should be retrieved.

  • const cloudabi_fd_t *si_fds and size_t si_fds_len

    File descriptors that need to be attached to the message.

  • cloudabi_siflags_t si_flags

    Message flags.

cloudabi_send_out_t (struct)

Results of cloudabi_sys_sock_send().


  • size_t so_datalen

    Number of bytes transmitted.

cloudabi_siflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Flags provided to cloudabi_sys_sock_send(). As there are currently no flags defined, it must be set to zero.

Used by cloudabi_send_in_t.

cloudabi_signal_t (uint8_t)

Signal condition.

Used by cloudabi_event_t and cloudabi_sys_proc_raise().

Possible values:


    Process abort signal.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Alarm clock.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Access to an undefined portion of a memory object.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Child process terminated, stopped, or continued.

    Action: Ignored.


    Continue executing, if stopped.

    Action: Continues executing, if stopped.


    Erroneous arithmetic operation.

    Action: Terminates the process.



    Action: Terminates the process.


    Illegal instruction.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Terminate interrupt signal.

    Action: Terminates the process.



    Action: Terminates the process.


    Write on a pipe with no one to read it.

    Action: Ignored.


    Terminal quit signal.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Invalid memory reference.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Stop executing.

    Action: Stops executing.


    Bad system call.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Termination signal.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Trace/breakpoint trap.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Terminal stop signal.

    Action: Stops executing.


    Background process attempting read.

    Action: Stops executing.


    Background process attempting write.

    Action: Stops executing.


    High bandwidth data is available at a socket.

    Action: Ignored.


    User-defined signal 1.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    User-defined signal 2.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    Virtual timer expired.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    CPU time limit exceeded.

    Action: Terminates the process.


    File size limit exceeded.

    Action: Terminates the process.

cloudabi_subclockflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Flags determining how the timestamp provided in cloudabi_subscription_t::clock.timeout should be interpreted.

Used by cloudabi_subscription_t.

Possible values:

cloudabi_subrwflags_t (uint16_t bitfield)

Flags influencing the method of polling for read or writing on a file descriptor.

Used by cloudabi_subscription_t.

Possible values:


    Deprecated. Must be set by callers and ignored by implementations.

cloudabi_subscription_t (struct)

Subscription to an event.

Used by cloudabi_sys_poll().


cloudabi_tcb_t (struct)

The Thread Control Block (TCB).

After a thread begins execution (at program startup or when created through cloudabi_sys_thread_create()), the CPU's registers controlling Thread-Local Storage (TLS) will already be initialized. They will point to an area only containing the TCB.

If the thread needs space for storing thread-specific variables, the thread may allocate a larger area and adjust the CPU's registers to point to that area instead. However, it does need to make sure that the TCB is copied over to the new TLS area.

The purpose of the TCB is that it allows light-weight emulators to store information related to individual threads. For example, it may be used to store a copy of the CPU registers prior emulation, so that TLS for the host system can be restored if needed.


  • void *parent

    Pointer that may be freely assigned by the system. Its value cannot be interpreted by the application.

cloudabi_threadattr_t (struct)

Attributes for thread creation.

Used by cloudabi_sys_thread_create().


  • cloudabi_threadentry_t *entry_point

    Initial program counter value.

  • void *stack and size_t stack_len

    Region allocated to serve as stack space.

  • void *argument

    Argument to be forwarded to the entry point function.

cloudabi_threadentry_t (function type)

Entry point for additionally created threads.

Used by cloudabi_threadattr_t.


cloudabi_tid_t (uint32_t)

Unique system-local identifier of a thread. This identifier is only valid during the lifetime of the thread.

Threads must be aware of their thread identifier, as it is written it into locks when acquiring them for writing. It is not advised to use these identifiers for any other purpose.

As the thread identifier is also stored in cloudabi_lock_t when CLOUDABI_LOCK_WRLOCKED is set, the top two bits of the thread must always be set to zero.

Used by cloudabi_threadentry_t, cloudabi_sys_proc_fork(), and cloudabi_sys_thread_create().

cloudabi_timestamp_t (uint64_t)

Timestamp in nanoseconds.

Used by cloudabi_filestat_t, cloudabi_subscription_t, cloudabi_sys_clock_res_get(), and cloudabi_sys_clock_time_get().

cloudabi_ulflags_t (uint8_t bitfield)

Specifies whether files are unlinked or directories are removed.

Used by cloudabi_sys_file_unlink().

Possible values:


    If set, removes a directory. Otherwise, unlinks any non-directory file.

cloudabi_userdata_t (uint64_t)

User-provided value that can be attached to objects that is retained when extracted from the kernel.

Used by cloudabi_event_t and cloudabi_subscription_t.

cloudabi_whence_t (uint8_t)

Relative to which position the offset of the file descriptor should be set.

Used by cloudabi_sys_fd_seek().

Possible values:


    Seek relative to current position.


    Seek relative to end-of-file.


    Seek relative to start-of-file.

cloudabi's People


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cloudabi's Issues

Publish rust crate sources

@m-ou-se Thank you for publishing crates to integrate Rust with CloudABI! Could the source for the argdata and cloudabi crates be posted as well? Not sure if these are generated directly from the C or what.

By the way, would love to see the argdata crate build in Rust stable. Is there a way to get this to work without depending on the nightly try_from feature?

W^X support?

Could the CloudABI runtime support an option to enforce W^X, in order to reduce the attack surface further? This would minimize the risk of escaping out of the CloudABI runtime into the host.

Is CloudABI versioned in any way?

I'm assuming that at some point a syscall might need to be added, and one might need preprocessor definitions to understand which version of CloudABI is available.

Can the ABI version be determined by a preprocessor definition?

Right now all I am finding is __CloudABI__ which is set to the value of 1:

$ /usr/bin/x86_64-unknown-cloudabi-cc -dM -E - < /dev/null | grep -i abi
#define __CloudABI__ 1

i32 vs u32

I think file descriptors tend to use signed 32-bit integers, whereas the Rust crate uses unsigned. How important is it to expand the potential open files that wide, versus the trade-off of losing some type compatibility between libc vs. CloudABI?

This subtle difference makes it a bit harder to write polyglot programs that can target libc and CloudABI, depending on the toolchain applied.


As an engineer, I want to see some basic benchmarks for key performance indicators, so that I have more information when deciding to use CloudABI versus competing tools for sandboxing.

For example, I am interested in seeing how many queries per second the same C/C++ Web server application can provide depending on whether it runs natively (libc) vs. cloudabi-run vs. cloudabi-run -e vs. Docker.

`sys_fd_stat_put` doesn't require `rights.fd_datasync` for setting `fdflags.dsync`

The right rights.fd_datasync includes "If rights.file_open is set, includes the right to invoke file_open with fdflags.dsync." However, if one has the rights.fd_stat_put_flags right, it would appear one could invoke sys_fd_stat_put_flags with fdsflags.flags to set the fdflags.dsync flag, which would be a way to obtain a file descriptor with fdflags.dsync without having rights.fd_datasync.

Consequently, if one wishes to withhold the ability to open files with fdflags.dsync set, clearing the rights.fd_datasync right might seem sufficient, but isn't: one must also clear the rights.fd_stat_put_flags right as well. It would seem more consistent to make sys_fd_stat_put_flags require rights.fd_datasync for setting fdflags.dsync.

Similar considerations apply to rights.fd_sync, fdflags.rsync, and fdflags.dsync.

Fork bombs

(I realize the project is unmaintained, but I'll mention this anyway.)

CloudABI claims that programs that use it have no effect on global resources, so that they can safely be run without a container, VM, or other enclosure mechanism. However, fork bombs are still possible. (Tl;dr: a process forks, and then each child process forks, and then ...)

uninitialized is deprecated

print(' let obj: {} = ::core::mem::uninitialized();'.format(

This line should likely be changed to use mem::zeroed() if I'm following correctly that these are C-like structs that are being initialized.

It is not currently defined to perform the reference and field access on the uninitialized memory too, whereas with zeroed this should be fine (at least as I understand it, though I cannot be 100% certain, as some of these details are still in flux).

CPU timing attacks and CloudABI

For the last few days, everyone has been talking about the new branch prediction/cache/timing attacks. I've been thinking, maybe this is a good opportunity for CloudABI?

  • Time Stamp Counter access can be disabled — is it getting disabled in CloudABI applications?
  • browsers are lowering timer precision — I think typical web servers also do not need high accuracy timers, so maybe CloudABI should allow the user to say something like max_timer_precision: 1ms in the YAML file to limit the maximum resolution of cloudabi_sys_clock_time_get(). Also something like randomize_clocks: true to make cloudabi_sys_clock_time_get() report fuzzy time.
  • maybe KPTI-style mitigations should always apply for CloudABI binaries, regardless of whether they're enabled globally in the system (like with Linux's boot flag)? vs

What’s the difference between the websites? As a newbie it’s a tad confusing to have to navigate to both for info, and that’s not counting the GitHub source website.

Purpose of the precision argument in `clock_time_get`

clock_time_get has a precision parameter, which has this documentation:

The maximum lag (exclusive) that the returned
time value may have, compared to its actual

The CloudABI implementations on FreeBSD, Linux, and the emulator don't seem to use this parameter.

One hypothetical use for it might be to allow implementations to return an error in case they can't provide the requested level of precision, however in cloudlibc, clock_time_get's return value is usually ignored. And applications can use clock_res_get to learn about the precision they're getting from clock_time_get.

Is there an expected future use for the precision parameter?

User friendly error messages from errno

Is there a way to get user-friendly messages (static str or other) from errno numbers? I can't see anything except to refer to the table in cloudabi.txt:209.

For comparison, see from_raw_os_error which uses sys::os::error_string, which uses strerror_r internally. It looks like CloudABI error codes don't match up with POSIX error codes so will you provide an equivalent?

Rust implementation

As long as we’re running arbitrary binaries with security in mind, we may as well implement our libc in Rust. This reduces the risk of buffer overflow escapes from our sandbox.

Fortunately, Rust is able to output C-compatible object files. So while cloudlibc could be reimplemented in Rust, there is no technical requirement that user applications be written in Rust; they can continue using a typical C FFI.

I think this should be done with cloudlibc proper, as well as the cloudabi runtime and any dependencies as well, such as the yaml arg parser.

Please release missing docs

I understand that project is not maintained now, but there are too many links which were used and now redirected to nowhere. In particular, it's hard to understand to new user now e.g. how to obtain runtime packages. Probably they could be built manually given instructions from where and how?

I like the idea of CloudABI, and WASM is not substitute for it, so it would be great if it still be usable at least in "frozen" state, so new user could appear, and sometimes hopefully new maintainers!

Object-oriented shell

Hello. Your CloudABI need to be complemented by something. We lack object-oriented shell for it.
What I mean under object-oriented shell? Now the shells work with 3 binary streams and allow only their redirection. It is not fine: what if I need to pass a resource from one process to another? What if I need to pass multiple resources, for example multiple streams? In the case of multiple streams fifo can help, but in case of resources of other types it won't.

The proposial is to use programms as functions with variable number of arguments.
1 Each programm binary has a metadata block in it describing its command line format.
2 The shell reads that metadata block and validates vommand line before executing
3 when executing the shell passes arguments to a programm
4 The arguments are not text strings, they are objects of standardized types. For first time I propose to have the following types : string, number, input stream, output stream, input-output stream, network, error and void.
5 A programm has one return type, it can return either its return type or error.
6 A programm can either return its type and stop or return its type and daemonize itself. In the case it daemonizes itself it can be used by another program through the returned object.
7 Arguments types can be implicitly converted, for example strings can be converted into file descriptors which are iostreams.

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