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growatt2mqtt's Introduction

Growatt Solar Inverter Modbus Data to MQTT Gateway

This sketch runs on an ESP8266 and reads data from Growatt Solar Inverter over RS485 Modbus and publishes the data over MQTT. This code can be modified for any Gorwatt inverters, it has been tested on 1 phase, 2 string inverter version such as my MIN 3000 TL-XE, MIC 1500 TL-X, MIC 600 TL-X. You find attached to this repo the documentation I used to get data out of the inverter.


This sketch publishes the following information from the holding registers that store device configuration data. More on these please refer to the modbus PDF documentation. This is sent once at startup: Enable state, SaftyFuncEn, Inverter Max output active power percent, Inverter max output reactive power percent, Normal work PV voltage, Firmware version, Control Firmware version, Serial number, Grid voltage low and high limit protect, Grid frequency low and high limit protect

The sketch also publishes the live statistics every 4 seconds. These are stored in the input registers: Inverter run state, Input power, PV1 and PV2 voltage current and power, Output power, Grid frequency, Energy generated today and total and these for both PV1 and PV2, 3 temperatures, Inverter output PF now, Derating mode, Fault and warning codes.


My original version was updated by @joe288 and the single-ino code was structured into a separte class to make the code more modular and easier to understand. Also check the updated in the topic section for the new Output Level and some other settings can be controlled. Also the inverter can be changed to a higher power inverter than what it was set in the factory. Handle this option with care. More about this in the relevant section below.

Also thanks to @Performance20 there is now a PlatformIO version available here: This version is slightly different from the original version, more about it in Issue29


Download this repository and build and flash your ESP. As I said the code works for 1 phase 2 string inverters, if you have a 3 phase inverter, or more strings the code will still work, but you will not see all the data in the device. For BOM and PCB scroll down for the relevant sections below. You need an Arduino IDE with ESP8266 configuration added. You need a few additional libraries (see below). And before you build open the settings.h and set your credentials. I think they are self explanatory. Compile and upload.


For MIN solar inverters, you need to use the SYS COM port on the underside of the unit. The special connector is supplied with the inverter.


Disassemble the connector (see instructions in the user manual) and use PIN3 and PIN4 for the modbus connection. It is PIN3 for RS485A1 and PIN4 for RS485B1. The pin numbers are clearly labeled on the connector inside. RS485A1 connects to the A pin (green screw terminal) on the RS485toTTL board and RS485B1 connects to B. I used a pair of thin wires from a CAT5 network cable.



The following libraries are used beside the "Standard" ESP8266 libraries:

  • FastLED by Daniel Garcia
  • ModbusMaster by Doc Walker
  • ArduinoOTA
  • SoftwareSerial


the topicroot can be changed in the settings.h file (default is growatt).

topic direction value function
topicroot/status publish send status of the ESP8266
topicroot/data publish send power state of the growatt
topicroot/error publish send error state
topicroot/connection publish send connection state of the ESP8266 uses the last will of the broker
topicroot/settings publish send settings from growatt
topicroot/write/getSettings subscribe ON initializes the resending of the settings
topicroot/write/setEnable subscribe ON/OFF enable/disable the output of the growatt
topicroot/write/setMaxOutput subscribe 0-100 set the output level of the growatt in percent
topicroot/write/setStartVoltage subscribe set the minimum voltage oft the MPPT tracker
topicroot/write/setModulPower subscribe HEX change the type of inverter. see chapter ModulPower command

ModulPower command

Read or change the type of inverter. e.g. MIC 600TL-X to MIC 1000TL-X.

Make sure that the data sheets of the two devices match, then it is probably the same hardware.

Value Powerstage
06 600W
07 750W
0A 1000W
0F 1500W
14 2000W
19 2500W
1E 3000W

Danger! Can lead to the destruction of the inverter.

In order to be able to execute SetModulPower, must be add #define useModulPower 1 in settings.h.



I designed a custom PCB for this board (for a previous project), you can order if from here:

These are the components you need to build this. I purchased most of them a long time ago. I don't have the original listing, so I included a similar Aliexpress listing.

With these two components you can power the board using the micro USB on the Wemos D1 mini. My PCB includes components for mains supply:

For a different Modbus project, I have designed a slightly different board: Board2

The difference of this board:

  • Components for the mains input removed (Hi-Link power supply, fuse, varistor) and it has a +5V input from an external power course, or a footprint for a small DC-DC buck converter if powered from more 9-25V.
  • Added a specific pad for a neopixel modul for visual feedback.

Rest is the same.

To make this project work (modbus communnication and the web bits (MQTT, HTTP) you can use both of my version 1 ( and version 2 ( modbus PCB modules as well. I explained the differences between them in the version 2 PCBWay project page and also in the video. Feel free to order and of the modules and the same code will work on both.

And if you want to wire them yourself, these are the connections:

Wemod D1 mini (or other ESP)            TTL to RS485
D1                                      DE
D2                                      RE
D5                                      RO
D6                                      DI
5V                                      VCC
G(GND)                                  GND


I have a few videos covering the development of this project:


Code almost complete

Solar Integration

growatt2mqtt's People


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growatt2mqtt's Issues

Growatt to Victron OS Communication

Here’s some information on my communications configuration: My battery is managed by a Batrium of which is monitoring 8 separate batteries via the Batrium system. The Batrium is communication with my Victron Cerbo GX and is throttling and controlling my charge controllers (Victron) and it is working perfectly, no issues. I am able to see the Growatt inverter output using Energy Meters which are connected to the Cerbo GX, no issues. I am also able to see my AC input into the Growatt inverters should the situation call for grid input. I am again using Energy Meters to communication this information to the Cerbo GX, no issues. The information I need to send back to my Growatt is the State of Charge of the battery. The reason I need the Growatts to see the SOC of the battery is to switch from battery to grid should I drop below a State of Charge percentage that I determine. I would also like the Cerbo GX to be able to show the status of the inverters such as On/Off position, errors, ect. I have two Growatt SPF 12000T DVM inverters running two separate AC load banks Any way this can be done?

Use growatt2mqtt for evcc


I would like to use the data from growatt2mqtt for EVCC

EVCC propsed following for Growatt inverter:


  • name: my_grid
    type: template
    template: growatt-hybrid
    usage: grid

    RS485 via adapter (Modbus RTU)

    modbus: rs485serial
    id: 1
    device: /dev/ttyUSB0 # USB-RS485 Adapter Adresse
    baudrate: 9600 # Prüfe die Geräteeinstellungen, typische Werte sind 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
    comset: "8N1" # Kommunikationsparameter für den Adapter

    RS485 via TCP/IP (Modbus RTU)

    modbus: rs485tcpip
    id: 1
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port

    Modbus TCP

    modbus: tcpip
    id: 1
    host: # Hostname
    port: 502 # Port`

Is it possible to implement here the growatt2mqtt data?


I found also an older generic format of evcc:


  • name: my_solarlog
    type: custom
    source: calc
    - source: modbus
    id: 1
    address: 3502
    type: input
    decode: uint32s
    scale: -1`

As I understood, this is refering directly to modbus data.?
But I don't know how to use.
Is the "uri" the IP of my Inverter or from D1-mini with growatt2mqtt?
"id" = ?
"address" = modbus id of Growatt protocol? ("1" for "Input power (high)", ...)

I am sure it is possible, but I was not able to solve.

To obtain the data of exported energy.

Hello, I wanted to make a request to see if it is possible. I would like to retrieve the data of energy exported to the grid or otherwise the energy imported from the grid. In my case I have a meter connected to the growatt inverter, since it is obligatory in Spain.


I can see that data on the web, but I can't figure out what it is in modbus. How would it be possible to obtain this information? Thank you very much.

Monitor multiple inverters? Multi-phase, parallel installation.

I am trying to help a friend monitor his inverters (5 x SPF5000TL HVM-P, arranged as 2 each in parallel on phase A and B, and 1 on phase C) and batteries (4 x Narada 48NPFC100). He has no ShineWifi dongles - apparently these inverters make use of the ShineWifi-F model, which talks RS232 over the USB D+ and D- lines of the USB-A connector.

I have been able to create an ESP32-based device with an SP3232 RS232 transceiver that can talk to one inverter via the USB-A connector. Now I am trying to figure out how best to communicate with the remaining inverters, and the batteries.

With the RS232 connection to a single inverter, and trying to brute force enumerate modbus slave addresses, I was able to find 1 (expected), and 17. I was wondering whether 17 would be the paralleled inverter, 17 == 16+1 or 0b1001, but the readings I got from address 17 were totally inconsistent with the readings from address 1. Lots of 65536 values. Anyone have any idea what might be at address 17?

I'm totally open to switching over to RS485 if it will make life easier in any way. That said, all I have read in the Growatt manuals has not provided any way of changing the modbus slave address from the default 1, which would mean that I would need a RS485 bus for each inverter regardless, to avoid conflict. In which case, since the RS232 transceiver chip I am using has two channels already, and the ESP32 can support up to 3 UARTs simultaneously, I could just use one ESP32 per phase to talk to two inverters, and add an RS485 transceiver to the C-phase ESP32 to talk to the batteries. That said, is it even necessary to query the paralleled inverter, should the readings not theoretically be the same as the primary?

Any other suggestions?

SOC data request

Now I am trying to implement additional data from "Growatt Inverter Modbus RTU Protocol":
(I think this is the right protocol for my SPH4600 because values until "95" (tempboost) are ok)

To get the SOC I add to your "growattInterface.cpp":

if (setcounter == 15) { // Battery modbusdata.socinverter = growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(1014 - 960); }

and below the section:

setcounter++; if (setcounter == 2) { setcounter = 0; // Generate the modbus MQTT message sprintf(json, "{", json); sprintf(json, "%s \"status\":%d,", json, modbusdata.status); sprintf(json, "%s \"socinverter\":%.1f,", json, modbusdata.socinverter);

In "growattInterface.h" I added to section the "socinverter":
struct modbus_input_registers { int status; float solarpower, pv1voltage, pv1current, pv1power, pv2voltage, pv2current, pv2power, outputpower, gridfrequency, gridvoltage; float energytoday, energytotal, totalworktime, allphaseenergy, gridpowertolocalload, energyp3, pv1energytoday, pv1energytotal, pv2energytoday, pv2energytotal, opfullpower; float dischargepower, chargepower, socinverter, batsoc; float tempinverter, tempipm, tempboost; int ipf, realoppercent, deratingmode, faultcode, faultbitcode, warningbitcode; };

As MQTT feedback I received a "0" :-(
("socinverter": 0)

Did I something wrong to define "setcounter"???

esphome has an Growatt component which could use your enhancement

Just wanted to make you aware that esphome has a preliminary growatt component.

Maybe it would be even easier to maintain etc to enhance the esphome component with the communications you have made here.

I think that would be a good place to merge the project as that will make it easily availble to the arduino/home-assistant community.

RS232 Viability

Let me preface this with saying I am an absolute beginner on arduino etc. (webdeveloper with some c# experience)

But would it be possible to adapt this library to use this over the usb connection on the MIC 600 TL-X or do I need the RS485 cable connection?

And with the RS485 would I use the COM port as I don't see a "Sys Com" port on the inverter.

As far as I can google the usb is apparently just an RS232 wrapper.

MQTT data not received from inverter.


Since this morning i only receive data on Growatt/status not on Growatt/data.
I have tried both the 1.2 and 1.3 code.

Maybe it's just my inverter, i dont know.
It have been running fine for 1 month, but stopped this morning.

MQTT explorer also only shows data from Growatt/status.



Growatt MOD 6000TL3-X

Have to say that this code works fine with this 6kw 3phase model. Only problem is that I can't get voltages from different phases.

Can I somehow scan all the messages that growat sends so I could check em if it sends them?

SetMaxOutputActive doesnt work

Hi, as far as i can see, you can set the maximum inverter output with mqtt by the command /setMaxOutputActive but this doenst work.

So i took a quick search in the code and found a line /setMaxOutput. Then i tried /setmaxOutput and it worked.

unable to use setMaxOutput

what must i change in code to use

topicroot/write/setMaxOutput | subscribe | 0-100 | set the output level of the growatt in percent

as described in documentation?


Wifi does not connect

I am a newcomer to the field, I flashed the ESP with the code via Arduino. I made the setting under Settings.h but unfortunately the ESP does not connect to the Wifi after flashing. Can you maybe help me and tell me where exactly I have to set what in the Settings.h tab?

[Question] useModulPower outside the mqtt context

Hey probably best directed to @joe288 ,

I'm trying to use the useModulPower function standalone like plugging in the ESP board like an usb stick and have it rewrite the
Inverter Config.

Tried adding the code to the Setup method after initializing the Interface but it won't update the config in the Inverter. All I'm getting is either illegal function or response timeout. Is there some special sauce that makes this work in the mqtt request or am I just going crazy.

Currently using a static string for that looks the same when compared to the mqtt message but maybe some encoding difference?

like in the Growatt2mqtt_1p2s.ino (removed mqtt code)

void setup()
     //Other init code
    String message = "OA";
     growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regOnOff, 0);

    result = growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regModulPower, int(strtol(message.c_str(), NULL, 16)));
    growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regOnOff, 1);

    if (result == growattInterface.Success) {
      holdingregisters = false;
    } else {
      //using WebSerial to send the result

have also tried it in loop() (multiple execution prevented)

Help would be appreciated.

Publish Home Assistant auto-discovery sensors

First of all I just want to say thank you for this project. I've got it working with my Growatt inverter and learned so much in the process.

I use Home Assistant and the trickiest part was figuring out how to import the values, I achieved this by adding MQTT sensors to my configuration.yaml but it's a hacky solution.

- platform: mqtt
  name: 'Growatt Solarpower'
  state_topic: 'growatt/data'
  value_template: '{{ value_json.solarpower }}'
  unit_of_measurement: 'W'
  device_class: power

- platform: mqtt
  name: 'Growatt Enery Today'
  state_topic: 'growatt/data'
  value_template: '{{ value_json.energytoday }}'
  unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
  device_class: energy

I was wondering if you might add the functionality to publish the sensors from your sketch into the `homeassistant/sensor/growatt' topic, as this would allow Home Assistant auto-discovery:

I borrowed this example from another solution:

Topic :homeassistant/sensor/inverter_1_pv_power/config

{"device":{"ids":["sa_inverter"],"mdl":"Growatt MIN/MIC","mf":"Growatt","name":"Growatt MIN/MIC"},"device_class":"power","name":"PV power","state_topic":"solar/inverter_1/pv_power/state","uniq_id":"inverter_1_pv_power","unit_of_measurement":"W"}

"PV energy today" and "PV energy total" register missmatch

Hi Csongor,
at first i want to thank you very much, for your work here and also on Youtube. I'm one of your subscriber and have to say, i have learned a ton from what you do and explain... in an age of >55 ;-) Thank you man!

So now, i want to inform you there is a register mismatch and failure in the code For MIC-TL-X.

I do not get total- or today-energy values in mosquitto or influx. I've checked the register with the Growatt Inverter Modbus RTU Protocol V.1.2 and it says on the very first page:

Instruction: Register range for various types of inverter

TL-X (MIN Type): 03 register range: 0-124, 3000-3124; 04 register range: 3000-3124, 3125-3249
Storage (MIX Type): 03 register range: 0-124, 1000-1124; 04 register range: 0-124, 1000-1124

So, there is no input register type range (04) 0 - 124 in the MIC TL-X devices, only 3000-3124 also not even the (04) 3125-3249 range like the manual says.

your code: growattinterface.cpp:

modbusdata.energytoday = ((growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(53) << 16) | growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(54)) * 0.1;
modbusdata.energytotal = ((growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(55) << 16) | growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(56)) * 0.1;
modbusdata.totalworktime = ((growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(57) << 16) | growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(58)) * 0.5;

modbusdata.pv1energytoday = ((growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(59) << 16) | growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(60)) * 0.1;
modbusdata.pv1energytotal = ((growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(61) << 16) | growattInterface.getResponseBuffer(62)) * 0.1;

The Growatt RTU Protocol Description for MIC-TL-X input (04) registers says:

3053 | Epv_total H | PV energy total
3054 | Epv_total L | PV energy total
3055 | Epv1_today H | PV1 energy today
3056 | Epv1_today L | PV1 energy today
3057 | Epv1_total H | PV1 energy total
3058 | Epv1_total L | PV1 energy total

Please, could you maybe check and correct this?

Greetings from Karlsruhe/Germany



Can you publish the schematic diagram of the interconnects ?

Thans in advance!

Getting Error: Invalid slave ID

What a great project you have made here, I follow you video and think I made a correct setup, however I get Error: Invalid slave ID on the MQTT
My Growatt is same as yours, MIN 3000TL-XE
I check the COM ID on Growatt it is set to 001
I try change it to 002 or 003 with the same change in Arduino sketch
I double check my wiring of Wemos D1 and TTl to RS-485 module, I have same 230V power supply as you show
No matter what I try it give me same error, do you have any idea where to look?

MQTT Explorer - Invalid slave ID


my version


I forked your software and made some changes. I saw your comments, if stabillity is no so good and OTA firmware update not working

  • I migrated to platformio/VSC
  • change the string handling which add control of the size of the used buffer (e.g. sprinf to snprintf), which avoid buffer overruns. And there was realy 1 value which was one letter to long for the used buffer. Also using the same buffer as input and output in sprinf funktion could work but the statement is here "behavior not defined". Therfore I changed it.
  • Also I removed all this MQTT building code out of the timer funktion. I thing, interrupt routines should be short and fast as possible and not lead to cascading of interrupts
  • I added one feature. Now it is possible to change the update times for sending the MQTT messages (original fix values in the code via #defines). Now changeable via MQTT messages and stored in the EEprom of the ESP.
  • and some other smaller changes
  • But I removed all this RGB led stuff

I have tested it with my Growatt, run fine, Firmware update via OTA works fine well.


Smart Meter emulation ingtegration

Hi guys, since begin the use of Growatt I have built myself a small USB dongle to read growatt (
Now I plan to install export limit as well. A good project is here:

What I want to achieve is that I have a stick, an ESP, which is connected to two RS485 converters.
One is used to read Growatt (pin 3/4) and the other Converter would be connected to pin 7/8 to act as a smart meter.
Is it possible to combine the Code of alessandromatera and yours?

The development of hardware part seems to be an easy step, but software part imho not so easy...

Sending setMaxOutput to MQTT


I would like to try this setting to reduce the power of the inverter in case of a negative energyprice when my battery is full.
In MQTT Explorer I tried to send this:



What am I doing wrong?
What is the syntax for the MQTT message?
I can not find any documentation in the code.

Change the publish frequency

I would like to change the publish frequency from 4 to ~30 seconds.
Which code I have to change for this? where is the frequency defined?
thank you in advance

only one datapoint is in ioBroker

first of all thank you for all your work.

i have the issue that in iobroker is only one datapoint were is all in, but not seperate points:
do you have any idea how it can send seperate?
Bildschirmfoto 2022-01-17 um 13 59 01

MQTT "error" topic is not cleared after succesful transmission

Hi Csongor,

if there was a Modbus communication error, e.g. error = Response timed out and communication is resumed normally, the MQTT topic "error" is not updated.

I think in ReadHoldingRegisters(), the "error" topic should also be updated if the condition (result == growattInterface.Success) is true (e.g. error = "none").

Besides, the message string should be put in double quotes, i.e. error = "Response timed out".


Max485 <----> ESP / IOs are not 5V tollerant


I have a question about the hardware.
you use 5V for your circuit. The ESP generates the 3.3V for the core voltage from this. This means that you would actually need a level shifter between ESP and MAX.

Will it work without one?



Used housing?

Can you tell us which housing you designed the pub for?

Cheers Robert

Changes in Libraries?

I had to add: PubSubClient and didn't find: SoftwareSerial ?

10 // - SoftwareSerial (didn't find this?)
11 // - PubSubClient (had to install this one)

  • aside from this I was up and running for some hours.
  • I didn't have the plug, so I made the pins out of paper clips and soldered it to the wiers.


BR Eirik - Norway

Growatt SPH10K BH-UP not respondig

I try to apply this solution with Growatt SPH10k BH-UP hybrig inventer. I cannot get any response from the inverter.
Using osciloscope I see the data are repeatedly sent to inventer on the 485 link, but there is no response visible (and nothing in serial monitor).
Using 485-3 RJ-45 port on inverter, pins 1-B, 5-A
Slave ID is 1 as on the other Growatt inverters, speed 9600, checked in inverter registry.
What to do the get it worked?

use growatt2mqtt on classic arduino

I've found your great project and will use a part of your code on a arduino nano, to display the data on a oled display.
Yesterday I've received my MIC 1500TL-X, I have connected the RS485A1 and B1 to an usb-rs485 convertert, I've send several requests (read input an holding register) but get absolutely no answer.
Is it possible to help me with an example complete modbius request message, so I can send this over a terminal an check the connection.
(the RS485A2 B2 port works well, here I can see the requests of the inverter to smartmeter after activating this, so I think the USB Converter works)
Thanks a lot


Thank you very much for providing this project!
I would like to use this for a LoRaWAN based variant. Which license applies to this project?
For most of my project, I'm favoring the MIT license.
Best regards

Growatt MIN 3600TL-XE ?

Thank you for sharing this project. I recently has a solar system installed with the above Growatt inverter and I'm trying to get basic data from it into Home Assistant (HA). I've tried some of the HA integrations that pull from the Growatt server but these suffer from being blocked. So I thought I might be able to pull the data from the Modbus registers.

Your project looks like it could work if I pull the data from MQTT, however the SYS-COM definitions in the manual for my inverter differs from the one you show. (see following image of manual)
Do you think it might work ? which of the ports from sys-com should I use ?
Sorry for the simple questions, very much of this is new to me.

WDT Timeout Issue

Congrats on a nice project!
I am trying to port the code to a ESP32C3 (I have a few, and I've used them in several other projects), and I've commented pretty much everything except the core functionality (no ArduinoOTA, no NeoPixel, no MQTT data send), just some Serial.println() debug messages for now.

I'm trying to talk to one (of a pair) of Growatt SPF3000TL inverters.
But if I flash the code (stripped down as above) I get "Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU0)." (error repeated verbatim for future searches). I noticed you mentioned a WDT timeout in one of the videos, which got my attention, so hoping you may have some more insights.

My Timer ISR (same as your master code) calls ReadHoldingRegisters() in the ino, which invokes growattInterface.ReadHoldingRegisters(json) in growattInterface, of which the relevant entry point is:

uint8_t growattIF::ReadHoldingRegisters(char* json) {
  uint8_t result;
  result = growattInterface.readHoldingRegisters(setcounter * 64, 64); //<< WDT panic is occurring here
  // result = 0;

If I comment the readHoldingRegisters line and uncomment the result=0; it runs fine.
Of course there could be several reasons something is timing out there - communications problem with the TTL to RS485 board (mine looks identical to the one you used), failed communications with the Growatt, etc, etc.

I would really like to drill down in to the growattInterface.readHoldingRegisters(setcounter * 64, 64) call to try and figure out in more detail exactly what is timing out, so I can narrow it down, but I'm lost in the overloading of ReadHoldingRegisters (either capitalized or not) in the ino, and also in the growattInterface class.
So a specific question: where do I find the code that growattInterface.readHoldingRegisters(setcounter * 64, 64) invokes? grep etc is not helping.

I really like the clean ISR approach to invoking the code, but I'm stuck trying to use it at the moment.
Any insights really appreciated!

Used your code! Thanks! Reworked main as code seems to freeze

Sorry, no way to contact you directly except via an issue ticket ;-)

Thanks for reverse engineering the inverter. Works like a charm.

However the "main" code seems to freeze.

  • I think while (!mqtt.connected()) is the root cause if the wifi is lost after the last wifi check, this code will never exit the loop, as the mqtt will not connect, because the wifi is lost.

  • Added all relevant parameters to the wifi manager (after which I save them to flash). Having to re-compile to change mqtt server settings is not my preferred solution. I have had issues with this on another ESP project. After 3+ years a mod was needed to the IP address of the server, and it did not compile anymore due to "progress" in the development tools.

  • Added jumper to force the wifimanager to show. For security reasons I want to be the one that brings up the wifimanagers or not. Rationale: after a power down of the ESP and a wifi reset (aka fuse switched off in the house), the ESP is up and running faster than the wifi, it cannot connect to wifi and shows the wifimanager. Which is "open" for everyone to connect. So now the wifimanager only shows when I set a jumper.

  • Added a FAN to cool the inverter. Inverter is in a hot spot under the roof. The SW uses the temperature from the electronics board inside the inverter to switch on/off.

Can send you my changes if you are interested.

Greetings Matthijs

"maxpower" setting?


let's assume "modulPower" has been changed from "0006" to "000A" and ""maxoutputactivepp" from 100 to 80, resulting in:

    "enable": 1,
    "safetyfuncen": 25,
    "maxoutputactivepp": 80,
    "maxoutputreactivepp": 0,
    "maxpower": 600.0,
    "voltnormal": 100.0,
    "startvoltage": 50.0,
    "gridvoltlowlimit": 184.0,
    "gridvolthighlimit": 287.5,
    "gridfreqlowlimit": 47.5,
    "gridfreqhighlimit": 51.5,
    "gridvoltlowconnlimit": 197.8,
    "gridvolthighconnlimit": 250.7,
    "gridfreqlowconnlimit": 47.7,
    "gridfreqhighconnlimit": 50.0,
    "firmware": "GH1.0",
    "controlfirmware": "ZAAA",
    "serial": "",
    "modulPower": "000A"

Would you have to change "maxpower" from 600 to 800 as well to achieve a maximum grid power output of 800 VA?

Thanks in advance,

Adapting for 3 phase inverter


Great work with all the detailed explanations and even videos!

I have a similar repo which I'm using for quite some years now but since the netmetering policy is going to change I was looking for a way to control the output power. Seems that you have already implemented this :)

I have a MOD 9000 TL3-X so that is a 3 phase model. Since you named your folder 1ps2, do you also have a local 3p2s repo which you can share? Else I am going to fork yours and add the 3 phase registers.


Smart meter address

Really useful code! I'm implementing it now for my Growatt inverter. As Growatt modbus addresses meanings are not very well documented, I wonder if you know which is the address (if exists) to read smart meter data related to exported/imported instant power.
Thanks in advance!


I just tried to set the ModulPower only get a response of Illegal Function.
Question is what Firmware version does this work with.
Mine is v1.2.0p2s

just to make sure it's the fact that I use this over the usb interface instead and not just growatt locking the function in a more up to date firmware.

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