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react-native-raw-bottom-sheet's Issues

cannot read property 'open' of undefined

the and close() methods are not working. The open method works when i wrap it in a map function and use this[RBSheet + key].open() but otherwise i get the error "cannot read property 'open' of undefined. Any ideas on how to resolve?

Preset issue

Hi, good day,

I am experiencing this error during build in android (I haven't checked iOS yet).

Couldn't find preset "module:metro-react-native-babel-preset

Has anyone experienced this before? I tried installing metro-react-native-babel-preset as well but it didn't solve it.

I am using RN0.51 btw.


When active closeOnDragDown, ScrollView doesn't work

When i turn on the closeOnDragDown props, ScrollView stops working inside bottom sheet navigator.
This is my code.
To reproduce demo, can use, data wich is shown came in json format.
import React from 'react'

import MapView, {Marker} from 'react-native-maps'
import {View, Alert, StyleSheet, Text, ScrollView} from 'react-native'

import RBSheet from 'react-native-raw-bottom-sheet'

class Mapa extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {

this.state = {
  region: {
    latitude: -19.9203661, // 19.9203661 22.2087173
    longitude: -43.9210439, // 43.9210439 54.8390909
    latitudeDelta: 0.04, //  0.0922
    longitudeDelta: 0.04, // 0.0421
  pontosMarker: [],
  pontos: [],
  pontoSelecionado: [],
  nomePonto: '',


markerDetails = async pontoNome => {
this.state.pontoSelecionado = []
Reactotron.log('pontoNome', pontoNome)

// Reactotron.log('pontoSelecionado INI', this.state.pontoSelecionado)

const pointAux = await this.state.pontos.filter(
  res => res.nomePonto === pontoNome

Reactotron.log('pointAux', pointAux) => {
    pontoSelecionado: [...this.state.pontoSelecionado, res],

this.setState({nomePonto: pontoNome})


render() {
return (
<View style={{flex: 1}}>
style={{flex: 1}}
{ => {
return (
onPress={() => {

      ref={ref => {
        this.RBSheet = ref
        mask: {backgroundColor: 'transparent'},
        container: {
          elevation: 100,
          height: 350,
          borderTopLeftRadius: 20,
          borderTopRightRadius: 20,
          backgroundColor: '#f7f5eee8',
        draggableIcon: {
          backgroundColor: '#00000040',
        <View style={styles.messageContainerTitle}>
          <Text style={styles.messageTitle}>{this.state.nomePonto}</Text>

          { => {
            const coords = JSON.parse(res.coordinates)
            const date = this.formatDate(
            if (res.fullInfo.tipoNC !== undefined) {
              return (
                <View key={} style={styles.messageContainer}>
                  <View style={styles.message}>
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Fazenda:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Talhão:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Data:</Text> {date}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Latitude:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Longitude:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Praga:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>
                        Plantas analisadas:
                      </Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>
                        Plantas atacadas:
                      </Text>{' '}
                  <View style={styles.lineWithPlants} />
            } else {
              return (
                <View key={} style={styles.messageContainer}>
                  <View style={styles.message}>
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Fazenda:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Talhão:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Data:</Text> {date}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Latitude:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Longitude:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Praga:</Text>{' '}
                      <Text style={{fontWeight: 'bold'}}>Quantidade:</Text>{' '}
                  <View style={styles.line} />


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,

line: {
marginTop: 5,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#000',

lineWithPlants: {
marginTop: 30,
borderBottomWidth: 1,
borderColor: '#000',

messageContainerTitle: {
paddingLeft: 20,
borderTopLeftRadius: 20,
borderTopRightRadius: 20,
justifyContent: 'center',
flexDirection: 'row',
// backgroundColor: '#f7f5eee8',
backgroundColor: 'rgba(247, 245, 238, 0.1)',

messageTitle: {
fontSize: 22,
fontWeight: 'bold',
color: '#222',

messageContainer: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#fff',

message: {
height: 145,
paddingLeft: 20,

export default Mapa

BUG: Modal position

At times the modal would appear higher than usual causing this weird effect (see the screenshots)

Visual bug when closing down

Hi, when I'm closing the component it stucks at the position I stopped dragging for a few miliseconds and jumps before closing.

My code :
<RBSheet ref={ref => { CampaignDetailsModalStore.campaignDetailsHalfModalRef = ref; }} duration={450} closeOnDragDown animationType="slide" customStyles={{ container: { borderTopRightRadius: 40, borderTopLeftRadius: 40, paddingTop: 2, height: 'auto', shadowOffset: {width: 0, height: 2}, shadowColor: '#000', shadowOpacity: 0.2, }, draggableIcon: {width: 100, height: 4, backgroundColor: Colors.SECONDARY}, }}> <CampaignDetails navigation={navigation} /> </RBSheet>

Make onRequestClose a prop

I need to stop the bottom sheet from disappearing when the user presses Back on their mobile phone. Currently it is not configurable. It is hardcoded to disappear.

  // This can be configurable
  onRequestClose={() => {

How to adapt to iPhone X/XS/XR?

When have a BottomSheet that have more than 260 of height, the last item stay under the virtual home button of the related devices.

Is there a way to give some space from bottom?

I did try use SafeAreaView from react-navigation but doesn't work.
Maybe if there a prop WrapperComponent that accepts a component to use, fix the problem.

How to handle multiple content on our Bottom Sheet ?

Hello , thanks for the library it works pretty fine.

I have an issue here , I would like to use the Bottom Sheet with different content , in order to make like a navigation, using functional components

What I want to do ?
I'm on the first Bottom Sheet and I click on a button inside it , it opens a new Bottom Sheet (or the same but with different content ?) replacing the first one . And when I go back , the first Bottom Sheet re-open with his datas ( like in a navigation stack )

The problem is that we have to know for each Bottom Sheet, the reference in order to make, reference.close(), it's particularly complicated to handle multiple ref I think .

Is it possible to keep the same Bottom Sheet but to change ONLY the content inside ?


Events not responding in Android, works on IOS

Press events aren't fired on Androis Devices even though they work fine on IOS. See stub below

ref={ref => {
this.RBSheet = ref;
container: {
//justifyContent: "left",
alignItems: "center",
borderRadius: 16

                    <View style={{ paddingTop: 30 }}>
                       <TouchableOpacity onPress={() =>}>

                        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() =>this.logout()}>


Customize status bar?

Thanks for this amazing Bottom sheet!
I'm customized my status bar on my routes.
But, when I open the bottom sheet, my status bar color changes.
Can you provide a prop for the package that we put the status bar config for the openned bottom sheet?


TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '

Hi there,

I encounter the error described in the title. This error appears only when I trigger after having navigated thanks to navigation.goBack() of react navigation.

Here is the code I wrote:

File : app.context.js

import React, { useReducer } from 'react';

export const AppContext = React.createContext([{}, () => { }]);

const initialState = {
  refRBSheet: null,

const reducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      return { ...state, refRBSheet: action.value };

      return state;

const AppContextProvider = (props) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);

  return (
    <AppContext.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>

export default AppContextProvider;

File : Trigger.js

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
import { AppContext } from '../contexts/App.context';

export default function Trigger() {
  const { state } = useContext(AppContext);

  return (
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={() =>}>

File : Modal.js

import React, { useState, useContext, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Text, TouchableOpacity, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
import { AppContext } from '../contexts/App.context';
import RBSheet from 'react-native-raw-bottom-sheet';

export default function Modal() {
  const { state, dispatch } = useContext(AppContext);
  const refRBSheet = useRef();

  React.useEffect(() => {
      value: refRBSheet,
  }, [dispatch]);

  return (

Maybe I did something inappropriate?
Thank you for your help

Separate Animation Types

It would be nice to have the ability to define the animation for the mask and the sheet separately.

In particular, I'd like the mask to have a fade animation, but I don't want the sheet to fade.

How to add a custom icon to draggableIcon?


first and foremost, awesome project!

Is there a way to define my own draggable Icon on the Sheet?
Something so it looks like this:


This would be the last piece, so I can start to build. If it's not already in there somehow, I might try to implement it and send in a pull request.

Greets from Austria,

RBSheet placed behind Overlay on IOS

First, thank you for this awesome package !

I use react-native-elements Overlay component in my project and RBSheet opens as expected when this Overlay is visible on android but it looks that it's placed behind (invisible) on ios.

I tried to set the zIndex with an absolute position but it still doesn't work :/
If I close the overlay before the message is fired, then its displaying.

I'd like to end up with the android behavior for both platforms.

Any idea ?

Side Animation slides in the background

Hi. Nice component! I am seeing an issue with the slide animation where the background also slides in along with the bottom sheet. From the example screenshots, it looks like the background should fade in - in both scenarios (slide and fade) however it seems like the transparent background slides in along with the bottom sheet when it is set to slide.

          ref={ref => {
            this.RBSheet = ref
            container: {

Can not get RBSheet value when pass to another component

Currently I tried to add raw-bottom-sheet in my project and see that sometime the rbsheet didn't have value. Could you please let me know why?

          ref={ref => {
            this.RBSheet = ref;
            container: {
              backgroundColor: '#ebebeb',
              alignItems: "center",
              borderRadius: 13
                onPress={() => this.RBSheet.close()}
              <OthersLoginWay rgbSheet={this.RBSheet} />

In OthersLoginWay component:

componentDidMount = async () => {
      console.log(1, this.props.rgbSheet); // sometime it undefined
        await this.setState({rgbSheet: this.props.rgbSheet});

    _otherlogin() {

Drawer cannot be closed when rendered

i am trying to close the drawer after i click on an image that is located within the drawer. the this.RBSheet.close() isn't working. this is called inside of a function that is dynamically adding images and using the implementation that you suggested in your comments in issue 10. any ideas on how to make this work?

Close from a child component

I'm using a different form component as a content of react-native-raw-bottom-sheet. I'm trying to close the bottom-sheet from that form component submit button. Any possible way to do that ?

How to make it similar to google map

Currently I am using rn-bottom-sheet but it has some issue and not bottom animation.

I tried this library. it is really perfect. Only one thing is missing. when i open bottom sheet, user loose focus from main view.

how can i achieve ?

Cannot be multiplied

Let's say it's instagram images, and I want each image carries a single bottom-sheet for image-optional...

i ve tried with action-sheet for iOS device, and now im looking for Android-native-feeling but this module isnt working for duplicating.

Close after icon or button pressed?

Hello! thank you for the package!
I'd like to know how to close the sheet after the button, link or icon is pressedOn
for exemple:

          ref={ref => {
            this.RBSheet = ref;
            container: {
              justifyContent: "center",
              alignItems: "center"
          onClose={() => {
            onPress={() => navigate("Gallery")}

height props are not working as expected

First of all Thanks for nice library... I really liked it's simplicity . All are working as expected but the height is not working as expected .. It's kind of fixed ,I have tried to lower it to 10 and upper it to 400 just to see it's working or not. But no changes at all . Below is my code

const refRBSheet = React.useRef();
wrapper: {
backgroundColor: "transparent"
draggableIcon: {
backgroundColor: "#000"
container: {
flex: 1,
flexDirection: 'column',
borderTopRightRadius: 50,

    <SocialShareBigButton  url={} message={item.title} refRBSheet={refRBSheet}/>

Am I missing something? or it just an issue to consider I dont know

Modal jumps when closing

Hi, we I try to close my modal, it jumps to upper positions. How can i solve it ?


My code :

<RBSheet ref={ref => { CampaignDetailsStore.campaignDetailsHalfModalRef = ref; }} duration={1000} closeOnDragDown animationType="slide" customStyles={{ wrapper: {backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.02)'}, container: { borderTopRightRadius: 40, borderTopLeftRadius: 40, paddingTop: 2, height: 'auto', }, draggableIcon: {width: 100, height: 4, backgroundColor: Colors.SECONDARY}, }}> <CampaignDetails navigation={navigation} /> </RBSheet>

Add typings

First of all: thank you! you did great job!

Can you please add typings for this module? A lot of people use typescript nowadays.

Appreciate your efforts. Thanks

Not working with ScrollView

Hi, is it possible to have RBSheet with closeOnDragDow and a ScrollView as child ?

I've tried and when I drag down, the scroll view does not responde, but only the RBSheet is reacting to the event.


      ref={ref => {
        BottomSheetRef = ref
              { UsageItem, key: number) =>
                // item.addonType && item.bucketName
                true ? (
                  <View key={key} style={styles.ItemView}>
                    <Text style={styles.PrimaryText}>{item.bucketName || 'asdasd'}</Text>
                    {item.toDate ? (
                      <Text style={styles.SecondaryText}>{`Expires on ${item.toDate}`}</Text>
                    ) : null}
                ) : null

Any help would be great!

React Native Modal is not showing in IOS

I am using RBSheet to show some of the menu items. If the user clicks the menu it will open a modal.
it's working fine in android but in IOS it's not showing the modal.
I tried removing the RBSheet and tested it. It's working fine in android and IOS.
The below screenshot is ref behavior in android
The below screenshot is ref behavior in ios
You can see that inside state modalVisible is returning false for open and close in IOS but in android, it returns true for open and false for close

publish 2.1.0?

I saw 2.1.0 added keyboardAvoidingViewEnabled. However, the latest version on npm is 2.0.6. That would be awsome if we can have it 2.1.0 on npm.

Thanks for your hard work. we use your component a lot in our works.

Resolving values on Close

Whenever the bottom sheet closes , the onClose event is triggered . I am trying to resolve a value that I passed while closing to the onClose event .

How to ?

Or in a way

onClose={(args) => {

// Inner component closed the bottom sheet with ref

I am trying to get the args

There is no padding when keyboard activated in text input child of RBSheet

consider following code:

<KeyboardAvoidingView behavior="padding">
      <RBSheet ref={ref => {
        this.RBSheet = ref;
            zIndex: 9999,
            alignItems: "center",
            // justifyContent: "center" 
                style={[styles.border, {width: "90%", height: 32, borderColor: "white", borderBottomColor: "rgb(224, 224, 224)", borderWidth:1, fontSize: 16, color:"rgb(166,166,166)"}]}

When user taps on text input box, keyboard slides covers up the sheet, it move up too to focus on text input field

Press Events Not Working in Android

This problem is pretty much the same the one described in #29.

The components inside the RBSheet component just doesn't fire the onPress event, I'm quite sure it's not a problem with my content component, as I've had used it before inside another bottom sheet library.

I could not dive more into helping debugging this problem inside the library source code due tight time, but hope this info helps somehow.

Physical Device:

Android 9
Motorola Moto G7 Power
// package.json

"react": "16.8.6",
"react-native": "0.60.3",
"react-native-raw-bottom-sheet": "^2.0.5"
{ /* App.tsx; Basically the representation of the source code */ }
    ref={ref => RBSheetRef = ref}
        wrapper: {
        borderTopLeftRadius: 16,
        borderTopRightRadius: 16,
        backgroundColor: "#00000012"
    container: {
        alignItems: "center",
        justifyContent: "center",
        backgroundColor: "#fff0"
   { /* My component to use as content of the <RBSheet />  */ }
        onPress={file => navigateToPDFInvoicePage(file)}
        date={(selectedSummaryItem && selectedSummaryItem.refDate) || new Date()}

Keyboard overlay on iOS inputs

When I put an input in my raw bottom sheet the keyboard will render on top of the raw bottom sheet on iOS. On android it is all working fine.

Web support

This seems to nearly have web support when run through react-native-web. In fact, I gotten it to work, just not always, perhaps due to placement or version. Custom themes have to be supplied.

The main issue is that the sheet is always open and calling close does nothing. I may be able to get the the bottom of why this works in some of our apps and no others, and then report back.

I think there are some tools to easily release for web and native now too.

closeOnDragDown should be tied to props

Hey guys,

So I got a nice raw-bottom-sheet showing up with a UI that allows the user to make an in-app-purchase. I don't want the user navigating outside of the raw-bottom-sheet while the process is happening, so I want to disable closeOnDragDown (the pan responder) while this is happening. Of course, I still want closeOnDragDown set to true while the user in not mid-purchase.

Any way you could make the changes to make this tied to the component's props, and not just initial props?

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2020-03-20 at 10 19 38

How to work with functional components?


I'm trying to implement the RBSheet into a funcional component, but I failed.

My code:

export default function AddItems() {
return (

onPress={() => {;

ref={ref => {
RBSheet = ref;
container: {
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',


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