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gizmo's Issues

Remove Prefix() from `server.Service`, add it to `config.Server`

Since a prefix can an optional value for services, we should not force everyone to implement it, especially since the value is likely to be immutable.

We should remove the method from the server.Service interface, include it's value as an attribute in config.Server and then change the server.Register implementations to utilize it.

If possible, it'd be nice if we could provide a small utility that would see a Prefix() implementation, remove it and then add a line about server.Init(...) in main.go to do a config.Server.Prefix = "xyz" on the line above.

Clean up

We have far too much documentation in the README, which makes keeping things up to date rather difficult.

We should trim down the README to just cover the highlights and purpose of gizmo.

Add support for IAM Roles in the publisher and subscriber

Currently in NewSubscriber(cfg SQSConfig) (pubsub.Subscriber, error) there are only 2 ways the Credentials are set: Static and from the Environment.

I would need to use the AssumeRoleProvider in order to be able to switch to the role authorised to use the service

Add example on integrate pubsub to service

Currently, I am implementing kind of message bus for each service.
I would like to see some example on how we should integrate pubsub into Service such as JSONService
If anyone can provide some sort of README or example. I would very much appreciate it :D

Extract App Engine From server/kit

The App Engine Set Up (such as tracing, metrics, and logging) does not have to be locked with server/kit, this way you can use it with the SimpleServer

proposal: integrate Go CDK pubsub

The Go Cloud Development Kit, an open-source product of Google's Go team, is a set of high-level APIs that are designed to work across multiple cloud and on-prem providers. For example, our blob package lets the same code read and write data to Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Storage or a local filesystem.

We'd like to integrate our Go CDK pubsub API with Gizmo. We'd add a pubsub/gocdk directory with implementations of the four pubsub interfaces and config support. Gizmo would immediately gain two pubsub implementations—Azure and RabbitMQ—and would benefit from any future Go CDK integrations.

Allow AWS endpoint override for SQS

In #156 functionality was added to be able to override the AWS endpoint so that a mock AWS implementation could be used.

The SNS constructor was updated but it looks like the SQS constructor was not.

It looks like a pretty simple change so will open a PR with a proposed fix soon

Unable to build minimal example

I don't write a lot of go. I feel like there's something critical I'm missing in being unable to run this program, it doesn't even include a service. Any help would be appreciated.

I installed go from brew

❯ go version
go version go1.9.1 darwin/amd64

I'm attempting to use dep to install dependencies. So I ran dep init and dep ensure with the example below.

package main

import (

func main() {
	server.Init("test-server", nil)
	if err = server.Run(); err != nil {
		server.Log.Fatal("unable to run server: ", err)
❯ go build main.go
# test/vendor/
vendor/ cannot use h (type http.Handler) as type http.HandlerFunc in assignment: need type assertion

Is there anything I can do on my end to fix this or is this really an issue in gizmo?

Add README to examples/pubsub

We should have notes in the examples/pubsub README to detail how to:

  1. Creating an SNS, SQS, subscribing one to the other and enabling 'raw delivery'.
  2. Setting up a local Kafka instance.



I'm just wondering what your code of conduct is for this project?


Make server `Endpoints` methods return arrays instead of maps

Maps do not allow users to declare the order in which their endpoints are registered against our routers, which can force developers to compromise how their URIs are constructed or even force users to build custom router implementations.

By switching to an array, users will be allowed to declare the order in which routes will be registered. Long term goal here is to eventually open up a path for us to remove any custom routing options in the future and purely rely on gorilla/mux.

I haven't figured out exactly what this API will look like, but I hope the change to be simple enough that minimal refactoring is required for the upgrade.

Tag releases please

It would be nice if you can add tag releases. We are using dep but I don't want to vendor the master branch. Thanks.

Allow to specify the MessageAttributes when publishing an event

In order to be able to use the attribute based filtering, would be nice if the Publisher allowed to specify the MessageAttributes field in sns.PublishInput so basically have something like:

// PublishRaw will emit the byte array to the SNS topic.
// The key will be used as the SNS message subject.
func (p *publisher) PublishRaw(_ context.Context, key string, m []byte, messageAttributes map[string]*MessageAttributeValue) error {
	msg := &sns.PublishInput{
		TopicArn: &p.topic,
		Subject:  &key,
		Message:  aws.String(base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(m)),
		MessageAttributes: messageAttributes,

	_, err := p.sns.Publish(msg)
	return err


FastSimpleServer for using Julien Schmidt’s httprouter

I am developing an API with gizmo microservice toolkit. One of use cases is a sudden load spike for short period of time like 4 hours 2 days per week. For the use case, I am trying to optimize performance of the API in various parts as much as I can. A a part of the optimization, I would like to incorporate HttpRouter in gizmo Sever. Based on the benchmarks of various Go http routers (, HttpRouter shows very good performance with very low heap allocation rate. At this point, SimpleServer uses Gorilla mux as a http router. To use HttpRouter, it needs FastSimpleServer , which is planned this year per I am looking forward to adding FastSimpleServer with HttpRouter to gizmo for those who want HttpRouter as a http router.

GRPC server fails when Prometheus metrics are enabled

panic: descriptor Desc{fqName: "rpc.Data.DURATION", help: "rpc.Data.DURATION", constLabels: {}, variableLabels: []} is invalid: "rpc.Data.DURATION" is not a valid metric name

goroutine 1 [running]:*Registry).MustRegister(0xc420078980, 0xc4201e35a0, 0x1, 0x1)
	/Users/207269/go/src/ +0x92, 0x1, 0x1)
	/Users/207269/go/src/ +0x53, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc4201e6fc0, 0x11, 0xc4201e6fc0, 0x11, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
	/Users/207269/go/src/ +0xe8*prometheusProvider).NewHistogram(0xc4201e6580, 0xc4201e6fc0, 0x11, 0x32, 0x9, 0xc4201e6fc0)
	/Users/207269/go/src/ +0x107, 0x8, 0x17eb2c0, 0xc4201e6580)
	/Users/207269/go/src/ +0x102*RPCServer).Register(0xc42006e9b0, 0x17e7340, 0xc4201e3550, 0xc4201e3088, 0xc4201e3090)
	/Users/207269/go/src/ +0x123, 0xc4201e3550, 0xc420061380, 0xc420082098)
	/Users/207269/go/src/ +0x49

Needs similar fixing like we did here: #69

Drop support for Go <1.9

The next release should drop support for anything below 1.9 now that 1.12 is about to be released. This way we can clean up SimpleServer a little bit to get rid of the build tags.

Create new custom `HealthCheckHandler` implementation

To allow users to inject a custom health check handler, we should add a CustomHealthCheckHandler http.Handler attribute to config.Server.

If the config.Server.HealthCheckType is "custom", the NewHealthCheckHandler should look for the CustomHealthCheckHandler function and use it.

Connecting to subscriber results in 404

While trying to run the sqs-sub pubsub example, I keep encountering this error:

InvalidAddress: The address is not valid for this endpoint.
status code: 404, request id: 14c12121-5d1c-5583-a35d-73d68936cbf6dmcdonald@dmcdonald-mbp15:~/go/src/dmcdonald/pubsubspike/

This traces to the s.sqs.GetQueueUrl call. I tried calling this api method myself with the following code, and got success:

	cfg := aws.NewConfig().WithCredentials(
	sqsClient := sqs.New(session.New(cfg))
	if resp, err := sqsClient.GetQueueUrl(&sqs.GetQueueUrlInput{QueueName: &queueName}); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("failed to get queue url: \n%v\n", err)
	} else {

I'm using the same permissions, region and queuename with both the gizmo example and my own test code.

The error response indicates possibly a permissions issue, but I can't seem to reproduce it outside of the gizmo codebase. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this further?

Update tag

Would it be possible to up the tag of Gizmo to v0.0.2? Would love to “properly” update our dependencies to fix the panic on 404s. Thanks

PubSub GCP Attributes (keys)


One more thing i came across: the gcp.Publish and gcp.PublishRaw have a param key string.

However this is converted to Attributes: map[string]string{"key": key} here. Wouldn't it be better to allow a map in the params of those functions?

Would of course mean a breaking change, but the functionality is partially broken now anyways?

Allow a more global style of middleware


When trying to implement a CORS handler that catches all OPTIONS requests I noticed that the current Middleware wraps all requests that are defined in the Endpoints function. Would it be possible to allow wrapping of the mux.ServeHTTP func somehow?

When using httprouter instead of Gorilla at least the OPTIONS requests are handled by the router itself but there is no way of adding allowed origins to that response.

Prehaps a RouterMiddleware function that allows you to wrap the mux's ServeHTTP.

What are your thoughts on this?

Add Read Preference and Tags to Mongo config

Rather than rely on a MasterHost config value, which can change during elections, it would be more flexible to use Mongo's built in support for read preference and tags to constrain which nodes in the Hosts field can be used.

If these configurations are set, the MongoDB object can supply these to the mgo Session object before returning it to the client via: (Read Preference) (Tags)

Add an HTTP request tracing header

I'm not sure how many folks at the Times are using gizmo but if you think it would be useful maybe we could add a request id header (X-NYT-Request-Id) to gizmo? If that's too Times specific maybe we could use X-Request-ID like Heroku does ( This header would be parsed from requests coming into a service and passed by the service to other services in HTTP requests that it makes. It would also be logged with all log statements related to a particular web transaction.

Labels for metrics for service endpoints are wrong

As a result of #129 the Prometheus metrics for an endpoint are now recorded with the actual URL accessed, not the URL path that was registered.
This is a problem when the registered URL path contains regular expressions like id:[0-9]+ cause the label will contain the actual ID and the stats won't get collapsed into the same time series.

Actually, if I'm not mistaken then #129 broke all metric recording, not only Prometheus style metrics, because the fullPath is also used in the default section here:

Using 1.7 with Gorilla Mux causes memory leak

gorilla/mux has build tags that opt to use the new/native context package for 1.7.

Unfortunately, Gizmo's server.Router implementation uses gorilla/context under the hood to allow httprouter to pass parameters. This leads to a massive memory leak when running with 1.7 as the gorilla/context never gets cleared.

Error When i use MYSQL config out of appengine sdk

/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7/libexec/bin/go build -o "/private/var/folders/3x/ydvg5kjn6pvgwmp21lhytpcw0000gn/T/Build main.go and rungo" /Users/felipeweb/Code/go/src/
package main
    imports use of internal package not allowed

Logrus case-insensitive import collision


Since logrus changed it's case ( to using Gizmo can cause a case-insensitive import collision. This happens when both and are imported.

As stated on the logrus github page:

Seeing weird case-sensitive problems? Unfortunately, the author failed to realize the consequences of renaming to lower-case. Due to the Go package environment, this caused issues. Regretfully, there's no turning back now. Everything using logrus will need to use the lower-case: Any package that isn't, should be changed.

I'll submit a pull request with the simple fix of renaming Sirupsen to sirupsen.

update Google Cloud API client import paths and more

The Google Cloud API client libraries for Go are making some breaking changes:

  • The import paths are changing from to For example, if your code imports the BigQuery client
    it currently reads
    import ""
    It should be changed to
    import ""
  • Client options are also moving, from to Two have also been renamed:
    • WithBaseGRPC is now WithGRPCConn
    • WithBaseHTTP is now WithHTTPClient
  • The cloud.WithContext and cloud.NewContext methods are gone, as are the
    deprecated pubsub and container functions that required them. Use the Client
    methods of these packages instead.

You should make these changes before September 12, 2016, when the packages at will go away.

PubSub GCP MaxExtension not changeable


I'm trying to use the GCP Pubsub throught but my receiver is running an import with a long duration surpassing the defaultMaxExtension = 60 * time.Second as defined on gcp.go:51. Causing the message to be resend because the receiver failed to Ack() the message.

Maybe i'm missing something but i don't see a way to change the MaxExtension on the underlying subscription's ReceiveSettings

I guess this requires a change in the code to make customisable? I'm happy to send in a pull request but would like to hear if it's needed an how you would like to see it implemented?

Question: how can I organize folders for multiple services?


I have looked examples folder but all examples has single service. So how can I organize folder multiple services.

Can I define multiple services in main.go file? if I can, what about service's config.json file ?

Sorry my bad english.

go.sum mismatch at head

I cloned this repo and ran make build. It failed with

verifying[email protected]: checksum mismatch
        downloaded: h1:L2DsZmSjI2ySLb1AaYtUkBjMcgRZC1DsL9fcagszDv4=
        go.sum:     h1:ekuRYg65KyXed1eWHMYKBNfa8Zw57UbBef4RTKPxiLY=

RPC service does not expose HTTP endpoints

I just cloned the RPC example but the HTTP endpoints are not exposed.

I also had to modify the code because in newer versions of gRPC you have to add grpc.WithInsecure() when calling grpc.Dial(...)

Any clue why the http endpoints are not being exposed ?

server.Register should error if it is called more than once

#18 brought up the issue that there is nothing to prevent users from registering multiple services on a single Gizmo server, which I think is against the microservice philosophy.

To force users to only have 1 Service per Server, we should change the 'Register' methods to error if a service has already been registered.

Allow ServerOption(s) to be passed into grpc Server

grpc supports various configurable options when creating a new rpc server.

func NewServer(opt ...ServerOption) *Server

It would be nice if these options can be managed via a new Config type or some other solution.

I can work on this if it sounds reasonable.

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