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obsidian-sample-plugin's Introduction

Obsidian Sample Plugin

This is a sample plugin for Obsidian (

This project uses Typescript to provide type checking and documentation. The repo depends on the latest plugin API (obsidian.d.ts) in Typescript Definition format, which contains TSDoc comments describing what it does.

Note: The Obsidian API is still in early alpha and is subject to change at any time!

This sample plugin demonstrates some of the basic functionality the plugin API can do.

  • Adds a ribbon icon, which shows a Notice when clicked.
  • Adds a command "Open Sample Modal" which opens a Modal.
  • Adds a plugin setting tab to the settings page.
  • Registers a global click event and output 'click' to the console.
  • Registers a global interval which logs 'setInterval' to the console.

First time developing plugins?

Quick starting guide for new plugin devs:

  • Check if someone already developed a plugin for what you want! There might be an existing plugin similar enough that you can partner up with.
  • Make a copy of this repo as a template with the "Use this template" button (login to GitHub if you don't see it).
  • Clone your repo to a local development folder. For convenience, you can place this folder in your .obsidian/plugins/your-plugin-name folder.
  • Install NodeJS, then run npm i in the command line under your repo folder.
  • Run npm run dev to compile your plugin from main.ts to main.js.
  • Make changes to main.ts (or create new .ts files). Those changes should be automatically compiled into main.js.
  • Reload Obsidian to load the new version of your plugin.
  • Enable plugin in settings window.
  • For updates to the Obsidian API run npm update in the command line under your repo folder.

Releasing new releases

  • Update your manifest.json with your new version number, such as 1.0.1, and the minimum Obsidian version required for your latest release.
  • Update your versions.json file with "new-plugin-version": "minimum-obsidian-version" so older versions of Obsidian can download an older version of your plugin that's compatible.
  • Create new GitHub release using your new version number as the "Tag version". Use the exact version number, don't include a prefix v. See here for an example:
  • Upload the files manifest.json, main.js, styles.css as binary attachments. Note: The manifest.json file must be in two places, first the root path of your repository and also in the release.
  • Publish the release.

You can simplify the version bump process by running npm version patch, npm version minor or npm version major after updating minAppVersion manually in manifest.json. The command will bump version in manifest.json and package.json, and add the entry for the new version to versions.json

Adding your plugin to the community plugin list

How to use

  • Clone this repo.
  • Make sure your NodeJS is at least v16 (node --version).
  • npm i or yarn to install dependencies.
  • npm run dev to start compilation in watch mode.

Manually installing the plugin

  • Copy over main.js, styles.css, manifest.json to your vault VaultFolder/.obsidian/plugins/your-plugin-id/.

Improve code quality with eslint (optional)

  • ESLint is a tool that analyzes your code to quickly find problems. You can run ESLint against your plugin to find common bugs and ways to improve your code.
  • To use eslint with this project, make sure to install eslint from terminal:
    • npm install -g eslint
  • To use eslint to analyze this project use this command:
    • eslint main.ts
    • eslint will then create a report with suggestions for code improvement by file and line number.
  • If your source code is in a folder, such as src, you can use eslint with this command to analyze all files in that folder:
    • eslint .\src\

Funding URL

You can include funding URLs where people who use your plugin can financially support it.

The simple way is to set the fundingUrl field to your link in your manifest.json file:

    "fundingUrl": ""

If you have multiple URLs, you can also do:

    "fundingUrl": {
        "Buy Me a Coffee": "",
        "GitHub Sponsor": "",
        "Patreon": ""

API Documentation


obsidian-sample-plugin's People


aidenlx avatar aleksey-rowan avatar chrisgrieser avatar clemens-e avatar edo78 avatar ericaxu avatar fyears avatar gitmurf avatar henrebotha avatar inouetakuya avatar joethei avatar kostapc avatar lishid avatar phibr0 avatar pozdneev avatar reorx avatar taurelas avatar tfthacker avatar timrogers avatar tokuhirom avatar


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obsidian-sample-plugin's Issues

adding a toggle button

Thanks for putting this plugin together. It would be great to also have a "button" somewhere in the interface that would allow one do quickly toggle the vim mode on/off with a mouse (as opposed to just a keyboard shortcut).

Config Dir sync no longer working (Reported .DS_Store issue)

I've been syncing the config directory for a long time now, but have run into an issue today.
I get this message:

plugin:remotely-save:216 remotely-save-1701649036181: abort sync, triggerSource=manual, error while syncing
eval @ plugin:remotely-save:216

plugin:remotely-save:216 AggregateError: 
    Error: .obsidian/themes/.DS_Store: Response failed with a 409 code
        at eval (plugin:remotely-save:211:314339)
    Error: .obsidian/plugins/.DS_Store: Response failed with a 409 code
        at eval (plugin:remotely-save:211:314339)
    Error: .obsidian/.DS_Store: Response failed with a 409 code
        at eval (plugin:remotely-save:211:314339)
    Error: too many errors, stop the remaining tasks
        at eval (plugin:remotely-save:211:314443)
        at (<anonymous>)
        at a (plugin:remotely-save:177:280327)
    at eval (plugin:remotely-save:211:314499)
    at (<anonymous>)

My setup

MacOS Sonoma 14.1.1 (Macbook Pro M1)
Obsidian 1.4.16 (Installer 1.4.14)
Remotely Save 0.3.25
Syncing to dropbox

What I've done to try and fix

  • I've turned on hidden files and looked in .obsidian/ and .obsidian/themes and .obsidian/plugins. No .DS_Store files exist there.
  • I've checked dropbox and found that none of those files exist there either.
  • I did a bunch of tests were I delete files in remotely-save/vault-name on dropbox, uninstalled plugins, and resynced. Same issue.

Most revealing test

  1. I then created a completely new vault.
  2. I then installed Remotely Save through Obsidian.
  3. I was able to sync the empty vault successfully to dropbox multiple times.
  4. I then enabled Config Directory syncing.
  5. I was able to sync the vault successfully multiple times.
  6. I then added an empty folder inside the plugin directory to simulate another plugin existing.
  7. I then was not able to sync - experiencing the error shown above
    (Note that the .DS_Store files reported were still in the same location - ie. not listed as inside the folder I created)

[BUG] Failed to compile on Linux Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS

Expected behaviour

The code compiles and runs

What Actually happened

The code didn't run and I got this error

> [email protected] build
> tsc -noEmit -skipLibCheck && node esbuild.config.mjs production

const context = await esbuild.context({

SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
    at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:133:18)
    at async link (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:42:21)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Installed node, and npm from my package manager
  2. Clone the repository and run the commands in the obsidian docs -
  3. Build the plugin -
  4. It didn't work :(

Add `request` example to plugin

The request module isn't imported/used in the sample plugin and is referenced here.

An example request could look like:

import { request } from 'obsidian';
await request({
  url: '/some-endpoint',
  method: 'POST',
  contentType: 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
	  mySetting: this.settings.mySetting,

npm i -> `npm WARN tarball tarball data for obsidian seems to be corrupted`

Any idea what I can do to fix this? Mine is a clean clone from my repository - I have no package-lock.json in this directory.

My package.json

  "name": "extract-highlights-plugin",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "his is a shortcut-based plugin extracts all ==highlights== in a note into your clipboard",
  "main": "ExtractHighlightsPlugin.js",
  "type": "module",
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "rollup --config rollup.config.js -w",
    "build": "rollup --config rollup.config.js",
    "test": "cross-env TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS='{ \"module\": \"commonjs\" }' mocha -r ts-node/register -r ignore-styles -r jsdom-global/register test/**/*.ts",
    "test:watch": "cross-env TS_NODE_COMPILER_OPTIONS='{ \"module\": \"commonjs\" }' mocha -r ts-node/register -r ignore-styles -r jsdom-global/register --watch --watch-files src, test/**/*.ts"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "MIT",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^15.1.0",
    "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^9.0.0",
    "@rollup/plugin-typescript": "^6.0.0",
    "@types/chai": "^4.2.14",
    "@types/mocha": "^8.2.0",
    "@types/node": "^14.14.14",
    "chai": "^4.2.0",
    "cross-env": "^7.0.2",
    "ignore-styles": "^5.0.1",
    "jsdom": "^16.4.0",
    "jsdom-global": "^3.0.2",
    "mocha": "^8.2.1",
    "obsidian": "",
    "rollup": "^2.35.1",
    "ts-node": "^9.1.1",
    "tslib": "^1.14.1",
    "typescript": "^4.1.3"
  "dependencies": {
    "electron": "^10.2.0"

What I get when running npm install

 extract-highlights-plugin git:(master) npm install
npm WARN tarball tarball data for obsidian@ (sha512-AqIFKumTQk1zHCoBHVajfAIV0RYX/mw1I9KODkimBguCvPSmvYLsossh/WT7aOD0e0wqObkgZ7y1Yv3s3ZMNEw==) seems to be corrupted. Trying again.


this sample plugin doesn't have a license. When being strict, I'm not allowed to use this code in my plugin, as you have the copyright and don't allow me to use it.
Please add a license to this repository.

My mistake

Sorry, this issue was done by mistake. You can delete it

[feature request] multiple cursor positions (each linked to a different tab) for same file


OS: iPadOS 17.1.2
Obsidian version: 1.4.16 (114)

What happened

I'd previously opened the same file in 2 different tabs: after vault reload, 1 tab returned back to its cursor position, the other to the start

What I did

I checked the json file to see what info had been saved, this was it:
UW PICO 5.09 File: cursor-positions.json {"":{"scroll":4.435,"cursor":{"from":{"ch":17,"line":0},"to":{"ch":17,"line":0}}}}

Looks like it had only been saving the last tab I edited in's cursor position, not both of them


it would be awesome if multiple cursor positions could be attributed to each file: that way, when opening multiple tabs of the same file, the plugin could 'distribute' the different cursor positions to multiple tabs of same file as these are opened.


Don't know if this feature in particular works on other platforms, especially the desktop OSes, but just wanted to point out it certainly doesn't on iPadOS with my configuration (specified in 'Specs' heading).

npm install not working?

hi there, i tried a million ways but nodeJS does not seem to complete the installation for some reason. any idea what it could be?
i follow clearly your steps.
thanks sebastian

Cannot find package 'esbuild' imported from C:\pictoys\DATA\obsidian\testvault.obsidian\plugins\obsidian-sample-plugin\esbuild.config.mjs

obsidian fails to load sample plugin

quite honestly this issue might not be that justified since i have not tried everything at my disposal, but i have not encountered any similar issues with the sample pluging only with other third party plugins where fixes like version incompatibily didn't seem to help so i figured this is the quickes way to resolve this issue.

When i followed the tutorial, the sample plugin appearad, i tried to turn it on and i got a "failed to load plugin error" then when i tried to import the file manually i got the following error:


any and all advice is wellcome.
Thank you..

The keyword 'interface' is reserved (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)

Getting this error. It seems to crop up on some other repos, but I'm not sure what's causing it yet. Reporting and will investigate myself a little later today.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Fork repo using template
  2. Clone repo into .obsidian/plugins directory
  3. Run npm i
  4. Run npm run dev

5. It compiles into a dev environment

5. It errors (copied below)

Thanks for the amazing product, looking forward to developing some plugins for it!

rollup v2.51.1
bundles main.ts → ...
[!] Error: The keyword 'interface' is reserved (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)
\\jouly\home\Obsidian\home\.obsidian\plugins\node-red-obsidian\main.ts (3:0)
1: import { App, Modal, Notice, Plugin, PluginSettingTab, Setting } from 'obsidian';
3: interface NodeREDPluginSettings {
4:   nodeRedUrl: string;
5: }
Error: The keyword 'interface' is reserved (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)
    at error (U:\Obsidian\home\.obsidian\plugins\node-red-obsidian\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:7917:30)
    at Module.error (U:\Obsidian\home\.obsidian\plugins\node-red-obsidian\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:9859:16)
    at Module.tryParse (U:\Obsidian\home\.obsidian\plugins\node-red-obsidian\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:10258:25)
    at Module.setSource (U:\Obsidian\home\.obsidian\plugins\node-red-obsidian\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:10161:24)
    at ModuleLoader.addModuleSource (U:\Obsidian\home\.obsidian\plugins\node-red-obsidian\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:19466:20)
    at async ModuleLoader.fetchModule (U:\Obsidian\home\.obsidian\plugins\node-red-obsidian\node_modules\rollup\dist\shared\rollup.js:19522:9)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)

[2021-06-10 09:37:59] waiting for changes...

es2020 as target/libs in tsconfig.json?

Hi. I wanted to use Promise.allSettled in my plugin, but Typescript said:

Property 'allSettled' does not exist on type 'PromiseConstructor'. Do you need to change your target library? Try changing the 'lib' compiler option to 'es2020' or later.ts(2550)

Are there any obstacles preventing Obsidian plugins to switch to es2020 from es2015? I think Electron apps like Obsidian use modern Chromium under the hood which should support es2020. Simple test in Obsidian dev console shows me that Obsidian knows about this method:


Failed to run `npm run dev`

I'm using npm 8.5.1 and node 12.22.9, directly run the command will get following error:

$ npm run dev
> [email protected] dev
> node esbuild.config.mjs

        await context.rebuild();

SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
    at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:133:18)
    at async link (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:42:21)

This is my first time developing a plugin, I wonder if there is something wrong with my environment.

Rename default branch `master` to `main`

Since GitHub renamed its default branch name to main, the default branch of this repository could also be main, since all newly created projects have the default name main but any project created from this template is still master - which can be confusing for people new to this.

[BUG] TypeScript Compile fails in Sample Plugin with TypeScript `5.1.6`

Expected Behaviour:

npx tsc works without error when using Typescript 5.1.6

Actual Behaviour:

The command fails with the following message

node_modules/@types/codemirror/index.d.ts:651:39 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap'.

651         on<K extends DOMEvent & keyof DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap>(

node_modules/@types/codemirror/index.d.ts:653:59 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap'.

653             handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K]) => void,

node_modules/@types/codemirror/index.d.ts:655:40 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap'.

655         off<K extends DOMEvent & keyof DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap>(

node_modules/@types/codemirror/index.d.ts:657:59 - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap'.

657             handler: (instance: CodeMirror.Editor, event: DocumentAndElementEventHandlersEventMap[K]) => void,

Found 4 errors in the same file, starting at: node_modules/@types/codemirror/index.d.ts:651

The error seems to stem from Obsidian listing @types/codemirror 0.0.108 as a dependency, which is over two years old according to NPM.

Steps to reproduce:

  • clone the sample plugin
  • change the version of typescript in the package.json to ^5.0.0
  • run npm i
  • run npx tsc to invoke the TypeScript transpiler
  • the error occurs

Feature request - TSDoc integration

As someone who was the direct target audience for this plugin (i.e. some programming sans TypeScript/JavaScript experience and someone who just needed additional functionality not found in existing plugins) and who has had to look through the source code of other poorly (or un) documented plugins to figure out what I needed, I think it would be immensely helpful to encourage plugin developers to use TSDoc by implementing the boilerplate code right here in the official template plugin.

Configuration using `.obsidian` or JSON file

Hello team!

I am a huge nix user and manage my environments there. One thing that would be super neat is if this obsidian plugin could support reading the configuration details for the interpreter paths for languages from a json file. I dug around a little bit and haven't developed an extension for obsidian yet, but was wondering if this was something the maintainers would be open to discuss. More than happy to contribute this once I get a better understanding on extension development, but unsure if this is possible just yet :)

Fails on iPhone

When installing the sample plugin on iPhone I receive the error

"Plugin failure: obsidian-sample-plugin"
Object {2}
promiseReactionJob@[native code]

I receive a similar error for my plugin Obsidian Image Caption which is why I wanted to try with the basic sample plugin.

I'm running an iPhone 7 with software version 15.1, and Obsidian version 1.0.5.

Obsidian App doesn't seem to load custom plugin

When I follow the directions, Obsidian does not show the plugin as loaded. I have confirmed the repository is in the correct place, the packages are correctly installed, and npm run dev completes successfully.

I was reading the source code and noticed that one of the loading functions is sensitive to the "author" field in the manifest, so I went ahead and changed things around to match what I'm trying to do (support definition lists)

Here is my directory structure:

I am on a MacBook Pro:

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 11 02 23 AM

What I see:


I expected to see the plugin listed here, as per the directions in the README.

What I've tried:

  • Modifying the manifest
  • A separate vault
  • Moving main.js into the /plugins/ directory itself (didn't work, moved it back)
  • Wiping it out and starting over
  • With each attempt:
    • Reloading Obsidian through command
    • Fully closing Obsidian, making sure the process is halted, and re-starting.

Feature request — expanding the sample plugin with more examples/features

Speaking from personal experience, and a very skimpy coding background, getting started with Obsidian plugins is very hard.

There are very few guides and examples to find, and the documentation is sparse. Looking through the code of existing plugins on GitHub is a good option, but it's hard to know which have the functionality you're looking to replicate, and many are so expansive that isolating one feature can be daunting for a newcomer.

I would like to suggest expanding this sample plugin with more examples/features/functionality.

Some suggestions could be:

  • how to create a leaf for a plugin in the right sidebar
  • how to perform a search of a given word/words in a document
  • how to output HTML for leaf content layouts
  • some examples of how scoping works

I realise that my low skill level means that I need more help than most, but I'm sure that others would find it useful to have this plugin fleshed out a bit as well. Hopefully, someone with more skill than I will be able to look into some of these suggestions 😃

Thanks for an awesome piece of software!


Add additional Functionality to the Plugin

Hello, your plugin is amazing! I love it. I wanted to create a few features that will extend the functionality of it such as: being able to drag and drop, a "zoom in" feature if you have tasks schedule for a time, and a increasing the size of the default displayed timeline/events. I'm thinking the best way for me to do it is to pull your plugin and add to it. I just wanted to ask your permission to use heavily use your plugin. I'll be sure to give credit to you and your plugin in anything I end up publishing.

(I'm quite a way away from understanding enough to develop a plugin that's worth publishing though.)

Problems with basic process

Hello! I'm brand new and haven't typed a lick of NPM or TypeScript proper, when I followed these instructions, npm run dev didn't appear to have the intended effects -- it took me to some sort of watch-type screen that hung for a few minutes without doing anything on Windows with:

npm 6.9.0

On intuition I punched in npm run build and received the promised main.js which worked when loaded into Obsidian.

This process differs from the process listed in

Version number for tags and releases

Following the instructions in the README, if we run
yarn version [major | minor | patch

Yarn will do a number of things, including create a git tag with the next version, but that tag will be of the form V# (e.g., v1.0.0)

But README also states to not include prefix 'v' in the tag version.

Instead I propose that the commands instructions should be

# make sure to rebuild main.js
yarn build 
# make sure to update minAppVersion (min Obsidian version) in manifest.json to whatever is required
# bumps package.json, versions.json, manifest.json (note that yarn has an internal version scrip that runs before the version script in package.json)
yarn version --new-version [major | minor | patch] --no-git-tag-version
git tag <version_num, no V!>
git push origin <version_num>
# use gh cli, or go to github to create a release
gh release create <version_num> manifest.json main.js <any other files> --title "Version <version_num>" --notes "<Version Note>"

Seeking example: plugin that extends the markdown syntax

I'd like to extend the HyperMD / markdown parser, by matching patterns and adding css classnames if certain lines match a regex.

Is there an example that does this?

I can see how to style existing css classnames, but not how to add new classnames to the generated editor markup.


`version-bump.mjs` could use async file ops for speed up

version-bump.mjs could be faster if async file operations and Promise.all() are used.

Right now it waits for manifest.json to be written before reading and writing versions.js. But the latter only needs manifest.json to be read.

However, I worry that this might make it harder for less experienced developers to use this template.

Switch to esbuild 17

The provided file esbuild.config.mjs is compatible / works well with esbuild<=16.* but not with >=17.*.

Would it be possible to update it using the new API? Sorry I have been unable to fix the file and create a PR myself, for I'm a total noob!

Spaces, not tabs

Very questionable choice to default to tabs in .editorconfig. Take a look all over Github; you almost never see tabs (no arrows when looking at source code on

Now, lots of Obsidian plugins have tabs which just serves to annoy everyone who wants to contribute PRs.

Stuck build, many plugins affected. Any reason to gitignore package-lock.json?

The package-lock.json is not included to git repo by intention.
What is the reason? If you want stable build, you usually want to check in such lock-files to VCS.

Today I faced the problem with my Imgur plugin based on this template. My build has stuck. That's exactly because package-lock.json is not committed. The package.json is not enough, because it does not pin exact version of dependencies. With the ^-notation (example: "typescript": "^4.2.4") it allows actual minor and patch versions to be higher on npm install if newer version of the dependency is available on npm registry (see npm docs).

The build of this plugin's template is currently broken too. It will stuck forever in the very end after:

main.ts → ....
created . in 1.4s
# stuck here

Other plugins generated from this template and not having lock-file in git are affected too, i.e.:

I do not know the root cause of the problem. But from my experiments, the culprit of the stuck build with this Rollup setup is TypeScript 4.4.1+ which gets installed now on npm install without package-lock.json.

I think that the lock-file should not be ignored and must be committed to git.
Also another common mistake I see people make is: using npm install instead of npm ci on their automated builds. npm install leaves a possibility for lock-file to be updated on clean install if the situation on npm registry has changed. I think the right choice for CI should be the npm ci command with lock-file tracked by vcs to get stable reproducible builds.

can't use `child_process` or `fs` module?

I'm building a new plugin that needs to access the filesystem and spawn child processes. But npm run dev throws an error when I import and use either of these modules.

How to replicate:

  1. clone this repo
  2. add import { spawn } from 'child_process'; to main.ts (note, that this alone does not cause the issue)
  3. add spawn("something") to onload()
  4. npm run dev

The error I get is main.ts:2:29: error: Could not resolve "child_process" (use "platform: 'node'" when building for node)

Is this related to #11 and the switch to ESBuild instead of Rollup? <-- I don't understand any of this, but I do notice that all the other plugins that use child_process and fs refer to rollup in package.json instead of esbuild.

Enhance sample plugin with Jest Unit Test

In order to be able to guard custom obsidian plugins with unit tests, it'd be great if the sample plugin would already contain an initial Jest Unit Test and the package.json configured to execute it.

Can't build plugin with npm run dev

hi, i clone the repo and install all dependencies
and give me this error when i run npm run dev:

> [email protected] dev
> node esbuild.config.mjs

const context = await esbuild.context({

SyntaxError: Unexpected reserved word
    at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:133:18)
    at async link (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:42:21)

I don't understand, it seems like an error in the esbuild library, although I really have no idea, I'm quite an amateur

ENOSPC: no space left on device, write

我使用了cmEditor: CodeMirror.Editor;来进行文件的修改。当文件更改时, 我会更新文件中的一个字段,突然它就出现了这个情况。当前编辑的文档内容都没有了

remove default CSS rule in boilerplate?

hi there,

Would you accept a PR that eliminates the body rule in styles.css? I wasn't aware it was in there, and I hosed a lot of people's themes when they installed my plugin :-)

Let me know and I'd be happy to PR it.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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