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obsidian-home-tab's Issues

Does not show full folder path

Hi there,

I have the option to "show the folder path" enabled. But when you have nested folders, it only shows the directory the file is in vs the full path. IE - shows only kvm in the path of /HowTo/Linux/kvm in the search result.

I wanted to see the full path because when I create a new doc from your tab, I want to specify the path name to create the new file in a certain folder. Which I can do, but if I forget how my hierarchy is structured exactly - it ends up an the wrong spot.

Alternatively, if easier, it could be useful to have the option to open folders in the result (via say ctrl-shift-enter), then just enter the file name for creation.

Thank you.

Embed search in current folder only

Hello, I have a folder with a large number of files

I use Dataview to show what's inside

I use the Folder Notes plugin to open the folder

It would be oh so cool if the home tab would give me a search bar inside the current folder

only folder "Projects/chansons"
only search bar
show recent files
show starred fiels

2024-01-09 chansons - Juanchopedia - Obsidian v1 5 3

[FR] Icons for files on the homepage

Hi there!
Great plugin, I see it becoming really popular.
From top of mind, a few improvements come to mind.

The first is ability to set icons for starred files showed on the homepage (similar to Icon Folder plugin - perhaps, an integration?).
Would increase visual appeal of homepage by a lot, at least for some people.


[Feature Request]

Hey, there thanks for the cool plug in.

The browser-like interaction is a really cool way to interact and be surprised by your vault :)

One thing I really appreciate about Another Quick Switcher is the ability to set the search delay, since otherwise you get very quick updating of the files. Could this also be added to this plug in?

[Feature Request] Set as Homepage

I would love it to open by default whenever Obsidian starts, disregarding the tabs opened on closing.
Thank so you so much for this brilliant plugin, olrenso.

Allow creation of new file with Omnisearch

Thanks for developing this plugin!

Omnisearch allows you to create a new now by pressing Shift + Enter. This doesn't work when using Omnisearch in this plugin. Would it be possible to allow new note creation also when using Omnisearch?

Filter search by file type or extension does not work (at least for me)

Hi, thank you for your great plugin.

I tried this:

  1. Enter pdf,
  2. followed by tab.



What can I do, to set pdf as a filter?

I use windows 10, Minimal Theme and some other plugins.

Obsidian version: v1.1.16
Installer version: v1.1.16
Operating system: Windows 10 Home 10.0.19045
Login status: not logged in
Insider build toggle: off
Live preview: off
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: Minimal v6.3.2
Snippets enabled: 20
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 73
Plugins enabled: 43
1: Buttons v0.4.19
2: Commander v0.5.0
3: Completr v3.1.3
4: Contextual Typography v2.2.4
5: Copy document as HTML v0.4.3
6: Dataview v0.5.55
7: Dictionary v2.22.0
8: Editor Syntax Highlight v0.1.3
9: Execute Code v1.8.1
10: Excel to Markdown Table v0.4.0
11: GPT-3 Notes v0.2.7
12: Janitor v1.0.7
13: Linter v1.12.0
14: Number Headings v1.13.0
15: Paste image rename v1.6.1
16: Style Settings v1.0.3
17: Symbols Prettifier v1.1.1
18: Templater v1.16.0
19: Vault Statistics v0.1.3
20: Minimal Theme Settings v6.3.1
21: Pandoc Plugin v0.4.1
22: Icon Folder v1.7.0
23: Hover Editor v0.11.9
24: Media Extended v2.11.1
25: Editing Toolbar v2.3.1
26: Omnisearch v1.13.0
27: Recent Files v1.3.5
28: Remember cursor position v1.0.7
29: Chronology v1.1.4
30: Text Extractor v0.4.3
31: Supercharged Links v0.9.6
32: Obsidian Enhancing Export v1.2.1
33: Bulk Rename v0.5.2
34: Obsidian Camera v1.5.0
35: Auto Glossary v0.9.0
36: ChatGPT MD v1.5.0
37: Show Current File Path v0.5.2
38: Tasks v3.2.0
39: Advanced URI v1.35.0
40: Homepage v3.0.2
41: Creases v0.6.6
42: Export Image plugin v1.0.3
43: Home tab v1.1.2

OmniSearch Integration lags

OmniSearch takes a while to actually load in the Home Tab. But if I call up the OmniSearch directly there's no lag. Weird!


Is there any function to show bookmarks files??

[Feature request] Exclude folders from the search

thanks to the developer.

I miss one function :-)

it would be great if you could exclude folders from the search.

maybe it would be interesting for the developer to add this?

best regards

Thomas G.

[Feature Request] Support for Keyboard Navigation

Hello @olrenso !!!!

My FR is simple to explain: would be amazing we could have support for us to use the home tab 100% with the keyboard.

My idea is to be able to navigate to Recente Files and Starred Files using only the keyboard

TAB to switch between Search Bar and Notes Containers;
ENTER to open the Note;
Mod+ENTER to open the Note in a New Tab;
Alt/Option+ENTER to open Context Menu;
← → to cycle between notes;

Thanks for reading this !

Have a great day ☀️

[Feature Request] Support for Obsidian Mobile

Hello @olrenso !!!!!

First of all, fantastic idea !!!!!! This is exactly what we need when opening a new tab. The amount of possibilites for this plugin is endless

My first FR is easy to explain: would you mind adding support for Obsidian Mobile ?

→ I use Obsidian Mobile on iPad with a mouse and keyboard and I would like to have the same workflow on mobile that I have on Desktop 🙏

🆘 I tried to enable the plugin on Mobile and checking the Console I found this error:

[error] Plugin failure: home-tab SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: invalid group specifier name 

I was able to find the error using the plugin Mobile Logging

Thanks for reading this!

Have a great day!!!

Home Tab interferes with Surfing plugin

Thank you for the amazing plugin. I just have one issue – which might be a deal breaker. 😬 Home Tab interferes with the Surfing plugin. I love to quickly open a website within Obsidian for referencing something without leaving Obsidian. Yet, Home Tab makes this workflow impossible. I'd love to see an option or a mode added to let both plugins coexist.

[feature request] Tablet-friendly start page

I use Obsidian on my tablet most of the time as I'm mostly on the go.
For use on tablet (mode) without keyboard'
World be great to have, say a separate alternatives (buttons?)
below the search field to execute the

SHIFT+ENTER (create new)
CTRL+ENTER (open in new tab)

As it is, I can't use these commands w/o external keyboard or special keyboard app.

Perhaps even include enable/ disable these buttons in the settings of people mind the extra clutter?

Tank you in advance!

Please see case in point:
I can't create new file called "Ze".
I can only open the files matching the search criteria:
New home tab

Incorrect icons?

My starred and recent files, all markdown, display with a PDF icon. Is there a configuration option for this perhaps that I missed?

[Feature Request] Add commands / buttons to Hometab

It would be awesome to have the ability to add buttons to invoke commands c to the Home Tab! Would be super useful for people who have commands like 'summon QuickAdd modal for quick adding to inbox note', etc.

It could work like (or integrate with?..though I suppose latter is much more troublesome to implement) plugin.

UI-wise these buttons can look just like starred notes buttons. They could have their own section, too.

FR: Add custom content below search

It would be amazing is there was a way to add some custom content below the search bar.

In my use case, I use two plugins that give me access to my task list and calendar. I would love to use those plugin features to show the e current dates to-do list and calendar events. So essentially adding a code block for each plugin embed.

In the short term, I created a "today" file and starred that. But I would love to "see" the content by default.

[Feature request] Option to execute commands

It would be great to have option in the home tab that executes commands like the command to open the daily note or other it would also be great if you could change the icons and names of the commands.

Feature Request

I often find myself opening a new tab and instead of launching an existing file from the home tab screen, wanting to create a new file. It would be great to have a button to create a new file next to the recent files list.

Thank you for this great plugin.

[Feature request] Replace home-tab when Opening Files

Hi, thanks for the cool plugin and I really like the browser-style interaction. But currently when I open a new file from the home-tab, it will open the file in a new tab rather than replacing the home-tab.

I think the later is more like what you would do in Chrome, you open a new tab, type something in the search bar, click Enter and you will go to the page within the same tab.

I would really appreciate it if we could customize how the file is opened.

[FR] Embbed Overwiew Files

I have an overview file that shows me the state of my vault. Maybe it would be cool if below the search bar I could embbed it
Great Plug in

[Feature Request] Searching for tags

Hi olrenso,

Hope you are well!

Love the plugin and wanted to put this forward as a possibility for a potential future release.

It would be amazing to be able to type in tag(s) into the search bar and have the results filter based on that, essentially integrating the tag search function from the Obsidian native search or something similar to

Regardless, the plugin greatly enhances the experience for me so thank you for your efforts!

List / columns view for Recent Files

At the moment recent files get displayed as large icons (pretty useless) and names underneath, and it can be hard to locate a proper note.
Some names take two and more lines to de displayed and this makes the alignment even less comfortable to read.
There is no way to display these the same way the tree does it, in a list view, in columns, if needed.
Please make it possible to use a list view also.

Feature Request - disable making new note

I would love the ability to toggle a switch in the settings that allows you to not accidentally start creating new notes when searching a page that does not exist

greatly appreciated!

Dashboard-like functionality

Hi there,

Thank you. I can see myself using this a LOT.

What would be great: if you could add a Dashboard++ like functionality or even integrate this
In cas you don't know the hack, you can find it here:

If this is not possible: it would be great to have a chance to pin items to the page, maybe to a separate section on the side or bottom

THANK YOU for this GREAT addition!

Aliases support

Hello, I first wanted to tell you that your plugin is amazing and greatly improved the UX on my obsidian vault. I wanted to make a suggestion: as a person who uses many aliases on my obsidian notes, it would be great if the file search supported aliases. Thanks!

Ability to open multiple files in one search

Hi your plugin is great but there is a small problem. Whenever I search something then suppose I middle mouse click or control click on any search result to open that result in a new tab but when i go back to the previous tab in which the searching tab is open all the search list disappeared and i have to search things again. Is it possible to click on multiple results to open those notes in the same queried session? (I mean this is what we can do in obsidian's core search)

Pinned tabs are gone on restart

If turn on an option to close prvious sessions on start, it is removing pinned tabs as well. Coluld you please don't close pinned tabs there or add additional option for this?

Canvas support

Currently, the plugin doesn't seem to work inside a card in a canvas file.
My use case is to have this search bar display in my homepage, which is itself a canvas file.

Is it possible to have support for this?

Better layout for the display of bookmarks

The bookmarks in the Home tab look very unsorted and really unattractive. On the one hand, the icons are far too big, and somehow there doesn't seem to be a grid, they all have different spacing. Since Obsidian and the themes are designed for effectiveness and little distraction, it would be great if the bookmarks were a simple list in the Home tab. Small mini icons with the classic bookmark icon in front of them. Perhaps with a line break after XY entries so that a second column is opened next to the first.
Alternative based on the current design: Smaller icons (bookmark icons please!) and a grid for even distribution.

Thank you!

Recent items list

I would definitely prefer a list style for these items, possibly with a set of added information to be displayed (last modified, created, size).
Perfect would be if this could also incorporate info from "novel word count" plugin: things like pages, characters, words, etc.

In any case: FANTASTIC WORK...

Omnisearch effects recent files container

Short Description

Enabling the Omnisearch feature, a toggleable setting designed to replace the conventional search, leads to an unintended interaction with the recent searches container in Obsidian.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install Obsidian 'Home Tab' and Obsidian Omnisearch from the Obsidian community plugins library.
  2. Toggle "Use omnisearch" in the Search settings of the Obsidian 'Home Tab' plugin.
  3. Additionally, toggle "Show shortcuts".
  4. Set 'Search results' to 5 to show 5 results to display.
  5. Open a new tab, which should display the "Home Tab" plugin page. If not, restart Obsidian.
  6. Populate the recent searches container by accessing any note within your vault.
  7. Perform a search for a file within your vault.

Expected Result:

Expect to see 5 search results displayed, with the recent search results hidden beneath the search container.

Current Result:

The Omnisearch bar experiences erratic changes in width, and the recent search container remains locked beneath the search result bar, resulting in it appearing of the page.

Images of the Bug:


ps. yes this was re written by chatGPT :3 - the bug still exists though

Font suggester does not work on MacOS

It'd seem related to this issue of electron with node-font-list.

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Invalid package /Applications/
    at createError (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:5:1551)
    at t.<computed> (node:electron/js2c/asar_bundle:5:2385)
    at eval (plugin:home-tab:47:7)
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at module2.exports (plugin:home-tab:46:29)
    at exports.getFonts (plugin:home-tab:217:25)
    at fontSuggester.getInstalledFonts (plugin:home-tab:8694:59)
    at new fontSuggester (plugin:home-tab:8690:10)
    at eval (plugin:home-tab:8940:47)
    at e.addSearch (app.js:1:1155308)```

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