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feinstaub-map's Issues

browser testing needed

please test all browsers:

Chrome will work
Firefox will work
Safari - you can see no sensors, map will be seen
Windows Internet Explorer - not tested

Add IE11 Support

Hi All

Could IE11 Support be added?

Lodash, Leaflet, D3, Vue and whatwg-fetch supports IE11 but a Promise Polyfill is missing:

SCRIPT5009: "Promise" ist undefiniert
Datei: vendor.f97452c07040b3f93115.js, Zeile: 14, Spalte: 24183

IE11 is still a common browser and is used by a lot of governments/administration officies

city selection

Hi rashfael,
I've written a small "extension" to select a city as start focus. Code:
function(t,e){"use strict";t.exports={center:[48.7791878,9.107176]}}


        "use strict";
        var locationstring = String(window.location);
        if (locationstring.indexOf("?") > 0) {
                var town = decodeURIComponent(locationstring.substring(locationstring.indexOf("?")+1));
        var towns = new Array();
        towns["Stuttgart"] = [48.7791878,9.107176];
        towns["Augsburg"] = [48.3585423,10.8943915];
        towns["Berlin"] = [52.5093007,13.4398506];
        towns["Hamburg"] = [53.5464148,9.984099];
        towns["Konstanz"] = [47.7068168,9.1338518];
        towns["München"] = [48.1541385,11.5411414];
        towns["Münster"] = [51.9502139,7.591131];
        towns["Ulm"] = [48.3843119,9.949304];

        if (typeof town !== 'undefined') {
                if (Array.isArray(towns[town])) {
                } else {
        } else {

Example: Hamburg

Disable Vue development Mode

Vue is running in development mode on the web site:

You are running Vue in development mode.
Make sure to turn on production mode when deploying for production.
See more tips at

2 Grafiken does not work

I can see the map, but when I click on the (+) the graphic does not load.
It doese not work on Opera and Firefox.

Aktuelle Erkenntnisse/Studien SDS011

Aufgrund der mir bisher bekannten Informationen war ich der Annahme, dass der SDS011 für PM2.5 recht zuverlässige Werte im Vergleich zu Profigeräten liefert.

Bei der aktuellen Wetterlage in Nordwestdeutschland (Regen, hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit) sieht es allerdings so aus, als ob auch die Werte für PM2.5 zu hoch sind.

Hier ein Screenshot von heute, 19. September, ca. 09:10 Uhr:
bildschirmfoto von 2017-09-19 09-10-41

In den Kommentaren zu gibt es einige Links auf weitere Studien.

Ich versuche einen Überblick zu bekommen, welche der erhobenen Daten für eine Interpretation/Auswertung geeignet sind.

Hierzu wäre es hilfreich, irgendwo einen Bereich zu haben, in dem alle Erkenntnisse und Studien zur Genauigkeit/Verlässlichkeit der Sensordaten verfügbar sind.

WiFi configuration password input length limits

Unfortunately it is not possible to enter WiFi passwords with more than 32 characters in the config form provided with the latest firmware binary:

maxlength= "32"

<input name="wlanpwd" id="wlanpwd" placeholder="Passwort" value="IWouldLikeToEnterALongPasswordHe" maxlength="32" type="password">

Different visualization of aggregated and single sensor values

Hi there,

since the aggregated hexagons with mean and the hexagons for a single sensor look alike, some users seem to make wrong assumption about the values in a certrain area. IMO a different kind of visualization for these two types would increase usability a lot. Yet I don't know how to solve this, but I wanted to leave this here for discussion.

Edit: This especially applies to mobile users, because they do not see the sidebar panel immediately.


Wunderground and others


i wonder, if someone could get in contact with other map providers, for example, start with, to include thos datasources in their map. This whould not only bring forward the use of public bigdata it whould also bring a bigger impact on the world.

Another interesting idea, maybe we can see a correlation betwen weather changes and the feinstaub measurements.

Sensor Map: Charts: one extreme value

Example: Sensor 3149, today, 16.6.2017.
second chart, "Last 24 hours"

The last values where between 0 and 15 µg.
But one PM10 value was more than 2k. Doesn't matter, messure was wrong.
BUT: The Chart "last 24 hours" uses this wrong 2k value for max. So the normal values between 0 and 15
Aren't displayed well because of one wrong value.

The goal should be to determine such wrong values and perhaps cut them to display the correct
values correctly.


Unset accept headers result in unspecified browser behaviour

We currently do not set any headers when requesting from the api.
This seems to result in differing behaviour in different browsers.
Chrome sends accept header "/", Firefox sends "text/html..."

Fix: Explicitly set accept headers to application/json

Installation on Windows 10

I have problems to install the map on windows 10.
After npm install I get the error message:
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of webpack@^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of webpack@^2.0.0 || ^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.
npm WARN [email protected] requires a peer of webpack@^3.0.0 || ^4.0.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself.

This is what I tried to install:
instaledl Git
installed Phyton v 3.6
istalled Django frameset
installed node.js v 8
start Powerschell as administrator and execute:
npm install -g --production windows-build-tools

start normal shell and execute
npm install
npm audit fix --force
npm install
copy config.js.dist config.js
npm start
start browser with http://localhost:8880/

map is not loading js error in d3

With Open Suse linux i have done without problems:
installed npm v8
installed gcc-c++
execute from shell:
npm install
npm start
start browser with http://localhost:8880/

map is loading

Have anybody installed the map with windows 10? Did I forget something?

sensors with new firmware are not shown

please change file src/feinstaub-api.js:
line 19: - sensor.sensordatavalues.length == 6
line 19: + (sensor.sensordatavalues.length == 6 || sensor.sensordatavalues.length == 9)

thx, Rajko

Sensor Map: Call by City-Url leads to zoom #2

Call of sensor-Map via specific city url leads gets corrects location from places.js
but uses zoomlevel #2.

leads to
showing whole earth.

Stuttgart: leads to:

Deutschland works: leads to:

Baden-Württemberg works also. leads to

seems, only citys are affected.
Checked with Chrome 58 and Firefox 54 on Windows 10

put current location in URL

Right now, it is afaik impossible to link to a specific location on the map and/or a specific tile.

would also contribute the change if you prefer.

data in DB statt in Dateien schreiben

Es scheint, das Schreiben als CSV-Dateien in eine Datei scheint derzeit mit der gestiegenen Anzahl von Sensoren und daraus resultierenden Datenmengen auf dem Server an die Grenze zu kommen.
Wäre es nicht sinnvoller, die Datenmengen in eine Datenbank zu schreiben und auf die dort vorhanden Sicherheits- und Backup-Mechanismen zu nutzen?
Auf Anforderung könnte auch die Ausgabe spezifischer Sensordaten als CSV-Datei immer noch erfolgen.
Man könnte mit einer entsprechenden API auch schneller/einfacher regionale Zusammenfassungen und Analysen machen. (Select * from Data where sensor in "sensor1, sensor4, sensor 16" )
Die querys wären aufgrund der Datenstruktur wohl recht einfach.
Inserts und Selects. Wohl keine Updates und keine joins. Da ist nix komplexes dabei.
Die Anzahl der Einträge ist zwar schnell ansteigend, aber konstant und ließe sich wohl gut voraussagen.
Abfragen könnte auf eine gespiegelte DB laufen zur Lastverteilung.

Add support for UV and light sensor.

Hi, accepts light sensors like the TSL45315 and UV sensors like the VEML6070.
Both connect via i2c.
I would like to submit theese data as well.
Would it be possible to add the function in the firmware?
I've ordered a bmp180 already to submit the barometric pressure to Opensensemap as well.

mapserver usage

matthias said we shouldn't use the openstreetmap tile servers directly. I've set up a caching proxy for this. By now you can reach those proxy with (https://){a,b,c} Tis will change later to {a,b,c}
Could you test those proxy and change the the map to this, if everything is okay?

Get Sensor id of map?

Hy, i have a sensor that is not on the map. I'd like to compare the madavi graphs woth sensors on the map. Is there a way to obtain their id off the map?

Influxx DB issue.

Seit vorhin.
Heut Mittag gings noch
Android 7, chrome, via Unitymedia.


Grid lines for each day

In the current graph plots


it's next to impossible to distinguish between the individual days. It'd be great to have grid lines at 12am every day. This makes it easier to tell if the daily average is smaller or larger than the legal limit of 50 µg/m^3.

Mobile Usability

Touch devices can't see the individual values of a cell, enable touch events.
Render the value panel responsive (full screen with X perhaps).

Link to individual sensor

Links to the map are generally given in terms of geo-coordinates. I would like to get a link to the individual sensor installed at my house, ideally with popped up graphs. This would make it easier to share the info with the other tenants.

Why has my sensor not yet appeared on the map?

Hi guys,
As I wrote in the title, I was wondering why, after about a month, I still do not find my sensor on the luftdaten map. I also sent some emails, but I have not received an answer. I care because I would like to share with my fellow citizens what was detected by the control unit in a very difficult area.
Thank you

Set realistic value range for color gradient

Currently the color range spans dynamically from 0(green) to the highest value(red).
This leads to most of the cells showing green, even if they are over the threshold, when some sensor reports weird, high values.

How to fix it:

  • Define a hard color range with proper thresholds.
  • Don't use the data from the PPD42NS sensors for the color range, because they are not reliable.

I'd be happy to implement this, somebody just needs to tell me some thresholds (Grenzwerte) for the data from SDS011. I can then also add a useful legend.

Detection for unfeasible values / BUG detection

My fine dust sensor did pick up almost no particles during the last days see.
Today I got suspicious. I opened the case and checked. All o.k.
I re cabled. No change - Values around 0 µg/m³.

Only when I removed the tube the values got to 10 µg/m³.
Inspecting the tube I found this BUG ;)

Even after rinsing the BUG out almost no water passed though the tube. I had to physically remove the web created by the BUG. It seems to me the web was filtering out almost all fine dust particles.

Now the serious part. Is there any way you can alert the owner of a sensor producing unfeasible values. Maybe you could display a warning sign and disregard the reading.

... needless to say this bug has no high priority anymore

How to get started?

What is needed to get this started?

I tried a fresh debian/jessie and node.js but got awful lot of dependecies... Gave up tonight after hours.

We'd like to host our own map centered on Bielefeld using your data.



Time Series Graph

Add a graph visualizing pollution over time, both for all sensors and, if a cell is selected, for a single cell.
Allow selection of the time slice for the map via this graph.
Offer an autoplay function to animate the changes over time in a loop.

Possible Visualizations: Line, Bar, Calendar Heatmaps.

Bonus Feature for later: Live-Update.

Open Questions:

  • What's the data source for historical data?
  • How many points in time do we want to display / what resolution?
  • How far back do we want to go?

Sensor Nummer

kann man es einrichten, dass ich auf die Sensor Nummer klicke und dann die Daten entweder als CSV Datei oder die Grafiken bekomme?
Vielleicht auch noch die Einträge zur Umgebebung?
Das wäre sehr hilfreich

Display of sensor values sometimes frozen or not updated

when I go over the map with the mouse and want to see values of different sensors, sometimes the column on the right is not being updated (e.g. the PM-alues shown do not match with the color on the map).

Thx for advising

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