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OpenNI (Version - May 7th 2012)


Binaries are available at:
(The "OpenNI Binaries" section)

Sources are available at:
for unstable branch

Release Notes:
* At the moment, the default is to compile the code with SSE3 support (this is also true for the supplied binaries). 
  If you have a CPU without such support, please remove the sse compiler flags from the make files.
  (A good hint for this error is that you encounter an "illegal instructions" messages)
* MacOSX: Only OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and above with an Intel based CPU is currently supported.
* MacOSX: Drawing the depth/image maps via the mono .NET wrapper can be slow and will cause the FPS to drop.
Build Notes:
		1) Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
		2) Python 2.6+/3.x
		3) PyWin32
		   Please make sure you download the version that matches your exact python version.
		4) WIX 3.5
		5) JDK 6.0
		   You must also define an environment variable called "JAVA_HOME" that points to the JDK installation directory.
		   For example: set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_32

	Optional requirements (To build the USB device driver):
		1) Microsoft WDK
		The package already includes a precompiled and digitally signed 32/64 bit driver.
	Optional Requirements (To build the documentation):
		1) Doxygen
		2) GraphViz
	Building OpenNI:
	    1) Uninstall the previous version.
		2) Go to the directory: "Platform\Win32\CreateRedist".
		   x86 32-bit - Run the script: "RedistMaker.bat y 32 y".
		   x64 64-bit - Run the script: "RedistMaker.bat y 64 y".
		   This will compile and prepare the redist exe files that includes everything.
		3) Install the exe you've just made which is located in Platform\Win32\CreateRedist\FinalXX\OPENNI-WinXX-1.X.X.X.exe 
		   (XX being the number of bits: 32 or 64)
		   The installer will also create the necessary environment variables (OPEN_NI_xxx), add the DLLs to the system path and register the internal modules with NiReg.
		The visual studio solution is located in: Platform\Win32\Build\OpenNI.sln.
		When doing development it is recommended that you change the environment variables to point to your development directory instead of the default C:\Program Files\OpenNI.
		(This can save you lots back and forth file copying...)

		Important: Please note that even though the directory is called Win32, you can also use it to compile it for 64-bit targets (Win64/AMD64/x64).
	Building the USB driver (Optional):
		Simply go into the directory "OpenNI\Platform\Win32\Driver\Build" and run the "BuildAll.bat" script.
		For your development convenience, you can also use the solution: "Platform\Win32\Driver\Build\psdrv3.sln" but official driver builds should only be made with the batch file above, that uses the proper DDK environment.
		Note: The driver build tool requires a system environment variable called "DDKPATH" that points to the WDK installation dir (for example: "c:\WinDDK\7100.0.0"). To add an environment variable please follow these steps: Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> New (at the "System Variables" tab).	
		1) GCC 4.x
		   Or via apt:
		   sudo apt-get install g++
		2) Python 2.6+/3.x
		   Or via apt:
		   sudo apt-get install python
		3) LibUSB 1.0.x
		   Or via apt:
		   sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
		4) FreeGLUT3
		   Or via apt:
		   sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
		5) JDK 6.0
		   Or via apt:
		     Ubuntu 10.x:				
		       sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
		       sudo apt-get update
		       sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
		     Ubuntu 12.x:				
		       sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk

	Optional Requirements (To build the documentation):
		1) Doxygen
		   Or via apt:
		   sudo apt-get install doxygen
		2) GraphViz
		   Or via apt:
		   sudo apt-get install graphviz

	Optional Requirements (To build the Mono wrapper):
		1) Mono
		   Or via apt:
		   sudo apt-get install mono-complete
	Building OpenNI:
		1) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux/CreateRedist".
		   Run the script: "./RedistMaker".
		   This will compile everything and create a redist package in the "Platform/Linux/Redist" directory.
		   It will also create a distribution in the "Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/Final" directory.
		2) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux/Redist".
		   Run the script: "sudo ./" (needs to run as root)

  		   The install script copies key files to the following location:
		       Libs into: /usr/lib
		       Bins into: /usr/bin
		       Includes into: /usr/include/ni
		       Config files into: /var/lib/ni
		To build the package manually, you can run "make" in the "Platform\Linux\Build" directory.
		If you wish to build the Mono wrappers, also run "make mono_wrapper" and "make mono_samples".
	Building OpenNI using a cross-compiler:
		1) Make sure to define two environment variables:
		   - <platform>_CXX - the name of the cross g++ for platform <platform>
		   - <platform>_STAGING - a path to the staging dir (a directory which simulates the target root filesystem).
		   Note that <platform> should be upper cased.
		   For example, if wanting to compile for ARM from a x86 machine, ARM_CXX and ARM_STAGING should be defined.
		2) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux/CreateRedist".
		   Run: "./RedistMaker <platform>" (for example: "./RedistMake Arm").
		   This will compile everything and create a redist package in the "Platform/Linux/Redist" directory.
		   It will also create a distribution in the "Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/Final" directory.
		3) To install OpenNI files on the target file system:
		   Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux/Redist".
		   Run the script: "./ -c $<platform>_STAGING" (for example: "./ -c $ARM_STAGING").

  		   The install script copies key files to the following location:
		       Libs into: STAGING/usr/lib
		       Bins into: STAGING/usr/bin
		       Includes into: STAGING/usr/include/ni
		       Config files into: STAGING/var/lib/ni
		To build the package manually, you can run "make PLATFORM=<platform>" in the "Platform\Linux\Build" directory.
		If you wish to build the Mono wrappers, also run "make PLATFORM=<platform> mono_wrapper" and "make PLATFORM=<platform> mono_samples".
		1) For Mac OSX 10.7, Xcode 4.3.2
		      You will also need to download and install the "Commandline Tools for XCode - Late March 2012" package:
		      Note: Since Xcode is now a normal application, it no longer automatically install itself. You have to copy&paste Xcode yourself into your Applications folder. 
			        (or run the application "Install Xcode" from your Applications folder / LaunchPad). 		   
			        It's also recommended to run the following command after you do the above:
				      sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/
		   For Mac OSX 10.6, Xcode 3.2.6:
		   Please note that you need to register as a mac developer (It's free!).
		2) LibUSB 1.0.x (The patched development tree)
		   This can be installed by two ways:		   
		   A) MacPorts:      
			  For Mac OSX 10.7:
			  For Mac OSX 10.6:
			  * You will also need to install LibTool:
			      sudo port install libtool			  
			  * And finally, LibUSB itself:
			      sudo port install libusb-devel +universal
		      Note: Do not forget the +universal, it's very important!!
		            If you're previously already installed libusb-devel then use "sudo port uninstall libusb-devel" and reinstall it again with the +universal flag.
		   B) Compile the source & install LibUSB yourself:
			  * Change the working directory to the prerequisites directory: "cd Platform\Linux-x86\Build\Prerequisites"
			  * Extract the tar file by running: "tar -xvjf libusb-1.0.8-osx.tar.bz2"
			  * Change the working directory to the libusb directory: "cd libusb"
			  * Run the following commands to build and install libusb:
			      ./configure LDFLAGS='-framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -arch i386 -arch x86_64 ' CFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64' --disable-dependency-tracking --prefix=/opt/local
			      sudo make install
	Optional Requirements (To build the documentation):
		1) Doxygen
		   Install via MacPorts:
		   sudo port install doxygen
		2) GraphViz
		   Install via MacPorts:
		   sudo port install graphviz

	Optional Requirements (To build the Mono wrapper):
		1) Mono
		   Install via MacPorts:
		   sudo port install mono
	Building OpenNI:
		1) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist".
		   Run the script: "./RedistMaker".
		   This will compile everything and create a redist package in the "Platform/Linux-x86/Redist" directory.
		   It will also create a distribution in the "Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/Final" directory.
		2) Go into the directory: "Platform/Linux-x86/Redist".
		   Run the script: "sudo ./" (needs to run as root)

  		   The install script copies key files to the following location:
		       Libs into: /usr/lib
		       Bins into: /usr/bin
		       Includes into: /usr/include/ni
		       Config files into: /var/lib/ni
		To build the package manually, you can run "make" in the "Platform\Linux-x86\Build" directory.
		If you wish to build the Mono wrappers, also run "make mono_wrapper" and "make mono_samples".

openni's People


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openni's Issues

open source and the community

Open source is more than just making public the source. It is also letting the community contribute to a common goal.
The number of forks and the activity in these shows the interest that there is. Unfortunately, there has never been a merge from these forks into the official source, issue reports and pull requests are just ignored. Not approved, not reproved or commented. Simply ignored...
That's not the way you create a community. That's not the way you set a standard...
It's been a lot of fun but, with this attitude and the official Kinect SDK comming out, this project as lost all my interest...
My two cents,

Gcc with C++ 0x flags doesn't compile

If we try to compile with GCC (4.4.6) with the c++ Ox support (gcc -std=c++0x ), OpenNI doesn't compile.
It seems the linux flag is not defined anymore. May be GCC 4.4.6 has changed it?
If we define the linux flag in the CFLAGS variable in OpenNI/Plateform/Linux-x86/Build/CommonMakefile
CFLAGS += -malign-double -std=c++0x -Dlinux
it works fine.

.NET Wrapper: Properties

Sometimes it's arguable if you should use a property or a get method, but I've noticed that you never use properties.

Why not use:

public bool GlobalMirror
UInt32 status = OpenNIImporter.xnSetGlobalMirror(this.InternalObject, value);
return OpenNIImporter.xnGetGlobalMirror(this.InternalObject);

instead of

public void SetGlobalMirror(bool mirror)
UInt32 status = OpenNIImporter.xnSetGlobalMirror(this.InternalObject, mirror);

public bool GetGlobalMirror()
return OpenNIImporter.xnGetGlobalMirror(this.InternalObject);


It would make a lot easier to use:

context.GlobalMirror = true;

instead of



Crash at xnModuleGetOpenNIVersion at 0x558078D0 at XnVFeatures_1_5_2.dll

I have made a Unity3D published application with OpenNI and NITE and the user has reported a crash.
It has logged a crash in XnVFeatures_1_5_2.dll file at 0x558078d0 offset.
I assume that the called method is xnModuleGetOpenNIVersion at the mentioned offset.
Could you please fix it and publish an updated version?

XnVFeatures_1_5_2.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module XnVFeatures_1_5_2.dll at 0023:558078d0.

EDI: 0x00000002 ESI: 0x0018f0a0 EAX: 0x558078c8
EBX: 0x55a15664 ECX: 0x0002adfc EDX: 0x0018f0c4
EIP: 0x558078d0 EBP: 0x0018f104 SegCs: 0x00000023
EFlags: 0x00210283 ESP: 0x0018f09c SegSs: 0x0000002b

C:\Program Files (x86)\PrimeSense\NITE\Features_1_5_2\Bin\XnVFeatures_1_5_2.dll
Image Base: 0x55770000 Image Size: 0x00307000
File Size: 3058688 File Time: 2011-12-28_154406
Company: PrimeSense Ltd.
Product: PrimeSense OpenNI Module
FileDesc: PrimeSense OpenNI Module

========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================

(0x558078D0) (XnVFeatures_1_5_2): (filename not available): xnModuleGetOpenNIVersion
(0x55807344) (XnVFeatures_1_5_2): (filename not available): xnModuleGetOpenNIVersion

========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========

[osx] added flexibility for inclusion in homebrew


i was attempting to create a formula of openni so it could potentially be referenced by the homebrew package management system -

however it seemed non-trivial to get the paths in the standard format. for example it's important to specify a prefix to ['bin', 'lib', etc..] for installing into, for example, /usr/local/* or /usr/local/Cellar/openni/*


it appears CreateRedist is forcing i386 instead of finding other arch such as x86_64

% brew install libusb
==> Downloading
File already downloaded in /Users/jw/Library/Caches/Homebrew
==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/libusb/1.0.8
==> make install
/usr/local/Cellar/libusb/1.0.8: 8 files, 308K, built in 19 seconds
% pwd
% ./RedistMaker
../../../../Include/XnCppWrapper.h:5640: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
../../../../Include/XnCppWrapper.h:5715: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
In file included from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:25:
../../../../Include/XnUSB.h:78: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
../../../../Include/XnUSB.h:83: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
In file included from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:25:
../../../../Include/XnUSB.h:78: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
../../../../Include/XnUSB.h:83: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/opt/local/lib'
ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
  "_libusb_submit_transfer", referenced from:
      xnUSBReadThreadMain(void*) in XnUSBLinux-x86.o
  "_libusb_cancel_transfer", referenced from:
      xnUSBReadThreadMain(void*) in XnUSBLinux-x86.o
  "_libusb_free_transfer", referenced from:
      xnCleanupThreadData(XnUSBReadThreadData*)      in XnUSBLinux-x86.o
  "_libusb_bulk_transfer", referenced from:
      _xnUSBReadEndPoint in XnUSBLinux-x86.o
      _xnUSBWriteEndPoint in XnUSBLinux-x86.o
% file /usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib
/usr/local/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib: symbolic link to `../Cellar/libusb/1.0.8/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib'
% file /usr/local/Cellar/libusb/1.0.8/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib 
/usr/local/Cellar/libusb/1.0.8/lib/libusb-1.0.dylib: symbolic link to `libusb-1.0.0.dylib'
% file /usr/local/Cellar/libusb/1.0.8/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib
/usr/local/Cellar/libusb/1.0.8/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library


in the future would you be willing to push a git tag so the version can be grabbed by tag? it would make getting specific versions simpler.

when cross compiling fails when calling niReg

After cross-compiling OpenNI, installing with option -c from Redist folder results in:

% ./ -c ~/build/sysroot-arm
Installing OpenNI

copying shared libraries...OK
copying executables...OK
copying include files...OK
creating database directory...OK
registering module ''.../home/adahl/build/sysroot-arm/usr/bin/niReg: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")

This is because of the following part of

110 # register modules
111 for module in $MODULES; do
112 printf "registering module '$module'..."
113 $INSTALL_BIN/niReg -r $INSTALL_LIB/$module
114 printf "OK\n"
115 done

The script tries to execute the cross-compiled niReg which of course fails because it's not possible to execute arm binaries on x64.

Playing from a recorded .oni file does't work after updating to in unstable

After updating to version in the unstable branch, I got the following error when running NiViewer with a specified .oni file in the tag.

Open failed: failed to open the file!

It works fine when I switch to the latest version in the master branch with the memmove patch.

OS: Ubuntu 11.10
Kinect driver: SensorKinect latest unstable branch

java - coordinates conversion memory leak


there is a memory leak in jni methods

The arrays aProjective and aRealWorld are allocated each time these methods are called, however they are not deleted/freed at the end of the method. As a result, when converting coordinates in every frame, Java will quickly run out of memory.

I've tried to fix this by adding
delete[] aRealWorld;
delete[] aProjective;
before the line with return XN_STATUS_OK; (1613 and 1633), although it fixes the memory leak, it slows down the program quite a lot.

Is there any solution to fix the memory leak and maintain the same speed?

Problem with kinect driver, openNI or NITE software

Hello, I'm writing you this e-mail because I've an important problem with the kinect, when I launch any program which uses the kinect (like the FAAST software or a visual studio solution compilated executable), I have the error "Can't create any node of the requested type".

But what is strange is that in a first time (last week), I installed the kinect driver "avin2-SensorKinect-0124bd2" with the version of OpenNI and the version of Nite Bin (both are unstable version).
Everything worked very well with these softwares and driver, I had no problem.

And yesterday I wanted to update my software components and drivers, so I installed the kinect driver "avin2-SensorKinect-b7cd39d" with the version of OpenNI and the version of Nite Bin (both are stable version). It was from there that I got this error.

So I uninstalled everything (drivers, openNI and nite) to restore the old software components, but strangely, after installing my previous drivers and software, the error is always present...

How is it possible that this error is still there? If you have any idea or if you can help me to solve this problem, I thank you very much and I'm wainting for your response.



Skeleton tracking doesn't work when Kinect is sideways

This is probably a NITE issue, and if you know that NITE developers don't read this issue list, could you please forward this to them.
The problem: Skeleton tracking does not work if Kinect is rotated 90 degrees around its viewing axis. We are building an augmented reality installation where the form factor requires that we use 2 Kinects "sideways". There should be a 3-axis accelerometer inside Kinect determining its pose, so I don't see why this issue couldn't be fixed, unless the accelerometer is separate from PrimeSense's board.
An alternative fix would be to rotate the input pixels 90 degrees, if indicated by one of the OpenNI/NITE xml files that the user wants to track sideways. Context.CreateProductionNodeObject


i think i discovered a bug in this function.
When the pinvoke call

public static extern ProductionNodeDescription xnNodeInfoGetDescription(XnNodeInfo pNodeInfo);

is done there is a accessviolationexception. When i change the return type to IntPtr and do a Marshal.PtrToStructure on this, i can get the right ProductionNodeDescription...

this seems to solve other problems i had with NodeInfo.instance too... don't know why...



compilation errors (RedistMaker script)

I strictly follow the build instructions in the README file, but I get compilation errors.
It looks like there are plain syntax errors in the shell script!

teo@XXX:/media/DATA/downloads/programmi/openni/sources/openni/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist$ ./RedistMaker

  • PrimeSense OpenNI Redist *
  • 2011-06-08 14:07:35       *

  • Taking version...
    version is
  • Building OpenNI...
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:26:31: error: libusb-1.0/libusb.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:27:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.h:42: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘libusb_device_handle’ with no type
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.h:42: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘’ token
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.h:55: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘libusb_transfer’ with no type
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.h:55: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘
    ’ token
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.h:62: error: ‘libusb_transfer_status’ does not name a type
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.h:90: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘libusb_device_handle’ with no type
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.h:90: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘’ token
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:55: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘libusb_context’ with no type
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:55: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘
    ’ token
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:58: error: too many initializers for ‘xnUSBInitData’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: In function ‘void* xnUSBHandleEventsThread(void_)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:75: error: ‘struct xnUSBInitData’ has no member named ‘pContext’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:75: error: ‘libusb_handle_events_timeout’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: In function ‘XnStatus xnUSBPlatformSpecificInit()’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:86: error: ‘struct xnUSBInitData’ has no member named ‘pContext’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:86: error: ‘libusb_init’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: In function ‘XnStatus xnUSBPlatformSpecificShutdown()’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:153: error: ‘struct xnUSBInitData’ has no member named ‘pContext’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:156: error: ‘struct xnUSBInitData’ has no member named ‘pContext’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:156: error: ‘libusb_exit’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:157: error: ‘struct xnUSBInitData’ has no member named ‘pContext’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: At global scope:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:167: error: ‘libusb_device’ has not been declared
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: In function ‘XnStatus FindDevice(XnUInt16, XnUInt16, void_, int**)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:172: error: ‘libusb_device’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:172: error: ‘ppDevices’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:173: error: ‘struct xnUSBInitData’ has no member named ‘pContext’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:173: error: ‘libusb_get_device_list’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:184: error: ‘pDevice’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:187: error: ‘libusb_device_descriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:187: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘desc’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:188: error: ‘desc’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:188: error: ‘libusb_get_device_descriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:198: error: ‘libusb_ref_device’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:205: error: ‘libusb_free_device_list’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: In function ‘XnStatus xnUSBIsDevicePresent(XnUInt16, XnUInt16, void_, XnBool_)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:222: error: ‘libusb_device’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:222: error: ‘pDevice’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:231: error: ‘libusb_unref_device’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: In function ‘XnStatus xnUSBEnumerateDevices(XnUInt16, XnUInt16, const XnChar (**)[256], XnUInt32_)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:242: error: ‘libusb_device’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:242: error: ‘ppDevices’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:243: error: ‘struct xnUSBInitData’ has no member named ‘pContext’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:243: error: ‘libusb_get_device_list’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:250: error: ‘pDevice’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:253: error: ‘libusb_device_descriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:253: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘desc’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:254: error: ‘desc’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:254: error: ‘libusb_get_device_descriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:257: error: ‘libusb_free_device_list’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:272: error: ‘libusb_free_device_list’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:280: error: ‘pDevice’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:283: error: ‘libusb_device_descriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:283: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘desc’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:284: error: ‘desc’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:284: error: ‘libusb_get_device_descriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:287: error: ‘libusb_free_device_list’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:294: error: ‘libusb_get_bus_number’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:294: error: ‘libusb_get_device_address’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:303: error: ‘libusb_free_device_list’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp: At global scope:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:313: warning: ‘xnUSBOpenDeviceImpl’ initialized and declared ‘extern’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:313: error: ‘libusb_device’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:313: error: ‘pDevice’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:313: error: expected primary-expression before ‘_’ token
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:313: error: ‘pDevHandlePtr’ was not declared in this scope
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:313: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/Linux-x86/XnUSBLinux-x86.cpp:314: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
    make[1]: *** [Release/XnUSBLinux-x86.o] Error 1
    make: *** [OpenNI] Error 2
    make: Leaving directory `/media/DATA/downloads/programmi/openni/sources/openni/Platform/Linux-x86/Build'

Building Failed!!

xn::IRMetaData miss operator() and operator[]

Both xn::DepthMetaData and xn::SceneMetaData have operator() and operator[] for access data.
But xn::IRMetaData don't have these two operators.

Add operator() and operator[] in xn::IRMetaData for the interface consistent.

Add error message when configuration loading fails

When the configuration path for the lixXnDevicesSensorV2.dylib isn't found loading the modules fails withouth showing a message or error. It keeps "waiting" on something. You can reproduce this easily by changing the configDir inthe modules.xml file to a non-exsting path.

.NET Wrapper: CodecIDs

in the file wrappers.cs there is an error regarding the codecID-creation.

the c#-version shifts the bytes from first to last, the c-version does this from last byte to first byte. The generated codesc in the .NET wrapper are undefined and can't be laoded.

public CodecID(byte byte1, byte byte2, byte byte3, byte byte4) :
this((UInt32)(byte4 << 24 | byte3 << 16 | byte2 << 8 | byte1))


define XN_CODEC_ID(c1, c2, c3, c4) (XnCodecID)((c4 << 24) | (c3 << 16) | (c2 << 8) | c1)

With kind regards


Cannot build OpenNI on ubuntu 10.10 32-bit

Hi there, I have been trying to install OpenNI, but when executing "RedistMaker" or "make" in Build directory, always shows me:

  • PrimeSense OpenNI Redist *
  • 2011-10-15 10:58:25       *

  • Taking version...
    version is
  • Building OpenNI...
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:5: fatal error: xnLog.h: File not exists
    compilation terminated.
    make[1]: *** [Release/XnDumpFileWriter.o] Error 1
    make: *** [OpenNI] Error 2
    failed to execute: make PLATFORM=x86 -C ../Build > /home/herman/Tesis/Development/Kinect/OpenNI/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/Output/BuildOpenNI.txt
    Building Failed!

I checked Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp file, and in line 5:

include <xnLog.h>

So in Include directory only exists "XnLog.h" with "X", no "x", so ichanged it, and I got more erros:

  • PrimeSense OpenNI Redist *
  • 2011-10-15 11:08:09       *

  • Taking version...
    version is
  • Building OpenNI...
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual XnDumpWriterFileHandle XnDumpFileWriter::OpenFile(const XnChar_, XnBool, const XnChar_)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:25: error: invalid conversion from ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’ to ‘void_’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void XnDumpFileWriter::Write(XnDumpWriterFileHandle, const XnUInt8_, XnUInt32)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:33: error: invalid conversion from ‘void_’ to ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void XnDumpFileWriter::CloseFile(XnDumpWriterFileHandle)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:39: error: invalid conversion from ‘void_’ to ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’
    make[1]: *** [Release/XnDumpFileWriter.o] Error 1
    make: *** [OpenNI] Error 2
    failed to execute: make PLATFORM=x86 -C ../Build > /home/herman/Tesis/Development/Kinect/OpenNI/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/Output/BuildOpenNI.txt
    Building Failed!

And I don't know what to do.

Please I need help because I have been cleaning and formating my computer many times, and the previous version of OpenNI worked fine, I don't know how to fix the error.

Thank you

Crash in XnVFeatures64_1_4_2.dll


there seems to be an issue within the XnVFeatures64_1_4_2.dll which leads to an application crash at runtime.
Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the behaviour. However, the error seems to appear when there's "a lot to do" for the Kinect e.g. there have been two or more users tracked and some others come into camera scope.

I know this is not that much info, but ...

The context is as follows:

  • (Fresh install of) Windows7 64-Bit
  • openni-win64-
  • nite-win64-
  • SensorKinect-Win-OpenSource64-

The system log entry is as follows:

  • 1026 2 0 0x80000000000000 1100 Application kinect-PC
  • Application: ETC.Kinect.UI.WPF.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception. Exception Info: System.AccessViolationException Stack: at OpenNI.SafeNativeMethods.xnWaitOneUpdateAll(IntPtr, IntPtr) at OpenNI.Context.WaitOneUpdateAll(OpenNI.Generator) at ETC.Kinect.KinectAccess.ReaderThread() at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
  • 1000 2 100 0x80000000000000 1101 Application kinect-PC
  • ETC.Kinect.UI.WPF.exe 4e959d06 XnVFeatures64_1_4_2.dll 4e933c62 c0000005 0000000000097687 60c 01cc88e8ff7fcf0a C:\Users\kinect\Desktop\ProjectNoteViewer\ETC.Kinect.UI.WPF.exe C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\NITE\Features_1_4_2\Bin64\XnVFeatures64_1_4_2.dll 38c20e38-f578-11e0-874c-80ee731fe2b5 Name der fehlerhaften Anwendung: ETC.Kinect.UI.WPF.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x4e959d06 Name des fehlerhaften Moduls: XnVFeatures64_1_4_2.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x4e933c62 Ausnahmecode: 0xc0000005 Fehleroffset: 0x0000000000097687 ID des fehlerhaften Prozesses: 0x60c Startzeit der fehlerhaften Anwendung: 0x01cc88e8ff7fcf0a Pfad der fehlerhaften Anwendung: C:\Users\kinect\Desktop\ProjectNoteViewer\ETC.Kinect.UI.WPF.exe Pfad des fehlerhaften Moduls: C:\Program Files\PrimeSense\NITE\Features_1_4_2\Bin64\XnVFeatures64_1_4_2.dll Berichtskennung: 38c20e38-f578-11e0-874c-80ee731fe2b5


After running the RedistMaker as in readme file i don't have any result files. During the compilation there's a lot of warnings but no errors. Theres no Output subdirectory. When executed the file outputs:

ls ($path)/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/./Lib/*: No such file or directory

Scene Generator is created without declaration in XML config

I am seeing that OpenNI or NITE is creating a Scene Generator even though I do not request one.
This behavior started sometime between OpenNI / NITE ---> OpenNI / NITE
on the Win32 platform

The errant behavior can be seen by creating an XML config file with the following nodes: IMAGE, DEPTH, USER
Then xnContextRunXmlScriptFromFileEx() on the file

When you iterate through the running nodes, you will find a XN_NODE_TYPE_SCENE

Additionally, if you wanted a Scene generator and put a SCENE node in the XML files, then the xnContextRunXmlScriptFromFileEx() will fail with the error:
This operation is invalid!

and, of course, nothing will work thereafter.

The only known workaround is to just deal with fact that you will always have a Scene Generator and to not declare one in the XML file.

WaitAndUpdate not waiting for AlternativeViewPoint

I have a setup with two production nodes (kinect sensor using drivers from I used to call WaitAnyUpdateAll() to have the data updated and it worked fine. Now I have added AlternativeViewPoint to my depthnode and many frames now appears to be incomplete (with lower rows all black) when WaitAnyUpdateAll() returns.

To solve this I substituted WainAnyUpdateAll for WaitOneUpdateAll(depthGenerator) followed by imageGenerator.WaitAndUpdateData(). This resoloved the issue as long as the sensor was connected, but not when playing data from a prerecorded file.

My XML-config:


    <!-- Recorder node. Comment out when not used -->
    <!-- can use "NONE" or "16zP" as codec -->
    <Node type="Recorder" name="Recorder1"> 
            <RecorderDestination medium="File" name="recordKinectView_NONE.oni"/> 
            <AddNodeToRecording name="Image1" codec="NONE"/>
            <AddNodeToRecording name="Depth1" codec="NONE"/> 

List NeedeNodes create Errors

I made an app who show neededNodes for each ProductionNode create from a configurationFile

It works but when i'm closing the Form

I get an error of memory access violation from OpenNi.
I've tried to read all other information from NodeInfo and there's no problem except reading NeedeNodes.

I'm using in version

Thanks for your excellent job by the way

here's the c# code

string contextFilePath=@"..\data\openni.xml";
Context context = new Context(contextFilePath);
string message="";
foreach(NodeInfo ni in context.EnumerateExistingNodes())
foreach(NodeInfo neededNI in ni.NeededNodes)


Installing erros

Hello! please can anyone help me with this? i'm not a programmer but i'm trying to follow the instructions and i can't go much longer alone.

I use Mac OS X version 10.6.8, my Xcode version is 3.2.6.

First i/m trying to install the OpenNI. Started installing the Macports, then go to terminal and install - sudo port install libtool - i get this msg -

Deactivating libtool @2.4.2_0+universal
---> Cleaning libtool
---> Activating libtool @2.4.2_0
---> Cleaning libtool

then i install - sudo port install libusb-devel +universal - and i get this msg

Deactivating libtool @2.4.2_0
---> Cleaning libtool
---> Activating libtool @2.4.2_0+universal
---> Cleaning libtool
---> Computing dependencies for libusb-devel
---> Dependencies to be installed: git-core
Error: Requested variants "+credential_osxkeychain+doc+pcre+python27+universal" do not match original selection "+credential_osxkeychain+doc+pcre+python27".
Please use the same variants again, perform 'port clean git-core' or specify the force option (-f).
Error: Failed to install git-core
Log for git-core is at: /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_devel_git-core/git-core/main.log
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: git-core
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
To report a bug, see

What am i doing wrong? can anyone explain step by step?


"Timeout error"

Hello, I'm writing you this e-mail because I've an important problem with the kinect, when I launch my program which uses the kinect (a visual studio solution compilated executable), I have the error "A timeout has occured when waiting for data".

I have the following software components and drivers :

  • the kinect driver "avin2-SensorKinect-28738dc"
  • the version of OpenNI
  • the version of Nite Bin

I tried different versions of everything (drivers, openNI and nite) but the error is stil there.

If you have any idea or if you can help me to solve this problem, I thank you very much and I'm wainting for your response.



.NET Wrapper: SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity

I was developing my own .NET wrapper for the OpenNI. Now that you have published an "official" one, I'd like to contribute with some suggestions.

My first suggestion is to use the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute on the native methods class:

FxCop goes further and makes the following suggestions on the class name:


Compilation error on ARM platform

I get the following error when trying to run Platforms/Linux/CreateRedist/RedistMaker.Arm on my Gumstix Overo Fire running Debian Squeeze:

make: the `-j' option requires a positive integral argument
failed to execute: make PLATFORM=Arm -j0 -C /root/kinect/OpenNI/Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/../Build clean > /root/kinect/OpenNI/Platform/Linux/CreateRedist/Output/BuildOpenNI_clean.txt
Cleaning Failed!

Depth Buffer Corrupt on Mac

The problem seems to be here: 3253922 WARNING Read: Depth buffer is corrupt. Size is 0 (!= 614400)

The full log plus the configuration file follows. Any idea how to proceed?

934 INFO       New log started on 2012-02-25 20:14:41
962 INFO       OpenNI version is 1.5.2 (Build 23)-MacOSX (Dec 28 2011 17:54:37)
971 INFO       --- Filter Info --- Minimum Severity: INFO
32984 INFO       Creating node 'Script1' of type Script: OpenNI/OpenNI/
33562 INFO       USB is initialized.
577938 WARNING    No PS sensor is connected!
2094967 WARNING    No PS sensor is connected!
2095031 INFO       Creating node 'Device1' of type Device: PrimeSense/SensorV2/
2096818 INFO       Module 'Device' configuration was loaded from file.
2647896 INFO       Connected to USB device
2647923 INFO       Property Device.USBPath was changed to 1d27/0600@38/2.
2659456 INFO       Hardware versions: FW=5.3.26 (9) HW=2 Chip=2 Sensor=1 SYS=14
2836686 INFO       Property Device.PhysicalDeviceName was changed to PrimeSense RD1.08x.
2836740 INFO       Property Device.VendorSpecificData was changed to PS1080SOC.
2836762 INFO       Property Device.ID was changed to 1112240017.
2836805 INFO       Device sensor initialized
2837093 INFO       Creating node 'Depth1' of type Depth: PrimeSense/SensorV2/
2837187 INFO       Creating stream 'Depth1' of type 'Depth'...
2837212 INFO       Setting Device.ReadData to 1...
2843137 INFO       Endpoints open
2844400 INFO       Property Device.ReadData was changed to 1.
2844418 INFO       Device.ReadData was successfully set.
2845054 INFO       Property Depth1.Resolution was changed to QVGA.
2845071 INFO       Property Depth1.XRes was changed to 320.
2845081 INFO       Property Depth1.YRes was changed to 240.
2845090 INFO       Property Depth1.FPS was changed to 30.
2845098 INFO       Property Depth1.OutputFormat was changed to 1.
2845106 INFO       Property Depth1.BytesPerPixel was changed to 2.
2845115 INFO       Property Depth1.RequiredDataSize was changed to 153600.
2845124 INFO       Property Depth1.ParamCoeff was changed to 4.
2845187 INFO       Property Depth1.ShiftScale was changed to 10.
2854666 INFO       Property Depth1.ConstShift was changed to 200.
2854762 INFO       Property Depth1.ZPD was changed to 120.
2854885 INFO       Property Depth1.ZPPS was changed to 0.105200.
2854896 INFO       Property Depth1.LDDIS was changed to 7.500000.
2854992 INFO       Property Depth1.DCRCDIS was changed to 2.630000.
2855084 INFO       Property Depth1.Gain was changed to 42.
2855108 INFO       Property Depth1.SupportedModesCount was changed to 9.
2855118 INFO       Property Depth1.SupportedModesCount was changed to 15.
2855131 INFO       Stream 'Depth1' was initialized.
2855145 INFO       'Depth1' stream was created.
2857128 INFO       Module 'Depth1' configuration was loaded from file.
2857353 INFO       Setting Depth1.FPS to 30...
2857363 INFO       Depth1.FPS value did not change.
2857371 INFO       Setting Depth1.YRes to 480...
2857379 INFO       Property Depth1.Resolution was changed to Custom.
2857389 INFO       Property Depth1.YRes was changed to 480.
2857398 INFO       Property Depth1.RequiredDataSize was changed to 307200.
2857408 INFO       Depth1.YRes was successfully set.
2857416 INFO       Setting Depth1.XRes to 640...
2857423 INFO       Property Depth1.Resolution was changed to VGA.
2857431 INFO       Property Depth1.XRes was changed to 640.
2857439 INFO       Property Depth1.RequiredDataSize was changed to 614400.
2857448 INFO       Depth1.XRes was successfully set.
2857491 INFO       Setting Depth1.Mirror to 1...
2857500 INFO       Property Depth1.FirmwareMirror was changed to 1.
2857509 INFO       Property Depth1.Mirror was changed to 1.
2857515 INFO       Depth1.Mirror was successfully set.
2865942 INFO       USB read thread was started.
2865960 INFO       Property Depth1.ActualReadData was changed to 1.
3229536 INFO       Property Depth1.State was changed to 1.
3229562 INFO       Stream Depth1 is open.
3229957 WARNING    Depth: Expected 1, got 3
3229969 WARNING    Depth frame is corrupt!
3253922 WARNING    Read: Depth buffer is corrupt. Size is 0 (!= 614400)
3652494 WARNING    No PS sensor is connected!
4189631 WARNING    No PS sensor is connected!
4724636 WARNING    No PS sensor is connected!
5259643 WARNING    No PS sensor is connected!
5259737 INFO       Creating node 'Gesture1' of type Gesture: PrimeSense/XnVGestureGenerator/
5268207 INFO       Creating node 'Scene1' of type Scene: PrimeSense/XnVSceneAnalyzer/
5286228 INFO       Creating node 'User1' of type User: PrimeSense/XnVSkeletonGenerator/ 

    <License vendor="PrimeSense" key="0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4=" />  
  <Log writeToConsole="true" writeToFile="false">                       
        <LogLevel value="1"/>                                                 
            <Mask name="ALL" on="true"/>                                      
        <Node type="Depth" name="Depth1">                                   
                <MapOutputMode xRes="640" yRes="480" FPS="30"/>               
                <Mirror on="true"/>                                               

Problems on MacOS

Hello, i´m trying to compile under XOS and I´m getting this error:

  • PrimeSense OpenNI Redist *
  • 2011-01-05 17:11:35       *

  • Taking version...
    version is
  • Building OpenNI...
    make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
  • Creating Doxygen...
    /Users/Patricio/Downloads/OpenNI-OpenNI-1fc853c/Include/XnPrdNode.h:1175: warning: The following parameters of xnEnumerateAllGestures(XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar *_pstrGestures, XnUInt32 nNameLength, XnUInt16 *nGestures) are not documented:
    parameter 'nNameLength'
    /Users/Patricio/Downloads/OpenNI-OpenNI-1fc853c/Include/XnPrdNode.h:1159: warning: The following parameters of xnGetAllActiveGestures(XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar *_pstrGestures, XnUInt32 nNameLength, XnUInt16 _nGestures) are not documented:
    parameter 'nNameLength'
    /Users/Patricio/Downloads/OpenNI-OpenNI-1fc853c/Include/XnPrdNode.h:1618: warning: The following parameters of xnGetAllAvailablePoses(XnNodeHandle hInstance, XnChar *_pstrPoses, XnUInt32 nNameLength, XnUInt32 *pnPoses) are not documented:
    parameter 'nNameLength'
    sh: C:\Program Files\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe: command not found
    error: failed to run html help compiler on index.hhp
  • Creating Redist Dir...
  • Copying files to redist dir...
    Samples: ['.DS_Store', 'NiAudioSample', 'NiBackRecorder', 'NiConvertXToONI', 'NiCRead', 'NiRecordSynthetic', 'NiSampleModule', 'NiSimpleCreate', 'NiSimpleRead', 'NiSimpleViewer', 'NiUserTracker', 'NiViewer']
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 270, in
    shutil.copytree("../../Samples/" + sample, "Redist/Samples/" + sample)
    File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/lib/python2.6/", line 140, in copytree
    names = os.listdir(src)
    OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '../../Samples/.DS_Store'

Any idea what´s it means?

Removing ../../Samples/.DS_Store fix this issue.
Now I´m stock getting how to make the examples to work

Recommend: Could use some STL in C++ wrapper?

In current C++ wrapper, there are many functionality require 2, or more pass to get data from OpenNI.
Such as


Now, developer need to get the number of supported mode, and then allocate memory space for GetSupportedMapOutputModes() to write data.

But if OpenNI can provide a function directly get the result in STL container format, like:

std::vector<XnMapOutputMode> GetSupportedMapOutputModes() const
    XnUInt32 uCount = xnGetSupportedMapOutputModesCount(GetHandle());
    std::vector<XnMapOutputMode> vSupportedMode;
    if( uCount > 0 )
        vSupportedMode.resize( uCount );
        xnGetSupportedMapOutputModes( GetHandle(), &(vSupportedMode[0]), &uCount );
    return vSupportedMode;

It should be better to use, and may avoid memory leak(by deveolper).

Linux - make - RedistMaker has incorrect permissions

Platform: Ubuntu 10.10 x64

Steps to recreate:

  1. Pull repo from git
  2. cd to /OpenNI/Platform/Linux/Build
  3. Run sudo make

Expected output:

Actual output:
Lots of successful output, then this:

cd ../CreateRedist; ./RedistMaker; cd -
/bin/sh: ./RedistMaker: Permission denied
cd ../Redist; ./; cd -
cd: 1: can't cd to ../Redist
/bin/sh: ./ not found

ls -la shows RedistMaker is not executable (644). After changing the perms to 755, make continued successfully.

.NET Wrapper: .NET target version

I see that the wrapper project is targeting .NET 2.0.
Anyone can compile to a more recent version but, 2.0 is way too old...
You should target the Client Profile versions as they are much smaller than the full ones.


Fails to build with RedistMaker



  • PrimeSense OpenNI Redist *
  • 2011-07-10 14:39:19       *

  • Taking version...
    version is
  • Building OpenNI...
    ../../../../../Samples/NiViewer/Device.cpp: In function ‘XnStatus openDeviceFromXmlWithChoice(const char_, xn::EnumerationErrors&)’:
    ../../../../../Samples/NiViewer/Device.cpp:252:22: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int scanf(const char_, ...)’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
    error CS0006: cannot find metadata file System.Windows.Forms.dll' make[1]: *** [../../../Bin/Release/] Error 1 make: *** [Samples/] Error 2 make: Leaving directory/home/davisp/Kinect/OpenNI/Platform/Linux-x86/Build'

Building Failed!!

Nite (?) crash on Mac OS X


I am seeing the following crash on Mac OS X with latest OpenNI / Nite:

Thread 5 Crashed:
0 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123c3ba51 RobustICP::InitialCellSegmentation(Box2D const&, double&, double&, Vector3D&, Frame3D const&, DistanceFromEdges const_, Vector3D const&, bool) + 849
1 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123c3c65d RobustICP::CreateTorsoCellsAndHead(bool, Array&) + 477
2 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123c3cc09 RobustICP::Run(MultiResDepthMapContainer const_, UserInfo const_, Box2D&, bool, PoseCandidateInfo_, BodyParameters_, BodySegmentation_, TorsoDetector_, StateMachine_, DistanceFromEdges_, HeadCandidate_, TorsoFitting_) + 297
3 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123b39adc FeatureExtractor::ComputeBestFitTorso(int, double, int) + 3548
4 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123b3a4bb FeatureExtractor::Run(int, double, int) + 1947
5 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123b3b8e3 FeatureExtractor::Update(int, double, int) + 35
6 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123b0a432 MultiUserFeatureExtractor::Update(xn::DepthGenerator const&, xn::DepthMetaData const&, xn::SceneMetaData const&) + 386
7 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123aa0a71 XnVSkeletonGenerator::UpdateUsers() + 1809
8 libXnVFeatures_1_3_1.dylib 0x0000000123aa0eff XnVSkeletonGenerator::UpdateData() + 79
9 libOpenNI.dylib 0x000000010004c848 xnUpdateDataImpl(XnInternalNodeData_) + 88
10 libOpenNI.dylib 0x0000000100050600 xnUpdateTreeImpl(XnProductionNodesSet_, XnNodeInfo const_) + 1760
11 libOpenNI.dylib 0x00000001000560a7 xnWaitNoneUpdateAll + 903
12 sensorinput 0x00000001000109ed OpenNIWrapper::run() + 141
13 libboost_thread-mt.dylib 0x000000010027b209 thread_proxy + 137
14 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff826f84f6 _pthread_start + 331
15 libSystem.B.dylib 0x00007fff826f83a9 thread_start + 13

Recommend: add GetContext() interface in C++

The interface to get context now is:

void ProductionNode::GetContext(Context& context) const

But in this way, user need to define a variable of context, and then assign value by GetContext.

Context xContext;
ProductionNode::GetContext( xContext );

But if ProductionNode can provide a interface like:

Context& ProductionNode::GetContext() const;

It should be more convenient to use.

java/jni xnTellPlayerFrame() raises ClassCastException

I'm using the Java wrapper (latest unstable Mac release) to read an .oni file. For the following code:
myPlayer.tellFrame( myProductionNode );

i get:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
at org.OpenNI.Player.tellFrame(

In org_OpenNI_NativeMethods.cpp -> Java_org_OpenNI_NativeMethods_xnTellPlayerFrame (starting line 2718) it says:
SetOutArgLongValue( ... )

but it's set to return an "jint" / "int"

There are a couple of native methods that have this combination if jint and SetOutArgLongValue, i wonder if these are maybe wrong too?

New ConvertToRealWorld/Projection Matrix Methods

Hello, i have a request that could make sense to had to the library.
ConvertToRealWorld takes a list of points and converts to a list of points XPoint3D.
It would be nice to have this function to work in image space, pass a uint16* buffer and return a float3* buffer (xyz pos as a rgb float texture)

Another helpful method would be a projection matrix

xnContextRunXmlScriptFromFileEx() crashes on repeated loading of config with USER node

I believe I've isolated an issue with the new generation codebases of:
OpenNI for Win32
PrimeSense NITE for Win32
PrimeSense SensorKinect Win32 Device Driver v0.7 (based on Primesense

Given an XML config file which has a DEPTH, IMAGE, and USER nodes, then repeated reloading of it using xnContextRunXmlScriptFromFileEx() causes a crash in less than 10 reloads.
If there is no USER node, then I can reload it over 100 times (tested) with no issues.

Before each reload, nodes are being released. The crash is not occurring in the releasing. It is instead occurring within xnContextRunXmlScriptFromFileEx()

Cannot compile on OSX Snow Leopard

Hey all,

I can't seem to compile on OSX. When I run the CreateRedist script, I get the following:

  • PrimeSense OpenNI Redist *
  • 2011-01-26 17:00:55       *

  • Taking version...
    .23sion is 1
  • Building OpenNI...
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnBaseNode.cpp:1: error: -malign-double makes no sense in the 64bit mode
    make[1]: *** [Release/XnBaseNode.o] Error 1
    make: *** [OpenNI] Error 2
    g++ -MD -MP -MT "./Release/XnBaseNode.d Release/XnBaseNode.o" -c -malign-double -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -O2 -DNDEBUG -msse3 -I../../../../Include -I../../../../Source -I../../../../Source/External/TinyXml -DXN_EXPORTS -o Release/XnBaseNode.o ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnBaseNode.cpp

Building Failed!!


If I add the cflag -m32, it doesn't give that error anymore, but a load of compile errors, the first being:

../../../../Include/XnPlatform.h:70:3: error: #error OpenNI Platform Abstraction Layer - Unsupported Platform!

Any ideas? Thanks!


RedistMaker error on Mac OS/X 10.6.8


I follow the installation guide and installed libtool and libusb. However, when I run ./RedistMaker under Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist, I got such error message:

  • PrimeSense OpenNI Redist *

  • 2011-10-12 23:18:46       *

  • Taking version...
    version is

  • Building OpenNI...
    In file included from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDump.cpp:25:
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:168: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:169: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:171: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    In file included from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDump.cpp:25:
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:168: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:169: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:171: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    In file included from ../../../../Include/XnDumpWriters.h:7,
    from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.h:7,
    from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:4:
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:168: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:169: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:171: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual XnDumpWriterFileHandle XnDumpFileWriter::OpenFile(const XnChar_, XnBool, const XnChar_)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:25: error: invalid conversion from ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’ to ‘void_’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void XnDumpFileWriter::Write(XnDumpWriterFileHandle, const XnUInt8_, XnUInt32)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:33: error: invalid conversion from ‘void_’ to ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void XnDumpFileWriter::CloseFile(XnDumpWriterFileHandle)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:39: error: invalid conversion from ‘void_’ to ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’
    In file included from ../../../../Include/XnDumpWriters.h:7,
    from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.h:7,
    from ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:4:
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:167: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:168: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:169: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:170: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:171: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Include/XnDump.h:172: warning: ‘warning’ attribute directive ignored
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual XnDumpWriterFileHandle XnDumpFileWriter::OpenFile(const XnChar_, XnBool, const XnChar_)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:25: error: invalid conversion from ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’ to ‘void_’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void XnDumpFileWriter::Write(XnDumpWriterFileHandle, const XnUInt8_, XnUInt32)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:33: error: invalid conversion from ‘void_’ to ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void XnDumpFileWriter::CloseFile(XnDumpWriterFileHandle)’:
    ../../../../Source/OpenNI/XnDumpFileWriter.cpp:39: error: invalid conversion from ‘void_’ to ‘XN_FILE_HANDLE’
    lipo: can't figure out the architecture type of: /var/folders/8L/8LNYMSgEE5mYsWyaUxuEUE+++TI/-Tmp-//ccTxpyjf.out
    make[1]: *** [Release/XnDumpFileWriter.o] Error 1
    make: *** [OpenNI] Error 2
    failed to execute: make PLATFORM=x86 -C ../Build > /Users/wilson100/Projects/OpenNI/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/Output/BuildOpenNI.txt
    Building Failed!

    I have update my CMake and any library I can think of but still failed. Can someone tell me which step I miss? Thanks.

problems building OpenNI on ubuntu 10.10

thank you so much for this release.
But i 've some problems when i try to build openNI in Ubuntu 10.10 (amd64), with RedistMaker?:

../../../../../Wrappers/OpenNI.jni/methods.inl:314: warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char_’ /bin/sh: javac: not found make1?: ../../../Bin/Release/org.OpenNI.jar? Error 127 make: Wrappers/ Error 2 failed to execute: make PLATFORM=x86 -C ../Build > /home/_****/Documents/OpenNI-OpenNI-7fad563/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist?/Output/BuildOpenNI.txt Building Failed!

Does someone solve this error? thanks for your help :)

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