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nvidiaprofileinspector's Introduction

NVIDIA Profile Inspector

This tool is used for modifying game profiles inside the internal driver database of the nvidia driver. All game profiles are provided by the nvidia driver, but you can add your own profiles for games missing in the driver database. You also have access to hidden and undocumented settings, which are not provided by the drivers control panel.

For more information how to use this tool, you can find some very good wikis here:

nvidiaprofileinspector's People


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nvidiaprofileinspector's Issues

About Chinese support

HI~ Orbmu2k
I will translate it And then send you the translated files,can you join Chinese support in program?

Per request if possible.

Will it be possible in the future of the on going continuation development of nvidia inspector, that at one point of time that you will include Vulkan BITS to work with for us SLI users?

Also, another question about SLI Broadcast and Specific hack bits:

The one that says (DX1x) on it, does this also pertains to DX12 as well????

Thanks again, hopefully you will implement Vulkan Bits in the near future.

Tuning 4 life :)

Whisper mode is gone with 446.14

I have a weird problem with the gpu power modes and having control over the whisper mode helps fixing that problem

Witcher 3 and many other games.
When using the latest drivers(where that option is missing in your tool),the gpu core speed is almost always running at full speed(~1900mhz)which quickly rises the temp which is annoying on a laptop

When I use the older drivers(442.74)where that option is there
If Whisper is disabled,the gpu core speed is the same as the latest version of the drivers and if I remove the fps limit,I get 130fps(the gpu core speed is the same between 60 and 130fps)

If Whisper is enabled and I limit the speed to 60fps,the gpu core speed is barely above 800mhz

Something is wrong with the drivers setting power modes but no settings in the nvidia control panel can do what your tool does

Whisper Mode and Whisper Application FPS fixes all of my my problems
Changing the whisper mode FPS in nvidia control panel,changes the value for "Frame Rate Limit v3" in your tool,not the "Whisper Application FPS"

<SettingID>2157797216</SettingID> is gone?

Installed some weeks ago NVidia driver 451.48 WHQL (Studio Driver) and noticed many Unknown options I've set disappeared :(
In particular 0x809D5F60 = 0x10000000 was useful to disable GEForce overlay for some desktop/UWP apps wrongly detected as games (e.g. free Paint.NET)...

Disable DXR possible?


it's not really an issue, more a feature request.
I have a 1070Ti and if there are techdemos like Attack from Outer Space with raytracing and DXR i get 8 FPS. But i can't disable DXR (nor ingame option or config i think) to get more FPS to enjoy this techdemo!

Is The Project Still Alive?


Been reading online, trying to find a decent Gaming Profile app, in the past when it was alive I used nHancer.

Not sure if I know this app, Nvidia Inspector.

Everywhere I read, this gets good praise, but I don't see any commits or work going on, so wondering is this project dead?

The way Nvidia puts out drivers all the time, I assumed for something like this, it would need constant current development.

So I'm not sure if this latest version is still good on the latest hardware and drivers out there? It was relased a year ago...



please , add driver for pubg lite

Internal settings are not correctly decoded, and are corrupted if they are written back

The internal settings are encrypted, so the values shown in the tool for these are garbage and inconsistent with the equivalent settings on a user profile. Further, if these are written back they will lose the internal setting flag, causing them to be treated as though they were not encrypted, effectively corrupting them.

A 2048 bit key is used, and the Setting ID is used to derive an offset into that key ((ID * 2) % 256) that is then XORed against the value. In the case of strings this is a byte by byte XOR, and in the case of DWORDs the key is read as a 32bit little-endian value from the correct offset and XORed against the value. If the end of the key is reached it wraps back to the start.

This script may be of interest to show how to decrypt these values:

Minimize to tray || Close to tray?

Would like to see "Minimize to tray", and maybe even an option for "Close to tray" as well. Thanks! PS: I have tried a few programs such as "RBTray", "Trayconizer", and "Actual Window Minimizer" and none of them seem to work for this program specifically...

NVApi excess denied

See the end of this message for details on invoking
just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
nspector.Common.NvapiException: DRS_SaveSettings failed: NVAPI_ACCESS_DENIED
at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsServiceBase.SaveSettings(IntPtr hSession)
at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsService.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.b__0(IntPtr hSession)
at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsServiceBase.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.b__0(IntPtr hSession)
at nspector.Common.DrsSessionScope.DrsSession[T](Func2 action) at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsService.StoreSettingsToProfile(String profileName, List1 settings)
at nspector.frmDrvSettings.StoreChangesOfProfileToDriver()
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

************** Loaded Assem

Move unknown OpenGL SLI compatibility bits to Compatibility cathegory

Setting 0x209746C1 is the OpenGL SLI compatibility bits. As proof, it's set in the "SLI Test Application" profile, and I need to set that bit to be able to test SLI with the OpenGL game we're developing, and even then it only works in fullscreen. It's currently hidden by default and hard to find as it's classified as unknown, so moving it to the Compatibility tab would be appreciated!

Higher or custom frame rate limiter. Please

I wan't to limit my fps to exactly 300 but in the latest version the highest possible number is 255, and in the old version the highest was 290.

I know the feature to set custom values with CustomSettingNames_en-EN.xml is removed in the latest update of Nvidia inspector/Nvidia profile inspector. But even tho in the older versions when I can still set a custom value of Fps I get a warning saying "unhandled exception uint 32" and I can't set a custom frame rate value.

Could it be possible for you to bring back a way to edit the values (without getting "unhandled exception uint 32").
Or releasing a new update with instead of 255 fps as the maximum, it is 300.

I would be really happy if you could do this. Thank You!

Start in Tray mode

Is it possible to Start in minimized or better in Tray mode ?
Greetings Saul

[Q] How can I enable NVIDIA FPS limiter V1 and V2 modes via NV Profile Inspector?

This is a question [Q] and not properly an issue/bug. Currently, NV Profile Inspector shows the following related settings under the "Sync and Refresh" section:

  • Frame Rate Limiter (here you can set the FPS value you want as limit, so this option it's clear for me)
  • Frame Rate Limiter Mode (with different options/modes you can select, and here my doubts arise):
    • Default (is this V1 or V2? or none?...)
    • Limiter V2 - Allow all (is this V2? or a special V2 mode?...)
    • Limiter V2 - Force Off [Enables Limiter V1 (Less Input Lag)] (is this V2 or V1? or a special V1?...)

I'm not interested in V3 because it can be enabled easily through the NVCP and via Inspector too (there is a separate setting for V3 [Frame Rate Limiter V3]).

What I'd need to know is how to properly enable/set up the NV FPS limiter V1 or V2. I need to have this clear for benchmarking purposes. Any help is welcome and it'd be greatly appreciated.

Not sure if this is the right place? MDPS request

I know at some point Nvidia Inspector and Nvidia Profile Inspector were forked and im unsure which/by whom was which.

That being said, theyre both invaluable and ill always have them on hand.

Im currently running an SLI + Surround + accessory display rig and as such one of my gpus runs at >1100mhz and wastes a ton of power/heat.

After tinkering with MDPS ive got it working "almost" ideally.

I began by using the "by gpu load" option which seemed to be the best fit (and still is). The caveats I noticed are 1) it causes lag when the game opens before the increase happens (minor and willing to deal with) and 2) if the load drops even for a split second in game, gpu usage will spike causing lag for a second or two. (much bigger issue)

Now the obvious is to turn down the threshold as far as possible to minimize these instances (which I have done - to 10%) If i go any lower, mucking around on the desktop can increase the load enough for a short period of time to cause the clock-up.

Even though it was going to be an inconvenience, I decided to bite the bullet and try the "by exe" mode to see if it fared any better. It did - to an extent. The usage spike/drop clock spike/drop issue wasnt present. It also didnt lag on the opening of games as by the time the game loaded full it had already recognized it and clocked up.

Unfortunately I have some fringe cases which make using this mode impossible. (it was the less ideal maintenence wise anyhow to be fair) I run steam and I run steam because I have a steam link on several tv's around the house. Therefore I have steam load at startup on my pc. Steam doesnt require any gpu, but steam bigpicture mode does. So when I open big picture mode on a tv, it lags if I dont use "gpu usage" mode because its running at rest-state. If I add steam.exe to the list, it clocks up at desktop because steam is running in my tray and no way exists that I have found to differentiate steam from steam bigpicture mode.

So, with all that said - What im looking for/hoping can be implemented - is a delay (or a box with a delay setting). That allows the time under your set Gpu usage before it downclocks. This way a very short gpu usage drop in game wont cause a clock/frame drop.

Really a means to solve any of the aforementioned would be great but I have no idea what isnt or isnt possible to that end. Its above my pay-grade =P

Either way, thanks for taking your time to develop this software. Invaluable to any enthusiast imo.

Fan Control

I know that this is repo for NvidiaProfileInspector, but I know you are also creator/maintainer of NvidiaInspector.

Is there a way to with NvidiaInspector to set fan control for RTX model cards? Everything else seems to work, except fan control- It appears to be locked in auto.

CFR Possible on Pascal cards

Is it or will it be possible to enable CFR, Checkerboard Frame Rendering, on Pascal cards such as the GTX 1070/80 using a high bandwidth bridge, or is NVLink required?

Some Features Don't Work

Ultra Low Latency and Sharpenning features do not work with the new nVidia display driver (445.87). I also contacted nVidia. And nVidia technical support staff stated that this is not driver-related. She stated that there is no change preventing third party software from working.

The importance of this app, vs NVAPI Limitations - Bug or Feature?

TLDR Recent driver broke stuff? We need this stuff! :( Has it been reported upstream? Bug or feature?

A recent commit c2f71c5 Removed several settings and according to the description it is to remove errors, and according to a post I read elsewhere, the errors are caused by NVAPI not allowing these settings to be changed in newer driver versions.

Since R445.75 the NVAPI does not allow either to read or write the following settings anymore. So i removed them because of errors.

GSYNC - Indicator Overlay 0x10029538
Ultra Low Latency 0x10835000
Sharpening - Denoising Factor 0x002ED8CE
Sharpening Filter 0x00598928
Sharpening Value 0x002ED8CD
Optimize for Compute Performance 0x10C158AD
Ultra Low Latency CPL State 0x0005F543

This is quite concerning for me, as the DCH driver model is to become standard, Nvidia have stated they will eventually phase out the standard driver model in favour of DCH, and DCH requires the control panel to be distributed exclusively by the Microsoft Store, which is not available to me - and many other users - this is not a small proportion of the userbase, educational and corporate versions of windows either do not even have the store installed, or have it locked down.

Accordingly, nvidiaProfileInspector was a hope that we may still be able to control Nvidia cards. This is a very important app, especially in the future of DCH-only drivers.

It is concerning to see that now we have some features which cannot be controlled by the app because they cannot be interfaced via the driver API. I wonder if this is just a small accident and the driver has a bug which could be reported and fixed upstream, or if it is intentional to remove the ability to control the card by means other than the nvidia control panel (which is often unavailable).

By the way, I have contacted Nvidia directly regarding the inability to install the control panel in a corporate environment and their official response was "We'll get back to you", which they have not, even after 3 months... So I guess they don't care much :/ So, for now I have to hope for this app to keep working. This recent change is a little concerning :(

First time using this


A friend recommended me this program and I noticed everytime I change my "profiles" > hit apply changes > close out and reopen the Nvidia inspector again.. the profile goes back to "_GLOBA_DRIVER_PROFILE (Base Profile)"

I was wondering if this is normal? I wasn't sure if the profile had to be set to a specific game for it to work.

Thank you for your time.

Import All (nVidia text format) doesn't work

Importing nVidia text profiles has been broken since the program split into profiles and monitoring.

It either fails with an error message, or just silently fails and doesn't change anything.

The attached file is nVidia defaults exported with their tool.

nVidia's tool correctly imports everything.


Profile Error

Also if you leave Inspector open and keep changing the text file and importing with the nVidia tool each time, Inspector eventually crashes when clicking the "refresh" button.

Error 2

Add binaries to releases page

Will you please add new versions of the program to the releases page? It would be a little more streamlined for people to discover it, mainly because there's no link to the page here.

Slow startup after installing Nvidia driver 436.02

After installing driver version 436.02, profile inspector startup is really slow. This is probably because of the new settings introduced in this new driver (Ultra-Low Latency and Integer Scaling).

Profile Inspector not loading

Do you have any idea why the inspector would run but not the profile inspector?

I've tried multiple versions from the current to past and tried multiple different gpu drivers.

Frame Rate Limiter parameter defaults to "0xB0C02000"

Hi @Orbmu2k, is "0xB0C02000" the intended default value for the Frame Rate Limiter parameter? Shouldn't be "Off" its default value instead?

On my end, with NVIDIA defaults the Frame Rate Limiter Mode shows "Default" value and Frame Rate Limiter V3 to "Off" but Frame Rate Limiter defaults to "0xB0C02000". Is this intended? Please, some clarification will be very appreciated.


Thanks in advance and kind regards.

UPDATE: After some testing, it seems that currently the value "0xB0C02000" is necessary for the new NV CP limiter (V3) to work properly and its corresponding selected FPS to apply. This doesn't occur when the value "Off" is set for Frame Rate Limiter. For example, in this case and if 158 FPS is set for the V3 limit, the limiter applies 160 FPS in-game as limit and not 158 fps.

Crash when removing sh.exe from SuperHot profile

Switch to SUPERHOT profile. Choose the remove exe button, and try to remove sh.exe.

************** Exception Text **************
nspector.Common.NvapiException: DRS_DeleteApplication failed: NVAPI_EXECUTABLE_NOT_FOUND
   at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsServiceBase.DeleteApplication(IntPtr hSession, IntPtr hProfile, String applicationName)
   at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsService.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<DeleteApplication>b__0(IntPtr hSession)
   at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsServiceBase.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<DrsSession>b__0(IntPtr hSession)
   at nspector.Common.DrsSessionScope.DrsSession[T](Func`2 action)
   at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsServiceBase.DrsSession(Action`1 action)
   at nspector.Common.DrsSettingsService.DeleteApplication(String profileName, String applicationName)
   at nspector.frmDrvSettings.tssbRemoveApplication_DropDownItemClicked(Object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDownItem.OnDropDownItemClicked(ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnItemClicked(ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnItemClicked(ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.HandleItemClick(ToolStripItem dismissingItem)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

I think that this happens because there is another exe with the exact same name of sh.exe, but for a game called Super Harvest.

If I delete the entire SUPERHOT profile I still cannot reassign the sh.exe for the game to a different profile because it conflicts with the already established Super Harvest.

Not 100% sure, but figured it was worth posting the stack crawl.

Make NvidiaProfileInspector Portable

Hi, lovely tool! I notice now with v2.3.0.2 a settings.xml file is created in AppData\Local\ which saves windows positions, etc. can this file be moved to the "nvidiaProfileInspector" folder or if a settings.xml is already detected inside use that one instead? This would make nvidiaProfileInspector portable and much better in my opinion, having settings for many in different locations with no user knowledge is such a plague nowadays.

Version Is crashing Windows Graphics Drivers

When i set the Sli compability bits for rFactor 2 i the 372.90 drivers, it works fine til i restart the computer, after that rFactor2 gets WERY sluggish, displays about 8 frames of gameplay, and i have to reinstall the drivers and set the sli bits again, when i do that the game works fine, UNTIL i restart the comp, then its all fucked up again. Reinstall the GPU drivers and redo the procedure.

Something that can be due to the new Profile inspector or something else.

Add application to custom profile (not working)

GTX 670, Windows 10

Have not had any success creating a custom profile and then adding an application to it for frame limiter usage. Inspector says the application is added, but settings changes don't take effect, and settings changed from nvidia control panel don't appear in inspector for the game in question either as they usually would. Settings work for the games that already have predefined profiles but when Custom Profile > Add application they do not.

Have tried as early as v1.9.9.5 and no luck either, this is something that has been bothering me for a while, I just want to play Ori and the Blind Forest with a frame limiter, preferably using nVidia inspector.

NvidiaProfileInspector missing FlipByFlip Metering since like 2018?

Hi, i can't find a older version of NVPI anymore with the Flip by Flip Metering setting. Anyone know if this is the same setting/config setup as a current one at the moment under the following? Used to be 0x00000004

Limiter V2 - Allow All
Limiter V2 - Force Off [Enables Limiter V1 (Less Input Lag)]

Whats are the parameters?

Congratulations for your app. I need a parameter for "nvidiaprofileinspector.exe nameprofile.nip here", where I wouldn't need to click on OK button. I want change profile via prompt without dialog box.

Silk Smoothness Option Missing

There used to a option called 'Silk Smoothness' in Nvidia Profile Inspector. Its missing in latest driver 445.87. Does the driver not contain the option or Nvidia Profile Inspector not picking it up?

Select alternate pstate to lock at (feature request)

This is in regards to the multi display power saver.

Currently we can lock to P8 then force P0 when certain conditions are met.

Can we be given an option to lock to P5 instead of P8? Slightly higher clocks but still close to idle.

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