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orange's Issues

启动报错:nginx: [error] init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:2: module '' not found

[root@localhost openresty-]# orange start
[INFO] Orange: 0.6.2
[INFO] ngx_lua: 10007
[INFO] nginx: 1011002
[INFO] Lua: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2
[INFO] args:
[INFO]  ngx_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf
[INFO]  prefix:/usr/local/orange
[INFO]  orange_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf
[INFO] args end.
[INFO] Start orange command execute.
[INFO] ORANGE_CONF=/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf nginx -p /usr/local/orange -c /usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf
nginx: [error] init_by_lua error: init_by_lua:2: module '' not found:
        no field package.preload['']
        no file '../orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/lor/orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/orange/orange/init.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/orange/orange/init.lua'
        no file './orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta2/orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/orange/orange/init.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/lua/5.1/orange/orange.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/lua/5.1/orange/orange/init.lua'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/orange/'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/orange/'
        no file './orange/'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/orange/'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/lib/lua/5.1/orange/'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/'
        no file './'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/lib/lua/5.1/'
        no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'require'
        init_by_lua:2: in main chunk


New restful URI variable extract directive

It's unquestionable, given this issue for urging multiply variables extractor from a request URI, that it's leaving a lot to be desired.

Yet, as demonstrated by the wide range of different ideas on how it should be improved, it's hard to find consensus on what 'better' actually looks like. Having looked through the discussions in QQ group, there are two broad categories into which the concerns fall into: the first is adding dyadic array for all variable extractors and the second is adding features for new rest template directive.

Dyadic array would increase complexity for configuration and process. But this would be the best solution for URI variable regular matching searching and would support a max range of URI.

So a new custom variable extract directives is a niche requirement, and we want to focus our efforts on making apps a possibility so that it is possible to add a brand new directive suits your use-case for getting multiply variables for a URI, rather than modify old ones. Therefore this issue exists purely to address a new restful URI extractor and a new directive. As for me, I would like to name them as Restful Template.

Old variable extractor using ${number} directive to identify expected variables. But Restful Template would using a new directive differ before. It is {variable name}.

There are two key things which makes this new directive quite desirable:

  1. It matches our request uri by predefined placeholders, and would easily assemble them with old directive ${number}.
  2. It reduce the complexity comparing to dyadic array.

I would give some restrictions on what this Restful Template could and couldn't.

  1. Every rewrite or redirect rule would only have one restful template extractor.
  2. If you using restful template extractor, your must configured it in condition judgement model by define your URI using restful template directive.
  3. {variable name} directive is equal to (.+).
  4. There are some predefined placeholders for this directive. Like queryString, head and body.
  5. variable name would be a unique word, it don't have any blank symbol and couldn't equal to predefined placeholder. (Because we would store the url variables by using your defined name as a key in url variable store.)

Predefined placeholder

  1. {queryString[variable]} means exist query string, if you leave the variable blank like {queryString}, this would append all query string from client.
  2. {head[variable]} would exactor header value.
  3. {body[variable]} would just get the variable from request body(Ajax, url encoded, multipart).

Best practice
We have a public restful api for user login:

Name Variables
GET /api/v3/account/login
Query String username={username}&password={password}&apiKey={apiKey}
Rewrite /dashboard/account?action=login&version=v3&username={username}&password={password}

This would be defined like:

"conditions": [
        "type": "URI",
        "operator": "restful",
        "value": "/api/{version}/{service}/{action}"

"handle": {
    "trim_qs": false,
    "url_tmpl": "/dashborad/{service}?action={action}&version={version}&{queryString}",
    "log": true

A real request could like:

GET    http://orange_request_host:8888/api/v3/account/login?username=syhily&password=123456&apiKey=312b3b123123ubcbjkh324

REWRITE    http://upstream_service_host:8080/dashborad/account?action=login&version=v3&username=syhily&password=123456&apiKey=312b3b123123ubcbjkh324


我的请求是这样的http://hostA/orange/say/hello, 我想通过rewrite模块将url地址重写成http://hostB/say/hello,(hostA变成hostB,并且去掉orange),但是我在配置了rewrite之后一直是404,后来看了代码发现orange的urlrewrite功能并不能改变host,我的变量提取配置的是(orange),处理配置的是${1},请问下orange的重定向是否无法满足我的这种需求??或者有其他的组合配置方式?





2016/06/20 23:24:26 [error] 7939#0: [lua] config_loader.lua:21: load(): Load config file from ./orange.conf
2016/06/20 23:24:26 [error] 7939#0: [lua] file_store.lua:16: new(): load file store configurations... ./data.json

./orange/utils/handle.lua:5: module 'resty.template' not found:

➜ orange git:(master) ✗ sh
start orange..
nginx: [error] [lua] orange.lua:159: init(): Startup error: ./orange/utils/utils.lua:170: ./orange/utils/handle.lua:5: module 'resty.template' not found:
no field package.preload['resty.template']
no file '../resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lor/resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/resty/template/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/template/init.lua'
no file './resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/luajit-2.1.0-beta2/resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/resty/template/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/lua/5.1/resty/template.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/share/lua/5.1/resty/template/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/resty/'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/'
no file './resty/'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/resty/'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/lib/lua/5.1/resty/'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/site/lualib/'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/lualib/'
no file './'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'
no file '/usr/local/openresty/luajit/lib/lua/5.1/'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/'

launch error

1.install success openresty/luajit ,ln -s nginx , and ln -s luajit
2.install lor
2.user by root
sh , show error

2016/06/20 23:24:26 [error] 7939#0: [lua] config_loader.lua:21: load(): Load config file from ./orange.conf
2016/06/20 23:24:26 [error] 7939#0: [lua] file_store.lua:16: new(): load file store configurations... ./data.json

:) thx


2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19220#0: [lua] config_loader.lua:21: load(): Load config file from /opt/nginx/orange.conf
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_db.lua:35: query(): connected to mysql, reused_times:0 sql:select key, value from meta where key like "%.enable", context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_store.lua:48: query(): MySQLStore:query empty, sql:select key, value from meta where key like "%.enable", context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_db.lua:35: query(): connected to mysql, reused_times:1 sql:select value from monitor order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_store.lua:48: query(): MySQLStore:query empty, sql:select value from monitor order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_db.lua:35: query(): connected to mysql, reused_times:2 sql:select value from redirect order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_store.lua:48: query(): MySQLStore:query empty, sql:select value from redirect order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_db.lua:35: query(): connected to mysql, reused_times:3 sql:select value from rewrite order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_store.lua:48: query(): MySQLStore:query empty, sql:select value from rewrite order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_db.lua:35: query(): connected to mysql, reused_times:4 sql:select value from waf order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_store.lua:48: query(): MySQLStore:query empty, sql:select value from waf order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_db.lua:35: query(): connected to mysql, reused_times:5 sql:select value from divide order by id asc, context: ngx.timer
2016/07/06 12:44:09 [error] 19222#0: [lua] mysql_store.lua:48: query(): MySQLStore:query empty, sql:select value from divide order by id asc, context: ngx.timer

Better configuration allocation

  1. Remove file store.
  2. Add PostgreSQL support, pgmoon would be a good choice.
  3. Join orange.conf and nginx.conf together, a yml file would be a good chocie, just like kong.





"dashboard": {
"auth": true,
"session_secret": "y0ji4pdj61aaf3f11c2e65cd2263d3e7e5",
"whitelist": [


justhacker:orange jhp$ sudo orange restart
[INFO] Orange: 0.6.1
[INFO] ngx_lua: 10006
[INFO] nginx: 1011002
[INFO] Lua: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2
[INFO] Stop orange...
[INFO] args:
[INFO] ngx_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf
[INFO] prefix:/usr/local/orange
[INFO] orange_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf
[INFO] args end.
[INFO] ORANGE_CONF=/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf nginx -p /usr/local/orange -c /usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf -s stop
[SUCCESS] Orange stoped.
[INFO] Start orange...
[INFO] args:
[INFO] ngx_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf
[INFO] prefix:/usr/local/orange
[INFO] orange_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf
[INFO] args end.
[INFO] Start orange command execute.
[INFO] ORANGE_CONF=/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf nginx -p /usr/local/orange -c /usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf
[SUCCESS] Orange started.


2017/02/17 21:02:00 [error] 52233#0: *25 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: content_by_lua(nginx.conf:165):3: loop or previous error loading module 'dashboard.main'
stack traceback:
coroutine 0:
[C]: in function 'require'
content_by_lua(nginx.conf:165):3: in function <content_by_lua(nginx.conf:165):1>, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:9999"

New admin dashboard

Create a spa dashboard, remove lor template. This would reduce the dependency of lua and get better performance. Also, it's easy to deploy and test.




  1. 设置 Header , [cookie] [not match] svn_test 然后转发到主机1上
    if condition_type == "URI" then
    real = ngx.var.uri
    elseif condition_type == "Query" then
    local query = ngx.req.get_uri_args()
    real = query[]
    elseif condition_type == "Header" then
    local headers = ngx.req.get_headers()
    real = headers[] ---- ******* 这个地方real值获取到的是nil
    elseif condition_type == "IP" then

local function assert_condition(real, operator, expected)
if not real then
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, string_format("assert_condition error: %s %s %s", real, operator, expected))
return false



我们选择器都是配置的url match,这样就都是是通过正则匹配的。
然后每个选择器又有多个规则,也是url match,也要正则匹配。

1.这样策略一多,每个请求就经过了很多 正则匹配, 是否会很损耗性能?

2.如果选择器只配一个,用全流量方式, 只在规则那匹配,这样会少了很多正则匹配,相对上面性能是否会好一些?



请问 你那边有相关的性能数据吗? 规则过多有什么好的优化方式?





2016/12/19 09:47:19 [error] 28429#0: *195 [lua] server.lua:72: fn(): /usr/local/orange/dashboard/routes/dashboard.lua:74: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:120: in function </usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:119>
[C]: in function 'ipairs'
/usr/local/orange/dashboard/routes/dashboard.lua:74: in function 'fn'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:118: in function </usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:117>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:117: in function 'handle_request'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/route.lua:93: in function 'next'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/route.lua:97: in function 'fn'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:118: in function </usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:117>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:117: in function 'handle_request'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/router.lua:194: in function 'next'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/router.lua:214: in function 'fn'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:118: in function </usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:117>
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/layer.lua:117: in function 'handle_request'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/router.lua:205: in function 'next'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/router/router.lua:214: in function 'handle'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/application.lua:95: in function 'handle'
/usr/local/lor/lor/lib/application.lua:54: in function 'run'
content_by_lua(dashboard.conf:28):4: in function <content_by_lua(dashboard.conf:28):1>,

Use serf to update cluster's configuration cache, and easy monitor


Let's introduce a new sync flow for orange cluster.

Modify (plugin configuration) -> Test (Passed) -> Push to Data Store (MySQL) -> Notify to all orange cluster (using serf) -> Pull configuration from DB.


  1. Any modification will not save to database directly in case of misconfiguration.
  2. Configuration mainly stored and read from SHM except initialization.
  3. After successfully push to database orange should notify its child node to pull updation by using serf.
  4. Manual update operation should not be replaced by this auto sync flow.

More flexible Makefile

Add a configure script to generate Makefile.

  • Altenative prefix
  • Custom Openresty path
  • Custom Lor path
  • uninstall support



启动报错:nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "stub_status" in /usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf:139

[root@localhost chenghui]# orange start
[INFO] Orange: 0.6.2
[INFO] ngx_lua: 10007
[INFO] nginx: 1011002
[INFO] Lua: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta2
[INFO] args:
[INFO] ngx_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf
[INFO] prefix:/usr/local/orange
[INFO] orange_conf:/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf
[INFO] args end.
[INFO] Start orange command execute.
[INFO] ORANGE_CONF=/usr/local/orange/conf/orange.conf nginx -p /usr/local/orange -c /usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf
nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "stub_status" in /usr/local/orange/conf/nginx.conf:139

Distribution package for orange

  1. Homebrew formula. (I would like to work on this part.)
  2. Linux RPM distribution.
  3. Docker distribution.
  4. Mac pkg distribution.
  5. Luarocks rockspec distribution.

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