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genalgo's Introduction


Simple implementation of genetic algorithm. Shared project to practice group collaboration.

Authors: Paweł Dąbrowski, Janusz Brodacki, Kamil Surowiec.

Table of contents:

Algorithm Working Principle
Development Progress
Branch naming convention
Project history
Code structure

Class connection diagram

Algorithm Working Principle

  1. First Step
    • All Genes are initialized
    • Fitness is counted for each gene and assigned to it
  2. Perform evolution Step
    • CrossoverHandler merge genes into pairs based on their fitness, and then crossover perform cross method on these genes
    • Mutator check if a mutation occurs, if yes then perform proper mutation
    • Evaluator count new fitness for each gene and assign them new value of fitness
    • SolutionFinder checks final condition, if final conditions are not met then perform evolution step is repeated


  • working in small group
  • practicing git branching, issues and documentation
  • using TDD

Development progress

We are working to develop functioning Stage 16 on 14.04.2021 - builder for GenePoolService.


  • We use separate branches to develop each stage of project.
  • Each stage consist of at least three steps: documentation, tests and implementation. They are developed in this order and depend on each other.
    • Documentation describes the task.
    • Tests are our specification of product and we want them to describe acceptance conditions for implementation.
    • Implementation is developed at the end of the stage and it should pass all of the tests before release.
  • On each stage we put tests before implementation. If during implementation step it appears, that tests are not sufficient, we extend tests before continuing.
  • Each task in project is developed based on an Issue. If there is no Issue for your work - create one. Use Issues to report bugs or possible enhancements also.
  • When stage is finished, we release it, by pulling current branch to main.
  • Each task is developed on separate branch - naming conventions is explained below.

Branch naming convention

  • Production code is release on main
  • Stage branches are formed as dev-sX, where X is number of development stage.
  • Task branches follow this pattern: X-Label, where X is number of an Issue and Label is short description.

Project history

Stage Description
1 Creation of Gene class, which is a fundament of our model. Adding RandomProvider to test creation of random genes.
2 Creation of Evaluator interface and its implementation.
3 Documentation refactor, added section Code Structure.
Gene value is now single char instead of an array.
4 Creation of CrossoverService to provide gene values recombination.
Another Gene docs refactor.
5 Creation of MutatorService to provide mutation of gene values after cross recombination.
6 Creation GenePool as container for Gene objects. It uses dependencies to perform evolution during each generation.
7 Working on GenePool, improving tests for Mutator and Evaluator dependencies and first implementation of GenePool.
8 Work on GenePool, improve tests for Mutator and Evaluator to use ArgumentCaptor. BitwiseUtils exception refactor.
9 Added CrossoverHandler and SolutionFinder to GenePool. Create table of content for documentation.
10 Working on GenePoolService and refactor of GenePool and its test.
11 Working on first working app. Start with integration tests for whole app.
12 Working on first working app. Create solve method in GenePool to make integration test work correctly
13 Working on improve integration tests. Add new getSolve method with new functionalities.
14 Create factory classes for Mutator, CrossoverService.
15 Working on builders for GenePool and GenePoolService.

Code Structure


class Gene
private final RandomProvider
private char value
private float fitness

private void generateValue() 
// getters and setters for value and fitness

Gene class

Gene has two fields char value and float fitness, generateValue() method use RandomProvider interface to randomly generate char value. It has also getters and setters for its fields: value and fitness.


interface Evaluator
    void setFitness(Gene)

Evaluator has method setFitness(Gene) to calculate and assign calculated value of fitness to gene field fitness. Evaluator count fitness only by comparing two char. One current value in gene with target char Target char should be passed to Evaluator as argument in constructor. There are two implementations of Evaluator: LogarithmicEvaluatorImpl and MaxDeltaEvaluatorImpl.

Formulas for setFitness() method:

LogarithmicEvaluatorImpl: 1 / (1+log10(1+delta))

MaxDeltaEvaluatorImpl: (65535 - delta) / 65535


delta - Absolute value of difference between target and current char

65535 - value equal to Character.MAX_VALUE

Evaluator class diagram


CrossoverHandler is responsible for sorting genes according to their fitness descending, and picking pair of genes starting from the highest fitness and pass this pair as an argument to cross method from a crossover. Each pair of a gene must be put to the cross method only once for each generation. CrossoverHandler uses CrossoverService and its cross method

class CrossoverHandler
    private CrossoverService crossoverService
    List<Gene> fitnessSort(List<Gene> genes)
    List<Gene> performCross()


CrossoverService, an interface responsible for changing gene values (mix their values) to increase their chances to match with optimal solution during next generation.

interface CrossoverService
    void cross(Gene g1, Gene g2)

Crossover class diagram

Multiple implementations (strategies) describe how provided Gene objects should be changed:

Strategy gene 1 gene 2
MixingHalvesCrossoverServiceImpl 2nd byte copied from g2 2nd byte copied from g1
OddBitsCrossoverServiceImpl odd bits copied from g2 odd bits copied from g1
EvenBitsCrossoverServiceImpl even bits copied from g2 even bits copied from g1
BitPairCrossoverServiceImpl even bit pairs copied from g2 even bit pairs copied from g1


MutatorService an interface with single method mutate, responsible for mutating gene values. Based on given strategies selected bits changing its value in order to faster find target.

Classes that implementing MutatorService have additional mutationChance float field that is set in setter (takes random value from 0 - 1) and represents probability of mutation in percent (0 - 100%). Set in seter because in each generation of Gene mutationChance can be different.

Classes imlementing MutatorService use RandomProvider and BItwiseUtils to mutate gene in a proper way.

interface MutatorService    
    void mutate(Gene gene)

Two implementations (strategies) describe how provided gene object is mutated.

Strategy Description
SingleMutator take one bit from random position (0 - 15) and then assign opposite value for this bit (0 or 1)
MultipleMutator first take random number that represents number of bits to mutate (0 - 15), then in a loop take one bit from random
position (0 - 15) and assign opposite value to this bit (0 or 1). We allow that the same bit can change many times.

Mutator class


class SolutionFinder
    private char target
    boolean findSolution(List<Gene>)

SolutionFinder is a class responsible for checking if any gene has value equal to target. This checking is done by evoking findSolution method


class GenePoolService
    private final RandomProvider randomProvider
    private final MutatorService mutator
    private final Evaluator evaluator
    private final CrossoverHandler crossoverHandler
    private final List<Gene> poolOfGenes
    void makeMutation()
    void evaluateFitness()
    void makeCross()
    void getPoolOfGenes()

GenePoolService class carry all logic responsible for gene evolution by evoking methods in proper order.GenePoolService is also a container for genes.

Mutator and Evaluator dependencies are used by methods makeMutation() and evaluateFitness() and perform operations for each gene in poolOfGenes.

CrossoverHandler is used to perform cross method of pair of gene in proper way. Takes pair of gene in descending order according to fitness.

For now it is responsible for:
  • performing mutation by evoking makeMutation()
  • performing cross by evoking makeCross()
  • updating genes by evoking evaluateFitness()

GenePoolService Builder

Builder for GenePoolService returns object with default configuration. Optional parameters are taken to specify configuration.

builder method option instance
mutator MutatorEnum.SINGLE SingleMutator
mutator MutatorEnum.MULTIPLE MultipleMutator
mutator MutatorEnum.DEFAULT SingleMutator
mutator MutatorEnum.ZERO SingleMutator
mutationChance float given mutationChance == given
mutationChance MutatorEnum.ZERO mutationChance == 0f
mutationChance MutatorEnum.* mutationChance == DEFAULT
evaluator EvaluatorEnum.MAX_DELTA MaxDeltaEvaluatorImpl
evaluator EvaluatorEnum.LOG LogarithmicEvaluatorImpl
evaluator EvaluatorEnum.DEFAULT MaxDeltaEvaluatorImpl
target not set evaluatorTarget == '0'
target not set solutionFinderTarget == '0'
target char given evaluatorTarget == given
target char given solutionFinderTarget == given
crossover CrossoverEnum.DEFAULT BirPairCrossoverServiceImpl
crossover CrossoverEnum.BIT_PAIR BitPairCrossoverServiceImpl
crossover CrossoverEnum.EVEN_BITS EvenBitsCrossoverServiceImpl
crossover CrossoverEnum.MIXING_HALVES MixingHalvesCrossoverServiceImpl
crossover CrossoverEnum.ODD_BITS OddBitsCrossoverServiceImpl


class GenePool
    private GenePoolService
    private final List<Gene> poolOfGenes
    private int generation
    List<Gene> getPoolOfGenes()
    int getGeneration()
    void performEvolution()
    int solve()
    List<Gene> getSolve()

GenePool class is a container for pool of genes and is responsible for performing evolution by evoking GenePoolService methods.

GenePool has performEvolution method that evokes all cycle of evolution and this cycle is repeated until a solution is found.

solve method is responsible for searching the target, as a result method returns number of generation in which solution (target) was found.

getSolve method is returning list of genes which are solution of given genepool

For now it is responsible for:
  • incrementing generation count
  • performing evolution until a solution is found

GenePool builder

Builer to fabricate preconfigured GenePool objects.

builder method option instance
poolSize int given genePoolSize == given
generation int given generaton == given
genePoolService GenePoolService instance GenePoolService instance

Default values:

poolSize == 100
generation == 0
genePoolService == genePoolServiceBuilder default



interface RandomProvider
    int getInt(int bound)
    float getFloat()

RandomProvider is a helper class for mocking, to enable tests for classes taking random input.

RandomProvider class


class BitwiseUtils
    int getBit(int number, int index)
    int setBit(int number, int index, int value) throws IllegalArgumentException
    int getByte(int number, int index)
    int setByte(int number, int index, int value) throws IllegalArgumentException

BitwiseUtils provides methods to read and write bits and bytes from given number.
index is a position of bit or byte (starting with 0 for least significant bit)
value is target value of bit (0 or 1) or byte (0 to 255)
throws IllegalArgumentException when index is negative number or value is out of expected range.

BitwiseUtils class



class MutatorFactory
    MutatorService getMutator()
    MutatorService getMutator(OPTION)
    MutatorService getMutator(float mutationChance, OPTION...)

MutatorFactory is a factory returning MutatorService object. Evoked without arguments it returns default configuration, but can take also optional PARAMS and float mutationChance.
Default values are:
mutationChance == 0.05f
MutatorService implementation => SingleMutator

MutatorEnum.ZERO mutationChance = 0, SingleMutator
MutatorEnum.SINGLE mutationChance = 0.05, SingleMutator
MutatorEnum.MULTIPLE mutationChance = 0.05, MultipleMutator
MutatorEnum.DEFAULT mutationChance = 0.05, SingleMutator

When evoked getMutator(float mutationChance, OPTION) mutationChance is taken from first argument and overrides information from OPTION.
When getMutator(float X, MutatorEnum.ZERO) and X is other than zero throws IllegalArgumentException.


class CrossoverServiceFactory
    CrossoverService getCrossoverService()
    CrossoverService getCrossoverService(OPTION)

CrossoverServiceFactory is a factory returning CrossoverService instance. Evoked without arguments it returns default configuration.

OPTION description
CrossoverServiceEnum.DEFAULT BirPairCrossoverServiceImpl
CrossoverServiceEnum.BIT_PAIR BitPairCrossoverServiceImpl
CrossoverServiceEnum.EVEN_BITS EvenBitsCrossoverServiceImpl
CrossoverServiceEnum.MIXING_HALVES MixingHalvesCrossoverServiceImpl
CrossoverServiceEnum.ODD_BITS OddBitsCrossoverServiceImpl


class EvaluatorFactory
    Evaluator getEvaluator(char target)
    Evalaator getEvaluator(char target, OPTION)

EvaluatorFactory is a factory returning Evaluator object. Evoked without OPTION argument returns default configuration.

OPTION description
EvaluatorEnum.DEFAULT MaxDeltaEvaluatorImpl
EvaluatorEnum.MAX_DELTA MaxDeltaEvaluatorImpl
EvaluatorEnum.LOG LogarithmicEvaluatorImpl

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genalgo's Issues

Stage 3 - bug in Variant2EvaluatorImplTest

Variant2EvaluatorImplTest has a bug, which is fatal:

in every test method there is a line:
// given
evaluator = new Variant1EvaluatorImpl(target);

so we are testing Variant1 after all. It needs to be changed.

Stage 3 - formula update for Variant1EvaluatorImpl

I was testing this formula 1 / (1+log(1+delta)) in Excel, having in mind logarithm with base 10, ie. Excels =LOG() formula.
Unfortunately Java uses Math.log() for logarithm with base 2 and Math.log10() for base 10.
I could mention this before, but tests are consistent with Excel (log base10) formula, as was the original intention.

Therefore I would like to change in readme formula to use log10() to avoid confusion.

Gene.generateValue() hidden declaration

I am not happy with having void method generateValue() in constructor, which indirectly sets this.value during object creation.

I think it should be
this.value = generateValue();
so method should return float value.

But I think it is a low priority change and we should consider this case in refactor later, and go to next steps of application first.

Stage 1 - Gene tests

testy czy geny są unikalne
interface RandomProvider

interface RandomProvider
int getRandom()

getRandom(10) -> (LocalThreadRandom.current.nextInt(10)

char[] values

RandomProvider = mock(RP)


Stage5 - Mutator test

Single Mutator:

  • given 100% chance, should mutation occur
  • when chance is met, mutation should occur on given position
  • when chance is not met, mutation should not occur

Multiple Mutator:

  • given 100% chance, should mutation occur
  • when chance is met, mutation should occur on given positions
  • when chance is not met, mutation should not occur

Describe non-goals in docs

Aside of goal for this project we should describe non-goals, such as - things we do not care or which are not our intention.

For example: we do not care about coding fast, because we develop simple algorithm since month. Code quality is important in general, but for me - it is crucial for code to compile, pass tests. Our non-goal could be not to stray from documentation, so we should be careful and describe new features with proper issues, documentation, tests.

After all it is better to have this written down, as we can have other non-goals in our heads and this may lead to misunderstandings.

Stage5 - Mutator docs

Mutator.mutate(Gene): void
modyfikuje gen. Szansa na mutację to jest pole mutationChance w Mutatorze.

(testowanie przez randomprovider)

Sama modyfikacja genu - wylosowanie bita na dowolnej pozycji (0-15) i zmiana wartości 0/1.

SingleMutator - zmienia 1 bit
MultipleMutator - zmienia losową liczbę bitów (możliwe powtórzenia).

Stage 3 - Evaluator.setFitness fix docs

As I can see this is already done in Kamil's PR, because Evaluator.setFitness is described as void method. Please check if everything is ok and let us know :)

Stage2 - Evaluator - docs

G1 char[] ,50
G2 ,60
G3 ,09

Hello world
fjfowehfofw 1562
Hfsjfo hfhse 2213
e 2156

Evaluator G ->

Crossover G+G -> G

Mutation G -> G

GenePool G{200}

Evaluation = WorldEvalutaion("H");

GenePool(Evaluation, Crossover, Mutation, RandomProvider)

float setFitness(Gene)

EvaluatorImpl(char target)
Gene -> value[0] == target (100)

value[0] - różnica





Update docs for Evaluator

It seems like a part of internal implementation and serves only one purpose - to save calculated value into Gene.value field.

I wonder if there is another context, where Evaluator.calculateFitness is used independently.

  • Update Evaluator description
  • Update class names
  • Update diagram
  • Update style for consistency (blockquote)

Project documentation enhancement

There are some topics to be added soon:

  • branch managing and naming convention
  • description of development cycle
  • maybe some predictions about future releases and their contents

Add license

Adding license could encourage contributors to join in. Besides, I think it is a pro move and I have not done this before, but I want to try. :)

More info:

Stage 4 - CrossoverService - docs

+cross(Gene gene1, Gene gene2): void

cross is mutating/mixing genes 1 and 2, using described pattern

g1: 1st byte of g1 + 2nd byte of g2
g2: 1st byte of g2 + 2nd byte of g1

g1: has bites with odd positions copied from g2
g2: has bites with odd positions copied from g1

g1: has bites with even positions copied from g2
g2: has bites with even positions copied from g1

g1: starting from bit0, two bits unmodified, then another two bits copied from g2, then two unmodified, and another from g2...

BitwiseUtils is undocumented

It is something more than internal implementation of one class or functionality, and will be used by Crossover and Mutator classes. It should be somehow mentioned in our docs.

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