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js-filter's Introduction

ysFilter - For filtering and sorting products returned from Silk API.

A jQuery plugin that asynchronously loads in a JSON of all the product data in the current category. The plugin is able to be manipulated with a range of callbacks and properties that allow you to change the default properties.


Beneath the whole filter is a very basic html product list with the only functionality being paging. Products are ideally only shown once and URL's are kept to a minimum. This follows our philosophy at Young/Skilled that a website should be perfectly accessible with javascript even turned off. This means when the page is indexed the default HTML page is the only page that is indexed because the javascript adds all the functionality in a separate layer. To enable sharing the page's hash is updated every time a filter selection is made which is not seen by a search engine as being a new page. This is also semantically correct in that we are effectively just showing the same content, similar to how an anchor shows the same content but a different section of that content. This plugin uses a JSON string that has all the information for all the products that are displayed. On every filtering the results are shown nearly instantly as there are no requests being sent or received making the filter more responsive.


ECMAScript > 5.1 jQuery > 1.7


Initiate with $(selector).ysFilter({'some':'property'});
Invoke methods with $(selector).ysFilter('method', {'some':'property'});
All classes and ids used in properties should omit . and # Example

	debug: true,
	appendItems: true


This is the basic page structure required for the filter to work.

<div id="ysFilter" data-url="" data-category="">
<div class="filterControls" data-type="">
  <div id="color" class="filterGroup" data-type="<!-- See "Data Types" below -->" data-create="<!-- See "Data Create" below -->">
  	<!-- HTML is appended here so it's ok to have elements here. -->
  	<!-- Each value receives class filterControls-value -->
  <!-- id === filterDescriptions[key] repeat above if needed -->
<div id="filterItems">
  <!-- items must come directly after parent there shouldn't be any container surrounding these -->
<nav class="filterPaging">
  <a class="filterPaging-prev"></a>
  <a class="filterPaging-all"></a>
  <a class="filterPaging-next"></a>

Following classes are added to the filter during different phases.

The following structure you can use in combination with Emmet for tab completion.

div#ysFilter[data-url="" data-category=""]>div.filterControls[data-type=""]+div#filterItems+div.filterPaging>a.filterPaging-prev+a.filterPaging-all+a.filterPaging-next



Default 20
Expects integer

How many items to be rendered per page.

$(selector).ysFilter({limit: 20})


Default false
Expects false, wrapper

Splits sizes into groups based on size chart otherwise they are presented as one group.

$(selector).ysFilter({splitSizes: false})


Default false
Expects boolean

Whether to replace items or to append new items with regards to paging.

$(selector).ysFilter({appendItems: false})


Default false
Expects false, class

Update other elements on the page by appending hash to those URL's like e.g. product URL's.

$(selector).ysFilter({updateWHash: false})


Default {}
Expects object with nested objects

Extend filter HTML with predefined variables. See Filter Variables below.

$(selector).ysFilter({filterOptions: {
	color: {
		background: true


Default false
Expects boolean

Using several images on product listing for roll overs etc.

$(selector).ysFilter({multipleImgs: false})


Default undefined
Expects integer

Used in conjunction with onItem. After a certain amount of products built do this.


Default false
Expects false, id

Specify a container where you would like the current filters which are selected to be outputted. If in the filter controls you have an anchor it will copy that with all the classes removing any ID's into this field. Otherwise it will create an anchor per filter.

$(selector).ysFilter({outputChosenFiltersId: 'js-filtersChosen-list'})


Default false
Expects boolean

Make the renderer use hex when rendering products and filter. Used in conjunction with background color/images for related products and color filter controls.

$(selector).ysFilter({forceHex: false})


Expects function(length)

Can add an extra string on a specific item index to be used in conjunction with onItemIndex. Length of items to be rendered also displayed. This is often used in handling banners in category views.

$(selector).ysFilter({eachItemAttrs: function(length) {
	//number of items in array
	//Add string here
	return returnExtraString;


Expects function($this, items[i], i)

Add / manipulate obj that renders the template. Extend object with new properties and add new curly braces in the template that match these. Expects an object to be returned.

$(selector).ysFilter({eachItemAttrs: function($this, currentItem, i) {
	//Manipulate Item
	return currentItem;


Expects function(valObj)

Add extra items to each item rendered. Replace strings, only desc is supported at the moment. Expects an object to be returned.

$(selector).ysFilter({eachFilterAttrs: function(currentItem) {
	//Manipulate Filter Item
	return currentItem;


Expects function()

Create a callback to allow extra functionality after filters are built.

$(selector).ysFilter({afterFilterRendered: function() {
	//Do something now. (uniform, chosen)


Expects function()

Using several images on product listing for roll overs etc.

$(selector).ysFilter({afterItemsRendered: function() {
	//Do something after products are loaded.


Expects function()

Callback to update filter styles manually after changes.

$(selector).ysFilter({onFilterChanged: function() {
	//Do something after filtering is finished.

classProductNew, classProductSale

Default product-new, product-sale
Expects string

A string to be placed in render template for using Sale or News. A space is always added in the code before the class name.

	classProductNew: 'product-new',
	classProductSale: 'product-sale'

Template Options

The template options allows you to customize the filter methods with extra classes wrap the filters with different containers etc. All following properties should be placed within filter-id: {}. The filter-id should pertain to the filter name i.e. color, size.

Property classNames: []
Extra classes in addition of the default filter-value

Property background: true
If background-image/color should be used or text, useful when create a filter list for colors.

Property attrs: []
Add attributes in string format with {} for replacing, {desc}

Property wrapperGroup: '<div class="wrap">'
Wrap all objects for the filter.

Property wrapper: '<div class="wrap">'
Wrap repeating objects. Wraps each individual item.

Property inner: '<div class="group">'
Wrapper per group, groups appear in sizes and categories. This does not wrap the whole filter only a group within that filter.

Data Types

The following functions are used with the attribute data-type="". Data type are methods of the filter defining how this filter interacts with the data. Not all data-types have been created. If none have been chosen the default is s1 which means select only one. Example:

<div id="color" data-type="s1" data-create="a"></div>

s1 - select-one

As seen in URL #cat~s1=value

This limits the filter to only allow one item to be chosen at a time other items are deselected when another is clicked. If the selected item is clicked again that item is deselected.

sand - select-and

As seen in URL #cat~sand=value+value1+value2

multi selectable within group. refines selection, all values must be met to show article.

sor - select-or

As seen in URL #cat~sor=value,value1,value2

multi selectable within group. grows selection, selected article needs to only meet one value

r - range

As seen in URL #cat~r=value_min,valuemax

show items bounds two values need to be presented can be used in conjuction with min and max to get lower and upper bounds respectively

s - sort

As seen in URL #sort~s=value,dir

direction and what is to be sorted.

f - fuzzy

As seen in URL #cat~f=value,spread

choose a value spread of values

Data Create


Create anchor tags HTML using Emmet:



Drop down with anchor tags, use in conjunction with rekaf. HTML using Emmet:



Normal select use afterFilterRendered callback to turn them into uniform selects HTML using Emmet:



Radio buttons with labels. HTML using Emmet:



Radio buttons with labels. HTML using Emmet:



Numerous classes can be reassigned. Check the defaultOpts {} as to which classes are able to be manipulated.

Initial Data


Where to get the JSON object from.



Category URI. Everything after the root and no slash is needed in the beginning.



Version 1.1.5 Changes to how pagination works. Traditional paged views now working correctly. Support before for only appended items. Individual page navigation is now independently set instead of paging parent class.

Version 1.1.0 Final fixes to the related products. New features also added inc. outputChosenFiltersId to paste in filters which are selected. forceHex force use hex instead of using image which is default.

Version 1.0.0 Filter now has a complete feature set. A few features are still available to be added, these are regarding more semantic filtering versions i.e. range scale etc.

  • Variants are now handled by the filter. Showing even which of the variants that is available.
  • Classes have changed in this version to a more OOCSS way of doing things. This means if other clients update to this then it will require class changes on menu etc or if you simply state as options in the filter.

Version 0.5.8 Changed the order in which items are added in additive filtering. If several products are chosen in the same filter then the products chosen last are furthest up.

Version 0.5.7 Fixed paging errors. Referring to non-existing variables

Version 0.5.6 Fixed a bug that showed categories in specific depth. When those categories had products directly related to them.

Version 0.5.5 Fixed some bugs that were also in to "beforeAPI" branch. All anchors are updated with hash on filter change. Fixed a bug with reload with pages and clicking on next. Added selectors for pages/items remaining.

Version 0.5.4 Added in fall backs for possibly undefined price template attributes.

Version 0.5.3 Added in a news filter template for price.

Version 0.5.2 Removed some debugging data.

Version 0.5.1 Pretty much reverted changes in previous commit in 0.5.0 no longer is dependent on changes in SilkAdapterBundle due to refactoring of category arrays. Default sorting is still following the correct order in Silk from here on out.

Version 0.5.0 Default sort order now follows correct sort order in Silk. Needs to have SilkAdapterBundle > 0.4.3 requires filterDescriptions > categorySorting.

Version 0.4.0 Added placeholders for sales and news classes so that sales or news can be used in other parts of the item.

Version 0.3.4 Added locale for sharing.

Version 0.3.3 Fixed titlecase which split on foreign characters for uppercasing.

Version 0.3.2 Fixed sort by news.

Version 0.3.1 Added a new rendering attribute. {attr|'object key'} i.e. {attr|badges} added titleCase function for doing titles using the |title. Tidied up the code a bit also, formatting and jsHint.

Version 0.3.0 WARNING BREAKING CHANGES Filter is now working against a new JSON object returned from Symfony instead of directly against Silk. Some added features are the filter works against all products category agnostic this means also that the category needs to be sent in as a parameter. Pre-sort has also been added as a feature along with some more classes to easily hide/show products while filter loads.

Version 0.2.6 - Branch beforeAPI Tidied up several issues. All product URL's hashes are updated on filter change. Price is now sorted with sale prices also. Fixed issues on first load of products.

Version 0.2.5 - Branch beforeAPI Fixed an issue regarding reloading of category products. Not all products were reloaded.

Version 0.2.4 - Branch beforeAPI Fixed problems with urls not assigning root correctly. Fixed sort of currencies that are prefixed with something other than a number. Fixed fallback for filters when sort was first selected. Also added ysFilter-init as a class on the filter.

Version 0.2.3 Paging problems. Hash didn't have parseInt. Special use case for images where the image was connected to a variant despite there being no variants.

Version 0.2.2 Moved replace items on first load to do it only on debug: true added possibility for remove button to be a sibling.

Version 0.2.1 Fixed on remove of last item in filter category, filter options are refreshed right, previously only worked on .remove before.

Version 0.2 Added multi select as an option in filter, added a new listener for on change of filter.

Version 0.1.3 Pages now show up in URL. Possible to load in to that page.

Version 0.1.2 Fixed a bug with color being read as an array and outputted as a string

Version 0.1.1 Fixed category parsing, was removing a letter if there was only one category.

Understanding the core code

Ajax request gets three major elements: filter, productIds and products. filter has arrays of which productID's are relevant for each filtering mechanism. productIds are the ID's used to match products and filters together. It's an object mapping array position of products to their ID's products this contains the information of each individual product.

┣━ init
┃ Runs first this gets the AJAX and is the starting point for all further interactions.
┃ We also read the hash here to determine the current state for the filter.

┣━ preFilter
┃ Filters out all categories that are irrelevant and reduces the data set. ┃ We get our currentItems from this function and relevantFilters. ┃
┣━┳━━ buildFilter
┃ ┃ Using the html filterControls-group creates the filtering html for the user to control the page with.
┃ ┃ This only occurs once on page load.
┃ ┃
┃ ┗━━ buildFilterTemplate
┃ This is called per filterControls-group to render each of the filters.
┃ This is the where the HTML is produced for the html filters.

┣━┳━━ enableEvents
┃ ╻ Called after the filter is built and is only called once to instantiate it.
┃ ╻ This listens to pages and filtering events.
┃ ╻
┃ ┗━━ updateFilterObj
┃ Creates a filter object which determines the state of the filter.
┃ Triggered only from events, when the customer updates the filter.
┃ Sends the obj to the hashify function which updates the URL.

┣ ┳ ━ dehashify (Extra functions run if hash in URL)
┃ ╻ Extract information from hash to creates the filter object.
┃ ╻
┃ ┗ ━ reSelect
┃ Using the filter object disable certain filter elements.

┣━ gatherItems
┃ Based upon the filter object intersect the arrays and deploy the major logic behind the filter.
┃ This listens to pages and filtering events.

┣━ updateFilterHTML
┃ Updates the HTML so that the customer can see which filters are still relevant.

┣ ━ sortItems
┃ Sort items based on the products properties.

┗━┳━━ renderItems
┃ Define paging and send through for looping through the product templates.
┃ Several callbacks here to hook into for editing what is rendered on the page.
┃ Final step before rendering out the products on the page.

┣━━ renderItemTemplate
┃ Connect variants product objects here to show all related variant information.
┃ Runs through templates received in AJAX call.

┣━━ renderItemPrice
┃ Uses relevant template to display based on price object.

┗━━ renderItemReplace
Major replacement of product attributes.

Some helper functions not mentioned above. relatedToITems maps even variants to objects in products to be later rendered by renderItemTemplate It's used in preFilter and updateFilterHTML hexOrImage pertains to attributes whether they should use the hex code available or use the image. Image always takes precedent. dehasify reads the window.location.hash and turns it into an object for using with the filter. hashify updates the window.location.hash titleCase is a filtering function for changing the output of the productObjects. Use in template with a | getLocale if this needs to be done. keysToItems Maps productID's to products unique Takes a simple array and removes duplicates. Don't use with an object is it doesn't test depth. intersect Takes a two simple arrays and removes duplicates. Don't use with an object is it doesn't test depth.



  • This plugin requires node, gulpjs and bower.
  • Follow JSCS guidelines a styling-example.js is also included.
  • Run bower install and npm install to get dev dependencies. Bower and Gulp is assumed to be running globally.


This is a small plugin by Young Skilled. Contact support for more details about this plugin.

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