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script-compressio-statics-python's Introduction

script compression statics (PYTHON)

script utilisé pour la compression des assets statics

Utilisé en conjonction d'un htaccess (voir plus bas)

# coding: utf-8

# ------------------------------------------------------
# ----- recompresse recursivement png
# -----
# ------------------------------------------------------

from subprocess import call
import os
import sys
import re
import gzip
import json

compjs      = True
minjs       = True # minifie le JS
compcss     = True
mincss      = True # minifie le css
comppng     = True
compwebp    = True # compress png jpeg --> .png.webp jpeg.webp
compsvg     = True # minification des svg impossible
compjson    = True # minification json impossible
compgz      = True
compbro     = True # compression brotli
compfont    = True # compression des fontes
compjpg2wp  = True # compression jpeg en webp

ignore =  ['.eslintrc.js','#old','_fake','_inc','_json','_services','_sharing','_teamfifa','_trophee','export_internautes','import_joueurs']
#ignore =  ['_commonimg','_css','_img','_img_fr','_js','_sounds','_src','_tracking','others']

optionpng = ' --force --ext .png --quality=60-90 '
optionwebp = ' -q 50 -m 6 -alpha_q 50 -pass 6 -quiet '

optioncss = ' --type css '
optionjs = ' --type js '
nooption = ' '

sizepngo = 0 # size PNG originelle
sizepngc = 0 # size PNG recompresse

sizecsso = 0 # size CSS originelle
sizecssc = 0 # size CSS recompresse

sizejso = 0 # size JS originelle
sizejsc = 0 # size JS recompresse

regcss = re.compile('^(.*\.css)$')
regjs = re.compile('^(.*\.js)$')
reggz = re.compile('^(.*\.gz)$')
regpng = re.compile('^(.*\.png)$')
regsvg = re.compile('^(.*\.svg)$')
regbr = re.compile('^(.*\.br)$')
regjson = re.compile('^(.*\.json)$')
regwebp = re.compile('^(.*\.webp)$')
regjpeg = re.compile('^(.*\.jpg|.*\.jpeg)$')

# fonts
regfont = re.compile('^(.*\.otf|.*\.eot|.*\.ttf|.*\.woff|.*\.woff2)$')

regmincss = re.compile('^(.*\.min\.css)$') # supprime les fichier min.css précédents
regminjs = re.compile('^(.*\.min\.js)$') # supprime les fichier min.js précédents
regminsvg = re.compile('^(.*\.min\.svg)$') # supprime les fichier min.svg précédents
#reggz = re.compile('^(.*\.gz)$')
reggz = re.compile('^(.*\.min\.css.gz|.*\.min\.js.gz|.*\.svg.gz)$') # supprime les fichier gz précédents

compressed = []

weigths = {'css':{'before':0,'after':0,'gz':0,'br':0},\

# load list compressed files (no recompress)
fc = open('./compressed.dct','r');
temp =
if temp != '':
    compressed = eval(temp)
    temp = ''

def addsuffx(suffx, opt, cfile, paths, pathfile):

    # mv en min.xx -----------------------------------------------------
    # suppr .min.xx existant

    filename = os.path.splitext(cfile)[0]
    extension = os.path.splitext(cfile)[1]
    # copie fichier en .min.css
    key = suffx[5:]

	# compresser UNIQUEMENT JS & CSS ------------------------------------
    # if key != 'svg' and key != 'json' and key != 'otf' and key != 'eot' and key != 'ttf' and key != 'woff':
    if (key == 'css' and mincss == True) or (key == 'js' and minjs == True) :
        filemin = paths + filename + suffx
        os.system('cp ' + pathfile + ' ' + filemin)
        # compression yui
        #sizecsso += os.path.getsize(filemin)
        option = opt + filemin + ' -o ' + filemin
        filemin = pathfile

    if key in weigths:
        weigths[key]['after'] += os.path.getsize(filemin)
	# ------------------------------------------------------------------

	# compression gz  -------------------------------------------------
    if compgz == True:
        f_in = open(filemin, 'rb')
        f_out = + filename + '.' + key + '.gz', 'wb')
        compressed.append(paths + filename + '.' + key + '.gz')
        if key in weigths:
            weigths[key]['gz'] += os.path.getsize(paths + filename + '.' +key+'.gz')
	# ------------------------------------------------------------------

	# compression brotli (https)  --------------------------------------
    if compbro == True:
        option = ' --force -q 11 -o ' +  paths + filename + '.' + key + '.br ' + filemin
        compressed.append(paths + filename + '.' +key+'.br')

        if key in weigths:
            weigths[key]['br'] += os.path.getsize(paths + filename + '.' +key+'.br')
	# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# suppression des min.xx et min.gz et webp---------------------------

for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
    path = root.split(os.sep)
    for cfile in files:
        paths = os.path.abspath(root)+'/'
        pathfile = paths + cfile

        if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
            os.system('rm ' + pathfile)

        if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
            os.system('rm ' + pathfile)

        if mincss == True and is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
            os.system('rm ' + pathfile)

        if minjs == True and is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
            os.system('rm ' + pathfile)

        if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
            os.system('rm ' + pathfile)

        if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
            os.system('rm ' + pathfile)

# compression --------------------------------------------------

for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."):
    path = root.split(os.sep)
    for cfile in files:
        paths = os.path.abspath(root)+'/'
        ignorerep = False
        if len(ignore) > 0:
            for i in ignore:
                if i in paths:
                    ignorerep = True
            if ignorerep == True: continue

        pathfile = paths + cfile

        if compcss == True:
            if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
                print 'C\'est une CSS !'
                weigths['css']['before'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                addsuffx('.min.css', optioncss, cfile, paths, pathfile)

        if compjs == True:
            if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
                print 'C\'est un JS !'
                weigths['js']['before'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                addsuffx('.min.js', optionjs, cfile, paths, pathfile)

        if compsvg == True:
            if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
                print 'C\'est un SVG !'
                weigths['svg']['before'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                addsuffx('.min.svg', nooption, cfile, paths, pathfile)

        if comppng == True:
            if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
                print 'C\'est un PNG !'
                weigths['png']['before'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                option = optionpng + pathfile
                weigths['png']['after'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                if compwebp == True:
                    print 'Compression du PNG en WEBP !'
                    sizea = os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                    weigths['webp']['before'] += sizea
                    option = optionwebp + pathfile + ' -o ' + pathfile+'.webp'
                    sizeb = os.path.getsize(pathfile+'.webp')
                    if(sizeb > sizea) :
                        print 'Le WEBP est plus GROS, on l\'efface -------------------------------------'
                        os.system('rm ' + pathfile+'.webp')
                        weigths['webp']['after'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile+'.webp')

        if compjpg2wp == True:
            if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
                print 'C\'est un JPEG QUI VA PASSER EN WEBP !'
                weigths['jpegwebp']['before'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                option = optionwebp + pathfile + ' -o ' + pathfile+'.webp'
                weigths['jpegwebp']['after'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile+'.webp')

        if compjson == True:
            if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
                print 'C\'est un JSON !'
                weigths['json']['before'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                addsuffx('.min.json', nooption, cfile, paths, pathfile)

        if compfont == True:
            if is not None and pathfile not in compressed:
                print 'C\'est une FONTE !'
                suff = os.path.splitext(cfile)[1][1:]
                weigths[suff]['before'] += os.path.getsize(pathfile)
                addsuffx('.min.'+suff, nooption, cfile, paths, pathfile)

print str(weigths)

fc = open('./compressed.dct','w');

for w in weigths.iteritems():
    print '------------------------------------'
    print ' ' + w[0]
    bf = w[1]['before']
    af = w[1]['after']
    if bf > 0 :
        prct = (af*100.0)/bf
        print '  minification :'
        print '   {0:.3g}% de la taille originelle'.format(prct)
        print '   GAIN : {0:.3g}%'.format(100-prct)

        if 'gz' in w[1]:
            af = w[1]['gz']
            prct = (af*100.0)/bf
            print '  gzip :'
            print '   {0:.3g}% de la taille originelle'.format(prct)
            print '   GAIN : {0:.3g}%'.format(100-prct)

        if 'br' in w[1]:
            af = w[1]['br']
            prct = (af*100.0)/bf
            print '  brotli :'
            print '   {0:.3g}% de la taille originelle'.format(prct)
            print '   GAIN : {0:.3g}%'.format(100-prct)

        print '  Pas de recompression !'
    print '------------------------------------'

htaccess pour les images

Options -MultiViews

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

	RewriteEngine on
	#RewriteBase /rmcfifa/_img/
	# webp
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept}"	 "\bimage/webp\b"
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.webp	-f
	RewriteRule ^(.*)\.png$            	"$1\.png\.webp" [L,NC]
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept}"	 "\bimage/webp\b"
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.webp	-f
	RewriteRule ^(.*)\.jpg$            	"$1\.jpg\.webp" [L,NC]


<IfModule mod_headers.c>

		Header unset ETag
		FileETag None
		#Header unset Accept-Ranges
		# si mod_expires bug sur OVH du Cache-Control
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=216000, private" # 2.5 jours
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public" # 7 jours
		Header set Cache-Control: "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
		Header unset Content-Length

		Header set content-length: totalbytes

		Header set vary: Accept-Encoding


<ifModule mod_expires.c>
	# pagespeed insights n'a pas l'air de bien comprendre
	ExpiresActive On 
	#ExpiresDefault A259200
	ExpiresDefault "access plus 2592000 seconds"
	# ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 100 seconds"


Htaccess pour les js (.min.js, .js.gz,

Options -MultiViews

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

	RewriteEngine on
	#RewriteBase /test_gz/_js/
	# js br
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}"	 br
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.br	-f
	RewriteRule ^(.*)\.js$            	"$1\.js\.br" [L,NC]
	# js gz
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}" "\b(x-)?gzip\b"
		#ReWriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !.+\.gz$ 
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.gz -f
	RewriteRule "^(.*)\.js"              "$1\.js\.gz" [L,NC]
	# js min	
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}" !"\b(x-)?gzip\b"
	# rewrite .js -> min.js
	RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\.(js)$			$1\.min\.$2 
	# rewrite si min.js inexistant .min.js -> .js
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\.(min.js)$			"$1.js" [L,NC]


<IfModule mod_headers.c>

		Header unset ETag
		FileETag None
		#Header unset Accept-Ranges
		# si mod_expires bug sur OVH du Cache-Control
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=216000, private" # 2.5 jours
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public" # 7 jours
		Header set Cache-Control: "public, max-age=2592000"
		Header unset Content-Length

		Header set content-length: totalbytes
		Header set content-type: "text/javascript; charset=utf-8"

		Header set vary: Accept-Encoding
	<FilesMatch "(\.js\.gz)$">
		SetEnv no-gzip 1
		Header set content-encoding gzip
	<FilesMatch "(\.js\.br)$">
		SetEnv no-gzip 1		
		Header set content-encoding br


<ifModule mod_expires.c>
	# pagespeed insights n'a pas l'air de bien comprendre
	ExpiresActive On 
	#ExpiresDefault A259200
	ExpiresDefault "access plus 2592000 seconds"
	ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 2592000 seconds"


Htaccess pour les CSS

Options -MultiViews

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine on 
	# css br
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}"	 br
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.br	-f
	RewriteRule "^(.*)\.css"            	"$1\.css\.br" [L,NC]
	# css gz
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}" "\b(x-)?gzip\b"
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.gz -f
	RewriteRule "^(.*)\.css"              "$1\.css\.gz" [L,NC]
	# css min
	#RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}" !"\b(x-)?gzip\b"
		#RewriteRule ^(.*)\.css$              $1\.mincss [L]
	#RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\.(css)$			$1\.min\.$2 [L,NC]
	RewriteCond "%{HTTP:Accept-encoding}" !"\b(x-)?gzip\b"
	# rewrite .css -> min.css
	RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\.(css)$			$1\.min\.$2 
	# rewrite si min.css inexistant .min.css -> .css
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
	RewriteRule ^([^.]+)\.(min.css)$			"$1.css" [L,NC]

<IfModule mod_headers.c>	
	<FilesMatch "(\.css\.gz)$">
		# empeche le serveur de recompresser le gz
		SetEnv no-gzip 1
		# si mod_expires bug sur OVH du Cache-Control
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=216000, private" # 2.5 jours
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public" # 7 jours
		Header set Cache-Control: "public, max-age=2592000"
		Header unset Accept-Ranges
		Header set content-encoding gzip
		Header set content-length: totalbytes
		Header set content-type: "text/css; charset=UTF-8"

		Header set vary: Accept-Encoding
		# preco Google :
		Header unset ETag
		FileETag None
	<FilesMatch "(\.css\.br)$">
		# empeche le serveur de recompresser le br
		SetEnv no-gzip 1
		# si mod_expires bug sur OVH du Cache-Control
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=216000, private" # 2.5 jours
		# Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public" # 7 jours
		Header set Cache-Control: "public, max-age=2592000"
		Header unset Accept-Ranges
		Header set content-encoding br
		Header set content-length: totalbytes
		Header set content-type: "text/css; charset=UTF-8"

		Header set vary: Accept-Encoding
		# preco Google :
		Header unset ETag
		FileETag None

<ifModule mod_expires.c>

	ExpiresActive On 
	#ExpiresDefault A604800
	ExpiresDefault "access plus 2592000 seconds"
	ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 2592000 seconds"


script-compressio-statics-python's People


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