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corestore's Introduction


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Simple, elegant, and smart Core Data programming with Swift (Swift, iOS 8+)

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What CoreStore does better:

  • Heavily supports multiple persistent stores per data stack, just the way .xcdatamodeld files are designed to. CoreStore will also manage one data stack by default, but you can create and manage as many as you need.
  • Ability to plug-in your own logging framework
  • Gets around a limitation with other Core Data wrappers where the entity name should be the same as the NSManagedObject subclass name. CoreStore loads entity-to-class mappings from the managed object model file, so you are free to name them independently.
  • Provides type-safe, easy to configure observers to replace NSFetchedResultsController and KVO
  • Exposes API not just for fetching, but also for querying aggregates and property values
  • Makes it hard to fall into common concurrency mistakes. All NSManagedObjectContext tasks are encapsulated into safer, higher-level abstractions without sacrificing flexibility and customizability.
  • Provides convenient API for common use cases.
  • Clean API designed around Swift’s code elegance and type safety.

CoreStore's goal is not to expose shorter, magical syntax, but to provide an API that prioritizes readability, consistency, and safety.

TL;DR sample codes



Simple transactions:

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    let person = transaction.create(Into(MyPersonEntity)) = "John Smith"
    person.age = 42

    transaction.commit { (result) -> Void in
        switch result {
            case .Success(let hasChanges): println("success!")
            case .Failure(let error): println(error)

Easy fetching:

let people = CoreStore.fetchAll(From(MyPersonEntity))
let people = CoreStore.fetchAll(
    Where("age > 30"),
    OrderBy(.Ascending("name"), .Descending("age")),
    Tweak { (fetchRequest) -> Void in
        fetchRequest.includesPendingChanges = false

Simple queries:

let maxAge = CoreStore.queryValue(

Check out the CoreStoreDemo app as well!



For maximum safety and performance, CoreStore will enforce coding patterns and practices it was designed for. (Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds.) But it is advisable to understand the "magic" of CoreStore before you use it in your apps.

If you are already familiar with the inner workings of CoreData, here is a mapping of CoreStore abstractions:

Core Data CoreStore
NSManagedObjectModel / NSPersistentStoreCoordinator
(.xcdatamodeld file)
("Configuration"s in the .xcdatamodeld file)
DataStack configuration
(multiple sqlite / in-memory stores per stack)
NSManagedObjectContext BaseDataTransaction subclasses
(SynchronousDataTransaction, AsynchronousDataTransaction, DetachedDataTransaction)

Popular libraries RestKit and MagicalRecord set up their NSManagedObjectContexts this way:

nested contexts

Nesting context saves from child context to the root context ensures maximum data integrity between contexts without blocking the main queue. But as Florian Kugler's investigation found out, merging contexts is still by far faster than saving nested contexts. CoreStore's DataStack takes the best of both worlds by treating the main NSManagedObjectContext as a read-only context, and only allows changes to be made within transactions on the child context:

nested contexts and merge hybrid

This allows for a butter-smooth main thread, while still taking advantage of safe nested contexts.

Setting up

The simplest way to initialize CoreStore is to add a default store to the default stack:


This one-liner does the following:

  • Triggers the lazy-initialization of CoreStore.defaultStack with a default DataStack
  • Sets up the stack's NSPersistentStoreCoordinator, the root saving NSManagedObjectContext, and the read-only main NSManagedObjectContext
  • Adds an automigrating SQLite store in the "Application Support" directory with the file name "[App bundle name].sqlite"
  • Creates and returns the NSPersistentStore instance on success, or an NSError on failure

For most cases, this configuration is usable as it is. But for more hardcore settings, refer to this extensive example:

let dataStack = DataStack(modelName: "MyModel") // loads from the "MyModel.xcdatamodeld" file

switch dataStack.addInMemoryStore(configuration: "Config1") { // creates an in-memory store with entities from the "Config1" configuration in the .xcdatamodeld file
case .Success(let persistentStore): // persistentStore is an NSPersistentStore instance
    println("Successfully created an in-memory store: \(persistentStore)"
case .Failure(let error): // error is an NSError instance
    println("Failed creating an in-memory store with error: \(error.description)"

switch dataStack.addSQLiteStoreAndWait(
    fileURL: sqliteFileURL, // set the target file URL for the sqlite file
    configuration: "Config2", // use entities from the "Config2" configuration in the .xcdatamodeld file
    automigrating: true, // automatically run lightweight migrations or entity policy migrations when needed
    resetStoreOnMigrationFailure: true) { // delete and recreate the sqlite file when migration conflicts occur (useful when debugging)
case .Success(let persistentStore): // persistentStore is an NSPersistentStore instance
    println("Successfully created an sqlite store: \(persistentStore)"
case .Failure(let error): // error is an NSError instance
    println("Failed creating an sqlite store with error: \(error.description)"

CoreStore.defaultStack = dataStack // pass the dataStack to CoreStore for easier access later on

Note that you dont need to do the CoreStore.defaultStack = dataStack line. You can just as well hold a stack like below and call all methods directly from the DataStack instance:

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
    let dataStack = DataStack(modelName: "MyModel")
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    func methodToBeCalledLaterOn() {
        let objects = self.dataStack.fetchAll(From(MyEntity))

The difference is when you set the stack as the CoreStore.defaultStack, you can call the stack's methods directly from CoreStore itself:

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
    func methodToBeCalledLaterOn() {
        let objects = CoreStore.fetchAll(From(MyEntity))

To ensure deterministic state for objects in the read-only NSManagedObjectContext, CoreStore does not expose API's for updating and saving directly from the main context (or any other context for that matter.) Instead, you spawn transactions from DataStack instances:

let dataStack = self.dataStack
dataStack.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    // make changes

or for the default stack, directly from CoreStore:

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    // make changes

The commit() method saves the changes to the persistent store. If commit() is not called when the transaction block completes, all changes within the transaction is discarded.

The examples above use beginAsynchronous(...), but there are actually 3 types of transactions at you disposal: asynchronous, synchronous, and detached.

Asynchronous transactions are spawned from beginAsynchronous(...). This method returns immediately and executes its closure from a background serial queue:

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    // make changes

Transactions created from beginAsynchronous(...) are instances of AsynchronousDataTransaction.

Synchronous transactions are created from beginSynchronous(...). While the syntax is similar to its asynchronous counterpart, beginSynchronous(...) waits for its transaction block to complete before returning:

CoreStore.beginSynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    // make changes

transaction above is a SynchronousDataTransaction instance.

Since beginSynchronous(...) technically blocks two queues (the caller's queue and the transaction's background queue), it is considered less safe as it's more prone to deadlock. Take special care that the closure does not block on any other external queues.

Detached transactions are special in that they do not enclose updates within a closure:

let transaction = CoreStore.beginDetached()
// make changes
downloadJSONWithCompletion({ (json) -> Void in

    // make other changes
downloadAnotherJSONWithCompletion({ (json) -> Void in

    // make some other changes

This allows for non-contiguous updates. Do note that this flexibility comes with a price: you are now responsible for managing concurrency for the transaction. As uncle Ben said, "with great power comes great race conditions."

As the above example also shows, only detached transactions are allowed to call commit() multiple times; doing so with synchronous and asynchronous transactions will trigger an assert.

You've seen how to create transactions, but we have yet to see how to make creates, updates, and deletes. The 3 types of transactions above are all subclasses of BaseDataTransaction, which implements the methods shown below.

Creating objects

The create(...) method accepts an Into clause which specifies the entity for the object you want to create:

let person = transaction.create(Into(MyPersonEntity))

While the syntax is straightforward, CoreStore does not just naively insert a new object. This single line does the following:

  • Checks that the entity type exists in any of the transaction's parent persistent store
  • If the entity belongs to only one persistent store, a new object is inserted into that store and returned from create(...)
  • If the entity does not belong to any store, an assert will be triggered. This is a programmer error and should never occur in production code.
  • If the entity belongs to multiple stores, an assert will be triggered. This is also a programmer error and should never occur in production code. Normally, with Core Data you can insert an object in this state but saving the NSManagedObjectContext will always fail. CoreStore checks this for you at creation time where it makes sense (not during save).

If the entity exists in multiple configurations, you need to provide the configuration name for the destination persistent store:

let person = transaction.create(Into<MyPersonEntity>("Config1"))

or if the persistent store is the auto-generated "Default" configuration, specify nil:

let person = transaction.create(Into<MyPersonEntity>(nil))

Note that if you do explicitly specify the configuration name, CoreStore will only try to insert the created object to that particular store and will fail if that store is not found; it will not fall back to any other store the entity belongs to.

Updating objects

After creating an object from the transaction, you can simply update its properties as normal:

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    let person = transaction.create(Into(MyPersonEntity)) = "John Smith"
    person.age = 30

To update an existing object, fetch the object's instance from the transaction:

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    let person = transaction.fetchOne(
        Where("name", isEqualTo: "Jane Smith")
    person.age = person.age + 1

(For more about fetching, read Fetching and querying)

Do not update an instance that was not created/fetched from the transaction. If you have a reference to the object already, use the transaction's edit(...) method to get an editable proxy instance for that object:

let jane: MyPersonEntity = // ...

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    // WRONG: jane.age = jane.age + 1
    // RIGHT:
    let jane = transaction.edit(jane) // using the same variable name protects us from misusing the non-transaction instance
    jane.age = jane.age + 1

This is also true when updating an object's relationships. Make sure that the object assigned to the relationship is also created/fetched from the transaction:

let jane: MyPersonEntity = // ...
let john: MyPersonEntity = // ...

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    // WRONG: jane.friends = [john]
    // RIGHT:
    let jane = transaction.edit(jane)
    let john = transaction.edit(john)
    jane.friends = [john]

Deleting objects

Deleting an object is simpler as you can tell a transaction to delete an object directly without fetching an editable proxy (CoreStore does that for you):

let john: MyPersonEntity = // ...

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in

or several objects at once:

let john: MyPersonEntity = // ...
let jane: MyPersonEntity = // ...

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
    transaction.delete(john, jane)
    // transaction.delete([john, jane]) is also allowed

If you do not have references yet to the objects to be deleted, transactions have a deleteAll(...) method you can pass a query to:

CoreStore.beginAsynchronous { (transaction) -> Void in
        Where("age > 30")

Fetching and querying

Before we dive in, be aware that CoreStore distinguishes between fetching and querying:

  • A fetch executes searches from a specific transaction or data stack. This means fetches can include pending objects (i.e. before a transaction calls on commit().) Use fetches when:
    • results need to be NSManagedObject instances
    • unsaved objects should be included in the search (though fetches can be configured to exclude unsaved ones)
  • A query pulls data straight from the persistent store. This means faster searches when computing aggregates such as count, min, max, etc. Use queries when:
    • you need to compute aggregate functions (see below for a list of supported functions)
    • results can be raw values like NSStrings, NSNumbers, Ints, NSDates, an NSDictionary of key-values, etc.
    • only specific attribute keys need to be included in the results
    • unsaved objects should be ignored

The search conditions for fetches and queries are specified using clauses. All fetches and queries require a From clause that indicates the target entity type:

let people = CoreStore.fetchAll(From(MyPersonEntity))
// CoreStore.fetchAll(From<MyPersonEntity>()) works as well

people in the example above will be of type [MyPersonEntity]. The From(MyPersonEntity) clause indicates a fetch to all persistent stores that MyPersonEntity belong to.

If the entity exists in multiple configurations and you need to only search from a particular configuration, provide the From clause the configuration name for the destination persistent store:

let people = CoreStore.fetchAll(From<MyPersonEntity>("Config1")) // ignore objects in persistent stores other than the "Config1" configuration

or if the persistent store is the auto-generated "Default" configuration, specify nil:

let person = CoreStore.fetchAll(From<MyPersonEntity>(nil))

Now we know how to use a From clause, let's move on to fetching and querying.


There are currently 5 fetch methods you can call from CoreStore, from a DataStack instance, or from a BaseDataTransaction instance. All of the methods below accept the same parameters: a required From clause, and an optional series of Where, OrderBy, and/or Tweak clauses.

  • fetchAll(_:_:) - returns an array of all objects that match the criteria.
  • fetchOne(_:_:) - returns the first object that match the criteria.
  • fetchCount(_:_:) - returns the number of objects that match the criteria.
  • fetchObjectIDs(_:_:)`` - returns an array of NSManagedObjectID`s for all objects that match the criteria.
  • fetchObjectID(_:_:) - returns the NSManagedObjectIDs for the first objects that match the criteria.

Each method's purpose is straightforward, but we need to understand how to set the clauses for the fetch.

Where clause

The Where clause is CoreStore's NSPredicate wrapper. It specifies the search filter to use when fetching (or querying). It implements all initializers that NSPredicate does (except for -predicateWithBlock:, which Core Data does not support):

var people = CoreStore.fetchAll(
    Where("%K > %d", "age", 30) // string format initializer
people = CoreStore.fetchAll(
    Where(true) // boolean initializer

If you do have an existing NSPredicate instance already, you can pass that to Where as well:

let predicate = NSPredicate(...)
var people = CoreStore.fetchAll(
    Where(predicate) // predicate initializer

Where clauses also implement the &&, ||, and ! logic operators, so you can provide logical conditions without writing too much AND, OR, and NOT strings in the conditions:

var people = CoreStore.fetchAll(
    Where("age > %d", 30) && Where("gender == %@", "M")

If you do not provide a Where clause, all objects that belong to the specified From will be returned.

OrderBy clause

The OrderBy clause is CoreStore's NSSortDescriptor wrapper. Use it to specify attribute keys in which to sort the fetch (or query) results with.

var mostValuablePeople = CoreStore.fetchAll(
    OrderBy(.Descending("rating"), .Ascending("surname"))

As seen above, OrderBy accepts a list of SortKey enumeration values, which can be either .Ascending or .Descending. The associated value for the SortKey enumeration is the attribute key string.

You can use the + and += operator to append OrderBys together. This is useful when sorting conditionally:

var orderBy = OrderBy(.Descending("rating"))
if sortFromYoungest {
    orderBy += OrderBy(.Ascending("age"))
var mostValuablePeople = CoreStore.fetchAll(

Tweak clause

The Tweak clause lets you, well, tweak the fetch (or query). Tweak exposes the NSFetchRequest in a closure where you can make changes to its properties:

var people = CoreStore.fetchAll(
    Where("age > %d", 30),
    Tweak { (fetchRequest) -> Void in
        fetchRequest.includesPendingChanges = false
        fetchRequest.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
        fetchRequest.includesSubentities = false

The clauses are evaluated the order they appear in the fetch/query, so you typically need to set Tweak as the last clause. Tweak's closure is executed only just before the fetch occurs, so make sure that any values captured by the closure is not prone to race conditions.

Do note that while Tweak lets you micro-configure its NSFetchRequest, don't forget that CoreStore already preconfigured that NSFetchRequest to suitable defaults. Only use Tweak when you know what you are doing!


One of the functionalities overlooked by other Core Data wrapper libraries is raw properties fetching. If you are familiar with NSDictionaryResultType and -[NSFetchedRequest propertiesToFetch], you probably know how painful it is to setup a query for raw values and aggregate values. CoreStore makes querying easy by exposing the 2 methods below:

  • queryValue(_:_:_:) - returns a single raw value for an attribute or for an aggregate value. If there are multiple results, queryValue(...) only returns the first item.
  • queryAttributes(_:_:_:) - returns an array of dictionaries containing attribute keys with their corresponding values.

Both methods above accept the same parameters: a required From clause, a required Select<T> clause, and an optional series of Where, OrderBy, GroupBy, and/or Tweak clauses.

Setting up the From, Where, OrderBy, and Tweak clauses is similar to how you would when fetching. For querying, you also need to know how to use the Select<T> and GroupBy clauses.

Select<T> clause

The Select<T> clause specifies the target attribute/aggregate key and the return type:

let johnsAge = CoreStore.queryValue(
    Where("name == %@", "John Smith")

The example above queries the "age" property for the first object that matches the Where condition. johnsAge will be bound to type Int?, as indicated by the Select<Int> generic type. For queryValue(...), the following are allowed as the return type (and as the generic type for Select<T>):

  • Bool
  • Int8
  • Int16
  • Int32
  • Int64
  • Double
  • Float
  • String
  • NSNumber
  • NSString
  • NSDecimalNumber
  • NSDate
  • NSData
  • NSManagedObjectID
  • NSString

For queryAttributes(...), only NSDictionary is valid for Select, thus you are allowed omit the generic type:

let allAges = CoreStore.queryAttributes(

If you only need a value for a particular attribute, you can just specify the key name (like we did with Select<Int>("age")), but several aggregate functions can also be used as parameter to Select:

  • .Average(...)
  • .Count(...)
  • .Maximum(...)
  • .Minimum(...)
  • .Sum(...)
let oldestAge = CoreStore.queryValue(

For queryAttributes(...) which returns an array of dictionaries, you can specify multiple attributes/aggregates to Select:

let personJSON = CoreStore.queryAttributes(
    Select("name", "age")

personJSON will then have the value:

        "name": "John Smith",
        "age": 30
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "age": 22

You can also include an aggregate as well:

let personJSON = CoreStore.queryAttributes(
    Select("name", .Count("friends"))

which returns:

        "name": "John Smith",
        "count(friends)": 42
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "count(friends)": 231

The "count(friends)" key name was automatically used by CoreStore, but you can specify your own key alias if you need:

let personJSON = CoreStore.queryAttributes(
    Select("name", .Count("friends", As: "friendsCount"))

which now returns:

        "name": "John Smith",
        "friendsCount": 42
        "name": "Jane Doe",
        "friendsCount": 231

GroupBy clause

The GroupBy clause lets you group results by a specified attribute/aggregate. This is useful only for queryAttributes(...) since queryValue(...) just returns the first value.

let personJSON = CoreStore.queryAttributes(
    Select("age", .Count("age", As: "count")),

this returns dictionaries that shows the count for each "age":

        "age": 42,
        "count": 1
        "age": 22,
        "count": 1

Logging and error handling

One unfortunate thing when using some third-party libraries is that they usually pollute the console with their own logging mechanisms. CoreStore provides its own default logging class, but you can plug-in your own favorite logger by implementing the CoreStoreLogger protocol.

final class MyLogger: CoreStoreLogger {
    func log(#level: LogLevel, message: String, fileName: StaticString, lineNumber: Int, functionName: StaticString) {
        // pass to your logger
    func handleError(#error: NSError, message: String, fileName: StaticString, lineNumber: Int, functionName: StaticString) {
        // pass to your logger
    func assert(@autoclosure condition: () -> Bool, message: String, fileName: StaticString, lineNumber: Int, functionName: StaticString) {
        // pass to your logger

Then pass an instance of this class to CoreStore:

CoreStore.logger = MyLogger()

Doing so channels all logging calls to your logger.

Note that to keep the call stack information intact, all calls to these methods are not thread-managed. Thus you have to make sure that your logger is thread-safe or you may otherwise have to dispatch your logging implementation to a serial queue.

Observing changes and notifications

CoreStore provides type-safe wrappers for observing managed objects:

  • ManagedObjectController: use to observe changes to a single NSManagedObject instance (instead of Key-Value Observing)
  • ManagedObjectListController: use to observe changes to a list of NSManagedObject instances (instead of NSFetchedResultsController)

Observe a single object

To observe an object, implement the ManagedObjectObserver protocol and specify the EntityType:

class MyViewController: UIViewController, ManagedObjectObserver {
    func managedObjectWillUpdate(objectController: ManagedObjectController<MyPersonEntity>, object: MyPersonEntity) {
        // ...
    func managedObjectWasUpdated(objectController: ManagedObjectController<MyPersonEntity>, object: MyPersonEntity, changedPersistentKeys: Set<KeyPath>) {
        // ...
    func managedObjectWasDeleted(objectController: ManagedObjectController<MyPersonEntity>, object: MyPersonEntity) {
        // ...

We then need to keep a ManagedObjectController instance and register our ManagedObjectObserver as an observer:

let person: MyPersonEntity = // ...
self.objectController = CoreStore.observeObject(person)

The controller will then notify our observer whenever the object's attributes change. You can add multiple ManagedObjectObservers to a single ManagedObjectController without any problem. This means you can just share around the ManagedObjectController instance to different screens without problem.

You can get ManagedObjectController's object through its object property. If the object is deleted, the object property will become nil to prevent further access.

While ManagedObjectController exposes removeObserver(...) as well, it only stores weak references of the observers and will safely unregister deallocated observers.

Observe a list of objects

To observe a list of objects, implement one of the ManagedObjectListChangeObserver protocols and specify the EntityType:

class MyViewController: UIViewController, ManagedObjectListChangeObserver {
    func managedObjectListWillChange(listController: ManagedObjectListController<MyPersonEntity>) {
        // ...
    func managedObjectListDidChange(listController: ManagedObjectListController<MyPersonEntity>) {
        // ...

Including ManagedObjectListChangeObserver, there are 3 observer protocols you can implement depending on how detailed you need to handle a change notification:

  • ManagedObjectListChangeObserver: lets you handle these callback methods:
    • func managedObjectListWillChange(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>)
    • func managedObjectListDidChange(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>)
  • ManagedObjectListObjectObserver: in addition to ManagedObjectListChangeObserver methods, also lets you handle object inserts, updates, and deletes:
    • func managedObjectList(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>, didInsertObject object: T, toIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath)
    • func managedObjectList(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>, didDeleteObject object: T, fromIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath)
    • func managedObjectList(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>, didUpdateObject object: T, atIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath)
    • func managedObjectList(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>, didMoveObject object: T, fromIndexPath: NSIndexPath, toIndexPath: NSIndexPath)
  • ManagedObjectListSectionObserver: in addition to ManagedObjectListObjectObserver methods, also lets you handle section inserts and deletes:
    • func managedObjectList(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>, didInsertSection sectionInfo: NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo, toSectionIndex sectionIndex: Int)
    • func managedObjectList(listController: ManagedObjectListController<T>, didDeleteSection sectionInfo: NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo, fromSectionIndex sectionIndex: Int)

We then need to create a ManagedObjectListController instance and register our ManagedObjectListChangeObserver as an observer:

self.listController = CoreStore.observeObjectList(
    Where("age > 30"),
    Tweak { (fetchRequest) -> Void in
        fetchRequest.fetchBatchSize = 20

Similar to ManagedObjectController, a ManagedObjectListController can also have multiple ManagedObjectListChangeObservers registered to a single ManagedObjectListController.

If you have noticed, the observeObjectList(...) method accepts Where, OrderBy, and Tweak clauses exactly like a fetch. As the list maintained by ManagedObjectListController needs to have a deterministic order, at least the From and OrderBy clauses are required.

A ManagedObjectListController created from observeObjectList(...) will maintain a single-section list. You can therefore access its contents with just an index:

let firstPerson = self.listController[0]

If the list needs to be grouped into sections, create the ManagedObjectListController instance with the observeSectionedList(...) method and a SectionedBy clause:

self.listController = CoreStore.observeSectionedList(
    Where("gender", isEqualTo: "M"),
    OrderBy(.Ascending("age"), .Ascending("name")),
    Tweak { (fetchRequest) -> Void in
        fetchRequest.fetchBatchSize = 20

A list controller created this way will group the objects by the attribute key indicated by the SectionedBy clause. One more thing to remember is that the OrderBy clause should sort the list in such a way that the SectionedBy attribute would be sorted together (a requirement shared by NSFetchedResultsController.)

The SectionedBy clause can also be passed a closure to transform the section name into a displayable string:

self.listController = CoreStore.observeSectionedList(
    SectionedBy("age") { (sectionName) -> String? in
        "\(sectionName) years old"
    OrderBy(.Ascending("age"), .Ascending("name"))

This is useful when implementing a UITableViewDelegate's section header:

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
    let sectionInfo = self.listController.sectionInfoAtIndex(section)
    // sectionInfo is an NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo instance

To access the objects of a sectioned list, use an NSIndexPath or a tuple:

let indexPath = NSIndexPath(forRow: 2, inSection: 1)
let person1 = self.listController[indexPath]
let person2 = self.listController[1, 2]
// person1 and person2 are the same object


  • Data importing utilities for transactions
  • Migration utilities
  • Support iCloud stores


  • Requires iOS 8 SDK and above
  • Swift 1.2

Install with Cocoapods

pod 'CoreStore'

This installs CoreStore as a framework. Declare import CoreStore in your swift file to use the library.

Install as Git Submodule

git submodule add <destination directory>

To install as a framework:

Drag and drop CoreStore.xcodeproj to your project.

To include directly in your app module:

Add all .swift files to your project.


While CoreStore's design is pretty solid and the unit test and demo app work well, CoreStore is pretty much still in its early stage. With more exposure to production code usage and criticisms from the developer community, CoreStore hopes to mature as well. Please feel free to report any issues, suggestions, or criticisms! 日本語で連絡していただいても構いません!


CoreStore is released under an MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information

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