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fb-messenger-php-example's Introduction

FB Messenger Bot PHP API Sample

This is an example for Facebook Messenger PHP Bot API -


The minimum requirement is that your Web server supports PHP 5.4.


composer install
cp config_sample.php config.php

Specify token and verify_token in the config.php


Persistent Menu

This code should create 2 menus:

  1. menu for users with Arabic locale: contains one item "promotions"
  2. menu for users from any other locale which is in this hierarchy:
    .......My Account
    ..............|- Pay Bill
    ..............|- History
    .....................|- History Old
    .....................|- History new
    ..............|- Contact info
$myAccountItems[] = new MenuItem('postback', 'Pay Bill', 'PAYBILL_PAYLOAD');
$historyItems[]   = new MenuItem('postback', 'History Old', 'HISTORY_OLD_PAYLOAD');
$historyItems[]   = new MenuItem('postback', 'History New', 'HISTORY_NEW_PAYLOAD');
$myAccountItems[] = new MenuItem('nested', 'History', $historyItems);
$myAccountItems[] = new MenuItem('postback', 'Contact_Info', 'CONTACT_INFO_PAYLOAD');

$myAccount = new MenuItem('nested', 'My Account', $myAccountItems);
$promotions = new MenuItem('postback', 'Promotions', 'GET_PROMOTIONS_PAYLOAD');

$enMenu = new LocalizedMenu('default', false, [

$arMenu = new LocalizedMenu('ar_ar', false, [

$localizedMenu[] = $enMenu;
$localizedMenu[] = $arMenu;

//Create the FB bot
$bot = new FbBotApp(PAGE@TOKEN);

fb-messenger-php-example's People


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fb-messenger-php-example's Issues

Guys, you have an error in your PersistentMenu example

It actuually killed me two hours to figure out what the issue was =( :

In your file index.php

you have

                    new LocalizedMenu('default', false, [
                        new MenuItem('nested', 'My Account',
                            new MenuItem('nested', 'History',
                                new MenuItem('postback', 'History Old', 'HISTORY_OLD_PAYLOAD'),
                                new MenuItem('postback', 'History New', 'HISTORY_NEW_PAYLOAD')
                            new MenuItem('postback', 'Contact_Info', 'CONTACT_INFO_PAYLOAD')

Although it must be:

        new LocalizedMenu('default', false, [
            new MenuItem('nested', 'My Account', [
                new MenuItem('nested', 'History', [
                    new MenuItem('postback', 'History Old', 'HISTORY_OLD_PAYLOAD'),
                    new MenuItem('postback', 'History New', 'HISTORY_NEW_PAYLOAD')
                new MenuItem('postback', 'Contact_Info', 'CONTACT_INFO_PAYLOAD')

This was actually very confusing and hard to notice, please fix this

Can you show us an example how i can send a message depending by last 2-3 replies ?

Can you show us an example how i can send a message depending by last 2-3 replies ?

I want to try something like here:

Example - scenario:

  1. Page: "So tell me, what do you have in your fridge ?"
    Reply: "milk"
  2. Page: "What else ?"
    Reply: "banana"
  3. Page: "Hmmm milk and banana that looks yummy 😋. Let me think a minute ... " ... And bellow show recipes...

Practicaly in the step 3) exists replies from 1) and 2). I would like to know how can i get last 2 replies in this step.

I suppose in step 2) is colected reply from step 1) and in step 3 what is in step 2).

Have you idea how is made that ?

Thank You

this code not run

hello sir,
I download your source and config on my host. But when i send a message to Bot, Bot not reply.
If i set $command in line 71 (before switch ($command)), bot Reply.
Pls help me

'text' switch case is never executed in index.php

Thanks for such a wonderful API it really helped me. Now coming onto issue, the first switch case in index.php

    // When bot receive message from user
            if (!empty($message['message'])) {
                $command = $message['message']['text'];

which is then used in case 1

        // When bot receive "text"
                case 'text':
                    $bot->send(new Message($message['sender']['id'], 'This is a simple text message.'));

is never executed.
as $message['message']['text'] returns the text message that user sent and not the message type. It should have type param which should be equal to text. But unfortunately json file sent by fb doesn't have any such parameter.
So what we can do is
use ```
if (!empty($message['message'])) {
$command = 'text';

1.  sending the message from if statement itself thus separating cases for message and postback.

Dont send image with text "local image"

With text "local image" code not run and log

[09-Jan-2017 22:32:00 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh] PHP Fatal error: Class 'pimax\Messages\Attachment' not found in /home/.../Messages/ImageMessage.php on line 49

Bot is not answering

I configured the bot with the token and verify_token, I run the curl command and It worked (success: true)
I'm using ngrok for the make public my server. However the bot is not answering anything. I'm getting this response from the server:

captura de pantalla de 2017-03-30 14-20-49

captura de pantalla de 2017-03-30 14-20-58

captura de pantalla de 2017-03-30 14-21-01

When I do this:
`$data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING);

echo json_encode($data);`

I'm getting a null value:
captura de pantalla de 2017-03-30 14-25-06


hello , very nice your example , I immediately wanted to do a test ...
I mounted on heroku , but I have this problem on ImageMessage :

2016-06-01T19:11:51.946371+00:00 app[web.1]: [01-Jun-2016 19:11:51 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'pimax\Messages\ImageMessage' not found in /app/index.php:68

text work fine ...

Can help me ?? tnks

Infinite loop

when I try to run your example I have received infinite loop with message 'Sorry. I don’t understand you.' for any message I sent to my bot.

What can it be?

2016-10-22 10 52 40

Issue with require file

Nice Example
This file not included in index.php file
echo require_once(dirname(FILE) . '/vendor/autoload.php'); nothing to display in this file just comment the return "return ComposerAutoloaderInit304c70e3a9fe78bbc8b5b092ab75ab50::getLoader();" , it will display 1 ,
how to achieve this.

MessageButton Questions


I am new in this project.

I am using this code and want to change the description "Share". No matter what I did, the "wording" is not changed. Can anyone suggest how can I change it ?? Thanks.

new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_SHARE, 'Share'),

my coding is working fine for less than 3 MessageButton. When I created 4 MessageButton, the respond seems stopped. is there any limitation for the numbers of MessageButton? Please advise Thanks

Receive the Button payload

Can you please show me the right way to receive the payload? In your example if i send the test 'button' 3 buttons will be appeared as 'First Button', 'Second Button', Third Button'. But how can i receive and process the response if The 'First Button' is pressed?

How to get Postback button value in the callback url in Facebook messenger bot?

I am trying to get Start button payload value in my call back url, its not happening. But i can get user typed text messages, and based on text messages I am able to send response as well. Lets given an example if user typing PHP (as a text message) I can send short description about PHP and i am showing 2 button 1 is more info it contains url, and one more button Start (to continuing the chat).
screen shot 2017-06-05 at 1 05 56 pm
whatsapp image 2017-06-05 at 1 03 20 pm

if user click Start button, i am not getting the value for the same in my callback url. Note i have selected all the events in my app settings
And my callback code

$verify_token = "hdb20174_token";
$hub_verify_token = null;
$challenge = $_REQUEST['hub_challenge'];
$hub_verify_token = $_REQUEST['hub_verify_token'];
if ($hub_verify_token === $verify_token)
echo $challenge;

$message_to_reply = '';
$input = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
$sender = $input['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['sender']['id'];

$postback = $input['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['postback']['payload'];
if (!empty($postback)) {
$message = $input['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['postback']['payload'];

$message = $input['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['message']['text'];


$message = trim($message);

$message_to_reply = "Thanks to continue, You can use bot now";



function getDescription($keyword)
return $xml->Result->Description;

$message_to_reply = getDescription($message);


$message_to_reply = trim($message_to_reply); 

//API Url
$url = ''.$access_token;
//Initiate cURL.
$ch = curl_init($url);
//The JSON data.
$jsonData = '{

"title":"More Info"

//$abb = json_encode($jsonData);
//Encode the array into JSON.
$jsonDataEncoded = $jsonData;
//Tell cURL that we want to send a POST request.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
//Attach our encoded JSON string to the POST fields.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $jsonDataEncoded);
//Set the content type to application/json
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json'));
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'));
//Execute the request
$result = curl_exec($ch);

I am using core php.


The example does not detect messages as of text, image etc and gives key error

<br />
<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined index: text in <b>/path/hook.php</b> on line <b>46</b><br />
COMMAND = <br>

default: doesn't work.

I implemented default: just the way it is in this example code and it doesn't work. can someone please help?

Should be check X-Hub-Signature headers

We should check X-Hub-Signature to make sure the request was sent by Facebook.
This is my code example (using Yii2 framework)

        $raw = file_get_contents("php://input");
        // ....
        $signature = Yii::$app->request->headers->get('X-Hub-Signature');
        if (empty ($signature)) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException();

        $appSecret = Yii::$app->params['facebook_secret'];
        $shaAppSecret = hash_hmac('sha1', $raw, $appSecret);
        if ("sha1=".$shaAppSecret == $signature) {
            // Process message
        } else {
            // Process when someone fake the request.

If we don't implement this, somebody can fake the request to make some spam message.
Please add it to your code for all dev reference.

Multiple payloads on sequence

Hello, I'm wondering how I can create multiple structured message.

I tried with

$bot->send(new StructuredMessage($message['sender']['id'],
		'text' => 'Choose category',
		'buttons' => [
			new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button', 
				'text' => 'Choose category',
				'buttons' => [
					new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button', 'PAYLOAD 1'),
					new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Second button', 'PAYLOAD 2'),
					new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Third button', 'PAYLOAD 3')
			new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Second button', 'PAYLOAD 2'),
			new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Third button', 'PAYLOAD 3')

But it won't work. I'm wondering how I can create sequence paylods?


button POSTBACK is not working

I am not sure if this only me , when you click postback and define the playload it does not work.

anybody help me with an example?

Add QuickReply to objects


                    $bot->send(new StructuredMessage($message['sender']['id'],
                            'elements' => [
                                new MessageElement("First item", "Item description", "", [
                                    new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button'),
                                    new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_WEB, 'Web link', '')
                                new MessageElement("Second item", "Item description", "", [
                                    new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button'),
                                    new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Second button')
                                new MessageElement("Third item", "Item description", "", [
                                    new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button'),
                                    new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Second button')
                        	new QuickReplyButton(QuickReplyButton::TYPE_TEXT, 'First button','THIS PARAM is required, atleast put a whitespace!') 

unable to handle button click via payload

First of all, i'm greatfull for what you have done, it feels great when people still writing things via php rather than getting fancy with nodejs, secondly, i'm trying to capture button payload but unable to do so, it shows bot is typing and then nothing happens, is there something i'm missing, or functionality yet to be added ?
i'm copy and pasted your code

How can I make generic structured message with many elements?

for example, I want show several items from databaes, how can I iterate using this structure? thanks

$bot->send(new StructuredMessage($message['sender']['id'],
'elements' => [
new MessageElement("First item", "Item description", "", [
new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button'),
new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_WEB, 'Web link', '')
new MessageElement("Second item", "Item description", "", [
new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button'),
new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Second button')
new MessageElement("Third item", "Item description", "", [
new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'First button'),
new MessageButton(MessageButton::TYPE_POSTBACK, 'Second button')

Receipt error

Hi ,

I tried the repo , everything is fine but when you try to display : Image , Profile and Receipt nothing work.

Maybe i missed something ?


Is there any chance we can get some documentation here? It's a wicked starting point, but I'm tripping up on a few things so documentation would be wicked!

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