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osmand_map_creation's Issues

Australia au/countrywide

I've been trying to figure out how to generate a map with the openaddresses au/countrywide address set (Addresses are generated for the Australian Government but not licensed appropriately for openstreetmaps). I'm not sure where to begin

Looking at the I'm presuming I would end up with a command similar to this?

cd /home/pat/projects/osmand_map_creation/osmand_osm/osm/;python3 au:act au:nsw au:vic au:qld au:tas au:nt au:sa au:wa --normal;cd /home/pat/projects/osmand_map_creation/;java -Xms64M -Xmx22G -cp "./OsmAndMapCreator.jar:lib/OsmAnd-core.jar:./lib/*.jar" net.osmand.util.IndexBatchCreator batch.xml;cd /home/pat/projects/osmand_map_creation/osmand_osm;mv *.pbf osm/

Add OA data protection

2022-06-25 10:04:12,929 writing osm file for ca/on/oxford-addresses-county.geojson
2022-06-25 10:04:15,981 writing osm file for ca/on/city_of_niagara_falls-addresses-city.geojson
2022-06-25 10:04:21,356 writing osm file for ca/on/city_of_vaughan-addresses-city.geojson
2022-06-25 10:04:23,988 writing osm file for ca/on/city_of_cambridge-addresses-city.geojson
2022-06-25 10:04:26,452 writing osm file for ca/on/northumberland-addresses-county.geojson
2022-06-25 10:04:26,699 pg2osm fileinfo failure: Geometry error: Invalid location. Usually this means a node was missing from the input data.

Multiple other failures in log like this for other areas

Discrepancy between number of addresses in db and xml output

spokane table has 213266 records, output is 211223.

  • geojson has 213266
  • db has 213266
  • sql statement outputs 213266 run from cli
  • xml has 211223

expanded can't be compared directly with non-expanded db addresses, ogr2osm output with default translation errors out when importing to postgres with Osm2pgsql failed due to ERROR: XML parsing error at line 1, column 1: not well-formed (invalid token).

Node ID twice in input

tx and fl fail with same errors in output:
Node ID twice in input. Maybe you are using a history or change file?
This command expects the input file to be ordered: First nodes in order of ID,
then ways in order of ID, then relations in order of ID.

Florida prints this twice, Texas prints three times.

overhaul logging

currently everything is logged when errors and time stamps are almost always the useful parts. Logging module should make it easy to hide low level info making errors easier to find.

  • Error level
    • errors only
  • info level
    • phase start and stop with time stamps
  • debug
    • current plus add time stamps

add automated testing

Basic errors making it to master due to forgetting to test.

Codebase is designed with testing in mind so a basic implementation should be easy.

Could start with files with known outputs for a quick start and move to proper minimal cases later. Automating a snapshot of last months us:ri run would check for the case where build should finish, us:pr could handle case where build should fail.

add support for DC

OA data already included in downloads, need to check if state_expander and update_osm will work. Does geofabrik have extract for this?

Give project more disk space

This months run may have errored out due to lack of space. Project currently takes ~615GBs. Buy new nvme drive and move personal files over to it.

pypy usage

pypy gives a drop in way to speed up python code.

dependency management

Depdency management is currently a mishmash of manual updates, pip and updates tied to Debian Unstable.

  • osmand map creator
    • no releases, not packaged
    • put version number in log
  • ogr2osm
    • can add requirements file
    • own dependencies: lxml, gdal
  • curl, osmium-tool, postgresql, postgis, wget
    • put version numbers in log
    • use a stable distro

Options to stabilize build environment:

  • debian stable vm
  • guix or nix
  • container

trying to download from openaddresses returns 403 error

running --update-oa returns 2.3K file. running the curl command also returns the same result.
Downloading using firefox appears to work

Opening file with text editor shows it's a 403 error. Most likely a user agent block, investigate openaddresses docs and/or reach out to openaddresses for clarification.

incomplete extract downloads

add md5 check for extract downloads
properly raise existing errors so script stops when incomplete/bad file detected

config file

make hardcoded values configurable and breakout into separate file

  • number of threads
  • database info
  • slice configs

PR Run Issue

2022-01-25 00:24:03,968 writing osm file for us/pr/statewide-addresses-state.geojson
2022-01-25 00:24:08,055 us_pr_statewide_addresses_state is hashes only
2022-01-25 00:24:08,055 Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
2022-01-25 00:24:29,071 osm update finished for us:pr
2022-01-25 00:24:30,318 us:pr Merge Finished

terminal error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pat/projects/osmand_map_creation/osmand_osm/osm/./", line 261, in prep_for_qa
stats = run('osmium fileinfo -ej {0}'.format(working_area.master_list[-1].path_osm), shell=True, capture_output=True ,check=True , encoding='utf8')
IndexError: list index out of range

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/", line 125, in worker
result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/multiprocessing/", line 48, in mapstar
return list(map(*args))
File "/home/pat/projects/osmand_map_creation/osmand_osm/osm/./", line 423, in run_all
stats, stats_area, stats_final = prep_for_qa(working_area)
File "/home/pat/projects/osmand_map_creation/osmand_osm/osm/./", line 263, in prep_for_qa
AttributeError: 'IndexError' object has no attribute 'stderr'

pg2osm appears to run twice when there is only one source, correctly the first time then erroring out in pg2osm on the second which removes it from the master list then reaching an unrecoverable error in prep_for_qa where the list is required to be a nonempty list. Error most likely at creating master list.

Issue with using the map

Hey I recently got a new phone so I had to download the map again. However when I try to open it with OSMAnd, I get an error as you can see in my screenshot.

Im using the 0.7 release and the map is for Ontario Canada. Using Android 10 and OSMAnd 3.9.10.

investigate alltheplaces support

Data for lots of chains. The locations are largely redundant, but opening hours would be a big nice to have. Websites and phone numbers may be useful as well.

Data is organized by scraper which relates to a chain or a local branch of a chain. This data will need to be split by state/province to match current merge methodology.

Bulk Download

Is it possible to have one file that simply adds every single one in say USA?
So we don't have to download and import for every state.

ogr2ogr errors on unicode stops

When trying to load test files with /x1b in them:
ERROR 1: JSON parsing error: invalid string sequence (at offset 85)

Adding -skipfailures to ogr2ogr call seems to drop address with issue.

Update to and it's csv format is not longer updated. Need to update to json format at


  • Json also comes with buildings and parcels that may need to be removed or ignored
  • need to create login
  • need to add calls to OA api for login and download
  • need to add secrets not tracked by git repository to store credentials
  • add OA setup to documentation
  • add what I can to setup script

OA data with null geometry

us:pr contains addresses with no geometry. Need to investigate what happens to that data.

{"type":"Feature","properties":{"hash":"bb060ebcb2feae72","number":"359","street":"DEGETAU","unit":"","city":"SAN JUAN","district":"SANTURCE","region":"PR","postcode":"915","id":""},"geometry":null}

add OsmAndMapCreator to

when map creator calls were added, setup of program should've been added to script. Also, need to add creation of working directories and creation of batch.xml

How To Hide Numbers

Is it possible to visibly hide all the numbers on the map?
Gets extremely cluttered, not seeing anything anywhere in settings

Multiple versions of objects in PBF file

Node ID twice in input. Maybe you are using a history or change file?
This command expects the input file to be ordered: First nodes in order of ID,
then ways in order of ID, then relations in order of ID.

Similar to #5 .

add support for Geofabrik iso3166-2 areas

OA has tons of data that OSM doesn't for this region.

  • check state_expander
  • check update_osm
  • add north america(except US) to OA download list
  • add slots in cron schedule

.git file is huge

File is 4G.

Could rewrite history to remove history before basing off openaddresses. This would remove commits that included data files which are probably taking up most of the space. Upside is condensed history that may help with new contributors. Downside is that may create havoc for anyone that has built off the code.

us_tx_dallas illegal xml chars

filtering us_tx_dallasTraceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ogr2osm/", line 792, in
File "/opt/ogr2osm/", line 783, in main
File "/opt/ogr2osm/", line 517, in output
tag = etree.Element('tag', {'k':key, 'v':value})
File "src/lxml/etree.pyx", line 3007, in lxml.etree.Element
File "src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi", line 131, in lxml.etree._makeElement
File "src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi", line 119, in lxml.etree._makeElement
File "src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi", line 299, in lxml.etree._initNodeAttributes
File "src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi", line 310, in lxml.etree._addAttributeToNode
File "src/lxml/apihelpers.pxi", line 1493, in lxml.etree._utf8
ValueError: All strings must be XML compatible: Unicode or ASCII, no NULL bytes or control characters

need to identify and determine if filters can/should be added to catch

fix --normal and --all options

--normal and --all options don't work. Argparse namespace object doesn't seem to allow setting attributes after creation.

naive slicer

osmand map creator has intermittent issues with large files and/or files with large numbers of addresses added from openaddresses. A basic slicer that will split the country/subregion in a chosen number of parts with proper names based on area would save the manual work of creating configs to slice properly(based on the amount of data).

add osmand_map_creator calls to processing file

currently use a shell file to batch builds for osmand_map_creator. Bring that into the python processing file for easier maintenance and flexibility.

batching config should be done in config file

decide on permanent filenames

iso country_iso subdivision(if applicable) is most likely. Need to find different way to communicate status to website or get rid of altogether.

Helps automation for clients, simplifies maintenance

Files moved after failing QA

Texas and florida files were moved when they should have failed quality check for having multiple nodes with same id.

Expected behavior: File fails quality check, ready_to_move=False, file stays in working folder so good file from previous build is retained.

Auto-update existing maps for Android


I wanted to thank you for maintaining this project. It has allowed me to use OSMAnd+ as my primary navigator with no problems on my GrapheneOS phone free of google services. Do you think in the future there could be a potential F-Droid app that automatically adds or auto-updates downloaded maps without having to manually add and update them every time they are updated? Thanks again.

Add Warning When Current PBF File Is Smaller Than Last Months

-rw-r--r-- 1 pat pat 73M May 22 08:29 us_ar_alpha.osm.pbf
-rw-r--r-- 1 pat pat 59M Jun 21 09:17 us_ar.osm.pbf

A smaller file typically indicates that OpenAddress data had a regression and has fewer addresses than before. OSM data typically grows so files should get bigger each month.

Adding a check after pbf is built to compare with last months file in osmand_osm/osm folder would be a good start and easy to implement. Add a warning to the log flagging that the file is likely worse than last months.

filter illegal xml characters

Some sources have failed with ValueError: All strings must be XML compatible: Unicode or ASCII, no NULL bytes or control characters from xml writer.

Luna NM had \x1b. Statewide FL has \x02.

add support for iso3166-1-alpha2 areas

Geofabrik provides no subregions for some countries eg mx. Using 3166-1 code as shortcut to build many 3166-2 areas is not currently planned.

Much of the work has already been done with switching to working_area object for 3166-2 support. Need to work through edge cases and find good test area.

create or integrate extract system

Geofabrik's extracts are limiting which areas can be built easily. Extracts aren't done according to country codes in some cases eg Dominican and haiti being combined. Some countries become unbuildable once addresses are added eg Spain or nearly unbuildable eg Mexico.

An extract system that follows iso area codes would simplify adding new countries and remove reliance on Geofabrik. The osm planet file could be downloaded and split.

With data from the useful links section, it should be possible to build with osmium extract.

Useful links:

osmium 1.13.2 errors on merge

osmium merge errors on files that aren't ordered. OA address files are sorted backwards since that's how ogr2osm outputs.

Need to run osmium sort on address files or try to invert ogr2osm output so ids increase

add hash for files

Mitigates possible issues resulting from incomplete or invalid downloads. Probably seen in #17

Download Navi is possible recommended download client and supports md5 or sha256.

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