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rfcs's Issues

Exhaustive match and unreachable cases

This was originally opened as ponyc issue 60.

If we can prove a match is exhaustive, we can give an error if an else branch is present, and we can avoid unioning None with the expression type (from an else branch that will never be taken).
If we can prove that a match case is unreachable, we can give an error.


As previously discussed, since values are matched by calling eq(), we absolutely cannot determine if a set of matches are exhaustive if values are matched and any types involved provide their own eq().
However, we can do checks when matching is based only on type. I think this would be well worth doing to aid cases such as switching on an enum.

See original issue for full details.

#suggestion Infix operators grouping and "not match"

Infix operators grouping

The "no operator precedence" rule has been quite new to me, but I am getting used to it.
What I would suggest, however, would be to soften the rule by introducing groups of infix operators: (infix) operators of the same group could be chained without needing to put parentheses around them, just like you would be able to do with only one operator:

a + b - c + d
a * b / c * d

The above examples would then be valid, and the unsuggared version would look like this:


The groups would be:

  • + (add) and - (sub)
  • * (mul) and / (div)
  • Eventually: << (lshift) and >> (rshift)

Now, to why I am doing this proposal: on a mathematical standpoint, doing a + b - c and a - c + b is essentially the same thing: you have at the end added a and b and have substracted at some point c; all operations will be done from left to right, without any concept of precedence being at play.
When writing code, one could think to: "add, then substract, then add" his values, as in a big sumation, and would so write: a + b - c + d. However, pony's rule will force him to put parentheses around his code: ((a + b) - c) + d or (a + b + d) - c, essentially changing what they were thinking first ("first add, then substract to the result, then add to the result" or "add the three then substract to the result").
Surely, they could've written a + b + -c + d, which, in a mathematical way, is also correct, but this wouldn't be possible with the other group(s) of operators.

Implementing this would not break any code already done, as it only allows more to be done by softening the rules.
Theses rules would look like this:

Repeated use of a single operator, or of operators of the same groups, is fine:

`1 + 2 + 3`

<mention operator groups>

`1 + 2 - 3`

That was it for the infix operators grouping.

"not match"

This is just a simple edge case: doing not match ... end results in an error:

syntax error: expected expression after not

The same error is raised when trying to do not if, it is easily fixed when putting parentheses around the match or the if expression. It bugs me a little as it is said that matches and ifs are considered as expressions.
Here is an example:

Let me know if I should move this issue to another github issue.

Thanks for reading up to here, if you did, and have a nice day!

Add docstrings for class/actor members

Optionally allow docstrings for class/actor fields below or above the field definition.

class MyClass
  """class docstring"""

  let number: U32 = 1
  """field docstring below"""
  fun method(arg: String): None =>
    """method docstring"""
class MyClass
  """class docstring"""

  """field docstring above"""
  let another_number: U32 = 1
  fun method(arg: String): None =>
    """method docstring"""

I would like your opinion on this. Maybe a kind of a vote, No, Above or Below?

Type parameter constraint syntax for safe matches.

As discussed on today's sync call, due to @Theodus finding a standard library breakage in the planned fix for, I think that adding syntax to our constraint language to fix that issue is a higher priority than previously thought.

Specifically, we need an RFC for new syntax that can be used in a type parameter constraint to require that the type parameter is safe to put in a match expression against some other type.

So, for ListNode, it might look like this (with a more elegant syntax):

class ListNode[A: canbematchedagainst None]

This would imply that a match expression containing the right-side operand type and the type argument would not be subject to the error "this match violates capabilities".

Mark RFC repository as a release with any implemented features

What I love is to know which features are implemented without to read closed pull requests.
So, I think it's good if the RFC repository is marked as a release.
And it would be nice if a changelog* shows all implemented features.
That will be nice. I hope I'm not alone.

(*) I recommdend the name implemented(.md)
With following structure (also a recommendation from me, only); [...] means optional

  • {Version}[ - {Date of release}]
    • {RFC's name without its number} {RFC's number} # as a link to the RFC document
    • ...

/some space/

  • ...

Unsound matches with unconstrainted type parameters of different caps.

Compiler crash on following code:

trait T
interface I
class C

actor Main
  fun f[A, B](x: (A | B)): (A | B) =>
    match x
    | let a: A => a
    | let b: B => b

  new create(env: Env) =>
    f[I32, I](1) // NG
    // f[I32, T](1) // OK
    // f[I32, C](1) // OK

    // f[ReadSeq[I32], I](Array[I32]) // NG
    // f[ReadSeq[I32], T](Array[I32]) // NG
    // f[ReadSeq[I32], C](Array[I32]) // OK


Building builtin -> /home/ta3ta1/Code/ponyc/packages/builtin
Building /home/ta3ta1/Code/issue/ -> /home/ta3ta1/Code/issue
 Selector painting
 Data prototypes
 Data types
 Function prototypes
Process 1671 stopped
* thread ponylang/ponyc#1: tid = 1671, 0x00007ffff58e4230`llvm::BasicBlock::getContext() const, name = 'ponyc', stop reason = signal SIGSEGV: invalid address (fault address: 0x8)
    frame #0: 0x00007ffff58e4230`llvm::BasicBlock::getContext() const`llvm::BasicBlock::getContext:
->  0x7ffff58e4230 <+0>: movq   0x8(%rdi), %rax
    0x7ffff58e4234 <+4>: movq   (%rax), %rax
    0x7ffff58e4237 <+7>: retq   
    0x7ffff58e4238:      nopl   (%rax,%rax)
(lldb) bt
* thread ponylang/ponyc#1: tid = 1671, 0x00007ffff58e4230`llvm::BasicBlock::getContext() const, name = 'ponyc', stop reason = signal SIGSEGV: invalid address (fault address: 0x8)
  * frame #0: 0x00007ffff58e4230`llvm::BasicBlock::getContext() const
    frame ponylang/ponyc#1: 0x00007ffff595758f`llvm::BranchInst::BranchInst(llvm::BasicBlock*, llvm::Instruction*) + 31
    frame ponylang/ponyc#2: 0x00007ffff590ae07`LLVMBuildBr + 55
    frame ponylang/ponyc#3: 0x00005555555fa174 ponyc`gen_match(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, ast=0x00007ffff00c5980) + 837 at genmatch.c:816
    frame ponylang/ponyc#4: 0x00005555555ecdb9 ponyc`gen_expr(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, ast=0x00007ffff00c5980) + 485 at genexpr.c:86
    frame ponylang/ponyc#5: 0x00005555555fa404 ponyc`gen_seq(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, ast=0x00007ffff00c5e00) + 78 at gencontrol.c:22
    frame ponylang/ponyc#6: 0x00005555555ecc5c ponyc`gen_expr(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, ast=0x00007ffff00c5e00) + 136 at genexpr.c:26
    frame ponylang/ponyc#7: 0x0000555555624daa ponyc`genfun_fun(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, t=0x00007ffff2a65800, m=0x00007ffff00a5e80) + 424 at genfun.c:436
    frame ponylang/ponyc#8: 0x00005555556261f6 ponyc`genfun_method_bodies(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, t=0x00007ffff2a65800) + 340 at genfun.c:895
    frame ponylang/ponyc#9: 0x00005555555f0ae8 ponyc`gentypes(c=0x00007fffffffdc30) + 1084 at gentype.c:884
    frame ponylang/ponyc#10: 0x000055555560b7f0 ponyc`genexe(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, program=0x00007ffff304dd00) + 559 at genexe.c:409
    frame ponylang/ponyc#11: 0x00005555555e9f5c ponyc`codegen(program=0x00007ffff304dd00, opt=0x00007fffffffe0d0) + 298 at codegen.c:1043
    frame ponylang/ponyc#12: 0x000055555559c8c2 ponyc`generate_passes(program=0x00007ffff304dd00, options=0x00007fffffffe0d0) + 53 at pass.c:301
    frame ponylang/ponyc#13: 0x000055555559b8f9 ponyc`compile_package(path="/home/ta3ta1/Code/issue/", opt=0x00007fffffffe0d0, print_program_ast=false, print_package_ast=false) + 147 at main.c:255
    frame ponylang/ponyc#14: 0x000055555559bdc6 ponyc`main(argc=2, argv=0x00007fffffffe248) + 1208 at main.c:398
    frame ponylang/ponyc#15: 0x00007ffff390d2b1`__libc_start_main + 241
    frame ponylang/ponyc#16: 0x000055555559b6ba ponyc`_start + 42
(lldb) fr sel 3
frame ponylang/ponyc#3: 0x00005555555fa174 ponyc`gen_match(c=0x00007fffffffdc30, ast=0x00007ffff00c5980) + 837 at genmatch.c:816
   813 	    if(is_matchtype(match_type, pattern_type, c->opt) != MATCHTYPE_ACCEPT)
   814 	    {
   815 	      // If there's no possible match, jump directly to the next block.
-> 816 	      LLVMBuildBr(c->builder, next_block);
   817 	    } else {
   818 	      // Check the pattern.
   819 	      ok = static_match(c, match_value, match_type, pattern, next_block);
(lldb) fr va
(compile_t *) c = 0x00007fffffffdc30
(ast_t *) ast = 0x00007ffff00c5980
(bool) needed = true
(ast_t *) type = 0x00007ffff00c36c0
(ast_ptr_t) match_expr = 0x00007ffff00c4d80
(ast_ptr_t) cases = 0x00007ffff00c8280
(ast_ptr_t) else_expr = 0x00007ffff00c6b40
(LLVMTypeRef) phi_type = 0x0000555555929f30
(ast_t *) match_type = 0x00007fffefdd3980
(LLVMValueRef) match_value = 0x000055555594f170
(LLVMBasicBlockRef) pattern_block = 0x00005555559b75b0
(LLVMBasicBlockRef) else_block = 0x0000000000000000
(LLVMBasicBlockRef) post_block = 0x00005555559b74b0
(LLVMBasicBlockRef) next_block = 0x0000000000000000
(LLVMValueRef) phi = 0x00005555559b7538
(ast_t *) the_case = 0x00007ffff00ca940
(ast_t *) next_case = 0x0000000000000000
(ast_ptr_t) pattern = 0x00007ffff00c9040
(ast_ptr_t) guard = 0x00007ffff00c9380
(ast_ptr_t) body = 0x00007ffff00cb5c0
(ast_t *) pattern_type = 0x00007ffff00ca480
(bool) ok = true

NG patterns give same crash.

Compiler version:

0.18.0-96e96187 [debug]
compiled with: llvm 3.9.1 -- cc (Debian 6.3.0-18) 6.3.0 20170516

#suggest Add uniform coding

1. Similar to the python file header encoding, the first line of code

- * - coding:utf-8 - * -

When coding is not uniform, the editor often overwrites the entire code
Result in code rewrite

I think we should unify the encoding. The default encoding of VS is not necessarily utf-8, sometimes gbk, but UTF-8 by default of gcc. When we switch compiler tools, we often encoding in disorder.

2. Another problem is to add the original string like python, r"STR".

3. Add iterator callback function

Sort(@{ (key) => key}, array)

Catch integer arithmetic errors

In this issue I define arithmetic error as an computation that does not yield the same result that it would purely from a mathematical point of view (like underflow, overflow) or a computation that yield a result when one is not defined (division by 0). From an user point of view, these kind of errors are almost never done on purpose and will surely result in a program that doesn't have the desired behavior (at least locally). As such I would like that somehow integer arithmetic errors can be caught by Pony and "dealt" with.

As a reference I stumbled on this puffs project that can be a great source of insight. Among other thing the project tries to provide a solution to integer arithmetic overflows. Moreover the README compare itself to other languages (C, Rust, D and Swift) about how they approach the problem.

Reference consumption and field extraction

TL;DR: Explanation of the issue with extracting fields from a consumed reference, and initial proposal of a syntax

When handling viewpoint adaptation field extraction (especially with iso origins), there is no way to safely extract multiple let fields, or extracting var fields without reallocating them. Examples:

class Foo
  let x: String iso
  let y: String iso
  new iso create(x': String iso, y': String iso) =>
    x = consume x'; y = consume y'

class Bar
  var x: String iso
  var y: String iso
  new iso create(x': String iso, y': String iso) =>
    x = consume x'; y = consume y'

class Baz
  let arr: Array[String iso]
  new iso create(x': String iso, y': String iso) =>
    arr = [consume x'; consume y']

class Qux
  let tup: (String iso, String iso)  // or "var tup: ..."
  new iso create(x': String iso, y': String iso) =>
    tup = (consume x', consume y')

actor Main
  var _x: String iso = recover String end
  var _y: String iso = recover String end
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let x = "x"; let y = "y"
    let foo: Foo iso = Foo(x.clone(), y.clone())
    let bar: Bar iso = Bar(x.clone(), y.clone())
    let baz: Baz iso = Baz(x.clone(), y.clone())
    let qux: Qux iso = Qux(x.clone(), y.clone())
    // Doesn't work, since you can only pick one field
    _x = (consume foo).x
    //_y = (consume foo).y  // "can't use a consumed local in an expression"

    // Works, but only for `var` and requires potentially unnecessary allocations
    _x = bar.x = recover String end; _y = bar.y = recover String end

    // Works, but has runtime issues and requires an error block
      let baz': Baz = consume baz
      _x = baz'.arr.shift()?
      _y = baz'.arr.shift()?

    // Works, but data needs to be in a well-specified tuple
    (_x, _y) = (consume qux).tup

The solution in Qux seems to be the best way to do this currently, but it is still error-prone if the elements are incorrectly rearranged (which is less likely to be the case for fields with different types), and it can get complicated if the receiver needs to read a few fields of a huge tuple.

I specifically mentioned viewpoint adaptation earlier as this should be valid for other reference capabilities, but iso and maybe trn origins would be the most relevant cases.

I would expect something like this to work, but it violates capabilities as expected:

    // Error: iso! is not a subcap of iso
    (_x, _y) = recover
      let foo': Foo ref = consume foo
      (foo'.x, foo'.y)

And consuming from fields directly is not allowed, either:

    // Error: Consume expressions must specify a single identifier
    _x = consume (foo.x); _y = consume (foo.y)

Some sort of syntax that "consumes a reference and returns a tuple of its fields, specified by the programmer" would make sense to respect capabilities. For now, I thought of a "destructor" (as in the reverse of a constructor, or the de-structuring of the origin object) syntax:

    (_x, _y) = destruct (foo' = consume foo) (foo'.x, foo'.y) end

When checking refcaps, if foo is of type Any A, foo' would be Any A^ in both tuple calls.

As far as I can tell, since foo' only lives inside the "destruct" block, no other refcaps could leak, so long as no other values, fields or functions can exist in the rightside (tuple expression) of the block. Alternatively, foo' isn't necessary for purposes other than readability. Some alternative syntaxes:

    (_x, _y) = destruct (_ = consume foo) (_.x, _.y) end
    (_x, _y) = destruct (consume foo) (x, y) end
    (_x, _y) = destruct (consume foo) (.x, .y) end
    (_x, _y) = destruct (consume foo) (_.x, _.y) end
    // etc.

Do note that consume keyword should still be used, as we might not need to consume our original variable when working with refcaps that alias as themselves -- in which case, the syntax is not necessary at all outside of generics.

I'll turn this into a PR if nobody makes a mention about this being unsound, or proposes a better syntax.

Hung TCPConnection can interfere with Pony runtime shutdown

While fiddling with Pony 0.24.4, I've discovered that a suspended/hung/machine crashed TCP peer can interfere with the Pony runtime's shutdown. "Interfere" means blocking the runtime's timely shutdown due to network sockets remaining partially open and thus causing the ASIO subsystem to continue being noisy.

General steps to reproduce:

  1. Run a Pony program that opens a TCP socket to a peer.
  2. Suspend the peer's OS process with Control-z/SIGSTOP
  3. The local Pony program attempts to shutdown by dispose()ing of the socket (and any others), stopping all remaining timers from firing, etc.
  4. The Pony program will not exit until the peer OS process is unsuspended (e.g., by SIGCONT), killed, or the peer's host crashes.

A demo program is at Use as follows:

  1. Use a program like netcat to listen to TCP port 8888 on the localhost interface, e.g., nc -l 8888
  2. Compile and run hang-bug.pony on the same machine as netcat.
  3. In less than 5 seconds after running hang-bug, press Control-z to suspend the netcat process.
  4. The hang-bug program will not exit until the netcat process is resumed or killed.
  • The last message printed is Ticker, dispose socket

The hang-bug program will exit 5 seconds after starting if the netcat process's execution is not interfered with.

AFAICT, this delay is a feature of the runtime. TCP sockets are implemented by actors, and reads & writes & dispose() requests with sockets involve async messaging as any other Pony actor. In keeping with synchronous socket behavior of a quick sequence of several writes followed by a close by something written in C for a POSIX OS, if the TCP socket isn't closed prematurely, we expect all bytes written to be sent prior to the close. Any bytes not written due to flow control would be signalled by the return value of thewrite/writev/send/etc system calls.

Pony's async messaging doesn't give the sending actor direct feedback of the system call return status; the TCPConnection actor is responsible for buffering not-yet-sent data and managing yet-to-be-read bytes from the socket.

  1. If any data remains buffered by the TCPConnection actor in the _pending_writev array, the socket will not be closed, and the ASIO subsystem will remain noisy.
  2. TCPConnection needs to observe a read of 0 bytes from the socket to trigger its final closing logic. If the remote peer is suspended/hung/crashed, that event is delayed for an unknown period of time.
  3. In a related area of regular vs. hard socket close, TCPConnection will use the hard close path if dispose() is called and the actor is in muted state. However, if the actor is in throttled state, the hard close path is not taken. I think there's a good argument to make that a hard close is appropriate when in throttled state.

Possible remedies might include:

a. Adding a hard_close() behavior to give a "close the socket NOW" option to socket users.
b. Add an optional timer + per-socket configurable that starts when dispose() is called. If the timer fires, and the socket isn't yet fully closed, then the socket will go the hard close path.

Lambda object capability inference.

When a lambda is assigned to a reference with a definite type, or passed as an argument, we want to infer the capability of the resulting object literal based on the left hand side, instead of infering based on the content/structure of the lamba.

See ponylang/ponyc#415 for the discussion that led to this conclusion.


This is a concept, not a final draft, it will almost definitely break everything if you try and implement it.
In fact, don't try at all, it probably wont even work.

A Module is a version of a Package that 'plugs in' to it's parent code, and the parent does not know types from the child (But could be depended upon by other modules in the code, which CAN access another module's types)
a Module only has to provide one actor, its own Main, which provides create().
the program that is the module's parent is given a list of some sort that contains all the Module actors. These actors will, in your average use case, probably implement multiple different Traits and Interfaces.
Modules can pass around their own internal structs, even if the main program doesn't actually recognize them, because they are found and noted at compile time, where this can be done easily and efficiently, and can be treated as one large program.

Request: Use primitives methods as lambda calls

Primitives methods as lambda

If you call the primitive method without parentheses, the call is automatically wrapped as lambda


primitive Str
   // Tweak whitespace
  fun trim (s: String): String =>
actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>[" a "; " b "; " c "], Str.trim)   //Result:  ["a"; "b"; "c"]

Embed string literals in string literals

Moving this from the ponyc repo issues.

We need a RFC that proposes a way to embed string literals inside of string literals. This would allow docstrings to have example code that is full and complete in that the code in the example code have docstrings as would "real" pony code.

You can see an example of the problem as it currently exist here:

Any solution should maintain LL(1) parsing if at all possible. "Less pretty" solutions that maintain LL(1) are strongly preferred.

Alias an iso without being able to consume/send it.

On today's sync call, @sylvanc started exploring the idea of a system that would allow code to alias an iso into a modified capability that could not be consumed or sent to another actor.

The purpose of this ticket is to explore this idea a bit more, figure out what it would look like, how it could be used, and if it is sound.

Expand or extract logging package from stdlib

The baseline logging in Pony is incredibly simple, but leans perhaps too much so. In order to support RFCs like RFC 67 (#175), we may need to expand the interface to be more flexible in passing information, besides the simple string computations of the current logger design.

Pony's standard library is not meant to be "batteries-included", in implementing all features. Nevertheless, a standard interface for logging will allow more code to interact in the future, and ensure critically important consistency in output. There are many existing, mature logging facades in other languages, which we may use for reference. Some such mature facades include SLF4J, python's logging module, as well as competing standards such as Flogger

Make Seq type less restrictive, based on audit.

As discussed on the sync call, we want to audit the Seq interface, as it currently contains a lot of methods that make extra assumptions about what kind of sequence is being dealt with, whether it has a fixed size, whether the underlying pointer can be resized, etc.

In the upcoming value-dependent type changes, we will have a Vector type with a fixed size that won't be compatible with Seq as it currently stands.

I would suggest reducing the number of methods in Seq and possibly adding other interfaces to cover Seqs that have a size that isn't fixed, and the ability to reserve more space in the pointed-to-buffer.

There was already an audit performed in ponylang/ponyc#1131, so this just needs an RFC.

Add `from` and `to` parameters to Array* iterators

The correct way in Pony to iterate over items seems to be through the for control structure which uses the Iterator interface. However if I want to iterate over a subset, I have to use Range from collections and use that to index into the array.

Changing .keys(), .values() and .pairs() to take (from: USize, to: USize) would make this a lot easier. The change seems quite small, but where I'm unsure is how to handle from > .size() and to < from. Some might say that these should cause an error (making these functions partial) and some might argue that they should cause an empty set / iterator.

I propose that the respective Iterator classes should change their default constructor to:

  new create(array: B, from: USize = 0, to: USize = USize.max_value()) =>
    _array = array
    _i = from
    _end = to.min(array.size())

Another issue is arrays that somehow become shorter than the iterator, while it is in use, since the signature of the array iterators are eg. ArrayKeys[A, B: Array[A] #read], where only #read is required.

Possibly remove current source directory from default package path

This should probably be written up as a change proposal but I've opened up this issue first to get feedback.

There is a simple gotcha with pony use strings. If you're working within a file that wants to use some library, "xyz" and that file is next to a directory xyz, then it will always resolve to that location, even if there is no pony code within that directory. This might seem like an intended trade but it can make certain cases in multi-language projects a bit more difficult when directory names and layout might collide.

As I see it, there are two reasonable fixes that come to mind. We could only resolve it as a package directory if there is at least one pony file in that path or we could make local resolution relative in all cases. The latter seems to be a little clearer, like C does with #include "xyz.h" vs #include <xyz.h>.

The impact is minor but widespread since there is a lot of code which would now require a ./ prefix on the path. Pony could warn when something should be prefixed as a local path before making this kind of change.

String class is error prone and has usability issues

Following the discussion of this issue there was an agreement that the String class has some paint points that I myself ran into.

One issue is that the String class is not encoding aware and expose the underlying byte sequence. So a user could start with a valid string with a known encoding (UTF-8 for instance) and end-up with an invalid one.

As a user I would like to have a String class that do not expose the inner byte array. As such it should have the following properties:

  • The string should be encoding aware. Either by design (only support an encoding and reject everything else) or because it is in the the type with the actual data.
  • The hard-coded string in source code should have a well defined encoding. I think UTF-8 makes a good default. As such, the compiler should reject any file that is not as strictly valid UTF-8 document (or other encoding if UTF-8 is not the default)
  • The string class should not expose functions that let the user alter the inner buffer in such a way that it become invalid.
  • The string constructor using "untrusted values" (like a byte array for example) should be partial and fail on invalid input to be coherent with the previous point.
  • The string class should implement Seq[String] instead of Seq[U8] as it is more convenient to represent a character as a string of length 1 than exposing the internal byte array.
  • Any string function that use index should use index in terms of characters instead of index of byte in the internal array. Otherwise it is error prone as some common encoding (for instance UTF-8) has variable width characters.
  • The null terminator concern should only surface when the user want to interact with external code with FFI.
  • It would be nicer if the standard library could provide encoding conversion (UTF-8 <=> UTF32 and so on) and even nicer if the common string manipulation would work on every string class no matter which encoding is used.

Here is an example that illustrates a few of the problems:

use "format"

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let sentence = " this is a pony -> ๐ŸŽ"
      let index_of_pony = sentence.find("๐ŸŽ")?
      (let char_u32 : U32, let nb_bytes_of_char : U8) = sentence.utf32(index_of_pony)?
      env.out.print(recover val String.from_utf32(char_u32) end) // correct
      env.out.print(sentence.substring(index_of_pony, index_of_pony + 1)) // incorrect
      env.out.print(sentence.substring(index_of_pony, index_of_pony + 4)) //correct
    var sentence2 : String ref = "hi".clone() // so far valid UTF-8
    let invalid_code_point = U32(0x11FFF) // 0x11FFF is not a valid codepoint look at
    env.out.print(recover val sentence2.clone() end)
      (let char_u32 : U32, let nb_bytes : U8) = sentence2.utf32(2)?
        "char as codepoint is " +[U32](char_u32, FormatHex) + 
        " takes " + nb_bytes.string() + " bytes")

As you can see in the first try, finding a character in a string is actually error prone. Calling naively the substring function can return a invalid UTF-8 string even in the original one is valid. And the input string in only a valid UTF-8 string if the code sample is itself encoded in UTF-8. In the second try we see that we can insert in a valid UTF-8 string a codepoint that is not defined by the unicode standard (or so it seems).

No Power operator

The Power operator is used to raise a number by a power of x.
Pony, however, lacks this rather important operator.

Way for actors to pass around a 'tag' capable reference of thereselves

Say you have two actors, 'Bar' and 'Foo'. Bar keeps a list of Foo actors.

Foo has one function, tick(b: Bar tag), and Bar has one function, tickallfoo()

Bar needs to pass a tag of itself to all Foo, but it can't do so.

Simple concept, potentially big impact (I don't know the internals)
If this actually already exists, then feel free to prod me about it, because I overlooked it pretty hard. (I spent an hour looking)

Allow pointers to functions as members of Struct

This request to create a RFC comes from issue 440 on the ponyc repo.

Currently some APIs are unusable via FFI because they require a pointer to a function to use as a callback. Full details are in the original issue and should be addressed in the RFC.

Support for context

Lately a lot of my time has been on the Go programing language. Go has lots and lots of things that are very nice, one is the context package, it's based on this interface:

type Context interface {
        Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool)
        Done() <-chan struct{}
        Err() error
        Value(key interface{}) interface{}

This can be used for anything, on web programming, every request has a context embedded, it can be used to cancel all the request chain on timeout or if the client disconnect. Can be used too to share values on request chain.

I'm new to Pony, don't know how this could be included on the language or if it should be included. Being on the stdlib, encourages others to use the same pattern and produces a unified way to control concurrency.

More about the context package on Go:

Request: Add pipeline operator

Pipe Operator

The pipe operator |> passes the result of an expression as the first parameter of another expression.
The pipe operator |>> passes the result of an expression as the last parameter of another expression.


primitive Str
  fun trim (s: String): String =>

  fun upper (s: String): String =>
 fun print(s: String, env: Env) =>

primitive Trace
 fun print(env: Env, s: String) =>

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
    let s = " I Love Pony "
    s |> Str.trim |> Str.upper |> Str.print(env)    //"I LOVE PONY"
    s |>> Str.trim |>> Str.upper |>> Trace.print(env)    //"I LOVE PONY"

Hot code loading

This was originally opened as issue 139 on the ponyc repo:

There is a detailed list of requirements and some discussion.

Field type inference

The idea of field type inference was raised in ponyc issue 418.

If anyone is interested in this feature and wants to write up a RFC, we would welcome it.
However, there are some serious concerns raised in the original issue that would need to be addressed.

Pipeline or Extension Methods?

I'm opening this issue as more of a question about which option would be best to go forward with. I see two options for improving the syntax for chaining together operations that are not methods on classes.

To show the differences between the two options here is a simple class that we want to work with:

// package a

class Foo[A]
  fun foo[B](): Foo[B] => ...
  fun bar() => ...

Option 1 would be to add something similar to the pipeline operator:

// package b

primitive Baz[A]
  fun baz(foo: Foo[A]) => ...

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>
      .> bar()
      |> Baz[B].baz()

Option 2 is to allow extending a class, interface, or trait from outside of the package in which it is defined. These extensions would not have access to the private members of the type that they extend:

// package b

extention Foo[A]
  fun baz() => ...

actor Main
  new create(env: Env) =>

The first option seems better to me unless we could extend an algebraic data type:

type Option[A] is (A | None)

extention Option[A]
  fun map[B]({(A): B^}): Option[B] => ...


This is the new home of the ponyc issue 87.

The reflection API should be mirror-based and capabilities-secure.

If you'd like to take on writing this RFC, we'd welcome working with you.

Let CommandSpec not bail out on Unknown Option + have it consume parsed args


first of all: the command line parser in the cli package is great! But, I do have a suggestion for minor changes:

  • [1] Do not treat unknown options as syntax errors, instead ignore them silently. This can be quite useful for piping options through multiple stages of command line parsing (e.g. benchmark runners).
  • [2] Consume successfully parsed arguments from argv (just as the option parser of ponyc does). This is less important if [1] is provided.

Load struct definitions from C header.

We discussed on a recent sync call the idea of being able to load struct definitions from a C header, so that Pony code could potentially depend on platform dependent struct definitions.

This came up in discussion of ponylang/ponyc#1513, in which an openssl dependency was added to the pony runtime in order to put ponyint functions that use the SSL_CTX type there. We discussed that it would be better if we could avoid that by writing those accessors in Pony. But to do that, we'd need Pony to be able to load the struct defs from a header when compiling.

This would probably require a libclang dependency for ponyc to be able to read C header files.

This idea needs more discussion to flesh out the details and any feasibility issues.

"not match" and "not if"

"not match" and "not if"

This is a repost of the issue mentionned in #139

Doing not match ... end and not if ... end results in an error:

syntax error: expected expression after not

As the documentation states, if ... end and match ... end are expressions, so this edge case should not return this particular error.
This issue is only minor, as putting parentheses around the match or the if expression fixes the issue.

Type aliases for type constraints

I would like to open a discussion about the ability to create an alias to a set of constraints in Pony, for instance:

type Readable[A]ย = (Equatable[A] #read & Any #send)

currently, not being able to create aliases to type constraints leads to duplication of potentially complex type expression across traits/classes/actors interacting with that type:

class Reader[A:(Equatable[A] #read & Any #send)]
actor Writer[A:(Equatable[A] #read & Any #send)]
trait ParsingCombinator[A:(Equatable[A] #read & Any #send)]
actor Word[A:(Equatable[A] #read & Any #send)] is ParsingCombinator[A]

this duplication of type expression is potentially problematic for the following reasons:

  1. Duplication of type expressions increases the risk of errors (however, the compiler will catch these)
  2. If at some point the developer needs to add a constraint to the type, it needs to be replaced in all its occurences, which might have different idempotent expressions (let's say Any #send and Equatable[A] #read vs Equatable[A] #read & Any #send)
  3. The readability of the code decreases with the complexity of the type expression
  4. It is good software engineering practice to factor/abstract out repeated elements, and a type constraint alias would do just that

the benefits of doing so would be:

  1. Naming type constraints leads to more readable code
  2. It provides an opportunity to factor out redundundant elements, leading to more expressive code
  3. It reduces the burden of refactoring when the type constraints change

Improve Range usability

Current issues with collections.Range that hurt its usability:

  • negative Ranges (where min > max) is only expressable for signed integers:

    // this is not possible, as the inc parameter is also U8
    Range[U8](10, 0, -1)
  • The default inc should only be 1 if min <= max, otherwise it should be -1 to ensure that we iterate into the expected direction:

     // this should infer a default step of -1
    Range[U8](10, 0)
    // this should infer a default step of 1
    Range[U64](0, 10)

Add asynchronous File IO

This issue tries to spark the discussion around 1. the need for asynchronous file IO, 2. The possible implementations thereof and 3. The new look and feel of such an asynchronous file API for pony. The new asynchronous file IO could be added alongside the existing blocking file io apis.

  1. Current File operations in Pony use standard POSIX file operations like write/writev, read etc. which are all possibly blocking. This means that on performing such an operation on a file, one scheduler thread will be blocked during that operation. This can be a great performance problem. This is the reason I am bringing this up.

  2. This is the actually tricky part. Afaik ASIO which is used for all other networking, pipe, stdstream IO will not work on regular files. Winfows has some kind of asynchronous file IO which i know nothing about, if anyone could shed some light on this, that would be great. Posix offers the aio_* apis, basically offloading file IO to a separate threadpool in userland. This API, i think, is a good candidate due to cross-platform compatibility. Another one would be libuv which is completely cross platform and offers async name resolution as well. It does file io in a conceptually similar manner than the aio api such that it uses blocking file apis but executed them on a separate threadpool. It seems a bit overkill for the problem at hand and possibly it makes most sense to completely move all io operations to libuv instead of adding it alongside asio.

Add stateless alternative to buffered's Reader class

The Reader class of the buffered package contains functions that are useful to read common basic type (such as F32, F64, U32, etc..) from a byte array. Unfortunately, those functions are not stateless and cannot be used in some wider context (my use case was a Array[U8 val] ref). It would be great to add stateless functions that Reader can be built on and Pony's users can reused too. They would have a signature similar to this one:

primitive BigEndian
primitive LittleEndian
type EndianMode is (BigEndian | LittleEndian)
fun box peek_u32(array: Array[U8] box, endianMode: EndianMode, offset: USize) : U32 ?

I suggest that it could be a great addition to add endian-less function that would pick automatically one of the two method depending on which architecture it is running to avoid code like this:

let x = 
  if is_running_le() then 
    peek_u32(my_array, 0, LittleEndian)?
    peek_u32(my_array, 0, BigEndian)?

Allow easily plugging 'modular' code into a project

Essentially, add a compiletime way of modularly adding code to the program.
Say we have the following program:


'importthemodules.pony' serves one purpose in this example: 'use' all the modules, and run their init function on a class, we'll call this class 'baz'

It could, with my idea, potentially be structured to look like this:


What's happening here? Well, in main.pony, we simply are 'use' ing all the modules at once, and setting each one up in a modular fashion, without even explictly mentioning the modules (just giving them their own folder)

This is just a simple concept, completely unpolished, please consider it. But remember absolutely none of this is a final idea, its a unpolished, probably dangerous concept.

Interface with C unions

Currently there is no possibility in pony to map directly to C
unions. Since unions are much similar to struct type, we could
just have annotation, for example:

struct \union\ MyUnion
  i: I32
  f: I64

LLVM does not have union types. So allocation could be done
using size of biggest union field. Accessing fields could be
done just by casting to apropriate type.

Here is example for LLVM IR generated for union types:

union {
        struct {
                float f1;
                double d1;
        int i;
        long long l;
} u1;

union {
        struct {
                int i;
                void* ptr;
                unsigned long long ull;

        char c1;
} u2;

        u1.i = 0;
        char c = u2.c1;

        return 0;

Results in generated IR

%union.anon = type { %struct.anon }
%struct.anon = type { float, double }
%union.anon.0 = type { %struct.anon.1 }
%struct.anon.1 = type { i32, i8*, i64 }

@u1 = common global %union.anon zeroinitializer, align 8
@u2 = common global %union.anon.0 zeroinitializer, align 8

; Function Attrs: nounwind uwtable
define i32 @main() #0 {
  %1 = alloca i32, align 4
  %c = alloca i8, align 1
  store i32 0, i32* %1, align 4
  store i32 0, i32* bitcast (%union.anon* @u1 to i32*), align 8
  %2 = load i8, i8* bitcast (%union.anon.0* @u2 to i8*), align 8
  store i8 %2, i8* %c, align 1
  ret i32 0

Implement BigDecimal and BigInteger

Extend the standard library with BigDecimal and BigInteger. I have started to working on this, and I would like to submit this as a pull request soon.

Cross platform path separators

This request for RFC comes from the now close ponyc issue 489.

Currently the ponyc codebase uses a number of hardcoded paths that contain / that break on Windows where you need \.

We need a way to seamlessly support platform path differences.

This RFC doesn't have to address all platform differences, just the path differences however, having an eye towards how it would impact on other "platform normalizations" is important and should be address in the RFC.

As you can see, there are subtle issues that would impact on this solution and trying out solutions before creating the RFC is highly advised.

Expose the pony version during compile time

This would make conditional compilation possible as we currently have for the platform (windows, darwin, linux, ...) but for different pony versions for which there might exist breaking changes in the stdlib or the comper itself.

This would make it possible to maintain compatibility between different pony versions within one codebase.

Remove Garbage Collection

With the rise of Rust, it has become more obvious now than ever before that memory-safety can be guaranteed without runtime overhead.

Pony has most of what it needs (if not everything) to implement this and completely remove GC: strong lexical scoping information (actually, Pony's capability system likely means this is easier than it is in Rust).

This would not be a small change, but I would love to see it be considered.

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