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filepond-plugin-image-transform's Issues

FilePondPluginImageTransform hangs on safari iPhone x and above model

You can reproduce it using sample code from here:

  1. Add filepond-plugin-image-resize and filepond-plugin-image-transform
  2. Change the sample code to add two more properties:
  3. Run the sample code, use iPhone x and above model to browse to the url with "Safari" and try to upload a picture, it will hang forever with status "Uploading...".

This is the final FilePond object:

 <FilePond ref={ref => this.pond = ref}
            // fake server to simulate loading a 'local' server file and processing a file
            process: (fieldName, file, metadata, load) => {
                // simulates uploading a file
                setTimeout(() => {
                }, 1500);
            load: (source, load) => {
                // simulates loading a file from the server
                .then(res => { console.log(res); return res.blob();})
                .then((blob) =>{console.log(blob); return load(blob);});
        oninit={() => this.handleInit() }
        onupdatefiles={fileItems => {
            // Set currently active file objects to this.state
                files: => fileItem.file)

imageTransform is re-compressing (even when no changes) unless imageTransformOutputMimeType is set

Describe the bug

imageTransform is re-compressing (even when no changes) unless imageTransformOutputMimeType is set



To Reproduce


//	do not set resize, crop, or set any other transform related options (other than those below) to isolate bug 

Case 1

//	do not set imageTransformOutputMimeType

upload a jpeg
imageTransform will transform (re-compress) the jpeg

Case 2

	imageTransformOutputMimeType: 'image/jpeg',

upload a jpeg
imageTransform will not transform the jpeg

Expected behavior
Case 1: imageTransform should not transform (re-compress) the jpeg since the mime type has not changed. One way around this is to set imageTransformOutputQualityMode: 'optional'. However, this is only works if imageTransformOutputQuality is set to a number (not browser default), so basically, to preserve mime type and avoid recompression one is forced to set imageTransformOutputQualityMode: 'optional' and imageTransformOutputQuality to a number.

Case 2: behaving as expected.



Information about your project:

Windows 10, latest firefox, latest filepond

Additional context


TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined - when outputting Base64 string

Hi. I really hate when I can't use such awsome library. Its raelly graet!!! Thanks guys.

But lately I stuck ror 3 days...

I use getFileEncodeBase64String method on file item in react's file pond library, I get the result (proper Base64 string) and then the app crashes with warnings:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined

66 | if (!query('GET_ALLOW_FILE_ENCODE')) return;
67 |
68 | item.extend('getFileEncodeBase64String', function() {

69 | return base64Cache[].data;
| ^ 70 | });
71 | item.extend('getFileEncodeDataURL', function() {
72 | return 'data:'

          // allowMultiple={true}
          onupdatefiles={fileItems =>

and as a handler:

const onFileChange = fileEncoded => {
if (
fileEncoded === null ||
fileEncoded === undefined ||
fileEncoded === '' ||
fileEncoded === {}
) {
} else {

There is a valid Base64String in a console but app breaks.

Any ideas?

Request: Watermark to images

I've seen that there are plugins for resizing and quality, I would need to apply a watermark, after having resized and lowered the quality of an image, can i use FilePond with another library like watermarkjs?

Although the best solution would be to have a specific plugin for filepond...


No format specified for Image error on request

I upgraded today from version 3.2.4 to 3.3.1. and file uploads are now failing with the following HTTP response error: No format specified for Image. I can get a working example if need be but I'm not really doing anything that deviates dramatically from the docs. The only other plugin I am using is filepond-plugin-image-exif-orientation and all versions are the latest and greatest.

imageTransformOutputQuality value after create

I'm currently trying to find a way to set the imageTransformOutputQuality to a calculated value. the example in this page shows that you can only set it on FilePond.create(). I would like to:

Calculate the value for imageTransformOutputQuality based on the image's file size. for example.
If my max file size is 1mb, and i have a 20mb image. the percentage would be

pctAdjustment = (1/20) * 100; //5%

is this possible?

transforming animated GIFs

Hello Rik,
i'm having problem with uploading animated GIFs - they aren't animated anymore after implicit transform by transform plugin. They are uploaded as PNG

My setup - i am using Vue.js / filepond-vue with some plugins


And i need have the Image Transform active because i have also Doka in my setup

I've tried to disable Doka - issue is still there
I've tried to keep Doka and disable Image Transform plugin - issue disapeares and gifs are uploaded correctly
I've tried to use somewhere recommended ImageTransformImageFilter option / callback ... not documented, keyword can be found in source codes, but seems to be not working anymore ...

also using allowImageExifOrientation and need to support also other filetypes

my versions as in package.json

        "filepond": "^4.20.1",
        "filepond-plugin-file-validate-type": "1.2.5",
        "filepond-plugin-image-crop": "^2.0.4",
        "filepond-plugin-image-edit": "^1.6.1",
        "filepond-plugin-image-exif-orientation": "^1.0.9",
        "filepond-plugin-image-preview": "^4.6.4",
        "filepond-plugin-image-transform": "^3.7.4",

So my guess is that problem is really in transform plugin
Is there any way out of this problem?
Thanks, Adam

Adding EXIF orientation plugin renders incorrect output for camera images

When adding the EXIF orientation plugin images that are uploaded to the server are sent without being reoriented and with a black bar across part of the image.

The image preview and image editor display the image correctly, it's only the uploaded output that has the issues. Only images with EXIF orientation data are affected.

Image editor view:

Uploaded image:

imageTransformVariants resize issue: Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set property 'size' of undefined

I found an issue when imageResizeUpscale = false, smaller images (smaller than imageResizeTargetWidth or imageResizeTargetHeight) don't have access to the resize transform in imageTransformVariants. In order to work around this, I enable imageResizeUpscale, so that I can resize everything, but I end up throwing away the original image after it gets to the server. Here is a snippet of the code that has issues:

    const pond = FilePond.create(document.querySelector('input'), {
      imageResizeTargetWidth: 1280,
      imageResizeTargetHeight: 1280,
      imageResizeMode: 'contain',
      imageResizeUpscale: false,
      imageTransformOutputQuality: 80,

      imageTransformVariants: {
        'm_': transforms => {
          // errors here on any image that is less than the 1280x1280 defined above, since it doesn't have to resize the image.
          transforms.resize.size.width = 640;
          transforms.resize.size.height = 640;
          return transforms;

Duplicate Identifier 'FilePondFile'

It seems like the newest version re-exports FilePondFile which clashes with the base library. Just letting the maintainers know. Cannot build my angular project because of it. Downgrading to 3.7.6 works.

File extension conversion

When uploading a .jpeg image the file extension is set to .jpg, yet the file metadata keeps the .jpeg extension.
I tracked it down to

var renameFileToMatchMimeType = function renameFileToMatchMimeType(
) {
   var name = getFilenameWithoutExtension(filename);
   var extension = format === 'image/jpeg' ? 'jpg' : format.split('/')[1];
   return name + '.' + extension;

Is this a bug and should it be set to .jpeg or am i missing something?

var extension = format === 'image/jpeg' ? 'jpeg' : format.split('/')[1];

Can we add webp?

Need to make webp for faster reload? Right now, when I use this plugin, formdata doesn't read the converted file:

ondata: (formData) => {
						// const formData = new FormData();
						// formData.append('filepond', convertedwebp);


Error when uploading file with specific bitmap

A client sent a file to the FilePond with transform plugin enabled.
It crashed FilePond JS and makes the upload unlimited with no error.

The JS error is not clearly readable from the navigator, but it seems to crash here

ctx.translate(canvasCenter.x, canvasCenter.y);



Here's the file:
(I wiped it to white because sensible content, if you want the original ask me)


root@4147797bee55:/var/www/html# yarn list --pattern filepond
yarn list v1.22.19
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โ”œโ”€ [email protected]
โ”œโ”€ [email protected]
โ””โ”€ [email protected]

Browser : FireFox 109.0 (64 bits)

Uploading original image in case there are no transformations applied

Trying to understand if there is a way to do that, but so far I did not have any luck.

I've noticed you implemented the upscale = false, to prevent upscaling images smaller than target size, which is one thing I was looking before.

But my next issues is I need to be able to upload original images without re-encoding into JPG again in case there are not transformations applied. Is that possible?

Uncaught error for TIFF image files

I have a web page where, after loading files with drag&drop (like in standard filepond examples) they are uploaded on a PHP server (using filepond uploader).

That works for all file types I have to use except for TIFF image files.
In browser with TIFF support (ex: Safari in OSX) everything is ok, but in browsers whitout TIFF support (Ex: Firefox and Chrome on Mac or Win), after the loading I have a js crash with an uncaught error related to this promise at line 3710 on 3.7.2:

// add default output version if output default set to true or if no variants defined
            variants.push(function(transform, file, metadata) {
              return new Promise(function(resolve) {
                transform(file, metadata).then(function(file) {
                  return resolve({
                    name: query('GET_IMAGE_TRANSFORM_VARIANTS_DEFAULT_NAME'),
                    file: file

I suppose that the promise lacks to check for error (not sure) and perhps the same issue can happens also in other promises of the module...

Of course I can't suppose to have thumbnail/preview for TIFF in browsers without TIFF support; I am thinking about inserting a dummy reject function in promise to skip error.
Is it the good direction ?


SVGs are converted to bitmaps

Hey, not sure if this is the intended behavior, but I discovered that SVGs are turned into bitmaps when transformed.

This totally makes sense, because you can't really resize or crop an SVG.

But I'm wondering if there could be an option for this, ex: imageTransformSVGs, which would default to true (backwards compatible) but could be set to false to leave SVGs as is.


Crop and resize to exact ratio

I have read through all of the documentation and had a skim over the source code, but can't seem to find a solution to this. I'm not entirely clear if this question is more relevant to the crop, resize or transform plugin, so I hope it is ok for this to be posted here.

Is there a way to return an image that has a specific ratio by using padding instead of cropping? So the source image is basically resized as per the current functionality, but then padded to meet the ratio?

Getting transformed images to be uploaded using a custom method

First of all: thanks for this amazing library โค๏ธ

I'm using filepond (the React component.) on a custom form and I want to upload the images when saving the whole for information. I'm saving files on component's state and when submitting the data I'm uploading each file and the save the data with the uploaded file urls on the server.
How do I get the transformed files on client size before uploading them to the server if I'm not using the server method?

This is a simplify version of my component:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { FilePond, registerPlugin } from 'react-filepond';
import FilePondPluginFileValidateType from 'filepond-plugin-file-validate-type';
import FilePondPluginImageResize from 'filepond-plugin-image-resize';
import FilePondPluginImagePreview from 'filepond-plugin-image-preview';
import FilePondPluginImageTransform from 'filepond-plugin-image-transform';
import 'filepond/dist/filepond.min.css';
import 'filepond-plugin-image-preview/dist/filepond-plugin-image-preview.css';


class Form extends Component {
  constructor(props, context) {
    super(props, context);

    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
    this.onDropPhotos = this.onDropPhotos.bind(this);

    this.state = {
      title: '',
      photos: [],

  onDropPhotos() {
    const files = this.photosFilePond.getFiles();

      photos: => f.file),

  handleValueChange(field, value) {
    this.setState({ [field]: value });

  async handleSubmit() {
    const {
      title, photos,
    } = this.state;

    const uploadedPhotos = [];
    if (photos.length) {
      await Promise.all( (file) => {
          const snapshot = await;
          const downloadURL = await snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();

    const payload = {
      photos: uploadedPhotos,
    // Save data on server

  render() {
    const { title } = this.state;

    return (
      <div className="Form">
        <Input placeholder="title..." value={title} onChange={e => this.handleValueChange('title',} />
          ref={ref => this.photosFilePond = ref} // eslint-disable-line no-return-assign
          acceptedFileTypes={['image/png', 'image/jpeg']}
        <Button onClick={this.handleSubmit}>Post</Button>

export default Form;

Thanks in advance!

Filesizes increases while image is (visually) not being transformed.

I have the following options enabled:

allowImageTransform: true,
imageTransformOutputQuality: 20,
imageTransformOutputQualityMode: 'optional',
allowImageResize: true,
allowImageCrop: true,
imageResizeMode: 'cover',
// some other values

When I upload a PNG file of filesize 1.73MB, which is exactly the given size (and thus no transform is applied, I assume), it ends up being around 2.1MB Chrome and 2.2MB in Firefox.

Changing the imageTransformOutputQuality does not seem to result in any changes in filesize or image quality.

Please note the image in question is compressed in Photoshop using the option 'slowest/smallest'.

See as example. It's size is 1.3MB, and once 'transformed' by Filepond its size is near to 1.9MB (in Chrome).

Why is the filesize increased by a fair bit while the image is not being transformed? I can't seem to find the reason.

Update: If I also use imageTransformOutputMimeType: 'image/jpeg', the size of the png (now jpeg) is greatly reduced. Is this something which is typical for png?

TypeScript support?

Would it be possible to add typescript support to this plugin? The other plugins (like FileEncode and ImageResize work fine).

I'm getting the error
Cannot find module 'filepond-plugin-image-transform/dist' or its corresponding type declarations.

for the line in app.module.ts

import FilePondPluginImageTransform from "filepond-plugin-image-transform/dist";

I'm on Angular 11.

Filepond sends just one resized image

Hey there.

First of all, thanks a lot for the great tool. I've tried a few uploader but your's far better than any of them.

Having a couple of small problems with Transform plugin: I'd like to use resing of the original image and generate two thumbnails. Here's part of my config:

imageResizeTargetWidth: 720,
imageTransformVariants: {
  thumb_medium_: transforms => {
    transforms.resize.size.width = 300;
    return transforms;
  thumb_small_: transforms => {
    transforms.resize.size.width = 80;
    return transforms;

The problem is Filepond sends just the last "thumb_small_x" image. As far as I understood from your blog post on it's a problem of output type: now, instead of one image, I have three.

  1. How to make Filepond add all images to the queue and send them to the backend. As far as I understand, using onpreparefile for sending files is not a good move.
  2. The resized original image has resolution 1175 ร— 720 pixels which means Filepond changed the image size by height instead of width. Am I doing something wrong?

Question variants name APPENDED

Thanks for sharing this intresting pice of software..
I have a question regarding

 imageTransformVariants: {

Which works as expected.. My question is How to have variant name APPENDED instead of PREPENDED to filename..
With prepended scrolling the dir with a filepicker.. it is difficult to find/see desired file as all starts with thumb or whatever name choosen as variant name..

Other option would be to save be able to save variant with original filename but in subdir with name of VARIANT.. (like thumb_medium in this case..)


Backend can get only last image object

I am following documentation how to setup different image sizes to upload them via process method.
Here is my vue-filepond HTML (ignore extra parameters):

            thumb_medium_: (transforms) => {
              transforms.resize = {
                size: {
                  width: 384,
                  height: 384,
              return transforms;

When I have items inside image-transform-variants my backend (Laravel Illuminate\Http\Request class) always has only last file in array and image is resized to this correct width/height. When I remove variants and just leave target-width, image is resized to 1920w. So this part of resizing is working; but how to get all files on backend, not just the last one in the list?

This is header request:

filepond: {"resize":{"mode":"cover","upscale":true,"size":{"width":1920,"height":1920}},"crop":{"center":{"x":0.5,"y":0.5},"flip":{"horizontal":false,"vertical":false},"rotation":0,"zoom":1,"aspectRatio":null},"color":null,"output":{"type":null,"quality":null,"client":["crop","resize","filter","markup","output"]}}
filepond: (binary)
filepond: (binary)

This is Laravel response ($request->allFiles()); it should be 2 files (or 3 if I add another variant), no?

array:1 [
  "filepond" => Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile {#1655
    -test: false
    -originalName: "thumb_medium_46972981-lion-hd-wallpaper.jpg"
    -mimeType: "image/jpeg"
    -error: 0
    #hashName: null
    path: "C:\wamp64\tmp"
    filename: "php6ED8.tmp"
    basename: "php6ED8.tmp"
    pathname: "C:\wamp64\tmp\php6ED8.tmp"
    extension: "tmp"
    realPath: "C:\wamp64\tmp\php6ED8.tmp"
    aTime: 2021-08-02 17:55:21
    mTime: 2021-08-02 17:55:21
    cTime: 2021-08-02 17:55:21
    inode: 75153818781832786
    size: 21724
    perms: 0100666
    owner: 0
    group: 0
    type: "file"
    writable: true
    readable: true
    executable: false
    file: true
    dir: false
    link: false
    linkTarget: "C:\wamp64\tmp\php6ED8.tmp"

Filename is lost after transform


When using the image transform plugin, the file name is replaced for the word "blob".


In some instances, the original file name is required by the server. In my case, I am uploading product images that tie to a specific product using this name.

How to reproduce

FilePond.create($refs.input, {
    imageResizeMode: 'contain',
    imageResizeTargetWidth: 1500,
    imageResizeTargetHeight: 1500,
    imageTransformOutputMimeType: 'image/jpeg',
    allowImageTransform: true,

Will produce a binary file upload with the following properties:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files[]"; filename="blob"
Content-Type: image/jpeg

Notice the "blob" filename. The original file name is now lost.

Image Thumbnail Creation with Resize

Hi Guys, need help.

I have this code that should resize big files to a limit of 2000 pixels width/height, and them create a thumbnail of 500px.
Works fine when images are below 2000 pixels, if they are smaller if appears if affecting the imageTransformVariants probably because there's no resized image and I get this: "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'size' of undefined".

My point is now to use the original imagem for example to create a transform if the source file is smaller and there's no resize happening. Any thoughts ?

import * as FilePond from 'filepond';

// Import the plugin code
import FilePondPluginImagePreview from 'filepond-plugin-image-preview';
import FilePondPluginImageResize from 'filepond-plugin-image-resize';
import FilePondPluginImageTransform from 'filepond-plugin-image-transform';
import FilePondPluginImageCrop from 'filepond-plugin-image-crop';

// Register the plugin
    // register the Image Crop plugin with FilePond

// Create a multi file upload component
const inputElement = document.querySelector('.file01');
const pond = FilePond.create(inputElement,
    imageTransformOutputQuality: 'image/jpeg',
    imageResizeTargetWidth: 2000,
    imageResizeMode: 'contain',
    imageResizeUpscale: false,

    // add imageTransformVariant settings
    imageTransformVariants: {
        'thumb_medium_': transforms => {
            transforms.resize.size.width = 500;
            return transforms;

    onaddfile: (err, fileItem) => {
        // console.log(err, fileItem.getMetadata('resize'));

    // alter the output property
  onpreparefile: (fileItem, outputFiles) => {
    // loop over the outputFiles array
    outputFiles.forEach(output => {
      const img = new Image();
      // output now is an object containing a `name` and a `file` property, we only need the `file`
      img.src = URL.createObjectURL(output.file);


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