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apollo-validation-directives's Issues

Doesn't work with apollo server v3

It doesn't work after migrating to apollo server v3, no errors is thrown, but no directives actually produce errors in info.validationErrors

Make @hasPermissions not check permissions on input values when they are equal to the default value

Currently, when @hasPermissions is used on a INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION, if the field have a default value, it checks for the permissions even if no value(or the default value) was sent in the request.
for the following schema:

input InputType {
  field1: String = "123" @hasPermissions(permissions: ["allowed"])
  field2: Boolean @hasPermissions(permissions: ["allowed"])
Query {
  someQuery(input: InputType!): Boolean!

Using the following query:

query myQuery($input: InputType!) {
  someQuery(input: $input)

When the user doesn't have the necessary permissions, it results in an error due the @hasPermissions on field1 when the following variables are used:

  input: {}

Whereas it allows the following variables:

  input: {
    field1: null

If the user doesn't have permissions to send the field, only the default value should be allowed (not even null should be allowed if null is not the default value)

Validation of nullable input field or argument

Actual behavior

When a nullable argument is not valid, it is transformed into null in resolver.

# schema
 type Mutation {
    chooseSmallString(value: String @stringLength(max: 5)): String

# query
mutation {
 chooseSmallString(value: "dddddddsdjnasdjnasjdnddd")

# result
  "data": {
    "chooseSmallString": null

Expected behavior

I would have expected the resolver to not have been called and a validation error to have been returned to the user.

Indeed, standard GraphQL argument validations throws an error when an argument does not match the expected type:

# schema
 type Mutation {
    choosString(value: String): String

# query
mutation {
 chooseString(value: true)

# result
  "error": {
    "errors": [
        "message": "Expected type String, found true.",
        "locations": [
            "line": 2,
            "column": 23
        "extensions": {
          "code": "GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED",
          "exception": {
            "stacktrace": [
              "GraphQLError: Expected type String, found true.",

See example in sandbox

usage with apollo-server-lambda

When i try to use this package with apollo-server-lambda i get an error:
ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'apollo-server' in '.../node_modules/@profusion/apollo-validation-directives/build/lib'
no idea what is the difference in API between them and if it's even possible to use it with apollo-server-lambda (I havesn't seen any working examples so far), but it would be really nice thing

Unwanted validationErrors for null value on nullable type

  type Mutation {
    createBook(book: BookInput): Book!

  input BookInput {
    title: String! @stringLength(max: 5)
    description: String
mutation {
  createBook(book: {
    title: "ddd"
  }) {

The createBook resolver receives a validationErrors on description input field: TypeError: String cannot represent value: undefined whereas it was not provided.

See this sandbox for reproduction.

type issue

trying to run the Value validation example.

I'm being returned this issue by typescript :

error TS2322: Type 'typeof ConcreteValidateDirectiveVisitor' is not assignable to type 'typeof SchemaDirectiveVisitor'.
  Types of property 'visitSchemaDirectives' are incompatible.
    Type '(schema: GraphQLSchema, directiveVisitors: { [directiveName: string]: typeof SchemaDirectiveVisitor; }, context?: { [key: string]: any; } | undefined) => { [directiveName: string]: SchemaDirectiveVisitor[]; }' is not assignable to type '(schema: GraphQLSchema, directiveVisitors: Record<string, typeof SchemaDirectiveVisitor>, context?: Record<string, any> | undefined, pathToDirectivesInExtensions?: string[] | undefined) => Record<...>'.
      Types of parameters 'directiveVisitors' and 'directiveVisitors' are incompatible.
        Type 'Record<string, typeof SchemaDirectiveVisitor>' is not assignable to type '{ [directiveName: string]: typeof SchemaDirectiveVisitor; }'.
          Index signatures are incompatible.
            Type 'typeof import("node_modules/@graphql-tools/utils/SchemaDirectiveVisitor").SchemaDirectiveVisitor' is not assignable to type 'typeof import("node_modules/apollo-server-core/node_modules/graphql-tools/dist/schemaVisitor").SchemaDirectiveVisitor'.
              The types returned by 'getDirectiveDeclaration(...)' are incompatible between these types.
                Type 'GraphQLDirective | null | undefined' is not assignable to type 'GraphQLDirective'.
                  Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'GraphQLDirective'.

adding // @ts-ignore before schemaDirectives: { range }, is silencing the issue

Validation Field Name not available

Hi Y’all,

First of all, thank you for creating the directive helpers! They’ve helped save a lot of time and unnecessary issues!

I have a use case where i would like to see which field is causing validation error, right now we only get the field value or the higher level argument name but not the actual field name.

This happens with input validation, for read validation I see the field name in the path portion of error string.

Is there any way I can get the field name?


Type exampleinputType {
Id: string @stringlength(min: 4)
Name: string @stringlength(max: 253)

Mutation m {
UpdateExample( exampleInput: {
Id :1
Name: “example”
}) {}
The path error portion shows only updateExample and doesn’t show the actual field(id) which is erroring.

Thanks for the help!

Stack overflow when calling ValidateDirectiveVisitor.addValidationResolversToSchema()

For some reason, I'm getting a stack overflow when calling ValidateDirectiveVisitor.addValidationResolversToSchema():

2020-08-27T17:32:09.449Z [error]: uncaughtException: Maximum call stack size exceeded
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at Object.get [as GraphQLNonNull] (C:\Code\project\node_modules\graphql\type\index.js:296:20)
    at Object.get [as GraphQLNonNull] (C:\Code\project\node_modules\graphql\index.js:87:18)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:74:40)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:78:16)
    at checkMustValidateInputField (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:70:12)
    at Array.some (<anonymous>)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:84:53)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:78:16)
    at checkMustValidateInputField (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:70:12)
    at Array.some (<anonymous>)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:84:53)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:78:16)
    at checkMustValidateInputField (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:70:12)
    at Array.some (<anonymous>)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:84:53)
    at checkMustValidateInput (C:\Code\project\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\ValidateDirectiveVisitor.js:78:16)

Apollo 4 and GQL update

Spike/Research Request


We need to make this lib compatible with apollo 4. For that, we need to update the apollo dependency as well as the gql dependency. Unfortunately, gql lib changed a lot since our last update, so we will have to reimplement the visitor algorithm.

Knowledge Gap

We must know how to implement the visitor to implement directives.


In this issue we must have a small report explaining:

  • High-level explanation on how we implement visitors currently
  • In-depth explanation on how to navigate the graph using the latests libs
  • Possible needed changes besides the visitor algorithm

Planning notes

Timebox: 4 days

Use with graphql-tools mocking lib

Hey 👋 thanks for the great library.

I'd like to get apollo-validation-directives working with graphql-tools mocking lib .

I thought I'd be able to call addValidationResolversToSchema after adding mocks to the schema and therefore have both real validationResolvers with mock application resolvers. But it doesn't appear to work.

Is there a way to achieve this?

I've created a minimal reproduction to illustrate the use case:

Thanks again

validation adds `field: null` when field is not provided

It is not possible to use partial update with the validation directives.

The directives add field: null even if the input did not contain the (not required) field. This can cause unwanted overwrites on fields.


type Profile {
  name: String @stringLength(max: 120)
  avatarUrl: String @pattern(regexp: ...)

user input:

"name":  "John Doe"

the resolver gets after validation:

"name": "Jonh Doe",
"avatarUrl": null

Module fails if you're using apollo-server-core and not apollo-server

This module requires apollo-server but apparently doesn't declare as a dependency that it requires it. I have a fully functional Apollo app that directly has apollo-server-koa and apollo-server-core as dependencies, but not apollo-server. When I try to load this module, it fails:

const {
} = require('@profusion/apollo-validation-directives')
2020-08-24T19:35:05.612Z [error]: uncaughtException: Cannot find module 'apollo-server'
Require stack:
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\EasyDirectiveVisitor.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\index.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\src\graphql\schema\index.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\src\graphql\index.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\src\server.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\index.js
Error: Cannot find module 'apollo-server'
Require stack:
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\EasyDirectiveVisitor.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\index.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\src\graphql\schema\index.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\src\graphql\index.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\src\server.js
- C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\index.js
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:965:15)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:841:27)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1025:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\EasyDirectiveVisitor.js:15:25)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1025:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Code\ncp\study-design-service\node_modules\@profusion\apollo-validation-directives\build\lib\index.js:4:30)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1137:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1157:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:985:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:878:14)  metadata: {
  "error": {
    "code": "MODULE_NOT_FOUND",
    "requireStack": [

More types and functions could also be exported by lib/index.js

🚀 Feature Request


  • In previous versions of this lib, it was possible to import types such as FilterMissingPermissions, and functions like debugFilterMissingPermissionsand prodFilterMissingPermissions for building custom features. Re-enabling these imports would be helpful, providing useful functions to be used in projects.

validationErrors in info argument?

The extra argument validationErrors is visible in the produced schema while, apriori, the client does not need to know it exists.

Wouldn't be better injected in the info argument of resolver?

createUser(_, args, ctxt, info) {
  if(info.validationErrors && info.validationErrors.length) {
    // guess i should throw

How can set custom error message for directives ?

Hello there !
How can We show a custom message for example :

type Mutation { DoThing(input : some!) : Boolean } puery input some{ subSome: String! @stringLength(min: 0, max: 10,) }

if I use DoThing(input:{subSome:"0123456789A"}) it returns default message : "String Length is More than 10"
I want to change it to "subSome is too long"
how can I do this ?!

Stack Overflow on input that has itself as a field

First of all, thank you for this great library, really convenient !

This issue has already been raised and closed (#21) but I have found (I think) where its origin is.

I have the following input field:

input A {
   B: [C]
   D: String!
   E: ID
   F: [A] # this line creates the error
   G: JSON
   H: [Int]

In ValidateDirectiveVisitor inside the checkMustValidateInput function when I add a log here:

 if (finalType instanceof graphql_1.GraphQLInputObjectType) {
        console.log({type, finalType});
        return Object.values(finalType.getFields()).some(checkMustValidateInputField);

I get { type: A, finalType: A } several times until the crash.

I don't know whether the schema itself is a bit sketchy this way or if the library could handle that case itself to prevent that error from happening 🤔

What do you think ?

Thanks !

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