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system's Issues

Reconciler error when streaming processor function-ref does not exist

Creating a streaming processor with a non-existent function-ref appears to work, but the controller starts logging an ERROR.

$ riff streaming processor create test \
>   --function-ref echo-doesnt-exist \
>   --input in \
>   --output out
Created processor "test"
	ERROR	controller-runtime.controller	Reconciler error	{"controller": "processor", "request": "default/test", "error": " \"echo-doesnt-exist\" not found"}*zapLogger).Error
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128*Controller).reconcileHandler
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:218*Controller).processNextWorkItem
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:192*Controller).worker
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:171
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:152
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:153
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:88

NOTE: Doing the equivalent core deployer create with a non-existent function-ref does not produce any errors.

2019-10-17T12:28:36.765Z	INFO	controllers.Deployer.tracker	tracking resource	{"ref": "", "obj": "default/core-echo-bad", "ttl": "2019-10-17T22:28:36Z"}
2019-10-17T12:28:36.765Z	DEBUG	controller-runtime.controller	Successfully Reconciled	{"controller": "deployer", "request": "default/core-echo-bad"}
2019-10-17T12:37:04.290Z	DEBUG	controllers.Deployer.tracker	no tracked items found	{"ref": ""}

Streaming processor scales to zero even when there is constant activity

This was observed in a riff setup with core, knative, and streaming runtimes installed using --devel build via helm install on oct 28, 2019.

A random number generator posts a number to an input stream via the streaming gateway every second. The stream is consumed by a simple echo function deployed as a streaming processor.

It appears that keda is scaling this processor down to 0 every 30s or so, even though there is constant activity on the input stream


module.exports = x => {
  console.log('echo', x);
  return x;
# deploy gateway (yaml uses riff-system namespace)
kubectl apply -f

# create in and out streams
riff streaming stream create in  --provider franz-kafka-provisioner --content-type application/json 
riff streaming stream create out --provider franz-kafka-provisioner --content-type application/json 

# build echo function
riff function create echo \
  --local-path ~/riff/echo \
  --artifact echo.js \

# deploy echo function as a stream processor 
riff streaming processor create echo-out \
  --function-ref echo \
  --input in \
  --output out

# create random number generator from image
riff container create random --image jldec/random:v0.0.2 --tail

# deploy random number generator as core-random using core runtime
riff core deployer create core-random --container-ref random --tail

# (in new terminal) port forward to core-random on port 8081
kubectl port-forward service/`kubectl get service -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'` 8081:80

# configure random to send a number to the in stream every second via the http-gateway
curl http://localhost:8081/ -w '\n' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"url":"http://riff-streaming-http-gateway.riff-system/default/in"}'

# monitor the input stream using the liiklus client - it should show a new number on the stream every second. The name of the Kafka provider is franz 

# (in new terminal) port forward to kafka-provider-liiklus on port 6565
kubectl port-forward service/`kubectl get service -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'` 6565:6565

# (in a new terminal) watch in the input stream 
# (this assumes that the liiklus client has been built at ~/riff/liiklus-client)
java -jar ~/riff/liiklus-client/target/liiklus-client-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --consumer localhost:6565 default_in

sample output of keda operator

keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:55:21Z" level=info msg="Successfully scaled deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) to 0 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:55:22Z" level=info msg="Successfully updated deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) from 0 to 1 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:55:58Z" level=info msg="Successfully scaled deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) to 0 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:55:59Z" level=info msg="Successfully updated deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) from 0 to 1 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:56:34Z" level=info msg="Successfully scaled deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) to 0 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:56:35Z" level=info msg="Successfully updated deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) from 0 to 1 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:57:25Z" level=info msg="Successfully scaled deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) to 0 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:57:27Z" level=info msg="Successfully updated deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) from 0 to 1 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:58:30Z" level=info msg="Successfully scaled deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) to 0 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:58:31Z" level=info msg="Successfully updated deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) from 0 to 1 replicas"
keda/keda-operator-7667cb476f-g59r5[keda-operator]: time="2019-10-28T13:59:10Z" level=info msg="Successfully scaled deployment (default/echo-out-processor-jxbw8) to 0 replicas" is invalid: spec.maxReplicaCount in body must be of type integer

I'm seeing this recurring error in the log from the streaming-controller-manager when i wire a simple echo function as a stream processor from an input to an output stream.

The function appears to be operating properly on the stream despite the error which repeats in the log every few minutes.


module.exports = x => {
  console.log('echo', x);
  return x;

create echo function

riff function create echo \
  --local-path ~/riff/echo \
  --artifact echo.js \

wire in and out streams via a test processor

riff streaming stream create in  --provider franz-kafka-provisioner --content-type application/json 
riff streaming stream create out --provider franz-kafka-provisioner --content-type application/json 

riff streaming processor create test \
  --function-ref echo \
  --input in \
  --output out

error from kubectl logs -f riff-streaming-controller-manager-... -c manager -n riff-system

ERROR	controller-runtime.controller	Reconciler error	{"controller": "processor", "request": "default/test", "error": " \"test-processor\" is invalid: []: Invalid value: map[string]interface {}{\"apiVersion\":\"\", \"kind\":\"ScaledObject\", \"metadata\":map[string]interface {}{\"creationTimestamp\":\"2019-10-17T11:54:01Z\", \"generation\":1, \"labels\":map[string]interface {}{\"deploymentName\":\"test-processor\", \"\":\"test\"}, \"name\":\"test-processor\", \"namespace\":\"default\", \"ownerReferences\":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{\"apiVersion\":\"\", \"blockOwnerDeletion\":true, \"controller\":true, \"kind\":\"Processor\", \"name\":\"test\", \"uid\":\"69081ea3-f0d4-11e9-a9b7-025000000001\"}}, \"uid\":\"cf393560-f0d4-11e9-a9b7-025000000001\"}, \"spec\":map[string]interface {}{\"cooldownPeriod\":30, \"maxReplicaCount\":interface {}(nil), \"minReplicaCount\":interface {}(nil), \"pollingInterval\":1, \"scaleTargetRef\":map[string]interface {}{\"containerName\":\"\", \"deploymentName\":\"test-processor\"}, \"triggers\":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{\"metadata\":map[string]interface {}{\"address\":\"franz-kafka-liiklus.default:6565\", \"group\":\"test\", \"topic\":\"default_in\"}, \"name\":\"\", \"type\":\"liiklus\"}}}, \"status\":map[string]interface {}{\"currentReplicas\":0, \"desiredReplicas\":0}}: validation failure list:\nspec.maxReplicaCount in body must be of type integer: \"null\"\nspec.minReplicaCount in body must be of type integer: \"null\""}*zapLogger).Error
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128*Controller).reconcileHandler
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:218*Controller).processNextWorkItem
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:192*Controller).worker
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:171
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:152
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:153
	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:88

Decompose runtimes

This repo currently hosts three runtimes in a single controller. It should be possible to install/uninstall any runtime without impacting the others. Currently the controller sniffs for Knative Serving to decide whether to load the knative runtime. This approach has a few issues:

  • it's fragile (is the runtime expected to exist, we don't know)
  • Knative serving must be installed before the riff controller stats, and restarted after installing/uninstalling knative
  • Knative dependencies are linked into the controller binary, even if they are not expected to run

The easy solution is to create a new controller for each runtime that has complete ownership over its CRDs and dependencies.

Refs projectriff/riff#1352

introduce scdf dsl for defining streams

In the streaming runtime, the following 4 commands are required so that a function can consume 2 streams and write to the third:

riff streaming stream create numbers --provider kafka-provider --content-type application/json
riff streaming stream create letters --provider kafka-provider --content-type text/plain
riff streaming stream create repeated --provider kafka-provider
riff streaming processor create repeater-processor --function-ref repeater \
   --input numbers --input letters \
   --output repeated \
   --content-type application/json

Drawing inspiration from scdf dsl we could define a new command like:

riff streaming flow create myflow \
  --definition 'kafka-provider > numbers,letters | repeater | kafka-provider > repeated' \

This command is equivalent to the above 4 commands and would just delegate to the existing commands, creating streams and processors.

Allow processors to bring their own image

We shouldn't require that processors reference a function. It must be possible to provide a pre-existing image and run it as a processor. This will be critical for users who have their own CD workflows or have acceptance tests for build images that need to pass before they go into production.

Ingress support in the core runtime

One of the key main benefits of the Knative runtime over the Core runtime is that it provides ingress routing to workloads. We should fill that gap.

Design principals:

  • only use built-in (core) kubernetes types, like Ingress
  • be unopinionated about the ingress controller implementation (Istio vs Contour vs Nginx vs ...)
    • protect users from need to know about the particular ingress implementation
  • allow workloads to be exposed by or protected from ingress (public vs private workloads)
  • be ready to pickup whatever resource is in core k8s

Other things to keep in mind:

  • dns mapping to workloads and namespaces
  • ssl certificate provisioning (possible vs manual vs automatic)

webhook crashes intermittently

I am seeing intermittent failures in fats:

Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post https://riff-build-webhook-service.riff-system.svc:443/mutate-build-projectriff-io-v1alpha1-function?timeout=30s: dial tcp connect: connection refused

potentially due to webhooks crashing. full run at:

CRD defaults are not actually applied

Take Stream.Spec.contentType as an example: even though there is a call to SetDefault, the only thing that is ever updated is the Status subresource.

We need to revisit this pattern, which I assume we applied over the whole codebase.

Expose Streams as bindable services

Streams are like a database in that they can be bound to a workload in order to read/write messages to/from the stream. Following the Binding spec from CNB, we can create a ConfigMap and Secret for each stream that contains the appropriate metadata to be bound into a target workload.

ConfigMap properties:

  • kind: ''
  • provider:
  • tags: empty

Secret properties:

  • gateway: stream.status.address.gateway
  • topic: stream.status.address.topic

The act of binding the ConfigMap/Secret to a workload is out of scope for this work.

Make the service name used by a core deployer configurable

Currently the deployers generate a service name to keep them unique. This makes it harder to discover services since you can't bind using just the DNS name, you would have to look it up based on labels. We should provide a way to define the actual name used and the end-user would be responsible for avoiding clashes. If user doesn't specify the name, then we should generate one as we do today.

Status not updated if requeue==true

The typical current pattern for updating a Status is the following:

	// check if status has changed before updating, unless requeued
	if !result.Requeue && !equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(stream.Status, original.Status) {
		// update status
		log.Info("updating stream status", "diff", cmp.Diff(original.Status, stream.Status))
		if updateErr := r.Status().Update(ctx, stream); updateErr != nil {
			log.Error(updateErr, "unable to update Stream status", "stream", stream)
			return ctrl.Result{Requeue: true}, updateErr

if the inner reconcile() function returns with requeue == true, any Condition set on the resource status will not be surfaced.

This explains why a failing stream provisioning is not surfaced atm for example.

refs #117

README is outdated

README mentions dep instead of go modules.
The list of CRDs for streaming is incomplete
The set of additional dependencies is outdated (knative build ...)

Create PulsarProvider

Pulsar is the second technology that liiklus supports for record storage, so this is a low hanging fruit. Allows validation of the loose coupling of providers, and will provide subject matter for #86

Unable to provide volumes for core deployer

If I add a volume referencing a secret to a Deployer I get validation error:

Error executing command: "petclinic" is invalid: []: Invalid value: map[string]interface {}{"apiVersion":"", "metadata":map[string]interface {}{"name":"petclinic", "namespace":"default", "creationTimestamp":"2019-10-17T02:40:09Z", "generation":1, "uid":"6fa9353e-f087-11e9-81fa-42010a8001c4"}, "spec":map[string]interface {}{"build":map[string]interface {}{"applicationRef":"petclinic"}, "template":map[string]interface {}{"volumes":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"name":"petclinic-mysql-binding", "secret":map[string]interface {}{"secretName":"petclinic-mysql-binding", "items":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"key":"config.yaml", "path":"application.yaml"}}, "defaultMode":420}}}, "containers":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"env":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"name":"SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE", "value":"mysql"}, map[string]interface {}{"name":"SPRING_DATASOURCE_INITIALIZE", "value":"always"}}, "resources":map[string]interface {}{}, "volumeMounts":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{"name":"petclinic-mysql-binding", "readOnly":true, "mountPath":"/workspace/config"}}, "name":""}}}}, "kind":"Deployer"}: validation failure list:
  type in spec.template.volumes.secret is required

Consider stream as something "bindable" as in "service binding" spec

This issue is to track ideas about a stream being seen as something you bind in the same way you could bind say, a database connection:

kafka-provider reconcilier doesn't react to CM updates

Thanks to

enqueueTrackedResources := &handler.EnqueueRequestsFromMapFunc{
ToRequests: handler.ToRequestsFunc(func(a handler.MapObject) []reconcile.Request {
requests := []reconcile.Request{}
if a.Meta.GetNamespace() == r.Namespace && a.Meta.GetName() == kafkaProviderImages {
key := tracker.NewKey(
types.NamespacedName{Namespace: a.Meta.GetNamespace(), Name: a.Meta.GetName()},
for _, item := range r.Tracker.Lookup(key) {
requests = append(requests, reconcile.Request{NamespacedName: item})
return requests
, we should see a new provisioner being deployed when the image ref is changed, but this is not the case (this used to work)

streaming processor fails to become ready

This issue was found by the CI:

2019-11-05T15:30:29.571Z	ERROR	controllers.Processor	unable to update Deployment for Processor	{"processor": "fats-1572966365-kind/fats-cluster-repeater-java", "deployment": {"name": ""}, "error": "resource name may not be empty"}*zapLogger).Error
  	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128*ProcessorReconciler).reconcileProcessorDeployment
  	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:216*Controller).processNextWorkItem
  	/home/runner/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:192*Controller).worker

full logs here:

Status conditions are shared between custom resources

Several global variables appear to be shared, or at least serially reused, by distinct kubernetes custom resources. This may explain issues, like this, where the Ready condition becomes true even though the resource isn't really ready. It could also explain other problems where custom resource status behaves unexpectedly.

An example is the global variable processorCondSet which is shared between processors, e.g. here:

func (ps *ProcessorStatus) InitializeConditions() {

Convert to kubebuilder

The controller currently uses knative/pkg as a foundation. The Kubernetes ecosystem is consolidating around Kubebuilder as the model for reconcilers.

Kubebuilder has a few key advantages:

  • maintains boiler plate (no copy pasta)
  • broad support in the community
  • runs with more modern k8s api versions

Consider renaming [Application|Function]Build, to [Application|Function]

The formal names for the CRDs are currently:


The bit is redundant and would be cleaner as:


However, we should not do this if we are likely to reintroduce higher level Function and Application CRDs as they will collide and force Kubectl users to qualify which resource they intend to work with (like Knative vs K8s Service).

Processors don't scale up and keda logs an error

I have a hello processor and it doesn't scale up when I post messages on the input topic. I see this in the keda logs:

{"level":"error","ts":1574810051.6503396,"logger":"controller_scaledobject","msg":"Error updating scaledObject status with used externalMetricNames","Request.Namespace":"default","Request.Name":"hello-processor-znrvs","error":" \"hello-processor-znrvs\" is invalid: []: Invalid value: map[string]interface {}{\"apiVersion\":\"\", \"kind\":\"ScaledObject\", \"metadata\":map[string]interface {}{\"creationTimestamp\":\"2019-11-26T23:13:23Z\", \"finalizers\":[]interface {}{\"\"}, \"generateName\":\"hello-processor-\", \"generation\":2, \"labels\":map[string]interface {}{\"deploymentName\":\"hello-processor-bfc7x\", \"\":\"hello\"}, \"name\":\"hello-processor-znrvs\", \"namespace\":\"default\", \"ownerReferences\":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{\"apiVersion\":\"\", \"blockOwnerDeletion\":true, \"controller\":true, \"kind\":\"Processor\", \"name\":\"hello\", \"uid\":\"582a5508-10a2-11ea-a4af-42010a80002a\"}}, \"resourceVersion\":\"18691636\", \"uid\":\"582d10e7-10a2-11ea-a4af-42010a80002a\"}, \"spec\":map[string]interface {}{\"cooldownPeriod\":30, \"maxReplicaCount\":30, \"minReplicaCount\":0, \"pollingInterval\":1, \"scaleTargetRef\":map[string]interface {}{\"deploymentName\":\"hello-processor-bfc7x\"}, \"triggers\":[]interface {}{map[string]interface {}{\"metadata\":map[string]interface {}{\"address\":\"franz-kafka-gateway-r8n2h.default:6565\", \"group\":\"hello\", \"topic\":\"default_in\"}, \"type\":\"liiklus\"}}}, \"status\":map[string]interface {}{\"externalMetricNames\":[]interface {}{\"lagThreshold\"}}}: validation failure list:\nstatus.currentReplicas in body is required\nstatus.desiredReplicas in body is required","stacktrace":"*zapLogger).Error\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:128\*ReconcileScaledObject).getScaledObjectMetricSpecs\n\tkeda/pkg/controller/scaledobject/scaledobject_controller.go:350\*ReconcileScaledObject).newHPAForScaledObject\n\tkeda/pkg/controller/scaledobject/scaledobject_controller.go:296\*ReconcileScaledObject).reconcileDeploymentType\n\tkeda/pkg/controller/scaledobject/scaledobject_controller.go:202\*ReconcileScaledObject).Reconcile\n\tkeda/pkg/controller/scaledobject/scaledobject_controller.go:146\*Controller).reconcileHandler\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:216\*Controller).processNextWorkItem\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:192\*Controller).worker\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:171\\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:152\\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:153\\n\t/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:88"}

Fail streaming processor reconciliation when stream not ready

@sbawaska and I observed that, sometimes, created streams do not expose their address at all.
Yet, the processor gets reconciled with bogus stream addresses (i.e. the result of an empty gateway and empty topic separated by slash, in other words "/") and ends up failing way later than it could.

The processor should not reconcile unless all streams' statuses are fully initialized.

Notify provisioner when stream is deleted

Currently, when a stream is deleted we do nothing. The stream will continue to exist in Liiklus and the backing messaging middleware. We should minimally call the stream's provisioner when the stream is deleted. What the provisioner chooses to do is up to it.

We can ensure the streaming runtime controller has the opportunity to cleanup the stream by introducing a finalizer on the stream. The controller will be responsible for setting the finalizer when the resource is created, and calling the provider and clearing the finalizer after the stream is deleted.

Since there is a delay on delete introduced by finalizers, operations that rely on deleting and recreating a stream may fail, as you can't create a resource that is in the process of being deleted.

Core deployer fails to start on PKS on vSphere

The pod logs error like:

default/square-deployer-964sb-8b4c779b6-5r4sq[handler]: E1028 18:32:19.021680203      15]        {"created":"@1572287539.021649377","description":"No address added out of total 1 resolved","file":"../deps/grpc/src/core/ext/transport/chttp2/server/","file_line":394,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1572287539.021645968","description":"Failed to add port to server","file":"../deps/grpc/src/core/lib/iomgr/","file_line":404,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1572287539.021640246","description":"Failed to initialize UV tcp handle","file":"../deps/grpc/src/core/lib/iomgr/","file_line":72,"grpc_status":14,"os_error":"address family not supported"}]}]}

This repo is no longer experimental

riff now depends on system to provide the in-cluster runtime for the riff experience. This repo needs to be treated like any other projectriff repo.

Publish events with the reconciler status

When you kubectl describe a resource it displays the resource followed by events for that resource. Our reconciler does not report any events, but it's nice to see a history of how a given resource was reconciled, in particular if there was an error during the reconciliation.

Autoscaling support in the core runtime

One of the key main benefits of the Knative runtime over the Core runtime is that it provides http based autoscaling for workloads. We should fill that gap.

Design principals:

  • only use built-in (core) kubernetes types, like HorizontalPodAutoscaler
  • utilize the scale subresoruce on Deployer
  • provide an opinionated metric for scaling, allowing the user to define the boundaries or tune as needed

Other things to keep in mind:

  • it's ok for zero-to-one autoscaling to be out of scope
  • invokers may need to take more responsibility to finish current work before terminating

Upgrade cert-manager dep and resources to v0.11.0

This allows us to pick up the change of the API group from to which will avoid failing KubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformant status which causes kapp to wait forever when installing.

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