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curi's Issues

set.redirect seemingly only redirecting to '' route

set.redirect seemingly only redirecting to '' route

Not sure if I'm implementing something incorrectly, but I have this type of basic structure I am working with:

import {Home} from 'view/Screens/Home'
import {Account} from 'view/Screens/Account'

import {login, handleAuthentication, isAuthenticated} from 'auth'

export const routes = [
    name: 'Callback',
    path: 'callback',
    match: {
      every: ({params}) => handleAuthentication(),
      response: ({set}) => {
        set.redirect({name: 'Account'}, null)
    name: 'Login',
    path: 'login',
    match: {
      response: ({set}) => {
    name: 'Account',
    path: 'account',
    match: {
      response: ({set}) => {
        if (!isAuthenticated()) {
          set.redirect({name: 'Home', status: 302})
        } else {
    name: 'Home',
    path: '',
    match: {
      response: ({set}) => {
    name: 'route/404',
    path: '(.*)',
    match: {
      response: ({set}) => {

Login is working great, however redirects back always console log Home. I've also swapped the redirect on Account to redirect to Login if you aren't authenticated and that one as well simply loads Home. I saw #39, any chance the pathname match in there isn't finding my routes for some reason?

Examples on broken

Every example this page is broken.

I like your project very much, other routers feel bloated to me... but it is just a feeling, could you tell me why should I use it instead of react-router? (if not now, in the future)


Multiple Optional Parameters

Back again. I love the update to the routes.

How do we add multiple optional parameters to a path in the routes? I couldn't find it in the docs.


useRouter not updating state without useResponse

Not exactly sure what is leading to this issue.

In a functional component, using useRouter without useResponse leads to the state update not propogating to component.


import React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { Link, useRouter, useResponse } from '@curi/react-dom';

const App = () => {
  // const { response } = useResponse(); 
  const router = useRouter();
  const route = router.route(router.current();
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log('App useEffect');
  }, [route]);

  return (
		<Link name="Some Link">Link</Link>

export default App;

App useEffect is printed only once (component mount) and not when link is followed. If I unComment the useResponse hook call then App useEffect is also printed when following the link.

Side effects from load functions in cancelled routes

Right now, if a route's load function contains side effects, those will still be run when navigation to that route is cancelled.

  name: 'Test',
  path: '/test/:id',
  load: (...) => {
    console.log('I will always be called.');

This can be an issue with global stores if the load function is pushing state related to a location.

load: ({ params }) => {
  // load some data
    type: 'SET_DATA',

If the user clicked a link to /test/123, then while the data for that was loading clicked a link to /test/456, the navigation to /test/123 would be cancelled, but the dispatch to the Redux store would still happen.

There are a few possible approaches to dealing with this.

  1. Document that side effects are not allowed in the load function

There isn't necessarily a way to prevent someone from including side effects, but the documentation would be updated to explicitly state that they should not be included. While not particularly effective, this would at least give something to point to.

  1. Add a finish property to routes

This property could be used to run any side effects. It would be run right after "finish"ing a navigation (and right before the response is emitted). The plus side of this is that we could guarantee that the function is only called when the navigation is completed.

I'm not sure if this is the best approach. At least with Redux, there is a weird timing; first, the dispatch would happen just before the emit, so Redux would re-render using the current response, but with new data, then the response would be emitted and the expected content would be rendered.

For the time being, I'm not going to do anything. This is one of those issues that only occurs if the user navigates before a previous navigation finishes. This isn't necessarily "highly unlikely", but it is something that should be rather infrequent. I certainly would like for there to be a recommended way to deal with this, but I don't want to go adding to the route API until I'm certain a finish function would be useful.

Take the Router Challenge

The Router Challenge aims to be to Routers what TodoMVC is to MV* frameworks. It offers the same Music Catalog application built in React using different Routers. For it to be successful I need the help of Router writers like you. Will you take the Router Challenge and implement the Music Catalog application using Curi, please?

Website is broken?

Title sums it up.
Tested on Chrome and Safari.

Console returns:

ReferenceError: Can't find variable: IntersectionObserver

Pass response logic to children routes

Is there a way to pass response logic to children routes? The use case is I have one parent route then a bunch of children routes, say like:


So I would like to block access to album and all its children. The problem is, it seems the best I can do create a function and pass it to every child. However, I'm looking to only write and use a piece a logic once in the parent. Any ideas? Thanks.

Apollo Integration - Prefetching

I am integrating apollo into the routes file and am stumbling upon an issue with programmatically navigating. I have this code in my route, call it routeB.

resolve({ params }, client) {
    return client.query({
        query: GET_SOMETHING,
        variables: { userId: params ? params.userId : userId } // if I don't send the userId, get the userId from the top of the file
respond({ error, resolved }) {
    return {
        body: ResponseBody,

On one page (routeA), I submit a form and want to navigate to routeB programmatically using router.navigate. My first instinct was to do as normal router.navigate({ url });. But upon doing that, the resolve for routeB above didn't get the data.

Then I finally found the prefetch module but I'm stuck on how to use it. Basically, after the data has been pre-fetched, how do I send the data from the resolved response to routeB without triggering the resolve function in the route file?

This prefetch code is in routeA but I don't know what to do after it resolves, and there is no documentation on it.

    { match: { params: { userId: userId }}, 
    external: router.external 
}).then((resolved: any) => {

Or am I doing this all wrong? Thanks for the help!

How to render different components while keeping the header and drawer constant?

So, I have an App which has a header and a drawer. Now, apart from that, I have a Content component that renders some thing on the page. How can I use curi to render different components inside that Content based on what was clicked in Drawer?

This is how my App looks like:

    <MuiThemeProvider theme={theme}>
            ({ response }) => {
              const { body:Body } = response;
              return (
              <Body response={response} />
  ), document.getElementById('root'));

And I have somed direct routes in routes.js. The problem is: If I add a children route to, let's say the Home route, the entire page only displays the components I write inside that Route. (i.e., the Header and the drawer obviously disappear.)

This is how I'd do it with React-Router:


Navigation while response resolves can lead to unexpected history

Currently, if the user clicks a link, then while the response for the new location is still resolving, clicks another link, the history array will include both locations.

// current behavior
history = ['/start']
// user clicks link to '/next'
history = ['/start', '/next']
// '/next' response still resolving and user clicks link to '/finally'
history = ['/start', '/next', '/finally']

With non-SPAs, clicking another link while the browser is loading a new location results in the new location being replaced.

// non-SPA behavior
history = ['/start']
// user clicks link to '/next'
history = ['/start', '/next']
// '/next' response still resolving and user clicks link to '/finally'
history = ['/start', '/finally']

This is only a problem for navigation that happens prior to a response resolving (which should trigger a re-render). Once a response has resolved, this is not an issue.

Replacing the location would be ideal, but is not possible with the current Curi/Hickory implementations. There are a couple possible approaches to getting this working.

1. Don't call history.(push|replace)State until a response has resolved.

This would require tighter integration between Curi and Hickory. Hickory would either have to have some special subscriber that is called prior to emitting (i.e. give Curi the location object, but don't emit until Curi has resolved a response) or emit a function that can be used to update the browser's history.

The biggest issue with this is that using the browser's buttons updates the browser's history outside of our control. There would either have to be behavior to "undo" and "redo" pop events or treat this type of navigation differently.

2. Let history know that a location is not "final" until a response has resolved

If a Hickory history instance can know whether or not the last location has resolved, it can change its behavior for new navigation. For example, while resolving, any push calls will result in window.history.replaceState calls. This will result in the non-SPA behavior described above.

This seems like a better approach, but there are possible edge cases that can complicate this. For example, a replace call while a push is resolvingwould leave an extra location in the browser's history unless we first undo thePUSH. POP` navigation shouldn't be as much of an issue because those should be using cached data.

3. Don't allow navigation while resolving a response.

Hickory could reject navigation (navigate/push/replace calls) while a response is resolving. This might be the most simple solution, but it is also not ideal.

The second solution seems like the best bet. To start, replacing pushes should be good enough. While not correctly rolling back a replace is annoying, a lot of sites already don't allow replace anchor clicks to the same location. Eventually, if necessary, a transaction system could be implemented to roll back navigation.

Server side rendering child routes not working

Trying not to bother you again but I'm trying to understand this issue I've run into.

I'm doing server-side-rendering and it's working well. But now I'm trying to render a child route and it's not loading correctly. Here's the scenario:

  1. Load Home page ("")
  2. Click to page two - child route ("posts/:post")

This works. However, if I refresh the child route ("posts/:post"), then only the elements load but not the styles. In my server file, I have (simplified)

const app = express();
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/public')));

app.get('*', (req, res) => {
    const history = InMemory({ locations: [req.url] });
    const router = curi(history, routes);
    router.respond(() => {
        const pageMarkup = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(
            <CuriProvider router={ router }>
                {({ response }) => {
                    return <App response={ response } />;
        res.send(`<html><head></head><body>${ pageMarkup }</body></html>`);

I suspect it has something to do with the routes, which is why I'm writing the issue. Has anyone run into this?

*Keep in mind that the parents routes are working just fine.


Typescript Type Error for <Link>

Hi, I hope all is well.

Still using Curi and still loving it. I just ran into an error from Typescript while trying to using the component. The issue is is asking for props url and canNavigate and I have always only used name in regular JSX. Is there something different I need to do when using in Typescript? I have a screenshot for reference. Thanks!


webiste on different folder structure

I would like to use curi and successfuly managed to setup the router for my webapp
But I am hitting an issue:
I would like my webapp to be hosted on various folder structure without requiring change in code.

It should work on <domain>/ but also on <domain>/folder/ where both are the index page.
An about page would be <domain>/about and <domain>/folder/about/ respectively

Since the path parameter has the dual role of regex and path to use, curi does not seem to support <domain>/folder/ case

when I added

pathOptions: {
      match: {
        start: false,

the matching worked (but I add to put "Home" last (because a slash with start: false would match all rout ending with a slash)

But then navigation do not remember the folder and thus navigate back to the root.

I guess curi need to be updated to support that or I am missing something ?

Status on Redux Package

Dug through the release notes and such, no mention, is the redux package discontinued moving forward?

Just AWESOME !!!

Thanks for this package, I just start to use react to my current project and it's awesome to know this project.

Thanks alot.

`curi.navigation` is marked as required

I believe I have everything updated from the tutorial, but I may be doing something wrong. Here's my console error:

Warning: Failed context type: The context `curi.navigation` is marked as required in `Curious`, but its value is `undefined`.
    in Curious
    in Unknown (created by CuriBase)
    in main (created by CuriBase)
    in div (created by CuriBase)
    in CuriBase

As soon as we clear this up, I'll get on to the highlighting ;)

Customizing styles of `useNavigationFocus` / ref

Hi Paul! Long time, no talk man.

I'm finally coming around to Curi again and I love all the progress you've made. I'm just re-familiarizing myself with the library again and running through the docs. I already have a question:

Is there a way to prevent the default blue border around the aria focused element when using the useNavigationFocus hook? I would like to incorporate this feature for screen readers, but handle the focus styles myself. This could be obvious for anyone with experience with these dom features, but this is a first for me.

Thank you for the great work!

PS: you should totally steal some of the marketing copy from `navi' for Curi. You have all those features and more.

[React] CSS not loading when using redirectTo

Version - @curi/router: 1.0.4

Disclaimer, I'm using SSR so I'm not sure if that's related.

I'm trying to use redirectTo in my routes file by doing this

        name: 'CreateAccount',
        path: 'signup',
        resolve: {
            authorized: hasPlanSelected //this is a separate function returning a promise
        response({ resolved }) {
            if (resolved.authorized) {
                return { body: CreateAccount };

            return {
                redirectTo: { name: 'Pricing' },
                status: 302

It's working, but once I'm redirected to Pricing, the CSS is not loaded although I'm importing it at the top of the file. I took a look at @hickory/browser and found finalizeReplace (line 65), and I see that there's a try/catch block using window.history.replaceState first. Would this have anything to do with CSS not loading for a new page?

It's my hunch because when I manually use window.location.replace as the redirect tool, the CSS is normal.

Server side in Create React App

Has anyone done server-side rendering with Curi in Create React App? I'm getting a little lost. Content is showing but the styles and data from the router isn't showing. This is my code, pretty much copied from

import React from 'react';
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import InMemory from '@hickory/in-memory';
import curi from '@curi/core';
import { CuriProvider } from '@curi/react';
import App from '../../src/containers/App';  
import routes from '../../src/routes';

export default function(req, res) {
    const history = InMemory({ locations: [req.url] });
    const router = curi(history, routes);

    router.respond(() => {
        const markup = renderToString(
            <CuriProvider router={ router }>
                {({ response }) => {
                    const { body: Body, params } = response;
                    return (
                            <Body response={ response } />

function renderFullPage(html) {
    return `
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en">
                <meta charset="utf-8">
                <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 
                    You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
                <div id="root">${ html }</div>
                <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/bundle.js"></script>]

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Is Curi caching the routes?

Related to #74

User logs in and is directed to the next page (page requires authentication)

My routes file contains the following function

const protectRoute = (route) => {
    if (!isLoggedIn()) {
        return () => ({ redirectTo: { name: 'Login' } });
    return () => ({ body: route });

which is placed on all routes where a user is not allowed unless authenticated. The issue is navigating programmatically. If I try to do router.navigate({ name: 'Dashboard' });, I am greeted by this error:

Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.

However, if I refresh the page everything loads fine and I am able to click links to other pages. As I've been debugging, I noticed that when Dashboard is called programmatically, routes.js is never hit again. So I tried placing a debugger on my ReactDOM.hydrate call and it results in this object being passed from the response:


Notice the redirectTo object at the bottom. This means, according to the protectRoute function above, isLoggedIn() is false which returns the redirect. At this point, I'm expecting the routes to be hit in order to determine if the user is logged in (which is true in this case).

Any idea what this could be? Are the routes being "cached" in Curi?

Pass server side response to client side router on creation

First of all, great router, I really like how it works ๐Ÿ‘

But It seems like there's no way to pass response data from server to client, which is a bit sad :-( May be we could improve this. I'm more than happy to send a PR after some discussion.

So what I'm doing right now:

  • Define resolve fn for route.
  • It fetches data for that particular route. Then in respond I return that as data.
  • View is rendered based on that data.

Everything is good.

But what happens when I render my app on server?

  • User opens url for that route.
  • resolve is called.
  • When resolve resolves, data is being passed to respond. respond returns that data.
  • Then I render markup based on that data and send it back to the user.
  • HTML is parsed, client-side JS kicks in, I create router and... I have to fetch again, cause there's no way to pass data fetched by server router to the client router.

So it would be cool to have some way of passing that response from server to client. Aka "initial response". Not sure how that should work with regard to things which actually need to be resolved on client separately like route components or other things which can't be serialized. May be I am missing something? Do you have any ideas on how that could be implemented?

Nested components and shared structure

According the the migration guide:

With Curi, when a nested route matches, only that route renders.

How to tackle the case of a fixed navbar in a parent component with injected components under the navbar? With React Router, it's possible to handle this by using this.props.children in the parent component because nested routes also render parent components.

Thanks for help, that library seems pretty cool, looking forward to using it!

React Packages v2 Plans

React Hooks will require React v16.7. The @curi/react-* packages currently have a minimum version of v16.3 (when the new context was introduced).

There are two possible paths to take while introducing hooks to the @curi/react-* packages.

  1. A hybrid approach would mix hooks in with the existing components. This would mean that hooks could be added without a major version bump. The hooks would throw if attempting to use them with a version of React that doesn't support hooks.
  2. Going all in on hooks would mean that users have to update to React v16.7. The existing class components would be replaced with hook versions. Because this would be a breaking change, the @curi/react-* packages would need a major version bump.

I prefer the second approach and have mostly implemented the changes that would be required in #132. I'm still slightly hesitant about converting Links to hooks because of the need to create new event handlers every render.

With hooks, the build sizes are multiple KBs smaller, although the difference shrinks to a few hundred bytes when minified & gzipped.

Other Changes

If there is a major version bump, some other changes can be implemented.

  1. I would prefer that Links use the name prop to specify which route they link to, instead of to.
// v1
<Link to="Package" params={{ package: "react-dom" }}>React DOM</Link>

// v2
<Link name="Package" params={{ package: "react-dom" }}>React DOM</Link>

Links are the only place that a route is specified by to instead of name and I would prefer to be consistent.

  1. I have mixed feelings on the Link passing on props to the anchor. I might prefer the syntax to use an anchorProps object.
// v1
<Link to="Home" className="home" target="_blank">Home</Link>

// v2
<Link name="Home" anchorProps={{ className: "home", target: "_blank"}}>Home</Link>

Shallow prop comparison can be used so that the object doesn't force a re-render. This approach would provide a more obvious split between the Link's props and the anchor's props.

Cache improvements


I would like to request a few things for caching. First I would like to get information if route was push-ed or pop-ed while inside of cache. Why would I like to have that is so I can delete cache entries while navigating. Basically I do not want to show cached data if somebody clicks a link. But if he presses back or forward button it should load cached data.

Next thing is I would like a way to say refresh data in cache.

Use with Apollo Client

@pshrmn Happy to see me again? I'm your number one fan!

So, I'm getting a little jealous from the examples provided for redux and mobx, because I'm using apollo and - as you can tell - I'm a complete newb to all of this (only 6 months in a coding bootcamp).

I've done some 'research' and I believe it shouldn't be a problem to use Curi with Apollo, but are there any pointers you could give me to set it up?

SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

  import Router from '@curi/svelte/components/Router.svelte';
  // ...



SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

I think that the components need automatically compile before publishing (or during the installation of the package).
Then there will be no dependency on a particular developer's environment.
At least that's what Vue does.
In addition, the components can be imported via import { Router } from '@curi/svelte'; if include them to index file.

P.S.: Sorry for my English ;)

Prefetch addon with Apollo

Hi @pshrmn! Just about to get started with Curi and really want to use the prefetch functionality with Apollo's inMemoryCache.

Here's what I'm trying to do (with reference to: apollographql/react-apollo#417 (comment)):

Might you have some guidance for using Curi's prefetch addon with Apollo's inMemoryCache? I'm particularly interested in 'lazy' prefetching/loading, i.e., only prefetch the part of the state needed to render the linked pages/component(s) - with an async data request - when a user navigates to a page/component with relative or child routes/components. I plan on using Apollo for everything (e.g., sans Redux).

Would you recommend using Curi's prefetch or something like react-preloaded for these use cases? I'm such a newb. I'm sorry if this is a dumb question.

[Feature] Redirect to url


I'm in a process of rewriting legacy blog to webcomponents with i18n support. So, I want to preserve old links. Inside "catch all" route I check whether lang is url and if not then I want to redirect to the same url but with default lang

Current Behavior

Currently I can redirect only to known route name (inside respond method of route):

Wanted behavior

I want to have possibility to redirect to url.

const routes = [
     path: '(.*)',
     respond() {
       if (/* lang is not in url */) {
          return {
             redirect: { url: `/${defaultLocale}${location.pathname}${}${location.hash}` }
       // show 404

Undefined value for optional route parameter


When I define optional route parameter /articles/:id? and visit /articles page, router.current().response.params equals { id: 'undefined' }.


There should not be id field at all or at least it should equal to regular undefined value

curi.history.update is not a function

Hello @pshrmn

There's an issue with the latest beta of curi/react or hickory/browser. Whenever I try to click on a link generated with the Link component, I'm getting this error:

modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:1550 Uncaught TypeError: curi.history.update is not a function
    at Link._this.clickHandler (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:1550)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:7733)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:7772)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallback (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:7629)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackAndCatchFirstError (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:7643)
    at executeDispatch (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:7866)
    at Object.executeDispatchesInOrder (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:7888)
    at executeDispatchesAndRelease (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:8403)
    at executeDispatchesAndReleaseTopLevel (modules.js?hash=c481496c4b80ad5dc349408f89dc06dd3b4bbb34:8414)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

I've also tried to follow the new tutorial in a blank project and I'm getting the same errors.

'process' is not defined

I am just getting started with Svelte and Curi. I setup everything as per the guides, but while running the app, I am getting the following error on borwser.


I worked around it by adding a window.process = window.process || { env: {} }; in my routes.js, but it looked like a bug and thought I should report it.

@curi/static and svelte

I'd like to use @curi/static to generate the index.html for each pages
I am using rollup to generate the bundle so I added a plugin function that call staticFiles
But for that I need to import the routes, which in turn import the component.
Since these component are svelte files, roll up complain with

[!] Error: Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)
src\pages\index.svelte (1:0)
1: <script>
Error: Unexpected token (Note that you need plugins to import files that are not JavaScript)
    at error ...

Do you have an svelte example using @curi/static ?

`curious` not found

I may be doing something wrong, but I'm on Step 08 of the tutorial and...

WARNING in ./src/components/AddToCart.js
105:15-22 "export 'curious' was not found in '@curi/react'
 @ ./src/components/AddToCart.js
 @ ./src/components/Book.js
 @ ./src/routes.js
 @ ./src/index.js
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 ./index.js

WARNING in ./src/components/Checkout.js
79:15-22 "export 'curious' was not found in '@curi/react'
 @ ./src/components/Checkout.js
 @ ./src/routes.js
 @ ./src/index.js
 @ multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8080 ./index.js

How to force 404?

Inside the routes files, I thought I could do redirectTo: { name: 'NotFound' } but I get this error:

TypeError: Expected "0" to be a string

How do we force redirect to the 404 page if conditions aren't met for a specific route?

Offscreen positioning possibly bad for RTL languages

Transitions Example

Hi @pshrmn ! I am just about ready to integrate Curi into my app and am working with a tutorial that uses react router with Animated and ReactTransitionGroup v2. There's some funky .css that the author uses to prevent the issue that you outlined in your tutorial in this sandbox and I was hoping to glean some insights from the example that now I can only find a dead link on Google's results to.

You might be wondering why I'm choosing animated. It could help to clarify that I'd like to build my app in a manner that could be more easily ported to React Native. Hence, all the other inquiries (and lack of knowledge).

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    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

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    ๐Ÿ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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