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node-qunit's Issues

On Cygwin - Cannot set property console of #<Object> which has only a getter

I'm trying to use node-qunit to test itself to validate my install, as I'm not having much luck getting it to run on my own code.

I'm using node 0.4.2 on Cygwin - are there known issues with node-qunit on Cygwin or should it work just fine?

After doing a git clone --recursive to grab the code, I ran npm install on my clone, then tried to run the tests (well, I had to add a node-flavoured hashbang to /usr/local/bin/qunit first to make the qunit command execute as expected):

        throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
stderr: TypeError: Cannot set property console of #<Object> which has only a getter
    at /usr/local/lib/node/.npm/qunit/0.1.3/package/lib/api.js:121:29
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at extend (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/qunit/0.1.3/package/lib/api.js:116:63)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/qunit/0.1.3/package/lib/api.js:589:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:383:26)
    at Object..js (module.js:389:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:315:31)
    at Function._load (module.js:276:12)
    at require (module.js:327:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/qunit/0.1.3/package/lib/bootstrap.js:1:75)

Files: 1
Tests: 0
Assertions: 0
Successes: 0
Errors: 0

Time: 466 ms

I have an existing QUnit suite with 1310 tests which I'd dearly love not to have to rewrite for the node port of my library :)

feature request: /examples directory

this is a feature request, i read several time the doc and still im not sure how to use it.

so i have to do trial/errors to figure out what i miss.

i think a simple tests in a /examples directory would solve the issue. something simple... this will cost you 1h top i think


Problem with global namespace across modules?

I have several modules that add to a global namespace, however the global namespace seems to be reset between each test. Here is my test runner:

var program = require('commander');

    .option('-s, --source <path>', 'Specify one or more comma delimited script paths')

// List of unit tests
var units = [

for (var i = 0; i < units.length; ++i)
    units[ i ] = __dirname + '/unit/' + units[ i ] + '.js';

// Prepare for unit testing
var qunit = require('qunit');
qunit.options.coverage = false;

// Load source scripts
var sources = [];

program.source.split(/\s*[,]\s*/).forEach(function(src) {
    // Skip incompatible sources
    if (src.indexOf('/browser/') !== -1)

    sources.push({ code: src, tests: units });

The strange thing is, I am sure that this was working previously.

I am running this test script using the following command line:

node test -s ./src/core,./src/node/environment

I am in the process of updating the test cases for our "Capri" project:

Many thanks

Cant recieve summary as json

The json that is returned on completion of the test suite is extremely limited, I would like to be able to receive the detailed summaries as json instead of of printed to stdio

No output when running qunit

Something is causing a failure when I try to run qunit -c ./dist/all.js -t ./test.js

I stripped down my "all.js" to this:

var fabric = { };

fabric.document = require("jsdom").jsdom("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body></body></html>");
fabric.window = fabric.document.createWindow(); = function() { fabric };

and "test.js" only has this:


test('foo', function() {
  equal('foo', 'foo2');

This is what I get when running the above command (note that there's no output):

> qunit -c ./dist/all.js -t ./test.js

Testing /Users/kangax/dev/fabric.js/dist/all.js ... %

Any idea what's happening? It's interesting how this last line = function() { fabric } makes it "choke", but for example, = function() { } or var foo = function() { fabric } are just fine.


> npm -v
> node -v
> qunit -v

Crashes without bunker installed

Perhaps I'm missing something but should bunker be a non-optional dependency?

Console log:

$ npm install -g qunit
/usr/local/bin/qunit -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit/bin/cli.js
[email protected] /usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit 
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]

$ qunit -h

        throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Cannot find module 'bunker'
    at Function._resolveFilename (module.js:334:11)
    at Function._load (module.js:279:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:357:17)
    at require (module.js:368:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit/lib/coverage.js:1:76)
    at Module._compile (module.js:432:26)
    at Object..js (module.js:450:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:351:31)
    at Function._load (module.js:310:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:357:17)

$ npm install -g bunker
[email protected] /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bunker 
└── [email protected]

$ qunit -h

Usage: cli [options] value (boolean value can be used)

 -c, --code path to code you want to test
 -t, --tests path to tests (space separated)
 -d, --deps dependency paths - files required before code (space separated)
 -l, --log logging options, json have to be used
 --cov create tests coverage report
 -h, --help show this help
 -v, --version show module version

Module Alias

Would be nice to alias QUnit.module to suite.

View expected vs actual value

Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't see how to view the expected value and the actual value passed to an assertion in the test results. This is very useful in the browser-based version of QUnit, and I think it should be implemented. I understand that console space is an issue, but surely there should be an option for it?

not-working qunit module installs on node 0.7

I have node 0.7.6-pre,
installing qunit via npm adds an old version 0.2.5pre, which doesn't work for me.
Trying to install 0.2.9 ends with:

npm ERR! Required: {"node":"0.6.x"}
npm ERR! Actual: {"npm":"1.1.2","node":"0.7.6-pre"}
npm ERR!

any chance to relax the constraints or is there really some incompatibility?

Return non-zero exit code if failures are detected

I've recently started using Travis CI and noticed uses the exit code to determine whether or not a build/test succeeded. Deliberately breaking one of my tests showed that node-qunit was continuing to return an exit code of 0 with failed tests present.

This gist shows one way to tweak the exit code when failures are detected:

This is an issue with a patch, rather than a pull request, as I'm not sure if calling process.exit() again from within a process' exit event is a recommended thing to do, but it does seem to work.

Add support for setting module from commandline

Hi, I find this library very useful for running javascript unit tests. However, I had to do some ugly stuff to get it working for my situation:

To run all tests in specific directory against corresponding JS files:

To parse output of node-qunit and convert it to JUnit XML reports (for use with Jenkins):

One thing that would make life easier in my situation would be to be able to set the equivalent of QUnit.module("some-module-name") as a commandline arg, e.g.

qunit -t mytest.js -m mytest

where -m <somename> sets the module name

Anyway, thanks for a great lib and let me know if I'm missing anything obvious.

Bug? Circular reference error on `equals`

The following error occurs for equal(global, global, 'test global');

{ first_line: 'TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON',
   [ undefined,
     { named_location: 'EventEmitter.send',
       filename: 'child_process.js',
       line: 125,
       character: 30,
       _filedata: null },
     { named_location: '<anonymous>',
       filename: 'F.<anonymous> (/Github Projects/capri/master/node_modules/qunit/lib/child.js',
       line: 83,
       character: 13,
       _filedata: null },
     { named_location: '<anonymous>',
       filename: 'Object.runLoggingCallbacks (/Github Projects/capri/master/node_modules/qunit/deps/qunit/qunit/qunit.js',
       line: 1043,
       character: 17,
       _filedata: null },
     { named_location: '<anonymous>',
       filename: 'F.push (/Github Projects/capri/master/node_modules/qunit/deps/qunit/qunit/qunit.js',
       line: 664,
       character: 3,
       _filedata: null },
     { named_location: '<anonymous>',
       filename: '/Github Projects/capri/master/node_modules/qunit/deps/qunit/qunit/qunit.js',
       line: 357,
       character: 9,
       _filedata: null },
     { named_location: '<anonymous>',

which goes on....

However the following works fine ok(global === global, 'test global');

I looked through the issue tracker on the jQuery version of qunit, perhaps this is a regression issue?

incompatible with console.log

when i do console.log in the tested code i get an error

node_modules/qunit/bin/cli.js --cov false -c score.js -t scoreQunit.js

throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
at Object.parse (native)
at ChildProcess. (/home/jerome/webwork/tapmaster/node_modules/qunit/lib/qunit.js:96:14)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:67:17)
at Socket. (child_process.js:172:12)
at Socket.emit (events.js:64:17)
at Array. (net.js:831:12)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26)

How do I run the api file?

Sorry for asking but I did not really get it how to let everything run.

I created a runtests.js with

var testrunner = require("qunit");{
    code: "../User.class.js",
    tests: "test/TestUser.class.js"
}, function(err, report){ console.log(report); });

and the test file is:

test("a basic test example", function (assert) {
    ok(true, "this test is fine");

on calling "node runtests.js" i get

Error: ok() assertion outside test context, was at process. (C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\qunit\node_modules\qunit\lib
at process.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:115:20)
at F.QUnit.assert.ok (C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\qunit\node_modules\qunit\support\qunit\qunit\qunit.js:414:10)
at process. (C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\qunit\node_modules\qunit\lib\child.js:17:11)
at process.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:115:20)

Using Windows 7, node v0.8.2

Fix package.json to support node 0.8.x

It appears that >= 0.6.x <= 0.8.x doesn't allow npm to install qunit on, say, 0.8.7.

> node -v

> npm install [email protected]
npm http GET
npm http 304

npm ERR! Unsupported
npm ERR! Not compatible with your version of node/npm: [email protected]
npm ERR! Required: {"node":">= 0.6.x <= 0.8.x"}
npm ERR! Actual:   {"npm":"1.1.23","node":"0.8.7"}
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! System Darwin 11.4.0
npm ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "[email protected]"
npm ERR! cwd /Users/kangax
npm ERR! node -v v0.8.7
npm ERR! npm -v 1.1.23
npm ERR! code ENOTSUP
npm ERR! message Unsupported
npm ERR! errno {}
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/kangax/npm-debug.log
npm not ok

broken dependencies

I am using ubuntu 10.04 and I could not install using npm install qunit. Therefore I installed manually. There is still something wrong with the dependencies.

fs.js is part of node.js??? Anyways I am not a Node.js expert so I have to give up but I think you might want to know what I found out.

mark@Sakai:~/Desktop/node.js/node-qunit/node-qunit$ make runtests
The 'sys' module is now called 'util'. It should have a similar interface.

throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: ENOENT, No such file or directory
at Object.symlinkSync (fs.js:356:18)
at ChildProcess. (/home/mark/Desktop/node.js/node-qunit/node-qunit/lib/coverage.js:192:12)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:27:15)
at Stream. (child_process.js:132:12)
at Stream.emit (events.js:27:15)
at Array. (net.js:1003:12)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:42:22)
at node.js:604:9
make: *** [runtests] Error 1

Uncaught errors being obfuscated when loading

I see you just merged 0ead1ce, which catches uncaught exceptions and adds them to the test output. This is awesome—except for the case where the exception happens while evaluating the code you are testing.

This is pretty simple to reproduce. Simply introduce a syntax error to the code you're testing. Instead of getting a helpful error message, like this:

kamino.js » qunit -c ./lib/kamino.js -t ./tests/simple.js                                                                                                                              ~/Code/kamino.js  

Testing /Users/tomdale/Code/kamino.js/lib/kamino.js ... 
ReferenceError: a is not defined
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/tomdale/Code/kamino.js/lib/kamino.js:24:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:449:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:467:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:362:17)
    at require (module.js:378:17)
    at _require (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit/lib/child.js:35:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit/lib/child.js:126:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:449:26)

You get an error message like this:

kamino.js » qunit -c ./lib/kamino.js -t ./tests/simple.js                                                                                                                              ~/Code/kamino.js  

Testing /Users/tomdale/Code/kamino.js/lib/kamino.js ... 
            throw new Error( "ok() assertion outside test context, was " + sourceFromSt
Error: ok() assertion outside test context, was     at process.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit/lib/child.js:17:11)
    at process.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20)
    at F.QUnit.assert.ok (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit/support/qunit/qunit/qunit.js:414:10)
    at process.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/qunit/lib/child.js:17:11)
    at process.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:126:20)

Doesn't appear to be working?


I have downloaded the latest unstable version of node-js via GIT and installed. This appears to be working fine.

I have then downloaded the latest version of node-qunit using: npm install qunit which displayed the following output:

I then created the following three files in my documents directory:

// test-script.js

function foo() {
   return 123;
// test-unit.js


QUnit.test('first test', function() {
   QUnit.strictEqual(foo(), 123, 'strict assertion test');
// test-runner.js

console.log('Running my tests...');

var qunit = require('qunit');{
   code: '/Users/macuser/Documents/test-script.js',
   tests: '/Users/macuser/Documents/test-unit.js'

console.log('Tests completed');

All that appears within the console is:

Running my tests...
Tests completed.

When switching off all logging, failures are still logged.

When disabling all forms of logging:

qunit.log.summary = qunit.log.stats = qunit.log.reset = qunit.log.print = qunit.log.assertion = function () {};
qunit.options = {
    assertions: false,
    errors: false,
    tests: false,
    summary: false,
    globalSummary: false,
    coverage: false,
    deps: null,
    namespace: null

Test failures are still logged out, including their objects:

Test <test name> died, exception and test follows
{ first_line: '<testFailure>',
   [ { named_location: 'Object.<anonymous>',
       filename: '<filename>',
       line: 6,
       character: 18,
       _filedata: null },

Tests stall when in test code crashes

This may be my inability to find the right documentation, but currently qunit is simply stalling for me when the code I am testing encounters a crash

I would expect qunit to capture that, fail the test and carry on

error installing via npm

output is below :

gcc -std=gnu99 -Ijs -Ijs/obj -DXP_UNIX -g -O2 -o generate-resources generate-resources.o
./generate-resources jscoverage-help.txt jscoverage-server-help.txt jscoverage.jsm jscoverage.manifest jscoverage.xul jscoverage-overlay.js jscoverage.html jscoverage.css jscoverage-ie.css jscoverage-highlight.css jscoverage.js report.js jscoverage-throbber.gif > resources.c
make all-recursive
Making all in js
make -f Makefile.ref DISABLE_JIT=1 OBJROOT=obj BUILD_OPT=1
Makefile.ref:61: disabling JIT per build specification
cd editline; make -f Makefile.ref all
make[5]: Nothing to be done for all'. make -f Makefile.ref ./obj/libjs.a ./obj/libjs.dylib ./obj/js Makefile.ref:61: disabling JIT per build specification make[5]:obj/libjs.a' is up to date.
make[5]: obj/libjs.dylib' is up to date. make[5]:obj/js' is up to date.
gcc -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -Ijs -Ijs/obj -DXP_UNIX -g -O2 -MT encoding.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/encoding.Tpo -c -o encoding.o encoding.c
mv -f .deps/encoding.Tpo .deps/encoding.Po
gcc -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -Ijs -Ijs/obj -DXP_UNIX -g -O2 -MT highlight.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/highlight.Tpo -c -o highlight.o highlight.c
In file included from js/jscntxt.h:49,
from highlight.h:23,
from highlight.c:22:
js/jsatom.h:69: error: size of array ‘arg’ is negative
In file included from js/jsgc.h:48,
from js/jscntxt.h:52,
from highlight.h:23,
from highlight.c:22:
js/jsbit.h:210: error: size of array ‘arg’ is negative
make[3]: *** [highlight.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [jscoverage] Error 2
npm info [email protected] Failed to exec install script
npm ERR! install failed Error: [email protected] install: make install
npm ERR! install failed sh failed with 2
npm ERR! install failed at ChildProcess. (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/npm/0.2.3-6/package/lib/utils/exec.js:24:18)
npm ERR! install failed at ChildProcess.emit (events:27:15)
npm ERR! install failed at ChildProcess.onexit (child_process:151:12)
npm ERR! install failed at node.js:768:9
npm info install failed rollback
npm info not installed qunit,0.0.4
npm info install failed rolled back
npm ERR! Error: [email protected] install: make install
npm ERR! sh failed with 2
npm ERR! at ChildProcess. (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/npm/0.2.3-6/package/lib/utils/exec.js:24:18)
npm ERR! at ChildProcess.emit (events:27:15)
npm ERR! at ChildProcess.onexit (child_process:151:12)
npm ERR! at node.js:768:9
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the qunit package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! make install
npm ERR! You can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls qunit
npm ERR! There may be additional logging output above.
npm not ok

A few minor issues...

First of all, Nice work

1st. issue
A programmatic approach via the read me does not work as it (eg. setup does not exist anymore)

2nd. issue
testrunner.js - line 153

  • If we enable coverage it fails because written converage instead of coverage

3rd. issue
I am running windows, but I want to debug a problem. The script reports only done event, I would like to debug it but I don't know how to proceed with node-inspector. When forked I can't break or I can't catchup the debugger. Any idea ?

Install broken; no qunit binary installed

I tried to install with sudo npm install qunit and it appears to work fine. Here are the fist couple of lines of the output:

[email protected] ./node_modules/qunit/node_modules/argsparser
[email protected] ./node_modules/qunit/node_modules/sharedjs/node_modules/argsparser
[email protected] ./node_modules/qunit/node_modules/sharedjs/node_modules/uglify-js
[email protected] ./node_modules/qunit/node_modules/sharedjs

> [email protected] install /root/node_modules/qunit
> make install

cd deps/jscoverage && ./configure && make

But there's no qunit executable installed. I can't even find it anywhere in /usr/local (where all other stuff such as nodeunit is installed)

Do I need to share the install log with you or is it easy to fix?

Does not work with npm install --dev

When you try to install the package using npm install qunit --dev it fails. This is a problem if you add node-qunit as a devDependency in your package.json, since the --dev options recursively installs development dependencies.

Quickfix: Instead of installing development dependencies automatically using --dev, just install qunit where needed.

use official qunit

it should work now in commonjs, so I can drop my implementation now and use the original one.

Cannot find module 'sharedjs'

After a clean install of qunit I get this error

stderr: node.js:134
stderr:         throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
stderr:        stderr:  ^
stderr: Error: Cannot find module 'sharedjs'
    at Function._resolveFilename (module.js:320:11)
    at Function._load (module.js:266:25)
    at require (module.js:348:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/qunit/0.1.5/package/lib/api.js:3:9)
    at Module._compile (module.js:404:26)
    at Object..js (module.js:410:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:336:31)
    at Function._load (module.js:297:12)
    at require (module.js:348:19)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/qunit/0.1.5/package/lib/bootstrap.js:1:75)

i defiantly have [email protected] installed, as it was installed by npm as a dependancy.

npm: 0.2.3
node: 0.4.7 (also tried with 0.4.5)
OS X 10.7 (lion GM)

Version of color.js

The version of color.js used in node-qunit is 0.6.0. This version however has an issue where if a different version of colors is used by another module in the project, throws an error.

More details -

This issue is fixed in version 0.6.0-1 Marak/colors.js@3c2eb9d

Solution - upgrade package.json to include the newer version of color dependency.

Add support of several "code" scripts of testrunner{
    code:  "Renderer", // only one script possible
    tests: ["test"]

Several code scripts its a bad thing, but sometimes they are needed to include some global things like test database confing.

dynamic jscoverage binary path


Just installed node-qunit via npm

When doing "node testrunner.js" with this testrunner file :

!/usr/bin/env node

var testrunner = require( "qunit" ),
sys = require("sys"),
path = require( "path" ).normalize( __dirname + "/.." );

sys.puts(path + "/lib/apricot.js");[
code: path + "/lib/apricot.js",
tests: [ path + "/test/selector.js"]

I get

throw new Error( buf );
Error: execvp(): No such file or directory

at Stream.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/qunit/0.0.6/package/lib/coverage.js:234:23)
at Stream.emit (events:27:15)
at IOWatcher.callback (net:489:16)
at node.js:772:9

Which I fixed by changing this line in lib/coverage.js :

var jscoveragePath = require( "path" ).normalize( __dirname+"/../deps/jscoverage/jscoverage");

Hope this helps & you can merge that change


Not working under node 0.6 due to fork() customFds

node-qunit dies when running tests under node 0.6 (although specified to work with "engines": {"node": ">= 0.5.0"}), error as follows:

Error: customFds not allowed for fork()
    at Object.fork (child_process.js:158:11)
    at runOne (/some/path/node_modules/qunit/lib/testrunner.js:24:16)
    at /some/path/node_modules/qunit/lib/testrunner.js:143:13

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.