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96radhikajadhav's Issues

Use `file` for file name input

In read_*() functions, we currently use file, files, filename or con to indicate the path to file or connection. We should use file consistently. Update argument name in these functions:

  • read_asc_Andor
  • read_asc_PerkinElmer
  • read_ini
  • read_txt_Horiba
  • read_txt_Horiba_t
  • read_txt_Horiba_xy
  • read_zip_Renishaw
  • read_txt_Renishaw
  • read_txt_Shimadzu
  • read_dat_Witec
  • read_txt_Witec
  • read_txt_Witec_Graph
  • read_txt_Witec_TrueMatch

NOTE: some functions use specific argument names like filex. Please, mention functions like this by commenting on this issue. We should decide on the names of these arguments separately.

  • ⛔ Issue #42 should be solved first and unit tests must work properly.

Update fileio Vignette from the Perspective of

This issue could be potentially be raised several places, but it's going here for now.

As this package is reaching a completion point in the very near future, it's a good time to update fileio.Rmd that resides in hyperSpec (I will mention this issue over there). I'm assigning to Erick as his fresh eyes will be a real advantage.

  • Examine the outline of the document and see if it flows logically. Some of these vigs have grown by accretion and re-organization is in order. Repeat this process as you go along, it might be necessary to move things several times.
  • Read over the intro vignette for general "feel" and to know what's in there, so it can be referenced potentially, there may even be some parts that can be re-used (and possibly re-used via a common file that is inserted). Please see cbeleites/hyperSpec#261 as well.
  • Update the material that relates to appropriately so it is current.
  • Go over the entire document for flow and clarity and user-friendliness, the latter from the perspective of a newish user. Edit as needed.

(re)move .spc test files

There are non-ASCII files in directories spc.Kaisermap (needs to go to and spc.Witec (several file formats, including ASCII which should be kept but directory renamed accordingly).

This should be tackled only after the PRs #44 and #45 are merged.

  • @sangttruong, can you take care of spc.Kaisermap/, please?
  • @sangttruong, can you start with spc.Witec and notify me how far you get?

Shouldn't `read_txt_Shimadzu()` be faster?

On my machine, it takes arround 2 minutes to read GCxGC-qMS.txt file in read_txt_Shimadzu() unit test:

     filename <- system.file(
         package = ""
     spc <- read_txt_Shimadzu(filename)
#>   user  system elapsed 
#> 124.50   17.56  143.90 

143.90/60 ≈ 2.398 min


It is way too long.

Either the function is too slow or the file is too large. What should we do about this, @sangttruong, @bryanhanson, @cbeleites?
Should we skip this test for now?


Improve WITec unit tests

In addition to current unit tests, add template #55 for these functions:

  • read_dat_WITec
  • read_txt_WITec
  • read_txt_WITec_Graph
  • read_txt_WITec_TrueMatch

(the current test should remain in the files)

TODOS for read_txt_Witec_ASCII

  • find out better name - waiting for Ute's reply
  • provide axis labels
    • x axis units are in $SpectrumHeader$XDataKind
  • allow users to specify extra data to keep
  • unit testing
  • documentation

Rename all functions to use "_" instead of "."

Rename all the functions like read.txt.Witec() into read_txt_Witec(). In particular, function names should be the same as filenames that contain those functions, e.g., in

There are several not renamed functions including read.mat.Witec(), read.dat.Witec(), and read.txt.Witec().

Change messages that suggest contacting maintainer

There are some messages left that encourage users to contact the maintainer in case of an error or bug. They usually contain code:


or similar. A reference to open a GH issue in this (and not `hyperSpec's) repo should replace the suggestion to contact the maintainer.

Code from `fileio.Rmd` vignette for unit tests

This issue is to continue discussion that started as:

The original message:

This is the code from fileio.Rmd which could be used to create unit tests: as stated in

untangle historic mix with unit tests into vignette and unit tests

The contents of '':
# ============================================================================
# =========== R code extracted from fileio.Rmd vignette ======================
# ============================================================================

## ----setup-io, include=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
# Packages -------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----array---------------------------------------------------------------------------
data <- array(1:24, 4:2)
wl <- c(550, 630)
x <- c(1000, 1200, 1400)
y <- c(1800, 1600, 1400, 1200)

## ----array-import--------------------------------------------------------------------
d <- dim(data)
dim(data) <- c(d[1] * d[2], d[3])

x <- rep(x, each = d[1])
y <- rep(y, d[2])

spectra <- new("hyperSpec",
  spc = data,
  data = data.frame(x, y), wavelength = wl

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
y <- seq_len(d[1])
x <- seq_len(d[2])

## ----readcollapse--------------------------------------------------------------------
files <- Sys.glob("fileio/spc.Kaisermap/*.spc")
files <- files[seq(1, length(files), by = 2)] # import low wavenumber region only
spc <- lapply(files, read.spc)
spc <- collapse(spc)

## ----read.txt.t----------------------------------------------------------------------
file <- read.table("fileio/txt.t/Triazine 5_31.txt", header = TRUE, dec = ",", sep = "\t")

triazine <- new("hyperSpec",
  wavelength = file[, 1], spc = t(file[, -1]),
  data = data.frame(sample = colnames(file[, -1])),
  labels = list(
    .wavelength = expression(2 * theta / degree),
    spc = "I / a.u."

## ----plot-triazine, fig.cap=CAPTION--------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
read.jdx("fileio/jcamp-dx/shimadzu.jdx", encoding = "latin1", keys.hdr2data = TRUE)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
read.jdx("fileio/jcamp-dx/virgilio.jdx", ytol = 1e-9)

## ----nist-aes------------------------------------------------------------------------
file <- readLines("fileio/NIST/mercurytable2.htm")
# file <- readLines("")

file <- file[-(1:grep("Intensity.*Wavelength", file) - 1)]
file <- file[1:(grep("</pre>", file) [1] - 1)]
file <- gsub("<[^>]*>", "", file)
file <- file[!grepl("^[[:space:]]+$", file)]

colnames <- file[1]
colnames <- gsub("[[:space:]][[:space:]]+", "\t", file[1])
colnames <- strsplit(colnames, "\t")[[1]]
if (!all(colnames == c("Intensity", "Wavelength (&Aring;)", "Spectrum", "Ref. "))) {
  stop("file format changed!")

tablestart <- grep("^[[:blank:]]*[[:alpha:]]+$", file) + 1
tableend <- c(tablestart[-1] - 2, length(file))
tables <- list()
for (t in seq_along(tablestart)) {
  tmp <- file[tablestart[t]:tableend[t]]
  tables[[t]] <- read.fwf(textConnection(tmp), c(5, 8, 12, 15, 9))
  colnames(tables[[t]]) <- c("Intensity", "persistent", "Wavelength", "Spectrum", "Ref. ")
  tables[[t]]$type <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", file[tablestart[t] - 1])
tables <-, tables)
levels(tables$Spectrum) <- gsub(" ", "", levels(tables$Spectrum))

Hg.AES <- list()
for (s in levels(as.factor(tables$Spectrum))) {
  Hg.AES[[s]] <- new("hyperSpec",
    wavelength = tables$Wavelength[tables$Spectrum == s],
    spc = tables$Intensity[tables$Spectrum == s],
    data = data.frame(Spectrum = s),
    label = list(
      .wavelength = expression(lambda / ring(A)),
      spc = "I"

## ----plot-hg-aes, fig.cap=CAPTION----------------------------------------------------
plot(collapse(Hg.AES), lines.args = list(type = "h"), col = 1:2)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------
## **V. Gegznas's notes**:
## FIXME:`file `spectra.mat` is not present.
spc.mat <- readMat("fileio/spectra.mat")

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------
## **V. Gegznas's notes**:
## FIXME: there are issues in downloading `Rcompression` package as
## does not update as quickly as a new version of R is released.
install.packages("Rcompression", repos = "")

## ----read.mat.Cytospec-blocks--------------------------------------------------------
read.mat.Cytospec("fileio/mat.cytospec/cytospec.mat", blocks = TRUE)

## ----read.mat.Cytospec---------------------------------------------------------------
read.mat.Cytospec("fileio/mat.cytospec/cytospec.mat", blocks = 1)

## ----read.ENVI-----------------------------------------------------------------------
spc <- read.ENVI("fileio/ENVI/example2.img")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
read.spc("fileio/spc.Kaisermap/ebroAVII.spc", keys.hdr2data = TRUE)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
read.spc("fileio/spc.Kaisermap/ebroAVII.spc", keys.log2data = TRUE)

## ----read.spc.list-old---------------------------------------------------------------
barbiturates <- read.spc("fileio/spc/BARBITUATES.SPC")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
barbiturates <- collapse(barbiturates, collapse.equal = FALSE)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
barbiturates[[1:10, , 25 ~ 30]]

## ----eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------------------------
header <- list(
  samples = 64 *,
  lines = 64 *,
  bands =,
  `data type` = 4,
  interleave = "bip"

## ----readENVINicolet-----------------------------------------------------------------
spc <- read.ENVI.Nicolet("fileio/ENVI/example2.img", nicolet.correction = TRUE)
spc ## dummy sample with all intensities zero

## ----Kaiser.txt.comma----------------------------------------------------------------
## 1. import as character
tmp <- scan("fileio/txt.Kaiser/test-lo-4.txt", what = rep("character", 4), sep = ",")
tmp <- matrix(tmp, nrow = 4)

## 2. concatenate every two columns by a dot
wl <- apply(tmp[1:2, ],  2, paste, collapse = ".")
spc <- apply(tmp[3:4, ], 2, paste, collapse = ".")

## 3. convert to numeric and create hyperSpec objectne, though).
spc <- new("hyperSpec", spc = as.numeric(spc), wavelength = as.numeric(wl))

## ----readspcKaiserMap----------------------------------------------------------------
files <- Sys.glob("fileio/spc.Kaisermap/*.spc")
spc.low  <- read.spc.KaiserMap(files[seq(1, length(files), by = 2)])
spc.high <- read.spc.KaiserMap(files[seq(2, length(files), by = 2)])
wl(spc.high) <- wl(spc.high) + 1340

## ----read.txt.Renishaw---------------------------------------------------------------
paracetamol <- read.txt.Renishaw("fileio/txt.Renishaw/paracetamol.txt", "spc")

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
read.txt.Renishaw("fileio/txt.Renishaw/laser.txt.gz", data = "ts")

## ----read.txt.Renishaw-file----------------------------------------------------------
read.txt.Renishaw("fileio/txt.Renishaw/chondro.txt", nlines = 1e5, nspc = 875)

## ----read.txt.Renishaw-compressed, results='hide'------------------------------------

## ----Horiba--------------------------------------------------------------------------
spc <- read.txt.Horiba("fileio/txt.HoribaJobinYvon/ts.txt",
  cols = list(
    t = "t / s", spc = "I / a.u.",
    .wavelength = expression(Delta * tilde(nu) / cm^-1)

## ----testHoriba-1--------------------------------------------------------------------
spc <- read.txt.Horiba.xy("fileio/txt.HoribaJobinYvon/map.txt")
if (any(dim(spc) != c(141, 4, 616)) ||
  any(abs(spc) < .Machine$double.eps^.5) ||
  is.null(spc$x) || any($x)) ||
  is.null(spc$y) || any($y)) ||
  length(setdiff(wl(spc), 1:616)) == 0L) {
  stop("error in testing read.txt.Horiba.xy. Please contact ", maintainer("hyperSpec"))

## ----testHoriba-2--------------------------------------------------------------------
spc <- read.txt.Horiba.t("fileio/txt.HoribaJobinYvon/ts.txt")
if (any(dim(spc) != c(100, 3, 1024)) ||
  is.null(spc$t) || any($t)) ||
  length(setdiff(wl(spc), 1:1024)) == 0L) {
  stop("error in testing read.txt.Horiba.xy. Please contact ", maintainer("hyperSpec"))

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----witec-spc, results='hide'-------------------------------------------------------

## ----witec-dat, results='hide'-------------------------------------------------------
  filex = "fileio/txt.Witec/Witec-Map-x.dat",
  points.per.line = 5, lines.per.image = 5, type = "map"

## ----witec-txt, include=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------

## ----witec-txt-textfiles, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------
headline <- c(
  "with exported labels and units headerlines:",
  "\nwith exported labels headerline:",
  "\nwith exported units headerline:",
  "\nwithout headerline:"
files <- c(

for (f in seq_along(files)) {
  cat(headline[f], "\n")
  tmp <- format(as.matrix(read.table(files[f], sep = "\t")[1:4, 1:3]))
  apply(tmp, 1, function(l) cat(l, "\n"))

## ----witec-txt-map, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
  type = "map", hdr.label = TRUE, hdr.units = TRUE)

  type = "map", hdr.label = TRUE, hdr.units = FALSE)

  type = "map", hdr.label = FALSE, hdr.units = TRUE)

  type = "map", hdr.label = FALSE, hdr.units = TRUE,
  points.per.line = 5

  type = "map", hdr.label = FALSE, hdr.units = FALSE)

  type = "map", hdr.label = FALSE, hdr.units = FALSE,
  lines.per.image = 5

  type = "map", hdr.label = FALSE, hdr.units = FALSE,
  points.per.line = 5, lines.per.image = 5

## ----witec-txt-Graph, results='hide'-------------------------------------------------
read.txt.Witec.Graph("fileio/txt.Witec/Witec-timeseries (Header).txt")
read.txt.Witec.Graph("fileio/txt.Witec/Witec-Map (Header).txt", type = "map")
read.txt.Witec.Graph("fileio/txt.Witec/nofilename (Header).txt", encoding = "latin1")

## ----comment="", eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, class.output="add-border sourceCode r"-------

## ----read.txt.PerkinElmer, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------
read.txt.PerkinElmer(Sys.glob("fileio/txt.PerkinElmer/flu?.txt"), skip = 54)

Please, close tis issue when it gets not relevant.

Test files in different places: is it on purpose?

Some files are in tests/testthat/ others are in inst/extdata/ directory.

Is this on purpose or accidentally?

As I understand, files in inst/extdata/ can be used in both tests and examples but count to the size of the installed R package.

And what's about tests/testthat/: do files in this directory count to the size of the installed package?
R finds these files when devtools::test() is called but there is an issue to run tests manually.

Use Github Actions to Move .tar.gz over to hySpc.pkgs

To automatically deploy the results of building and checking, we need to:

  • [ X] Do the building and checking using Github actions. Right now GHA is used only for pkgdown
  • Add an additional step that moves the completed over to hySpc.pkgs I've researched this some, here's a few resources I've found:

Template for `read_*()` unit tests

I suggest this basic template for unit tests of read_*() functions. In each situation, function/file-format-specific unit tests should be added. Written as RStudio snippet:

snippet hut
	# Unit tests -----------------------------------------------------------------
	hySpc.testthat::test(${1:function_to_test}) <- function() {
	  filename <- system.file(
	    package = ""
	  expect_silent(spc <- ${1:function_to_test}(filename))
	  n_wl <- nwl(spc)
	  n_rows <- nrow(spc)
	  n_clos <- ncol(spc)
	  test_that("${3:file format}: hyperSpec obj. dimensions are correct", {
	    expect_equal(n_wl, ___)
	    expect_equal(n_rows, ___)
	    expect_equal(n_clos, ___)
	  test_that("${3:file format}: extra data are correct", {
	    # @data colnames
	    expect_equal(colnames(spc), c("spc", "filename", ___))
	    # @data values
	    # (Add tests, if relevant or remove this row)
	  test_that("${3:file format}: labels are correct", {
	    expect_equal(spc@label\$.wavelength, NULL)
	    expect_equal(spc@label\$spc, NULL)
	    expect_equal(spc@label\$filename, "filename")
	  test_that("${3:file format}: spectra are correct", {
	    # Dimensions of spectra matrix (@data$spc)
	    expect_equal(dim(spc@data\$spc), c(___, ___))
	    # Column names of spectra matrix
	    expect_equal(colnames(spc@data\$spc)[1], "___")
	    expect_equal(colnames(spc@data\$spc)[10], "___")
	    expect_equal(colnames(spc@data\$spc)[n_wl], "___") # last name
	    # Values of spectra matrix
	    expect_equal(unname(spc@data\$spc[1, 1]), ___)
	    expect_equal(unname(spc@data\$spc[2, 10]), ___)
	    expect_equal(unname(spc@data\$spc[n_rows, n_wl]), ___) # last spc value
	  test_that("${3:file format}: wavelengths are correct", {
	    expect_equal(spc@wavelength[1], ___)
	    expect_equal(spc@wavelength[10], ___)
	    expect_equal(spc@wavelength[n_wl], ___)
  1. I suggest checking just a few values and not a whole vector, matrix, etc. This would check the peace of functionality in a minimal way but make the test more readable.
  2. I think, values must not be rounded if possible.

This is how this template would look like for read_asc_Andor() function:

# Unit tests -----------------------------------------------------------------

hySpc.testthat::test(read_asc_Andor) <- function() {
  filename <- system.file(
    package = ""
  expect_silent(spc <- read_asc_Andor(filename))
  n_wl <- nwl(spc)
  n_rows <- nrow(spc)
  n_clos <- ncol(spc)
  test_that("Andor Solis .asc: hyperSpec obj. dimensions are correct", {
    expect_equal(n_wl, 63)
    expect_equal(n_rows, 5)
    expect_equal(n_clos, 2)
  test_that("Andor Solis .asc: extra data are correct", {
    # @data colnames
    expect_equal(colnames(spc), c("spc", "filename"))
    # @data values
    # (Add tests, if relevant or remove this row)

  test_that("Andor Solis .asc: labels are correct", {
    expect_equal(spc@label$.wavelength, NULL)
    expect_equal(spc@label$spc, NULL)
    expect_equal(spc@label$filename, "filename")

  test_that("Andor Solis .asc: spectra are correct", {
    # Dimensions of spectra matrix (@data$spc)
    expect_equal(dim(spc@data$spc), c(5, 63))

    # Column names of spectra matrix
    expect_equal(colnames(spc@data$spc)[1], "161.408")
    expect_equal(colnames(spc@data$spc)[10], "200.184")
    expect_equal(colnames(spc@data$spc)[n_wl], "423.651") # last name

    # Values of spectra matrix
    expect_equal(unname(spc@data$spc[1, 1]), 3404)
    expect_equal(unname(spc@data$spc[2, 10]), 3405)
    expect_equal(unname(spc@data$spc[n_rows, n_wl]), 3415) # last spc value


  test_that("Andor Solis .asc: wavelengths are correct", {
    expect_equal(spc@wavelength[1], 161.40845)
    expect_equal(spc@wavelength[10], 200.18387)
    expect_equal(spc@wavelength[n_wl], 423.65106)

What is your opinion, @sangttruong, @bryanhanson, @cbeleites? Is this template OK for you?

Add unit tests to `read_ini()`

There are tests in other files than read_ini.R that call the read_ini() function. But it would be good to have tets in the same file where the function is defined.

Unit tests are not run

==> devtools::test()

✓ |  OK F W S | Context
⠋ |   0     1 | 
══ Results ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
OK:       0
Failed:   0
Warnings: 0
Skipped:  1

ff18032 had 68 tests that were passing (locally).

Review, add and improve unit tests


Review, fix, add and improve unit tests for these functions and their helpers:

  • count_lines
  • read_asc_Andor
  • read_asc_PerkinElmer
  • read_txt_Shimadzu
  • #48
  • #49
  • #72
    • read_txt_Horiba
    • read_txt_Horiba_t
    • read_txt_Horiba_xy
  • [LOW PRIORITY, may skip for now] #74
    • read_ini
  • #70
    • read_zip_Renishaw
    • read_txt_Renishaw
  • #75
    • read_dat_Witec
    • read_txt_Witec
    • read_txt_Witec_Graph
    • read_txt_Witec_TrueMatch

Use `read_ini()`


file <- hyperSpec::read.ini(paste0(tmpdir, "/Witec_TrueMatch.txt"))

and in other unit tests that use read.ini() (deprecated function from hyperSpec), function read_ini() must be used.

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