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protocol's Issues

Spelling error

Discussed in #77

Originally posted by jsmellz September 8, 2021
Pretty sure this should be aggregateNftPurchaseByCollection.
Screen Shot 2021-09-08 at 1 01 59 PM

How is a "category" decided on, does it use the protocol?

How is the category decided? For example this one has an "art" category. I know that the protocol doesn't have such a thing as "category", is this automatically classified by the Rarible backend?

How does one make sure their NFT gets assigned a category when minting using the protocol?


NFT Asset Detail - Info

we're using this endpoint, for example this one related to MAYC #27756:

Yesterday when I've typed in the discord group, the PREVIEW section image.preview were not filled yet, but now seems working fine:

{"name":"MutantApeYachtClub #27756","attributes":[{"key":"Background","value":"M1 Aquamarine"},{"key":"Fur","value":"M1 Black"},{"key":"Mouth","value":"M1 Dumbfounded"},{"key":"Eyes","value":"M1 Robot"},{"key":"Clothes","value":"M1 Black Holes T"},{"key":"Hat","value":"M1 Bandana Blue"}],"image":{"url":{"ORIGINAL":"ipfs://ipfs/QmWqG4G6DaxD8Bi1Eeeu3JusBJ5XsVdTVT43hScZNHNbmF","BIG":"","PREVIEW":""},"meta":{"PREVIEW":{"type":"image/png","width":250,"height":250}}}}

May I ask how this work and how much time is needed for recover that infos? Or if is better use an alternative?

Deploy on Fuse network EVM sidechain

Hello, I am interested in deploying the Rarible Protocol on Fuse network EVM sidechain
I've already added support of Fuse network to Snapshot governance dApp and the Simple NFT example of Scaffold-eth which I've deployed on Fuse at
I have started by reading where I've discovered to practice first on Ropsten testnet.
Then I will try to deploy locally as explained at and will try to make starter-app work locally.

Gas Fee issue for Buy NFT

I'm using Rarible SDK(0.6.1) to create NFT and Sell Order.
Below is my code for Mint and Sell

// minting

const nftCollection = await sdk.apis.nftCollection.getNftCollectionById({ collection: '0xF6793dA657495ffeFF9Ee6350824910Abc21356C' })  //used mainnet contract id

if(isErc721v1Collection(nftCollection)) {
      const resp = await{
             collection: nftCollection,
                    uri: `/ipfs/${uri}`,
                    supply: 1,
      tokenId = resp.tokenId;
 } else if(isErc721v2Collection(nftCollection)) {
         const resp = await{
                collection: nftCollection,
                uri: `/ipfs/${uri}`,
                royalties: [],
                creators: [{ account: toAddress(accounts[0]), value: 10000 }],
                royalties: [{ account: toAddress(accounts[0]), value: formInputs.price * 100 }],
                        lazy: true,
         tokenId = resp.tokenId;
} else if(isErc721v3Collection(nftCollection)) {
         const resp = await{
                collection: nftCollection,
                uri: `/ipfs/${uri}`,
                creators: [{ account: toAddress(accounts[0]), value: 10000 }],
                royalties: [{ account: toAddress(accounts[0]), value: formInputs.price * 100 }],
                lazy: true,
          tokenId = resp.tokenId;

//sell order

const token = await sdk.apis.nftItem.getNftItemById({itemId: `0xF6793dA657495ffeFF9Ee6350824910Abc21356C:${tokenId}`});    //used mainnet 

const request = {
	makeAssetType: {
		assetClass: 'ERC721',
		contract: toAddress(token.contract),
		tokenId: toBigNumber(token.tokenId),
	amount: 1,
	maker: toAddress(accounts[0]),
	originFees: [],
	payouts: [],
	price: formInputs.price * 10 ** 18,
	takeAssetType: { assetClass: "ETH" },

const resultOrder = await sdk.order.sell(request);

After minting I tried to buy NFT using SDK as like below...

const orders = await sdk.apis.order.getSellOrdersByItem({contract: contract_id, tokenId: token_id});
let order = resp.orders[0];

switch (order.type) {
      case "RARIBLE_V1":
             await sdk.order.fill({ order, amount: 1, originFee: 0 })
      case "RARIBLE_V2":
             await sdk.order.fill({ order, amount: 1, originFee: 0 })
      case "OPEN_SEA_V1":
             await sdk.order.fill({ order, amount: 1 })

But I'm getting this issue - which require too much Gas Fee in meta mask.


As you can see, NFT price is 0.1 ETH but gas fee is too high...

Please help me what I'm missing to create NFT and Buy NFT here.

Unable to Fill Bids in example repo

I've been having difficulty filling bids on our app and tried using the example repo to see how the logic for filling bids works. However, the logic to fill bids in the example repo doesn't work either. The code for the example repo is here:


When I try to fill a bid, I get an error: transfer failed

For trying to fill the bid here:

Expected Behavior:

I'm able to accept the bid and receive Rinkeby ETH for the sale.

Steps to recreate:

  1. Create a new lazy mint NFT
  2. Connect with a new account and create a bid
  3. Reconnect with the account that created the lazy NFT and fill the bid from the previous step

I believe the bids default to using ETH. The code for bidding specifically is in src/order/bid.tsx and looks like this:

import { IRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/sdk/build/domain"
import React from "react"
import { FormWithResult } from "../common/form-with-result"
import { PrepareForm } from "./prepare-form"
import { OrderForm } from "./form"

export function Bid({ sdk }: { sdk: IRaribleSdk }) {
	return (
			renderForm={onSubmit => <PrepareForm onSubmit={onSubmit}/>}
		>{prepareResponse => (
				renderForm={onSubmit => <OrderForm onSubmit={onSubmit} response={prepareResponse}/>}
			>{orderId => <p>{orderId}</p>}</FormWithResult>

Please keep in mind, I did not write this code, so I have no real insight on it other than looking at it and testing for accepting bids.

Feature Request: Fractionalization & Auctions Contracts

The feature request is to build two factory contracts as part of the rarible repo to include a vault factory contract to initiate fractionalization of any ERC721s and another factory contract to initiate auctions of any kind.
The overall features allows the development of a fully self-contained SDK to create & deploy an NFT store with features such as bid/ask; auctions; fractionalization; mint; royalties etc. to make a wordpress+shopify equivalent for creators in the NFT community.

Upgradeable contracts == centralized?

Upgradeable contracts are a point of centralized power in the rarible protocol. Obviously, having a dao mitigates risks associated but most actual contract owners are priced out of voting - maybe there should be templates available (even in factory) where upgrades are controlled by contract owners? 🔥😘😊🎉🙇‍♂️

Date is not displayed on nft page

Discussed in #12

Originally posted by denGitHub August 23, 2021
Trait date not displayed on the NFT page.

Active since is empty.

This is how the trait is set on ipfs in metadata.json file

{"display_type":"date","trait_type":"Active Since","value":1607385600}

Though it works fine on opensea.

Active Since Tuesday, December 8th, 2020

Could you please help to figure out how the date can be displayed on rarible as well?

Mainnet Issue with Minted/Bought Token Factory NFT vs. Opensea

Hello Team, we (myself and Las Vegas) recently had a lazy minted NFT get bought/minted on chain as part of a token factory collection. Everything went smoothly on Rarible side now that we generated the collection via etherscan. However, upon looking at the item in opensea, some very strange things happening. Looks like opensea is parsing very oddly and instead picking up the cover image of the collection!

Here is the item on mainnet rarible:

and here is the same item on opensea:

please if anybody can help figure this out would be much appreciated. Not sure if this was Rarible side or Opensea but before we reach out to Opensea wanted to cross check with Rari team first. Thank you!


Rarible SDK issue report for Fill Buy order

I'm using rarible sdk in my React.js application to minting NFT.
To integrate buy order creation, I implemented Rarible SDK module on my application...

import React, { useCallback, useState } from 'react';
import { createRaribleSdk } from "@rarible/protocol-ethereum-sdk";
import Web3 from 'web3';
const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || "ws://localhost:8545");

const buyComponent = () => {

const createBuyOrder = useCallback(() => {
   env = 'mainnet' || 'e2e' || 'ropsten' || 'rinkeby';     //mainly using 'mainnet'
   const sdk = createRaribleSdk(new Web3Ethereum({web3: web3}), env);
   const resp = await sdk.apis.order.getSellOrdersByItem({contract: contactId, tokenId: tokenId});
   await sdk.order.fill(
          { payouts: [], originFees: [], amount: 1, infinite: true }
        ).then(a =>
}, []);


export default buyComponent;

As like above code example, I figured out functions according to the docs.

But I got this kinds of issue...

So I updated my project devDepencies with

        "@rarible/action": "^0.2.7",
        "@rarible/protocol-api-client": "^0.1.7",
        "@rarible/protocol-ethereum-sdk": "^0.5.1",
        "@rarible/types": "^0.1.7",
        "@rarible/utils": "^0.0.3",
        "@rarible/web3-ethereum": "0.1.21",
        "@types/node-fetch": "2.5.12",
        "@types/web3-provider-engine": "^14.0.1",
        "ethereumjs-wallet": "1.0.1",
        "tslib": "2.3.1",
        "typescript": "4.3.5",
        "web3": "1.2.11",
        "web3-provider-engine": "16.0.1"

And updated fill function like this...

await sdk.order.fill(
        { order: resp.orders[0], payouts: [], originFee: resp.orders[0].data.originFees, amount: 1, infinite: true},
).then(a =>

But I'm getting this error

How can I fix this issue?

API - Reported Assets

is possible to add a property in the JSON, in which the metadata are included, in which is possible to see if an asset is reported/banned due to a fraudulent activities ?

Take a look at this Bored Ape, already blocked here:

If you could add those infos here, in this call (and in the other in which you display the metadata) would be great:

Thanks in advance.

NFT metadata not showing on Rinkeby

Hi everyone, the NFT below:
doesnt pull the metadata on Rinkeby, is it normal? @eduardstal suggested it might be related to the Indexer on Discord

I checked the SC on etherscan (Rinkeby)
and the URI is correct

thanks for your help!

Broken metadata and pic after the first mint (rarepress lazy mint methode)

Hello, I have a strange problem using Rarepress, when ppl mint my lazy mint NFT.... the files (json, svg) disapears ... end up with a broken pic symbol ... I don't want to scam ppl so any help would be nice
I can recover .svg file upload it to or pinata but not the .json generated on fly randomly...
the only way to recover it is to request your .. DB ...
this is an exemple of this strange behaviour :

Best regards !!
Hope you'll understand my issue .. so lame ...

Sell order not transferring funds or NFT

I’m getting an error where nfts aren’t being transferred for sell orders and funds aren't being transferred to nft creoter - is there any issue with sdk / api right now? - code here -

So after lazy minting sell order Is made using sdk (raribleSDK.order.sell)

Sell order request has this format:

  const request: SellRequest = {
      makeAssetType: {
        assetClass: 'ERC721',
        contract: toAddress(CONTRACT_ID),
        tokenId: toBigNumber(token.tokenId),
      amount: 1,
      maker: toAddress(address),
      originFees: [],
      payouts: [],
      price: web3.utils.toWei(data.price.replace(',', '')).toString(),
      takeAssetType: { assetClass: data['price-currency'] },

when matching order:

order/orders/${hash}/prepareTx - this endpoint is called with body provided below (maker is buyer’s address, amount is always 1)

    payouts: [],
    originFees: [],

result is extracted and passed to web3.eth.sendTransaction(tx);

"ipfs pin add" through your protocol not actually pin anythings :)


Just notice that using your protocol only "ipfs pin add" on your local IPFS node without actually pinning it on the entire IPFS nodes don't really know if it ever pin it on your local IPFS Node...

It seems you use IPFS only for synchronizing and then the files are immediately deleted from Rarible’s IPFS node, and cached on Rarible’s CDN instead.

Are you working on it ?

Best regards

Royalties are not being paid out on first sales

Royalties should always be paid out regardless of if it is the first sale or not. This is important if you are trying to split royalties amongst various creators or people who need to be paid out.

sdk order.sell not working for ERC1155

I'm trying to create a sell order from my front-end client on an RFC1155 token I own and I'm getting the following error:

  "message": "Invalid signatures for creators [0x28d431d565b97815473a4773634acbfc1f12421b] for lazy asset on make side",
  "status": 400

Here's the code:

const orderBuilder = await raribleSdk.order.sell({
  makeAssetType: {
    assetClass: 'ERC1155',
    contract: toAddress(
    tokenId: toBigNumber(
  maker: toAddress(ownership.owner.ethAddress),
  amount: quantity,
  price: getValues('price'),
  payouts: [],
  originFees: [
      account: toAddress(config.get('myownaddress')),
      value: 250,
  takeAssetType: { assetClass: 'ETH' },

and here's the request I see in the browser:

  "maker": "0x28d431d565b97815473a4773634acbfc1f12421b",
  "make": {
    "assetType": {
      "@type": "ERC1155",
      "contract": "0x927b2ed99edd05a1fbef4de4e1775ada0901d4c2",
      "tokenId": "18467429459816144863947812166421793754398676185957064781363011930739185811472",
      "uri": "/ipfs/QmSsKPRpMwUHNT7fJDJQ3nRsBAJBNskeatbYhNtTKr9uL8",
      "creators": [
          "account": "0x28d431d565b97815473a4773634acbfc1f12421b",
          "value": 10000
      "royalties": [
          "account": "0x28d431d565b97815473a4773634acbfc1f12421b",
          "value": 500
          "account": "0xee5f8c3e15b2d9280f060f01fc08c2f2f3b4476b",
          "value": 1000
      "signatures": [
      "supply": "10",
      "assetClass": "ERC721_LAZY"
    "value": "2"
  "take": { "assetType": { "assetClass": "ETH" }, "value": "2" },
  "type": "RARIBLE_V2",
  "data": {
    "dataType": "RARIBLE_V2_DATA_V1",
    "payouts": [],
    "originFees": [
      { "account": "0x28d431d565b97815473a4773634acbfc1f12421b", "value": 250 }
  "salt": "34945805662674558592829447995129376213206409534291223948514422231105297539999",
  "signature": "0x24bda6f87871cc6fbac173e60aa46b95847a42c1ac7097c5b59bb346289dd1a367272f444f15009d4d875570e154d51aabd1235ea44b3d635af46b20e87d6ee11b"

I'm 100% sure I own the NFT, so I'm not sure how the signature could be wrong. I set all this up by following the README on this repo and on the protocol-example repo. Am I sending wrong params when calling order.sell?

I do see "assetClass": "ERC721_LAZY" in the request body, which does seem completely wrong since I'm dealing with an 1155.

Rinkeby and Mainnet - Unable to complete a Buy it Now Purchase on Token Factory Collection NFT's

I think this one is pretty urgent as it prevents users from completing their purchases on both rinkeby and mainnet. Seems to be same issue impacting both.

There seems to be an issue with purchasing an NFT that was lazy minted into a custom Token Factory collection. Whether you try to purchase using API or, the result is the same which is the contract throws an error.

An indicative item is here on rinkeby:

it is part of this collection which was created via UI for create a collection:



API's getSellOrdersByMaker returns sell order for NFT that account no longer owns

Discussed in #115

Originally posted by azflin October 4, 2021
See this query: It contains an order of hash "0x0470a33dbfb5dbd39b90d3fa5b945d0421ccd744bfe972f51ee6f8382485fd56", which is a sell order for an NFT that this account 0x785ba9ba76f9c2f1c07aeb27c64683dfa9281cf3 no longer owns. Please advise.

Lazy Minted Items Don't Show Correct Creator on OpenSea

I've got an issue where a lazy minted NFT from Rarible ended up with a null creator on OpenSea after it was purchased and actually minted.

The expected behavior would be for it to show up in the OpenSea account for that user as the creator.




I just looked back at one of our first posts and it even got assigned to a totally random creator in OpenSea.

So overall, this happens randomly if it's this random creator or an empty creator.

Items removed from are showing up in Indexer

Items that have been removed from are still being pulled by the indexer APIs.
(ie. Rarible | cocoNFT page)

You can see the cocoNFT page is pulling all of this info in from the protocol. It's a copyminter. I believe items like these should not appear in the indexer as the majority of them are either illegal activity and/or copyrighted material. If they are all being reported back to Rarible and removed, why make every user of the protocol redo that work and remove it from their platform?

Or a compromise would be some sort of flag on the API response such as hidden: true that way you can signify it's hidden on or something. Even an endpoint parameter where you can say you don't want any hidden items to be return in the response would be amazing. It'd be up to the consumer of the API to decide if they want to have controlling this field. If they don't they don't need to filter on that hidden flag and can just consume everything and have their own policies of hiding content.

Update to Original Post: the "cocoNFT Link" will no longer work. We built in our own hiding capability, but we have to hide individual posts as they crop up.

Odd order execution error when using smart contract accounts


We're integrating Rarible as a DAOHaus boost to allow DAOs to create sell/bid orders through proposals that can execute arbitrary contract calls using a Gnosis Safe "Minion". Everything seems to work fine when encoding and creating/posting orders through the minion. However, when trying to fill/execute an order through the Rarible UI, the following error is being raised: Execution reverted: ECDSA: invalid signature length, which seems odd as the maker address is a Gnosis Safe account. This kind of exception should be raised only if the signer is an EOA account but we signed the order using the Safe & EIP1271.

Here's an example of a sell order listed by a Gnosis Safe (0x40fad45a745b8026c7a...0a14) that fails when someone tries to fill that order:

I built a stack trace of the possible path within the contracts that makes the transaction throw an exception:

And here's a stack trace of the possible path within your SDK:

Error installing @rarible/protocol-ethereum-sdk

There is some issue while installing npm package @rarible/protocol-ethereum-sdk. I am getting error as '@rarible/utils@^0.0.7' is not in the npm registry. It was specified as a dependency of '@rarible/protocol-ethereum-sdk'.
Also the Npm site is showing error while visiting the page.

Gnosis Compatible EIP1271


We updated the DAO eip1271 interface to match how Gnosis has implemented it. However there is now an incompatabilty with the rarible API.

Rarible expects the EIP1271 signature to be 132 chars long (like 0xabc....def).

But Gnosis requires that the DAO's signature is a 0 length bytes array 0x.


Could Rarible update the API so that "0x" signatures are not rejected by the schema validator? They will resolve the proper magic value on the isValidSignature call using the msg hash

Link to isValidSignature in Gnosis contracts:

Example request body to Rarible orders API that we would like to see succeed:

    "type": "RARIBLE_V2",
    "maker": "0x744222844bFeCC77156297a6427B5876A6769e19",
    "make": {
        "assetType": {
            "assetClass": "ERC721",
            "contract": "0xcfa14f6DC737b8f9e0fC39f05Bf3d903aC5D4575",
            "tokenId": 1
        "value": "1"
    "take": {
        "assetType": {
            "assetClass": "ETH"
        "value": "1000000000000000000"
    "data": {
        "dataType": "RARIBLE_V2_DATA_V1",
        "payouts": [],
        "originFees": []
    "salt": "5422",
    "signature": "0x" // NOTE - 0 length signature

Webhook for filled orders

We would like to alert our users when an NFT is sold. This way we could send them a congratulatory email or something of that nature. This could be possible by having a webhook callback parameter in the sell order.

(Las Vegas Request) Request to Manually Delete/Remove Stranded NFT's

Hello Team, this is to document the request that we put in discord to manually remove a couple dozen stranded NFT's. This is related to #120 but in advance of that fix would be great to have these removed from this week so we can proceed with minting a new collection for some existing buyers.

The stranded NFT's were a result of lazy minting to a UI generated collection. These are listed below. There are two additional NFT's that we want to burn and have actually burned one but it is still showing up in the indexer. any guidance on those two would also be much appreciated. Thank you!

Here is a list of the goats that need to be deleted:

This NFT was lazy minted to a token factory collection but was bought/minted on chain and then burned intentionally due to some faulty metadata. It doesn't seem to be disappearing from the indexer

And this one, but only after its owner burns it, we are waiting on confirmation that manual deletion is needed/possible before asking this buyer to burn:

Collection 0xf7a6e15dfd5cdd9ef12711bd757a9b6021abf643 not indexed

Discussed in #60

Originally posted by alex-zmo August 28, 2021
On opensea, when querying for assets by owner address, it paginates and shows all assets

with rarible API, some assets are missing

owner: 0xdf0635793e91d4f8e7426dbd9ed08471186f428d
contractAddress : 0xf7a6e15dfd5cdd9ef12711bd757a9b6021abf643

generateNftTokenId - NftSignature 'v' entry returns an int, not string per spec

Discussed in #106

Originally posted by bobwith2bees September 30, 2021
Hi there,

The generate_token_id API is returning an int for the signature "v" field, when the spec specifies it should be a string (in quotes).

This is throwing off my json deserializer. I am using the OpenAPI code generator, so I can tweak the spec to be an int, but wanted guidance on whether that was a good idea or not.

Spec -
v required | string 
NftSignature: required: - "r" - "s" - "v" type: "object" properties: v: type: "string" format: "byte" ...

Postman Request:

Postman Response:

    "tokenId": "51853873187524799243313032258623492611584136611923237689466576623960428904452",
    "signature": {
        "v": 28,
        "r": "0xe77b3fac57f71600d5f5017a3ff99f5ec00c32d4c3910078c2cc4af1be18acd6",
        "s": "0x77b647c58d87f59b3bc8fcb25c96861f79cc35dd475dc9f91ee75ee2a9eee259"

Final Dart/Flutter error in case it helps others find this issue: Deserializing '27' to 'String' failed due to: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast

API - Reported Asset

as suggested by @eduardstal we've used this endpoint:

We found an issue on a couple of assets, for example this one:

{"code":"UnknownError","message":"E11000 duplicate key error collection: rarible.item index: token_1_tokenId_1 dup key: { token: "0x0938e3f7ac6d7f674fed551c93f363109bda3af9", tokenId: "761" }; nested exception is com.mongodb.MongoWriteException: E11000 duplicate key error collection: rarible.item index: token_1_tokenId_1 dup key: { token: "0x0938e3f7ac6d7f674fed551c93f363109bda3af9", tokenId: "761" }"}

Could you please check?



Yes, I've added the code used from this repo and created a new issue in the protocol repo.

Could you share the code you trying to use?

Also, you can't make bids in ETH (only in WETH)
We should throw an error now if you try to do it (will add this error when you try to call SDK)

Originally posted by @evgenynacu in rarible/example#1 (comment)

External royalties not updating in API

Error: Transaction has been reverted by the EVM

Discussed in #142 @tanishqsh

Originally posted by tanishqsh October 25, 2021
Hi everyone,

I have been bugged by this error since the last 5 days even after following the documentation to the point, along with all alternate methods but have been unable to get it to work.

What I am trying to do: I am trying to mint using rarible's ERC1155 Standard Minting contract. The ABI I am using is the one mentioned in the docs. Here.

This is the contract: ERC1155 contract – As mentioned in the Asset Creation in the rarible protocol docs.

The transaction goes through but it gets reject with the following message:

Error: Transaction has been reverted by the EVM:
Error: Transaction has been reverted by the EVM:
  "blockHash": "0xc4ca0ca1837d03ce0d3ac94d4746e5ae7f84ae5c9f7fb47d3f81243769d2dbf9",
  "blockNumber": 11298400,
  "contractAddress": null,
  "cumulativeGasUsed": 375369,
  "effectiveGasPrice": "0x9502f909",
  "from": "0x4ec03e45bc4a600fee319250acfa3131207b0807",
  "gasUsed": 33282,
  "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "status": false,
  "to": "0x6a94ac200342ac823f909f142a65232e2f052183",
  "transactionHash": "0xab3a0a19051b8d7681cb07e0c08915b093bd1e12ab7c3d03d444cb29aee177dc",
  "transactionIndex": 9,
  "type": "0x2",
  "events": {}

My implementation is as follows, again following the one mentioned in the documentation:

function mint(nft) {
		const sampleURI = '/ipfs/QmYgvjcGzWW6ruxcEKb69gLHEMetfFKw93Ffvaa2cqeqU3';
		const RARIBLE_ERC_1155_ROPSTEN_ADDRESS = '0x6a94aC200342AC823F909F142a65232E2f052183';

		async function mintNow() {
			let loadingID = toast.loading('Minting please wait');
			const minter = currentUser?.publicAddress;

			const path = `${RARIBLE_ERC_1155_ROPSTEN_ADDRESS}/generate_token_id?minter=${minter}`;

			// console.log('path', path);
			console.log('path', path);

			// get the next available token ID from the contrat
			const response = await axios.get(path);
			console.log('response', response);

			// set the user address from which to send the transaction
			const fromAddress = currentUser?.publicAddress;
			console.log('fromAddress', fromAddress);

			// store the id in the variable
			const tokenId =;
			console.log('TokenID', tokenId);
			console.log(typeof tokenId);

			// get the contract initialized
			console.log('JSON:', abi);
			const contract = new web3.eth.Contract([abi], RARIBLE_ERC_1155_ROPSTEN_ADDRESS);

			// use web3 to get the balance
			const balance = await web3.eth.getBalance(fromAddress);
			console.log('Balance', balance);

			const tx = contract.methods
					[tokenId, sampleURI, 1, [[fromAddress, 10000]], [[fromAddress, 1000]], ['0x']],
					fromAddress, 1
				.send({ from: fromAddress })
				.on('transactionHash', function (hash) {
					console.log('hash', hash);
				.on('confirmation', function (confirmationNumber, receipt) {
					console.log('confirmation', confirmationNumber, receipt);
				.on('receipt', function (receipt) {
					// receipt example
				.on('error', function (error) {


Any help / recommendation / suggestion would be highly appreciated.

500 service internal error on

Post to the rinkby lazy mint fails with 500 internal server error

Body of Post to

Initialized Rarible on rinkeby (chain ID: 4) with basePath
Collection Address: 0xf565108F208136B1AffD55d19A6236b6b6b9786D -
Minter Wallet address: 0x72A4408DA42DE870499c1841D0e4a49f864e34ba


  • I still have a bad signature?
  • Or the collection from the token factory has not properly been deployed?

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