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rdmo-catalog's Issues

Replace the term "data sets"

The term "datasets" is confusing since it has different meanings in different contexts (e.g. a row in a table of a relational database). What you actually meant here is "data types".

Reference to laws in `rdmo-options`

Hallo zusammen,

in der Optionendatei sind manchmal bundesrepublikanische Gesetze zur Auswahl aufgelistet.
Die Frage ist, ob bei den übersetzten Fassungen der Bezug zur deutschen Rechtslage bleiben soll oder ob er durch die entsprechende europäische Regelung ersetzt werden soll. Also ob wir juristisch punktgenau sein wollen, oder ob wir lieber den Nutzer auf die inhaltlichen Rechtsgebiete aufmerksam machen wollen.

  • Recht des Herstellers eines Tonträgers
  • Recht des Verfassers sichtender wissenschaftlicher Ausgaben
  • Recht des Sendeunternehmers
  • Recht des Datenbankherstellers
  • Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG)
  • Sozialgesetzbuch X (z.B. für medizinische Daten)
  • Bundesstatistikgesetz (z.B. für Zensusdaten)

rename XML files

Die Standard-XML-Dateien haben alle denselben Namen: rdmo.xml.
Und die individuellen Versionen (im Ordner /shared) sind alle freilich genannt.

Ich möchte hier eine systematische Struktur für die Titel der XML-Dateien vorschlagen.
Erster Aufschlag:
Zum Beispiel:

Als Nebeneffekt könnten die Ordnerstruktur vereinfacht werden - vielleicht alle Dateien im Hauptordner?
Die Community-Vorschläge werden ja zum Teil in die Hauptdomäne und Hauptoptionensatz integriert werden.

New question: Question about the place of publication

Describe the request
A question about the place of data publication is added.

Propose what exactly should be changed
A question about the place of data publication is added to rdmorganiser/qusetions/rdmo.xml
The new question follows question "Will this dataset be published or shared?" (/data-usage/data-sharing-and-re-use-publication/yesno)

Original setting or content

Question catalog 'rdmorganiser/qusetions/rdmo.xml' asks only if data is going to be published and how, but not where.

add "If yes"/"Wenn ja" to proposed question text

question text en
"original text"

Proposed setting or content
What should it look like in the new question

question text en
"Where should the data be published?"

question help text en
"Please provide information about the database/repository."

question text ger
"Wo sollen die Daten veröffentlicht werden?"
help text ger
Nennen Sie die/das Datenbank/Repositorium, ggf. mit Link.

Once a subject of change is approved it will be marked accordingly in the list.

  • uri
  • key
  • path
  • questionset
    • position in set
  • question text (en and ger)
  • help text (en and ger)
  • answer
    • widget type
    • value type
    • max/min, step and unit
  • optionset
  • condition
  • attribute

Add help text to question set 'content-classification/data-dataset'

Describe the request
General: the term data set is not perceived as very clear by storage colleagues and could possibly be interpreted differently by scientists. Maybe the term data type, data group, data category should be used?

Propose what exactly should be changed
Since the term record is frequently used in RDMO, a addition to the help text would be helpful.

Proposed setting or content

help text de
"Als Datensätze können unterschiedliche Datenarten, Datengruppen oder Datenkategorien zusammengefasst beschrieben werden."

help text en
"Data sets can be different types of data, data groups or data categories described together."

Optionset not set in question after import (fodako)


I have just installed rdmo (0.14.6) and imported the RDMO Catalog (rdmorganiser) according to the import order specified in the readme. Answering the questions of the RDMO catalog works fine.

I then imported the catalogs in the fodako folder (according to instructions in the pdf), however it seems that some questions are missing the correct optionset entry, so that they can not be answered. Of course selecting the right optionset manually fixes the problem.

Is there a specific import order required, is this a bug or why is the optionset entry not imported for some questions?

Thank you

Formatting issues of the Horizon Europe catalog

There are some minor formatting issues we noticed in the Horizon Europe catalog:

  • "General / Basic information on the project": in the English version there is redundant text displayed in square brackets which is presumably not meant to be there, like "Action title: [insert project title]". This is not displayed in the German version.
  • "Disciplinary and and technical classification of data / Data volume": missing English translation for "noch nicht bestimmt".
  • "Disciplinary and and technical classification of data / Data utility": the text entry fields seem very small and could be increased a bit (this also applies to several sections of the "FAIR data" category).

Adding help text about the time/period of data generation content-classification/data-dataset/description

Describe the request
Adding an additional sentence to the help text about the time/period when the data record was generated. This refers to the fact that data set can be generated over a period of time.

Propose what exactly should be changed
Add at the end of the help text:

help text ger
"Bitte erläutern Sie ergänzend, ob es sich um einen festen, zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt gespeicherten Datensatz handelt oder ob dieser dynamisch also laufend über einen bestimmten Zeitraum entsteht."

help text en
"Please also explain whether this is a fixed data set stored at a certain point in time or whether it is created dynamically over a certain period of time."

remove option

In '' the option '': "not yet defined" is not very helpful planning.

This issue suggests to remove this option from the option set and introduce a task which will be associated with ''. The task is to remind the user to answer this question.

This seems to be a breaking change. However, if that option was selected in an existing project the here proposed removal of the option would leave the the option set with none of its options being selected. This "new" un-selected state is comparable with the 'old' option "not yet defined".

Notes from [Community meeting 2023-09]

  • Update catalog overview table --> done #205
  • WissGrid-link is broken, please update --> done #207
  • file format, size: final or raw data? --> es gibt eine Frage dazu; im Allgemeinen kann eine Version von der anderen durch den Skript generiert werden; sinnvoller Schwellenwert = 1 GB
  • Offer possibility to replace "dataset" with "group of similar datasets" --> possibly solved by #84 (s. also discussion in #78 )

Add two questions: Permanent contact person of the data owner

Describe the request
A question is to be added which addresses the role of a permanent contact for the data.
There must exist a person filling this role which is relevant most likely after the end of a project.
So this role is also more permanent compared to a data manager which is likely filled by a person with a non-permanent contract (see
existing question general/project-partners-partner/contact covering general data management role during the project).

We suggest to add two new questions about the permanent project owner/data owner to the
question set storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets.
Two new attributes need to be added as well.

Propose what exactly should be changed
add two questions and two attributes as below

Proposed setting or content

  1. question: storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/responsible_person_name
    attribute: project/dataset/preservation/responsible_person/name
    question text en: "Who is the permanent project owner/data owner who can decide on the data after the researcher leaves? Please enter the name.""Who is the long-term contact person who can make decisions about the data? Please specify the name." (changed see #111 )
    help text en: ~~"Examples of these decisions include data access and authorization, the optimization of storage space after a certain retention period, or the transfer of authority to a new contact person. Such decisions are necessary, for example, in the event of a loss of access data, a new access request or the departure of the previous contact person." (changed see #111 )
    question text de: "Wer ist der dauerhafter Besitzer der Daten, der nach dem Weggang des Forschenden über die Daten entscheiden kann? Bitte geben Sie den Name an.""Wer ist der langfristige Ansprechpartner, der über die Daten entscheiden kann? Bitte geben Sie den Name an." (changed see #111 )
    help text de: "Eine ähnliche Fragestellung ist, was passiert bei Verlust der Zugangsdaten oder beispielsweise beim Ausscheiden/Ruhestand des Lehrstuhlinhabers? Dies sollte später über einen Workflow mit bedacht werden.""Beispiele hierfür sind die Vergabe von Zugangsdaten/Zugangsberechtigungen, die Optimierung des Speicherplatzes nach einer gewissen Aufbewahrungsfrist oder die Übergabe der Befugnisse an einen neuen Ansprechpartner. Solche Entscheidungen sind beispielsweise bei einem Verlust von Zugangsdaten, bei einer neuen Zugangsanfrage oder beim Ausscheiden des bisherigen Ansprechpartners erforderlich." (changed see #111 )

  2. question: storage-and-long-term-preservation/long-term-preservation-datasets/responsible_person_email
    attribute: project/dataset/preservation/responsible_person/email
    question text en: "Please provide the email address of the permanent owner of the data requested above."
    help text en:
    question text de: "Bitte geben Sie die E-Mail-Adresse des oben gefragten dauerhaften Besitzer der Daten an."
    help text de:

Structure question text rdmo/metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing-structure/structure

Describe the request
The question text should be restructured to make it clear that all three questions address different issues and therefore should all be answered separately. Based on the current text representation in a single line, the user may assume that an abstract or general answer is sufficient.

<text lang="de">Wie sind die Daten strukturiert? In welchem Verhältnis stehen die einzelnen Komponenten zueinander? In welchem Verhältnis steht der Datensatz zu anderen im Projekt erhobenen oder genutzten Datensätzen?</text>

<text lang="en">What is the structure of the data? How are the individual components of the dataset related to each other? How is the dataset related to other datasets used in the project?</text>

Propose what exactly should be changed
Question text (de):

„Bitte erläutern Sie kurz die Struktur und den Zusammenhang ihrer Daten untereinander:

 *  Wie sind die Daten strukturiert?
 *  In welchem Verhältnis stehen die einzelnen Komponenten zueinander?
 *  In welchem Verhältnis steht der Datensatz zu anderen im Projekt erhobenen oder genutzten Datensätzen?“

Question text (en):

Please briefly explain the structure and relationship of their data to each other.

 * What is the structure of the data?
 * How are the individual components of the dataset related to each other?
 * How is the dataset related to other datasets used in the project?

**Referencenes **

<question dc:uri="">
<attribute dc:uri=""/>
<questionset dc:uri=""/>
<help lang="en"/>
<text lang="en">What is the structure of the data? How are the individual components of the dataset related to each other? How is the dataset related to other datasets used in the project?</text>
<verbose_name lang="en"/>
<verbose_name_plural lang="en"/>
<help lang="de"/>
<text lang="de">Wie sind die Daten strukturiert? In welchem Verhältnis stehen die einzelnen Komponenten zueinander? In welchem Verhältnis steht der Datensatz zu anderen im Projekt erhobenen oder genutzten Datensätzen?</text>
<verbose_name lang="de"/>
<verbose_name_plural lang="de"/>
<help lang="fr"/>
<text lang="fr">Quelle est la structure des données? Comment les composants individuels du jeu de données sont-ils liés les uns aux autres? Comment le jeu de données est-il lié aux autres jeux de données utilisés dans le projet?</text>
<verbose_name lang="fr"/>
<verbose_name_plural lang="fr"/>

question_questionset_head_help calls wrong language for verbose name

Hi, this is my first bug report so please be kind.
I am going through the DFG_v5 catalog and found a bug which puzzles me. The head help of question "is existing data reused?" uses a German word in an English sentence:

Also the the green button reads "add Datensatz" which should be changed too.

However, going the next question which reads "Data types and processing" the head help is grammatically correct.
When changing the language to German there are no errors. I had checked because I had assumed an accidental language swap but that is not the case. I believe the error could be here somewhere -> /project_questions_questionset_head_help.html

I hope this information helps somewhat.



multiple entries of attributes in domain/rdmo.xml

The file contains multiple entries of maybe all attributes, except the very first one. I tested at random, so it might not apply to all of them. The highest multiple I found so far was four times the same attribute.

Each attribute uses 7 lines of code, there are about 125 attributes for the questions + parent attributes. That should be about 150 attributes in total, which results in about 1050 lines of code, but the file has almost 5000 lines of code.

Include past tense in question text technical-classification/data-dates/data_collection_end

Describe the request
Include cases when the collection/creation of data is already finished.

Original setting or content

question text ger
"Wann endet die Erhebung bzw. Erstellung der Daten?"

Proposed setting or content

question text ger
"Wann endet/endete die Erhebung bzw. Erstellung der Daten?"
question text en
"When does/did collection/creation of the data end?"

Fix Links in DFG-Checklist ans add context

Fix Links in DFG-Checklist .
The links should refer to the file rater than some non-resolvable url

For adding local FDM consultation services edit:

For adding local or specific Repository services edit:

For adding contact to the local IT Services edit:

Documentation for metadata crosswalks for RDMO catalogues to improve machine-actionability

Machine-actionability is become step by step a topic for DMPs and SMPs. RDMO has several opportunities to foster this. Despite that we have a lack of documentation in this field. To improve the usage of maDMPs and maSMPs it would help to have crosswalks for the metadata, mapping the used RDMO attributes in a catalogue with common ontologies (, DataCite etc.). Having that in mind it would make sense to implement a common RDMO crosswalk understanding how and where such information are documented.

Add option to optionset 'infrastructure_resources'

Add option on data access to option set 'infrastructure_resources'

option text

* fast read and write of data is required (high performance storage)


<optionset dc:uri="">
<option dc:uri="">
<optionset dc:uri=""/>
<text lang="en">Infrastructure resources of the usual workplace equipment are sufficient.</text>
<text lang="de">Die üblichen Infrastrukturressourcen des Arbeitsplatzes reichen aus.</text>
<text lang="fr">Les ressources en infrastructure de l'équipement habituel sur le lieu de travail sont suffisantes.</text>
<option dc:uri="">
<optionset dc:uri=""/>
<text lang="en">The following infrastructure resources are needed</text>
<text lang="de">Es werden folgende Infrastrukturressourcen benötigt</text>
<text lang="fr">Les ressources d'infrastructure suivantes sont nécessaires</text>

Query for project partners

As an RDMO user I want to enter the 'name contact person(s) for data management questions' or 'institutional policy' for a research project which has no project partners.

In the rdmo catalog these questions are stored under 'project partners' (collection), which is confusing to the user, because the "applicant" party of the project

  • i) may not recognize themselves as as partner
  • ii) there are no partners in the project

and therefore may assume to not answer this question does not have a project partner.


  1. create a new question set with hosting two questions for the project owner/ host
  • <question dc:uri="">
  • <question dc:uri="">
  1. create new question which queries for the project partners. If there are partners, present the questionset
  • <questionset dc:uri="">

maintenance: obsolete text box for option; option 'yes' leads to new, optional question

in the RDMO catalog (using RDMO Version 1.9.2) for question set "other requirements I" - question: "Are there requirements regarding the data management from other parties (e.g. the scholarly/scientific community)?"

one can tick the appropriate box whereas option "yes" has a text box for an answer. This box is obsolete as ticking "yes" leads to an optional question page ("other requirements II") which asks for the requirements from other parties.

I would suggest removing the optional "other requirements II" and instead adding a bigger text box to "other requirements I" as there is no need for an additional page here. Maybe this box could only appear once "yes" is ticked as the current box is also quite small.


Let me know what you think.

optionsets in collection questionsets

Prerequisite: I typically define new catalogs using the xml upload in RDMO.
If I include an optionset (e.g. accessible via radio buttons) to a questionset with a collection the choice of the option for a specific dataset won't be saved (currently using RDMO 1.5.5). If I skip is_collection=true for the questionset, the same constellation works fine. Is this a bug and possibly already solved in RDMO 1.6? Or is it necessary to add something specific to the xml file to be uploaded to RDMO?

Add help text to question 'technical-classification/data-volume/volume'

Describe the request
The question technical-classification/data-volume/rate should not be optional because size could be relevant in any case. Therefore we propose to completely remove the help text of this question and add a new help text to the question technical-classification/data-volume/volume.

Propose what exactly should be changed
delete help text and add new help text (see 2. below.)

Proposed setting or content

  1. technical-classification/data-volume/rate

    • remove help text
  2. technical-classification/data-volume/volume

    • help text de
      "Wenn große Datenmengen anfallen, sollten finanzielle Mittel zur Bereitstellung der Infrastruktur berücksichtigt werden (siehe auch Abschnitt „Förderung“)."

    • help text en
      "If large amounts of data are involved, financial resources for the provision of the infrastructure should be considered (see also section "Funding")."

Server Error (500) with View "Cost overview"

I get a "Server Error (500)" when I try to display a data management plan in view "Cost overview". From RDMO's error.log:

[2021-04-20 11:51:42,359] ERROR: Internal Server Error: /projects/1/views/3/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 829, in _resolve_lookup
    current = current[bit]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 837, in _resolve_lookup
    current = getattr(current, bit)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'as_number'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 843, in _resolve_lookup
    current = current[int(bit)]
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'as_number'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 34, in inner
    response = get_response(request)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 115, in _get_response
    response = self.process_exception_by_middleware(e, request)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 113, in _get_response
    response = wrapped_callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/views/generic/", line 71, in view
    return self.dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/", line 85, in dispatch
    return super().dispatch(request, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/views/generic/", line 97, in dispatch
    return handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/views/generic/", line 107, in get
    context = self.get_context_data(object=self.object)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdmo/projects/views/", line 39, in get_context_data
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rdmo/views/", line 167, in render
    'pandoc_version': get_pandoc_version()
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 171, in render
    return self._render(context)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 163, in _render
    return self.nodelist.render(context)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 937, in render
    bit = node.render_annotated(context)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 904, in render_annotated
    return self.render(context)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 987, in render
    output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 692, in resolve
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 796, in resolve
    value = self._resolve_lookup(context)
  File "/srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/template/", line 850, in _resolve_lookup
    (bit, current))  # missing attribute
django.template.base.VariableDoesNotExist: Failed lookup for key [as_number] in None

My configuration: RDMO 1.5.5, Apache2.4.38-3+deb10u4pytho, MySQL/MariaDB, Python 3.7.3

Include "software version" in the help text of question 'technical-classification/data-tools/creation_methods'

Describe the request
Add software version in the help text, as this is important information

Proposed setting or content
help text de
"... allerdings müssen alle Geräte, Software, Softwareversion und auch Informationen über die Vorgehensweise erhalten bleiben..."
help text en
"... Therefore all devices, software, software version and also information about the procedure necessary to be able to recreate the data must be preserved."

Horizon Europe catalog: Move catalog description to designated xml entry

Horizon Europe catalog should provide a help text.

Currently the designated xml entry is empty and thus will provide the user of rdmo with information on the catalog in the catalog selection for a project. see

I propose to move the text of help text the first question set for the Horizon Europe catalog to the catalog help text

<help lang="en">This questionnaire is intended for research projects funded by EU Horizon Europe. It is compiled according to the &lt;a href="" target=_blank&gt;Data Management Plan Template, Version 1.0 from May 5, 2021&lt;/a&gt;. Some of the EU questions are broken down into sub-questions. In addition, for many questions there is the option of answering the question on a dataset-specific basis. There is a suitable view for the output of the data management plan, which

Broken links to discipline specific requirements

The first three links to the examples for discipline specific requirments in the section General - Other Requirements I are broken.

The english version of this section looks nicer.

The right links could be:

Guidelines on the Handling of Research Data in Biodiversity Research:

Bereitstellung und Nutzung quantitativer Daten in der Bildungsforschung:

Förderkriterien für wissenschaftliche Editionen in der Literaturwissenschaft:

Rephrase question set for DFG v5 catalog due to vagueness


I'd like to make two suggestions for existing 'question sets' in the DFG v5 catalog.

In the section "long-term data accessibility", the question set simply reads "when available" which is also visible in the drop down overview of the catalog. How about changing the question set to "Data availability"? This would get rid of the vagueness if a person is filling out the section who has not reached that question but can see the preview on the right hand side of the screen. (see attached screenshot)

Similarly, the German "wann nutzbar" is equally vague. Here, "(zeitliche) Verfügbarkeit" could be better suited for section "Dauerhafte Zugänglichkeit".

Let me know what you think.


SMP feedback

As usual with forms, it is long and will scare people away... Anyway to include some shortcuts, or some prioritisation of the question (maybe question to answer really early, why others may be answered later?)

I think some questions are missing or should be rephrased:
Are your sure that no suitable software exists with the functionality your are planning?

  • there is probably not a software doing exactly what is meant for the planned software, but there is probably lot of software or code that are related. the question should more be: what software/code have similar purposes, what is missing in these products for you to use it.

Who are the project participants that deal with this software?

  • I think it would be good to have more questions about the community around the planned software: who are the end-users, who are contributors (developers and non-developers), if communities already exists (maybe around another similar project) and how it is planned to participate in these communities...
  • (linked to publication part) How do you plan to have users to the software, do you have plans to grow the community of users beyond the initial participants.

How long should the software remain usable?

  • how will the software be maintained after the project, what strategy is used to make the software usable on the long term (containerisation, preservation)

Dublicate question text .../funder_policy

rdmo.xml at 7786db0 all texts from <question dc:uri=""> have been copied over to a new question <question dc:uri="">. So there exist two times the same question in this catalog, although in different sections and each time linked to different attributes. This is a bit clumsy, because it confuses the user at least in the "Show answers" section.

Moreover, the Question text for <question dc:uri=""> could be improved pointing the user towards the section's topic "sensitive data".

Edit german question text of /metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing/pids/subentities

UA Ruhr received user feedback to change the german wording of the question /metadata-and-referencing/structure-granularity-and-referencing/pids/subentities in rdmorganiser/questions/rdmo.xml. "(Sub-)Entitäten" should be replaced with "Teildatensätze" to make it more comprehensive.

Original question text de:
"Welche (Sub-)Entitäten / Untereinheiten sollten sinnvollerweise eigene Identifikatoren erhalten? Welche dieser Identifikatoren sollten dauerhaft und zitierfähig sein?"

Proposed question text de:
"Welche Untereinheiten / Teildatensätze sollten sinnvollerweise eigene Identifikatoren erhalten? Welche dieser Identifikatoren sollten dauerhaft und zitierfähig sein?"

missing quotes in HTML <a> target Attribute

There are multiple HTML target attributes in questions text and help text in rdmorganizer/questions/*.xml which miss a leading " or &quot;


target=&quot;_blank&quot; or target="_blank"

files being affected

> grep -rinl target=_ 


Scripted conversion into GitHub/GitLab issues

Seeing that version control platforms are increasingly being used in academic projects, I'd like to ask the question whether the RMDO items/questions could be made available for import into the issue trackers of these platforms.

Both offer issue creation APIs, whose expected data fields (JSON format) could maybe be populated as follows from RDMO's XML:

  • <text lang="..."> => title
  • <help lang="..."> => body / description
  • ["DMP", "<key>"] => labels

Presumably, a script is needed that takes (the URL to) an RDMO-XML, a target repository and a personal access token that the user fetches from their GitHub/GitLab account and creates a bunch of DMP issues in their repo/project, which can then be adressed in parallel to the project progress. Not as a "living document", but as a conversation / discussion and implementation in specific files in the project.

Related: softwaresaved/software-management-plans#12

Enumeration in help text seems broken

Descriptive summary

Fix the enumeration in the description and help texts in rdmo.xml file.


Enumerations should be arranged one below the other.

Expected behavior

Enumerations are arranged one below the other.
Example text

  • foo
  • bar

Actual behavior

Enumerations are displayed "Example text * foo * bar"

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. see e.g.

Related work

The missing formatting was reintroduced elsewhere FDM-UARuhr#1

The formatting got lost via

Add advise to help text of question 'legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data_yesno/yesno'

Describe the request
Add advise to related questions (in the interview) relevant to data protection to help text of question 'legal-and-ethics/sensitive-data-personal_data_yesno/yesno'

Propose what exactly should be changed
Prepend advise to the help text

Proposed setting or content
help text en
"If yes: Please also check whether you have completed section "Data usage / Data storage and security" with the appropriate measures to protect the data in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. [ .... EXISTING TEXT ]"

help text de
"Wenn ja: Bitte prüfen Sie auch, ob Sie den Abschnitt "Datennutzung / Datenspeicherung und -sicherheit" mit den entsprechenden Maßnahmen zum Schutz der Daten gemäß den geltenden Datenschutzgesetzen ausgefüllt haben. [ .... EXISTING TEXT ]"

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