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list-app-mobx's Introduction

⚛️ react-declarative

MUI json endpoint form builder. Check this Storybook, the Playground and the Docs Folder for more samples. Also Playwright End-to-End Testbed available



A React view builder which interacts with a JSON endpoint to generate nested 12-column grids with input fields and automatic state management in a declarative style. Endpoint is typed by TypeScript guards (IntelliSense available). This tool is based on MUI components, so your application will look normal on any device...

More than Forms: can be used for build any UI like dashboards, CRM and ERP, mobile apps. Solving your problems. ⭐Star and 💻Fork It will be appreciated



Try without installing directly in your web browser


Link to the playground


Check out how your app will look with the Mantine theme installed. You don't have to change any JSON schemas.

The Mantine theme playground

Using with AI


There is a guide to make GPT-4 generate form schemas automatically. Check the docs folder for guide

Short review


A few adjectives which can be applied to react-declarative

  1. Accesible

Every callback you need: field or group of fields focus/blur event, form invalidity state, data-testid and more

  1. Configurable

Each field can be statically hidden by settings dictionary and dynamically by form state condition. Same if you want to disable or make field readonly

  1. Extendable

It allow you to override any field type by slot context or inject custom JSX directly into form without additional boilerplate. Also that lib can be used with all React ecosystem, for example, try with Million.js, It makes react-declarative extreamly performant even on 2016 devices

  1. Maintainable

Write code without going into technical debt. The big diffrence with jsonforms is you actually write less code cause you don't need data schema. In react-declarative all validations are build into ui schema, so backend endpoint can be changed partially if some properties are unused (see PATCH method)

  1. Reflectable

Each form schema can be reflected by using getAvailableFields for additional inline validations, data cleanup if some fields are not required anymore, data export (generate excel export from current form). That extreamly hard to implement with jsonforms

  1. Reliable

React 18 Concurrent render used under the hood (state updates in async useEffect) so the jsonforms will slow down on 200+ fields form, react-declarative will not. Also RPS optimised by debounce of form state change event. That means you will need less hardware measures on a server side to implement autosubmit

  1. Code-Splittable

JSON templates can be downloaded statically, builded dynamically, lazy-loaded dynamically

  1. Scalable

Easy internationalization with translation dictionaries for Combobox field. JSX Factory for labels translation. An organisation for tutoring newbies with 25 projects with AI, reactive programming and more

  1. Integrable

It combines various development tasks into one tool, making the process simpler and faster. It manages app state, user interface building, code dependencies, asset sharing, and software design all in one place.

  1. Customisable

A game-changer for your app look is the react-declarative-mantine. That library provides <OneSlotFactory /> with all fields redesigned. Check out how your app can look like without changing any JSON schemas.

Quick start


There is a create-react-app template available in this repository

yarn create react-app --template cra-template-react-declarative .


npx create-react-app . --template=react-declarative



There is a sample app avalible in the demo folder...

npm install --save react-declarative tss-react @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled



A lightweight version with <One /> component and dependencies only published in react-declarative-lite npm package. Useful when you want to use <One /> forms in existing app

npm install --save react-declarative-lite



The react-declarative is not just a form builder. This one is the huge framework with dashboard adaptive cards builder, crud-based Grid component and more.
Check the docs folder

This tool also provide it's own way of rapid application development by simplifying app state managament. New features appear frequently, so you should be able to read the project's storybook, browse an organization with sample projects, and read the source code

Several starter kits available (Check Playwright End-to-End testbed)

1. Pure React Starter

yarn create react-app --template cra-template-react-declarative .

2. Ethers.js/React Starter

yarn create react-app --template cra-template-solidity .

3. AppWrite/React Starter

yarn create react-app --template cra-template-appwrite .

and few more quite interesting demo projects

1. Playwright End-to-End Testbed

git clone

2. ERC-20 Payment gateway

git clone

3. React Face KYC

git clone

4. BrainJS Cryptocurrency Trend

git clone

5. NFT Mint Tool

git clone

6. React PocketBase CRM

git clone

7. ChatGPT Ecommerce Grid

git clone

8. React Native lightweight version of this library

git clone

Declarative Scaffold component


Link to the source code

The <Scaffold2 /> implements the basic Material Design visual layout structure by using config instead of manual ui elements composition.


const options: IScaffold2Group[] = [
    id: 'build',
    label: 'Build',
    children: [
        id: 'authentication',
        label: 'Authentication',
        isVisible: async () => await ioc.authService.hasRole('unauthorized'),
        icon: PeopleIcon,
        tabs: [
          { id: 'tab1', label: 'Tab1 in header', },
          { id: 'tab2', label: 'Tab2 in header', },
        options: [
          { id: 'tab1', label: 'Tab1 in side menu' },
          { id: 'tab2', label: 'Tab2 in side menu' },
      { id: 'Database', label: 'Label is optional (can be generated automatically from ID in snake case)', icon: DnsRoundedIcon, },
      { id: 'Storage', isDisabled: async () => await myAmazingGuard(), icon: PermMediaOutlinedIcon, },
      { id: 'Hosting', icon: PublicIcon, },


Declarative KanbanView component

The <KanbanView /> allow you to build kanban boards with realtime support


const rows: IBoardRow<ILeadRow>[] = [
    label: "Display name",
    value: (id, employee) =>
      [employee.first_name, employee.last_name].join(" "),
    label: "Email",
    value: (id, employee) =>,
    click: (id, data, payload) => payload.pickEmployeePreviewModal(id),
    label: "Phone",
    value: (id, employee) =>,
    label: "Hire date",
    value: (id, employee) => employee.hire_date,

const columns: IBoardColumn<ILeadRow>[] = [
    color: "#00ACC1",
    column: "cold",
    label: "Cold",
    color: "#9C27B0",
    column: "contact",
    label: "Contact",
    color: "#FFA000",
    column: "draft",
    label: "Draft",
    color: "#2E7D32",
    column: "deal",
    label: "In a deal",


    height: "calc(100vh - 145px)",

Declarative WizardView component

The <WizardView /> component allows you to build action wizard with stepper and nested routing


const steps: IWizardStep[] = [
    id: "select",
    label: "Choose file",
    id: "validate",
    label: "Validation",
    id: "import",
    label: "Import",

const routes: IWizardOutlet[] = [
    id: "select",
    element: SelectFileView,
    isActive: (pathname) => !!parseRouteUrl("/select-file", pathname),
    id: "validate",
    element: ValidateFileView,
    isActive: (pathname) => !!parseRouteUrl("/validate-file", pathname),
    id: "import",
    element: ImportFileView,
    isActive: (pathname) => !!parseRouteUrl("/import-file", pathname),


<WizardView pathname="/select-file" steps={steps} routes={routes} />


const SelectFileView = ({
}: IWizardOutletProps) => {
  return (
          onNext={() => history.replace("/validate-file")}

VisibilityView and FeatureView components

The <VisibilityView /> and <FeatureView /> components allows you to build configurable UI by using reflection


const groups: IVisibilityGroup[] = [
    name: "employee_visibility",
     * @type {IField[] | TypedField[]}
     * @description Same field type from `<One />` template engine
    fields: employee_fields,


  data={{ employee_visibility: data }}
  onChange={({ employee_visibility }) => onChange(employee_visibility)}

By using feature-oriented programming you can adjust view to different roles of users by partially hiding text, images and buttons

const features: IFeatureGroup[] = [
    title: "Employee",
    expanded: true,
    children: [
        name: "employee_preview_modal",
        label: "Employee preview modal",
        description: "Click on row open preview modal",
        name: "employee_toggle_inactive",
        label: "Employee toggle inactive",
        description: "Can toggle employee activity",




  condition={async (userId) => {
    return await ioc.permissionRequestService.getOwnerContactVisibilityByUserId(userId)

JSON-templated view engine

1. Layout grid


Link to the source code


const fields: TypedField[] = [
    type: FieldType.Line,
    title: 'User info',
    type: FieldType.Group,
    phoneColumns: '12',
    tabletColumns: '6',
    desktopColumns: '4',
    fields: [
        type: FieldType.Text,
        title: 'First name',
        defaultValue: 'Petr',
        description: 'Your first name',
        leadingIcon: Face,
        focus() { console.log("focus :-)"); },
        blur() { console.log("blur :-("); },
        name: 'firstName',
        type: FieldType.Text,
        title: 'Last name',
        defaultValue: 'Tripolsky',
        description: 'Your last name',
        name: 'lastName',



2. Form validation


Link to the source code


const fields: TypedField[] = [
    type: FieldType.Text,
    name: 'email',
    trailingIcon: Email,
    defaultValue: '[email protected]',
    isInvalid({email}) {
      const expr = /^[\w-.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$/g;
      if (!expr.test(email)) {
        return 'Invalid email address';
      } else {
        return null;
    isDisabled({disabled}) {
      return disabled;
    isVisible({visible}) {
      return visible;
    type: FieldType.Expansion,
    title: 'Settings',
    description: 'Hide or disable',
    fields: [
        type: FieldType.Switch,
        title: 'Mark as visible',
        name: 'visible',
        defaultValue: true,


3. Gallery of controls


Link to the source code


const fields: TypedField[] = [
    type: FieldType.Paper,
    fields: [
        type: FieldType.Line,
        title: 'Checkboxes',
        type: FieldType.Checkbox,
        name: 'checkbox1',
        columns: '3',
        title: 'Checkbox 1',
        type: FieldType.Checkbox,
        name: 'checkbox2',
        columns: '3',
        title: 'Checkbox 2',


4. JSX Injection


Link to the source code

const fields: TypedField[] = [
    type: FieldType.Paper,
    fields: [
        type: FieldType.Component,
        element: (props) => <Logger {...props}/>, 



5. UI-Kit override


Link to the source code


6. Hiding fields by business functions



const fields: TypedField[] = [
    type: FieldType.Text,
    name: 'phone',
    hidden: ({ payload }) => {
      return !payload.features.has('show-phone-number');



JSON-templated grid engine


Link to the source code

Adaptive json-configurable data grid with build-in mobile device support


const filters: TypedField[] = [
    type: FieldType.Text,
    name: 'firstName',
    title: 'First name',
    type: FieldType.Text,
    name: 'lastName',
    title: 'Last name',

const columns: IColumn[] = [
    type: ColumnType.Text,
    field: 'id',
    headerName: 'ID',
    width: (fullWidth) => Math.max(fullWidth - 650, 200),
    columnMenu: [
        action: 'test-action',
        label: 'Column action',

const actions: IListAction[] = [
    type: ActionType.Add,
    label: 'Create item'

const operations: IListOperation[] = [
    action: 'operation-one',
    label: 'Operation one',

const chips: IListChip[] = [
    label: 'The chip1_enabled is true',
    name: 'chip1_enabled',
    color: '#4caf50',

const rowActions: IListRowAction[] = [
    label: 'chip1',
    action: 'chip1-action',
    isVisible: ({ chip1_enabled }) => chip1_enabled,


return (

DOM Frames with infinite scroll and transparent-api virtualization


You can use InfiniteView for always-mounted or VirtualView for virtualized infinite lists


    width: "100%",
    height: 250,
    mb: 1,
  onDataRequest={() => {
    setItems((items) => [
      ...[uuid(), uuid(), uuid(), uuid(), uuid()],
  { => (
    <span key={item}>{item}</span>

Async hooks and Action components


Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data. Promise-based command pattern ui components. The hooks will help you to avoid multiple POST method execution when user missclick button. The components will show load indicator while onClick promise is pending

The useAsyncProgress will manage percent range of execution (0% - 100% for <LinearProgress /> value)

const { execute } = useAsyncProgress(
  async ({ data }) => {
    await createContact(data);
    onProgress: (percent) => {
    onError: (errors) => {
    onEnd: (isOk) => {


  onClick={async () => {
    const file = await chooseFile(
    if (file) {
      const rows = await parseExcelContacts(file);
      execute(, idx) => ({
          data: row,
          label: `Row №${idx + 2}`,
  Choose XLSX

The useSinglerunAction will not execute any additional calls while original promise is pending

const { execute } = useSinglerunAction(
  async () => {
   const file = await chooseFile("image/jpeg, image/png");
    if (file) {
      const filePath = await ioc.appwriteService.uploadFile(file);


<ActionIcon onClick={execute}>
  <CloudUploadIcon />

The useQueuedAction will queue all promise fulfillment in functions execution order. Quite useful while state reducer pattern when coding realtime.

const { execute } = useQueuedAction(
  async ({ type, payload }) => {
    if (type === "create-action") {
    if (type === "update-action") {

    if (type === "remove-action") {
    onLoadStart: () => ioc.layoutService.setAppbarLoader(true),
    onLoadEnd: () => ioc.layoutService.setAppbarLoader(false),


useEffect(() => ioc.kanbanService.createSubject.subscribe(execute), []);

useEffect(() => ioc.kanbanService.updateSubject.subscribe(execute), []);

useEffect(() => ioc.kanbanService.removeSubject.subscribe(execute), []);

The usePreventAction will prevent any other action execution while single one is pending

const {
} = usePreventAction();


  Action 1


  Action 2

The usePreventNavigate will prevent navigate while action is running

const { handleLoadStart, handleLoadEnd } = usePreventNavigate({
  history: ioc.routerService,



The useAsyncValue will help you to manage react-hooks/rules-of-hooks while working with remote data

const [data, { loading, error }, setData] = useAsyncValue(async () => {
  return await getData();

if (loading || error) {
  return null;

return (
    {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}


const handleChangeData = async () => {
  const newData = await fetchApi('/api/v1/data', {
    method: "POST",

Async pipe port


See angular2 docs

import { Async } from 'react-declarative'

import { CircularProgress } from '@mui/material'

const PostItem = ({
}) => {

  const { getPostById } = useBlogApi();

  return (
    <Async payload={id} Loader={CircularProgress}>
      {async (id) => {
        const { title, body } = await getPostById(id);
        return (

Structural directive port


See angular2 docs

import { If } from 'react-declarative'

const ProfilePage = () => {
  const { hasRole } = useRoleApi();
  return (
    <If condition={() => hasRole("admin")}>
      <button>The admin's button</button>

Animated view transition


Link to the source code

import { FetchView } from 'react-declarative'

const PostList = () => {

  const { getPosts } = useBlogApi();

  const state = [

  return (
    <FetchView state={state} animation="fadeIn">
      {(posts) => (
          {, idx) => (
            <p key={idx}>

Build-in router


Link to the source code

import { Switch } from 'react-declarative';


const routes = [
    path: '/mint-page',
    guard: async () => await ioc.roleService.has('whitelist'),
    prefetch: async () => await ioc.ethersService.init(),
    unload: async () => await ioc.ethersService.dispose(),
    redirect: () => {
      let isOk = true;
      isOk = isOk && ioc.ethersService.isMetamaskAvailable;
      isOk = isOk && ioc.ethersService.isProviderConnected;
      isOk = isOk && ioc.ethersService.isAccountEnabled;
      if (isOk) {
        return "/connect-page";
      return null;


const App = () => (
  <Switch history={history} items={routes} />

MapReduce Data Pipelines


Link to the source code

import { Source } from 'react-declarative';


const verifyCompleteEmitter = Source.multicast(() =>
    .reduce((acm, [{ state: isValid }]) => {
      if (isValid) {
        return acm + 1;
      return 0;
    }, 0)
    .tap((ticker) => {
      if (ticker === 1) {
    .filter((ticker) => ticker === CC_SECONDS_TO_VERIFY)
    .tap(() => {

Ref-managed MVVM collection

Link to the source code

import { useCollection } from "react-declarative";


const collection = useCollection({
  onChange: (collection, target) => console.log({
  initialValue: [],

const handleAdd = async () => {
  const { id, } = await fetchApi("/api/v1/counters/create", {
    method: "POST",

const handleUpsert = async () => {
  const updatedItems = await fetchApi("/api/v1/counters/list");

return (
    <button onClick={handleAdd}>Add item</button>
    <button onClick={handleUpsert}>Upsert items</button>
      { => (
        <ListItem key={} entity={entity} />

See also

import { ConstraintView } from 'react-declarative';
import { DragDropView } from 'react-declarative';
import { ScrollView } from 'react-declarative';
import { ScaleView } from 'react-declarative';
import { FadeView } from 'react-declarative';
import { TabsView } from 'react-declarative';
import { WaitView } from 'react-declarative';
import { PingView } from 'react-declarative';
import { OfflineView } from 'react-declarative';
import { RevealView } from 'react-declarative';
import { SecretView } from 'react-declarative';
import { PortalView } from 'react-declarative';
import { RecordView } from 'react-declarative';
import { CardView } from 'react-declarative';
import { ErrorView } from 'react-declarative';
import { AuthView } from 'react-declarative';
import { InfiniteView } from 'react-declarative';
import { VirtualView } from 'react-declarative';

Patterns inside

  1. MVVM - useCollection, useModel
  2. DI - provide, inject, createServiceManager
  3. Builder - useListEditor, useMediaStreamBuilder
  4. Adapter - normalizeText
  5. Observer - useChangeSubject, useSubject, useRenderWaiter, Subject, BehaviorSubject, EventEmitter, fromPromise
  6. Command - ActionTrigger, ActionFilter, ActionButton, ActionToggle, ActionMenu, ActionIcon, ActionModal, InfiniteView, VirtualView, useActionModal
  7. Coroutine - FetchView, WaitView, PingView, Async, If, useAsyncAction
  8. Routing - Switch, OutletView, getRouteParams, getRouteItem, useRouteParams, useRouteItem, createRouteItemManager, createRouteParamsManager
  9. Monad - singleshot, cancelable, queued, cached, debounce, compose, trycatch, memoize, ttl, lock
  10. Composition - VirtualView, InfiniteView, PortalView, RevealView, PingView, WaitView, FadeView, ScaleView, ScrollView, ModalManager
  11. HoC - ConstraintView, AutoSizer, FetchView, Async, If
  12. Facade - Subject, Observer
  13. Scheduled-task - Task, singlerun
  14. RAD - RecordView, CardView
  15. Functional - useActualValue, useActualCallback, useActualState, useSearchParams, useSearchState, useChange
  16. Declarative - One, List, Scaffold, Scaffold2, RecordView, CardView
  17. Reactive - EventEmitter, Subject, BehaviorSubject, Observer
  18. Lambda Architecture - Source, Operator, useSource, useSubscription
  19. Aspect Oriented - serviceManager, Source
  20. Reflection - getAvailableFields, VisibilityView
  21. Pagination - useOffsetPaginator, useCursorPaginator
  22. Feature model - useFeatureView, useVisibilityView, FeatureView, VisibilityView
  23. Software Fault Prevention - ErrorBoundary, ErrorView

Philosophy notes

  1. React: declarative vs imperative

    Declarative programming is when a more qualified specialist writing code in a way when its behavior can be changed by using external config which represent oriented graph of objects

  2. Fractal pattern

    Fractal pattern conveys that similar patterns recur progressively and the same thought process is applied to the structuring of codebase i.e All units repeat themselves.

  3. SOLID in react-declarative

    SOLID principles described by simple words with examples in a source code

  4. Product-oriented principles

    These principles will help you to keep the code as clean as possible when you need to make a MVP immediately

  5. Oriented graphs: reduce algoritm difficulty

    The real useful note for working with oriented graphs

  6. Using underected data flow for building software product line

    Useful snippets to split procedure code with the inversion of control pattern

  7. Frontend as a service bus for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    Serverless compution pros and no cons with react-declarative

  8. Make SPA Java again

    The problem of clean architecture in modern React apps


P.S. Got a question? Feel free to write It in issues, I need traffic

MIT @tripolskypetr

External References

  1. Playground
  2. Storybook
  3. Typedoc


Dude, you reached that point, omg. Could you Star it on GitHub plz)

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