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react-dnd's Issues

Expose a sane API for target's dropEffect

You can supply effectsAllowed in drag source's beginDrag() but there is no way to specify drop target's dropEffect other than via native browser event:

      dropTarget: {
        over(item, e) {
          if ( === e.currentTarget) {
            e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'move';

We should probably abstract that away by adding an optional getDropEffect(allowedEffects) to drop target's contract. When it is implemented, it will be used to set dropEffect in dragenter and dragover events. Additionally, when drop target is inactive, we should specify none as dropEffect ourselves. Mixin should compare === e.currentTarget before setting e.dataTransfer.dropEffect inside the mixin so parent drop zones don't override children when propagating dragenter and dragover.

Ask about the dataTransfer dragpreview

I am writing a custom drag and drop sortable. I got the problem which example of sortable solved. But I want to self write my own lib with small function.

My problem is how to style the drag source and drop target with different style. (In this case, the drop target maybe blank and drag source is our component). I read code and see the lib use dataTransfer and setDragImage is dragpreview. But I don't know how to get the dragpreview.

Any body suggest me a simple solution?

Remove support for deprecated API

Before proceeding with other issues like drag source key tracking, we need a PR against 1.0 branch that removes support for deprecated API.

@nelix Would you like to take this?

Change API to make configureDragDrop static

I propose we make configureDragDrop static, and pass current component as the first argument to each method. This change is a stepping stone to fix endDrag not firing on unmounted component (#38, we'll pass null as component) and also a stepping stone to allow “resurfacing” drag sources (#53, we'll pass another component as component).

I'd like this change to be implemented in a backward-compatible way with a deprecation warning. We will make it a breaking change in 1.0 with #48.

  • Support static configureDragDrop and pass component as the first argument to all methods
  • Update the docs to use the new way
  • Add a deprecation warning with upgrade instructions but still allow old-style configureDragDrop definitions (without component parameter)
  • Make sure deprecation warning is logged once per class and includes class name (like React's own warnings)
  • Prepare a separate PR that removes deprecation warning and makes it a breaking change. We will do that on 1.0 branch.

Any comments or volunteers?

@hakanderyal @nelix

Clean up event handlers after unmounting

As we move towards implementing alternative backends, we need to make NativeDragDropSupport clean up after itself when last draggable/droppable component is unmounted. Something like setup() and teardown().

DropTarget to filter accepted dropped files

First of all, thanks for the great work.

I've just used it to create a d&d area for files to be uploaded, and works just file. I have

configureDragDrop: function(register) {
    register(NativeDragItemTypes.FILE, {
    dropTarget: {
        enter: function(component){

            leave: function(component){

            acceptDrop: function(component, item) {

I also have a file input and keep the file input & drag-drop area in sync. So users can upload either via file input or via drag-drop.
My problem is that with the file input, I can filter files by specifing the accept attribute. Is there a way to specify the accept attribute for the droptarget?

(I know I could filter them in the acceptDrop, but that is not idiomatic)


Attempt to restore state after an error in consuming code

If consumer code fails inside drag-n-drop hooks (enter, acceptDrop, etc), we should rethrow, but it would be nice to wrap these calls into try-finally to restore state when it makes sense. For example, an error inside acceptDrop shouldn't cause mixin to go into “waiting for drop” mode forever.

demo not working on phone

If I load the demo on my phone I can't move anything.
Are touch events supported? If not do you think it would be possible to use this library with some existing scripts that map touch events to mouse events?

hovering trouble
Hello! I think that I found trouble in this.getDropState(TYPE).isHovering. As you can see on the screenshot above when there is some drop targets in hierarchy they are ALL has isHovering state.
But I think that hovering state shouldn't bubble from child to parent (on screenshot red arrows show where hovering is wrong).

Thank you!

Touch backend

It'd be killer if there was a touch backend that would be switched-in automatically for touch devices.

Naming change suggestions

If you think some parts of API have confusing naming, please suggest alternatives here.

I'd start with

  • registerType -> register
  • dropState.isHovering -> dropState.isOver

Anything else?

undefined is not a function in isAnyDropTargetActive

I tried copying for code from the 'simple' example but have not been able to get it to work. I get a continuous (when the dragged item is hovering over the drop target)
undefined is not a function error in isAnyDropTargetActive

Strangely, when i put a break point on that function and step through, i don't get that error but instead get another error - can't read property 0 of null in getDropEffect function. Looks like it's trying to get [0] index of null (_effectsAllowed)

I tried going back to version 0.6.0, but the same problem persists.

Screenshot of the stack trace -

screen shot 2014-12-04 at 6 56 15 pm

Positioning of dragPreview

Привет. Hi.
I'm using this component and render cell into their column which have DragDropMixin, it almost working, however positioning of dragPreview begins with first element in table(even header). I'm wonder, is it something we can control? Or is it internals of fixed-data-table?

React warnings using React 0.12.0

Using react-dnd with React 0.12.0 is giving me a few warnings due to changes to React in the most recent version, namely:

react/lib/copyProperties has been deprecated and will be removed in the next version of React. All uses can be replaced with Object.assign(obj, a, b, ...) or _.extend(obj, a, b, ...).


react/lib/merge has been deprecated and will be removed in the next version of React. All uses can be replaced with Object.assign({}, a, b) or _.extend({}, a, b).

A build step to apply ES6 transforms?

I intend to keep using some ES6 features in this code.

If you're using JSX, you can specify harmony: true (jsx?harmony in Webpack) in your JSX build step to get them for free. If not, I don't mind accepting a PR that adds a build step before publishing to NPM; however I won't accept a PR downgrading to ES5.

Kanban example


I see that there was a kanban example in progress. When do you think release it ?
Do you have a working progress example so i could help you finish it ?


Drag preview animates to wrong position in WebKit

When we drop drag preview outside any drop zone, WebKit performs a “return” animation to where the DOM node is.

However if we have moved DOM node itself (common pattern when re-ordering items), and later drop item outside of any drop zone, WebKit still animates the drag preview—but to its old position. In other words, WebKit doesn't realize source DOM node has moved.

Support Safari 8

With dragPreview: Image, Safari 8 seems to calculate drag offsets differently in my Yosemite beta. Need to update to the released Yosemite and verify it behaves differently, add a check for Safari 8 and apply whatever changes it needs.

Documentation and examples

I'll add a usage overview in README but it would be nice to make a Github page with a sample app.
If anyone's interested, let me know.

acceptDrop is not called when there is over method

In the example below acceptDrop is not called:

configureDragDrop(registerType) {
        registerType(DndTypes.ITEM, {
            dragSource: {
                beginDrag() {
                    return {
                        item: {

            dropTarget: {
                over(item) {
                    return true;

                acceptDrop() {

Sortable example doesn't work in IE

I fixed a few IE crashes in 0.6.2 but for some reason sortable example does not appear to be working in IE11 (items are dragged but not moved). It's either an issue with the example (lacking or differently named MouseEvent properties?), or with some part of library—worth investigating.

Support dragging multiple elements

There is a common pattern that is hard to implement with native drag and drop: dragging multiple elements. While selection mechanics might vary from app to app (cmd+clicking, checkboxes, predefined groups), but it would be nice to at least make it possible to support this scenario.

screen shot 2014-10-26 at 1 07 07

Because multiple dragged items may not be siblings in DOM and setDragImage(element, x, y) is pretty much insane and hasn't gotten any better, we won't burden ourselves with trying to render several elements in drag preview at once.

How can we help implement this scenario, if we can't show a "multiple" drag preview?

In a way, this scenario is already possible: consumers can manually keep track of selected elements, set dragPreview to some kind of generic placeholder Image and react appropriately to the dropping of (as far as business logic is concerned) several elements.

However there is currently no supported way for one element to know that it's part of a group that's being dragged. From react-dnd's point of view, if we drag something, this component gets getDragState(type).isDragging = true, but other components don't. From your app point of view, if you support multiple selection, you want all logically "selected" items to be aware that they're being dragged, even if only one of them is being actually "DOM-dragged".

What we need is a way for components to tell react-dnd that, “hey, although onDragStart was received by another component, I want to pretend that I'm being dragged too, and have my getDragState(type) mirror dragged component's getDragState(type), and have my endDrag(didDrop) called too so I could do my stuff”.

How would components opt into that?

Separate (mostly complete) backend refactoring and DragLayerMixin from (work in progress) backends

We need to bring code in backend-mousemove branch up to date with changes from 1.0 branch. Currently they're diverged. This involves some manual merging between DragDropMixin (from 1.0) and createDragDropMixin (from backend-mousemove).

After this is done, I suggest we extract a separate branch that contains parts of backend-mousemove not related to MouseMove/TouchMove backends. This should include: potential support for these backends via createDragDropMixin(backend) and backends\HTML5, some new helpers in utils.

This should also include DragFeedbackMixin (let's rename it to DragLayerMixin) and drag-around-experimental example, but without MouseDragDropMixin—let it use HTML5 backend instead (as it actually did before). This would be our only new example in this branch.

The goal is to have custom rendering (via DragFeedbackMixin) and backend refactoring for 1.0.

When this is done, we will need to fix this TODO and merge the result into 1.0.

Next steps would be:

  • adding getKey (#64) and proper resurfacing support;
  • implementing actual mouse/touch backends.

Is the any ghost mode?

I want to drag elements to o container, but after I drop them on target they will go back.

The original item stays on his place, but dragging moves a ghost of it.

Add a testing backend

After v1.0 and #48, we will probably want to make our testing story better. Taking cues react-router, we will implement TestBackend, a special drag-and-drop backend that allows you to simulate and test drag and drop without actually firing any browser events.

0.8 umbrella

  • Expose DragLayerMixin
  • Separate backend refactoring
  • Combine custom & experimental drag layer examples
  • Remove memoize TODO in HTML5 backend
  • Instead of x and y, figure out what we should keep in DragLayer state
  • Still allow legacy API
  • Document new APIs

Gracefully handle deletion of source node while dragging

I noticed that if I remove drag source node while drag operation is in progress, it never finishes. The reason for this is dragend not firing on removed elements.

We should perhaps add top-level window drop handler around here to check if drag source node was removed from DOM. In this case, we should somehow invoke pending handleDragEnd because the component might still be mounted (even though one of inner nodes was removed).

We need to think if we should invoke handleDragEnd if the component itself is unmounted by the time it happens. Probably not, but this would break beginDrag/endDrag symmetry. Another option is to invoke endDrag in componentWillUnmount with didDrop=false if there is a pending drag operation by the time component is unmounted.

endDrag function on component not being called when item is removed from DOM

I'm using react-dnd for a kanban board app (trello like), and when moving a card to another list (thus unmounting source component during drag), the endDrag function is not called, as the listeners for DragDropStore are removed on unmount.

As a workaround, I've added a _lastDraggedItem and getLastDraggedItem to DragDropStore, and subscribed to DragDropStore on parent component, handling the endDrag there. As we clear the variables in DragDropStore before firing the DRAG_END event, I couldn't find any other way to get dragged item.

The reason I'm not using DROP event is, it's not fired when the item is dropped outside of browser window, only DRAG_END is fired.

It works but it's messy, breaking the beginDrag & endDrag symmetry.

Are there any other ways to trigger a function on endDrag, with access to dragged item?

Or if is this a valid usecase for others, should we add my workaround to the repo?

Stopping propagation

With nested dropzones, we need to make it possible for child dropzone to “take over”, so that parent becomes inactive when item is dragged over child.

While it's possible to do e.stopPropagation() inside over / leave / enter / acceptDrop, it interferes with how react-dnd works around brower hacks because events never reach window in this case.

I'm not sure how to handle this yet.

Drop event is not triggered when item is removed from DOM after dragging starts and dropped outside of browser window in Chrome

Thanks for awesome lib.

On Chrome, if I remove the item from DOM after dragging starts, and drop the item outside of the browser window, drop event is not triggered. (I'm checking it on DragDropStore).

No problems on FF, when mouse is moved out of the browser window, drop event triggers immediately.

As a workaround, I've removed the isFirefox() check from the _lastDragSourceCheckTimeout in NativeDragDropSupport.js, but haven't tested much yet if it breaks normal functionality in Chrome.

Looked around the source code a little bit for another fix, but couldn't come up with any.

Deprecate `e` parameter

We should gather all valid use cases for it and allow to do the same via context passed to configureDragDrop. For example, you can already get the delta between start and current drag positions by calling getCurrentOffsetDelta.

This will be a breaking change in 1.0. We want to do this because doing something like e.preventPropagation was always bad (instead we need #87), and we want to hide internals better so people don't rely on particular drag and drop implementation, and adding touch support in future is easier.

Figure out the API for nested drop targets

We want to support nested drop target, but make it easy for parent targets to opt out of events when children are active. We have several requirements:

  • No use of e argument for e.stopPropagation and the likes. Ideally, we'll deprecate e and stop passing it in 1.0.
  • Children shouldn't decide whether parents get the events. There may be cases when parent cares about over (e.g. to scroll the view) even if it doesn't handle drag. For this reason, each drop target should be able to decide on its own whether it wants to react to drop and whether it needs to hover.

We already note nesting in acceptDrop: if isHandled is true, this means some child has already handled drop before us (and parent may decide not to do anything in this case). We need a similar API for enter/over/leave as well as their this.getDropState(type).isHovering counterpart.
#85 starts this work by adding a nested dustbin example. We want to find a good API to make it work.

There's an attempt at adding API for this in #76 but it's currently too noisy. @itrelease, can you please write down the API you're proposing there? Or else you can reimplement it on top of #85 so we can see where you're heading.

This issue supersedes #75.

Using browserify with react-dnd

I have a short experience with compiled javascript and I am using browserify to compile and concat my scripts.

When I include var DragDropMixin = require('react-dnd');, I have the following error in the browser

Uncaught ReferenceError: Reflect is not defined main.js:3974(anonymous function) main.js:3974./DOMPropertyOperations main.js:3979s main.js:1(anonymous function) main.js:1./React main.js:7296s main.js:1(anonymous function) main.js:1./ReactLink main.js:3626s main.js:1(anonymous function) main.js:1(anonymous function) main.js:9145./LinkedStateMixin main.js:9173s main.js:1(anonymous function) main.js:1./lib/ReactWithAddons main.js:1830s main.js:1(anonymous function) main.js:1./components/RealManager main.js:11952s main.js:1e main.js:1(anonymous function) main.js:1

My gulfile looks like this

gulp.task('browserify', function () {
.pipe(browserify({transform: browserifyTransform}))

Any idea?

Make dragPreview: null correspond to "empty image", fix it in IE

I noticed that on IE the hack with setting a transparent pixel image as dragPreview does not work for some reason.

We need to

  • fix it for IE (assuming it is possible at all);
  • make it easy to achieve the same without having consumer write getEmptyImage.

Maybe, adding an empty DOM node to the document and using it as dragPreview will work. I'm not sure.

It any case, I suggest we do this when dragPreview is explicitly set to be null rather than undefined. We'll just do whatever we need to hide it in all browsers including IE.

Support animations in DragLayerMixin

0.8.0 adds DragLayerMixin which allows you to implement custom drawing layer:

If you turn on snapping, you'll notice transition is abrupt. It would be nice to let DragLayerMixin consumer delay endDrag until it performs some animation.

I don't want to think hard about this until 1.0 is out, but I'll keep an issue for posterity.

ES5 examples

Greetings. I have a use case in ES5 (not surprisingly), so it is great to have the mixing in ES5 as provided. However, I find it hard to parse ES6 in my head at the same time that I try to understand how the mixing works in the examples...

Is there any change you’ll eventually add ES5 examples :)

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