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hare's Issues

<command> not supported

Originally by @atondwal

Built from master with

sh-4.2$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.4.1
sh-4.2$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
using version of the Cabal library 

I run into:

sh-4.2$ ghc-hare help
"help" not supported

ghc-hare version
         ghc-hare demote [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename line col
         ghc-hare dupdef [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename newname line col
         ghc-hare iftocase [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename startline startcol endline endcol
         ghc-hare liftOneLevel [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename line col
         ghc-hare liftToTopLevel [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename line col
         ghc-hare rename [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename newname line col
         ghc-hare help

  -m FILE    --mainfile=FILE  Main file name if not specified in cabal file
  -g ghcOpt  --ghcOpt=ghcOpt  GHC options
  -v         --verbose        debug logging on
  -b sep     --boundary=sep   specify line separator (default is Nul string)

and this is the case for any command I try.

addOneParam issue

I wanted to try out hare from the command line and I have some "strange" results [22:46:53]
actually I tried "rename" and "addOneParam" on a very simple function, but all that happened is the function definition get duplicated [22:47:42]

@kmate, please provide details

Rename messes up exports list

I'm using haskell-ide-engine (commit cc71e5bd, and the version of HaRe that this depends on) with Sublime Text HST and when renaming the function name at this line with it to pooledMapConcurrently2, it modifies the file like so:

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module PooledMapConcurrently
pooledMapConcurrently2 :: (Traversable t, MonadIO m, Async.Forall (Async.Pure m), MonadBaseControl IO m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
pooledMapConcurrently2 f xs = do
  , pooledMapConcurrently'
  ) where

import           Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted (Concurrently(..))
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as Async
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar.Lifted
import           Control.Monad.Trans
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Traversable
import           GHC.Conc (getNumCapabilities)

  ( pooledMapConcurrently2
  numProcs <- liftIO getNumCapabilities
  pooledMapConcurrently' numProcs f xs

pooledMapConcurrently' :: forall t m a b . (Traversable t, MonadIO m, Async.Forall (Async.Pure m), MonadBaseControl IO m) => Int -> (a -> m b) -> t a -> m (t b)
pooledMapConcurrently' numThreads f xs = if numThreads < 1
 then error ("pooledMapConcurrently: numThreads < 1 (" ++ show numThreads ++ ")")
 else do

   jobs :: t (a, IORef b) <- liftIO $ for xs (\x -> (x, ) <$> newIORef (error "pooledMapConcurrently: empty IORef"))

   jobsVar :: MVar [(a, IORef b)] <- liftIO $ newMVar (toList jobs)

   runConcurrently $ for_ [1..numThreads] $ \_ -> Concurrently $ do
     let loop :: m ()
         loop = do
           m'job :: Maybe (a, IORef b) <- liftIO $ modifyMVar jobsVar $ \case
             [] -> return ([], Nothing)
             var : vars -> return (vars, Just var)
           for_ m'job $ \(x, outRef) -> do
             y <- f x
             liftIO $ atomicWriteIORef outRef y

   liftIO $ for jobs (\(_, outputRef) -> readIORef outputRef)

Note the broken exports list and the function losing its type signature and first line.

Lifting pattern bindings makes variables escape their scope

f x = let (a, b) = (x, x) in a

liftToTopLevel-ing a results in

f x = (a x)

(a, b) = (x, x)

A simple fix is to refuse to lift such declarations, though it might be interesting to implement something less trivial in the future.

f x = a x
a x = fst (x, x)
b x = snd (x, x)

(error "SafeList")

I am trying to get HaRe set up in emacs and when I try to rename a local variable it asks what new name I want to use, then prints something like this in the minibuffer:

[1 of 5]

I tried running ghc-hare --version as the README suggets, and I get an error, but it does also show the version:

% ghc-hare --version
unrecognized option `--version'

ghc-hare version
	 ghc-hare demote [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename line col
	 ghc-hare dupdef [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename newname line col
	 ghc-hare iftocase [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename startline startcol endline endcol
	 ghc-hare liftOneLevel [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename line col
	 ghc-hare liftToTopLevel [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename line col
	 ghc-hare rename [-g GHC_opt1 -g GHC_opt2 ...] filename newname line col
	 ghc-hare help

  -v  --verbose  debug logging on

So I tried manually running it on a file and I get:

% ghc-hare rename src/Focus/Wheatley/DSL/Subs/BlobSearch.hs 29 39
(error "SafeList")

I searched for occurences of SafeList in the HaRe source but came up empty handed so I'm a bit stumped as to how to proceed.

Any guidance would be appreciated, as HaRe looks awesome!

Output a patch instead

I was wondering if it would be possible for ghc-hare to produce a patch or a diff instead of refactored files.

Support for lts 11.5

I can't install Hare for lts 11.5 - I assume it is not supported, or am I doing something wrong?

Add inline type synonym

I think it might be nice for HaRe to be able to inline and remove a given type synonym. It's not particularly common, but its a trivial refactor that is automatable.

Wish list items

From reddit

"I'd imagine the IDE tooling would be seriously impressive. Some features off the top of my head:

  • Quick abstraction. You highlight a bit of code, press a hotkey, type in a function name and it splits out into its own function.

  • An inliner. Similar to the above, it could replace a call to a function with an inlined version if you wanted to get rid of some abstraction with the option to inline it via a lambda.

  • Some 'quality of life' things like converting between let and where wish the push of a hotkey.

  • Automatic converter to pointfree similar to

  • Autocomplete that takes types into account.

  • Function search of libraries integrated via hoogle.

  • type 'coercer' such as you type in a function and it needs a text, but you gave it a string, it could add the corresponding conversion function.

  • Convert between sugared and non sugared code, such as do syntax."

More intelligent module graph processing

When a test suite or executable lists the library in a cabal file as a dependency, process a consolidated module graph for it, as if each module of the library was explicitly listed in the other-modules section

This may require changes to ghc-mod

Consider not using `canonicalizePath`

There is a long-standing issue in VS Code that causes diagnostic reports (such as via haskell-lsp) to be treated as if they apply to a different file on case-insensitive file systems, if Code was opened in a non-canonically-cased path.

For example:

cd c:\users\myself\projects\my-project
code .

According to the HIE log, haskell-lsp was initialized in the directory


and HaRe is sending back messages for the URI


The associated diagnostics (squiggles etc.) do not appear in the expected editor window; instead, VS Code reports a problem in what appears to be a distinct file, at the canonicalized path, which by this point is out of sync with my original file (since it lacks changes that had not yet been saved to disk).

There are a couple of workarounds for this:

  • Only open Code using the context menu in Explorer, so that it isn't loaded in a non-canonically-cased directory
  • Use tab completion in PowerShell (or whatever) when running code on the command line, which automatically corrects casing

This still leaves the issue as a gotcha if the user happens to overlook an incorrectly-cased directory at the command prompt. Given that the VS Code issue has been open for a year and a half, with several apparently unsuccessful attempts at resolving it, I wonder if it would be easier to fix it here by avoiding changing the casing on the path after refactoring.

Unfortunately I don't know enough about how HaRe works to know if that would break other stuff. Does anyone know if it is sufficient to call System.Directory.makeAbsolute, or is the canonicalization necessary for other reasons so we cannot address it here?

Relevant commits include

Running HaRe on emacs prints Res=[1 of 5] with no code change


f = bottomFunc 1
  where bottomFunc n = n +1 -- cursor is on the beginning of "buttomFunc"

I run hare-refactor-lift-one and the result in *Messages* reads:

Res=[1 of 5]

There is no change of code in my buffer or project directory. The same happens when I try to run hare-refactor-rename, etc. What does this mean? How do I fix it?

Cannot process hlint pragma with string cast

Trying to rename something in a file with

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce"         :: String) #-}

results in

<- {"fail":{"msg":"rename: \"hsVisibleDsRdr nm:no match for:
(L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:1-65} 
 (HsAnnotation \"{-# ANN\" 
  (L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:16-61} 
    (L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:17-60} 
      (L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:17-42} 
        (HsString \"\\\"HLint: ignore Eta reduce\\\"\" {FastString: \"HLint: ignore Eta reduce\"}))) 
        (L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:55-60} 
           (L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:55-60} 
             (L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:55-60} 
               (L {src/Language/Haskell/LSP/Core.hs:50:55-60} 
                (Unqual {OccName: String}))))))]))))))))))\"","code":"PluginError","info":null}}

HaRe with ghc 8.0.2 on MacOS 10.12.3: Doc missing. Where to get elisp?

Hi, I am trying to get HaRe Version x86_64 to run with ghc 8.0.2 on MacOs 10.12.3

The wiki says "(add-to-load-path "~/.cabal/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.2/HaRe-")".
On mac, that's obviously wrong. However I did not find any other place where the HaRe elisp got installed. Please advise and provide documentation.

Regards, Andy

Cannot rename qualification

Renaming fails when trying to change LL to L in the following snippet

import Data.List as LL

foo = 'a' LL.: ['b']

report appropriately when parsing/renaming/typechecking fails

By definition HaRe can only change code that already compiles.

If a refactoring is attempted and the compilation fails while loading a module, report this appropriately, so an IDE can report it as an underlying source error rather than an error in the refactoring being attempted, or in HaRe

The HaRe library gets compiled twice

The code for both the library and the executable is in the same directory. When compiling the executable, GHC does not look in the HaRe library it just built, but instead thinks that the code in src/ is part of the executable and compiles it again from scratch.

The compilation time of the package can be halved by moving the library or the executable in separate directories.

Emacs error reporting

When trying any refactoring from the "Refactorer" menu I get nothing but errors.

From the Messages buffer:

equal: Wrong type argument: sequencep, RefSet
equal: Wrong type argument: sequencep, cabal-helper-wrapper:

I use stack lts-4.0 with a recent ghc emacs plugin.

I installed hare and ghc-mod via stack.

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