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ccm's Introduction

CCM (Cassandra Cluster Manager)

WARNING - CCM configuration changes using updateconf does not happen according to CASSANDRA-17379

After CASSANDRA-15234, to support the Python upgrade tests CCM updateconf is replacing new key name and value in case the old key name and value is provided.
For example, if you add to config permissions_validity_in_ms, it will replace permissions_validity in default cassandra.yaml This was needed to ensure correct overloading as CCM cassandra.yaml has keys sorted lexicographically. CASSANDRA-17379 was opened to improve the user experience and deprecate the overloading of parameters in cassandra.yaml. In CASSANDRA 4.1+, by default, we refuse starting Cassandra with a config containing both old and new config keys for the same parameter. Start Cassandra with -Dcassandra.allow_new_old_config_keys=true to override. For historical reasons duplicate config keys in cassandra.yaml are allowed by default, start Cassandra with -Dcassandra.allow_duplicate_config_keys=false to disallow this. Please note that key_cache_save_period, row_cache_save_period, counter_cache_save_period will be affected only by -Dcassandra.allow_duplicate_config_keys. Ticket CASSANDRA-17949 was opened to decide the future of CCM updateconf post CASSANDRA-17379, until then - bear in mind that old replace new parameters' in cassandra.yaml when using updateconf even if -Dcassandra.allow_new_old_config_keys=false is set by default.

TLDR Do not exercise overloading of parameters in CCM if possible. Also, the mentioned changes are done only in master branch. Probably the best way to handle cassandra 4.1 in CCM at this point is to set -Dcassandra.allow_new_old_config_keys=false and -Dcassandra.allow_duplicate_config_keys=false to prohibit any kind of overloading when using CCM master and CCM released versions

CCM (Cassandra Cluster Manager)

A script/library to create, launch and remove an Apache Cassandra cluster on localhost.

The goal of ccm and ccmlib is to make it easy to create, manage and destroy a small Cassandra cluster on a local box. It is meant for testing a Cassandra cluster.

New to Python development?

Python has moved on since CCM started development. pip is the new easy_install, Python 3 is the new 2.7, and pyenv and virtualenv are strongly recommended for managing multiple Python versions and dependencies for specific Python applications.

A typical MacOS setup would be to install Homebrew, then brew install pyenv to manage Python versions and then use virtualenv to manage the dependencies for CCM. Make sure to add brew's bin directory to your path in your ~/.zshenv. This would be /usr/local for MacOS Intel and /opt/homebrew/ for MacOS on Apple Silicon.

Now you are ready to install Python using pyenv. To avoid getting a bleeding edge version that will fail with some aspect of CCM you can pyenv install 3.9.16.

To create the virtualenv run python3 -m venv --prompt ccm venv with your git repo as the current working directory to create a virtual environment for CCM. Then source venv/bin/activate to enable the venv for the current terminal and deactivate to exit.

Now you a ready to set up the venv with CCM and its test dependencies. pip install -e <path_to_ccm_repo> to install CCM, and its runtime dependencies from requirements.txt, so that the version of CCM you are running points to the code you are actively working on. There is no build or package step because you are editing the Python files being run every time you invoke CCM.

Almost there. Now you just need to add the test dependencies that are not in requirements.txt. pip install mock pytest requests to finish setting up your dev environment!

Another caveat that has recently appeared Cassandra versions 4.0 and below ship with a version of JNA that isn't compatible with Apple Silicon and there are no plans to update JNA on those versions. One work around if you are generally building Cassandra from source to use with CCM is to replace the JNA jar in your Maven repo with a newer one that supports Apple Silicon. Which you version you need to replace will vary depending on the Cassandra version, but it will normally be in ~/.m2/repository/net/java/dev/jna/jna/<someversion>. You can also replace the library in ~/.ccm/repository/<whatever>/lib.

Also don't forget to disable AirPlay Receiver on MacOS which also listens on port 7000.


  • A working python installation (tested to work with python 2.7).

  • See requirements.txt for runtime requirements

  • mock and pytest for tests

  • ant (, on Mac OS X, brew install ant)

  • Java, Cassandra currently builds with either 8 or 11 and is restricted to JDK 8 language features and dependencies. There are several sources for the JDK and Azul Zulu is one good option.

  • If you want to create multiple node clusters, the simplest way is to use multiple loopback aliases. On modern linux distributions you probably don't need to do anything, but on Mac OS X, you will need to create the aliases with

    sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up
    sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up

    Note that the usage section assumes that at least, and are available.

Optional Requirements

Note: The remote machine must be configured with an SSH server and a working CCM. When working with multiple nodes each exposed IP address must be in sequential order. For example, the last number in the 4th octet of a IPv4 address must start with 1 (e.g. See Vagrantfile for help with configuration of remote CCM machine.

Known issues

Windows only:

  • node start pops up a window, stealing focus.
  • cqlsh started from ccm show incorrect prompts on command-prompt
  • non nodetool-based command-line options fail (sstablesplit, scrub, etc)
  • To install psutil, you must use the .msi from pypi. pip install psutil will not work
  • You will need ant.bat in your PATH in order to build C* from source
  • You must run with an Unrestricted Powershell Execution-Policy if using Cassandra 2.1.0+
  • Ant installed via chocolatey will not be found by ccm, so you must create a symbolic link in order to fix the issue (as administrator):
    • cmd /c mklink C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\ant.bat C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\ant.exe

MaxOS only:

  • Airplay listens for incoming connections on 7000 so disable Settings -> General -> AirDrop & Handoff -> AirPlay Receiver

Remote Execution only:

  • Using --config-dir and --install-dir with create may not work as expected; since the configuration directory and the installation directory contain lots of files they will not be copied over to the remote machine like most other options for cluster and node operations
  • cqlsh started from ccm using remote execution will not start properly (e.g.ccm --ssh-host node1 cqlsh); however -x <CMDS> or --exec=CMDS can still be used to execute a CQLSH command on a remote node.


ccm uses python distutils so from the source directory run:

sudo ./ install

ccm is available on the Python Package Index:

pip install ccm

There is also a Homebrew package available:

brew install ccm


Let's say you wanted to fire up a 3 node Cassandra cluster.

Short version

ccm create test -v 2.0.5 -n 3 -s

You will of course want to replace 2.0.5 by whichever version of Cassandra you want to test.

Longer version

ccm works from a Cassandra source tree (not the jars). There are two ways to tell ccm how to find the sources:

  1. If you have downloaded and compiled Cassandra sources, you can ask ccm to use those by initiating a new cluster with:

    ccm create test --install-dir=<path/to/cassandra-sources>

    or, from that source tree directory, simply

     ccm create test
  2. You can ask ccm to use a released version of Cassandra. For instance to use Cassandra 2.0.5, run

     ccm create test -v 2.0.5

    ccm will download the binary (from, and set the new cluster to use it. This means that this command can take a few minutes the first time you create a cluster for a given version. ccm saves the compiled source in ~/.ccm/repository/, so creating a cluster for that version will be much faster the second time you run it (note however that if you create a lot of clusters with different versions, this will take up disk space).

Once the cluster is created, you can populate it with 3 nodes with:

ccm populate -n 3

For Mac OSX, create a new interface for every node besides the first, for example if you populated your cluster with 3 nodes, create interfaces for and like so:

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias
sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

Note these aliases will disappear on reboot. For permanent network aliases on Mac OSX see Network Aliases.

After that execute:

ccm start

That will start 3 nodes on IP 127.0.0.[1, 2, 3] on port 9160 for thrift, port 7000 for the internal cluster communication and ports 7100, 7200 and 7300 for JMX. You can check that the cluster is correctly set up with

ccm node1 ring

You can then bootstrap a 4th node with

ccm add node4 -i -j 7400 -b

(populate is just a shortcut for adding multiple nodes initially)

ccm provides a number of conveniences, like flushing all of the nodes of the cluster:

ccm flush

or only one node:

ccm node2 flush

You can also easily look at the log file of a given node with:

ccm node1 showlog

Finally, you can get rid of the whole cluster (which will stop the node and remove all the data) with

ccm remove

The list of other provided commands is available through


Each command is then documented through the -h (or --help) flag. For instance ccm add -h describes the options for ccm add.

Remote Usage (SSH/Paramiko)

All the usage examples above will work exactly the same for a remotely configured machine; however remote options are required in order to establish a connection to the remote machine before executing the CCM commands:

Argument Value Description
--ssh-host string Hostname or IP address to use for SSH connection
--ssh-port int Port to use for SSH connection
Default is 22
--ssh-username string Username to use for username/password or public key authentication
--ssh-password string Password to use for username/password or private key passphrase using public key authentication
--ssh-private-key filename Private key to use for SSH connection

Special Handling

Some commands require files to be located on the remote server. Those commands are pre-processed, file transfers are initiated, and updates are made to the argument value for the remote execution of the CCM command:

Parameter Description
--dse-credentials Copy local DSE credentials file to remote server
--node-ssl Recursively copy node SSL directory to remote server
--ssl Recursively copy SSL directory to remote server

Short Version

ccm --ssh-host= --ssh-username=vagrant --ssh-password=vagrant create test -v 2.0.5 -n 3 -i -s

Note: -i is used to add an IP prefix during the create process to ensure that the nodes communicate using the proper IP address for their node

Source Distribution

If you'd like to use a source distribution instead of the default binary each time (for example, for Continuous Integration), you can prefix cassandra version with source:, for example:

ccm create test -v source:2.0.5 -n 3 -s

Automatic Version Fallback

If 'binary:' or 'source:' are not explicitly specified in your version string, then ccm will fallback to building the requested version from git if it cannot access the apache mirrors.

Git and GitHub

To use the latest version from the canonical Apache Git repository, use the version name git:branch-name, e.g.:

ccm create trunk -v git:trunk -n 5

and to download a branch from a GitHub fork of Cassandra, you can prefix the repository and branch with github:, e.g.:

ccm create patched -v github:jbellis/trunk -n 1

Bash command-line completion

ccm has many sub-commands for both cluster commands as well as node commands, and sometimes you don't quite remember the name of the sub-command you want to invoke. Also, command lines may be long due to long cluster or node names.

Leverage bash's programmable completion feature to make ccm use more pleasant. Copy misc/ccm-completion.bash to somewhere in your home directory (or /etc if you want to make it accessible to all users of your system) and source it in your .bash_profile:

. ~/scripts/ccm-completion.bash

Once set up, ccm sw<tab> expands to ccm switch , for example. The switch sub-command has extra completion logic to help complete the cluster name. So ccm switch cl<tab> would expand to ccm switch cluster-58 if cluster-58 is the only cluster whose name starts with "cl". If there is ambiguity, hitting <tab> a second time shows the choices that match:

$ ccm switch cl<tab>
    ... becomes ...
$ ccm switch cluster-
    ... then hit tab twice ...
cluster-56  cluster-85  cluster-96
$ ccm switch cluster-8<tab>
    ... becomes ...
$ ccm switch cluster-85

It dynamically determines available sub-commands based on the ccm being invoked. Thus, users running multiple ccm's (or a ccm that they are continuously updating with new commands) will automagically work.

The completion script relies on ccm having two hidden subcommands:

  • show-cluster-cmds - emits the names of cluster sub-commands.
  • show-node-cmds - emits the names of node sub-commands.

Thus, it will not work with sufficiently old versions of ccm.


Create a virtual environment i.e.:

python3 -m venv ccm

pip install all dependencies as well as mock and pytest. Run pytest from the repository root to run the tests.

Remote debugging

If you would like to connect to your Cassandra nodes with a remote debugger you have to pass the -d (or --debug) flag to the populate command:

ccm populate -d -n 3

That will populate 3 nodes on IP 127.0.0.[1, 2, 3] setting up the remote debugging on ports 2100, 2200 and 2300. The main thread will not be suspended so you don't have to connect with a remote debugger to start a node.

Alternatively you can also specify a remote port with the -r (or --remote-debug-port) flag while adding a node

ccm add node4 -r 5005 -i -j 7400 -b

Where things are stored

By default, ccm stores all the node data and configuration files under ~/.ccm/cluster_name/. This can be overridden using the --config-dir option with each command.

DataStax Enterprise

CCM 2.0 supports creating and interacting with DSE clusters. The --dse option must be used with the ccm create command. See the ccm create -h help for assistance.


The ccm facilities are available programmatically through ccmlib. This could be used to implement automated tests against Cassandra. A simple example of how to use ccmlib follows:

import ccmlib.cluster

cluster = ccmlib.cluster.Cluster(CLUSTER_PATH, 'test', cassandra_version='2.1.14')
[node1, node2, node3] = cluster.nodelist()

# do some tests on the cluster/nodes. To connect to a node through thrift,
# the host and port to a node is available through
#   node.network_interfaces['thrift']


# do some other tests

# after the test, you can leave the cluster running, you can stop all nodes
# using cluster.stop() but keep the data around (in CLUSTER_PATH/test), or
# you can remove everything with cluster.remove()

-- Sylvain Lebresne [email protected]

ccm's People


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ccm's Issues

populate should create balanced ring

Currently, running ccm populate -n 3 does not create a balanced ring. No initial_token is set for any nodes, so they end up picking their own at startup. There is a method in for generating a balanced ring, but running a grep on the codebase shows that it is never used.

I propose having something like this in Cluster.populate:

if tokens is None:
    tokens = Cluster.balanced_tokens(node_count)

Using release version of Cassandra fails

Here's the output:

$ ccm create test -v 1.0.7
Downloading to /tmp/ccm-d0wjTS.tar.gz (7.536MB)
5515607 [69.80%]
Extracting /tmp/ccm-d0wjTS.tar.gz as version 1.0.7 ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/ccm", line 68, in
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ccmlib/cmds/", line 67, in run
cluster = Cluster(self.path,, cassandra_dir=self.options.cassandra_dir, cassandra_version=self.options.cassandra_version, verbose=True)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ccmlib/", line 29, in init
dir, v = repository.setup(cassandra_version, verbose)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ccmlib/", line 17, in setup
download_version(version, verbose=verbose)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ccmlib/", line 58, in download_version
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 2046, in extractall
self.extract(tarinfo, path)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 2083, in extract
self._extract_member(tarinfo, os.path.join(path,
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 2159, in _extract_member
self.makefile(tarinfo, targetpath)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 2199, in makefile
copyfileobj(source, target)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 266, in copyfileobj
shutil.copyfileobj(src, dst)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 48, in copyfileobj
buf =
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 817, in read
buf += - len(buf))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 735, in read
return self.readnormal(size)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 744, in readnormal
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 252, in read
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 299, in _read
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 338, in _read_eof
IOError: CRC check failed 0x10bb46fd != 0x635c8097L

Deadlock if Cassandra fails before creating a log file

On MacOS, if Cassandra fails due to an error

ccm start 

hangs with no output. I have discovered that it gets stuck in, line 206

   for node in self.nodes.values():
        if not node.is_running():
            p = node.start(update_pid=False)
            started.append((node, p))
            # ugly? indeed!                                                                                                                                                                                                   
            while not os.path.exists(node.logfilename()):
            marks.append((node, node.mark_log()))

The while loop never exits because cassandra has already crashed and died because of a JVM error and no log files are created.

The while loop must check on every iteration that the process is in fact running and continue to wait only if its it. If its not, it should raise an error.

The function node.start is checking to see if the process is_running() but only if update_pid = True which is explicitly set to False in the code above hence that check is never performed in the start function either.

'ccm remove cluster_name' deletes the current cluster

The documentation for remove is currently:

  • Remove the current cluster (delete all data)

Which is fine, except if I type something extra like:

ccm remove test1

That will still remove whatever the current cluster is, not "test1". In this case, the remove command should be changed to either remove a cluster named "test1" or complain about an extra unknown option, rather than delete a cluster I did not intend for it to delete.

Topology information is reset when a node is added

    ccm create --vnodes -v git:50fc8ba0c5a8caa9f8d14633734547187896d217 -n 2:2 c21head
    comes up fine:
        Datacenter: dc1
        |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
        --  Address    Load      Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                              Rack
        UN  30.48 KB  256    55.4%            2d335e2c-28bf-47a1-a72e-ffc18094c930  r1
        UN  30.48 KB  256    49.4%            89c3f61f-b56d-4350-ba1a-28f2c9d78b10  r1
        Datacenter: dc2
        |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
        --  Address    Load      Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                              Rack
        UN  30.48 KB  256    47.9%            36c9ff40-f58f-4063-8f67-e16823538d8e  r1
        UN  30.48 KB  256    47.3%            06e17cc1-c1e0-40e9-a94f-fa14f0068d40  r1
    thenโ€จ     ccm add -b -i -j 7500 -d dc2 node5
        Datacenter: dc1
        |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
        --  Address    Load      Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                              Rack
        UN  30.49 KB  1      25.3%            86785293-bf78-4e1c-957a-341481c06e2e  r1
        UN  30.49 KB  1      50.0%            ded34d71-f986-43ef-985d-c387c5a5d43b  r1
        UN  30.49 KB  1      50.0%            3fe1e07a-c9ca-422f-9b99-6baf40ee2f08  r1
        UN  30.49 KB  1      25.0%            b1fd0bdf-3f80-4988-b833-354cd945c95d  r1
        Datacenter: dc2
        |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
        --  Address    Load      Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID                              Rack
        UN  9.35 KB    1      49.7%            92d8dd52-5043-4dc0-8df7-a232c07dc537  r1

cannot import name urllib

When trying to initialize CCM on Linux Mint 16, I get the following error:

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ccmlib/", line 5, in
from six.moves import urllib
ImportError: cannot import name urllib

More context in error message (for missing ant)

I am trying to get ccm to work for me.

When I tried without having ant installed I got the following output:

./ccm create test -v 1.1.5
Downloading to /tmp/ccm-SG1cqS.tar.gz (8.408MB)
8816668 [100.00%]
Extracting /tmp/ccm-SG1cqS.tar.gz as version 1.1.5 ...
Compiling Cassandra 1.1.5 ...
Cannot create cluster: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Including which file or directory is missing would have saved some time.
Even a stacktrace would have helped to find the source of the problem faster.

After having solved that problem ccm seems to be a very helpful tool, thanks a lot for that!

wishlist: "ccm add" should default to an unused jmx-port

maybe this should take a special option, or maybe it should be the default when no jmx-port is provided, but it would be nice if ccm could just say "oh, you didn't give a jmx port, and the default is already in use by another ccm node. let me try that port plus one. oh, that's in use too. but default+2 is available! let's use that."

ccm create ignored --vnodes

The cluster is only set up with virtual nodes if --vnodes is passed to the populate command, and not to create. For example
ccm create test -v 2.0.8 --vnodes
ccm populate -n 3
does not work.

from bulkloader import BulkLoader fails

Looks like a missing file...

aarons-MBP-2011:~ aaron$ ccm create test -v 1.0.1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/ccm", line 5, in <module>
    from ccmlib import common
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/", line 5, in <module>
    import os, common, shutil, re, sys, cluster, node, socket
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/", line 5, in <module>
    from bulkloader import BulkLoader
ImportError: No module named bulkloader

I commented out the import and it worked.

aarons-MBP-2011:ccm aaron$ ./ccm create test -v 1.0.1
Downloading to /var/folders/hn/vg_2g82d2jqbj5ws1k7rdgs80000gn/T/ccm-JM_VLK.tar.gz (7.470MB)
   7833252  [100.00%] 
Extracting /var/folders/hn/vg_2g82d2jqbj5ws1k7rdgs80000gn/T/ccm-JM_VLK.tar.gz as version 1.0.1 ...
Compiling Cassandra 1.0.1 ...
Current cluster is now: test
aarons-MBP-2011:ccm aaron$ ./ccm populate -n 3
aarons-MBP-2011:ccm aaron$ ./ccm start
aarons-MBP-2011:ccm aaron$ ./ccm node1 ring
Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load            Owns    Token                                       
                                                                               52021297248340010998083213052812605040       datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  13.2 KB         77.60%  13902493218504448096725268289594131782       datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  6.65 KB         20.04%  48007247119728595021274156242085822512       datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  6.65 KB         2.36%   52021297248340010998083213052812605040 

Windows setup

It was quite clearly mentioned that it doesn't work for windows.
I am wondering if any one is working to make it available for windows as well.Will be happy to contribute!!

while trying to start

I am getting
WindowsError: [Error 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application

Any help how to resolve this would be helpful.
env: windows 7 64bit machine

BUILD FAILED build.xml:208

I get the following error when running CCM create command and specifying a recent version (either 1.2.4 or 1.2.5) of C*:

[java] error(208): /home/ubuntu/.ccm/repository/1.2.5/src/java/org/apache/cassandra/cql/Cql.g:654:1: The following token definitions can never be matched because prior tokens match the same input: T__93,T__94,T__97,T__98,T__101,T__105,T__107,K_WITH,K_USING,K_USE,K_FIRST,K_COUNT,K_SET,K_APPLY,K_BATCH,K_TRUNCATE,K_IN,K_CREATE,K_KEYSPACE,K_COLUMNFAMILY,K_INDEX,K_ON,K_DROP,K_INTO,K_TIMESTAMP,K_TTL,K_ALTER,K_ADD,K_TYPE,RANGEOP,FLOAT,COMPIDENT,UUID,MULTILINE_COMMENT

ccm does not start

Just installed ccm but unfortunately it does not start. Tried different versions of Cassandra (0.8.6, 1.2.5), different java versions (latest JDK6 and JDK7) but can't get it going. Used "ccm start -v" and "ccm start -v --no-wait" but ccm just hangs and produces no output. Pid file is generated for first node but the process itself does not exist (anymore). Also tried to use "python2 -m trace --trace /usr/bin/ccm start" but don't get any reasonable output.

As I am by far no Python expert, is there a good way to troubleshoot the issue?

Using binary tarballs from Apache

I was wondering if there is a way to use binary tarballs from Apache's download site as opposed to compiling Cassandra from source. The motivation is to use ccm on Travis, and sometimes the long compile times cause the overall job to timeout.

Multiple data centres broken

When using the -n 4:4 argument to the populate command, the data centre value does not get saved in node.cfg.

Then when using the updateconf the is reverted back to default.

wishlist: "ccm cli" and "ccm $nodename cli"

"ccm cli" would run cassandra-cli connected to some (any) node in the cluster.

"ccm $nodename cli" would, obviously, run cassandra-cli connected to that node.

ccm would supply the right tool config and parameters (hostname, port, jmx-port, etc). probably you'd want to allow extra parameters to both variants; the extra parameters would be added to the arguments for cassandra-cli.

a variant of this for cqlsh would be hawt too.

Inet address is not available: [Errno 48] Address already in use

After running 'ccm start' I wanted to shutdown the cluster using 'ccm stop' and 'ccm remove'.

Later, when starting a new cluster, I ran 'ccm start' and received the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/ccm", line 68, in
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/cmds/", line 402, in run
if self.cluster.start(no_wait=self.options.no_wait, verbose=self.options.verbose, jvm_args=self.options.jvm_args) is None:
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/", line 213, in start
p = node.start(update_pid=False, jvm_args=jvm_args)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/", line 312, in start
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/", line 176, in check_socket_available
raise UnavailableSocketError("Inet address %s:%s is not available: %s" % (addr, port, msg))
ccmlib.common.UnavailableSocketError: Inet address is not available: [Errno 48] Address already in use

It looks like org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon is still running on that port. Is that normal? Should ccm kill that process when I do either 'ccm stop' or 'ccm remove'? Currently, I have to manually kill the process to start the cluster again.

updateconf to add new paramater with true/false value

On trying to set start_native_transport: true, it returns
$:/data/ccm/ccmlib/cmds# ccm updateconf --config-dir=/cclust 'start_native_transport: true'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/ccm", line 66, in
cmd.validate(parser, options, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ccmlib/cmds/", line 472, in validate
self.setting = common.parse_settings(args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ccmlib/", line 161, in parse_settings
if val.lower() == "false":
AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'lower'

One way to address this would be to cast the val to bool and if it fails perform the upper() and lower() calls.

OR am I doing something wrong ?

wishlist: "ccm alllogs"

i would love to have a way to just display all the logs from all running nodes at once. it would probably work best if each log line was prefixed with the name of the node where it came from. i picture it looking like this:

node3: INFO [GossipStage:1] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,300 (line 681) InetAddress / is now UP
node4: INFO [CompactionExecutor:1] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,968 (line 608) Compacted to /home/paul/.ccm/2434/node4/data/system/Migrations-tmp-g-9-Data.db.  49,091 to 48,899 (~99% of original) bytes for 1 keys.  Time: 67ms.
node4: INFO [FlushWriter:1] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,970 (line 254) Completed flushing /home/paul/.ccm/2434/node4/data/system/Migrations-g-10-Data.db (7042 bytes)
node4: INFO [CompactionExecutor:3] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,971 (line 608) Compacted to /home/paul/.ccm/2434/node4/data/system/Schema-tmp-g-9-Data.db.  21,191 to 20,864 (~98% of original) bytes for 8 keys.  Time: 53ms.
node4: INFO [FlushWriter:1] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,971 (line 237) Writing Memtable-Schema@616432710(3065/3831 serialized/live bytes, 4 ops)
node2: INFO [GossipStage:1] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,978 (line 681) InetAddress / is now UP
node4: INFO [FlushWriter:1] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,979 (line 254) Completed flushing /home/paul/.ccm/2434/node4/data/system/Schema-g-10-Data.db (3215 bytes)
node1: INFO [GossipStage:1] 2011-09-07 16:03:15,980 (line 681) InetAddress / is now UP

i guess the easiest way might be to add some stuff to each node's log4j-server config, so that they all also log to the same file? or maybe just a dumb timestamp parser that could merge-sort all the logs together before displaying.

'ccm nodeX stress' fails on --ipprefix clusters


ccm create -v 2.0.6 -n3 -i 127.1.1. 12711test
ccm node1 stress

(originally, I was tinkering with dummy interfaces when I found this - the above is simpler and suffers the same problem)

for i in 1 2 3; do
  sudo ip link add ccm${i} type dummy
  sudo ip addr add ${PREFIX}${i}/32 dev ccm${i}
  sudo ip link set ccm${i} up

ccm create -v 2.0.5 -n3 -i ${PREFIX} ipptest
ccm start
ccm stress  # this works
ccm node1 stress  # tcpdump shows this tries - same with node2,node3
mshuler@buildbot-ccm:~$ ccm node1 stress
Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection refused
        at org.apache.cassandra.stress.Session.getClient(
        at org.apache.cassandra.stress.Session.createKeySpaces(
15:57:05.819347 IP > Flags [.], ack 995, win 1594, options [nop,nop,TS val 3299779 ecr 3299779], length 0
15:57:06.146777 IP > Flags [S], seq 3238651223, win 32792, options [mss 16396,sackOK,TS val 3299861 ecr 0,nop,wscale 5], length 0
15:57:06.146790 IP > Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 3238651224, win 0, length 0
15:57:06.539201 IP > Flags [P.], seq 719:841, ack 1, win 1025, options [nop,nop,TS val 3299959 ecr 3299779], length 122
15:57:06.539307 IP > Flags [.], ack 841, win 1795, options [nop,nop,TS val 3299959 ecr 3299959], length 0

manually running cassandra-stress against the node is fine:

mshuler@buildbot-ccm:~$ cassandra-stress -d
Unable to create stress keyspace: Keyspace names must be case-insensitively unique ("Keyspace1" conflicts with "Keyspace1")

multi-dc topology is lost on some calls

For example if a cluster is mutli-dc, topology is written, then a call to
somehow causes the topology information to be lost.

This was the case earlier with cluster.set_cassandra_dir but this was fixed with a pull request. I think maybe something needs to change in node.import_config_files.

I may be able to fix this with a pull request later, but for now just worked around it.

node remove is broken

When performing ccm node1 remove, I get following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/yuki/Developments/tools/ccm/ccm", line 68, in <module>
  File "/Users/yuki/Developments/tools/ccm/ccmlib/cmds/", line 54, in run
  File "/Users/yuki/Developments/tools/ccm/ccmlib/", line 155, in remove
    del self.nodes[]
AttributeError: Cluster instance has no attribute 'node'

does not work at all

I installed the latest version on both Mint and Fedora 21.

Tried the steps with both 1.1.12 and 2.0.6

When I got to 'ccm start' it just sat there. No error, nothing.

After closer investigation, all the folders for each node are emty, e.g.


nothing in there, just an empty folder.

use ccm cluster name as Cassandra cluster name

I thought this was already being done, but I just found out the hard way that all ccm clusters have the Cassandra cluster name "Test Cluster". I just had a couple which were supposed to be separate, join each other (since I reused an interface). That gets a little messy.

Seems like using the ccm cluster name for the Cassandra cluster name would be a pretty simple way to keep that from happening by accident.

Restarting a node enables vnodes

If I create a cluster running, say, version 2.0.3 without vnodes enabled, ccm will correctly init such a cluster. But if I stop a node and then restart it, it will split the token range into 256 ranges. This is because the generated cassandra.yaml file actually says 256 tokens even if vnodes are disabled (which is the default in ccm, although not default in Cassandra).

CCM Cassandra instances don't start.

If I create a new cluster with one node and a version of 1.2.6 it doesn't start up at all with nothing logged anywhere. When I tried to run the cassandra instance from the bin directory I got this:

xss =  -ea -javaagent:./../lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar -XX:+UseThreadPriorities -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 -Xms3999M -Xmx3999M -Xmn800M -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xss228k
sean@mybox:~/.ccm/test/node1/bin$ Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : ./../lib/jamm-0.2.5.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument

preserve comments in cassandra.yaml

cassandra.yaml provides a lot of really helpful comments. When I create a cluster with ccm, comments are stripped from cassandra.yaml. It would be great if comments in cassandra.yaml could be preserved. I am not sure how easy that would be. From a brief investigation, it looks like that could be a limitation in pyYAML.

multiple DC tokens incorrect

jackson@faranth:~/workspace/ccm$ ./ccm create -v 1.0.10 -n 3:3 -s TestCCM
Downloading to /tmp/ccm-7cLoo8.tar.gz (7.597MB)
7966008 [100.00%]
Extracting /tmp/ccm-7cLoo8.tar.gz as version 1.0.10 ...
Compiling Cassandra 1.0.10 ...
Current cluster is now: TestCCM

/workspace/ccm$ ./ccm node1 ring
Address DC Rack Status State Load Owns Token
141784319550391026443072753096570088105 dc1 r1 Up Normal 6.79 KB 16.67% 0 dc1 r1 Up Normal 13.49 KB 16.67% 28356863910078205288614550619314017621 dc1 r1 Up Normal 13.49 KB 16.67% 56713727820156410577229101238628035242 dc2 r1 Up Normal 11.11 KB 16.67% 85070591730234615865843651857942052863 dc2 r1 Up Normal 11.12 KB 16.67% 113427455640312821154458202477256070484 dc2 r1 Up Normal 13.49 KB 16.67% 141784319550391026443072753096570088105

I would expect when the tokens are evenly divided per datacenter instead of the above.

Recalculate max heap size per node

Now that JNA and mlockall is on by default in 2.1, I think we should do some automatic recalculation of max per-node heap sizes (based on how many was asked for in populate()) so we're not overcommitted on memory.

It used to be easy for me to use ccm in 4 node configurations on my 8G laptop, but now the default C* heap allocation pushes me into swap without hand editing the cassandra-env per node.

Can't install C* 2.1.0-beta1

% ccm create -d -v 2.1.0-beta1 -n 1 c210-beta1
Downloading to /var/folders/jg/f_1fnft15hb17vtcys41t6vr0000gn/T/ccm-4yy8G_.tar.gz (13.922MB)
  14598057  [100.00%]
Extracting /var/folders/jg/f_1fnft15hb17vtcys41t6vr0000gn/T/ccm-4yy8G_.tar.gz as version 2.1.0-beta1 ...
Compiling Cassandra 2.1.0-beta1 ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/ccm", line 68, in <module>
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/cmds/", line 80, in run
    cluster = Cluster(self.path,, cassandra_dir=self.options.cassandra_dir, cassandra_version=self.options.cassandra_version, verbose=True)
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/", line 34, in __init__
  File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/ccmlib/", line 129, in validate_cassandra_dir
    raise ArgumentError('Undefined cassandra directory')
ccmlib.common.ArgumentError: Undefined cassandra directory

wishlist: "ccm $nodename nodetool"

a lot of the common nodetool functionality is already supported by ccm, but for the other things (like the stats, disablegossip, getendpoints, random stuff like that) it would be nice to have ccm fill in the parts of the nodetool command that it knows (address, port, config) and let the user specify the rest. so like:

ccm node5 nodetool getendpoints Prod1 tweets 1785a9ee2713f

would become like:

CASSANDRA_INCLUDE=~/.ccm/$ccm_cluster_name/node4/bin/ nodetool -h -p 7304 getendpoints Prod1 tweets 1785a9ee2713f

updateconf does not work

bash-3.2$ ~/projects/ccm/ccm test updateconf
Unknown node test in cluster test
bash-3.2$ ls ~/.ccm
bash-3.2$ ls ~/.ccm/test
cluster.conf node1 node2 node3

Stalling during handshake phase

I'm running a 3 node ccm setup on Travis which seems to work about 75% of the time, but fails in about 25% of cases with ccm apparently stalling the handshake phase.

This is the way I am invoking ccm:


set -e

function run_tests() {
    local version=$1
    ccm create test -v binary:$version -n 3 -s -d --vnodes
    ccm status
    ccm updateconf 'concurrent_reads: 8' 'concurrent_writes: 32' 'rpc_server_type: sync' 'rpc_min_threads: 2' 'rpc_max_threads: 8' 'write_request_timeout_in_ms: 5000' 'read_request_timeout_in_ms: 5000'

    local proto=2
    if [[ $version == 1.2.* ]]; then

    go test -v -proto=$proto -rf=3 -cluster=$(ccm liveset) ./...

    ccm clear

run_tests $1

This is the part of the log where ccm appears to fail:

INFO [Thread-2] 2014-08-13 09:47:35,814 (line 110) Listening for thrift clients...
INFO [HANDSHAKE-/] 2014-08-13 09:47:36,063 (line 418) Handshaking version with /
INFO [HANDSHAKE-/] 2014-08-13 09:47:36,063 (line 418) Handshaking version with /
.... 60 more identical lines

The full log can be obtained here.

So I'm wondering what could be going wrong. Am I invoking ccm in the wrong way? Do I need to supply some more config? Are Travis build instances potentially underspec'ed to run a 3 node cluster? Or do I maybe have some crosstalk between different Travis build instances (considering that the 4 are run concurrently to test 4 different permutations of Cassandra and Go versions)?

For reference, the .travis.yml descriptor looks like this:

language: go

  - CASS=1.2.18
  - CASS=2.0.9

  - 1.2
  - 1.3

  - sudo apt-get install -y libjna-java python-pip
  - sudo pip install cql PyYAML six
  - go get
  - git clone
  - pushd ccm
  - sudo ./ install
  - popd

  - bash $CASS
  - go vet .

Nodes do not join

I'm following the instructions in the readme, but the nodes don't form a cluster. Instead I get three nodes that all think they are in their own single-node clusters:

$ ccm create test -v 1.2.5
$ ccm populate -n 3 --vnodes
$ ccm start
$ ccm node1 status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address    Load       Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Token                                    Rack
UN  85,76 KB   100,0%            13191930-9306-4ad9-b715-ed0c9a744937  8825165350184268650                      rack1
$ ccm node2 status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address    Load       Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Token                                    Rack
UN  85,72 KB   100,0%            629a6760-5a51-45af-8407-97465e952a94  620078233470757682                       rack1
$ ccm node3 status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
--  Address    Load       Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Token                                    Rack
UN  85,74 KB   100,0%            747d27dc-b36e-45c3-b86d-6440835611e2  8330235472454885737                      rack1

I've tested this with an older version of ccm (I installed it a couple of months ago but didn't get it working them either, same problem), and the current git head. It's on Mac OS X 10.8.4, with the Python version that comes with it.

Running nodetool -p ... join has no effect, all nodes think they've joined the cluster.

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