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idgen's Issues

Performance Tests

This is more of a question than an issue. Looking at the unit tests I don't see any performance tests, is it possible to add some to validate that the number of generated ids do not collide, i.e. they are unique for a given time interval within the mask resolution?

Handling uniqueness ID across multiple instance of same service

Thanks for this useful package.
I have multiple instance of same service with using Kubernetes replicases, how can I handle uniqueness between instances, I cannot set different generatorId on each instance for example using Kubernetes environment variables. Do you have any solution for this in microservices world?

Is there a way to generate id from the past

Im creating a feed and using IdGen to create time based ids to sort it and its working perfectly. But is there a way to pass in a date in history and calculate the id? Like 3 days ago or something?

Concurrency issues with instances scale up

This is a question rather than an issue. Sorry about that. I want to use idGen for database table id generation in an app running on Fargate, or perhaps azure webapps. Given that the scaled out instances would use the same database is there a likelihood that there will be collisions when the apps or containers scale out (aspin up more fargate instances/webapp instances)? Would i have to somehow assign a different generator id for each appinstance as it starts up ? What would you do to ensure smooth id assignment in this scenario?

SQL Server equivalent possible?

Hello and thank you for providing this library!

I was curious if you had ever come across someone creating a SQL Server Function equivalent of this implementation. Are you aware of a technical challenge that might prevent attempting such a thing? I imagined the DB could reserve a GeneratorId for itself just like servers would and avoid any generation issues.

Id to datetime

Hello, thank you, your library is very useful

I have a question, can we get timestamp value from a ID , or can we know what Id value that start of each year ?

I am going to partition my table but I just have the Id value, I want to partition the table by year so I need to know what Id if start of a year

Move to better monotonous increasing timesource

We should move to using a better timesource with better resolution (MSDN states 10ms resolution) to prevent problems when the user changes the system's date.

One solution would be to use a Stopwatch and use some offset to calculate the time since epoch and the start of the stopwatch to get to the "current (monotonous increasing, not wall-clock) time".

This would, at least, guarantee time always moving forward (as long as the stopwatch is running; so it should probably be a static private so all instances rely on the same stopwatch); however: when the program would be restarted with an adjustment of time done in-between runs the Id's generated could still have some 'overlap'.

Environment.Tickcount is an int and thus will overflow every 24.9/49.8 days; a P/Invoke to GetTickCount64 could be used instead but then we'd still have the problem of adjusted times, however, now not in-between runs but in-between reboots.

Also: we should move away from milliseconds (and DateTime alltogether) and use a more abstract term like "ticks" (how they're defined, being milliseconds or nanoseconds or even seconds or whatever) would be up to whomever is implementing ITimeSource. GetTime() would have to be removed/dropped in favor of GetTicks() and this method should return a (u)long.

Duplicate Ids in a two instance microservice

Hello, I am using .Net 5 API and the nuget of the IdGen 3.0.0
I am using two instances of this API
In the logs, I noticed for some cases I have a pk violation, which pk is a long from IdGen .

Here are some pieces of my code

public static class UniqueIdGenerator
		private static IdGenerator? _generator;

		public static void Configure(int generatorId)
			if (_generator != null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException();

			_generator = new IdGenerator(generatorId);

		public static long CreateId() => _generator?.CreateId() ?? throw new InvalidOperationException();

Then I register it in program.cs class

public class Program
		public static void Main(string[] args)
                       //bla bla bla

and for example, if I want to create a new customer I call the static method like

public async Task AddCustomer(AddCustomerRequest request)
    var customer = new Customer
        Id = UniqueIdGenerator.CreateId(),
        Name = request.Name,
        Phone = request.Phone
    //bla bla bla

Now I have some logs like that
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.
---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Customers'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Customers'. The duplicate key value is (842512993898987520).

And the customer with id 842512993898987520 already exists.
Is something wrong with my configuration of IdGen?
Thanks in advance!

Drop support for netstandard 1.1


Do you have any plan to discontinue support for netstandard 1.1 since it contains vulnerable nuget packages such as System.Drawing.Common, System.Net.Http, System.Net.Security ? I think that people shouldn't have any problem using netstandard 2.0 nowadays.

GeneratorId for Azure Function(s)

Hi, I would like to use the IdGen lib to generate UUIDs via an Azure Function. As the Function scales up, the GeneratorId should be unique to avoid collision as I understand the docs. I am having a real challenge with a identifying a unique GeneratorID between 0-1023 dynamically. I thought of using the Process.ID which should be unique enough. I thought of converting a GUID to an int (via a byte[]) but both are too large. Any thoughts or assistance would be appreciated.

Documentation about generatorId collisions when id structure changes

One issue that I bumped into is with blue/green deployments, and when the id structure changes, there is a possibility of generatorId collisions, which could lead to id collisions as both id structures are active at the same time. I was wondering if a note could be added about this in the documentation, as it was difficult to catch. To tackle this, I went with a "deployment bit" in the generatorId which I rev by toggling whenever the id structure changes, as just 1 bit suffices to differentiate blue/green deployments. What say? Thanks.

generators clock running fast


I have an issue with conflicting ID's being generated which i cannot wrap my head around,

I don't do any fancy configuration, just the default mask with a generator id. I do however run it inside an Orleans Grain that has the same key as the generator id meaning it should be impossible to have 2 different instances/activation of it.
Its also being run in a docker container.

i use the default DefaultTimeSource

generator gets created as such:
this.RoundIdGenerator = new IdGenerator(integrationId) ... Task.FromResult(RoundIdGenerator.CreateId()

On the same generator i got this the following sequences 2 days apart:

678847436310986752 Collision

the system was rebooted in between which would have triggered a new generator and assume that also resets the drift where the generators clock runs

What is the best way to solve this? how do i avoid the generators stopwatch to run to fast?

IdGen is generating 17bit Id instead of 16bit? What should we change in the method so that it generate 16 bit Id instead of 17 bit now and in the future it continuous to generate 16 bit Id?

Hello @RobThree,

We are using IdGen in one of our projects and it is generating 17bit Id instead of 16bit?
What should we change in the method so that it generate 16 bit Id instead of 17 bit now and in the future it continuous to generate 16 bit Id?
Is it because of date issue?
Please see below screen shot of our current implementation.

Looking for your prompt response!


Non-generic IIdGenerator

I'm curious why the IIdGenerator interface is generic – aren't the values always long?

Maybe there could be a non-generic interface using long internally?

Could we log how often we overflow sequence IDs and have to spinwait?

Somewhat related to #53, we would like to use SequenceOverflowStrategy.SpinWait, but to know how often we overflow the sequence number and have to spinwait. We could perhaps extract the sequence number from the returned ID and looks for those just before an overflow, but would it be possible for IdGen to somehow indicate that an overflow has happened? Maybe it's a bit much to integrate logging just for this, but perhaps there's be another way to do the signaling?

Confirm IdGen Generator Id Always Unique!
This blog information, only to explain Twitter's Snowflake algorithm will create a lots of
same Id under the pressure test using Jmeter when test thread number >= 1000,

select DataId from IdTest GROUP BY DataId HAVING COUNT(DataId)>1
this SQL means how many data are duplicated.

so I hope that our IdGen can do a good stress test, and give us test result, to ensure that the generated Id is always unique.


Invalid Tests?

Thanks for this code - I am having a play now.

I (well Resharper) noticed a few of the unit tests are using ReferenceEquals incorrectly:

Assert.ReferenceEquals(target1, target2);

should be

Assert.IsTrue(ReferenceEquals(target1, target2));

Generated Ids have timestamps from the past

The stopwatch is declared/instantiated as a static variable.

So it wont actually be started until it is referenced.

This results in timestamps that are marked back in time. The elapsed time is only measured after the stopwatch starts and the stopwatch only starts after the first call to CreateId().

Initializing with a call to CreateId on process startup as a workaround.

Consider adding IdGenerator#CreateFromDateTime

When importing data, it's useful to create IDs for a specific date/time, but as far as I know, this requires constructing a custom time source, options, and generator for every generated ID (example).

A method like IdGenerator#CreateFromDateTime(DateTime dateTime) would make this a lot more efficient.

Using IdGen for migrating legacy data

Hello, I have a couple of questions about using IdGen for project with legacy data:

  1. Is it correct that to avoid collisions between Id-s generated by two instances of an "IdGenerator" it is enough to use different "generator-id-part" values for those instances?

  2. In case of having legacy data with DB-generated Id-s (auto-increment Identity), for migrating to client-generated Id-s using "IdGen" we should at least verify that maximum Id in existing data is less than minimum Id which will be generated for new records by "IdGen" (with particular epoch and "generator-id-part"). Maybe you have any other caveats/advices for such a use-case?

Thanks in advance

Creating ID for a specific point in past time

If I want my epoch time to be Jan 1st, 2018. And I need the ID that'd be generated for Jan 24, 2018 00:00.

var ts = new MockTimeSource(24, TimeSpan.FromDays(1), new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
var idGenerator = new IdGenerator(0, new IdGeneratorOptions(timeSource: ts));
var id = idGenerator.CreateId()

Is that the right way to get the id for some date in the past?

var epochDT = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var msgDT = new DateTime(2018, 1, 24, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
TimeSpan diff = msgDT - epochDT;
var ts = new MockTimeSource((long)diff.TotalMilliseconds, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1), new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
var idGenerator = new IdGenerator(0, new IdGeneratorOptions(timeSource: ts));

var ts2 = new MockTimeSource(23, TimeSpan.FromDays(1), new DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));
var idGenerator2 = new IdGenerator(0, new IdGeneratorOptions(timeSource: ts2));

For the example above results for ID are very different.

"id1": 833492090, - From ms
"id2": 96468992 - From days

What am I missing that causes such difference?

IdGenerator does not contain a definition for 'Take'

In the documentation, it shows that the generator can create specified numbers of Ids by using generator.Take(100). However the .NET compiler throws an error "Compilation error (line 10, col 28): 'IdGenerator' does not contain a definition for 'Take' and no accessible extension method 'Take'..."

using System;
using IdGen;
public class Program
	public static void Main()
		Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
		var generator = new IdGenerator(0);
               var id = generator.Take(100);
Compilation error (line 10, col 28): 'IdGenerator' does not contain a definition for 'Take' and no accessible extension method 'Take' accepting a first argument of type 'IdGenerator' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Int use for Generator Id

Just a quick question: The Generator Id is supposed to be 10 bits, however in the constructor(new IdGenerator(int myInt)) the passed in value - myInt, is 32 bits. Am I missing something?

Thank you very much,

Thread safety

Hi, on too many requests, the IdGen package has a duplicate ID problem, and some requests fail. You seem to have forgotten to define the static lock. Is shown in the image below.

Feature suggestion: (Option to) keep trying rather than throw SequenceOverflowException

SequenceOverflowException only occurs under very specific circumstances (hardware speed, unusually high demand, very tight loop etc.) which may not always be easy to test for or anticipate.

It's hard to imagine a use case where a user can simply give up if they can't have an ID, so there's no harm in simply waiting. The default settings allow for 4 million IDs per second, which ought to be fast enough for all intents and purposes, and much preferable to unexpected crashes.

Of course, it's easy to wrap the whole thing in a try/catch block, but my concern isn't usability so much as reliability.

How to sync DefaultTimeSource's Elapsed

I have two nodes writing records to database, using this component to generate the ids. But this ids' ordering is different from creationtime's, I think it's related to DefaultTimeSource. I can not ensure this nodes start at same time, so the Stopwatch's Elapsed is different. How can I solve this problem? Remove the stopwatch's Elapsing? I don't know what it does.

Debugging InvalidSystemClockExceptions

We're running into sporadic InvalidSystemClockExceptions that end up requiring restarts, and we're running out of ideas trying to find where it goes wrong.

one error example is:
IdGen.InvalidSystemClockException: Clock moved backwards or wrapped around. Refusing to generate id for 4294446821 ticks
from reading the code, this implies the new timestamp is behind the last generated one by 50 days, which seems too big of a difference even if there was a clock sync issue (we've checked and our k8s nodes are running chrony and the recorded sync errors are nowhere near that much of a difference).

The issue seems to happen once a month or so, and forces us to manually restart pods as it blocks all writes, and waiting the ticks for it to restart would take days.

Our timesource implementation

public class ClockTimeSource : ITimeSource
    private long previousTimestamp = 0;

    public DateTimeOffset Epoch { get; }
    public TimeSpan TickDuration => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1);

    public ClockTimeSource() { }
    public ClockTimeSource(DateTimeOffset epoch) => Epoch = epoch;

    public long GetTicks()
        var timestamp = (long)(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - Epoch).TotalMilliseconds;
        if (timestamp > previousTimestamp)
            previousTimestamp = timestamp;
        return previousTimestamp;

Would appreciate any pointers on where to start debugging this.

How to generate 12 digits

Hi, I want to batch generation12 digits Ids. max count about 100M. how to set the configs?
thank you!

Timestamp bits go ahead of time

DefaultTimeSource implementation uses static Stopwatch which starts on first usage of the class.
If you instantiate DefaultTimeSource later (as part of new IdGenerator for example) it counts ticks as current offset + elapsed time on static Stopwatch which may run for awhile. As a result timestamp bits show time in future. It may result non-unique identifiers in some scenarios.

IIdGenerator is registered as a singleton, but duplicate IDs are still generated

services.AddSingleton<IIdGenerator<long>>(c => new IdGenerator(258));


private readonly IdGenerator _idGen;
public LearnHistoryController( IdGenerator idGen)
            _idGen = idGen;

action use code:

public ApiResponse GetSnowId(int count)
            return SuccessResult(_idGen.Take(count));

What went wrong? thanks

Feature: CreateId that accepts generator ID as argument

We have a use case where we need to specify a custom generator ID for each request since we encode some other info in each ID. Since the library only generates IDs with three parts epoch + generator ID + sequence, our only option is to use custom generator ID - that we create using our logic.

Can you create a method 'long CreateIdusingGenId(int generatorId)' and then update CreateIdImpl signature to have generator id as parameter (default value -1), In case of CreateId, pass -1 as generator Id and it will use member _generatorid value, otherwise it will use the provided one.

Public Method Comments

Sorry to be a style-douche, with this.
Was test-driving your id generator package. Nice work, by the way.

I was trying to identify the usage of methods on the generator class.
But, the Intellisense wasn't showing anything.

I peeked into the nupkg (v3.0.3 in case it matters), and saw that you include an xml doc file for the netstandard1.1 target.
But, there was not one for the netstandard2.0 target... probably the version my test code is linking to.

Nuspec's are annoying to deal with, and I've never understood why the documentation is so sparse.
And for multi-targeted and multi-runtime packaging, there's few working examples on the web that well-define how to organize the files node (for a sourcing nuspec file).
Here's the files node excerpt of what I do in sourcing nuspec files.
This example targets net5 and net6 and two runtimes of each: win64 and linux64.

Normally, for a simplex nuspec file, the xml doc is listed in the "lib" folder, next to the corresponding dll.
But for a nuspec that packages for multiple target framework versions, the xml doc gets listed in the "ref" folder of each target version.
It doesn't matter which compiled dll file you use for the ref file. But, list the xml doc from the same dll.

NOTE: Since multiple "lib" folders are required for multiple framework (net5.0, net6.0, etc), a separate "ref" is required.
But, multiple target runtimes (Win-x64, linux-x64, etc) can share the same "ref".

NOTE: I also include pdb files with my nuget packages.
Contrary to style-police guidelines, I do this, so any logging library can directly include file and line numbers as log message context, without resorting to hairy indirection of IL Offsets and pdb2xml mapping work (my OGA.SharedKernel library has a stacktrace class to help with this).

Hope it helps.

    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET6\bin\DebugWin\net6.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.dll" target="ref\net6.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET6\bin\DebugWin\net6.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.xml" target="ref\net6.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET6\bin\DebugWin\net6.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.dll" target="runtimes\win-x64\lib\net6.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET6\bin\DebugWin\net6.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.pdb" target="runtimes\win-x64\lib\net6.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET6\bin\DebugLinux\net6.0\linux-x64\NETCore_Common.dll" target="runtimes\linux-x64\lib\net6.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET6\bin\DebugLinux\net6.0\linux-x64\NETCore_Common.pdb" target="runtimes\linux-x64\lib\net6.0" />

    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET5\bin\DebugWin\net5.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.dll" target="ref\net5.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET5\bin\DebugWin\net5.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.xml" target="ref\net5.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET5\bin\DebugWin\net5.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.dll" target="runtimes\win-x64\lib\net5.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET5\bin\DebugWin\net5.0\win-x64\NETCore_Common.pdb" target="runtimes\win-x64\lib\net5.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET5\bin\DebugLinux\net5.0\linux-x64\NETCore_Common.dll" target="runtimes\linux-x64\lib\net5.0" />
    <file src=".\NETCore_Common_NET5\bin\DebugLinux\net5.0\linux-x64\NETCore_Common.pdb" target="runtimes\linux-x64\lib\net5.0" />

Constructor mismatch

In the sample in README the IdGenerator() constructor takes 3 arguments, while in v3 it actually takes 2 -- generatorId and options. There's no argument for the epoch as shown in the sample. Either docs or the constructor needs to be updated.

SpinWait drastically slows continous ID generation rate for small tick length

When using a small tick length together with SequenceOverflowStrategy.SpinWait, the continuous ID generation rate slows down much more than expected once you overflow the sequence number and start spinwaiting.

As an example, the default options use 12 sequence bits, allowing 4096 IDs to be generated during a 1 millisecond tick. On a fast enough machine that can actually generate these IDs in less than 1 millisecond, you'd then expect to be able to generate IDs continuously at a rate of 4096 per millisecond, spinwaiting until the start of the next tick after each overflow. However, in reality, I can only generate roughly 320 IDs per millisecond continuously.

The issue seems to be that System.Threading.SpinWait doesn't actually keep spinning, but instead initiates a context switch after a short while. It may then take 10 to 15 milliseconds before the thread is scheduled again, thereby skipping a lot of ticks. I have tested that the time required to generate (N > 4096) IDs roughly correspond with the time required to SpinWait for (N - 1) / 4096 milliseconds. See benchmark below.

A solution could be to switch from System.Threading.SpinWait to an implementation that doesn't initiate context switches. See example code below. This of course doesn't prevent the operating system from preempting the thread and context switching anyway, but it does seem to work in my benchmark.

A more durable solution is probably to switch to longer ticks, perhaps 10 ms, where the context switching matters less, but that would of course be on consumers. (Changing the default would be breaking.) But maybe the IdGen documentation could at least describe the performance penalty of short ticks together with spinwaiting.

Benchmark code

public class IdGeneratorBenchmarks
    private IdGenerator _generator;

    [Params(4096, 4097, 40960)]
    public int N;

    [IterationSetup(Target = nameof(IdGeneratorCreateId))]
    public void IdGeneratorSetup()
        // This ensures the previous operation hasn't used up the available sequence numbers for the next one.
        _generator = new(0, new IdGeneratorOptions(sequenceOverflowStrategy: SequenceOverflowStrategy.SpinWait));

    public void IdGeneratorCreateId()
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)

    public void SystemThreadingSpinWait()
        var millisecondsWaitNeeded = (N - 1) / 4096;
        var last = 0L;
        var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < millisecondsWaitNeeded; i++)
            SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > last);
            last = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

    public void ManualSpinWait()
        var millisecondsWaitNeeded = (N - 1) / 4096;
        var last = 0L;
        var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        for (int i = 0; i < millisecondsWaitNeeded; i++)
            while (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds <= last) ;
            last = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

Benchmark results

|                  Method |        Job | InvocationCount | UnrollFactor |     N |              Mean |            Error |            StdDev |            Median |
|------------------------ |----------- |---------------- |------------- |------ |------------------:|-----------------:|------------------:|------------------:|
| SystemThreadingSpinWait | DefaultJob |         Default |           16 |  4096 |          30.01 ns |         1.225 ns |          3.434 ns |          29.24 ns |
|          ManualSpinWait | DefaultJob |         Default |           16 |  4096 |          30.62 ns |         0.645 ns |          1.227 ns |          30.54 ns |
|     IdGeneratorCreateId | Job-TRHHUL |               1 |            1 |  4096 |     298,785.71 ns |     1,712.429 ns |      1,518.024 ns |     298,200.00 ns |
| SystemThreadingSpinWait | DefaultJob |         Default |           16 |  4097 |  15,446,881.15 ns |    67,378.315 ns |     63,025.718 ns |  15,455,123.44 ns |
|          ManualSpinWait | DefaultJob |         Default |           16 |  4097 |   1,000,269.71 ns |       108.778 ns |         96.429 ns |   1,000,239.94 ns |
|     IdGeneratorCreateId | Job-TRHHUL |               1 |            1 |  4097 |  10,610,806.00 ns | 1,889,663.490 ns |  5,571,715.435 ns |  13,349,950.00 ns |
| SystemThreadingSpinWait | DefaultJob |         Default |           16 | 40960 | 136,070,392.11 ns | 2,665,274.841 ns |  2,962,445.923 ns | 136,095,775.00 ns |
|          ManualSpinWait | DefaultJob |         Default |           16 | 40960 |   9,000,772.81 ns |       141.551 ns |        132.407 ns |   9,000,756.25 ns |
|     IdGeneratorCreateId | Job-TRHHUL |               1 |            1 | 40960 | 128,078,597.00 ns | 4,144,345.151 ns | 12,219,695.183 ns | 135,176,300.00 ns |

Different host instances, run for a period of time, the KEY sequence is inconsistent

First of all, thank you for providing such a good package. I have some problems in use and would like to ask how to solve it. details as following.

I use this package on one application and deploy this application to two different hosts, Provide KEY generation service through Load Balance architecture. The system local time of the two hosts is calibrated through NTP and uses different GeneratorId.

Instance create method:

private static IIdGenerator _generator;

generator = new IdGenerator(_machineId, new IdGeneratorOptions(sequenceOverflowStrategy: SequenceOverflowStrategy.SpinWait));

But when my application runs for a period of time, the KEY sequence generated on the two hosts will be wrong, as follows.

1.Host A GenKey=700000000000100000
2.Host B GenKey=700000000000200000
3.Host A GenKey=700000000000300000
4.Host B GenKey=700000000000400000
5.Host A GenKey=700000000000500000
6.Host B GenKey=700000000000600000
after a while.......
1001.Host A GenKey=700000000001100000
1002.Host B GenKey=700000000001200000
1003.Host A GenKey=700000000001400000
1004.Host B GenKey=700000000001300000
1005.Host A GenKey=700000000001600000
1006.Host B GenKey=700000000001500000

I hope that the time generated by the two hosts will not be rolled back. How should I deal with it? Maybe implement ITimeSource the NTPTimeSource?


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