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jquery.transit's Issues

Order of keys in a javascript object is not guaranteed

In your docs for 3D ROTATION you mention the following;

You may rotate using rotateX and rotateY. Using perspective is optional, but it should always come before rotateX/Y.

I couldn't find it in your code, but relying on the order of keys in an object will produce bugs as the looping order of keys will usually match creation order but not always. This behavior is explicitly left undefined by the ECMAScript specification. In ECMA-262, section 12.6.4 so its done :

The mechanics of enumerating the properties ... is implementation dependent.


TransitionEnd doesn't always fire

As a result, sometimes queues can stack up, or callbacks are suppressed, or multiple transitions don't work, or other quirks like that.

This can happen if:

  • You try a transition that has no change ($foo.css({ left: 2 }).transition({ left: 2 }))
  • You try to transition an invisible element
  • You hide an element mid-transition

Furthermore, TransitionEnd is a bubbling event and Transit doesn't account for that.

moar eases

Hi there,

I love this project and I'd like to add my Penner easing approximations from Ceaser.

They will add 1.3k. Do you want it as part of the main $.cssEase object, or as a plugin/snippet with $.cssEase[easeName]?


Keyframe support with loops would be the bees knees.

translate3d for firefox 10+


Running this awesome plugin in FF 10+ does still apply a transform: translate(x,y) instead of translate3d(x,y). Do you have any idea when this will be implemented?

Thanks for the great work man, I really love the plugin and use it for a big commercial project right now..
will let you know ;)

Thanks in advance!


.css() does not wait for .transition() to end

I have a div #overlay and i want to fade it in and later out. Now that div is at "display:none" by default so it does not interrupt interaction on the screen.

Now when i use

  opacity: 1

everything works fine. The element is set to display:block and then fades in smoothly. However, when i want to hide it again, i do the opposite

  opacity: 0

Now the .css() does not wait for the transition to end but it hides it immediately, which looks really bad as you can imagine.

Any way to fix this?

Multiple callback on transition for multiple css elements


I noticed that if you call a transition on multiple elements using Jquery selector, the callback is called twice.

Exemple :
$('#element1, #element2, #element3, #element4').transition({ y:"+=30px" }, doSomething);

DoSomething() will be called 4 times instead of 1.

Awesome plugin by the way (should be native in jQuery :) ).

jquery ui

it doesnt work with jquery ui effect like

$.animate({ left: [100, 'easeOutSine'] })

Transition does not work when using fx.queue after undo a transition

Hi, i also point this issue on the following Pull Request.

Sometimes, i need to stop an animation or undo it via:

      this.get('element').style['WebkitTransition'] = null;

Afterwards, transitions won't work anymore if the queue element is used, that's why the queue property must be set up to false.

Now, i would like to get a hint about which is the reason,because transitions stop to work after the WebKitTransition element is reset, is that the intended behavior or i am doing something wrong?

Clean up transitions after executing them, or ???

Hi, i would like to discuss this feature.

I am currently using jquery.transit.js for a Mobile UI Kit project, so i am testing it on different ways.

I found some time on the code passing the following cleanUP properties:


That is required if after applying a transition ( $().transition(properties, duration, easing)) i do a $().css(properties), targeting the same css properties.

What it happens with the current implementation is that the second css changes, triggers the transition ( something i don't want that ), i guess, because the transition properties are still present on the element. I also tried to send duration 0, but i also find out it didn't respond as expected.

I did not get deeper in the code, because i wanted to get the maintainer opinions.

Looking forward hearing new about this issue.

Thanks and regards.

Can not stop a current animation

Is it possible to stop an animation? Right now, when I use $('element').transition(x, y) the animation needs to be completed before I can manipulate the x/y etc..

Hope you have a solution for this.

Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Patrick

Transform code stops working at random

Okay, I admit that this going to sound vague but I've narrowed it down every way I can and I think there is a good chance jquery.transit is the reason for this issue (although I'm not 100% sure). Let my describe the issue:

I have jquery.transit running transform origin and rotate on mouseover of an image - so it can happen multiple times in a row. It always works on the first mouseover but does not work for an infinite amount of times: it stops working eventually - maybe on the second mouseover, maybe on the 20th.

There seems to be almost no pattern as to when it breaks:

  • after working at least once (never breaks the first time) and as many as 10 or 15 times, the rotate command stops working
  • BUT the javascript is NOT breaking because other commands (for example, an .animate() event runs just fine before and after rotate stops working). I verified that js is not breaking with a try catch.
  • I can almost certainly reproduce the issue but never in a set pattern
  • Depending on what part of the image you mouseover you trigger a different rotate angle and it does seem to break more often when rotating a negative degree - but breaks on other rotate angles as well.

I know this is a long shot but I really like jquery.transit and I was wondering if anyone else has seen this problem? I realize its possible this bug has to do with CSS3 transform or rotate, but I've done a lot of searching and I can't find this problem reported on at all in forums, etc.

My code is in development at the link below, maybe it will make the above description more clear:

Any debugging advice or help on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks,


weird issue in ff13 + tempSol

Agent: Firefox 13

Condition: There is a menu and animat(ing/ed) elements.

Bug: 1) If you hover over the menu during the animation, the animation flickers. 2) If you hover after the elements becomes invisible. 3) Elements only show up when you inspect.

Solution: While animating / after animation change any CSS property of the animating element (or parent). Property that cannot be noticed. To be on a safe side: 1) Use CSS2 property. 2) It better to toggle the property, with a setTimeout perhaps.

I would really love to know what is going wrong here.

Option to disable the queue

It would be nice to have the option to avoid the queue and apply the transform immediately. Currently, if I want a responsive animation for my slider widget, I have to use use a css transform, which feels wrong :/ (especially since transition requires a vendor prefix).

var transition = 'all ' + duration + 'ms ' + easing;
  transform: 'translate(' + sliderOffset + 'px, 0, 0)', 
  'transition': transition,
  '-webkit-transition': transition,
  '-moz-transition': transition,
  '-ms-transition': transition,
  '-o-transition': transition

custom easing 'bounce' not working

following the instructions on the website

$.cssEase['bounce'] = 'cubic-bezier(0,1,0.5,1.3)';

the easing with bounce is not working.

i googled and found out that values > 1 are "values out of range". also found some example where they use

-*vendorprefix-*transition-timing-function : bounce

to get things working.

any suggestions?


jumpy transitions on older pcs

I'm having a problem with some older PC's, where I'm moving a large object (6000px x 3000px) from one point to another. One PC is a Dell M1330 with 4GB ram, and a Core2Duo (but integrated graphics) - so is not the worst in the world, but it is jumpy.

My main issue is that I'm specifying the duration as 300ms, but the animate jumps and takes over 1s. I'd be happier if it jumped, but did it within the time period.

Has anyone else encountered this, or solved a similar issue.


-moz-backface-visible: hidden doesn't work on latest Firefox 13.0.1

I'm using

card.transition({perspective: '1300px', rotate3d: '0, 1, 0, 90deg', scale:'2'}, 300, 'in').transition({left:'50px', top:'0',width:_width+'px',height:_height+'px', perspective: '1300px', rotate3d: '0, 1, 0, 180deg', scale:'1'}

transition with children property

-moz-backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-moz-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-o-transform-style: preserve-3d;
-ms-transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform-style: preserve-3d;

backface-visibility work fine on webkit browsers.

font rendering screwy in webkit with scale transition

When I use the scale transform in webkit browsers it makes all of the fonts on the page flash to a weird state. It looks like it is the font anti-aliasing that is flashing on and off and it only effect text that comes after the target element in the dom.

IE problems

IE 8 throws an error that says "Object doesn't support this property or method" line 360.
IE 9 jumps immediately to the end of the transition. Can it be made to fallback on jQuery's animate method ?

Problems with delay:0

I have discovered, that if you set "delay" to 0 in a transit instruction, the transition will not be animated.
Furthermore the next instructions with the same element will be completely ignored.

Here is an example:

jQuery Transit have a bug in chrome and safari.

the code:

    perspective: '400px',
    rotateY: '90deg',
    transformOrigin : '0'     // or 100%

in firefox is ok,but in chrome or safari is error. if delete transformOrigin : '0',it's ok.

IE8 issues

when i visit the site i get "Object doesn't support this property or method" on line 9 evey time i hover over one of the demo boxes.

Hopefully this is a simply fix, got kinda excited about this to use with IE8 since css3 isn't working with it well at all.

Alternate jQuery.animate( properties, options ) syntax not supported

The documentation says:

Use $('...').transition instead of jQuery's $('...').animate. It has the same syntax as animate.

But it really only supports the .animate( properties [, duration] [, easing] [, complete] ) overload. I usually use the jQuery.animate( properties, options ) overload to make my code clearer:

    backgroundColor: "red"
}, {
    duration: 900,
    easing: "linear"

And if I use your alternate syntax (put the duration and easing within the style properties argument, then your proposed fallback for animations in older browsers does not really work:

if (!$.support.transition)
    $.fn.transition = $.fn.animate;

Different behaviors with and without callback


If you animate multiple elements in parallel, specifying a callback or not modifies the animation synchronization.
I don't know how to say that exactly.
For example if you are animating 10 elements in parallel and if you specify a callback for only 1 of those 10 elements, they won't run the animation synchronously.

Here is a fiddle that shows this incorrect behavior :

Thanks :)

Ideas: jQuery fallback and animate plugin

Hi Rico, you're doing a heck of a job with this jQuery lib, it's the best by far for CSS animations.

Since jQuery provides basic fade and slide functions, wouldn't it be nice to fallback to these for simple animations like opacity (fade) and x,y (slide), so that older browser get a little bit of spice too? What do you think?

Also, I'm a great fan of animate.css ( It would be great to have a plugin which adds the custom animations provided by that library. Pure CSS3 power :)

Great job so far. KUTGW!

Removing a CSS attribute

It seems that $(object).css('transform', '') doesn't actually remove the style, like the native jQuery CSS setter does. This makes removing transforms (like rotate) difficult, because you can only set transform to 'rotate(0deg)', but it still leaves the rule embedded in the style property.

Using 3d transformations screws up on non-WebKits

$(".box").css({ y: 200, rotateX: 30 }).transit({ y: 0 });

This will fail in Firefox (FF9/Mac) because it tries to use rotateX, which isn't supported in Firefox yet. The actual result is that translate will be stuck on translate(0,200px).

Flip and change back

Is it possible to flip a div and have a different div (or content) on the back?

Feature request: back to old values

Let's say I have a set of element with with random rotation and x,y on mouse in I do

                    rotate: Math.floor(Math.random()*41) - 20+'deg',
                    x: Math.floor(Math.random()*91) - 40+'px',
                    y: Math.floor(Math.random()*91)+'px'


and on mouse out I'd like it to go back to whatever it was before mouse in..

I could do it by reading and saving the values before the mousein, but then again, it would be nice if the plugin could do it for me.

Othan than that, thanks, great plugin.


Multiple transitions - aliasing

This is a great job. I took a few time to resolve a problem with the queue and I found the solution here.

Everything is perfect but I have a big problem with some moves:

Everything is ok for the move with pics but I have a big aliasing with some circle div. It's a little bit better when the background color hasn't a big contrast with the div (the B&W is really aliased) but I thinf there's something to do to have a better result.

Could you help me?

BUG: Error when calling .transition() in IE 10

When using IE 10 and calling this function:

  scale:            1.05,
  backgroundColor:  "#8EC3DA",
  borderColor:      "#686868",
  duration:         150

I receive this error message:

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'setFromString' 
jquery.transit.js, line 598 character 9

Here's a screenshot:

As of writing, you can see the error in action at by mousing over any of the social buttons.

NOTE: Everything works fine in IE 9, Chrome 19, Firefox 13, and Safari 5.1.

PS - I'm in love with this library. Keep up the great work!

'this' is Window in callback when 0ms duration is supplied

It will be rare for 0 transition duration to be supplied but in certain cases a calculated duration may result in 0 and callbacks will not have access to the 'this' element and behave unexpectedly.

$('.box').transition({ x: 0 }, 0, function() {
    $(this).transition({ opacity: 0 });

Delegate .transition() calls to .animate()

I had todo something a little extra to get this to work but not sure if you want documented so did not fork gh-pages:

    var delegate = function() {
      $.fn.transition = $.fn.animate

      var hooks = [['x', 'left'], ['y', 'top']]

      hooks.forEach(function(hook, index) {
        $.fx.step[hook[0]] = function(fx){
          $.cssHooks[hook[0]].set( fx.elem, + fx.unit );

        $.cssHooks[hook[0]] = {
          get: function(elem, computed, extra) {
            return $.css(elem, hook[1]);
          set: function(elem, value) {
  [hook[1]] = value;

    if (!$.support.transition) delegate()

Fallback to animate doesn't work with easing parameter in IE9

Love this plugin. I tested several js-->CSS3 plugins of this type, and this one seems to be the most robust and stable alongside jQuery's other native functions (eg delay).

However, I do find that it leaves me in a tight squeeze when trying to accomodate IE9 with the animate fallback:

if (!$.support.transition)
    $.fn.transition = $.fn.animate;

IE9's animate will fail if the original 'transition' function uses anything other than "linear" or "swing" for the easing parameter. That is, the animation stops as soon as it encounters a transition call with "ease", "in", "out" etc.

For now, I've resorted to writing redundant IE9 scripts utilizing animate that mimic my transition-based scripts. There's probably a simpler workaround like replacing the non-standard easing parameter with linear or swing, but my js skills would be pressed to their limit trying to do so.

Am I missing something, or is this indeed an issue/bug?

registerCssHook can't handle 'none'

This also applies to issue#48.

When using the jQuery 1.8 beta, or Internet Explorer 10, the $(elem).css('transform') returns 'none' when the element has not been transformed using css. The || condition never hits, and setFromString won't work.

It isn't the cleanest fix; but it works nonetheless:


 var t = $(elem).css('transform') || new Transform();


    var t = $(elem).css('transform')  || new Transform();
} else {
    var t = new Transform();

Reverse fallback

You provide an fallback for older browsers, to use animate instead of transition, so I guess animate() and transition() are interchangeable.

It is not recommended to always animate, because of performance issues, but how about the reversed situation?

Say I have a lot of code with .animate() to animate css properties, can I just change them to .transition()? And if so, shouldn't it be possible to use:

if ($.support.transition)
    $.fn.animate = $.fn.transition;

So use css transitions if possible by default

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