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What is grape-swagger?

The grape-swagger gem provides an autogenerated documentation for your Grape API. The generated documentation is Swagger-compliant, meaning it can easily be discovered in Swagger UI. You should be able to point the petstore demo to your API.

Demo Screenshot

This screenshot is based on the Hussars sample app.

Related Projects


The following versions of grape, grape-entity and grape-swagger can currently be used together.

grape-swagger swagger spec grape grape-entity representable
0.10.5 1.2 >= 0.10.0 ... <= 0.14.0 < 0.5.0 n/a
0.11.0 1.2 >= 0.16.2 < 0.5.0 n/a
0.25.2 2.0 >= 0.14.0 ... <= 0.18.0 <= 0.6.0 >= 2.4.1
0.26.0 2.0 >= 0.16.2 ... <= 1.1.0 <= 0.6.1 >= 2.4.1
0.27.0 2.0 >= 0.16.2 ... <= 1.1.0 >= 0.5.0 >= 2.4.1
0.32.0 2.0 >= 0.16.2 >= 0.5.0 >= 2.4.1
0.34.0 2.0 >= 0.16.2 ... < 1.3.0 >= 0.5.0 >= 2.4.1
>= 1.0.0 2.0 >= 1.3.0 >= 0.5.0 >= 2.4.1
>= 2.0.0 2.0 >= 1.7.0 >= 0.5.0 >= 2.4.1


Grape-swagger generates documentation per Swagger / OpenAPI Spec 2.0.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'grape-swagger'


Please see UPGRADING when upgrading from a previous version.


Mount all your different APIs (with Grape::API superclass) on a root node. In the root class definition, include add_swagger_documentation, this sets up the system and registers the documentation on '/swagger_doc'. See example/ for a simple demo.

require 'grape-swagger'

module API
  class Root < Grape::API
    format :json
    mount API::Cats
    mount API::Dogs
    mount API::Pirates

To explore your API, either download Swagger UI and set it up yourself or go to the online swagger demo and enter your localhost url documentation root in the url field (probably something in the line of http://localhost:3000/swagger_doc).

Model Parsers

Since 0.21.0, Grape::Entity is not a part of grape-swagger, you need to add grape-swagger-entity manually to your Gemfile. Also added support for representable via grape-swagger-representable.

# For Grape::Entity ( )
gem 'grape-swagger-entity', '~> 0.3'
# For representable ( )
gem 'grape-swagger-representable', '~> 0.2'

If you are not using Rails, make sure to load the parser inside your application initialization logic, e.g., via require 'grape-swagger/entity' or require 'grape-swagger/representable'.

Custom Model Parsers

You can create your own model parser, for example for roar.

module GrapeSwagger
  module Roar
    class Parser
      attr_reader :model
      attr_reader :endpoint

      def initialize(model, endpoint)
        @model = model
        @endpoint = endpoint

      def call
        # Parse your model and return hash with model schema for swagger

Then you should register your custom parser.

GrapeSwagger.model_parsers.register(GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser, Roar::Decorator)

To control model parsers sequence, you can insert your parser before or after another parser.


GrapeSwagger.model_parsers.insert_before(GrapeSwagger::Representable::Parser, GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser, Roar::Decorator)


GrapeSwagger.model_parsers.insert_after(GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser, GrapeSwagger::Representable::Parser, Representable::Decorator)

As we know, Roar::Decorator uses Representable::Decorator as a superclass, this allows to avoid a problem when Roar objects are processed by GrapeSwagger::Representable::Parser instead of GrapeSwagger::Roar::Parser.


If you use the online demo, make sure your API supports foreign requests by enabling CORS in Grape, otherwise you'll see the API description, but requests on the API won't return. Use rack-cors to enable CORS.

require 'rack/cors'
use Rack::Cors do
  allow do
    origins '*'
    resource '*', headers: :any, methods: [ :get, :post, :put, :delete, :options ]

Alternatively you can set CORS headers in a Grape before block.

before do
  header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
  header['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = '*'


You can pass a hash with optional configuration settings to add_swagger_documentation. The examples show the default value.

The host and base_path options also accept a proc or a lambda to evaluate, which is passed a request object:

add_swagger_documentation \
  base_path: proc { |request| =~ /^example/ ? '/api-example' : '/api' }


Sets explicit the host, default would be taken from request.

add_swagger_documentation \
   host: ''


Base path of the API that's being exposed, default would be taken from request.

add_swagger_documentation \
   base_path: nil

host and base_path are also accepting a proc or lambda


The path where the API documentation is loaded, default is: /swagger_doc.

add_swagger_documentation \
   mount_path: '/swagger_doc'


Add basePath key to the documented path keys, default is: false.

add_swagger_documentation \
   add_base_path: true # only if base_path given


Add root element to all the responses, default is: false.

add_swagger_documentation \
   add_root: true


Add version key to the documented path keys, default is: true, here the version is the API version, specified by grape in path

add_swagger_documentation \
   add_version: true


Specify the version of the documentation at info section, default is: '0.0.1'

add_swagger_documentation \
   doc_version: '0.0.1'


Specify the middleware to use for securing endpoints.

add_swagger_documentation \
   endpoint_auth_wrapper: WineBouncer::OAuth2


Specify the method and auth scopes, used by the middleware for securing endpoints.

add_swagger_documentation \
   swagger_endpoint_guard: 'oauth2 false'


Specify the token_owner method, provided by the middleware, which is typically named 'resource_owner'.

add_swagger_documentation \
   token_owner: 'resource_owner'


Specify the Security Definitions Object

NOTE: Swagger-UI is supporting only implicit flow yet

add_swagger_documentation \
  security_definitions: {
    api_key: {
      type: "apiKey",
      name: "api_key",
      in: "header"


Specify the Security Object

add_swagger_documentation \
  security: [
      api_key: []


A list of entities to document. Combine with the grape-entity gem.

These would be added to the definitions section of the swagger file.

add_swagger_documentation \
   models: [


A list of tags to document. By default tags are automatically generated for endpoints based on route names.

add_swagger_documentation \
  tags: [
    { name: 'widgets', description: 'A description of widgets' }

hide_documentation_path: (default: true)

add_swagger_documentation \
   hide_documentation_path: true

Don't show the /swagger_doc path in the generated swagger documentation.


add_swagger_documentation \
  info: {
    title: "The API title to be displayed on the API homepage.",
    description: "A description of the API.",
    contact_name: "Contact name",
    contact_email: "[email protected]",
    contact_url: "Contact URL",
    license: "The name of the license.",
    license_url: "",
    terms_of_service_url: "",

A hash merged into the info key of the JSON documentation.


add_swagger_documentation \
  array_use_braces: true

This setting must be true in order for params defined as an Array type to submit each element properly.

params do
 optional :metadata, type: Array[String]

with array_use_braces: true:

metadata[]: { "name": "Asset ID", "value": "12345" }
metadata[]: { "name": "Asset Tag", "value": "654321"}

with array_use_braces: false:

metadata: {"name": "Asset ID", "value": "123456"}
metadata: {"name": "Asset Tag", "value": "654321"}


Customize the Swagger API documentation route, typically contains a desc field. The default description is "Swagger compatible API description".

add_swagger_documentation \
   api_documentation: { desc: 'Reticulated splines API swagger-compatible documentation.' }


Customize the Swagger API specific documentation route, typically contains a desc field. The default description is "Swagger compatible API description for specific API".

add_swagger_documentation \
   specific_api_documentation: { desc: 'Reticulated splines API swagger-compatible endpoint documentation.' }


Customize the Swagger API default global consumes field value.

add_swagger_documentation \
   consumes: ['application/json', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded']


Customize the Swagger API default global produces field value.

add_swagger_documentation \
   produces: ['text/plain']

Routes Configuration

Swagger Header Parameters

Swagger also supports the documentation of parameters passed in the header. Since grape's params[] doesn't return header parameters we can specify header parameters seperately in a block after the description.

desc "Return super-secret information", {
  headers: {
    "XAuthToken" => {
      description: "Valdates your identity",
      required: true
    "XOptionalHeader" => {
      description: "Not really needed",
      required: false

Hiding an Endpoint

You can hide an endpoint by adding hidden: true in the description of the endpoint:

desc 'Hide this endpoint', hidden: true

Or by adding hidden: true on the verb method of the endpoint, such as get, post and put:

get '/kittens', hidden: true do

Or by using a route setting:

route_setting :swagger, { hidden: true }
get '/kittens' do

Endpoints can be conditionally hidden by providing a callable object such as a lambda which evaluates to the desired state:

desc 'Conditionally hide this endpoint', hidden: lambda { ENV['EXPERIMENTAL'] != 'true' }

Overriding Auto-Generated Nicknames

You can specify a swagger nickname to use instead of the auto generated name by adding :nickname 'string' in the description of the endpoint.

desc 'Get a full list of pets', nickname: 'getAllPets'

Specify endpoint details

To specify further details for an endpoint, use the detail option within a block passed to desc:

desc 'Get all kittens!' do
  detail 'this will expose all the kittens'
get '/kittens' do

Overriding the route summary

To override the summary, add summary: '[string]' after the description.

namespace 'order' do
  desc 'This will be your summary',
    summary: 'Now this is your summary!'
  get :order_id do

Overriding the tags

Tags are used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier. To override the tags array, add tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] after the description.

namespace 'order' do
  desc 'This will be your summary', tags: ['orders']
  get :order_id do

Deprecating routes

To deprecate a route add deprecated: true after the description.

namespace 'order' do
  desc 'This is a deprecated route', deprecated: true
  get :order_id do

Overriding the name of the body parameter

By default, body parameters have a generated name based on the operation. For deeply nested resources, this name can get very long. To override the name of body parameter add body_name: 'post_body' after the description.

namespace 'order' do
  desc 'Create an order', body_name: 'post_body'
  post do

Defining an endpoint as an array

You can define an endpoint as an array by adding is_array in the description:

desc 'Get a full list of pets', is_array: true

Using an options hash

The Grape DSL supports either an options hash or a restricted block to pass settings. Passing the nickname, hidden and is_array options together with response codes is only possible when passing an options hash. Since the syntax differs you'll need to adjust it accordingly:

desc 'Get all kittens!', {
  hidden: true,
  is_array: true,
  nickname: 'getKittens',
  success: Entities::Kitten, # or success
  failure: [[401, 'KittenBitesError', Entities::BadKitten]] # or failure
  # also explicit as hash: [{ code: 401, message: 'KittenBitesError', model: Entities::BadKitten }]
  produces: [ "array", "of", "mime_types" ],
  consumes: [ "array", "of", "mime_types" ]
get '/kittens' do

Overriding parameter type

You can override paramType, using the documentation hash. See parameter object for available types.

params do
  requires :action, type: Symbol, values: [:PAUSE, :RESUME, :STOP], documentation: { param_type: 'query' }
post :act do

Overriding data type of the parameter

You can override type, using the documentation hash.

params do
  requires :input, type: String, documentation: { type: 'integer' }
post :act do
  "in": "formData",
  "name": "input",
  "type": "integer",
  "format": "int32",
  "required": true

Multiple types

By default when you set multiple types, the first type is selected as swagger type

params do
  requires :action, types: [String, Integer]
post :act do
  "in": "formData",
  "name": "action",
  "type": "string",
  "required": true

Array of data type

Array types are also supported.

params do
  requires :action_ids, type: Array[Integer]
post :act do
  "in": "formData",
  "name": "action_ids",
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
      "type": "integer"
  "required": true

Collection format of arrays

You can set the collection format of an array, using the documentation hash.

Collection format determines the format of the array if type array is used. Possible values are:

  • csv - comma separated values foo,bar.
  • ssv - space separated values foo bar.
  • tsv - tab separated values foo\tbar.
  • pipes - pipe separated values foo|bar.
  • multi - corresponds to multiple parameter instances instead of multiple values for a single instance foo=bar&foo=baz. This is valid only for parameters in "query" or "formData".
params do
  requires :statuses, type: Array[String], documentation: { collectionFormat: 'multi' }
post :act do
  "in": "formData",
  "name": "statuses",
  "type": "array",
  "items": {
      "type": "string"
  "collectionFormat": "multi",
  "required": true

Hiding parameters

Exclude single optional parameter from the documentation

not_admins = lambda { |token_owner = nil| token_owner.nil? || !token_owner.admin? }

params do
  optional :one, documentation: { hidden: true }
  optional :two, documentation: { hidden: -> { |t=nil| true } }
  optional :three, documentation: { hidden: not_admins }
post :act do

Setting a Swagger default value

Grape allows for an additional documentation hash to be passed to a parameter.

params do
  requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'Coffee ID'
  requires :temperature, type: Integer, desc: 'Temperature of the coffee in celcius', documentation: { default: 72 }

Grape uses the option default to set a default value for optional parameters. This is different in that Grape will set your parameter to the provided default if the parameter is omitted, whereas the example value above will only set the value in the UI itself. This will set the Swagger defaultValue to the provided value. Note that the example value will override the Grape default value.

params do
  requires :id, type: Integer, desc: 'Coffee ID'
  optional :temperature, type: Integer, desc: 'Temperature of the coffee in celcius', default: 72

Setting additionalProperties for object-type parameters

Use the additional_properties option in the documentation hash for object-type parameters to set additionalProperties.

Allow any additional properties

params do
  optional :thing, type: Hash, documentation: { additional_properties: true }

Allow any additional properties of a particular type

params do
  optional :thing, type: Hash, documentation: { additional_properties: String }

Allow any additional properties matching a defined schema

class Entity < Grape::Entity
  expose :this

params do
  optional :thing, type: Hash, documentation: { additional_properties: Entity }

Example parameter value

The example parameter will populate the Swagger UI with the example value, and can be used for optional or required parameters.

params do
  requires :id, type: Integer, documentation: { example: 123 }
  optional :name, type: String, documentation: { example: 'Buddy Guy' }

Expose nested namespace as standalone route

Use the nested: false property in the swagger option to make nested namespaces appear as standalone resources. This option can help to structure and keep the swagger schema simple.

namespace 'store/order', desc: 'Order operations within a store', swagger: { nested: false } do
  get :order_id do

All routes that belong to this namespace (here: the GET /order_id) will then be assigned to the store_order route instead of the store resource route.

It is also possible to expose a namespace within another already exposed namespace:

namespace 'store/order', desc: 'Order operations within a store', swagger: { nested: false } do
  get :order_id do
  namespace 'actions', desc: 'Order actions', nested: false do
    get 'evaluate' do

Here, the GET /order_id appears as operation of the store_order resource and the GET /evaluate as operation of the store_orders_actions route.

With a custom name

Auto generated names for the standalone version of complex nested resource do not have a nice look. You can set a custom name with the name property inside the swagger option, but only if the namespace gets exposed as standalone route. The name should not contain whitespaces or any other special characters due to further issues within swagger-ui.

namespace 'store/order', desc: 'Order operations within a store', swagger: { nested: false, name: 'Store-orders' } do
  get :order_id do

Response documentation

You can also document the HTTP status codes with a description and a specified model, as ref in the schema to the definitions, that your API returns with one of the following syntax.

In the following cases, the schema ref would be taken from route.

desc 'thing', failure: [ { code: 400, message: 'Invalid parameter entry' } ]
get '/thing' do
  # ...
desc 'thing' do
  params Entities::Something.documentation
  failure [ { code: 400, message: 'Invalid parameter entry' } ]
get '/thing' do
  # ...
get '/thing', failure: [
  { code: 400, message: 'Invalid parameter entry' },
  { code: 404, message: 'Not authorized' },
] do
  # ...

By adding a model key, e.g. this would be taken. Setting an empty string will act like an empty body.

get '/thing', failure: [
  { code: 400, message: 'General error' },
  { code: 403, message: 'Forbidden error', model: '' },
  { code: 422, message: 'Invalid parameter entry', model: Entities::ApiError }
] do
  # ...

If no status code is defined defaults would be taken.

The result is then something like following:

"responses": {
  "200": {
    "description": "get Horses",
    "schema": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/Thing"
  "401": {
    "description": "HorsesOutError",
    "schema": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/ApiError"

Changing default status codes

The default status codes, one could be found (-> status codes) can be changed to your specific needs, to achive it, you have to change it for grape itself and for the documentation.

desc 'Get a list of stuff',
    success: { code: 202, model: Entities::UseResponse, message: 'a changed status code' }
get do
  status 202
  # your code comes here
"responses": {
  "202": {
    "description": "ok",
    "schema": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/UseResponse"

Multiple status codes for response

Multiple values can be provided for success and failure attributes in the response.

desc 'Attach a field to an entity through a PUT',
    success: [
      { code: 201, model: Entities::UseResponse, message: 'Successfully created' },
      { code: 204, message: 'Already exists' }
    failure: [
      { code: 400, message: 'Bad request' },
      { code: 404, message: 'Not found' }
put do
  # your code comes here
"responses": {
  "201": {
    "description": "Successfully created",
    "schema": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/UseResponse"
  "204": {
    "description": "Already exists"
  "400": {
    "description": "Bad request"
  "404": {
    "description": "Not found"

File response

Setting success to File sets a default produces of application/octet-stream.

desc 'Get a file',
    success: File
get do
  # your file response
"produces": [
"responses": {
  "200": {
    "description": "Get a file",
    "schema": {
      "type": "file"

Default response

By setting the default option you can also define a default response that is the result returned for all unspecified status codes. The definition supports the same syntax as success or failure.

In the following cases, the schema ref would be taken from route.

desc 'thing', default: { message: 'the default response' }
get '/thing' do
  # ...

The generated swagger section will be something like

"responses": {
  "default": {
    "description": "the default response"

Just like with success or failure you can also provide a model parameter.

desc 'Get a list of stuff',
    default: { model: Entities::UseResponse, message: 'the default response' }
get do
  # your code comes here

The generated swagger document will then correctly reference the model schema.

"responses": {
  "default": {
    "description": "the default response",
    "schema": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/UseResponse"


Swagger spec2.0 supports extensions on different levels, for the moment, the documentation on the root level object and the info, verb, path and definition levels are supported.

The documented key would be generated from the x + - + key of the submitted hash, for possibilities refer to the extensions spec. To get an overview how the extensions would be defined on grape level, see the following examples:

  • root object extension, add a x key to the root hash when calling add_swagger_documentation:
  add_swagger_documentation \
    x: {
      some: 'stuff'
    info: {

this would generate:

  "x-some": "stuff",
  • info extension, add a x key to the info hash when calling add_swagger_documentation:
  add_swagger_documentation \
    info: {
      x: { some: 'stuff' }

this would generate:

  • verb extension, add a x key to the desc hash:
desc 'This returns something with extension on verb level',
  x: { some: 'stuff' }

this would generate:

  • operation extension, by setting via route settings::
route_setting :x_operation, { some: 'stuff' }

this would generate:

  • path extension, by setting via route settings:
route_setting :x_path, { some: 'stuff' }

this would generate:

  • definition extension, again by setting via route settings, here the status code must be provided, for which definition the extensions should be:
route_setting :x_def, { for: 422, other: 'stuff' }

this would generate:


or, for more definitions:

route_setting :x_def, [{ for: 422, other: 'stuff' }, { for: 200, some: 'stuff' }]
  • params extension, add a x key to the documentation hash :
requires :foo, type: String, documentation: { x: { some: 'stuff' } }

this would generate:

  "in": "formData",
  "name": "foo",
  "type": "string",
  "required": true,
  "x-some": "stuff"

Response examples documentation

You can also add examples to your responses by using the desc DSL with block syntax.

By specifying examples to success and failure.

desc 'This returns examples' do
  success model: Thing, examples: { 'application/json' => { description: 'Names list', items: [{ id: '123', name: 'John' }] } }
  failure [[404, 'NotFound', ApiError, { 'application/json' => { code: 404, message: 'Not found' } }]]
get '/thing' do

The result will look like following:

  "responses": {
    "200": {
      "description": "This returns examples",
      "schema": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/Thing"
      "examples": {
        "application/json": {
          "description": "Names list",
          "items": [
              "id": "123",
              "name": "John"
    "404": {
      "description": "NotFound",
      "schema": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/ApiError"
      "examples": {
        "application/json": {
          "code": 404,
          "message": "Not found"

Failure information can be passed as an array of arrays or an array of hashes.

Response headers documentation

You can also add header information to your responses by using the desc DSL with block syntax.

By specifying headers to success and failure.

desc 'This returns headers' do
  success model: Thing, headers: { 'Location' => { description: 'Location of resource', type: 'string' } }
  failure [[404, 'NotFound', ApiError, { 'application/json' => { code: 404, message: 'Not found' } }, { 'Date' => { description: 'Date of failure', type: 'string' } }]]
get '/thing' do

The result will look like following:

  "responses": {
    "200": {
      "description": "This returns examples",
      "schema": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/Thing"
      "headers": {
        "Location": {
          "description": "Location of resource",
          "type": "string"
    "404": {
      "description": "NotFound",
      "schema": {
        "$ref": "#/definitions/ApiError"
      "examples": {
        "application/json": {
          "code": 404,
          "message": "Not found"
      "headers": {
        "Date": {
          "description": "Date of failure",
          "type": "string"

Failure information can be passed as an array of arrays or an array of hashes.

Adding root element to responses

You can specify a custom root element for a successful response:

route_setting :swagger, root: 'cute_kitten'
desc 'Get a kitten' do
  http_codes [{ code: 200, model: Entities::Kitten }]
get '/kittens/:id' do

The result will look like following:

  "responses": {
    "200": {
      "description": "Get a kitten",
      "schema": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": { "cute_kitten": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Kitten" } }

If you specify true, the value of the root element will be deduced based on the model name. E.g. in the following example the root element will be "kittens":

route_setting :swagger, root: true
desc 'Get kittens' do
  is_array true
  http_codes [{ code: 200, model: Entities::Kitten }]
get '/kittens' do

The result will look like following:

  "responses": {
    "200": {
      "description": "Get kittens",
      "schema": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": { "type": "array", "items": { "kittens": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Kitten" } } }

Multiple present Response

You can specify a custom multiple response by using the as key:

desc 'Multiple response',
  success: [
    { model: Entities::EnumValues, as: :gender },
    { model: Entities::Something, as: :somethings }

get '/things' do

The result will look like following:

  "responses": {
    "200": {
      "description": "Multiple response",

You can also specify if the response is an array, with the is_array key:

desc 'Multiple response with array',
  success: [
    { model: Entities::EnumValues, as: :gender },
    { model: Entities::Something, as: :somethings, is_array: true, required: true }

get '/things' do

The result will look like following:

  "responses": {
    "200": {
      "description": "Multiple response with array",
        "required": ["somethings"]

Using Grape Entities

Add the grape-entity and grape-swagger-entity gem to your Gemfile.

The following example exposes statuses. And exposes statuses documentation adding :type, :desc and :required. The documented class/definition name could be set via #entity_name.

module API
  module Entities
    class Status < Grape::Entity
      expose :text, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Status update text.', required: true }
      expose :links, using: Link, documentation: { type: 'link', is_array: true }
      expose :numbers, documentation: { type: 'integer', desc: 'favourite number', values: [1,2,3,4] }

    class Link < Grape::Entity
      expose :href, documentation: { type: 'url' }
      expose :rel, documentation: { type: 'string'}

      def self.entity_name


  class Statuses < Grape::API
    version 'v1'

    desc 'Statuses index',
      entity: API::Entities::Status
    get '/statuses' do
      statuses = Status.all
      type = current_user.admin? ? :full : :default
      present statuses, with: API::Entities::Status, type: type

    desc 'Creates a new status',
      entity: API::Entities::Status,
      params: API::Entities::Status.documentation
    post '/statuses' do


You may safely omit type from relationships, as it can be inferred. However, if you need to specify or override it, use the full name of the class leaving out any modules named Entities or Entity.


module API
  module Entities
    class Client < Grape::Entity
      expose :name, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Name' }
      expose :addresses, using: Entities::Address,
        documentation: { type: 'Entities::Address', desc: 'Addresses.', param_type: 'body', is_array: true }

    class Address < Grape::Entity
      expose :street, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Street.' }

  class Clients < Grape::API
    version 'v1'

    desc 'Clients index',
      params: Entities::Client.documentation,
      success: Entities::Client
    get '/clients' do



Note: is_array is false by default.

module API
  module Entities
    class Client < Grape::Entity
      expose :name, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Name' }
      expose :address, using: Entities::Address,
        documentation: { type: 'Entities::Address', desc: 'Addresses.', param_type: 'body', is_array: false }

    class Address < Grape::Entity
      expose :street, documentation: { type: 'string', desc: 'Street' }

  class Clients < Grape::API
    version 'v1'

    desc 'Clients index',
      params: Entities::Client.documentation,
      success: Entities::Client
    get '/clients' do


Inheritance with allOf and discriminator

module Entities
  class Pet < Grape::Entity
    expose :type, documentation: {
      type: 'string',
      is_discriminator: true,
      required: true
    expose :name, documentation: {
      type: 'string',
      required: true

  class Cat < Pet
    expose :huntingSkill, documentation: {
      type: 'string',
      description: 'The measured skill for hunting',
      default: 'lazy',
      values: %w[

Should generate this definitions:

  "definitions": {
    "Pet": {
      "type": "object",
      "discriminator": "petType",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
          "type": "string"
        "petType": {
          "type": "string"
      "required": [
    "Cat": {
      "description": "A representation of a cat",
      "allOf": [
          "$ref": "#/definitions/Pet"
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "huntingSkill": {
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The measured skill for hunting",
              "default": "lazy",
              "enum": [
            "petType": {
              "type": "string",
              "enum": ["Cat"]
          "required": [

Securing the Swagger UI

The Swagger UI on Grape could be secured from unauthorized access using any middleware, which provides certain methods:

  • some guard method, which could receive as argument a string or an array of authorization scopes;
  • a before method to be run in the Grape controller for authorization purpose;
  • a set of methods which will process the access token received in the HTTP request headers (usually in the 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' header) and try to return the owner of the token.

Below are some examples of securing the Swagger UI on Grape installed along with Ruby on Rails:

  • The WineBouncer and Doorkeeper gems are used in the examples;
  • 'rails' and 'wine_bouncer' gems should be required prior to 'grape-swagger' in boot.rb;
  • This works with a fresh PR to WineBouncer which is yet unmerged - WineBouncer PR.

This is how to configure the grape_swagger documentation:

  add_swagger_documentation base_path: '/',
                            title: 'My API',
                            doc_version: '0.0.1',
                            hide_documentation_path: true,
                            endpoint_auth_wrapper: WineBouncer::OAuth2, # This is the middleware for securing the Swagger UI
                            swagger_endpoint_guard: 'oauth2 false',     # this is the guard method and scope
                            token_owner: 'resource_owner'               # This is the method returning the owner of the token

The guard method should inject the Security Requirement Object into the endpoint's route settings (see Grape::DSL::Settings.route_setting method).

The 'oauth2 false' added to swagger_documentation is making the main Swagger endpoint protected with OAuth, i.e. the access_token is being retreiving from the HTTP request, but the 'false' scope is for skipping authorization and showing the UI for everyone. If the scope would be set to something else, like 'oauth2 admin', for example, than the UI wouldn't be displayed at all to unauthorized users.

Further on, the guard could be used, where necessary, for endpoint access protection. Put it prior to the endpoint's method:

  resource :users do
    oauth2 'read, write'
    get do

    oauth2 'admin'
    post do

And, finally, if you want to not only restrict the access, but to completely hide the endpoint from unauthorized users, you could pass a lambda to the :hidden key of a endpoint's description:

  not_admins = lambda { |token_owner = nil| token_owner.nil? || !token_owner.admin? }

  resource :users do
    desc 'Create user', hidden: not_admins
    oauth2 'admin'
    post do

The lambda is checking whether the user is authenticated (if not, the token_owner is nil by default), and has the admin role - only admins can see this endpoint.


Go into example directory and run it: $ bundle exec rackup go to: http://localhost:9292/swagger_doc to get it

For request examples load the postman file

Grouping the API list using Namespace

Use namespace for grouping APIs


Example Code

class NamespaceApi < Grape::API
  namespace :hudson do
    desc 'Document root'
    get '/' do

    desc 'This gets something.',
      detail: '_test_'

    get '/simple' do
      { bla: 'something' }

  namespace :download do
    desc 'download files',
         success: File,
         produces: ['text/csv']
    get ':id' do
      # file response

Rake Tasks

Add these lines to your Rakefile, and initialize the Task class with your Api class.

require 'grape-swagger/rake/oapi_tasks'

You may initialize with the class name as a string if the class is not yet loaded at the time Rakefile is parsed:

require 'grape-swagger/rake/oapi_tasks''::Api::Base')

OpenApi/Swagger Documentation

rake oapi:fetch
- store={ true | file_name.json } – save as JSON (optional)
- resource=resource_name     – get only for this one (optional)

For mutliversion API it creates several files with following naming: file_name_API_VERSION.json

OpenApi/Swagger Validation

requires: npm and swagger-cli to be installed

rake oapi:validate
- resource=resource_name – get only for this one (optional)

Contributing to grape-swagger


Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Tim Vandecasteele, ruby-grape and contributors. See LICENSE.txt for details.

grape-swagger's People


anakinj avatar arturoherrero avatar bikolya avatar calebwoods avatar claymodel avatar craigcottingham avatar dblock avatar frodrigo avatar hedgesky avatar idyll avatar ioanatia avatar jdmurphy avatar jhollinger avatar joelvh avatar kzaitsev avatar lefnord avatar lest avatar lidimayra avatar magni- avatar mattyr avatar myxoh avatar olleolleolle avatar pbendersky avatar stefan-kolb avatar swistaczek avatar takahashim avatar texpert avatar thogg4 avatar tim-vandecasteele avatar u2 avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

grape-swagger's Issues

Occasional (inconsistent) Ruby 1.9 idioms

My environment still requires sticking to v.1.8.7. When trying to rack up my app, I get error messages for 1.9-style hash declarations:

/home/uriel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/backports-2.6.5/lib/backports/tools.rb:314:in `require_without_backports': /home/uriel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/grape-swagger-0.3.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:71: odd number list for Hash (SyntaxError)
                apiVersion: api_version,
/home/uriel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/grape-swagger-0.3.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:71: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}'
                apiVersion: api_version,
/home/uriel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/grape-swagger-0.3.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:72: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '='
                swaggerVersion: "1.1",
/home/uriel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/grape-swagger-0.3.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:72: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting kEND
/home/uriel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/grape-swagger-0.3.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:73: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting kEND
/home/uriel/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/grape-swagger-0.3.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:75: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting kEND
                apis: routes_array

Release updated gem

Last release (v0.3.0) was in October 2012. Can you release an update that works with grape 0.3.x? Current master branch depends on grape 0.2.0.

I believe I have issues with 0.3.0 gem which were fixed in commits some time ago.


Adding swagger documentation for multiple Grape APIs in single Rails app

In our Rails app we are mounting two separate Grape APIs, e.g. /api/partner/v1 and /api/clients/v1. Now when I call add_swagger_documentation for each of these APIs, two separate swagger_doc entry points are mounted correctly. However querying these two entry points returns the same API documentation. E.g. querying /api/partner/v1/swagger_doc.json returns the documentation for API::Partner but querying /api/clients/v1/swagger_doc.json also returns the documentation for API::Partner.

I've been doing some debugging on this issue and it seems that the @@target_class class variable points to the same API class in the get @@mount_path definition:

get @@mount_path do
  Rails.logger.debug("XXXX self class: #{self.class}, #{self.class.object_id}")
  header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
  header['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = '*'
  routes = @@target_class::combined_routes
  Rails.logger.debug("XXXX routes for #{@@target_class}: #{routes}")

This is despite the fact that two separate documentation classes get created with separate class variable. Somehow these class variables get merged into a single new instance of the Grape::Endpoint class. Here is what I see in the logs:

Started GET "/api/client/v1/client_api_docs.json" for at 2013-03-06 01:38:24 +0800
XXXX self class: Grape::Endpoint, 70097079507800
XXXX routes for API::Client: {"search"=>[version=v1, method=GET, path=/:version/search(.:format)]}

Started GET "/api/partner/v1/partner_api_docs.json" for at 2013-03-06 01:19:14 +0800
XXXX self class: Grape::Endpoint, 70097079507800
XXXX routes for API::Client: {"client_api_docs"=>[version=v1, method=GET, path=/:version/client_api_docs(.:format), version=v1, method=GET, path=/:version/client_api_docs/:name(.:format)], "search"=>[version=v1, method=GET, path=/:version/search(.:format)]}

Maybe this data shouldn't be stored in class variables?

Grape 4.0.0

Any plans to update this lib in that way that it works together with Grape 4.0.0 ?

version problem

mount V2 => '/api' (routes.rb)
version 'v2', :using => :path, :vendor => 'hal'
add_swagger_documentation(:base_path => "http://#{APP_CONFIG['default_hosts']["#{Rails.env}"]}/api/v2") if Rails.env.development?
Request URL{version}/seller/53.json

swagger-codegen compatibility for output of client libraries from a grape API

I tried this recently without much luck as a couple of the fields were missing from the swagger description emitted by grape-swagger. Foolishly I didn't document this at the time so I'm not sure which fields these were. It may be the case that adding these fields isn't possible with the current grape DSL. I will investigate further as I require this functionality but have added this issue for now as a stake in the ground.

Question: Swagger-compliant JSON generation for Rails

This is a question, rather than an issue. Sorry for abusing the project issues for this purpose but I didn't see a better way to contact you.

My question is if you came a across a gem that can generate Swagger-compliant JSON for pure Rails APIs? I am currently using plain ActionControllers and ActiveModel::Serializer for my API, and I haven't found a way yet to marry that with Swagger nicely.

Out of curiosity: Why do you favor grape for API building?

Thanks a lot :)

grape-swagger version 0.6.0 not supporting post methods

In version 0.5.0 , the POST methods are working properly
but in version 0.6.0 , i am getting TypeError : can't convert nil into Hash for the POST methods

Full trace:
rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/request.rb:221:in merge' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/request.rb:221:inparams'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/http/request.rb:6:in params' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/endpoint.rb:172:inparams'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/endpoint.rb:395:in block in run' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/endpoint.rb:394:ineach'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/endpoint.rb:394:in run' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/endpoint.rb:164:inblock in call!'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/base.rb:24:in call' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/base.rb:24:incall!'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/base.rb:18:in call' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/base.rb:24:incall!'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/base.rb:18:in call' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/error.rb:26:inblock in call!'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/error.rb:25:in catch' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/error.rb:25:incall!'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/middleware/base.rb:18:in call' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/head.rb:9:incall'
rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/builder.rb:134:in call' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/endpoint.rb:165:incall!'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/endpoint.rb:155:in call' rack-mount (0.8.3) lib/rack/mount/route_set.rb:152:inblock in call'
rack-mount (0.8.3) lib/rack/mount/code_generation.rb:96:in block in recognize' rack-mount (0.8.3) lib/rack/mount/code_generation.rb:68:inoptimized_each'
rack-mount (0.8.3) lib/rack/mount/code_generation.rb:95:in recognize' rack-mount (0.8.3) lib/rack/mount/route_set.rb:141:incall'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/api.rb:480:in call' grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/api.rb:49:incall!'
grape (0.5.0) lib/grape/api.rb:45:in call' journey (1.0.4) lib/journey/router.rb:68:inblock in call'
journey (1.0.4) lib/journey/router.rb:56:in each' journey (1.0.4) lib/journey/router.rb:56:incall'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:612:in call' omniauth (1.1.4) lib/omniauth/strategy.rb:184:incall!'
omniauth (1.1.4) lib/omniauth/strategy.rb:164:in call' omniauth (1.1.4) lib/omniauth/strategy.rb:184:incall!'
omniauth (1.1.4) lib/omniauth/strategy.rb:164:in call' newrelic_rpm ( lib/new_relic/rack/error_collector.rb:12:incall'
newrelic_rpm ( lib/new_relic/rack/agent_hooks.rb:22:in call' newrelic_rpm ( lib/new_relic/rack/browser_monitoring.rb:16:incall'
newrelic_rpm ( lib/new_relic/rack/developer_mode.rb:28:in call' rack-google-analytics (0.11.0) lib/rack/google-analytics.rb:18:in_call'
rack-google-analytics (0.11.0) lib/rack/google-analytics.rb:15:in call' warden (1.2.1) lib/warden/manager.rb:35:inblock in call'
warden (1.2.1) lib/warden/manager.rb:34:in catch' warden (1.2.1) lib/warden/manager.rb:34:incall'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/best_standards_support.rb:17:in call' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/etag.rb:23:incall'
rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/conditionalget.rb:35:in call' actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/head.rb:14:incall'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/params_parser.rb:21:in call' actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/flash.rb:242:incall'
rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:210:in context' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:205:incall'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb:341:in call' activerecord (3.2.13) lib/active_record/query_cache.rb:64:incall'
activerecord (3.2.13) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_pool.rb:479:in call' actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:28:inblock in call'
activesupport (3.2.13) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:405:in _run__153453904__call__699551650__callbacks' activesupport (3.2.13) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:405:in__run_callback'
activesupport (3.2.13) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:385:in _run_call_callbacks' activesupport (3.2.13) lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:81:inrun_callbacks'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:27:in call' actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/reloader.rb:65:incall'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/remote_ip.rb:31:in call' actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/debug_exceptions.rb:16:incall'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/show_exceptions.rb:56:in call' railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:32:incall_app'
railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:16:in block in call' activesupport (3.2.13) lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb:22:intagged'
railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:16:in call' actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/request_id.rb:22:incall'
rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/methodoverride.rb:21:in call' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/runtime.rb:17:incall'
activesupport (3.2.13) lib/active_support/cache/strategy/local_cache.rb:72:in call' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/lock.rb:15:incall'
actionpack (3.2.13) lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:63:in call' railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/engine.rb:479:incall'
railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/application.rb:223:in call' railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/railtie/configurable.rb:30:inmethod_missing'
rack-cors (0.2.8) lib/rack/cors.rb:54:in call' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/content_length.rb:14:incall'
railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/rack/log_tailer.rb:17:in call' thin (1.5.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:81:inblock in pre_process'
thin (1.5.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:79:in catch' thin (1.5.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:79:inpre_process'
thin (1.5.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:54:in process' thin (1.5.1) lib/thin/connection.rb:39:inreceive_data'
eventmachine (1.0.3) lib/eventmachine.rb:187:in run_machine' eventmachine (1.0.3) lib/eventmachine.rb:187:inrun'
thin (1.5.1) lib/thin/backends/base.rb:63:in start' thin (1.5.1) lib/thin/server.rb:159:instart'
rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/handler/thin.rb:13:in run' rack (1.4.5) lib/rack/server.rb:268:instart'
railties (3.2.13) lib/rails/commands/server.rb:70:in `start'

can you help me identify the problem

undefined method `mount' for class `Class' (NameError)

Hi. I am just updated from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0. As soon I run "rails s" I am getting now this exception:

.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392@versioneye/gems/grape-swagger-0.3.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:8:in singletonclass': undefined methodmount' for class `Class' (NameError)

Any ideas?

API basePath is coming back with port

I am trying to serve the docs from a relative path for an app using HTTPS. The Swagger JSON returns something like

      "produces":["application/xml","application/json", "application/vnd.api+json","text/plain"],

https and port 80 are in direct conflict. I have tried various options with add_swagger_documentation, including include_base_url: false and root_base_path: false

Not sure what I am doing wrong, but would love some help.

How to use it in Rails?

Can someone help me understand how I can configure grape-swagger on a Rails app? I followed the instructions, but I'm still having trouble. swagger_doc.json is throwing a routing error.

Questions on documentation - Usage section


I need some help regarding the Usage section in the documentation.
Should I put the following code in a file called root.rb and place it under the app/api folder?
I tried that but whe I hit http://localhost:3000/swagger_docs.json I got an error saying that "/swagger_docs.json" does not exist. Do I need to define another route in routes.rb?

require 'grape-swagger'

module API
  class Root < Grape::API
    mount API::Cats
    mount API::Dogs
    mount API::Pirates

Also, if I only have one set of API, do I still need to do this?
Or can I just put add_swagger_documentation line in the individual API files?

Trying to get JSON post documentation right.

I'm hoping this isn't an extremely stupid question...

I loaded up grape-swagger, and set some basic options, and for the most part it is working great! However, I've been stuck trying to figure out how to generate the documentation in a way to tell swagger-ui that my api expects post-data of a json.

Using the same swagger-ui code, I can point to the petstore example api, and see that it looks like it is acting the way I would like, with the param type as body, and they content type as application/json. Inspecting the example petstore endpoint swagger at, I suspect that the "consumes: "application/json", and parameter paramType: "body", are the bits that I am not figuring out how to render, and would make the swagger-ui work this way.

Is there any chance someone could give an example of how to do this?


Undefined method 'mount'

I don't run Rails but Goliath. How should I mount API's when I don't have the mount method?
I tried PadrinoEatsGrape but it's pretty confusing and files are missing (boot.rb etc).

I tried the Rack way e.g 'run API_FOO' in a file but:
gems/grape-swagger-0.2.0/lib/grape-swagger.rb:6:in singletonclass': undefined methodmount' for class `Class' (NameError)

Should I try to find a rack middleware that gives the mount method?

swagger-ui doesn't honor required parameters in optional group

Take for example the following :

params do
  requires :id, type: Integer
  optional :text, type: String, regexp: /^[a-z]+$/
  group :media do
    requires :url
  optional :audio do
    requires :format, type: Symbol, values: [:mp3, :wav, :aac, :ogg], default: :mp3
put ':id' do
  # params[:id] is an Integer

When using swagger-ui, the parameter format is always required, even though audio is optional.

response content-types

Hi (again)
not sure if this is the right place to set the issue, but, what I have to do to describe the endpoints and being able to select the response content_type (actually, json or xml, jsonp later) from swagger-ui? I've seen the documentation(s, for grape and swagger) and I didn't find anything. Even trying

content_type :json, 'application/json'
content_type :xml, 'application/xml'

I didn't got anything. Using grape, grape-swagger with RoR 3.1.3

w i l l y

Empty field for group parameters' name with type hash or Array

Take the following example:

params do
  optional :preferences, type: Array do
    requires :key
    requires :value

  requires :name, type: Hash do
    requires :first_name
    requires :last_name

In swagger-ui, there would be an empty text field for preferences and name. Is this suppoed to be this way ? Tested using the github version of grape and grape-swagger.


Latest swagger-ui compatibility


Great work with this project, I've been using it for a wile to document my grape api's, unfortunately the latest version of swagger-ui throws This API is using a deprecated version of Swagger!

Planning for a new version?


$ref for complex nested data types

Does anyone knows how to use grape-swagger to generate documentation for complex response data types?
For example:
I have the following grape entity

  class CreatedCustomer < BaseEntity
    expose :customer, using: Entities::Customer, documentation: { type: 'Customer'}
    expose :token, using: Entities::AuthResult, documentation: { type: 'AuthResult'}

When I generate documentation for CreatedCustomer response there is no $ref inside CreatedCustomer model which is as far as I understood the way to reference complex models in swagger. Moreover the only model generated by grape-swagger is CreatedCustomer.
Generated model looks like this:


While i would expect something like this(ignoring second field for sake of example)


{"id":"Customer", "name":"Customer",

No way to specify a 'body' parameter for a PUT request

Because of the following code in grape-swagger.rb, around line 126:

paramType = path.match(":#{param}") ? 'path' : (method == 'POST') ? 'body' : 'query'

you cannot have a nice swagger UI for a PUT method with a text box for body. Should the above be amended to be something like this:

paramType = path.match(":#{param}") ? 
  'path' : (method == 'POST' || method == 'PUT') ? 'body' : 'query'

or should we introduce a DSL way to specify param type of 'body', something along the lines of

params do
  optional :body, body: true, desc: 'This parameter is the body of the request'

I am willing to submit a pull request once an acceptable approach is determined..

Configuring add_swagger_documentation (using Rails)

I am a little unclear on how to set the :mount_path and/or :base_path options on add_swagger_documentation. Here’s my context:

Rails’ routes.rb:

    require 'grape'
          Blog::Application.routes.draw do
              mount Blog::API => "/api"

The API code:

       module Blog
        class API < Grape::API
       mount Blog::API1
        module Blog
           class API1 < Grape::API
       format  :json 
       before do
          header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
          header['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = '*'
                resource :weblogs do
                ……and so on ……

So, for add_swagger_documentation, how do I set the :mount_path and/or :base_path options?

Many thanks, D



why can't I use the allowMultiple Fieldname described here:

Actually I want the multiple option box from:!/pet/findPetsByStatus

There are predefined values for a parameter with an enum "available, pending, sold":

               "summary":"Finds Pets by status",
               "notes":"Multiple status values can be provided with comma seperated strings",

                     "description":"Status values that need to be considered for filter",
                     "message":"Invalid status value"

Where is the correct place to document HTTP status code handling?

In the combination of grape, grape-swagger, and swagger UI, it is sometimes difficult to figure out where the correct place for documenting certain features is.

Here my understanding of the components, just to double check that I got this right:

  • grape (for building the API)
  • grape-swagger (for building swagger specs out of a grape API)
  • swagger UI (for building an interactive console

Now my question:

Swagger supports the documentation of the HTTP status codes that are generated by an API. I couldn't find any explanation in either of the relevant repositories about how to create a grape API such that grape-swagger can pick up the status codes automatically.

I read the source of grape-swagger and from there derive that this is how it works:

    get '/', :http_codes => [
      [400, "Invalid parameter entry"],
    ] do

This leads to this JSON snippet in the generated swagger specs:

  "operations": [
      "errorResponses": [
          "reason": "Invalid parameter entry ",
          "code": 400

And it is visualized in swagger UI like this:

Any recommendation on where this feature should be documented?

How do can I reorganize the endpoints?


So let's say we have an Eclass endpoint. Inside there are several other endpoints. In this specific case, how could I make the /api/v2/eclasses/{eclass_id}/users.jsona top level endpoint (such as Eclasses?

captura de pantalla 2014-02-19 a la s 09 18 40

Pickup API version from Grape

I am unclear about how to specify the API version.
When I set version 'v1' then I still see "apiVersion":"0.1" in the JSON, which was a surprise for me.

More details:

In this implementation grape-swagger sets the apiVersion to 0.1:

class Root < Grape::API
  version 'v1', :using => :path

In this implementation grape-swagger sets the apiVersion to v1

class Root < Grape::API
  version 'v1', :using => :path
  add_swagger_documentation :api_version => "v1"

The 2nd implementation example looks redundant to me. I might just not understand how this is meant to be used.

Is this the intended behavior?

uninitialized class variable @@hide_format

NameError (uninitialized class variable @@hide_format in #Class:0x00000006debf88):
grape-swagger (0.6.0) lib/grape-swagger.rb:68:in `block (2 levels) in setup'

i'm using mruby 1.9.2-p290, i dont know whether this will work on higher version, but simply i dont think initialize a class variable in can be reached in helpers do(which means

Cannot test Grape API (inside Rails 3) using online swagger UI.


I have a Rails 3 application with a REST API built using Grape. Some relevant code excerpts are as follows:


   require 'grape'
   Blog::Application.routes.draw do  
       mount Blog::API => "/"


  require 'grape'
  require 'grape-swagger'
  module Blog
      class API < Grape::API
       mount Blog::API1


   require 'grape'
   module Blog
      class API1 < Grape::API
          format :json
          resource :weblogs do
               get do

The API works fine when I test it with curl. I’ve deployed it to Cloud Foundry if you want to test it. The URL is and a sample curl request would be:
curl -i

I’ve followed your instructions for adding grape-swagger and then try to explore it using the online swagger demo. Everything renders ok, however, when I test any part of my api using the demo, the response body is empty and the response code is 0; although the log file on the server-side shows the request being handled. Any thoughts as to what is wrong?

Many thanks, Diarmuid

File Upload

One of the API Endpoints expects an file upload. The api works fine, but swagger-ui does not render an file upload. Instead of that it renders an input filed. What I have to do to get a file upload rendered?
Many Thanks in advance.

Example app?

I'm having a hard time getting it to work correctly. Anybody has a demo app I can take a look at?

mounted app does not work with latest grape

I just tried to update my app to the latest grape, but it fails. My app has the API mounted in /api and consists of several mounted grape classes

module API
  class Base < Grape::API
    default_format :json

    mount API::Assets => '/assets'

      hide_documentation_path: true,

The /swagger_doc/ is missing in the path for the sub modules.

Do I need to change something to make it work again? Is this a bug?

Post params are not recognized (?)

Hi, im stucked... It seems that POST params are not displayed/parsed right. (GET is working)

An example:

desc "POST example with param"
params do
  requires :id, :type => Integer, :desc => "id."
post :test do

This endpoint works as expected with this command: (it return a JSON object of selected user)

curl -X POST -d '{"id": 1}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users/test.json -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -s

But the swagger-UI renders a textarea instead a simple input field and seems not to send the data in JSON.
The API yells:

"undefined method `each' for 1:Fixnum" 

Inspecting, it tells me, that the body is just "1", shouldn't this be {"id": 1}?

The generated definition:

            "path": "/v1/users/test",
            "operations": [
                    "notes": null,
                    "summary": "POST example with param",
                    "nickname": "POST--version-users-test---format-",
                    "httpMethod": "POST",
                    "tags": null,
                    "errorResponses": null,
                    "deprecated": null,
                    "responseClass": null,
                    "parameters": [
                            "paramType": "body",
                            "name": "id",
                            "description": "id.",
                            "dataType": "Integer",
                            "required": true,
                            "allowableValues": null,
                            "defaultValue": null,
                            "allowMultiple": null

Or (hopefully...) did I miss something? Thanks and regards, Klaas

Passing required http headers to Swagger

Swagger supports 3 types of parameters: query, body and header. Since it is common to place and authentication token in the header of an app, or to even use basic authentication with a token, we need a way to move this into swagger.

To get this going I think the simplest way to start is placing headers in the same block with notes and just describing them.

In the future I am thinking we need to add a special header field specifically for basic auth into swagger-ui because even though you can add the Authorization header you still need to Base64 encode either your token or your username/password combo.

I have a working version of the former in a branch on my fork. The latter needs more thought.

Both need to have discussions on how this should properly be moved into Grape - if it is providing a facility for required parameters then it should also handle prescribing basic auth or required headers.

Project dead?

No, really? A bunch of damn useful pull requests, hanging there for months, and not a single comment given. Tim, I know you're alive, give some love to this repo, will you?

swagger_doc.json being created with incorrect data.


I currently have our Grape API mounted at /api, but the swagger_doc.json file being generated does not reflect that fact - it's assuming we have it mounted at /, which causes discovery problems for swagger-UI.

The generated doc looks like (formatted for readability):


I believe the basePath should be http://localhost:3000/api

Additionally, the apiVersion in the generated doc is 0.1, but the specified version of our API is v1, so I'm not sure what's going on there, but that's also incorrect.

this gem supports model schema and body param type ?

hi there I was seeing the code but seems that this gem doesnt support models and body param type, this is correct? I need that swagger-ui shows model schema and body param like this screenshot

captura de pantalla 2014-04-08 a la s 18 05 12

I have some way to do that with this gem?

thanks for advance

localhost is not allowed to access

Hi there
yes, I've read the 'Usage' section of the readme and checking the previous issues, and I have a quite opposite issue than Issue #19.
I have the API built using Rails 3 and the swagger-ui, both in the same machine, API responding on port 3003 (by running rails -p 3003 app-api), swagger-ui in the localhost/~user/Sites and, in addtition, in another_computer/~user/public_html, for remote testing purposes. In both cases, the API funcitons are listed ok, but it is impossible to make requests, I always get in debugger the (in)famous

submitting http://localhost:3003/api/uniprot/status.json
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:3003/api/uniprot/status.json. Origin http://localhost is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

I have at the top of the file defining the API:

before do
    header['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    header['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = '*'
    header['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST, GET, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE'
    header['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'true'

It is more than it is indicated at the docs, but after reading a couple of forum I just wanted to be sure.
And it is working OK if I use the online swagger-ui service...

I know I am missing something but I can't figure out what. can anybody light me up to solve this (annoying) issue??

Cheers and sorry if this is an silly (and repeating) issue.

w i l l y

Header params

I created a repository ( explaining the problem and how to reproduce it. If anyone has the same problem or can help me. I'm not even sure if the problem is in the grape-swagger.

The swagger-ui version: [Master]( /)

Problem with header param on request

I'm having a problem to send the api_key parameter in the header of the request. Something like:

window.authorizations.add("key", new ApiKeyAuthorization("api_key", key, "header"));

The swagger makes an OPTIONSrequest to the server and request / response headers is something like:

Request Headers:
Host: localhost:9292
Access-Control-Request-Method: GET
Origin: http://localhost:3001
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.114 Safari/537.36
Access-Control-Request-Headers: api_key
Accept: */*
Referer: http://localhost:3001/

Response Headers:
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Access-Control-Request-Headers: Content-Type, api_key
Access-Control-Request-Method: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/2.0.0/2013-06-27)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 17:00:58 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive

However I get an error message:

OPTIONS http://localhost:9292/doc Request header field Api_key is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers.

From what I read, thoroughly, this error is due to CORS, but api_key parameter is Access-Control-Request-Headers.

To check I executed:

$curl -i -X OPTIONS -H "api_key: '123'" -u roberto:pass localhost:9292/doc.json

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 
Access-Control-Request-Headers: Content-Type, api_key, Authorization
Access-Control-Request-Method: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Server: WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/2.0.0/2013-06-27)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 17:41:36 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive

To reproduce the error, follow these steps:

1. git clone [email protected]:robertogyn19/grape-swagger-header.git
Start server (localhost:9292)
2.1. cd grape-swagger-header/grape-swagger
2.2. gem install bundler (if not installed)
2.3. bundle install
2.4. bundle exec rackup
Start swagger client (localhost:3001)
3.1. cd grape-swagger-header/swagger-ui
3.2. npm install
3.3. node app.js
4. Open a browser on http://localhost:3001
5. Put any value on api_key box and click Explore

If you need any other information, let me know.

Should be able to override the generated nicknames

Currently we have to accept the nickname that is auto generated for each operation. It would be nice to be able to specify a nickname in the endpoint directly.

I have a fix for this and will be submitting a pull request shortly.

entity documentation support for array of entities?

hi there I have the following grape-entites

module HQ
  module Entities
    class Client < Grape::Entity
      expose :created_by_id, documentation: {type: Integer, desc: "Created by id"}
      expose :updated_by_id, documentation: {type: Integer, desc: "Updated by id"}
      expose :first_name,    documentation: {type: String, desc: 'First Name.'}
      expose :last_name,     documentation: {type: String, desc: 'Last Name.'}
      expose :zipcode,       documentation: {type: String, desc: 'Zip Code.'}
      expose :emails, using: HQ::Entities::Email, documentation: {type: ::Item, desc: 'Emails.'}

module HQ
  module Entities
    class Email < Grape::Entity
      expose :address, documentation: {type: Integer, desc: "Email"}

the problem that I need that swagger generate the UI with the complex form I means client has many emails

      expose :emails, using: HQ::Entities::Email, documentation: {type: Array, desc: 'Emails.'}

what type I need to use? I added array but it show me just as string field like this

Dynamic BasePath with prefix

I want to mount my route api on /api/

for some reason grape-swagger doesn't pick this up by default. I assume it is because of request.base_url.

There is a handy config option called :base_path but sadly this is a simple variable and wont have access to the request object and since I do not want to hard code the hostname it wont work.

I tried setting this to a lambda function with out much joy as well.

I hacked around this by adding a :base_path_suffix config option see drubin@93608a5

   :base_path_suffix=> '/api', 

If any one has a better work around? or can point me in why request would not work as part of a lambda function it would be great.

Option to completely hide API route if unauthorized

I want to make only some routes visible to all users and some only to people who have an API key. I don't want to show them in Swagger at all if they don't provide a valid API key (this would be useful for admin API or unpublished features).

Is it possible? I couldn't find a solution for this.

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