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dna-project-phase-4's Introduction

python -m venv dataBased
source dataBased/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo su
mysql -u root
create database dataBased;
mysql -u root -p dataBased < data.sql
  • Open the config.json file in vscode
  • change the line 3 and line 6
    • line 3 = name of your pc, just open your terminal, it is the name displayed after "@"
    • line 6 = your mysql password

try running the code now



Certainly! Below is an analysis of the provided functions:

1. getMenu(OutletID)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves the menu items for a specific outlet.
  • Query:

    • Selects information about menu items from the MenuOutlet and MenuItem tables.
  • Output:

    • Displays menu items with details such as ID, name, description, price, and image URL.

2. displayOutlets()

  • Purpose:

    • Displays details about all available outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects information about outlets from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Presents outlet details including ID, name, address, phone, rating, popular item, and capacity.

3. searchItems(ItemName, ItemDescription)

  • Purpose:

    • Searches for menu items based on name and description.
  • Query:

    • Retrieves items from the MenuItem, MenuOutlet, and Outlet tables using a LIKE condition.
  • Output:

    • Displays items found with their name, description, and associated outlet.

4. searchOutlets(Address, PopularItem)

  • Purpose:

    • Searches for outlets based on address and popular item.
  • Query:

    • Retrieves outlets from the Outlet table using a LIKE condition.
  • Output:

    • Displays outlets found with their name, address, and rating.

5. employeeDetails_byID(EmployeeID)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves details of an employee based on their ID.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the Employee table where the EmployeeID matches.
  • Output:

    • Displays employee details including ID, name, role, and supervisor's ID if available.

6. employeeDetails_byName(Name)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves details of employees based on their name.
  • Query:

    • Selects relevant columns from the Employee table where the name matches partially.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of employee details including ID, name, role, and supervisor's ID if available.

7. employeeDetails_bySupervisorID(SupervisorID)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves details of employees based on their supervisor's ID.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the Employee table where the SupervisorID matches.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of employee details including ID, name, role, and supervisor's ID.

8. customerDetails_byID(CustomerID)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves details of a customer based on their ID.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the Customer table where the CustomerID matches.
  • Output:

    • Displays customer details including ID, name, phone, and email.

9. customerDetails_byName(CustomerName)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves details of customers based on their name.
  • Query:

    • Selects relevant columns from the Customer table where the name matches partially.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of customer details including ID, name, phone, and email.

10. customerDetails_byNo(CustomerNumber)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves details of a customer based on their phone number.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the Customer table where the phone number matches.
  • Output:

    • Displays customer details including ID, name, phone, and email.

11. dispatch(ch)

  • Purpose:
    • Provides a menu for dispatching various functions based on user input.

12. employeeNames()

  • Purpose:

    • Displays a list of employee names with their IDs.
  • Query:

    • Selects employee IDs and names from the Employee table.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of employee IDs and names.

13. totalRevenue()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the total revenue of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the sum of revenue from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the total revenue.

14. meanRevenue()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the mean revenue of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the average of revenue from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the mean revenue.

15. maxRevenue()

  • Purpose:

    • Finds and displays the maximum revenue among all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the maximum revenue from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the maximum revenue.

16. minRevenue()

  • Purpose:

    • Finds and displays the minimum revenue among all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the minimum revenue from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the minimum revenue.

17. medianRevenue()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the median revenue of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Uses a subquery to find the median revenue from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the median revenue.

18. modeRevenue()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the mode revenue of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Uses a subquery to find the mode revenue from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the mode revenue.

19. reservation(DateOfBooking)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves and displays reservation details for a specific date.
  • Query:

    • Selects reservation details from the Reservation table where the date matches.
  • Output:

    • Displays reservation details.

20. customersByDiscount(Discount)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves and displays customers with a discount greater than or equal to a specified value.
  • Query:

    • Selects customer details from the Customer table where the discount is greater than or equal to the specified value.
  • Output:

    • Displays customer details.

21. totalOrdersByOnOff()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the total number of online and offline orders.
  • Query:

    • Uses a conditional sum to count online and offline orders from the Orders table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the total number of online and offline orders.

22. avgProbabilityOfMember()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the average membership probability of customers.
  • Query:

    • Selects the average membership probability from the Customer table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the average membership probability.

23. searchEmployee(role, yearsOfExperience)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves and displays employees based on their role and years of experience.
  • Query:

    • Selects employee details from the Employee table where the role

matches, and years of experience are greater than or equal to the specified value.

  • Output:
    • Displays employee details.

24. totalMembers()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the total number of members.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of customers with membership equal to 1.
  • Output:

    • Displays the total number of members.

25. checkOrderStatus(PartnerID)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves and displays order status for a specific partner.
  • Query:

    • Selects order details from the Orders and OrderPartners tables based on a specific partner ID.
  • Output:

    • Displays order status.

26. maxOutletRating()

  • Purpose:

    • Finds and displays the maximum rating among all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the maximum rating from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the maximum rating.

27. minOutletRating()

  • Purpose:

    • Finds and displays the minimum rating among all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the minimum rating from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the minimum rating.

28. meanOutletRating()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the mean rating of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the average rating from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the mean rating.

29. allEmployees()

  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of all employees.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the Employee table.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of all employee details.

30. allEmployeesByRole(role)

  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of all employees based on their role.
  • Query:

    • Selects specific columns from the Employee table where the role matches.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of employee details based on role.

31. allEmployeesByExperience(years)

  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of employees with experience greater than or equal to a specified value.
  • Query:

    • Selects specific columns from the Employee table where years of experience are greater than or equal to the specified value.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of employee details based on experience.

32. menuByItemID(ID)

  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of a menu item based on its ID.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the MenuItem table where the ItemId matches.
  • Output:

    • Presents details of the menu item.

33. menuItemByName(name)

  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of a menu item based on its name.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the MenuItem table where the ItemName matches.
  • Output:

    • Presents details of the menu item.

34. analyzeMostOrdered()

  • Purpose:

    • Analyzes and displays the most ordered menu items.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of times each menu item has been ordered.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of menu items with their order counts, ordered in descending order.

35. analyzeMeanOrderValue()

  • Purpose:

    • Analyzes and displays the mean order value for each customer.
  • Query:

    • Calculates the average order value for each customer.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of customer IDs and their average order values.

36. analyzeOrderFrequency()

  • Purpose:

    • Analyzes and displays the order frequency for each customer.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of orders for each customer.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of customer IDs and their order frequencies.

37. tableTurnOver()

  • Purpose:

    • Displays the table turnover for each hour at each outlet.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of reservations for each outlet and hour.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of outlet IDs, reservation hours, and reservation counts.

38. analyzeDeliveryOrders()

  • Purpose:

    • Analyzes and displays the number of orders for each delivery partner.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of orders associated with each delivery partner.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of delivery partners and their order counts.

39. newOutlet(OutletID, OutletName, Address, Phone, Rating, PopularItem, Revenue, OutletCapacity)

  • Purpose:

    • Inserts a new outlet into the database.
  • Query:

    • Inserts values into the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating successful addition.

40. searchOutlets(address, popularItem)

  • Purpose:

    • Searches and displays outlets based on the given address or popular item.
  • Query:

    • Selects outlets from the Outlet table based on the provided address or popular item.
  • Output:

    • Displays a list of outlets that match the search criteria.

41. viewCustomerOrders(customerID)

  • Purpose:

    • Displays a list of orders for a specific customer.
  • Query:

    • Selects orders from the Orders table based on the provided customer ID.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of order details for the specified customer.

42. viewCustomerReservations(customerID)

  • Purpose:

    • Displays a list of reservations for a specific customer.
  • Query:

    • Selects reservations from the Reservation table based on the provided customer ID.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of reservation details for the specified customer.

43. displayOutlets()

  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of all outlet details.

44. getMenu(outletID)

  • Purpose:

    • Displays the menu for a specific outlet.
  • Query:

    • Selects menu items from the MenuItem table based on the provided outlet ID.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of menu items available at the specified outlet.

45. searchItems(itemName, itemDescription)

  • Purpose:

    • Searches and displays menu items based on the given name or description.
  • Query:

    • Selects menu items from the MenuItem table based on the provided name or description.
  • Output:

    • Displays a list of menu items that match the search criteria.

46. maxOutletRating()

  • Purpose:

    • Finds and displays the maximum rating among all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the maximum rating from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the maximum rating.

47. minOutletRating()

  • Purpose:

    • Finds and displays the minimum rating among all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the minimum rating from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the minimum rating.

48. meanOutletRating()

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the mean rating of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the average rating from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the mean rating.

49. updateOrderStatus(itemID, customerID, outletID, newStatus)

  • Purpose:

    • Updates the order status for a specific order.
  • Query:

    • Updates the Orders table with the new order status based on the provided item ID, customer ID, and outlet ID.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating the successful update.

    50. calculateBill(customerID, outletID, dateOfOrder)

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and updates the bill amount for a specific customer's order.
  • Query:

    • Updates the Bill table with the calculated bill amount based on the provided customer ID, outlet ID, and date of order.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating successful bill calculation.

51. customer()

  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for customer interactions.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for various choices in the customer menu.
  • Output:

    • Displays information based on the selected choices.

52. deliveryPartner()

  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for delivery partners.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for checking order statuses.
  • Output:

    • Displays information about order statuses for the delivery partner.

53. chef(id)

  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for chefs.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for adding, updating, and deleting menu items, as well as updating order status.
  • Output:

    • Displays messages indicating the success of the performed operations.

54. manager(id)

  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for managers.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for various managerial tasks, including searching employees, viewing customers, managing outlets, and analyzing data.
  • Output:

    • Displays information and messages based on the selected managerial tasks.

55. waiter(id)

  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for waiters.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for tasks such as viewing customer details, adding new customers, viewing menu items, managing reservations, and handling orders.
  • Output:

    • Displays information and messages based on the selected tasks.

56. supervisor(id)

  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for supervisors.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for tasks such as searching employees, viewing customers, managing reservations, viewing statistics, managing employees, and exiting.
  • Output:

    • Displays information and messages based on the selected tasks.

57. employee()

  • Purpose:

    • Determines the role of the employee based on the provided employee ID and directs them to the corresponding role-specific function (Manager, Chef, Waiter, Supervisor).
  • Input:

    • Takes user input for the employee ID.
  • Output:

    • Invokes the appropriate role-specific function or indicates that the employee was not found.

58. clearScreen()

  • Purpose:

    • Clears the terminal screen for better user interaction.
  • Implementation:

    • Uses"clear", shell=True) to clear the screen.

59. main()

  • Purpose:

    • Serves as the entry point of the program.
  • Input:

    • Takes user input for choosing a role (Customer, Employee, Delivery Partner, Exit).
  • Output:

    • Invokes the corresponding function based on the user's role choice or exits the program.

For demonstration:


  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for customer interactions.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for various choices in the customer menu.
  • Output:

    • Displays information based on the selected choices.

searchOutlets(Address, PopularItem)

  • Purpose:

    • Searches for outlets based on address and popular item.
  • Query:

    • Retrieves outlets from the Outlet table using a LIKE condition.
  • Output:

    • Displays outlets found with their name, address, and rating.


  • Purpose:

    • Displays a list of orders for a specific customer.
  • Query:

    • Selects orders from the Orders table based on the provided customer ID.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of order details for the specified customer.


  • Purpose:

    • Displays a list of reservations for a specific customer.
  • Query:

    • Selects reservations from the Reservation table based on the provided customer ID.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of reservation details for the specified customer.


  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of all outlet details.


  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of a menu item based on its ID.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the MenuItem table where the ItemId matches.
  • Output:

    • Presents details of the menu item.


  • Purpose:

    • Displays details of a menu item based on its name.
  • Query:

    • Selects all columns from the MenuItem table where the ItemName matches.
  • Output:

    • Presents details of the menu item.

searchItems(ItemName, ItemDescription)

  • Purpose:

    • Searches for menu items based on name and description.
  • Query:

    • Retrieves items from the MenuItem, MenuOutlet, and Outlet tables using a LIKE condition.
  • Output:

    • Displays items found with their name, description, and associated outlet.


  • Purpose:

    • Finds and displays the maximum rating among all outlets.
  • Query:

    • Selects the maximum rating from the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the maximum rating.


  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for delivery partners.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for checking order statuses.
  • Output:

    • Displays information about order statuses for the delivery partner.


  • Purpose:

    • Analyzes and displays the number of orders for each delivery partner.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of orders associated with each delivery partner.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of delivery partners and their order counts.


  • Purpose:

    • Determines the role of the employee based on the provided employee ID and directs them to the corresponding role-specific function (Manager, Chef, Waiter, Supervisor).
  • Input:

    • Takes user input for the employee ID.
  • Output:

    • Invokes the appropriate role-specific function or indicates that the employee was not found.

searchEmployee(role, yearsOfExperience)

  • Purpose:

    • Retrieves and displays employees based on their role and years of experience.
  • Query:

    • Selects employee details from the Employee table where the role

matches, and years of experience are greater than or equal to the specified value.

  • Output:
    • Displays employee details.


  • Purpose:

    • Displays a list of orders for a specific customer.
  • Query:

    • Selects orders from the Orders table based on the provided customer ID.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of order details for the specified customer.


  • Purpose:

    • Displays a list of reservations for a specific customer.
  • Query:

    • Selects reservations from the Reservation table based on the provided customer ID.
  • Output:

    • Displays a table of reservation details for the specified customer.


  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and displays the total number of online and offline orders.
  • Query:

    • Uses a conditional sum to count online and offline orders from the Orders table.
  • Output:

    • Displays the total number of online and offline orders.

newOutlet(OutletID, OutletName, Address, Phone, Rating, PopularItem, Revenue, OutletCapacity)

  • Purpose:

    • Inserts a new outlet into the database.
  • Query:

    • Inserts values into the Outlet table.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating successful addition.


  • Purpose:

    • Analyzes and displays the order frequency for each customer.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of orders for each customer.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of customer IDs and their order frequencies.


  • Purpose:

    • Analyzes and displays the most ordered menu items.
  • Query:

    • Counts the number of times each menu item has been ordered.
  • Output:

    • Presents a table of menu items with their order counts, ordered in descending order.


  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for supervisors.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for tasks such as searching employees, viewing customers, managing reservations, viewing statistics, managing employees, and exiting.
  • Output:

    • Displays information and messages based on the selected tasks.

addNewCustomer(newCustomerID, newName, newPhone, newEmail, newMember, newMemberSince, newCustomerSince, newDiscount)

  • Purpose:

    • Adds a new customer to the database with the provided details.
  • Input:

    • newCustomerID: The ID of the new customer.
    • newName: The name of the new customer.
    • newPhone: The phone number of the new customer.
    • newEmail: The email address of the new customer.
    • newMember: Membership information of the new customer.
    • newMemberSince: Date since the customer has been a member.
    • newCustomerSince: Date when the customer joined.
    • newDiscount: Discount information for the new customer.
  • Query:

    • Inserts a new record into the Customer table with the provided information.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating successful addition of the new customer.


  • Purpose:

    • Deletes a customer from the database based on the provided customer ID.
  • Input:

    • customerID: The ID of the customer to be deleted.
  • Query:

    • Deletes the customer record from the Customer table based on the provided customer ID.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating successful deletion of the customer.


  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for waiters.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for tasks such as viewing customer details, adding new customers, viewing menu items, managing reservations, and handling orders.
  • Output:

    • Displays information and messages based on the selected tasks.

calculateBill(customerID, outletID, dateOfOrder)

  • Purpose:

    • Calculates and updates the bill amount for a specific customer's order.
  • Query:

    • Updates the Bill table with the calculated bill amount based on the provided customer ID, outlet ID, and date of order.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating successful bill calculation.


  • Purpose:

    • Provides an interactive menu for chefs.
  • Input:

    • Takes user inputs for adding, updating, and deleting menu items, as well as updating order status.
  • Output:

    • Displays messages indicating the success of the performed operations.

updateOrderStatus(itemID, customerID, outletID, newStatus)

  • Purpose:

    • Updates the order status for a specific order.
  • Query:

    • Updates the Orders table with the new order status based on the provided item ID, customer ID, and outlet ID.
  • Output:

    • Prints a message indicating the successful update.

dna-project-phase-4's People


sambuaneesh avatar



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