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bake's Issues

Improve creating/installing/uninstalling template projects

When creating a new template project, it is not automatically added to the bake environment, and requires a user to explicitly build the project first. Since building a template project doesn't actually "build" anything (it just copies files to the bake environment), it would be more convenient if this happened when the template is created, so it can be used immediately.

Additionally, the current command to create a new template is not consistent with how other projects are created:

bake new my_pkg --package
bake new my_tmpl --type template

This should be changed to:

bake new my_tmpl --template

Furthermore, currently there is no straightforward way to uninstall templates. Since templates live in a separate namespace from normal projects, bake uninstall template_name doesn't work. The uninstall command should allow removing templates, by adding the --template option.

Preprocessor Definitions

I really like this build system, itโ€™s really awesome!
I only have one question: How do you add preprocessor definitions using bake?

Make compiler configurable

Currently bake defaults to gcc on Linux, and clang on macOS. This should be configurable, either through setting the CC or CXX environment variables.

How do you build & run unit tests?

In cmake, you'd use this kind of monstrosity:

# Download and unpack googletest at configure time
configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-download/CMakeLists.txt)
  WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-download )
  message(FATAL_ERROR "CMake step for googletest failed: ${result}")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .
  WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-download )
  message(FATAL_ERROR "Build step for googletest failed: ${result}")

# Add googletest directly to our build. This defines
# the gtest and gtest_main targets.

# Now simply link against gtest or gtest_main as needed. Eg


I get the impression that this repo (SanderMertens/bake) is the upstream, however github says it's a fork of Cortoproject/bake. Perhaps you could somehow break that link so that people don't think that Cortoproject/bake is the upstream?

According to this question you'd have to contact support to "de-fork" it / break the fork link.

Implement bake coverage command

The bake coverage command will parse the output of a test run with code coverage, and report which files have been covered and by how much.

Error when using os

Hi, I'm using bake for a c++ project, and it's awesome.
I wanted to link the project with a library that is only available for linux so I used ${os linux} but I'm getting an error:

error environment variable '' is not set
error environment variable '' is not set
 from environment variable '' is not set
 from environment variable '' is not set
 from environment variable '' is not set
 from environment variable '' is not set
 from environment variable '' is not set
 from failed to locate binary for package 'bake.${os linux}'
 from could not load driver 'bake.${os linux}'

This is my project.json file:

    "id": "Jobs",
    "type": "package",
    "value": {
        "author": "Yuval Dolev",
        "description": "A job scheduler that uses natural sounding syntax for C++",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "repository": "Jobs",
        "license": "MIT License",
        "language": "cpp"
    "lang.cpp": {
        "include": ["include"],
        "cpp-standard": "c++17"
    "${os linux}": {
        "lang.cpp": {
            "lib": ["m"]

Is there a problem with my project.json?

Bake support for iOS

Bake can currently spit out macOS dylibs but there doesn't appear to be a way to get iOS ARM dylibs built.


Will it ever be possible to build Qt based applications?
I can't think of anything more bloated than Qt so I have to ask ๐Ÿ˜„

Simplify bake installation

I built bake and ran bake setup as instructed in the documentation.

However, I then noticed that the process wants to install something to /usr/local/:

$ ./bake setup
Bake setup, installing to $BAKE_HOME ('/home/penberg/bake')
ATTENTION copying script to '/usr/local/bin', setup may request password

That's not something I wanted to do for trying out a new tool. Instead, I attempted to copy the bake executable to $HOME/bin, but the tool fails to start:

$ cp bake /home/penberg/bin/
$ bake
 from could not load driver 'bake.lang.c'
 from failed to load driver for language 'c'

It would be nice if there was a installation method that did not require root access.

`os` template function doesn't match against `BAKE_OS`

When the target OS is specified in the BAKE_OS environment variable, and when the target OS is different than the host OS, os template functions will fail to match against the target OS. For example:

In bake.json:

	"environment": {
		"ios": {
			"BAKE_OS": "ios",

In project.json

"${os ios}": {
	"cflags":  [
		"-target $BAKE_ARCHITECTURE-apple-$BAKE_OS"

The os check here fails to match because it compares against the host OS ("Darwin" in my case).

This could be intended behaviour, but, if so, I don't see any other mechanism in Bake for branching project settings off of the build target ๐Ÿ˜•

bake.load looks like it manages a similar set of OS-related strings as bake.util.os. And bake.load.ut_load_init(...) has this nice bit of code:

if (!os) {
    os = ut_getenv("BAKE_OS");
    if (!os) {
        os = UT_OS_STRING;
// ...
UT_OS = ut_strdup(os);
// ...
ut_setenv("BAKE_OS", UT_OS);

UT_OS_STRING is always a representation of the host OS, and BAKE_OS is the same unless the user overrides it in their config. Given that, would it be safe and reasonable to change the OS-matching logic to compare against BAKE_OS instead of UT_OS_STRING?

Change names of build-linux and build-darwin directories to use uppercase

To make the directory names of the build-linux and build-darwin directories in the C/C++ driver projects consistent with those in the root of the bake tool (and $(uname)), they should be changed to upper case names.

This requires a change in the utility layer of bake, as the UT_OS_STRING macro is used during bake setup to identify which makefiles should be used. Changing this macro will also affect other things, like the location where BAKE_TARGET binaries/headers/etc are stored, and where inside the project bin folder the binaries are stored.

Minor "BAKE_ARCHITECTURE" vs. "BAKE_ARCH" inconsistency


ut_setenv("BAKE_ARCH", UT_ARCH);

Bake's README lists "BAKE_ARCHITECTURE" as the environment variable used to specify processor architecture, but the line referenced above stores the initialized value in "BAKE_ARCH".

Would it be okay to submit a PR that corrects this? If you suspect that user code uses both "BAKE_ARCHITECTURE" and "BAKE_ARCH", we could maintain compatibility like this:

ut_setenv("BAKE_ARCH", UT_ARCH);

...but it would be nice to simply replace "BAKE_ARCH" and have one definitive variable, if that sounds safe.

Cheers! โ˜บ๏ธ

First time `bake` user experience

As a bake newbie with plenty of cargo experience (similar tool in Rust world), I created my first project:

$ bake init hello
Created new package with id 'hello'

I then proceeded to build the project with bake:

$ cd hello
$ bake
build package 'hello' in '.'

OK, so it built something, but what and where? Running find reveals that it built a shared library:

$ find .

I suppose I need to configure project type somehow. The output of bake init -h shows that the main bake executable has a --type command line option:

$ bake init --help
Usage: bake [options] <command> <path>

  --type <project type>        Manually specify a project type (default = "package")

I assume that can be passed to bake init too, but what value to pass if I want an regular executable?

The tool does not seem to provide any information:

$ bake init --type list hello
error 'list' is not a valid project kind
$ bake init --type help hello
error 'help' is not a valid project kind

So with a little bit of help from git grep, I managed to find the right type:

$ bake init --type application hello
Created new application with id 'hello'

I can also build it:

cd hello
$ which bin/x64-linux-debug/hello

It's bit annoying to have to type bake and that long executable path but perhaps bake can do it for us:

$ bake run
error path 'run' not found

Unfortunately not.

For reference, here's what the session would have looked like with cargo:

$ cargo init hello
     Created binary (application) project
$ cd hello
$ cargo run
   Compiling hello v0.1.0 (/home/penberg/tmp/hello)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.84s
     Running `target/debug/hello`
Hello, world!

Oh, but what if I had actually wanted to build a library?

penberg@nero tmp]$ cargo init --help
Create a new cargo package in an existing directory

    cargo init [OPTIONS] [--] [path]

        --bin               Use a binary (application) template [default]
        --lib               Use a library template

    <path>     [default: .]

Looks like I need to pass the --lib argument to cargo init.

Allow for comments in project.json

The JSON parser used by bake (parson) has support for comments, but requires a special function to be called (json_parse_file_with_comments). This will enable adding /* */ and // comments to the project.json file.

sdl2 missing binary

I cant seem to get the sdl2 system working ,no idea how to get it installed manually either .I am getting Undefined references from the missing sdl2.lib but I have no idea where to put it.
The actual error below:
Creating library flecs-systems-sdl2.git\bin\x64-Windows-debug\flecs_systems_sdl2.lib and object flecs-systems-sdl2.git\bin\x64-Windows-debug\flecs_systems_sdl2.exp
main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol SDL_GetError referenced in function FlecsSystemsSdl2Import

Also is it possible to decouple the projects using bake since I see that there is a specific bake_config in every of these projects which makes it very difficult to manually build things when bake doesnt work. Sorry it is just very frustating when a high level build system does not work as intended.

How can i link external c++ libraries

I just found this project on my news feed and it looks amazing

but while reading the README i didn't understand how to link to an external library

for example i googled an SFML helloworld and it includes the library like this
(#include <SFML/Window.hpp>)

then links it like this
(g++ -o sfml_hello sfml_hello.cpp -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system)

so what is the equivalent of (-lsome-library) in bake json file :D

This is the helloworld example:

Maybe you can make a working example of this code in the examples/cpp folder :D

Use Precompiled Headers With Bake

Hi, is there an easy way to use precompiled headers with bake?
For example in Premake I can just use pchheader & pchsource to specify my precompiled header and its source file (for Windows).
Does bake have a similar way to do it?

Compiling bake for Android, is it possible?

There is an app on Android called Termux, and it has a large number of linux packages compiled in its repository, among the build tools it has make,cmake,ninja,(i don't know other ones) .. so since this project was small i thought there are good chances that i don't get a lot of dependencies, i cloned it and tried compiling and it failed because it couldn't find #include <execinfo.h> inside unil.h which is provided by perl package

Are there any workarounds? even if that was solved, is there a larger reason that it couldn't work on Android?

bake clone doesnt work

It says cloning into etc... then after a second it says segmentation fault core dumped
is it just me? i tried multiple repositories

Bake doesn't install 'flecs' template by default?

I used the Getting Started for the bake project to install the tool for windows. (I used an admin prompt, but apparently it still didn't think it had permissions to install the tool globally -- could be related?)


Then, following the Getting Started for the flecs project, I'm trying to bake new my_app -t flecs. But the flecs template isn't installed.

C:\src\personal\flecs-playground> bake new test_app -t flecs                                                            INFO: Could not find files for the given pattern(s).                                                                    **********************************************************************
** Visual Studio 2017 Developer Command Prompt v15.9.4
** Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation
[vcvarsall.bat] Environment initialized for: 'x64'
error template 'flecs' not found

Recursive builds

When building or running bake projects, their dependencies are currently not rebuilt, even if there have been changes. In some scenarios this can be inconvenient, in particular when building a project with a new build configuration.

Since bake stores binaries for different configurations (debug, release) in different locations, and bake does not mix binaries when linking, trying to rebuild a project in release mode, will also require all dependencies to be rebuilt in release mode. It would be convenient if bake can automatically do this.

Recursive building will have a performance overhead which can be significant, and thus should not be enabled by default. However bake run is ran less frequently and should work regardless of the current state of the environment (a bake run should work after a bake clone, regardless of with which configuration bake clone was executed), so for bake run, recursive builds should be enabled by default.

Implement external driver support

Currently there is not possible to use external driver without manual installing via command line so this step must be avoided and external driver must be resolved in same way like regular project dependency.

bake.util includes non-standard header <sys/ptrace.h>

bake_util.h and posix.proc.c both rely on ptrace. I don't think ptrace is part of the POSIX standard (assuming the Wikipedia page is accurate).

macOS still includes the header in its official SDK, but other Apple platforms (iOS, tvOS, watchOS) don't include it. Consequently, bake.util can't currently be used as-is by any bake packages targeting one of those platforms (like Flecs).

Is there perhaps a POSIX-standard implementation that could be swapped in as a replacement? ๐Ÿ˜•

Way to programmatically generate a standalone release (or statically linked executable)

Is there a way I can either 1) take the executable I'm building and instruct bake to build all of its libraries as static libraries then link them into the executable, or 2) programmatically get all the libraries depended on so that I can copy them into a directory to bundle alongside of the executable for a standalone release?

I've looked into the various configuration options and haven't found anything yet in regards to doing either

While it would be possible to manually do it myself because I do generally know where bake keeps the libraries, it would be pretty helpful to not have to do this pretty major step in the release process of, say, a game, manually.

Windows, Visual C++ 2019: 32/64-bit conflict

I'm getting the following error trying to bake a minimal example:

[  build] application mycake => '.'
 : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol mainCRTStartup
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\LIB\LIBCMT.lib : warning LNK4272: library machine type 'X86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64'

Why is bake trying to use the wrong library? The correct one exists in ...\VC\LIB\amd64\.

how can I setup "missing dependency"

I installed bake on windows 10. And,

bake new game -t sdl2.basic
bake run game

I got the following error message.

[ error] missing dependency 'sdl2'

How can I make Bake find sdl2?

Compiler features detection and discovery

Different compilers, linkers and other tools of toolchains have different features and different flags controlling the same features. So the following facilities are needed:

  • feature abstraction layer
  • feature detection
  • mapping flags to features, configured in config files in known directory
  • optionally-enabled compiler features - a feature is enabled if it is supported by a tool
  • features presets - a set of features enabled for a tool, configured in config files in known directory

Change project path

I'm currently using bake for one of my c++ projects and I really love it.
I want to move the location of the project to another directory on my computer.
Can you change the path to the project without uninstalling & reinstalling the project (using bake uninstall & bake install)?

Yuval Dolev

Improve handling of environments with multiple build configurations

There are a number of issues when using environments that have projects built with different build configurations (debug, release). The known issues are:

  • bake list will not show packages unless you specify the right configuration (example: bake list --cfg release)
  • building projects fails when dependencies have been built with a different configuration
  • bake run cannot find packages if they were cloned while using a different build configuration

The following behavior would be more desirable:

  • bake list shows all packages, and for which configurations they have been built
  • when building a project, its dependencies should also be built with the same configuration
  • when a dependency cannot be built, bake should log a clear error that mentions the package is not available for configuration X, vs. the package cannot be found
  • bake run should build a project if it hasn't been built yet for the specified configuration

Binary doesn't work

Failed to execute process '/usr/local/bin/bake'. Reason:
exec: Exec format error
The file '/usr/local/bin/bake' is marked as an executable but could not be run by the operating system.

I'm using arch linux with zen-kernel

Windows support

Enable bake projects to be built on Windows.

For the port, the following items need to happen:

  • A port of the bake code. Bake is already using a operating system independent API which is located in the "util" directory. This code includes pthread (threading), dl (shared objects), exec* functions (spawning processes) and file system operations.

  • Adapt package management to Windows. In macOS / Linux, bake is stored in $HOME/bake. On Windows, it would make sense to also store packages under the user's directory. References to $HOME and ~ will have to be ported to point to the Windows equivalent.

  • Port environment management. Bake manages environment variables, and automatically exports variables when building. It automatically finds a configuration file in the current path which contains the variables, and exports them within the scope of the process. The Windows command line doesn't have the concept of "sourcing", so exporting the bake environment to a shell will have to work differently.

  • Make bake executable available across the system. When bake is installed on macOS or Linux, a shell script is installed to /usr/local/bin that invokes a bake executable stored in the user $HOME directory. This allows different users to have different versions of bake. For Windows a similar system needs to be invented.

  • Create a bake driver that either invokes the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler. The interface should be largely the same as the macOS/Linux C driver, but obviously compiler commands will be different.

To ensure that this functionality works and keeps working, this issues should not be closed until there is a Windows CI build that validates whether the aforementioned is working,.

Implement bake test command

Implement a bake test command that discovers and runs tests for all discovered bake projects. The bake test command should also build test projects and their dependencies (using recursive builds) in a "test" configuration, which will be like debug, but with code coverage enabled.

Create new test projects with bake new

It should be possible to create new test projects with bake new. To do this, a user should run the following command from a project directory:

bake new test

This will create a new test project which has the test driver configured in the project.json, sets the project kind to local (so the project doesn't end up in the bake environment) and adds the package under test to the list of dependencies.

Additionally, it will be able to create a test project with a different name, while specifying the --test command:

bake new api_test --test

Including Headers From Package

I'm trying to include a header from a package that I wrote and built using bake in an application that uses the package, but am getting an error.
The header is in a folder with the package's name within the package's include folder.
When I'm trying to #include "Lib/Header.h" from files inside the package itself it compiles successfully, because I added an include statement inside the project.json's "lang.cpp" property for the include folder.
But when I'm trying to do the same include from the application it says that the header does not exist.
Do I need to manually add an include directory to the application's project.json?

Editor/IDE definition finding problems

I tried Atom, Sublime and VS Code.

I suppose the way bake manages dependencies and header files confuses them, is there a simple solution?

Example: EcsPosition2D is an undefined declaration.

trying to set up bake with vs2019 not working

trying to set up bake with vs2019

Command line used

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse>git clone
Cloning into 'bake'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 59, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (59/59), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (47/47), done.
remote: Total 5910 (delta 14), reused 38 (delta 9), pack-reused 5851
Receiving objects: 100% (5910/5910), 1.97 MiB | 1.68 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3764/3764), done.

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse>cd build-Windows
The system cannot find the path specified.

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse>cd bake

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake>cd build-Windows

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake\build-Windows>nmake

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 14.25.28614.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

"==== Building bake (debug) ===="
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.25.28610\bin\HostX86\x86\nmake.exe" /NOLOGO /F bake.mak config=debug all
C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake\util\src\log.c(1375) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'empty_list' used
C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake\util\src\strbuf.c(311) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'args' used
C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake\util\src\strbuf.c(281) : warning C4700: uninitialized local variable 'args' used
Linking bake
Creating library ..\bake.lib and object ..\bake.exp

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake\build-Windows>cd ..

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake>bake setup
[ ] Bake setup, installing to ~/bake
[WARNING] copying script to 'C:\Windows\system32', requires administrator privileges
from failed to create global bake script, rerun setup with --local

C:\Users\Davids 3th PC\Desktop\DreamerUniverse\bake>bake setup --local
[ ] Bake setup, installing to ~/bake
[ done] copy bake executable
[ done] bake environment reset
[ done] install bake include files
[ done] install include files for 'bake.util'
[ done] build 'bake.util'
[ done] install 'bake.util' to bake environment
[ done] install include files for 'bake.lang.c'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.25.28610\bin\HostX86\x86\link.exe"' : return code '0x49d'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.25.28610\bin\HostX86\x86\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
[ error] 'nmake /NOLOGO /F Makefile clean all' (result 2)
error failed to build 'bake.lang.c'

command line run from administrator visual studio command line from administrator user

Implement bake.test driver

Implement a simple test framework as a bake driver (derived from The test framework will do code generation of test cases and the code that invokes the test runner, and will allow for configuration of test suites and test cases from the JSON file:

    "id": "test",
    "type": "application",
    "value": {
        "public": false
    "test": {
        "testsuites": [{
            "id": "my_first_suite",
            "testcases": [

Improve dependency/version management with bake bundles

Currently bake does little to ensure that projects are run with the correct versions of their dependencies. It is essentially left up to a developer to make sure that his bake environment contains a set of projects that are compatible.

This works alright when developing packages as the environment is not likely to change that often, but is fragile when running applications, particularly from another developers, that developed against their own bake environment.

One design goal of bake is to be able to do run applications directly from a repository, while bake downloads all its dependencies automatically, like this:

bake run --url

To enable this, package managers typically let applications/packages specify their dependencies + version constraints, and let a package manager figure out which set of packages is to be used. In practice, this is quite complicated to do right, as a set of constraints may have multiple valid solutions, introducing arbitrary behavior that makes the system behave unpredictably.

Another disadvantage of this approach is that it is hard to (if possible at all) reuse installed packages across applications, since small differences in version constraints may yield very different solutions. In practice this means that applications will typically end up with their own private installed set of packages, with potentially a lot of redundantly stored packages.

To keep systems predictable while at the same time allowing for reusing packages, bake will support the concept of a "bundle". A bundle is a set of packages, annotated with a repository, branch and tag / commit id that describes a consistent environment. Applications do not specify versions on other packages themselves, but instead specify a bundle.

It is up to the maintainer of an application to specify which bundle + bundle version the application is built for. An application may require multiple bundles at once. If two bundles conflict (they require different versions of the same package) it is up to the application developer to resolve this, possibly by creating a new bundle (there always should be a solution, otherwise the application could not have been developed).

This lets application developers and package developers develop their projects independently of each other. Only when the application developer is confident the application can be built against a new version of a bundle, the bundle version will be updated.

This issue will be open for a while to capture design details and feedback before implementation starts.

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