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sc-date-time's Introduction

scDateTime (formerly mdDateTime)


  1. AngularJS1.2.x
  2. FontAwesome4.2.x

Optional Recommended Requirements

  1. Angular-Material
  2. Bootstrap (Note with bootstrap <= v3 a default font-size of 16px is recommended as all sizes are set via rem)

Where to get it

npm install sc-date-time


  1. Include sc-date-time.js and sc-date-time.css:

    import scDateTime from 'sc-date-time';
    import 'sc-date-time/dist/sc-date-time.css';
  2. Add a dependency to scDateTime in your app module:

    angular.module('myModule', [scDateTime])
  3. Some implementation settings are required to get this useful, but for basic inline use:

    <time-date-picker ng-model="dateValue"></time-date-picker>


  • theme: String representing one of the supported themes, default value is set via the scDateTimeConfig.defaultTheme property. This could also be a template cache value (or url) - if the path contains a /.
  • autosave: If this attribute is present the cancel and save buttons are removed and their respective events do not fire. The model is updated as the picker changes. Default value is set via the scDateTimeConfig.autosave property.
  • on-cancel: Function passed in is called if the cancel button is pressed. on-cancel="cancelFn()"
  • on-save: Function passed in is called when the date is saved via the OK button, date value is available as $value. on-save="saveFn($value)"
  • default-mode: A string of value 'date'/'time', which side of the slider that should be shown initially, overridden by display-mode. Default value is set via the scDateTimeConfig.defaultMode property.
  • default-date: A date-time string that the selects the date should the model be null. Defaults to today (new Date()). Default can be overridden globally via scDateTimeConfig.defaultDate property.
  • display-mode: Options are "full"; display time and date selectors and no display, "time"; show only the time input, "date"; show only the date input. Default value is set via the scDateTimeConfig.displayMode property.
  • orientation: If this string value is 'true' then the picker will be in vertical mode. Otherwise it will change to vertical mode if the screen width is less than 51rem as that is the size of the editor. Default value is set via the scDateTimeConfig.defaultOrientation property.
  • display-twentyfour: If this value is truthy then display 24 hours in time, else use 12 hour time. Default value is set via the scDateTimeConfig.displayTwentyfour property.
  • compact: If this string value is 'true' then the picker will be in a compact mode, this hides the large title display to the left. Note that display-mode="full" ignores this setting. Default value is set via the scDateTimeConfig.compact property.
  • mindate: A date string that represents the minimum selectable date/time
  • maxdate: A date string that represents the maximum selectable date/time
  • weekdays: Optionally bind an array of strings, this defaults to the englist S, M, T, W etc. Intended for full multilanguage support on directive level.


Currently there is a value defined on the module which has all of the aria-label and text values for the entire picker. This can be overwritten for full multilanguage support as follows (all defaults shown):

angular.module('testMod', ['scDateTime']).value('scDateTimeI18n', {
	previousMonth: "Previous Month",
	nextMonth: "Next Month",
	incrementHours: "Increment Hours",
	decrementHours: "Decrement Hours",
	incrementMinutes: "Increment Minutes",
	decrementMinutes: "Decrement Minutes",
	switchAmPm: "Switch AM/PM",
	now: "Now",
	cancel: "Cancel",
	save: "Save",
	weekdays: ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'],
	switchTo: 'Switch to',
	clock: 'Clock',
	calendar: 'Calendar'


Default values for globally configurable options as follows:

.value('scDateTimeConfig', {
	defaultTheme: 'material',
	autosave: false,
	defaultMode: 'date',
	defaultDate: undefined, //should be date object!!
	displayMode: undefined,
	defaultOrientation: false,
	displayTwentyfour: false,
	compact: false


It has been tested to work on Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox and Internet Explorer 8+. If you find something, please let me know - throw me a message, or submit an issue request!


Q. The editor appears at a strange size? A: The editor is sized using REM, so try changing the font-size, or at least the font-size at the editor base. I find the following works well:

.time-date {
	font-size: 14px !important;

Developer Notes

When checking out, you need a node.js installation, running npm install will get you setup with everything to run the compile and unit tests tasks (Coming Soon!). All changes should be done in the lib folder, running gulp compile to compile the app or use gulp watch to compile the files as you save them. Read the file before starting a PR.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Special thanks to all the contributions thus far!

For a full list see:

sc-date-time's People


anuragagarwal561994 avatar cerikpete avatar codebreach avatar graingert avatar ryananthonydrake avatar simeonc avatar willsteinmetz avatar yarl avatar


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sc-date-time's Issues

How to use

I'm trying to use this lib, but I could not quite understand the documentation. My suggestion is to be made a demo code as was done in md-date-time.

i18n values for the months

The docs show how to change the weekdays, but how do you update the language for the months?

Also you set the i18n in a value, but I need to inject angular-translate, how would I do this?

ng-change only fires once

Having an issue where the ng-change on the datetime picker only fires once and then doesnt fire again when the date/time is changed. I am using autosave="true" as the datepicker is part of a larger form

Has anyone got any suggestions as to a fix or an alternative to get this to work?

[FEAT] Keyboard Navigation

Needs keyboard interaction rules.

Initial thoughts:

  • Enter Hits 'Save' button.
  • Esc Hits 'Cancel' button.
  • Tab or Shift+Tab Switches between Year - Month - Day - Hour - Minute dependant on display mode etc.
  • Number/Arrow/Letter Keys Depends on focussed point, Hour, Minute, Year and Month should all function as their native HTML input behaviour. Date should move the selected date via arrows etc.

On-save callback doesn't work

I have been trying to use the 'on-save' attribute and sending a callback function.
when i used:


It evaluated to undefined in this part of your code:

saveFn = $parse(attrs.onSave);

And when i used:


Your code evaluated it correctly but the function executed multiple times (something like 15 times) while the directive initiated. Furthermore, the callback called (twice) not only when clicking save but even when picking a new date.
So, am I doing something wrong?

Popup version does not work.

Trying to add something like this in my own local test does not produce the popover as shown in the demo.

Even in the material demo page though, if you click cancel, the calendar wont pop up again anymore.

Customize the look and feel


How can I customise the controls to match my color scheme?
How can I make the material theme look like that of bootstrap theme wrt to the font size and control size?


Support themes from mdThemingProvider

Old Issue see: SimeonC/md-date-time#6

Relevant Highlights here:


We are using this component in a site powered by angular material and I was looking to enable mdTheming support so that it blends in with the rest of the site.
This should be as simple as updating the html to use md-classnames.


I've done some work now with angular-material, and there's a big issue with trying to get into this stuff in nicely as pointed out here: angular/material#1269 (<- this is one of the reasons we gave up on angular-material too...)
Until that issue is solved I think the best way is to generate your own stylesheets from the stylus (less and sass version would look 90% the same - I may upload a sass option at some point) as we don't know what the "Official" solution will be sadly.

Currently there are seperate templates for bootstrap and material for our new theme option which will make changing this easier.

Tagging old Participants (Sorry for the spam!): @scanferla @zeeshanjan82 @pavankumarkatakam

[FEAT] Increase / decrease minutes by every 15mins

It would be nice to have the possibility to define how many minutes are being changed when you click once on the arrow up/down of the time picker, i.e. if the picker opens with 3.00pm, then I can only change to 2.45pm, 3.15pm, 3.30pm, etc.

time picker with display-twentyfour="true" renders only AM values

When I give a date object with PM values, the time is set correctly on the left side. But on the right side, in the input field, the value is in AM.

Date object is 15:00, then the input fields are 3:0.

PS: Also the minute value is "0" and not "00" as it should be imho.

Can't really make own theme

Hi all,

I've write my own theme, but I found hard coded value in source.
For example, I want reduce size of calendar.
For that, I change day-cell size (width, height).
But in code offsetMargin we found :

offsetMargin: -> "#{new Date(@_year, @_month).getDay() * 2.7}rem"

I hack by writing :

     * Hack to calculate correctly margin of calendar.
     * @param calendar calendar var in scope of calendar
     * @param cssClass css class of fisrt day
     * @returns {string}
    $rootScope.offsetMargin = function(calendar, cssClass) {
        var obj = $('.' + cssClass);
        var selectedObj;

        for (var index = 0; index < obj.length; index++) {
            selectedObj = obj[index];

            if (selectedObj.getAttribute("aria-label") === "1") {

        var calendarOffsetMagin;

        if (selectedObj.clientWidth) {
            calendarOffsetMagin = (new Date(calendar._year, calendar._month).getDay() * selectedObj.clientWidth);
        } else {
            calendarOffsetMagin = 0;

        return calendarOffsetMagin + 'px';

And using :

<md-button ng-style="{'margin-left': $root.offsetMargin(calendar, 'day-cell')}" ng-class="calendar.class(1)" ng-disabled="calendar.isDisabled(1)" ng-show="calendar.isVisible(1)" ng-click="; save()" aria-label="1" class="day-cell">1</md-button>

I hope this hack will be using by someone else 😄


Popup version

Has anyone created a popup version to use on mobile? I tried throwing it into an mdcustomdialog but it doesn't quite fit.

fullTitle should consider displayTwentyfour

I implemented the modal version, similar to the one in the demo (material). I've set the displayTwentyfour config to true, yet the fullTitle of the dialog contains the AM/PM value, since this is hardcoded. Could this be changed so that either the fullTitle is customizable or at least follows some of the settings?

Clicking on button in time-date-picker submits surrounding form (material)

I have form tag and inside. time-date-picker uses md-button and md-button is rendered as button tag ( The template in scDateTime don't set the type of the button (like type="button"), then button tag is rendered without type and the default html behavior is to assume type="submit", which submits the form. This is not expected behavior - clicking on date in calendar submits the whole form. Probably type="button" should be added in the templates.

Wrong angular requirements stated in readme

Minor issue, but it seems you actually need angular >= 1.3 to compile the included templates. Angular 1.2.29 (latest 1.2-build) does not support the one-time binding double colon syntax (e.g. {{ :: translations.previousMonth }}), while 1.3 and above does: (Mentions one-time binding) (No mention of one-time binding)

I suggest updating the readme and site with the proper requirements, or removing the syntax altogether if the performance gains are not substantial.

We're currently on 1.2.28 and the template doesn't compile in its original form. As a workaround for anyone trying to run it on 1.2.x, you can simply remove the double colons from the minified template in the js-file (search-replace "{{::" with "{{" in sc-date-time.js) and you should be good to go.

Error with NPM

Installing sc-date-time with npm produces an error at initialisation caused by this line at package.json:

  "main": "./dist/sc-date-time.min.js",

As npm compiles only sc-date-time.js at root directory we need to change the line to bypass the error:

  "main": "sc-date-time.js",

I have not create a pull request with the change because the best option is to change the NPM compilation to include the dist directory with sc-date-time minificated version

sc-date-time doesn't appear in vendor directory

Having an issue where I run gulp build I can see sc-date-time in my bower_components directory, but cannot see it in vendor directory.

Bower_components Directory:
screen shot 2015-09-18 at 1 12 36 pm

Vendor Directory:
screen shot 2015-09-18 at 1 08 54 pm

What am I doing wrong here?

Support for selecting multiple dates


I was wondering if is it possible to add support for selecting multiple dates? I'm working on a project where I need to implement such a feature and I'm already using sc-date-time.

If time is a constraint I could take a look myself and try to implement but I wanted to check first if it's doable with the current state of the project and if it will be a desirable feature.



sc-date-time on npm


with some research, I found this npm package.

I wondered why is there is no documentation about it in the readme? It would be simple and really appreciated to add some documentation, and it would help other to find the package for those who don't use bower.

thank you

Theme attribute not correctly allowing URL's

From commit comment (3045eaf)

Should this not be:
return if tAttrs.theme.indexOf('/') === -1 then "scDateTime-#{tAttrs.theme}.tpl" else tAttrs.theme

As it is now if you are trying to use a relative URL, like:

It ends up prefixing with scDateTime-

Distribute minified versions via bower

The bower option for distribute the project is awesome but I believe many people use automatic builders (such as grunt or gulp) to only use".min" versions of the libs, which is not available on date time.

Would be great to have .minified files. :)

Translation demo


Is there a demo for the translation of the sc-date-time ? I dont understand, if I override the default value, should I lose the english version ?

How to use modal

Hi all, I was trying to use the modal form, and I got problems because I dont find anything in the documentation.

I try the following with no luck:

<input class="form-control" type='text' name="dateOfBirth" ng-model='date' placeholder="Date of Birth" date-time-picker-input
 display-mode="full" display-format="d MMMM yyyy" ng-max="getMinimumDrivingDate()" />

I would appreciate your help.


[FEAT] Template Url

Support "templateUrl" attribute for custom compilation. Config and attribute - overrides the "Theme" attribute for the template.

please don't force font-awesome

As much as I like font awesome, using angular/material all of my icons are in a different icon set completely. I don't want to pull in font awesome just for this library and I probably won't use it as a result.

No date marked in the calender

Your library is very good but I have one question. I want to add this library to my todo list project but I need the posibility to have tasks without due date (no date marked in the calender) Can I do that using your library?

minute scrolling

it is possible to move up and down the minute number by scrolling.

the print screen was take from the demo on the site, but in my own application, the scrolling is far more apparent, the numbers can go out of the box to the point of being half-hidden.


[FEAT] Launch datepicker from input field

Would be great to launch the datepicker on a popup when an input field is clicked on, with placeholder values, and once 'Save' is clicked, the date/time value is then represented in the input field.

Super useful for check in/check out forms!

For all months I see 31 days.

I am using sc-date-time and not sure why but all my months are showing up with same 31 days.
I am using sc-date-time with angular material.
Any help?

mindate & maxdate

Hi, I am trying to set a mindate within the directive declaration, like this:

My minDate variable is calculated through moment js before that. But I just can't make it work. The calendar does not really disable any day buttons. Thanks in advance.

[FEAT] Clock mode

Old Issue: SimeonC/md-date-time#9
Abridged Summary


On one of your comments here angular/material#648 you show a clock picker. Personally I prefer that over the up down, is that still available?


There's an older version of it here that has the clockface:


This one seems to be closest to the material design behavoiour so I believe @amcdnl might have had it in mind.


Have you seen this?


I do like that way of doing hours/minutes, though it could do with a bit of work, the double layer on selecting hours is a little confusing.

If we take that option but show both the minute and hour hands, highlighting the hand you are selecting and showing either minutes or hours around the face I think that could work.

Common to all the implementations I've seen so far, that I want to figure some way around, is that "jump" you get when selecting an hour and it switches to minutes. That feels jarring to me.

Tagging old participants (Sorry for the spam): @georgebarbarosie @amcdnl

maxdate not working


I tried to use maxdate with material, but it did not work for me. Model changes and everything else is working fine. Just min and max are not working.

$scope.maxDate = new Date();

<time-date-picker autosave ng-model="toDate" maxdate="{{maxDate}}" display-mode="full"></time-date-picker>

I tried it via attributes and via the configuration option

analyicsModule.value('scDateTimeConfig', {
    defaultTheme: 'material',
    autosave: false,
    defaultMode: 'date',
    defaultDate: undefined, // should be date object!!
    displayMode: undefined,
    maxdate: new Date(),
    defaultOrientation: false,
    displayTwentyfour: true,
    compact: false

Open date/time picker in a dialog?

I could not tell from your demo if you could open the picker in a dialog? (Current version of Angular Material does not support dialog in dialog action v1.0.6)

two data time

I'm trying to use this datepicker.
I need to use two datetimepicker to choose different dates.
The problem is that I display only a datepicker instead of two.
what can I do?

Restrict on a specific min/max time?

I'm trying to restrict the dialog by a minimum/maximum time because I'm having to do start-end times, but it only seems to restrict by date if I pass in something like "2016-05-13T21:48:08.078Z"

Looking at the code, it looks like it's alway setting the min allowed time to midnight.

    if ((val != null) && Date.parse(val)) {
            scope.restrictions.mindate = new Date(val);
            return scope.restrictions.mindate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);

I can see why you'd do that, but if you're actually trying to restrict the time, it's disruptive. According to the docs it says you can restrict by a date and time, so I don't know if you want to fix that or add specific mintime/maxtime tags to the directive.


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