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docker-tar1090's Issues

Collectd error: Failed to open file "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp": No such file or directory.

First of all thank you for providing this great docker solution!

Unfortunately I'm periodically getting these errors and i.e. replay does not work:

tar1090  | [2023-11-30 16:16:05.667][collectd] [error] table plugin: Failed to open file "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp": No such file or directory.
tar1090  | [2023-11-30 16:16:05.667][collectd] [notice] read-function of plugin `table' failed. Will suspend it for 240.000 seconds. 

I don't see an issue in my docker-compose:

version: "3.8"

    tty: true
    container_name: tar1090
    restart: always
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
      - BEASTHOST=
      - MLATHOST=
      - LAT=[redacted]
      - LONG=[redacted]
      - /opt/adsb/tar1090/globe_history:/var/globe_history
      - /opt/adsb/tar1090/timelapse1090:/var/timelapse1090
      - /opt/adsb/tar1090/graphs1090:/var/lib/collectd
      - /proc/diskstats:/proc/diskstats:ro
    # - /run/airspy_adsb:/run/airspy_adsb
      - 8078:80
      - /run:exec,size=64M
      - /var/log

/heatmap is empty

Hi, First of all thanks for your great work!
I've setup readsb connected to my RTLSDR receiver and the following containers are pulling form it: tar1090, graph1090, piaware, rbfeeder, fr24feed, adsbx, opensky

Everything works fine except that when accessing http://dockerhost:8078/?heatmap or http://dockerhost:8078/?heatmap&realHeat like mentioned in the readme, I get an empty map...

The folder /var/globe_history does contain data for each day (ttf files).

Am'I missing something ?

tar1090 with enable_978, no wget installed

Enabling 978 and pointing url to skyaware978 looks like it grabs json using wget. Which is not installed in container. Install wget fixes issue.

[tar1090] /usr/local/share/tar1090/ line 209: wget: command not found

tar1090 location does not map to readsb container

The mikenye/docker-tar1090 location does not correctly map to the lat/lon set in mikenye/docker-readsb

The default location is over Manhattan, NY.
Pressing the H (H)ome/Reset Map key on the browser will reset the map on NY.

@wiedehopf suspects that the tar1090 container has its own readsb, if so it will need its own lat lon set as well

--json-trace-interval hardcoded to 15

I have set "READSB_EXTRA_ARGS=--json-trace-interval=1" but it doesn't seem to be honored. When I exec into the container I see the variable set to the correct value but ps shows me

/usr/local/bin/readsb --net-only --quiet --lat 61.255098 --lon 24.056373 --net-connector=adsbx_feeder,30105,beast_in --net-connector=adsbx_readsb,30005,beast_in -

Support for RTL_TCP

Hi Team,
I currently use this container with an RTL-SDR dongle but I'd like to migrate to RTL_TCP so the SDR can sit in a more convenient location. Is it possible to configure/add support for RTL_TCP as a data source?

Avare EFB appends data.json to the dump1090 web URL

I'm trying to feed the Avare EFB with the JSON output from tar1090/ultrafeeder. Avare takes a base URL as input and appends data.json to that base URL. tar1090/ultrafeeder uses aircraft.json as the JSON feed for aircraft data.

I only need the Dockerfile for tar1090 to add a symbolic link for aircraft.json to data.json in /run/readsb. I couldn't find the exact place in Dockerfile to add that step, so could you please add it in the appropriate place after /run/readsb is populated?

ln -s /run/readsb/aircraft.json /run/readsb/data.json

(that's lower case L at the beginning, not upper case i)

With that symbolic link in place, I can provide http://:8080/data as the base URL, and Avare appends data.json to tap into the JSON feed. It works and I see the JSON flowing. Unfortunately, Avare currently doesn't like something in the JSON output, but that's a different issue for the makers of Avare. I need to present the JSON to the app first, and this fix makes that happen.


Edit: For cross-reference:

Feature Request: Add Timelapse functionality

Would it be possible to include the Timelapse functionality from wiedehopf/timelapse1090 either in the docker-piaware (uses dump1090-fa), or better, in the docker-readsb or docker-tar1090 containers?

This would be a nice addition.

Thanks again for the great work!

timelapse1090 data not persisting

Running the latest version of docker-tar1090 container. timelapse1090 data does not persist if the container needs to be stopped but heatmap data does. Docker must stop for 10 minutes each night so the server can complete a backup and update cycle. When docker restarts the container, the timelapse1090 data is wiped from the volume when it is restarted. I have tried multiple workarounds to solve this and am coming up empty including mapping the timelapse1090 volume to an external docker volume by adding the following to docker-compose.yml:

      name: timelapse

Add the following to tar1090

      - timelapse:/var/timelapse1090

The container will use the external volume but will wipe the volume when it starts up. I have a cron script running that copies the chunk_XXX.gz files every hour and synchronizing the data back to the docker volume path after the sever reboots so I am not loosing data but it would be much more convenient if there were a TIMELAPSE1090_PERSIST flag where if set to true would not wipe the docker storage volume when the container is restarted.

Here is the tar1090 config

image: mikenye/tar1090:latest
tty: true
container_name: tar1090
restart: always
  - readsb
  - UPDATE_TAR1090=false
  - BEASTHOST=readsb
  - MLATHOST=mlathub
  - GZIP_LVL=1
  - timelapse:/var/timelapse1090
  - tar1090_heatmap:/var/globe_history
  - 80:80
  - /run:exec,size=64M
  - /var/log

add environment variable to enable FA links

please add an environment variable to enable FlightAware links
(the first sed expression worked for me )


sudo sed -i -e 's?.flightawareLinks.?flightawareLinks = true;?' /usr/local/share/tar1090/html/config.js

ENABLE if the above doesn't work (updated from previous version)

echo 'flightawareLinks = true;' | sudo tee -a /usr/local/share/tar1090/html/config.js


sudo sed -i -e 's?.flightawareLinks.?flightawareLinks = false;?' /usr/local/share/tar1090/html/config.js

RTL's are "blanked" out when starting container

I'm having trouble pinpointing what's going on here, but the basics are:

I have two RTL usb sticks for 1090 and 978 plugged into a Raspberry Pi 4 - when the pi boots, both RTL (which were serialized) display just fine. As soon as I start either ultrafeeder or dump978, the respective RTL then blanks out - which causes both docker images to say they cannot find an RTL that has the supplied serialnumber.

For instance, I can stop the docker service and see RTLs:

$ sudo rtl_sdr -d 0
Found 2 device(s):
  0:  AIRNAV, ADSB_1090, SN: 1090
  1:  Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 978

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
rtl_sdr, an I/Q recorder for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers

However, as soon as I restart the docker service:

$ sudo service docker restart

$ sudo rtl_sdr -d 0
Found 2 device(s):
  0:  , , SN:
  1:  , , SN:

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
rtl_sdr, an I/Q recorder for RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers

I thought this might be a power thing, but I've tried both USB-C from an adequate power source, the POE+ hat, and even the RTLs on a powered USB hub that's connected to the pi - all have the same issue.

Any ideas as to what's going on?

Aircraft database parse error

Possibly related to wiedehopf/tar1090#77 , the aircraft database js files are gzipped and not being parsed correctly in the client, leaving the aircraft type blank and resulting in browser dev console errors:

7c1c6f: Database load error: parsererror at URL: db2/7.js              planeObject.js:2023 
76bd49: Database load error: parsererror at URL: db2/7.js             planeObject.js:2023 
7c7181: Database load error: parsererror at URL: db2/7.js              planeObject.js:2023 

I am able to manually decompress the js files and rename them which solves the issue, it looks like nginx is not returning the Content-Encoding: "gzip" header.

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:31:01 GMT
Content-Type: application/javascript
Content-Length: 147661
Last-Modified: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:29:22 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "5fb25482-240cd"
Cache-Control: public, max-age=7776000
Accept-Ranges: bytes

I changed the location stanza in /usr/local/share/tar1090/nginx.conf from

  location ~ db-.*\.js$ {
    gzip off;
    add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=7776000";
    add_header Content-Encoding "gzip";


  location ~ db2/.*\.js$ {
    gzip off;
    add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=7776000";
    add_header Content-Encoding "gzip";

and it seems to be working correctly:

$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:33:08 GMT
Content-Type: application/javascript
Content-Length: 147661
Last-Modified: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:29:22 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
ETag: "5fb25482-240cd"
Cache-Control: public, max-age=7776000
Content-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Ranges: bytes

ENABLE_978=yes then got 978.json: No such file or directory

Hi, great works!

When adding ENABLE_978=yes to the environment options, I got this in docker logs:

tar1090 | [tar1090] /usr/local/share/tar1090/ line 104: 978.json: No such file or directory

Then I tried these the error goes away, but the default URL_978 (at keeps returning 404 Not Found:

docker exec -it tar1090 bash
touch /run/readsb/978.json

Am I missing anything? Thanks!

Missing dependencies for timelapse1090

Reported via Discord:

I am using mikenye/docker-tar1090 and believe that I have timelapse configured properly. However, I only appear to be getting around 35 minutes of timelapse data on playback - and that is from previous day.

e.g. I am in the UK, so it is currently 13:57 BST - but the timelapse data is only showing 22:06 and 22:41 as start and end times from yesterday.

My config includes the lines:
- ENABLE_TIMELAPSE1090=true - TIMELAPSE1090_INTERVAL=10 - TIMELAPSE1090_HISTORY=24 volumes: - tar1090_timelapse:/var/timelapse1090

EDIT: I have noticed that I have the following entries repeating in the log for this container:
[timelapse1090] /opt/timelapse1090/ line 91: 7za: command not found [timelapse1090] sed: couldn't write 397 items to stdout: Broken pipe [timelapse1090] mv: cannot stat 'temp.gz': No such file or directory

feature request: add influx and Prometheus data so it’s compatible with what `docker-readsb-protobuf` provides

Add a Telegraf instance that provides data for Influx and Prometheus to ingest. Ideally, the fields and values should be compatible with what docker-readsb-protobuf already provides so the existing Grafana dashboards can be reused.

For Prometheus, I already mapped http://xxx/metrics -> /run/readsb/stats.prom but the data available there is different and much less than what’s generated by docker-readsb-protobuf. Ideally, the additional data should just be added to /run/readsb/stats.prom

For Influx -- I have no idea how that works


persist range outline

Hi, is there a file or directory I can map to a volume to persist the received range outline between container restarts?

Add options to configure actual range outline

After updating all containers today, I notice a new (thick) outline on the map, showing the max range of aircrafts having seen. I miss the options to configre them:

  • actual_range_outline_color
  • actual_range_outline_width
  • actual_range_outline_dash

(similar to range_outline_*)

InfluxDB - No Org

Originally logged here: sdr-enthusiasts/docker-adsb-ultrafeeder#5

I've tried to enable the InfluxDB functionality, but getting error reports that I need to provide an Org or OrgId

There does not appear to be an environment variable to set this detail

[telegraf] 2023-04-01T03:40:03Z E! [outputs.influxdb_v2] Failed to write metric to adsb_tbsh (will be dropped: 400 Bad Request): invalid: Please provide either orgID or org

Feature Request: make range ring colors configurable, too

tar1090 allows to configure the color of each range ring defined by SiteCirclesDistances by way of similar array named SiteCirclesColors. If less colors are givem in the array than range rings are defined, the last color used for the remaining.

E.g. by appending
SiteCirclesColors = new Array('#ffffff');
inside your running tar1090 container, all range rings become white colored.

The change seems trivial: use another environment variable, e.g. TAR1090_RANGERINGSCOLORS, in
similar to the already existing TAR1090_RANGERINGSDISTANCES. Only pitfall may be the need of single quotes around the colors. Needs mentioning in documentation or addition while handling the $TAR1090_RANGERINGSCOLORS.

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