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motionet's Introduction


This library provides the source code of MotioNet, [Transaction on Graphics (ToG) 2020], a kinematic deep neural network that reconstructs 3D skeletal human motion from monocular video. The network designed based on the common motion representation, and its direct output can be converted to bvh file without any post-processing step.

MotioNet: 3D Human Motion Reconstruction from Monocular Video with Skeleton Consistency : Project | Paper |Video


  • Linux
  • Python 3
  • 2D Pose Detection Tool (for evaluation on wild videos, now support: Openpose)

Based on your Cuda version, choose a suitable version of PyTorch and install it, then run this command to install other packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start

We provide a pretrained model and a few demo examples, that demonstrate how our framework works. In order to run the demo, download the 1. Pretrained model from here and place it in the ./checkpoints folder 2. Training data from here and place it in the ./data folder. Then simply run

mkdir output
python -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i demo

The resulting bvh files will be found at ./output. Note that for these examples we already extracted the 2D key-points from the videos using Openpose) , but if you want to use your own videos this piror step should be performed by yourself. All the original video can be found in our video.

Data preparation

Training Data

There are two datasets in full pipeline, one is Human3.6m and another one is CMU Motion Capture data. The h36m data is necessary for both training and testing, so prepare it firstly.

For h36m, you can follow h36m-fetch to download original files, once you get extracted files, you can run our python script to convert it to a numpy matrix:

python ./data/

For CMU data we just selected 310 clips for training, you can find the file list in data/cmu_file_list and collect them to one folder and run our script to take out useful rotations data.

python ./data/

All procedures produce the same result, but we recommend you process data by yourself. We also provide link [Google drive] to download them directly. And then place them into ./data folder.

Pre-trained Model

Now there are two available pre-trained models, one is for evaluation on h36m with ground-truth 2d detection and another one is for wild videos using [confidence map, foot contact signal and adversarial training].

After downloading with link [Google drive(updated!)], then place them into ./checkpoints folder.

More pre-trained model will be released next days.

Test on h36m

Once you have h36m data and pre-trained model, you can run the script to evaluate our model on h36m.

# Evaluation only, without contact, translation
python -r ./checkpoints/h36m_gt.pth -i h36m -o [output_folder]

# With translation
python -r ./checkpoints/h36m_gt_t.pth -i h36m -o [output_folder]

The results will be placed in a subfolder in ./output with a special name which is a combination of model parameters, it will be helpful to understand the training details. And two kinds of results will be generated: error.txt and BVH files.

In error.txt, you can find same performance like what we show - around 53mm with gt detected(52mm when the channel parameter is 2048, but it causes waste of model size and training time). And 4 randomly selected bvh file will also be stored in here, you can use Blender to see the visual performance.

The translation will be observed clearly in action like Walking or WalkingDog.

(NOTICE: The training data we use is in camera space, so the orientation of predicted pose will be strange when you observe it in Blender World Space, you need to rotate the user view or skeleton object in Blender)

Test on wild videos

Once you have h36m data, 2d detected data and pre-trained model, you can run the script to evaluate our model on wild videos. Now we provide the interface between Openpose and our network, the supporting of CPN and Detectron will coming soon.

After running Openpose, all 2d pose files will be stored in one folder, then you can use these folder path as input parameter to run the python script, the results will also be in a subfolder in ./output with bvh format.

Now we haven't apply any smoothing process on the 2d input and output, you can do it by yourself to get better results like we show in the video, but here we want to show the original production.

python -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i [openpose_results_folder]

Train from scratch

We provide instructions for retraining our models

There are three kinds parameters for training: Runtime parameters, Network definition and Training parameters, you can find more details in We also provide a default configuration of network definition and trainer, you can find it in ./config_zoo/default.json. Before your training, you should change the save_dir in this file to a suitable path.

If you want to reproduce the results of our pretrained models, run the following commands:

# h36m evaluation, without translation and contact
python -n h36m --kernel_size 5,3,1 --stride 1,1,1 --dilation 1,1,1 --channel 1024 

# h36m, with translation
python -n h36m --kernel_size 5,3,1 --stride 1,1,1 --dilation 1,1,1 --channel 1024 --translation 1

# wild videos
python -n wild -d 1 --kernel_size 5,3,1 --stride 3,1,1 --dilation 1,1,1 --channel 1024 --confidence 1 --translation 1 --contact 1 --loss_term 1101

Training visualization:

We use tensorboardX to visualize the losses when training. In the training, you can go into checkpoint folder and run this command:

tensorboard --logdir=./

TensorBoard 1.15.0 at http://localhost:6006/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Then you can visit this link in your machine http://localhost:6006/ to check the visualzation.


Training tips:

There are few things you can do to get different model preferences:

  • We haven't use any foot contact dataset to train it, we just extract it by average foot height and velocity in h36m dataset. And in this contact detection function, there is a magic number 20, and it can be defined by you self. If the number is bigger, more frames can be thought as ‘contacting'. It will enhence the attraction from floor, so the results will be worse if there are so many foot action.
  • We trained our model on clips with variance frame number, so you can put all the frames of test video to the network without cutting.


  • Moving camera: The model is trained on h36m dataset which includes 4 cameras, and what the network predict is in camera space. The reason is that, if we predict the pose in world space: (different 3d pose ⊕ different camera view) = same 2d projection, then if given a same 2d pose, these will be an ambiguity for predicted 3d pose. When the camera is moving, the situation is same like it, sometimes looks make sense, but not correct.
  • The dependence on 2d detection: The input is 2d detection from other implement, although the confidence map is used as a adapter, the results will be influenced when 2d detection crushed, it's mostly appeared in fast motion or occlusion cases.
  • Animation: Explained in paper, the loss is not applied on rotation directly so the absolutely value of rotation is wired although look fine in positional view. This problem will be solved in next version.


The code of forward kinematics layer is from cvpr2018nkn in tensorflow, we re-write a pytorch version in our code.


If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers:

  title={MotioNet: 3D Human Motion Reconstruction from Monocular Video with Skeleton Consistency},
  author={Shi, Mingyi and Aberman, Kfir and Aristidou, Andreas and Komura, Taku and Lischinski, Dani and Cohen-Or, Daniel and Chen, Baoquan},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.12075},

motionet's People


kfiraberman avatar shimingyi avatar


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motionet's Issues

Normalization in preprocessing

Hi @Shimingyi
Sorry to bother you again. I have a question about the preprocessing part in section 3.3.

Intuitively, both the bone length and the joint rotations are estimated based on the positional relations of two kinematic neighbouring joints (please correct me if I am wrong).
But after the 2nd normalization step in the preprocessing, the positional relation between two joints are completely lost since each joint is normalized w.r.t its own mean and std.

Therefore, I am wondering the motivation of the 2nd step, and did you try to train the network w/o the 2nd normalization?


Blender visualization issue.

I tried to visualize the bvh files using blender. The resulting animation is upside down. Any solution? The initial T-pose is correct but after the second frame the video orientation becomes upside down.

some questions about the code!!!

hi, @Shimingyi
Thanks a lot for the amazing work and sharing the code.
i read the paper and code, and i have some questions:
1、paper say random an integer value as clip length per iter,but i find the code in function set_sequences is only use once in the begin,so the clip will never changer at all epochs;
2、the pretrained model wild_gt_tcc is 73m,but use the python -n wild -d 1 --kernel_size 5,3,1 --stride 3,1,1 --dilation 1,1,1 --channel 1024 --confidence 1 --translation 1 --contact 1 --loss_term 1101 trained model is 145m;
3、use python -n wild -d 1 --kernel_size 5,3,1 --stride 3,1,1 --dilation 1,1,1 --channel 1024 --confidence 1 --translation 1 --contact 1 --loss_term 1101 train,it will be crash on self.branch_S because the stride is 3,acoording the model config at the end of paper,Es should use stride 1 not 3,but Eq should use 3 not 1,right?
4、paper say 'Since global information is discarded from the normalized local representation, we append to it the global 2D velocity (per-frame).'. what is the global 2d velocity? the code is input the normolized 2d(no global info) to train root-z via the self.branch_Q function,why not use the output_Q directly?
5、in the camera augment,the code use 'augment_depth',means only adjust the global translation,no orientaion,right ?
6、about the reference t-pose,what is the loss: loss_D = torch.mean(torch.norm((D_real - 1) ** 2)) + torch.mean(torch.sum((D_fake) ** 2, dim=-1)) mean?why use CMU dataset?

looking foward to your reply, thanks!

How to open .bvh format files?

Thank you very much for your work.
I want to know how to use .bvh file to generate animation,as demonstrated in your video.

Problem in testing of repository

Hi @Shimingyi I'm facing problem to testing this wonderful repository.

1: By using h36m_gt_t.pth
When I run the then BVH file are saved but nothing is there in BVH files. There is no any skeleton but have joints info in generated BVH file, you can check attached BVH files in zip.

I also got RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide here and here

After debugging I checked that there are many nan parameters in poses_2d_root, pred_bones, pre_rotations, pre_rotations_full, pre_pose_3d, pre_proj, rotations, translations.

So is this problem (empty BVH) due to RuntimeWarning or due to nan values?

2: By using wild_gt_tcc.pth
with this I got runtime error, please check the attached txt file for errors details because error logs are too many.


Several questions on the Neural FK.

Dear authors,

Thank you for sharing the code, really nice work!

In the past few days, I've been reading your paper and studying your code carefully, and have several questions on the bone2skeleton function and the neural FK layer.

  1. Why the bone2skel function (in reconstructs an unusual skeleton? According to your paper, the output of the S network is the bone length of a predefined skeleton (in my opinion, the skeleton only defines the topology), and the real skeleton is reconstructed by bone2skel() with the learned bone length and the topology. I visualized the reconstructed skeleton(left), as shown in the figure, it was definitely unusual and the topology (without the end-effectors) was incorrect. In my opinion, it should be the one on the right. (The skeleton was saved when running evaluation on H36m data using your pre-trained model: h36m_gt.pth)


  1. Since the skeleton topology was wrong, why the neural FK layer reconstructs the correct 3D points? Did the neural FK layer compute 3D joints differently from the traditional FK algorithm?

Any responses will be highly appreciated!

wild_gt_tcc.pth cannot generate foot contact signal?

I'd like to appreciate for code you released, I want to use the foot contact signal which should be generated in the MotioNet code. But I found in the wild_gt_tcc.pth file, the contact config is false, so I checked code and weight of parameters, and Branch Q's output feature is 49, I think the feature should be 51 if the code can generate foot contact signal. Here are some pictures i checked.
截屏2021-03-18 下午1 03 41
this is the pth file config.
截屏2021-03-18 下午1 02 23
this is the weight shape of branch Q.
截屏2021-03-18 下午1 02 59
this is the code in model/

If I'm right, the pth can not generate foot contact signal, if I'm wrong, pls tell me how to use the pth file to generate foot contact signal.
And if the pth file can not generate foot contact signal, can you offer a pth file which can generate foot contact signal? I would be appreciated for your sharing.

About network

for stage_index in range(0, stage_number): for conv_index in range(len(kernel_size_set)): layers.append( nn.Sequential( nn.Conv1d(channel, channel, kernel_size_set[conv_index], stride_set[conv_index], dilation=1, bias=True), nn.BatchNorm1d(channel, momentum=0.1) ) ) self.stage_layers = nn.ModuleList(layers)

stage_number : 2 len(kernel_size) : 3 2*3 = 6

At the end of your paper, ( Conv + BatchNorm + LReLU + Dropout ) or (Conv + BatchNorm + LReLU + Dropout + Adap AP) only have three layers ,not six layers.

How to smooth 2d position?

Now we haven't apply any smoothing process on the 2d input and output, you can do it by yourself to get better results like we show in the video, but here we want to show the original production.

Could you give me a concrete algorithm?



Results in real-time videos

I tested some real-time videos from YouTube and I noticed that results are not good as your paper is showing. I compared MotioNet results with VideoPose after converting VideoPose results to BVH file.

As you compared your approach results with different approaches (here) and its clearly seems that MotionNet is performing well as compared to others but when I tested with different videos then I got shocked results. Check the attached gif files as sample results that I got.





Ignore the viewing angles of results I just set to get better view, you can judge with current view of every gif file.

MotioNet insures the geometric skeleton and rotational parameters which are key things to drive any 3D character, VideoPose didn't use any of these parameters but still results are stable and better as compared to MotioNet.

So did you compare after applying some filters?

If you wanna test these videos by yourself then I can send you these videos.

Note: Both approaches are using pre-trained weights without any filter or smoothness.

Get self.poses_2d_mean, self.poses_2d_std with downloading h36m_dataset

Can you please provide the normalization values for self.poses_2d_mean, self.poses_2d_std so that i can run the a Test on wild videos .

(motionet) C:\Users\v84153490\PycharmProjects\MotioNet-master>python -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i sample_output
Building the network
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 145, in
main(config, args, output_folder)
File "", line 73, in main
parameters = [torch.from_numpy(np.array(item)).float().to(device) for item in h36m_loader(config, is_training=True).dataset.get_parameters()]
File "C:\Users\v84153490\PycharmProjects\MotioNet-master\data\", line 11, in init
self.dataset = h36m_dataset.h36m_dataset(config, is_train=is_training)
File "C:\Users\v84153490\PycharmProjects\MotioNet-master\data\", line 22, in init
positions_set = np.load('./data/data_h36m.npz', allow_pickle=True)['positions_3d'].item()
File "C:\Anaconda\envs\motionet\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\", line 416, in load
fid = stack.enter_context(open(os_fspath(file), "rb"))
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/data_h36m.npz'

fair comparison of bone length estimation as show in fig. 9

Hi @Shimingyi ,

I have a question about the comparison of bone length estimation as show in Fig. 9.
I suppose you use the GT scale to rescale the estimated bone lengths. However, if I understand correctly, methods such as Pavllo[CVPR19] does not employ any GT information to calculate the bone lengths.
Therefore, I am wondering whether this comparison is fair or not? Additionally, what is the unit of the y-axis in Fig. 9?

Thanks a lot in advance.

question about training pose in world space.

" The reason is that, if we predict the pose in world space: (different 3d pose ⊕ different camera view) = same 2d projection, then if given a same 2d pose, these will be an ambiguity for predicted 3d pose. " what's that means ?
In my thought, different camera view ,different 2d keypoints location in the image, refer to the same 3d pose in world space, that is pretty fine, is there any problem i miss?

Read the output of openpose on wild videos

Hi there. Thanks for the code. I am trying to test it on videos that I have recorded, but I run into the following problem reading the output of openpose.
I use:

./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video /home/laila/Nexar/openpose/examples/media/nombre_final.mp4 --write_json /home/laila/Nexar/openpose/out_openpose --display 0 --render_pose 0
python -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i /home/laila/Nexar/openpose/out_openpose/ -o /home/laila/Nexar/MotioNet/output/testvid

But my output is:
(env) laila@laila:~/Nexar/MotioNet$ python -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i /home/laila/Nexar/openpose/out_openpose/ -o /home/laila/Nexar/MotioNet/output/testvid
Building the network
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/laila/Nexar/MotioNet/", line 148, in
main(config, args, output_folder)
File "/home/laila/Nexar/MotioNet/", line 124, in main
File "/home/laila/Nexar/MotioNet/", line 78, in export
files = util.make_dataset([pose_folder], phase='json', data_split=1, sort=True, sort_index=1)
File "/home/laila/Nexar/MotioNet/utils/", line 28, in make_dataset
images.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('')[sort_index]))
File "/home/laila/Nexar/MotioNet/utils/", line 28, in
images.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].split('')[sort_index]))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'final'
In advance thanks for the help! =)

About valid !!


First, a is defined ,but not use .
Second, alphas is a list , why only use alphas[0] ??

I look forward to your answer !!!! Thank you !!!

performance for in the wild


great work! any rough performance benchmarks for in the wild possibly to share? I realise it depends on resolution and duration but if you could share some rough breakdowns that would help a lot

About multi-GPU operation

I seem to find two code errors!
if gpu_id > n_gpu:
msg = "Warning: The number of GPU's configured to use is {}, but only {} are available on this machine.".format(n_gpu_use, n_gpu)

                            problem :   n_gpu_use is not defined

list_ids = list([gpu_id])
if len(device_ids) > 1:
self.model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=device_ids)

                     problem:  len(device_ids)  is  always  1,so cant use multi-GPU

About !!

wild videos

python -n wild -d 1 --kernel_size 5,3,1 --stride 3,1,1 --dilation 1,1,1 --channel 1024 --confidence 1 --translation 1 --contact 1 --loss_term 1101

First,I noticed that always is "gt" 。This means only use “./data/data_h36m.npz " to train 。
Second, Can you provide './data/data_2d_h36m_cpn_ft_h36m_dbb.npz' and './data/data_2d_h36m_detectron_ft_h36m.npz' ??

about: achieving temporal coherence naturally in paper

Great project!

I read your paper, in the sixth part:CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS, AND FUTURE WORK:

This is the original text:
Finally, since our system is trained in the space of motions, the inherent smoothness of human motions is learned from the data, achieving temporal coherence naturally.

My question:
achieving temporal coherence naturally .
Does it mean real-time? The input and output are real-time?


Missing heatmap_utils in utils?

Thank you for making this amazing project available.

I have encountered the error when I tried to run the script either on h36m or wild video demo.

`File "", line 7, in
import model.model as models
File "/content/MotioNet/model/", line 9, in
from model import model_zoo
File "/content/MotioNet/model/", line 7, in
from utils import heatmap_utils
ImportError: cannot import name 'heatmap_utils' i

I check the utils folder and it seems it doesn't include the heatmap_utils file.

About foot-contact loss

Looking at, it seems that loss_fc is measured based on joint speed in local frame (w/ root at the origin). Shouldn't it be measured based on joint speed in a fixed frame instead?

For example, one can shift their center of mass from right foot to left foot, creating foot joint movement relative to root joint, without actually lifting their feet.

Problem running quick start demo

Hi, after executing the following command python3 -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i demo I get this error message.

Building the network
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 137, in <module>
    main(config, args, output_folder)
  File "", line 73, in main
    parameters = [torch.from_numpy(np.array(item)).float().to(device) for item in h36m_loader(config, is_training=True).dataset.get_parameters()]
  File "/home/mingos/MotioNet/data/", line 11, in __init__
    self.dataset = h36m_dataset.h36m_dataset(config, is_train=is_training)
  File "/home/mingos/MotioNet/data/", line 14, in __init__
    self.cameras = h36m_utils.load_cameras('./data/cameras.h5')
  File "/home/mingos/MotioNet/utils/", line 97, in load_cameras
    R, T, f, c, k, p, name = load_camera_params(hf, 'subject%d/camera%d/{0}' % (s, c_idx + 1))
  File "/home/mingos/MotioNet/utils/", line 78, in load_camera_params
    name = "".join([chr(item) for item in name])
  File "/home/mingos/MotioNet/utils/", line 78, in <listcomp>
    name = "".join([chr(item) for item in name])
TypeError: only integer scalar arrays can be converted to a scalar index

I followed all the steps listed in the repository and got no errors while installing the requirements, I appreciate any help.

Question about Training Time

What is your best estimate of the amount of time it takes to train the network? And what kind of GPU did you use?

How to obtain smooth animation?

The results for the wild are very different than presented in the paper. Open pose base key points extraction was fed as input to the model along with the confidence values as explained, however, the results are horrific.



How to use custom pose 2D key-points?

@Shimingyi @kfiraberman I need "proper" guidance on, how can I use 2d points? because I have tried inserting it but the BVH file generated is not showing any movement while on your examples it's a working fine.

Note: "I've converted points into h36m format than given to the model."

Screenshot (37)

AttributeError: 'NpzFile' object has no attribute 'zip'

hello! i've cloned the repo, downloaded the pretrained model and placed it in a new folder- 'checkpoints', the training data and placed it in the already existing folder 'data', but when running the following command python -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i demo i get this error:

Building the network
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 137, in
main(config, args, output_folder)
File "", line 73, in main
parameters = [torch.from_numpy(np.array(item)).float().to(device) for item in h36m_loader(config, is_training=True).dataset.get_parameters()]
File "/content/MotioNet/data/", line 11, in init
self.dataset = h36m_dataset.h36m_dataset(config, is_train=is_training)
File "/content/MotioNet/data/", line 22, in init
positions_set = np.load('./data/data_h36m.npz', allow_pickle=True)['positions_3d'].item()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/", line 432, in load
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/", line 186, in init
_zip = zipfile_factory(fid)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/", line 112, in zipfile_factory
return zipfile.ZipFile(file, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 1131, in init
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 1198, in _RealGetContents
raise BadZipFile("File is not a zip file")
zipfile.BadZipFile: File is not a zip file
Exception ignored in: <bound method NpzFile.del of <numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile object at 0x7f5b14ae70f0>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/", line 223, in del
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/", line 214, in close
if is not None:
AttributeError: 'NpzFile' object has no attribute 'zip'

here is my project structure:


wild_gt_tcc.pth error

python -r ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth -i demo

RuntimeError: ./checkpoints/wild_gt_tcc.pth is a zip archive (did you mean to use torch.jit.load()?)

About the output of OpenPose

HI guys,

Thanks for this great work. I tried your code and found it is good on hm3.6 testset. However, I'm wondering what is the output format of OpenPose, because I'm using Python API of OpenPose. And I know there is a 'datum.PoseKeypoints' of OpenPose as outputs. Could you please provide a guideline or a script about what the outputs of OpenPose should be?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

bone2skeleton conversion

Hello, thanks for sharing this nice work!

I have a question regarding the bone to skeleton conversion function in ./models/
It seems the joints are shifted from the pelvis joint by offsets of bone lengths, but why is there no horizontal offsets for RKnee, RAnkle, LKnee, and LAnkle. I was expecting something like:

skel_in[:, 2, 0] = -unnorm_bones[:, 0, 0]
skel_in[:, 5, 0] = unnorm_bones[:, 0, 0]
skel_in[:, 3, 0] = -unnorm_bones[:, 0, 0]
skel_in[:, 6, 0] = unnorm_bones[:, 0, 0]

Thanks in advance for consideration!

code/tools for post processing

If it is convenient, could you release the code/tools for IK post processing demonstrated in your video?
Thanks in advance!






Concerning LICENSE

Thanks for the great works!
Just wondering if you have considered adding a license to this repository?

kernel size

Dear authors,

Hello! thank you for providing the awesome codes.

I tested your demo code on the videos provided by the other work (SfV: Reinforcement Learning of Physical Skills from Videos [Peng et al. 2018]). Each video contains the human motion like jump, cartwheel, dance, and etc.

I ran your code on them but it failed to reconstruct the motion, instead got the Runtime error below..

Building the network
x: tensor([[[-5.2118e-03, -1.9778e-03, 3.7148e-02, ..., 4.0354e-01,
7.9354e-01, 1.3558e+00],
[ 5.9371e-01, 2.1293e+00, 3.0198e+00, ..., 1.3015e+00,
-3.0760e-03, 5.9612e-02],
[ 2.6908e+00, 2.8417e+00, 3.1971e+00, ..., 2.9587e+00,
-8.6406e-03, -2.6097e-02],
[ 2.9316e+00, 4.8310e+00, 5.9596e+00, ..., 3.5114e+00,
6.2439e-01, 2.0394e+00],
[-1.5403e-02, -6.0191e-02, -8.2277e-02, ..., -4.6780e-02,
-2.5275e-02, -4.6015e-02],
[-8.5922e-03, -2.5728e-03, 5.3182e-02, ..., -2.7516e-03,
-9.3090e-03, -4.1515e-03]]], device='cuda:0') <class 'torch.Tensor'> torch.Size([1, 1024, 10])
x: tensor([[[-0.0239, -0.0236, -0.0197, ..., -0.0534, -0.0357, -0.0212],
[-0.0038, -0.0016, -0.0057, ..., -0.0095, -0.0091, -0.0155],
[-0.0023, -0.0016, -0.0032, ..., 0.6250, 0.5801, -0.0042],
[-0.0215, -0.0185, -0.0183, ..., -0.0356, -0.0176, -0.0103],
[-0.0991, -0.1097, -0.0967, ..., -0.1064, -0.0717, -0.0246],
[-0.0532, -0.0627, -0.0558, ..., -0.0655, -0.0536, -0.0239]]],
device='cuda:0') <class 'torch.Tensor'> torch.Size([1, 1024, 8])
x: tensor([[[ 0.7402, 1.0614, 0.9979, ..., -0.0066, 0.5572, 1.4654],
[-0.0823, -0.1001, -0.0753, ..., -0.0456, -0.0340, -0.0150],
[-0.0556, -0.0696, -0.0560, ..., -0.0411, -0.0323, -0.0139],
[ 1.7153, 2.3598, 1.4705, ..., -0.0079, 0.0161, 0.3899],
[-0.0161, -0.0133, -0.0115, ..., -0.0120, -0.0171, -0.0142],
[-0.0651, -0.0784, -0.0599, ..., -0.0418, -0.0331, -0.0132]]],
device='cuda:0') <class 'torch.Tensor'> torch.Size([1, 1024, 8])
x: tensor([[[-0.0262, -0.0155],
[ 1.2542, 0.8397],
[ 0.4866, 0.3434],
[ 0.3525, -0.0054],
[-0.0251, -0.0131],
[-0.0137, -0.0037]]], device='cuda:0') <class 'torch.Tensor'> torch.Size([1, 1024, 2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 144, in
main(config, args, output_folder)
File "", line 121, in main
File "", line 101, in export
pre_bones, pre_rotations, pre_rotations_full, pre_pose_3d, pre_c, pre_proj = model.forward_fk(poses_2d_root, parameters)
File "/ssd_data/MotioNet/model/", line 57, in forward_fk
fake_bones = self.forward_S(_input)
File "/ssd_data/MotioNet/model/", line 40, in forward_S
return self.branch_S(_input)
File "/home/trif/anaconda3/envs/motionet-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/ssd_data/MotioNet/model/", line 302, in forward
x = self.drop(self.relu(layer(x)))
File "/home/trif/anaconda3/envs/motionet-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/trif/anaconda3/envs/motionet-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 119, in forward
input = module(input)
File "/home/trif/anaconda3/envs/motionet-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 889, in _call_impl
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/home/trif/anaconda3/envs/motionet-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 263, in forward
return self._conv_forward(input, self.weight, self.bias)
File "/home/trif/anaconda3/envs/motionet-env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 260, in _conv_forward
self.padding, self.dilation, self.groups)
RuntimeError: Calculated padded input size per channel: (2). Kernel size: (3). Kernel size can't be greater than actual input size

Do you know what is causing this error?


prepare CMU issue

When i run the command python ./data/ to prepare the cmubvh dataset print me this error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./data/", line 11, in
bvh_files = util.make_dataset(['/mnt/dataset/cmubvh'], phase='bvh', data_split=1, sort_index=0)
File "./utils/", line 21, in make_dataset
assert os.path.isdir(dataroot), '%s is not a valid directory' % dataroot
AssertionError: /mnt/dataset/cmubvh is not a valid directory

In the file data in repository i make the mnt/dataset/cmubvh and in the cmubvh i storage all the files that you tell in read me
Best Antreas


2.MotioNet论文中最吸引我的是能够相对准确的回归global root position,事实上目前绝大多数3D pose的方法在这方面都比较糟糕。然而我看到测试时有 translation[:, :2] = translation[:, :2]*3;translation[:, 2] = translation[:, 2]*1.5,这里的scale系数是怎么得到的呢?经验值?在我测试自己的视频时对这个有什么建议吗?
3.演示视频里下面这个视频的global translation看起来效果很好,请问是有做什么其他的操作嘛?靠这个库的代码和模型能做到吗?
4.我自己测试了如下视频,发现效果并不好,动作错误较多,而且global translation基本固定在原地(实际上视频中的人从左走到右有比较明显的位移),我使用evaluate.py的默认设置(IMAGE_WIDTH改为视频的宽度),请问是还需要修改什么才能达到较好的效果呢?还是说我这个视频本身不太符合训练集的分布?

Why the linear discriminator D works

Dear authors,

Thanks a lot for the amazing work and sharing the code. Accroding the appendix A in the paper, "discriminator D is a linear component (similarly to Kanazawa et al. [2018]), with an output value between 0 and 1, containing two convolution layers and one fully connected layer". However, as the last reponse in issue of the code for Kanazawa et al. [2018], it dose have activation function.

I'm wondering why a linear discriminator can classify whether a rotation speed is natural or not, as in my point of view, this classification is not trival.


BVH and motion


I have some questions to ask, why the predicted neck of the human body keeps leaning back. In addition, there are many ‘Nan’ in the saved bvh, and the feet of the output bvh motion have not been able to contact the ground as well as in the demo video. Is it because there is no IK?

Look forward to your answer

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