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wobserver's Issues

Doesn't work with distillery releases

I'm giving this a shot in one of our elixir applications, and it works great in standalone mode and plug mode when running locally. But when we deploy to stage and prod, we use distillery releases. I think the distillery release breaks the way wobserver serves the index.html, because the file is not included in the release. This is the error we get:

Elixir.File.Error: could not read file stats "deps/wobserver/assets/index.html": no such file or directory
  File "lib/file.ex", line 289, in File.stat!/2
  File "lib/plug/adapters/cowboy/conn.ex", line 38, in Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.Conn.send_file/6
  File "lib/plug/conn.ex", line 429, in Plug.Conn.send_file/5
  File "lib/wobserver/web/router/static.ex", line 1, in Wobserver.Web.Router.Static.plug_builder_call/2
  File "lib/plug/router/utils.ex", line 91, in Plug.Router.Utils.forward/4
  File "lib/wobserver/web/router.ex", line 1, in Wobserver.Web.Router.plug_builder_call/2
  File "lib/phoenix/router/route.ex", line 154, in Phoenix.Router.Route.forward/4
  File "lib/phoenix/router.ex", line 261, in API.Router.dispatch/2

Any chance you could give distillery a shot to see how we could get around this?

Manual Instructions incorrect

When running through the manual instructions step on the readme the gulp build step gives the gulp: command not found because the step as typed in is trying to call a global gulp command although the project installs a local gulp that has to be called via ./node_modules/.bin/gulp, thus the command should probably be ./node_modules/.bin/gulp build.

`mix build` is too top-level

Custom mix tasks by Elixir suggestions should be prefixed with the project name, so it should be mix A simple change and figured I should suggest it before the project gets too far along. :-)

The reason is though that if multiple libraries include mix tasks, because your task 'is' imported into the projects that depend on this library, then they can conflict or become uncallable or even override what is expected from another library.

If you are wanting to define a new mix task that is not imported into the users project that includes this library then you should use a mix alias instead. An example (just add this to the bottom of your mix.exs file while adding a aliases: aliases() to your project list):

  defp aliases do
      build: &,

This example would add a new task of the name build that is exposed only to this project (and not projects that depend on this project), this task will call the function, just like your task gets called in its run/1. :-)

Aliases have a lot of other features (see above link), including calling tasks before or after others, you can, say, override 'compile' so it always calls 'build' first and then the normal 'compile' (that way you do not need to distribute your Assets file but instead it can be built on-the-fly when the dependency is compiled, I'm 'pretty' sure dependency building calls the compile alias in mix, but uncertain, would want to check...).


:sys.get_status/2 Causes exception in Ranch

I am seeing the following error show up in the logs:

Ranch acceptor received unexpected message: {:system, {#PID<0.982.0>, #Reference<0.736632836.3709599745.155908>},

Which is logged from this line:

It seems to be coming from this line

Searching my dependencies it looks like there are only 2 calls to :sys.get_status/2, one from within ranch itself and another from this library.

Wobserver as a Plug behind proxy

I'm using wobserver in a Phoenix-Application (configured as plug).
Locally everything works just fine but when I run the application on the production server, I have the following problem:

  • App is running on port 4000
  • NGINX-Proxy listens on https://...., signs the communication and uses proxy_pass localhost:4000 to hit the application.
  • Wobserver starts fine at https://..../metrics but then can't connect the websocket because it is still a ws instead of wss transport.

It seems there is no way yet to configure wss, right?

Asset paths require trailing slash to be present in the URL

I have added wobserver 0.1.5 to my phoenix app.

My config is

config :wobserver,
  mode: :plug,
  remote_url_prefix: "/wobserver"

and I have added forward "/wobserver", Wobserver.Web.Router to the router.

It seems that if I open

http://localhost:4060/wobserver/ (notice slash at the end) it works fine but if I omit the last slash it tries to fetch assets from http://localhost:4060/app.js etc.

How to protect "/wobserver" (plug mode)?


I want to protect everything below /wobserver from unauthorized users. So far I have tried

  • basic auth
  • cookie based authorization with a plug

In both cases I hit the same dead end: the required cookie/header was not being sent at all below /wobserver/api. I suspect this is an idiosyncrasy of the javascript "fetch" API that is being used.

I found references to an undocumented security feature which, as I understand it, is needed for inter-node communication (and I only have one node for the forseeable future). Will this feature also authorize users? Otherwise, is there a workaround for the problem with cookies and certain headers not being sent?

The configurable security setup doesn't actually work

This is in my config.exs file:

config :wobserver,
  mode: :plug,
  remote_url_prefix: "/wobserver",
  security: BorsNG.WobserverSecurity

This is my authenticate function:

defmodule BorsNG.WobserverSecurity do
  @spec authenticate(Conn.t) :: Conn.t
  def authenticate(conn) do
    raise "HERE"

It doesn't reach the raise "HERE" line when I open the wobserver page.

This is because the module attributes are evaluated at build-time, which uses the files in "wobserver"'s configuration, not in the dependent modules.

Port list/info sometimes crashes application

The & sometimes crashes the application by having an :undefined port.

Fix by adding a case for :undefined and filtering those from the resulting list in &Wobserver.Port.list/0.

External Javascript

Manually built and packed assets and got other things ready and it 'mostly' works now it seems, however Load Charts is entirely blank, Memory Allocators are entirely blank, Application only shows the drop-down box and description, it looks like a javascript library is supposed to be making the tables sortable in various other pages, however the javascript (and apparently some fonts) are attempting to be called externally, which does not work on the internal network server I'm running. ^.^

The traditionally Phoenix way to do it is using its bundler (brunch by default, but can replace with whatever, or a manual one) to bake everything together for ease of use in such situations, though this is not Phoenix based it is still a useful style for such locations as here. :-)

Monitoring remote node

Can we run it stand-alone and monitor other node (if that node doesn't have wobserver installed)?

Not working and causing conflict with new lib

HTTPoison is old (1.3.1 is out)
Plug is old (1.7 is out)
Cowboy is old (2.5 is out)

makes it really hard to use it as it starts to create a lot of conflich with existing newer deps

Limit concurrency on `structure_pid` calls

We're on a fork of an earlier version of wobserver, but I thought I'd bring this issue up in the core repo as an issue.

We've been seeing consistent timeouts from this parallel_map call: We've also noticed that the BEAM load spikes pretty hard whenever we navigate to the wobserver page for one of our apps that has many processes (~100 Ranch acceptors under a single supervisor). I'm guessing this has to do with all of the core :erlang calls getting process info

Here's a stacktrace from our version:

14:40:38.116 [error] Task #PID<0.1046.0> started from #PID<0.1033.0> terminating
** (stop) exited in: Task.await(%Task{owner: #PID<0.1046.0>, pid: #PID<0.1056.0>, ref: #Reference<>}, 5000)
    ** (EXIT) time out
    (elixir) lib/task.ex:416: Task.await/2
    (elixir) lib/enum.ex:1229: Enum."-map/2-lists^map/1-0-"/2
    (wobserver) lib/wobserver/util/application.ex:101: Wobserver.Util.Application.structure_pid/1
    (elixir) lib/task/supervised.ex:85: Task.Supervised.do_apply/2
    (elixir) lib/task/supervised.ex:36: Task.Supervised.reply/5
    (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:247: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Function: #Function<1.105204156/0 in Wobserver.Util.Helper.parallel_map/2>
    Args: []
14:40:38.116 [error] Ranch protocol #PID<0.1024.0> (:cowboy_protocol) of listener TaskRunner.Endpoint.HTTP terminated
** (exit) exited in: Task.await(%Task{owner: #PID<0.1046.0>, pid: #PID<0.1056.0>, ref: #Reference<>}, 5000)
    ** (EXIT) time out

When this time out happens the entire wobserver page fails to load which has made it unusable in app without changes.

I'd suggest using a pool to limit concurrency or chunking the processes

Security issue when displaying process state


I was inspecting the state of my process that contained some content from a blog post, when suddenly I saw:

capture du 2017-07-05 19-40-41

The state of the process is interpreted directly in the html, which could lead to a possible code injection problem. If I had some script tags in it, it would have been evaluated, god knows what could have happened.

I'm using version 0.1.7 of wobserver.
I can't issue a PR right now with my sucky internet, but if you want to correct the misbehavior, the code involved is around here.

I might sound rude, but I like this software, I'm not blaming anyone 🤗

:badarith error

In the logs I keep getting a :badarith error randomly between 2 to 30 seconds, the stacktrace is (reformatted for readability):

** (ErlangError) erlang error:
  reason: :badarith,
  mfa: {Wobserver.Web.Client, :websocket_handle, 3},
  stacktrace: [
    {Wobserver.System.Scheduler, :"-utilization/0-fun-0-", 1, [file: 'lib/wobserver/system/scheduler.ex', line: 37]},
    {Enum, :"-map/2-lists^map/1-0-", 2, [file: 'lib/enum.ex', line: 1229]},
    {Wobserver.System, :overview, 0, [file: 'lib/wobserver/system.ex', line: 54]},
    {Wobserver.Web.Client, :client_handle, 2, [file: 'lib/wobserver/web/client.ex', line: 47]},
    {Wobserver.Web.Client, :websocket_handle, 3, [file: 'lib/wobserver/web/client.ex', line: 5]},
    {:cowboy_websocket, :handler_call, 7, [file: 'c:/Users/<user>/Projects/my_server/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_websocket.erl', line: 588]},
    {:cowboy_protocol, :execute, 4, [file: 'c:/Users/<user>/Projects/my_server/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_protocol.erl', line: 442]}
  msg: {:text, "{\"command\":\"system\",\"data\":null}"},
  req: [
    socket: #Port<0.89433>,
    transport: :ranch_tcp,
    connection: :keepalive,
    pid: #PID<0.1515.0>,
    method: "GET",
    version: :"HTTP/1.1",
    peer: {{10, 1, 2, 158}, 64429},
    host: "<user>",
    host_info: :undefined,
    port: 80,
    path: "/observer/ws",
    path_info: :undefined,
    qs: "",
    qs_vals: :undefined,
    bindings: [],
    headers: [
      {"host", "<user>"},
      {"user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/51.0"},
      {"accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"},
      {"accept-language", "en-US,en;q=0.5"}, {"accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate"},
      {"sec-websocket-version", "13"}, {"origin", "http://<user>"},
      {"sec-websocket-extensions", "permessage-deflate"},
      {"sec-websocket-key", "S82iJ2lUI+jBYrl9P6icQQ=="},
      {"cookie", "_my_server_key=snip"},
      {"connection", "keep-alive, Upgrade"},
      {"pragma", "no-cache"},
      {"cache-control", "no-cache"},
      {"upgrade", "websocket"}
    p_headers: [
      {"sec-websocket-extensions", [{"permessage-deflate", []}]},
      {"upgrade", ["websocket"]},
      {"connection", ["keep-alive", "upgrade"]}
    cookies: :undefined,
    meta: [websocket_version: 13, websocket_compress: false],
    body_state: :waiting,
    buffer: "",
    multipart: :undefined,
    resp_compress: false,
    resp_state: :done,
    resp_headers: [],
    resp_body: "",
    onresponse: :already_called
  state: %{proxy: nil, state: %{}}
  (cowboy) c:/Users/<user>/Projects/my_server/deps/cowboy/src/cowboy_protocol.erl:442: :cowboy_protocol.execute/4

Specifically it is complaining about the division on line 37 in the lib/wobserver/system/scheduler.ex file, the whole function is:

  def utilization do

    case last_utilization() do
      false ->
        |> {_, u, t} ->u / t end)
      last ->
        |> {{_, u0, t0}, {_, u1, t1}} -> (u1 - u0) / (t1 - t0) end)

I also see the error happen on the other line as well, specifically it seems t can be 0 in the first and t1-t0 can be 0 in the other at times, checks probably need to be added to do an alternative action instead.

Use nodes in combination with load balancer

Was wondering how to configure the nodes section when you have like 3 nodes behind a load balancer which you can't directly access though they can connect with each other off-course. Was expecting that if you configure the nodes you can see the web interface through 1 node and that one connects to the other nodes with the switcher. Maybe my view of how the node version should work isn't correct.

Was trying to configure it in combination with the plug mode. But then when I switched I got a lot of /ws endpoint not found errors on the webserver side.

cannot copy-paste from pages

We display operational data that would be handy to copy and move around. Right now, we can't select anything to copy it.

module Wobserver.Assets is not available

When freshly mix deps.compile wobserver this as a dependency, the compilation gives these warnings, and indeed I'm not seeing a Wobserver.Assets module in the project?

==> wobserver
Compiling 4 files (.ex)
warning: function Wobserver.Assets.html/0 is undefined (module Wobserver.Assets is not available)

warning: function Wobserver.Assets.css/0 is undefined (module Wobserver.Assets is not available)

warning: function Wobserver.Assets.js/0 is undefined (module Wobserver.Assets is not available)

warning: function Wobserver.Assets.license/0 is undefined (module Wobserver.Assets is not available)

How to start wobserver only in development.

I have wobserver working in my application, However I want it to only run when I need it.

My solution was to remove :wobserver from the applications list in mix.exs. When I need wobserver I start an iex session on the node and call Application.ensure_all_started(:wobserver). However doing this does and the visiting the wobserver port and I get the error that the site cannot be reached. Apart from removing wobserver from my applications list I have made no change to the setup that was working.

websocket connection fails over SSL.

Locally this works without issue. When hosted using SSL, I have Phoenix forcing SSL, and it seems to break the websocket connection.

I get "Failed to construct 'WebSocket': An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS."

I'm using Phoenix channels, and my application doesn't have any socket issues on other parts. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

Conflicting cowboy versions with plug_cowboy

Could you please update the cowboy version?

Failed to use "cowboy" (version 2.8.0) because
  plug_cowboy (version 2.4.1) requires ~> 2.7
  wobserver (version 0.1.8) requires ~> 1.1

Scheduler usage when using websocket

There is a higher than expected scheduler usage, when using websockets.

Look into whether this is just websocket related or something in the communication between wobserver and javascript interface.

Connection Lost on Heroku


Source code for the application is
I've been trying to figure this out with no luck on what is happening.

Heres the logs from Heroku, as you can see Heroku picks up on the GET /wobserver/ws call to make the socket connect but Phoenix never logs it out anywhere (typically it doesn't log anything until the join). The browser gets returned back a 204 No Content.

### First, heres me hitting the observer

2017-05-12T02:28:41.645622+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/wobserver/" request_id=34a800f3-ae02-4271-b348-8718b55387ac fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=1ms status=200 bytes=1167 protocol=https
2017-05-12T02:28:41.706605+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/wobserver/app.js" request_id=7cb447de-dccd-4348-b385-b64ff3d6012b fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=7ms status=200 bytes=295092 protocol=https
2017-05-12T02:28:41.675036+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/wobserver/main.css" request_id=c6968364-00ab-4236-af54-9395d1a1c00a fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=2ms status=200 bytes=39690 protocol=https
2017-05-12T02:28:41.644613+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:28:41.644 request_id=34a800f3-ae02-4271-b348-8718b55387ac [info] GET /wobserver/
2017-05-12T02:28:41.644627+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:28:41.644 request_id=34a800f3-ae02-4271-b348-8718b55387ac [info] Sent 200 in 160µs
2017-05-12T02:28:41.673737+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:28:41.672 request_id=c6968364-00ab-4236-af54-9395d1a1c00a [info] GET /wobserver/main.css
2017-05-12T02:28:41.673780+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:28:41.672 request_id=c6968364-00ab-4236-af54-9395d1a1c00a [info] Sent 200 in 78µs
2017-05-12T02:28:41.698442+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:28:41.697 request_id=7cb447de-dccd-4348-b385-b64ff3d6012b [info] GET /wobserver/app.js
2017-05-12T02:28:41.698447+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:28:41.698 request_id=7cb447de-dccd-4348-b385-b64ff3d6012b [info] Sent 200 in 55µs
2017-05-12T02:28:41.861420+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/wobserver/ws" request_id=8d3b5cf2-8cd2-48b2-9731-d9c375f48ae4 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=1ms status=204 bytes=99 protocol=https

### Heres me hitting my index route path which has a successfully implemented phoenix socket on it... Odd it does not have a heroku router GET call...

2017-05-12T02:29:13.284211+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/" request_id=e338d64f-50e5-40a0-b37e-57681bef7fd3 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=6ms status=200 bytes=12101 protocol=https
2017-05-12T02:29:13.315163+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/css/app-f60f3ae0a7de39b988f6262c7c365a52.css?vsn=d" request_id=dc3dfdc4-d52c-4923-97b8-d5e3045f1509 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=1ms status=200 bytes=1568 protocol=https
2017-05-12T02:29:13.278441+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:29:13.277 request_id=e338d64f-50e5-40a0-b37e-57681bef7fd3 [info] GET /
2017-05-12T02:29:13.282977+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:29:13.282 request_id=e338d64f-50e5-40a0-b37e-57681bef7fd3 [info] Sent 200 in 4ms
2017-05-12T02:29:13.469617+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/images/code-climate-grey-eb25b8d23eac8ebfba0bbdcfbc5f5cbb.svg?vsn=d" request_id=55bad725-b6b5-4b52-bee6-482f81b6ae06 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=2ms status=200 bytes=870 protocol=https
2017-05-12T02:29:13.339947+00:00 heroku[router]: at=info method=GET path="/js/app-9c01173be1eb302965bc17dfc8c823cb.js?vsn=d" request_id=a9c2a67a-b9bc-420f-9b35-7bc489a622ce fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=5ms status=200 bytes=102833 protocol=https
2017-05-12T02:29:13.895743+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:29:13.895 [info] JOIN prs:all to SlackCoder.PRChannel
2017-05-12T02:29:13.895754+00:00 app[web.1]:   Transport:  Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket
2017-05-12T02:29:13.895755+00:00 app[web.1]:   Parameters: %{"github" => "mgwidmann"}
2017-05-12T02:29:13.896252+00:00 app[web.1]: 02:29:13.896 [info] Replied prs:all :ok

It seems the backup JSON API is also being blocked because its running on https and its using http only.

Make Wobserver usable as a standalone Plug

Instead of having wobserver run its own cowboy instance with (apparently) no authentication, I'd like to be able to run wobserver from inside an app's existing administrator panel.

The main barrier to this is wobserver's websockets, which can be replaced with EventSource.

HTTPS not supported in the wobserver_api_fallback

When websockets don't work or respond, the js falls back to the api instead of the websockets. But the wobserver_api_fallback forces a url with an http scheme, which causes insecure request errors when the application is using https.

No authorization test

Currently we can put a plug in front of the router for wobserver to block access for an unauthorized user, but currently there is no way to do the same for the socket without hijacking between them. The router should probably take a callback function that we can supply that gets passed the plug's conn and returns either a token (binary? easily generate-able securely via phoenix for example by the user) or an error. If a token is returned then they are allowed to access the wobserver, if an error then it should just 404 or whatever. The token should also be passed to the socket via the web page (or cookie) and the socket should verify that it is an allowed token (perhaps by passing it back to yet another user function, these could be specified in the config or on the injection sites), and if it is verified and allowed then the socket connection establishes else it is dropped.

Currently even if blocking the /wobserver route the outside can still access the websocket directly to query.

The most simple solution would probably just be adding 2 callback functions to the config, and if they exist use them, else allow all as it does now.

Discovery of other nodes in a cluster?

In following instructions and looking through the source, it appears that the discovery of other nodes is limited to trying to connect to another Wobserver instance?

I was hoping it might be like Observer where I can have it display the information of other connected/clustered nodes. Is that a possibility? Or does Wobserver have to be installed on every node in the cluster that we might want to inspect?

Because of dependency issues, I created a small node with only Wobserver installed that could join an existing cluster and from there review/monitor all the nodes in the cluster.

Is this currently possible? If not, is it planned for the future?

Connection lost trouble shooting

I am trying to use the project, I have a server running phoenix and wobserver.
I have added a list of nodes I would like to connect but I keep getting the "Connection lost" error.
The two machine are in the same subnetwork without any firewall.

I am looking for tips, but also it would be nice to have a little more infos either on the logs or in the webpage on what's going on.


CSRF conflict in Plug/Phoenix configuration

I had put wobserver behind a protected pipeline that included plug :protect_from_forgery (a wrapper around plug Plug.CSRFProtection) and could not get wobserver working at all (Safari would refuse to load the app.js for wobserver and the log would report a CSRF protection violation for cross-origin resources).

As soon as I removed :protect_from_forgery from the pipeline, wobserver worked just fine. It would be great to have documentation on how to enable CSRF protection, but at a minimum, users should be warned that wobserver is not currently compatible with Plug.CSRFProtection and :protect_from_forgery.

Aggregate node information in single display

Make it possible for selected pages to show the information of all nodes in the network.

Involves the following steps:

  • Make the JSON api work with the special node name: all, which aggregates the API results for all nodes.
  • Make the websocket capable of aggregating
  • Upgrade interface for aggregated data.

Disconnect does not notify or reconnect

A disconnect does not alert or reconnect socket.

Improve connection loss handling by:

  • Alert/notify user
  • Gracefully reconnect
  • Keep websocket, if able to connected to websocket before. (no-fallback)

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