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weewx-stackedwindrose's Introduction

Windrose Image Generator for weewx


The Stacked Windrose Image Generator for weewx is a weewx extension that generates a polar windrose plot image file based upon weewx archive data. The image file is suitable for publishing on a web page, inclusing in a weewx template or for use elsewhere.

The extension consists of a single weewx skin that controls a custom image generator. Various image parameters including the plot period, source data field, units of measure and colours can be controlled through settings in weewx.conf.

Below is an example polar windrose plot generated by the Stacked Windrose Image Generator for weewx.

Sample polar windrose plot


Weewx v3.2.0 or greater.

File Locations

As weewx file locations vary by system and installation method, the following symbolic names, as per the User's Guide to the weewx Weather System - Installing Weewx, are used in these instructions:

  • $BIN_ROOT (executables)
  • $SKIN_ROOT (skins and templates)
  • $HTML_ROOT (web pages and images)

Where applicable the nominal location for your system and installation type should be used in place of the symbolic name

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the Stacked Windrose Image Generator for weewx extension package from the Releases page. The current release package is named stackedwindrose-2.0.2.tar.gz. If your weewx PC has internet access you may be able to download the package directly as follows:

    $ wget -P /var/tmp/
  2. Run the installer:

    $ ./wee_extension --install=/var/tmp/stackedwindrose-2.0.2.tar.gz

    This command assumes the user is currently in the $BIN_ROOT folder.

  3. Various attributes of the generated plot can be controlled through a number of settings in the [StdReport] [[StackedWindRose]] section in weewx.conf. This approach has the advantage of retaining user settings across upgrades of this extension but any change to these paramaters will require a weewx configuration reload or a weewx stop/start. The extension installer does not permit comments to be included in weewx.conf so the windrose plot parameters and explanatory notes are included below. Commonly changed options include the units of measure (group_speed parameter) and date-time format (time_stamp parameter). Edit any parameters as required:

        skin = StackedWindRose
                # group_speed sets the display units for the windrose plots
                group_speed = km_per_hour   # Options are 'mile_per_hour',
                                            # 'km_per_hour', 'knot', or
                                            # 'meter_per_second'
                # This section sets a label to be used for each type of unit.
                km_per_hour       = "km/h"
                knot              = "knots"
                meter_per_second  = "m/s"
                mile_per_hour     = "mph"
            # Set to compass point abbreviations suitable for your location.
            # Must be in the order of North, South, East, West.
            compass_points = N, S, E, W
                # This section sets the labels to be used when displaying
                # either windGust or windSpeed
                windGust  = Gust Speed
                windSpeed = Wind Speed
            # This section contains the options for the Stacked Wind Rose image
            # generator. A number of plotting options can be set such as
            # colour, fonts, sizes etc. Some options have default values if
            # the option or value is omitted, these defaults are specified
            # where applicable.
            # Fonts can be anything accepted by the Python Imaging Library
            # (PIL), which is currently truetype (.ttf), or PIL's own font
            # format (.pil). See
            # for
            # more details.  Note that "font size" is only used with truetype
            # (.ttf) fonts. For others, font size is determined by the
            # bit-mapped size, usually encoded in the file name (eg courB010.pil).
            # Colors can be specified any of three ways:
            #   1. Notation 0xBBGGRR;
            #   2. Notation #RRGGBB; or
            #   3. Using an English name, such as 'yellow', or 'blue'.
            # So, 0xff0000, #0000ff, or 'blue' would all specify a pure blue
            # colour.
            # Image file to be used to used as the background for the plot. If
            # it does not exist or is set to none/None the background will be
            # image_height x image_width pixels with colour set to
            # image_background_box_color. eg
            #   image_background_image = windrose_bground.png
            # woudld use the file windrose_bground.png as the background image.
            image_background_image = none
            # Overall width and height of image
            image_width = 382
            image_height = 361
            # Fill colour of plot circles
            image_background_circle_color = 0xF5F5F5
            # Colour of background box
            image_background_box_color = 0xF5C696
            # Colour of range rings on plot
            image_background_range_ring_color = 0xC3D9DD
            # Minimum distance (in pixels) from edge of image to plot/legend
            windrose_plot_border = 5
            # Width of legend stacked bar (in pixels)
            windrose_legend_bar_width = 10
            # Font to be used
            windrose_font_path = /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf
            # Font setting for N,E,S,W, bullseye % and % rings
            windrose_plot_font_size  = 10
            windrose_plot_font_color = 0x000000
            # Font setting for plot legend
            windrose_legend_font_size = 10
            windrose_legend_font_color = 0x000000
            # Font setting for plot label/title
            windrose_label_font_size = 12
            windrose_label_font_color = 0x000000
            # Comma separated list of colours used for stacked 'petals' on
            # windrose.
            # First colour is for Calm/0 speed, 2nd for 1st band, 2nd for
            # 3rd band etc. Defaults to 'lightblue', 'blue', 'midnightblue',
            # 'forestgreen', 'limegreen', 'green', 'greenyellow'
            # Only 7 colours will be used irrespective of how many are listed.
            windrose_plot_petal_colors = aqua, 0xFF9900, 0xFF3300, 0x009900, 0x00CC00, 0x33FF33, 0x00FFCC
            # Width of petals in degrees. If not set default is 16 degrees
            windrose_plot_petal_width = 16
                # Period (in seconds) over which wind rose is constructed.
                # 86400 will use wind samples from past 24 hours, 43200 uses
                # 12 hours of samples etc
                time_length = 86400 # == 24 hours
                    # Image filename will be [[[]]] setting on line above with
                    # extension as per format setting below. [[[daywindrose]]]
                    # using png format will result in file being named
                    # daywindrose.png
                    # File format of resulting image file. Use any file
                    # extension for image formats that PIL can write
                    # (eg png, gif etc). Defaults to png if omitted.
                    format = png
                    # To use windGust data for wind rose set [[[[windGust]]]]
                    # on next line, to use windSpeed set next line to
                    # [[[[windSpeed]]]]
                        # Label/title for  plot
                        label = 24 Hour Wind Rose
                        # Format of optional time stamp to be placed on image.
                        # Format directived as per Python datetime format
                        # directives at
                        time_stamp = %H:%M %d %b %y
                        # Location of optional time stamp on image. If omitted
                        # no time stamp is included. Format for setting is
                        # vertical_position, horizontal_position where
                        # vertical_position is one of top or bottom;
                        # horizontal_position is one of left, center, right.
                        # Default setting (if option is present) is
                        # bottom, right
                        time_stamp_location = bottom, right
  4. By default the Stacked Windrose Image Generator for weewx generator places the generated file in the $HTML_ROOT folder. If you wish to place the generated files in another directory then insert a HTML_ROOT setting giving the applicable folder under the [[StackedWindRose]] sub-section in the [StdReport] section of weewx.conf, eg:

        skin = StackedWindRose
        HTML_ROOT = /use/this/folder
  5. Restart weewx:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start
  6. This will result in the windrose image file being generated during each report generation cycle. Generation can be confirmed by inspecting the weewx log, there should be a line similar to this amongst the report generation output:

    Aug  9 00:30:16 jessie2 weewx[1236]: imageStackedWindRose: Generated 1 images for StackedWindRose in 0.01 seconds

Manual Installation Instructions

  1. Download the Stacked Windrose Image Generator for weewx extension package from the Releases page. The current release oackage is named stackedwindrose-2.0.2.tar.gz. If your weewx PC has internet access you may be able to download the package directly as follows:

    $ wget -P /var/tmp/
  2. Extract the files from the tar.gz file:

    $ tar -zxvf /var/tmp/stackedwindrose-2.0.2.tar.gz -C /var/tmp

    Note: This will extract the extension package files to the /var/tmp folder

  3. Copy files as follows:

    $ cp /var/tmp/stackedwindrose/bin/user/ $BIN_ROOT/user $ cp -R /var/tmp/stackedwindrose/skins/* $SKIN_ROOT

  4. In weewx.conf, modify the [StdReport] section by adding the following sub-section:

        skin = StackedWindRose
  5. Various attributes of the generated plot can be controlled through a number of settings in the [StdReport] [[StackedWindRose]] section in weewx.conf. This approach has the advantage of retaining user settings across upgrades of this extension but any change to these paramaters will require a weewx configuration reload or a weewx stop/start. The extension installer does not permit comments to be included in weewx.conf so the windrose plot parameters and explanatory notes are included below. Commonly changed options include the units of measure (group_speed parameter) and date-time format (time_stamp parameter). Edit any parameters as required:

        skin = StackedWindRose
                # group_speed sets the display units for the windrose plots
                group_speed = km_per_hour   # Options are 'mile_per_hour',
                                            # 'km_per_hour', 'knot', or
                                            # 'meter_per_second'
                # This section sets a label to be used for each type of unit.
                km_per_hour       = "km/h"
                knot              = "knots"
                meter_per_second  = "m/s"
                mile_per_hour     = "mph"
            # Set to compass point abbreviations suitable for your location.
            # Must be in the order of North, South, East, West.
            compass_points = N, S, E, W
                # This section sets the labels to be used when displaying
                # either windGust or windSpeed
                windGust  = Gust Speed
                windSpeed = Wind Speed
            # This section contains the options for the Stacked Wind Rose image
            # generator. A number of plotting options can be set such as
            # colour, fonts, sizes etc. Some options have default values if
            # the option or value is omitted, these defaults are specified
            # where applicable.
            # Fonts can be anything accepted by the Python Imaging Library
            # (PIL), which is currently truetype (.ttf), or PIL's own font
            # format (.pil). See
            # for
            # more details.  Note that "font size" is only used with truetype
            # (.ttf) fonts. For others, font size is determined by the
            # bit-mapped size, usually encoded in the file name (eg courB010.pil).
            # Colors can be specified any of three ways:
            #   1. Notation 0xBBGGRR;
            #   2. Notation #RRGGBB; or
            #   3. Using an English name, such as 'yellow', or 'blue'.
            # So, 0xff0000, #0000ff, or 'blue' would all specify a pure blue
            # colour.
            # Image file to be used to used as the background for the plot. If
            # it does not exist or is set to none/None the background will be
            # image_height x image_width pixels with colour set to
            # image_background_box_color. eg
            #   image_background_image = windrose_bground.png
            # woudld use the file windrose_bground.png as the background image.
            image_background_image = none
            # Overall width and height of image
            image_width = 382
            image_height = 361
            # Fill colour of plot circles
            image_background_circle_color = 0xF5F5F5
            # Colour of background box
            image_background_box_color = 0xF5C696
            # Colour of range rings on plot
            image_background_range_ring_color = 0xC3D9DD
            # Minimum distance (in pixels) from edge of image to plot/legend
            windrose_plot_border = 5
            # Width of legend stacked bar (in pixels)
            windrose_legend_bar_width = 10
            # Font to be used
            windrose_font_path = /usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSansBold.ttf
            # Font setting for N,E,S,W, bullseye % and % rings
            windrose_plot_font_size  = 10
            windrose_plot_font_color = 0x000000
            # Font setting for plot legend
            windrose_legend_font_size = 10
            windrose_legend_font_color = 0x000000
            # Font setting for plot label/title
            windrose_label_font_size = 12
            windrose_label_font_color = 0x000000
            # Comma separated list of colours used for stacked 'petals' on
            # windrose.
            # First colour is for Calm/0 speed, 2nd for 1st band, 2nd for
            # 3rd band etc. Defaults to 'lightblue', 'blue', 'midnightblue',
            # 'forestgreen', 'limegreen', 'green', 'greenyellow'
            # Only 7 colours will be used irrespective of how many are listed.
            windrose_plot_petal_colors = aqua, 0xFF9900, 0xFF3300, 0x009900, 0x00CC00, 0x33FF33, 0x00FFCC
            # Width of petals in degrees. If not set default is 16 degrees
            windrose_plot_petal_width = 16
                # Period (in seconds) over which wind rose is constructed.
                # 86400 will use wind samples from past 24 hours, 43200 uses
                # 12 hours of samples etc
                time_length = 86400 # == 24 hours
                    # Image filename will be [[[]]] setting on line above with
                    # extension as per format setting below. [[[daywindrose]]]
                    # using png format will result in file being named
                    # daywindrose.png
                    # File format of resulting image file. Use any file
                    # extension for image formats that PIL can write
                    # (eg png, gif etc). Defaults to png if omitted.
                    format = png
                    # To use windGust data for wind rose set [[[[windGust]]]]
                    # on next line, to use windSpeed set next line to
                    # [[[[windSpeed]]]]
                        # Label/title for  plot
                        label = 24 Hour Wind Rose
                        # Format of optional time stamp to be placed on image.
                        # Format directived as per Python datetime format
                        # directives at
                        time_stamp = %H:%M %d %b %y
                        # Location of optional time stamp on image. If omitted
                        # no time stamp is included. Format for setting is
                        # vertical_position, horizontal_position where
                        # vertical_position is one of top or bottom;
                        # horizontal_position is one of left, center, right.
                        # Default setting (if option is present) is
                        # bottom, right
                        time_stamp_location = bottom, right
  6. By default the Stacked Windrose Image Generator for weewx generator places the generated file in the $HTML_ROOT folder. If you wish to place the generated files in another directory then insert a HTML_ROOT setting giving the applicable folder under the [[StackedWindRose]] sub-section in the [StdReport] section of weewx.conf, eg:

        skin = StackedWindRose
        HTML_ROOT = /use/this/folder
  7. Restart weewx:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start
  8. This will result in the windrose image file being generated during each report generation cycle. Generation can be confirmed by inspecting the weewx log, there should be a line similar to this amongst the report generation output:

    Aug  9 00:30:16 jessie2 weewx[1236]: imageStackedWindRose: Generated 1 images for StackedWindRose in 0.01 seconds

Uninstallation Instructions

  1. Run the uninstaller:

    $ ./wee_extension --uninstall=StackedWindRose

    This command assumes the user is currently in the $BIN_ROOT folder.

  2. Restart weewx:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start

Manual Uninstallation

  1. Edit weewx.conf and delete the entire [[StackedWindRose]] section from [StdReport].

  2. Save weewx.conf.

  3. Delete the $SKIN_ROOT/StackedWindRose folder and its contents:

    $ rm -rf $SKIN_ROOT/StackedWindRose
  4. Restart weewx:

    $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx stop
    $ sudo /etc/init.d/weewx start

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