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hshs-domxss-scanner's Introduction

SIWECOS Documentation

This documentation describes the two modules "HTTP Secure Header Scanner" and "DOMXSS-Scanner".

Startup using Docker

docker run --rm --name siwecos-hshs-domxss-scanner -p 8000:2015 siwecos/hshs-domxss-scanner

HTTP Secure Header Scanner

This module scans the HTTP header of a specific URL and returns a report that can be used to improve the configuration for a better security.


Send a POST-Request to http://localhost/api/v1/header:

POST /api/v1/header HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "url": "",
  "callbackurls": [

The parameters url and callbackurls are required:

  • url must be a string.
  • callbackurls must be an array with only contains one or more strings.

Sample output

  "name": "HEADER",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 66,
  "tests": [
      "hasError": true,
      "errorMessage": "HEADER_NOT_SET",
      "score": 0,
      "scoreType": "warning",
      "testDetails": []
      "name": "CONTENT_TYPE",
      "hasError": false,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "score": 100,
      "scoreType": "warning",
      "testDetails": [
          "placeholder": "META",
          "values": ["<meta charset=\"UTF-8\" \\/>"]
          "placeholder": "CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT"
          "placeholder": "HEADER",
          "values": ["text\\/html; charset=UTF-8"]
          "placeholder": "CT_CORRECT"
      "name": "PUBLIC_KEY_PINS",
      "hasError": true,
      "errorMessage": "HEADER_NOT_SET",
      "score": 0,
      "scoreType": "info",
      "testDetails": []
      "hasError": true,
      "errorMessage": "HEADER_NOT_SET",
      "score": 0,
      "scoreType": "warning",
      "testDetails": []
      "name": "X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS",
      "hasError": false,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "score": 100,
      "scoreType": "warning",
      "testDetails": [
          "placeholder": "HEADER",
          "values": ["nosniff"]
          "placeholder": "XCTO_CORRECT"
      "name": "X_FRAME_OPTIONS",
      "hasError": false,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "score": 100,
      "scoreType": "warning",
      "testDetails": [
          "placeholder": "HEADER",
          "values": ["SAMEORIGIN"]
          "placeholder": "XFO_CORRECT"
      "name": "X_XSS_PROTECTION",
      "hasError": false,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "score": 100,
      "scoreType": "warning",
      "testDetails": [
          "placeholder": "HEADER",
          "values": ["1; mode=block"]
          "placeholder": "XXSS_CORRECT"
          "placeholder": "XXSS_BLOCK"

Scanned headers and descriptions

Content-Type (Content-Type)


When a server sends a document to a user agent (eg. a browser) it also sends information in the Content-Type field of the accompanying HTTP header about what type of data format this is. This information is expressed using a MIME type label. Documents transmitted with HTTP that are of type text, such as text/html, text/plain, etc., can send a charset parameter in the HTTP header to specify the character encoding of the document.


text/html; charset=utf-8;

Impact and Feasibility (10/10)

A correct header with the setted charset prevents different XSS attacks that use other charsets than the original webpage so they can bypass XSS prevention.

It's easy and harmless to set the correct charset without affecting the sites content.

Content-Security-Policy (Content-Security-Policy)


Content Security Policy (CSP) requires careful tuning and precise definition of the policy. If enabled, CSP has significant impact on the way browser renders pages (e.g., inline JavaScript disabled by default and must be explicitly allowed in policy). CSP prevents a wide range of attacks, including Cross-site scripting and other cross-site injections.


Best Practice is to use the CSP with default-src 'none' and without any unsafe-eval or unsafe-inline directives.

Impact and Feasibility (7/10)

The Content-Security-Policy can prevent a wide range of attacks that infiltrate external content and code. With the correct setting it's a powerful method to increase the sites security.

On the other hand it's often not possible to set a secure CSP header without modifying the website's source code.

Impact-Rating: 10/10 | Feasibility: 5/10

Public-Key-Pins (Public-Key-Pins)


HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) is a security mechanism which allows HTTPS websites to resist impersonation by attackers using mis-issued or otherwise fraudulent certificates. (For example, sometimes attackers can compromise certificate authorities, and then can mis-issue certificates for a web origin.).


Do not use this. // pin-sha256="<HASH>"; pin-sha256="<HASH>"; max-age=2592000; includeSubDomains

Impact and Feasibility (3/10)

For small and medium-sized enterprises as is the target group of SIWECOS this header is a 'nice to have' but not a absolutely must.

If this header is misconfigured your website would not be available for the users until the correct certificates are used or max-age is reached.

Strict-Transport-Security (Strict-Transport-Security)


HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism which helps to protect websites against protocol downgrade attacks and cookie hijacking. It allows web servers to declare that web browsers (or other complying user agents) should only interact with it using secure HTTPS connections, and never via the insecure HTTP protocol.


max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains

Impact and Feasibility (10/10)

This is a must-have header for every webpage and easy and harmless to integrate. The header guaranteed that the traffic between the server and client has to be encrypted to communicate.

X-Content-Type-Options (X-Content-Type-Options)


Setting this header will prevent the browser from interpreting files as something else than declared by the content type in the HTTP headers.



Impact and Feasibility (6/10)

Easy to implement and no further adjustments on the website are needed. Only effects Internet Explorer.

X-Frame-Options (X-Frame-Options)


X-Frame-Options response header improve the protection of web applications against Clickjacking. It declares a policy communicated from a host to the client browser on whether the browser must not display the transmitted content in frames of other web pages.


Best Practice is to set this header accordingly to your needs.

Do not use allow-from: *. Do not use any wildcards.

Impact and Feasibility (9/10)

Prevents Clickjacking attacks.

Easy to implement and no further adjustments on the website are needed.

X-Xss-Protection (X-Xss-Protection)


This header enables the Cross-site scripting (XSS) filter in the browser.


1; mode=block

Impact and Feasibility (9/10)

Prevents reflected XSS attacks.

Easy to implement and no further adjustments on the website are needed.


This module scans the given URL and checks for DOMXSS sinks and sources.


Send a POST-Request to http://localhost/api/v1/domxss:

POST /api/v1/domxss HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

  "url": "",
  "callbackurls": [

The parameters url and callbackurls are required:

  • url must be a string.
  • callbackurls must be an array with only contains one or more strings.

Sample output

  "name": "DOMXSS",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 50,
  "tests": [
      "name": "SOURCES",
      "hasError": false,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "score": 100,
      "scoreType": "info",
      "testDetails": [
          "placeholder": "NO_SOURCES_FOUND",
          "values": []
      "name": "SINKS",
      "hasError": false,
      "errorMessage": null,
      "score": 0,
      "scoreType": "info",
      "testDetails": [
          "placeholder": "SINKS_FOUND",
          "values": {
            "AMOUNT": 11

Scanned tasks and descriptions

Sources (SOURCES)


A source is an input that could be controlled by an external (untrusted) source.

Impact (1/10)

The scan's result can only be used as an indication if there might be security vulnerabilities. Further advanced tests would be needed to confirm if there are vulnerabilities on the site or not.

Sinks (SINKS)


A sink is a potentially dangerous method that could lead to a vulnerability. In this case a DOM Based XSS.

Impact (2/10)

The scan's result can only be used as an indication if there might be security vulnerabilities. Further advanced tests would be needed to confirm if there are vulnerabilities on the site or not.

Scanner Interface Values


Placeholder Message
HEADER_NOT_SET The header is not set.
HEADER_SET_MULTIPLE_TIMES The header is set multiple times.
HEADER_ENCODING_ERROR The header is not correctly encoded.
INVALID_HEADER The following header is not valid: :HEADER
INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS includeSubDomains is set.
MAX_AGE_ERROR An error occured while checking max-age.
NO_HTTP_RESPONSE No HTTP-Response for the given URL.
CSP_CORRECT The header is unsafe- free and includes default-src 'none'.
CSP_DEFAULT_SRC_MISSING The default-src directive is missing.
CSP_LEGACY_HEADER_SET The legacy header :HEADER is set. The new and standardized header is Content-Security-Policy.
CSP_NO_UNSAFE_INCLUDED The header is free of any unsafe- directives.
CSP_UNSAFE_INCLUDED The header contains unsafe-inline or unsafe-eval directives.
CT_CORRECT The header is set with the charset and follows the best practice.
CT_HEADER_WITH_CHARSET The header is set with the charset.
CT_HEADER_WITHOUT_CHARSET The header is set without the charset.
CT_META_TAG_SET A meta tag is set with a charset.
CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT A meta tag is set with a charset and follows the best practice.
CT_WRONG_CHARSET The given charset is wrong and thereby ineffective.
HPKP_LESS_15 The keys are pinned for less than 15 days.
HPKP_MORE_15 The keys are pinned for more than 15 days.
HPKP_REPORT_URI A report-uri is set.
DIRECTIVE_SET The directive :DIRECTIVE is set.
EMPTY_DIRECTIVE The directive is explicitly set as empty.
WRONG_DIRECTIVE_SET A wrong or unknown directive is set.
SECURE_FLAG_SET The secure flag is set.
NO_SECURE_FLAG_SET The secure flag is not set.
HTTPONLY_FLAG_SET The httpOnly flag is set.
NO_HTTPONLY_FLAG_SET The httpOnly flag is not set.
HSTS_LESS_6 The value for max-age is smaller than 6 months.
HSTS_MORE_6 The value for max-age is greater than 6 months.
HSTS_PRELOAD preload is set.
XCTO_CORRECT The header is set correctly.
XCTO_NOT_CORRECT The header is not set correctly.
XFO_CORRECT The header is set and does not contain any wildcard.
XFO_WILDCARDS The header contains wildcards and is thereby useless.
XXSS_CORRECT The header is set correctly.
XXSS_BLOCK mode=block is activated.


Placeholder Message
NO_HTTP_RESPONSE No HTTP-Response for the given URL.
NO_CONTENT The site was empty and there was nothing to scan for.
NO_SCRIPT_TAGS The scanner found no script tags to rate.
NO_SINKS_FOUND The scanner found no sinks.
SINKS_FOUND The scanner found some sinks.
NO_SOURCES_FOUND The scanner found no sources.
SOURCES_FOUND The scanner found some sources.

hshs-domxss-scanner's People


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hshs-domxss-scanner's Issues

CSP Rating rates 100 although the header is wrong

Content-Security-Policy: #default-src 'self'; font-src 'self'

The # sign is illegal,

Browser says:
Content Security Policy: Unbekannte Direktive '#default-src' kann nicht verarbeitet werden

Rating rates:100

Only allow a whitelist of directives and values such as self or none or URLs, without wildcards.

HPKP Rating

HPKP ist bei unserer Zielgruppe eine ziemlich gefährliche Nummer, ich würde daher vorschlagen den auf "Bonus" zu setzen und damit nur anzuzeigen (und im Rating einzubeziehen) wenn er gesetzt ist - wenn HPKP fehlt, sollte SIWECOS sonst einfach ignorieren.

Referrer-Policy header

Add tests for the Referrer-Policy: header.
Although it's not directly relevant to the user's security it can increase the user's privacy.

Browser support:

Further information:


We should implement a test for this header and set it's scoreType to bonus or info or something because it does not affect the security but privacy.

If the header is set so the privcacy of the user is protected the site will get a good rating.
Using the no-refferer, same-origin or strict-origin* values will get a score of 100.
Using the other values will get a score of 0 because the referrer may be leaked on the network and to any other sites.

No Error message

Currently the core api does not receive an error when your scanner runs into issues like the domain is not reachable.

Currently we handle this with a timeout, but this is just a workaround.

Please provide, via callback, an error message to the core api.

An example could be (according to the api):

  "name": "ERROR",
  "hasError": true,
  "dangerlevel": 0,
  "errorMessage": {
    "placeholder": "NO_RESPONSE",
    "values": {
      "domain": "",
  "score": 0,
  "scoreType": "success",
  "testDetails": []

Check SIWECOS/siwecos-core-api#68 (comment) for more information, especially about example values for the ERROR and NO_RESPONSE placeholders.

Please make sure to use error placeholders which are either specific for your scanner (like DOMXSS_OUT_OF_MEMORY) if it is a scanner specific error message or, if the error is a general one which can happen to any scanner, non-specific (like NO_RESPONSE).

Incorrect Content Type - reopen of #7

As I'm not allowed to open #7

This is the current curl output:

$ curl -v > /dev/null
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443 (#0)
* ALPN, offering h2
* ALPN, offering http/1.1
* Cipher selection: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT56:!aNULL:!LOW:!RC4:@STRENGTH
* successfully set certificate verify locations:
*   CAfile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
  CApath: none
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
} [512 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
{ [106 bytes data]
* NPN, negotiated HTTP1.1
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
{ [2478 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server key exchange (12):
{ [333 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Server finished (14):
{ [4 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Client key exchange (16):
} [70 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
} [1 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Unknown (67):
} [36 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
} [16 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS change cipher, Client hello (1):
{ [1 bytes data]
* TLSv1.2 (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
{ [16 bytes data]
* SSL connection using TLSv1.2 / ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
* ALPN, server did not agree to a protocol
* Server certificate:
*  subject:
*  start date: Jan  2 08:55:47 2018 GMT
*  expire date: Apr  2 08:55:47 2018 GMT
*  subjectAltName: host "" matched cert's ""
*  issuer: C=US; O=Let's Encrypt; CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3
*  SSL certificate verify ok.
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 12:17:36 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 544
< Connection: keep-alive
< Server: Apache
< Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 10:56:34 GMT
< ETag: "220-567ea0b6229b0"
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< X-Frame-Options: sameorigin
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
< X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
< Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
< Referrer-Policy: strict-origin
< Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self';
{ [544 bytes data]
100   544  100   544    0     0   2025      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2029
* Connection #0 to host left intact

so Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 is present.

Still there is the Header Complaint

bildschirmfoto 2018-03-21 um 13 25 07

And this is in the database:

  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 50,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["default-src 'self';"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CSP_NO_UNSAFE_INCLUDED"
}, {
  "name": "CONTENT_TYPE",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 60,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "META",
    "values": ["<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text\/html; charset=utf-8\" \/>"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["text\/html"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CT_HEADER_WITHOUT_CHARSET"
}, {
  "name": "PUBLIC_KEY_PINS",
  "hasError": true,
  "errorMessage": "HEADER_NOT_SET",
  "score": 0,
  "scoreType": "info",
  "testDetails": []
}, {
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "HSTS_MORE_6"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"
}, {
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["nosniff"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XCTO_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "X_FRAME_OPTIONS",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["sameorigin"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XFO_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "X_XSS_PROTECTION",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["1; mode=block"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XXSS_CORRECT"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XXSS_BLOCK"


Es ist uns ein Fehler aufgefallen, der das SetCookieRating betroffen hatte:
Es wurde ein invalider Header gefunden.

Als fix wurde das neue testDetail: INVALID_HEADER eingeführt.

Es sollte überprüft werden, bei welchen Ratings das noch Sinn macht und ggf. angepasst werden.

Wahrscheinlich macht das in der CSP Sinn etc.

Siehe auch: 9a765f8

Und 1fea261

Header Scanner crashes by wrong encoded headers

Please check this:

$ curl -X HEAD -v 2>&1 | grep options | xd
00000: 3c 20 78 2d  66 72 61 6d - 65 2d 6f 70  74 69 6f 6e [< x-frame-option]
00010: 73 3a 20 53  41 4d 45 4f - 52 49 47 49  4e 2c 20 53 [s: SAMEORIGIN, S]
00020: 41 4d 45 4f  52 49 47 49 - 4e 0d 0a 3c  20 78 2d 66 [AMEORIGIN..< x-f]
00030: 72 61 6d 65  2d 6f 70 74 - 69 6f 6e 73  3a 20 53 41 [rame-options: SA]
00040: 4d 45 4f 52  49 47 49 4e - 2c 20 53 41  4d 45 4f 52 [MEORIGIN, SAMEOR]
00050: 49 47 49 4e  0d 0a 3c 20 - 78 2d 63 6f  6e 74 65 6e [IGIN..< x-conten]
00060: 74 2d 74 79  70 65 2d 6f - 70 74 69 6f  6e 73 3a 20 [t-type-options: ]
00070: 84 6e 6f 73  6e 69 66 66 - 93 0d 0a ..  .. .. .. .. [.nosniff...     ]

There are more header lines containing 0x84 0x93 instead of single quets (which would be wrong anyway I guess).

The issue here is: HEADER scanner seems to crash as we get a timeout for it.

Will check now the logs.

HEADER gives hasError:true but no errorMessage

Excerpt from a HEADER Scan result:

   "version" : "1.0.0",
   "name" : "HEADER",
   "score" : 75,
   "errorMessage" : null,
   "hasError" : true

This leads to BLA failing here:

           if ($item['has_error']) {
                $errorRaw           = $item['complete_request']['errorMessage'];
                $error              = array();
                $error['report']    = html_entity_decode(__('siwecos.' . $errorRaw['placeholder']));
                $error['has_error'] = true;
                $error['score']     = 0;
                if (array_key_exists('values', $errorRaw)) { // <- HERE

See: SIWECOS/siwecos-business-layer#46

Check for CSP-Report-Only header

Besides the Content-Security-Policy header, there is the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header that is used to report violations against the CSP without blocking content.

We should implement a check for this header and send a hint to the user, that he should consider using the Content-Security-Header instead.

Enable meta-Tag Scan for all headers

At the moment only the Content-Type Header gets also checked via meta tag.

We should enable to scan also the meta tags set on the HTML itself, although it might not be as secure as the HTTP-Header.

HSHS hasError properties

When an HSHS scan is done and no error getting the site's headers occurred, the global hasError is set to false.

If there is an Error at a specific test, for example, the CSPRating, the test's hasError is set to true.

Should the global hasError also set to true if one of the included ratings/tests get an error or is the global one reserved for bigger problems?

What do you think @SniperSister @Weegy @Skeeve ?

CSP / unsafe inline

CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY wirft auf meiner Beispielseite einen Critical Issue mit Score 0, weil ich inline JS erlaube - ich verstehe dass das für die CSP wichtig ist und die Schutzwirkung massiv einschränkt, aber:

  1. keines der großen CMS (= unsere Zielgruppe) setzt überhaupt per Default eine CSP
  2. keines der großen CMS funktioniert ohne inline Scripts

Daher Vorschlag:
Keine CSP: ScoreType Warning, Score 0
CSP mit unsafe: ScoreType Info, Score 50
CSP ohne unsafe: alles gut, Score 100

Malformed JSON output

Please see below (part of) the result of a scan of It's invalid json

  "name": "PUBLIC_KEY_PINS",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "bonus",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["pin-sha256=\\"
      base64 + primary == \\"; pin-sha256=\\"
      base64 + backup == \\"; max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "HPKP_MORE_15"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"

Unformated complete string below:

[{"name":"CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY","hasError":false,"errorMessage":null,"score":100,"scoreType":"warning","testDetails":[{"placeholder":"HEADER","values":["default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self';"]},{"placeholder":"CSP_CORRECT"}]},{"name":"CONTENT_TYPE","hasError":false,"errorMessage":null,"score":100,"scoreType":"warning","testDetails":[{"placeholder":"HEADER","values":["text\\/html; charset=utf-8"]},{"placeholder":"CT_CORRECT"}]},{"name":"PUBLIC_KEY_PINS","hasError":false,"errorMessage":null,"score":100,"scoreType":"bonus","testDetails":[{"placeholder":"HEADER","values":["pin-sha256=\\"base64+primary==\\"; pin-sha256=\\"base64+backup==\\"; max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains"]},{"placeholder":"HPKP_MORE_15"},{"placeholder":"INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"}]},{"name":"STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY","hasError":false,"errorMessage":null,"score":100,"scoreType":"warning","testDetails":[{"placeholder":"HEADER","values":["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"]},{"placeholder":"HSTS_MORE_6"},{"placeholder":"INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"}]},{"name":"X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS","hasError":false,"errorMessage":null,"score":100,"scoreType":"warning","testDetails":[{"placeholder":"HEADER","values":["nosniff"]},{"placeholder":"XCTO_CORRECT"}]},{"name":"X_FRAME_OPTIONS","hasError":false,"errorMessage":null,"score":100,"scoreType":"warning","testDetails":[{"placeholder":"HEADER","values":["SAMEORIGIN"]},{"placeholder":"XFO_CORRECT"}]},{"name":"X_XSS_PROTECTION","hasError":false,"errorMessage":null,"score":100,"scoreType":"warning","testDetails":[{"placeholder":"HEADER","values":["1; mode=block"]},{"placeholder":"XXSS_CORRECT"},{"placeholder":"XXSS_BLOCK"}]}]

DOMXSS 500 nach deployment

Nach Deployment gibt der DOMXSS beim Aufruf HTTP 500 zurück.

Achtung! Deployed wurde in der Cloud. Bitte @Weegy nach Details fragen.

API Rate-Limit entfernen

Es könnte sein, dass wir mit der Umstellung der Queue in ein Rate-Limit des Scanners laufen.

Sollte in der API - Route komplett entfernt werden.

Remove cache

Your scanner seems to cache data

if ($this->client === null) {
                * The $stack enables caching for the network traffic
                * BEST THANKS AND WISHES TO @Kevinrob for guzzle-cache-middleware
               $stack = HandlerStack::create();
                   new CacheMiddleware(
                       new PrivateCacheStrategy(
                           new LaravelCacheStorage(
                               Cache::store(env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'))
               $this->client = new Client(['handler' => $stack]);

The consequence is: My, despite delivering correct charset info in the header is said to not deliver it while at the same time, the very same host registered via ip is said to be okay.

This is more than confusing and not in any way helpful when trying to secure a website.

Wrong Content-Type Rating / conflict with meta tag

( commit 2f8539f )

Scanning my domain gives this text which is unclear to me:

Inkorrekte HTTP Content-Type Konfiguration

Der Content-Type ist eine Angabe, die für gewöhnlich im Kopfbereich der Webseite, dem sogenannten Header, untergebracht wird. Durch diese Angaben wird der Zeichensatz und der Typ des Inhalts der Seite definiert. Sollte eine Definition fehlen, wird der Webbrowser versuchen den Content-Type zu erraten; dies kann zu Sicherheitslücken wie Code-Page-Sniffing führen. Diese Angaben sind zudem wichtig, damit die Webseite in jedem Browser und auf jedem Computer einwandfrei dargestellt wird. Wenn ein Server ein Dokument an einen User-Agent sendet (zum Beispiel zum Browser) ist es nützlich, im Content-Type-Feld des HTTP-Header die Art des Dateiformates zu hinterlegen. Diese Informationen deklarieren den MIME-Typ und senden entsprechend die Zeichenkodierung des Dokuments wie text/html, text/plain, etc. an den Browser.
Mehr Informationen

    Der Header "text/html; charset=utf-8" ist korrekt gesetzt und entspricht den Empfehlungen.
    Die Angabe im "<meta charset="utf-8" />" im HTML-Header
    Die Angabe im "<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">" im HTML-Header 

This is the reesult as stored in the database:

   "hasError" : false,
   "tests" : [
         "hasError" : false,
         "scoreType" : "warning",
         "score" : 100,
         "name" : "CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY",
         "testDetails" : [
               "placeholder" : "CSP_CORRECT",
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "default-src 'none'; frame-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self';"
         "errorMessage" : null
         "hasError" : false,
         "scoreType" : "warning",
         "name" : "CONTENT_TYPE",
         "testDetails" : [
               "placeholder" : "CT_CORRECT",
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "text/html; charset=utf-8"
               "values" : {
                  "META" : "<meta charset=\"utf-8\" />"
               "placeholder" : "CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT"
               "placeholder" : "CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT",
               "values" : {
                  "META" : "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\">"
         "errorMessage" : null,
         "score" : 60
         "score" : 100,
         "testDetails" : [
               "placeholder" : "HPKP_MORE_15",
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "pin-sha256=\"base64+primary==\"; pin-sha256=\"base64+backup==\"; max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains"
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "pin-sha256=\"base64+primary==\"; pin-sha256=\"base64+backup==\"; max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains"
               "placeholder" : "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"
         "name" : "PUBLIC_KEY_PINS",
         "errorMessage" : null,
         "hasError" : false,
         "scoreType" : "bonus"
         "score" : 100,
         "testDetails" : [
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
               "placeholder" : "HSTS_MORE_6"
               "placeholder" : "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS",
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
         "name" : "STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY",
         "errorMessage" : null,
         "hasError" : false,
         "scoreType" : "warning"
         "score" : 100,
         "testDetails" : [
               "placeholder" : "XCTO_CORRECT",
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "nosniff"
         "name" : "X_CONTENT_TYPE_OPTIONS",
         "errorMessage" : null,
         "hasError" : false,
         "scoreType" : "warning"
         "errorMessage" : null,
         "testDetails" : [
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "SAMEORIGIN"
               "placeholder" : "XFO_CORRECT"
         "name" : "X_FRAME_OPTIONS",
         "score" : 100,
         "scoreType" : "warning",
         "hasError" : false
         "hasError" : false,
         "scoreType" : "warning",
         "score" : 100,
         "name" : "X_XSS_PROTECTION",
         "testDetails" : [
               "placeholder" : "XXSS_CORRECT",
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "1; mode=block"
               "placeholder" : "XXSS_BLOCK",
               "values" : {
                  "HEADER" : "1; mode=block"
         "errorMessage" : null
   "score" : 93,
   "errorMessage" : null,
   "name" : "HEADER"

You see: All testdetails for CONTENT_TYPE are '*_CORRECT'. Yet the score is only 60,

Mock Test zur nicht verfügbaren URL

/** @test */
    public function if_there_is_an_http_error_the_correct_formatted_error_message_will_be_send()
        $response = $this->json('POST', '/api/v1/domxss', [
            'url' => '',

testet die Antwort, wenn eine URL nicht verfügbar ist.

Im Test wird dabei jedoch direkt versucht die URL aufzurufen und Fehlermeldungen ausgegeben.

Externe Seitenaufrufe sollten generell in Tests gemocked werden, siehe bspw. Tests in der aktuellen siwecos-business-layer Version.

Sofern sich die Möglichkeit ergibt, sollte das geändert werden, einmal im HSHS- und einmal im DOMXSS-Teil.

Feature-Policy header

Implement Tests for the Feature-Policy: Header.

A web platform API which gives a website the ability to allow and deny the use of browser features in its own frame, and in iframes that it embeds.

Browser Support:

Further information:


Although the Feature-Policy Header is not standardized and implemented in all web browsers, we can implement a test for this new header.

  1. We can test if this header is set.
    1.1 If it's not set, the test will get a score of 50, because the default browser values are used.
  2. Site admins should only allow features that are used / useful to reduce a possible attack surface.
    2.1 If wildcards (*) are used, we should set a score of 0, because that's a bad practice.
    2.2 Otherwise the header gets a good score.

If possible features are not used anyway, they can get disabled to reduce the potential attack surface.

Set-Cookie Gruppierung nach Cookie-Name

Momentan werden für ein Cookie mehrere Ausgaben generiert:

            "name": "SET_COOKIE",
            "hasError": false,
            "errorMessage": null,
            "score": 10,
            "scoreType": "warning",
            "testDetails": [
                    "placeholder": "NO_SECURE_FLAG_SET",
                    "values": {
                        "COOKIE": "__cfduid=dbad1f29600e6c6e83d13278b9cce87331554355699; expires=Fri, 03-Apr-20 05:28:19 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly"
                    "placeholder": "HTTPONLY_FLAG_SET",
                    "values": {
                        "COOKIE": "__cfduid=dbad1f29600e6c6e83d13278b9cce87331554355699; expires=Fri, 03-Apr-20 05:28:19 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly"

Es wäre von Vorteil, wenn die Text-Ausgabe so angepasst wird, dass die Sprachstrings 3 Placeholder beinhalten können:

  • COOKIE_NAME: Name des Cookies
  • SECURE : Ist secure-Flag gesetzt oder nicht
  • HTTPONLY: Ist httpOnly-Flag gesetzt oder nicht

Dann wird für jedes gesetztes Cookie lediglich eine Ausgabe erzeugt, anstatt momentan 2.

Header and DOMXSS crash

When trying to solve the CSP issues reported by my initial scans, I made Header and DOMXSS scanner crash it seems.

As my "domain" is not always online, please see the curl output here:

$ curl -v
* Rebuilt URL to:
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:19:19 GMT
< Server: Apache/2.4.28 (Unix)
< Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Mar 2018 11:07:37 GMT
< ETag: "14d-567ea32de7040"
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Content-Length: 333
< Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
< X-Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
< X-WebKit-CSP: default-src 'self'
< Content-Type: text/html
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'">
  <meta http-equiv="X-Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'">
  <meta http-equiv="X-WebKit-CSP" content="default-src 'self'; script-src 'self'">
<body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Please explain what's wrong

Previously this read

Everything is 100% except for one bonus and the overall score is 95%. Why?

The questions now merely are

  1. What would be the proper text to display?
  2. What do we need to do to achieve 100% for CSP? Isn't a sha256 hash safe enough?

bildschirmfoto 2018-04-24 um 14 44 22

  "name": "HEADER",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 95,
  "tests": [{
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "score": 75,
    "scoreType": "warning",
    "testDetails": [{
      "placeholder": "CSP_NO_UNSAFE_INCLUDED",
      "values": [{
        "HEADER": "\"default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'sha256-GDawD7jO073hEjCl6AdkNG1dWLYFcTlSuyzyFuGqZ0k=' https:\\\/\\\/; style-src 'self' https:\\\/\\\/; img-src 'self' https:\\\/\\\/ https:\\\/\\\/ data:; font-src 'self' https:\\\/\\\/;\""
  }, {
    "name": "CONTENT_TYPE",
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "score": 100,
    "scoreType": "warning",
    "testDetails": [{
      "placeholder": "CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT",
      "values": {
        "META": "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text\/html; charset=UTF-8\" \/>"
    }, {
      "placeholder": "CT_CORRECT",
      "values": {
        "HEADER": "text\/html; charset=UTF-8"
  }, {
    "name": "PUBLIC_KEY_PINS",
    "hasError": true,
    "errorMessage": "HEADER_NOT_SET",
    "score": 0,
    "scoreType": "bonus",
    "testDetails": []
  }, {
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "score": 100,
    "scoreType": "warning",
    "testDetails": [{
      "placeholder": "HSTS_MORE_6",
      "values": []
    }, {
      "placeholder": "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS",
      "values": []
  }, {
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "score": 100,
    "scoreType": "warning",
    "testDetails": [{
      "placeholder": "XCTO_CORRECT",
      "values": []
  }, {
    "name": "X_FRAME_OPTIONS",
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "score": 100,
    "scoreType": "warning",
    "testDetails": [{
      "placeholder": "XFO_CORRECT",
      "values": []
  }, {
    "name": "X_XSS_PROTECTION",
    "hasError": false,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "score": 100,
    "scoreType": "warning",
    "testDetails": [{
      "placeholder": "XXSS_CORRECT",
      "values": []
    }, {
      "placeholder": "XXSS_BLOCK",
      "values": []

Strange result X-Frame

This seems illogical to me:

     "hasError" : true,
     "name" : "X_FRAME_OPTIONS",
     "score" : 0,
     "errorMessage" : "HEADER_NOT_SET",
     "scoreType" : "warning",
     "testDetails" : [
           "values" : [],
           "placeholder" : "HEADER_SET_MULTIPLE_TIMES"

HEADER_NOT_SET seems to be the exact opposite of HEADER_SET_MULTIPLE_TIMES

Could you please clarify/fix?

Checking with curl (my private .de domain) shows that X-Frame isn't set at all.

Missing Placeholder values

Please provide us with values for the placeholders your scanner uses.

The list of placeholders I currently know of is


Please add all placeholders I missed.

When providing us with the (german) text, please take your test results into account.

Please just send it as a plain text file or a fresh excel sheet - whatever you prefer. We will put it into our central gettext-file.

testdetails not according to API

Please see your testdetails:

  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; img-src 'self'; style-src 'self';"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CSP_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "CONTENT_TYPE",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["text\\/html; charset=utf-8"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CT_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "PUBLIC_KEY_PINS",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "bonus",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["pin-sha256=\\"
      base64 + primary == \\"; pin-sha256=\\"
      base64 + backup == \\"; max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "HPKP_MORE_15"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"
}, {
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "HSTS_MORE_6"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"
}, {
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["nosniff"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XCTO_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "X_FRAME_OPTIONS",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["sameorigin"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XFO_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "X_XSS_PROTECTION",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["1; mode=block"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XXSS_CORRECT"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XXSS_BLOCK"

Please compare your testdetails with the api. "values" has to be an associative array.

Additionally using "HEADER" only makes sense if the text should always be the same for each test.

unsafe-inline with hash's being considered "unsafe"

Hi all,

I checked the new SIWECOS site with the scanner today and got a degraded score from the header scanner because of having "unsafe-inline" as part of the style-src property.

Unsafe-Inline however is only in there for legacy browser support, modern browsers will detect the sha256 hash that the site provides and ignore unsafe-inline or unsafe-eval.

The combination of unsafe-inline (used as fallback) and hash/nonce is the only way of using inline scripts or styles with CSP and having a wide range of browsers supported. I'm aware that such a combination still leaves a tiny loophole, but considering the very low market share of these legacy browser I would like to raise a discussion if this setup isn't "secure enough" to deserve a 100 score.

Übermittelten User-Agent verwenden

Zukünftig wird seitens der Core-API ein User-Agent übermittelt.

Die Core-API sendet folgenden Input an die Scanner-URL:

  "url": "",
  "callbackurls": [
  "dangerLevel": 0,

Dieser userAgent soll zum Aufrufen der zu scannenden Seite verwendet werden.

Sollte userAgent nicht gesetzt sein, so sollte der Scanner einen Standard verwenden, um verschiedene WAFs oder andere Sperrmaßnahmen umgehen und einen Scan erfolgreich durchführen zu können.

Ein Standard könnte bspw. folgender sein:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:63.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/63.0

Bitte Implementieren.

Siehe auch:

Content Security Policy (CSP) - strange results

No matter what we put into the head, the test complains about missing charset.

We tried:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />​

as well as

 <meta charset="UTF-8" />

This is the result:

bildschirmfoto vom 2018-03-20 13-39-30

  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 50,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["default-src 'self';"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CSP_NO_UNSAFE_INCLUDED"
}, {
  "name": "CONTENT_TYPE",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 60,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "META",
    "values": ["<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text\/html; charset=utf-8\" \/>"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["text\/html"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "CT_HEADER_WITHOUT_CHARSET"
}, {
  "name": "PUBLIC_KEY_PINS",
  "hasError": true,
  "errorMessage": "HEADER_NOT_SET",
  "score": 0,
  "scoreType": "info",
  "testDetails": []
}, {
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "HSTS_MORE_6"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS"
}, {
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["nosniff"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XCTO_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "X_FRAME_OPTIONS",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["sameorigin"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XFO_CORRECT"
}, {
  "name": "X_XSS_PROTECTION",
  "hasError": false,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "score": 100,
  "scoreType": "warning",
  "testDetails": [{
    "placeholder": "HEADER",
    "values": ["1; mode=block"]
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XXSS_CORRECT"
  }, {
    "placeholder": "XXSS_BLOCK"

On there is no complaint about the charset even though we only have

<meta charset="UTF-8" />

The return of the malformed json output

The current version on production gives wrongly encoded results.


"testDetails":[{"placeholder":"CT_META_TAG_SET_CORRECT","values":{"META":"<meta http-equiv=\\"Content-Type\\" content=\\"text\\/html; charset=UTF-8\\">"}}

Too many backslashes.

formatting with with json_pp throws

, or } expected while parsing object/hash, at character offset 393 (before "Content-Type\\\\" co...") at /usr/bin/json_pp5.18 line 45.

HEADER information and wrong fixes / Verschlimmbessern

@Weegy please group and name your issues in a better way, so there are not 15 commits with the same comment in the future.

Also please test your Fixes so no new errors occur:

$this->errorMessage = "HEADER_NOT_SET";
$this->testDetails->push(['placeholder' => 'HEADER_SET_MULTIPLE_TIMES', 'values'=>[]]);

The placeholder value is wrong;

Why does the XFrameOptionsRating not include the original HEADER?
Also some Ratings include the $header and some not - and not consistent.

Doesn't checked the other ones for further errors.

In general:
Why does it make sense for you to send the header for every test again and not send the header once...
I don't get it - why does each header test cannot simply contain the actually set header so the siwecos user can see the actual set header and the best practice one side by side in the frontend?

Meta-Tag Ausgabe Anpassen bei mehreren Treffern

Momentan wird beim ContentTypeRating auch auf eingebundene meta-Tags geachtet.

Allerdings wird jeweils nur der erste Treffer ausgegeben und bewertet.

Es wäre sinnvoll, dies so umzugestalten, dass es Punktabzug im Rating sowie eine Fehlermeldung gibt, wenn das bzw. die meta-Tags mehrmals gesetzt wurden.

Ebenfalls dann auch in #37 beachten.

Ähnlich wie bei #67

Set-Cookie Header Scan

As we are scanning headers for a secure configuration, we should implement a Cookie-Rating for the Set-Cookie headers.

Although we don't simulate logins etc. at the moment, we could check if cookies are set when visiting the site and if they have the secure flag.


If the flag is missing, the rating get's a score of 0.
If the flag is set, a score of 90 is set.

If the flag is set and gets the secure and the HttpOnly flag, a score of 100 is set.

If no cookies are set, the scanType can be hidden so the test is not shown.
If cookies are set, the scanType should be warning.

Semantic versioning

We should implement a Version number for all scanners and the API so we can quickly see which version is used (or deployed).

Still missing 2 placeholders

Currently I see in the Header Scanner results the placeholders


but we do not have values.

Outpu looks like this:

Überprüfung des HTTP Content-Types

Die Content Type Angabe ist korrekt konfiguriert.
Mehr Informationen

* siwecos.META
* Die Header-Angabe ist via `<meta>`-Tag gesetzt und entspricht den Empfehlungen.
* siwecos.HEADER
* Der Header ist korrekt gesetzt und entspricht den Empfehlungen.

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