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Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind.

PHP 100.00%
router php cms library module php-router php-router-standalone csrf-protection middleware rewrite-urls

simple-php-router's Introduction


Simple, fast and yet powerful PHP router that is easy to get integrated and in any project. Heavily inspired by the way Laravel handles routing, with both simplicity and expand-ability in mind.

With simple-router you can create a new project fast, without depending on a framework.

It only takes a few lines of code to get started:

SimpleRouter::get('/', function() {
    return 'Hello world';

Support the project

If you like simple-router and wish to see the continued development and maintenance of the project, please consider showing your support by buying me a coffee. Supporters will be listed under the credits section of this documentation.

You can donate any amount of your choice by clicking here.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the simple-router project running this command.

composer require pecee/simple-router


The goal of this project is to create a router that is more or less 100% compatible with the Laravel documentation, while remaining as simple as possible, and as easy to integrate and change without compromising either speed or complexity. Being lightweight is the #1 priority.

We've included a simple demo project for the router which can be found here. This project should give you a basic understanding of how to setup and use simple-php-router project.

Please note that the demo-project only covers how to integrate the simple-php-router in a project without an existing framework. If you are using a framework in your project, the implementation might vary.

You can find the demo-project here:

What we won't cover:

  • How to setup a solution that fits your need. This is a basic demo to help you get started.
  • Understanding of MVC; including Controllers, Middlewares or ExceptionHandlers.
  • How to integrate into third party frameworks.

What we cover:

  • How to get up and running fast - from scratch.
  • How to get ExceptionHandlers, Middlewares and Controllers working.
  • How to setup your webservers.


  • PHP 7.1 or greater (version 3.x and below supports PHP 5.5+)
  • PHP JSON extension enabled.


  • Basic routing (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, UPDATE, DELETE) with support for custom multiple verbs.
  • Regular Expression Constraints for parameters.
  • Named routes.
  • Generating url to routes.
  • Route groups.
  • Middleware (classes that intercepts before the route is rendered).
  • Namespaces.
  • Route prefixes.
  • CSRF protection.
  • Optional parameters
  • Sub-domain routing
  • Custom boot managers to rewrite urls to "nicer" ones.
  • Input manager; easily manage GET, POST and FILE values.
  • IP based restrictions.
  • Easily extendable.


  1. Navigate to your project folder in terminal and run the following command:
composer require pecee/simple-router

Setting up Nginx

If you are using Nginx please make sure that url-rewriting is enabled.

You can easily enable url-rewriting by adding the following configuration for the Nginx configuration-file for the demo-project.

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

Setting up Apache

Nothing special is required for Apache to work. We've include the .htaccess file in the public folder. If rewriting is not working for you, please check that the mod_rewrite module (htaccess support) is enabled in the Apache configuration.

.htaccess example

Below is an example of an working .htaccess file used by simple-php-router.

Simply create a new .htaccess file in your projects public directory and paste the contents below in your newly created file. This will redirect all requests to your index.php file (see Configuration section below).

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1

Setting up IIS

On IIS you have to add some lines your web.config file in the public folder or create a new one. If rewriting is not working for you, please check that your IIS version have included the url rewrite module or download and install them from Microsoft web site.

web.config example

Below is an example of an working web.config file used by simple-php-router.

Simply create a new web.config file in your projects public directory and paste the contents below in your newly created file. This will redirect all requests to your index.php file (see Configuration section below). If the web.config file already exists, add the <rewrite> section inside the <system.webServer> branch.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<!-- Remove slash '/' from the en of the url -->
		<rule name="RewriteRequestsToPublic">
		  <match url="^(.*)$" />
		  <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false">
		  <action type="Rewrite" url="/{R:0}" />

		<!-- When requested file or folder don't exists, will request again through index.php -->
		<rule name="Imported Rule 1" stopProcessing="true">
		  <match url="^(.*)$" ignoreCase="true" />
		  <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
			<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsDirectory" negate="true" />
			<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" />
		  <action type="Rewrite" url="/index.php/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />


If you do not have a favicon.ico file in your project, you can get a NotFoundHttpException (404 - not found).

To add favicon.ico to the IIS ignore-list, add the following line to the <conditions> group:

<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" negate="true" pattern="favicon.ico" ignoreCase="true" />

You can also make one exception for files with some extensions:

<add input="{REQUEST_FILENAME}" pattern="\.ico|\.png|\.css|\.jpg" negate="true" ignoreCase="true" />

If you are using $_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO'], you will get \index.php\ as part of the returned value.




Create a new file, name it routes.php and place it in your library folder. This will be the file where you define all the routes for your project.


In your index.php require your newly-created routes.php and call the SimpleRouter::start() method. This will trigger and do the actual routing of the requests.

It's not required, but you can set SimpleRouter::setDefaultNamespace('\Demo\Controllers'); to prefix all routes with the namespace to your controllers. This will simplify things a bit, as you won't have to specify the namespace for your controllers on each route.

This is an example of a basic index.php file:

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter;

/* Load external routes file */
require_once 'routes.php';

 * The default namespace for route-callbacks, so we don't have to specify it each time.
 * Can be overwritten by using the namespace config option on your routes.


// Start the routing

Helper functions

We recommend that you add these helper functions to your project. These will allow you to access functionality of the router more easily.

To implement the functions below, simply copy the code to a new file and require the file before initializing the router or copy the helpers.php we've included in this library.

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter as Router;
use Pecee\Http\Url;
use Pecee\Http\Response;
use Pecee\Http\Request;

 * Get url for a route by using either name/alias, class or method name.
 * The name parameter supports the following values:
 * - Route name
 * - Controller/resource name (with or without method)
 * - Controller class name
 * When searching for controller/resource by name, you can use this syntax "".
 * You can also use the same syntax when searching for a specific controller-class "MyController@home".
 * If no arguments is specified, it will return the url for the current loaded route.
 * @param string|null $name
 * @param string|array|null $parameters
 * @param array|null $getParams
 * @return \Pecee\Http\Url
 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
function url(?string $name = null, $parameters = null, ?array $getParams = null): Url
    return Router::getUrl($name, $parameters, $getParams);

 * @return \Pecee\Http\Response
function response(): Response
    return Router::response();

 * @return \Pecee\Http\Request
function request(): Request
    return Router::request();

 * Get input class
 * @param string|null $index Parameter index name
 * @param string|mixed|null $defaultValue Default return value
 * @param array ...$methods Default methods
 * @return \Pecee\Http\Input\InputHandler|array|string|null
function input($index = null, $defaultValue = null, ...$methods)
    if ($index !== null) {
        return request()->getInputHandler()->value($index, $defaultValue, ...$methods);

    return request()->getInputHandler();

 * @param string $url
 * @param int|null $code
function redirect(string $url, ?int $code = null): void
    if ($code !== null) {


 * Get current csrf-token
 * @return string|null
function csrf_token(): ?string
    $baseVerifier = Router::router()->getCsrfVerifier();
    if ($baseVerifier !== null) {
        return $baseVerifier->getTokenProvider()->getToken();

    return null;


Remember the routes.php file you required in your index.php? This file be where you place all your custom rules for routing.

Basic routing

Below is a very basic example of setting up a route. First parameter is the url which the route should match - next parameter is a Closure or callback function that will be triggered once the route matches.

SimpleRouter::get('/', function() {
    return 'Hello world';

Class hinting

You can use class hinting to load a class & method like this:

SimpleRouter::get('/', [MyClass::class, 'myMethod']);

Available methods

Here you can see a list over all available routes:

SimpleRouter::get($url, $callback, $settings);
SimpleRouter::post($url, $callback, $settings);
SimpleRouter::put($url, $callback, $settings);
SimpleRouter::patch($url, $callback, $settings);
SimpleRouter::delete($url, $callback, $settings);
SimpleRouter::options($url, $callback, $settings);

Multiple HTTP-verbs

Sometimes you might need to create a route that accepts multiple HTTP-verbs. If you need to match all HTTP-verbs you can use the any method.

SimpleRouter::match(['get', 'post'], '/', function() {
    // ...

SimpleRouter::any('foo', function() {
    // ...

We've created a simple method which matches GET and POST which is most commonly used:

SimpleRouter::form('foo', function() {
    // ...

Route parameters

Required parameters

You'll properly wondering by know how you parse parameters from your urls. For example, you might want to capture the users id from an url. You can do so by defining route-parameters.

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{id}', function ($userId) {
    return 'User with id: ' . $userId;

You may define as many route parameters as required by your route:

SimpleRouter::get('/posts/{post}/comments/{comment}', function ($postId, $commentId) {
    // ...

Note: Route parameters are always encased within { } braces and should consist of alphabetic characters. Route parameters can only contain certain characters like A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and _. If your route contain other characters, please see Custom regex for matching parameters.

Optional parameters

Occasionally you may need to specify a route parameter, but make the presence of that route parameter optional. You may do so by placing a ? mark after the parameter name. Make sure to give the route's corresponding variable a default value:

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{name?}', function ($name = null) {
    return $name;

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{name?}', function ($name = 'Simon') {
    return $name;

Including slash in parameters

If you're working with WebDAV services the url could mean the difference between a file and a folder.

For instance /path will be considered a file - whereas /path/ will be considered a folder.

The router can add the ending slash for the last parameter in your route based on the path. So if /path/ is requested the parameter will contain the value of path/ and visa versa.

To ensure compatibility with older versions, this feature is disabled by default and has to be enabled by setting the setSettings(['includeSlash' => true]) or by using setting setSlashParameterEnabled(true) for your route.


SimpleRouter::get('/path/{fileOrFolder}', function ($fileOrFolder) {
	return $fileOrFolder;
})->setSettings(['includeSlash' => true]);
  • Requesting /path/file will return the $fileOrFolder value: file.
  • Requesting /path/folder/ will return the $fileOrFolder value: folder/.

Regular expression constraints

You may constrain the format of your route parameters using the where method on a route instance. The where method accepts the name of the parameter and a regular expression defining how the parameter should be constrained:

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{name}', function ($name) {
    // ... do stuff
})->where([ 'name' => '[A-Za-z]+' ]);

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{id}', function ($id) {
    // ... do stuff
})->where([ 'id' => '[0-9]+' ]);

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{id}/{name}', function ($id, $name) {
    // ... do stuff
})->where(['id' => '[0-9]+', 'name' => '[a-z]+']);

Regular expression route-match

You can define a regular-expression match for the entire route if you wish.

This is useful if you for example are creating a model-box which loads urls from ajax.

The example below is using the following regular expression: /ajax/([\w]+)/?([0-9]+)?/? which basically just matches /ajax/ and exspects the next parameter to be a string - and the next to be a number (but optional).

Matches: /ajax/abc/, /ajax/abc/123/

Won't match: /ajax/

Match groups specified in the regex will be passed on as parameters:

SimpleRouter::all('/ajax/abc/123', function($param1, $param2) {
	// param1 = abc
	// param2 = 123

Custom regex for matching parameters

By default simple-php-router uses the [\w\-]+ regular expression. It will match A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and _ characters in parameters. This decision was made with speed and reliability in mind, as this match will match both letters, number and most of the used symbols on the internet.

However, sometimes it can be necessary to add a custom regular expression to match more advanced characters like foreign letters æ ø å etc.

You can test your custom regular expression by using on the site

Instead of adding a custom regular expression to all your parameters, you can simply add a global regular expression which will be used on all the parameters on the route.

Note: If you the regular expression to be available across, we recommend using the global parameter on a group as demonstrated in the examples below.


This example will ensure that all parameters use the [\w\-\æ\ø\å]+ (a-z, A-Z, -, _, 0-9, æ, ø, å) regular expression when parsing.

SimpleRouter::get('/path/{parameter}', 'VideoController@home', ['defaultParameterRegex' => '[\w\-\æ\ø\å]+']);

You can also apply this setting to a group if you need multiple routes to use your custom regular expression when parsing parameters.

SimpleRouter::group(['defaultParameterRegex' => '[\w\-\æ\ø\å]+'], function() {

    SimpleRouter::get('/path/{parameter}', 'VideoController@home');


Named routes

Named routes allow the convenient generation of URLs or redirects for specific routes. You may specify a name for a route by chaining the name method onto the route definition:

SimpleRouter::get('/user/profile', function () {
    // Your code here

You can also specify names for Controller-actions:

SimpleRouter::get('/user/profile', 'UserController@profile')->name('profile');

Generating URLs To Named Routes

Once you have assigned a name to a given route, you may use the route's name when generating URLs or redirects via the global url helper-function (see helpers section):

// Generating URLs...
$url = url('profile');

If the named route defines parameters, you may pass the parameters as the second argument to the url function. The given parameters will automatically be inserted into the URL in their correct positions:

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{id}/profile', function ($id) {

$url = url('profile', ['id' => 1]);

For more information on urls, please see the Urls section.

Router groups

Route groups allow you to share route attributes, such as middleware or namespaces, across a large number of routes without needing to define those attributes on each individual route. Shared attributes are specified in an array format as the first parameter to the SimpleRouter::group method.


To assign middleware to all routes within a group, you may use the middleware key in the group attribute array. Middleware are executed in the order they are listed in the array:

SimpleRouter::group(['middleware' => \Demo\Middleware\Auth::class], function () {
    SimpleRouter::get('/', function ()    {
        // Uses Auth Middleware

    SimpleRouter::get('/user/profile', function () {
        // Uses Auth Middleware


Another common use-case for route groups is assigning the same PHP namespace to a group of controllers using the namespace parameter in the group array:


Group namespaces will only be added to routes with relative callbacks. For example if your route has an absolute callback like \Demo\Controller\DefaultController@home, the namespace from the route will not be prepended. To fix this you can make the callback relative by removing the \ in the beginning of the callback.

SimpleRouter::group(['namespace' => 'Admin'], function () {
    // Controllers Within The "App\Http\Controllers\Admin" Namespace

You can add parameters to the prefixes of your routes.

Parameters from your previous routes will be injected into your routes after any route-required parameters, starting from oldest to newest.

SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => '/lang/{lang}'], function ($language) {
    SimpleRouter::get('/about', function($language) {
    	// Will match /lang/da/about


Route groups may also be used to handle sub-domain routing. Sub-domains may be assigned route parameters just like route urls, allowing you to capture a portion of the sub-domain for usage in your route or controller. The sub-domain may be specified using the domain key on the group attribute array:

SimpleRouter::group(['domain' => '{account}'], function () {
    SimpleRouter::get('/user/{id}', function ($account, $id) {

Route prefixes

The prefix group attribute may be used to prefix each route in the group with a given url. For example, you may want to prefix all route urls within the group with admin:

SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => '/admin'], function () {
    SimpleRouter::get('/users', function ()    {
        // Matches The "/admin/users" URL

You can also use parameters in your groups:

SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => '/lang/{language}'], function ($language) {
    SimpleRouter::get('/users', function ($language)    {
        // Matches The "/lang/da/users" URL

Partial groups

Partial router groups has the same benefits as a normal group, but are only rendered once the url has matched in contrast to a normal group which are always rendered in order to retrieve it's child routes. Partial groups are therefore more like a hybrid of a traditional route with the benefits of a group.

This can be extremely useful in situations where you only want special routes to be added, but only when a certain criteria or logic has been met.

NOTE: Use partial groups with caution as routes added within are only rendered and available once the url of the partial-group has matched. This can cause url() not to find urls for the routes added within before the partial-group has been matched and is rendered.


SimpleRouter::partialGroup('/plugin/{name}', function ($plugin) {

    // Add routes from plugin


Form Method Spoofing

HTML forms do not support PUT, PATCH or DELETE actions. So, when defining PUT, PATCH or DELETE routes that are called from an HTML form, you will need to add a hidden _method field to the form. The value sent with the _method field will be used as the HTTP request method:

<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" />

Accessing The Current Route

You can access information about the current route loaded by using the following method:


Other examples

You can find many more examples in the routes.php example-file below:

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter;

/* Adding custom csrfVerifier here */
SimpleRouter::csrfVerifier(new \Demo\Middlewares\CsrfVerifier());

SimpleRouter::group(['middleware' => \Demo\Middlewares\Site::class, 'exceptionHandler' => \Demo\Handlers\CustomExceptionHandler::class], function() {

    SimpleRouter::get('/answers/{id}', 'ControllerAnswers@show', ['where' => ['id' => '[0-9]+']]);

     * Class hinting is supported too
     SimpleRouter::get('/answers/{id}', [ControllerAnswers::class, 'show'], ['where' => ['id' => '[0-9]+']]);

     * Restful resource (see IRestController interface for available methods)

    SimpleRouter::resource('/rest', ControllerResource::class);

     * Load the entire controller (where url matches method names - getIndex(), postIndex(), putIndex()).
     * The url paths will determine which method to render.
     * For example:
     * GET  /animals         => getIndex()
     * GET  /animals/view    => getView()
     * POST /animals/save    => postSave()
     * etc.

    SimpleRouter::controller('/animals', ControllerAnimals::class);


SimpleRouter::get('/page/404', 'ControllerPage@notFound', ['as' => 'page.notfound']);

CSRF Protection

Any forms posting to POST, PUT or DELETE routes should include the CSRF-token. We strongly recommend that you enable CSRF-verification on your site to maximize security.

You can use the BaseCsrfVerifier to enable CSRF-validation on all request. If you need to disable verification for specific urls, please refer to the "Custom CSRF-verifier" section below.

By default simple-php-router will use the CookieTokenProvider class. This provider will store the security-token in a cookie on the clients machine. If you want to store the token elsewhere, please refer to the "Creating custom Token Provider" section below.

Adding CSRF-verifier

When you've created your CSRF-verifier you need to tell simple-php-router that it should use it. You can do this by adding the following line in your routes.php file:

SimpleRouter::csrfVerifier(new \Demo\Middlewares\CsrfVerifier());

Getting CSRF-token

When posting to any of the urls that has CSRF-verification enabled, you need post your CSRF-token or else the request will get rejected.

You can get the CSRF-token by calling the helper method:


You can also get the token directly:

return SimpleRouter::router()->getCsrfVerifier()->getTokenProvider()->getToken();

The default name/key for the input-field is csrf_token and is defined in the POST_KEY constant in the BaseCsrfVerifier class. You can change the key by overwriting the constant in your own CSRF-verifier class.


The example below will post to the current url with a hidden field "csrf_token".

<form method="post" action="<?= url(); ?>">
    <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="<?= csrf_token(); ?>">
    <!-- other input elements here -->

Custom CSRF-verifier

Create a new class and extend the BaseCsrfVerifier middleware class provided by default with the simple-php-router library.

Add the property except with an array of the urls to the routes you want to exclude/whitelist from the CSRF validation. Using * at the end for the url will match the entire url.

Here's a basic example on a CSRF-verifier class:

namespace Demo\Middlewares;

use Pecee\Http\Middleware\BaseCsrfVerifier;

class CsrfVerifier extends BaseCsrfVerifier
	 * CSRF validation will be ignored on the following urls.
	protected $except = ['/api/*'];

Custom Token Provider

By default the BaseCsrfVerifier will use the CookieTokenProvider to store the token in a cookie on the clients machine.

If you need to store the token elsewhere, you can do that by creating your own class and implementing the ITokenProvider class.

class SessionTokenProvider implements ITokenProvider

     * Refresh existing token
    public function refresh(): void
        // Implement your own functionality here...

     * Validate valid CSRF token
     * @param string $token
     * @return bool
    public function validate($token): bool
        // Implement your own functionality here...
     * Get token token
     * @param string|null $defaultValue
     * @return string|null
    public function getToken(?string $defaultValue = null): ?string 
        // Implement your own functionality here...


Next you need to set your custom ITokenProvider implementation on your BaseCsrfVerifier class in your routes file:

$verifier = new \Demo\Middlewares\CsrfVerifier();
$verifier->setTokenProvider(new SessionTokenProvider());



Middlewares are classes that loads before the route is rendered. A middleware can be used to verify that a user is logged in - or to set parameters specific for the current request/route. Middlewares must implement the IMiddleware interface.


namespace Demo\Middlewares;

use Pecee\Http\Middleware\IMiddleware;
use Pecee\Http\Request;

class CustomMiddleware implements IMiddleware {

    public function handle(Request $request): void 
        // Authenticate user, will be available using request()->user
        $request->user = User::authenticate();

        // If authentication failed, redirect request to user-login page.
        if($request->user === null) {



ExceptionHandler are classes that handles all exceptions. ExceptionsHandlers must implement the IExceptionHandler interface.

Handling 404, 403 and other errors

If you simply want to catch a 404 (page not found) etc. you can use the SimpleRouter::error($callback) static helper method.

This will add a callback method which is fired whenever an error occurs on all routes.

The basic example below simply redirect the page to /not-found if an NotFoundHttpException (404) occurred. The code should be placed in the file that contains your routes.

SimpleRouter::get('/not-found', 'PageController@notFound');
SimpleRouter::get('/forbidden', 'PageController@notFound');

SimpleRouter::error(function(Request $request, \Exception $exception) {

    switch($exception->getCode()) {
        // Page not found
        case 404:
        // Forbidden
        case 403:

The example above will redirect all errors with http-code 404 (page not found) to /not-found and 403 (forbidden) to /forbidden.

If you do not want a redirect, but want the error-page rendered on the current-url, you can tell the router to execute a rewrite callback like so:


If you will set the correct status for the browser error use:


Using custom exception handlers

This is a basic example of an ExceptionHandler implementation (please see "Easily overwrite route about to be loaded" for examples on how to change callback).

namespace Demo\Handlers;

use Pecee\Http\Request;
use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Handlers\IExceptionHandler;
use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException;

class CustomExceptionHandler implements IExceptionHandler
	public function handleError(Request $request, \Exception $error): void

		/* You can use the exception handler to format errors depending on the request and type. */

		if ($request->getUrl()->contains('/api')) {

				'error' => $error->getMessage(),
				'code'  => $error->getCode(),


		/* The router will throw the NotFoundHttpException on 404 */
		if($error instanceof NotFoundHttpException) {

			// Render custom 404-page
		/* Other error */
		if($error instanceof MyCustomException) {

				// Add new route based on current url (minus query-string) and add custom parameters.
				(new RouteUrl(url(null, null, []), 'PageController@error'))->setParameters(['exception' => $error])

		throw $error;



You can add your custom exception-handler class to your group by using the exceptionHandler settings-attribute. exceptionHandler can be either class-name or array of class-names.

SimpleRouter::group(['exceptionHandler' => \Demo\Handlers\CustomExceptionHandler::class], function() {

    // Your routes here


Prevent merge of parent exception-handlers

By default the router will merge exception-handlers to any handlers provided by parent groups, and will be executed in the order of newest to oldest.

If you want your groups exception handler to be executed independently, you can add the mergeExceptionHandlers attribute and set it to false.

SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => '/', 'exceptionHandler' => \Demo\Handlers\FirstExceptionHandler::class, 'mergeExceptionHandlers' => false], function() {

	SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => '/admin', 'exceptionHandler' => \Demo\Handlers\SecondExceptionHandler::class], function() {
		// Both SecondExceptionHandler and FirstExceptionHandler will trigger (in that order).
	SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => '/user', 'exceptionHandler' => \Demo\Handlers\SecondExceptionHandler::class, 'mergeExceptionHandlers' => false], function() {
		// Only SecondExceptionHandler will trigger.



By default all controller and resource routes will use a simplified version of their url as name.

You easily use the url() shortcut helper function to retrieve urls for your routes or manipulate the current url.

url() will return a Url object which will return a string when rendered, so it can be used safely in templates etc. but contains all the useful helpers methods in the Url class like contains, indexOf etc. Check the Useful url tricks below.

Get the current url

It has never been easier to get and/or manipulate the current url.

The example below shows you how to get the current url:

# output: /current-url

Get by name (single route)

SimpleRouter::get('/product-view/{id}', 'ProductsController@show', ['as' => 'product']);

# output: /product-view/22/?category=shoes
url('product', ['id' => 22], ['category' => 'shoes']);

# output: /product-view/?category=shoes
url('product', null, ['category' => 'shoes']);

Get by name (controller route)

SimpleRouter::controller('/images', ImagesController::class, ['as' => 'picture']);

# output: /images/view/?category=shows
url('picture@getView', null, ['category' => 'shoes']);

# output: /images/view/?category=shows
url('picture', 'getView', ['category' => 'shoes']);

# output: /images/view/
url('picture', 'view');

Get by class

SimpleRouter::get('/product-view/{id}', 'ProductsController@show', ['as' => 'product']);
SimpleRouter::controller('/images', 'ImagesController');

# output: /product-view/22/?category=shoes
url('ProductsController@show', ['id' => 22], ['category' => 'shoes']);

# output: /images/image/?id=22
url('ImagesController@getImage', null, ['id' => 22]);

Using custom names for methods on a controller/resource route

SimpleRouter::controller('gadgets', GadgetsController::class, ['names' => ['getIphoneInfo' => 'iphone']]);


# output
# /gadgets/iphoneinfo/

Getting REST/resource controller urls

SimpleRouter::resource('/phones', PhonesController::class);

# output: /phones/

# output: /phones/

# output: /phones/create/

# output: /phones/edit/

Manipulating url

You can easily manipulate the query-strings, by adding your get param arguments.

# output: /current-url?q=cars

url(null, null, ['q' => 'cars']);

You can remove a query-string parameter by setting the value to null.

The example below will remove any query-string parameter named q from the url but keep all others query-string parameters:

$url = url()->removeParam('q');

For more information please check the Useful url tricks section of the documentation.

Useful url tricks

Calling url will always return a Url object. Upon rendered it will return a string of the relative url, so it's safe to use in templates etc.

However this allow us to use the useful methods on the Url object like indexOf and contains or retrieve specific parts of the url like the path, querystring parameters, host etc. You can also manipulate the url like removing- or adding parameters, changing host and more.

In the example below, we check if the current url contains the /api part.

if(url()->contains('/api')) {
    // ... do stuff

As mentioned earlier, you can also use the Url object to show specific parts of the url or control what part of the url you want.

# Grab the query-string parameter id from the current-url.
$id = url()->getParam('id');

# Get the absolute url for the current url.
$absoluteUrl = url()->getAbsoluteUrl();

For more available methods please check the Pecee\Http\Url class.

Input & parameters

simple-router offers libraries and helpers that makes it easy to manage and manipulate input-parameters like $_POST, $_GET and $_FILE.

Using the Input class to manage parameters

You can use the InputHandler class to easily access and manage parameters from your request. The InputHandler class offers extended features such as copying/moving uploaded files directly on the object, getting file-extension, mime-type etc.

Get single parameter value

input($index, $defaultValue, ...$methods);

To quickly get a value from a parameter, you can use the input helper function.

This will automatically trim the value and ensure that it's not empty. If it's empty the $defaultValue will be returned instead.

Note: This function returns a string unless the parameters are grouped together, in that case it will return an array of values.


This example matches both POST and GET request-methods and if name is empty the default-value "Guest" will be returned.

$name = input('name', 'Guest', 'post', 'get');

Get parameter object

When dealing with file-uploads it can be useful to retrieve the raw parameter object.

Search for object with default-value across multiple or specific request-methods:

The example below will return an InputItem object if the parameter was found or return the $defaultValue. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of InputItem objects.

$object = input()->find($index, $defaultValue = null, ...$methods);

Getting specific $_GET parameter as InputItem object:

The example below will return an InputItem object if the parameter was found or return the $defaultValue. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of InputItem objects.

$object = input()->get($index, $defaultValue = null);

Getting specific $_POST parameter as InputItem object:

The example below will return an InputItem object if the parameter was found or return the $defaultValue. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of InputItem objects.

$object = input()->post($index, $defaultValue = null);

Getting specific $_FILE parameter as InputFile object:

The example below will return an InputFile object if the parameter was found or return the $defaultValue. If parameters are grouped, it will return an array of InputFile objects.

$object = input()->file($index, $defaultValue = null);

Managing files

 * Loop through a collection of files uploaded from a form on the page like this
 * <input type="file" name="images[]" />

/* @var $image \Pecee\Http\Input\InputFile */
foreach(input()->file('images', []) as $image)
    if($image->getMime() === 'image/jpeg') 
        $destinationFilname = sprintf('%s.%s', uniqid(), $image->getExtension());
        $image->move(sprintf('/uploads/%s', $destinationFilename));

Get all parameters

# Get all
$values = input()->all();

# Only match specific keys
$values = input()->all([

All object implements the IInputItem interface and will always contain these methods:

  • getIndex() - returns the index/key of the input.
  • setIndex() - set the index/key of the input.
  • getName() - returns a human friendly name for the input (company_name will be Company Name etc).
  • setName() - sets a human friendly name for the input (company_name will be Company Name etc).
  • getValue() - returns the value of the input.
  • setValue() - sets the value of the input.

InputFile has the same methods as above along with some other file-specific methods like:

  • getFilename - get the filename.
  • getTmpName() - get file temporary name.
  • getSize() - get file size.
  • move($destination) - move file to destination.
  • getContents() - get file content.
  • getType() - get mime-type for file.
  • getError() - get file upload error.
  • hasError() - returns bool if an error occurred while uploading (if getError is not 0).
  • toArray() - returns raw array

Check if parameters exists

You can easily if multiple items exists by using the exists method. It's simular to value as it can be used to filter on request-methods and supports both string and array as parameter value.


if(input()->exists(['name', 'lastname'])) {
	// Do stuff

/* Similar to code above */
if(input()->exists('name') && input()->exists('lastname')) {
	// Do stuff


This section will help you understand how to register your own callbacks to events in the router. It will also cover the basics of event-handlers; how to use the handlers provided with the router and how to create your own custom event-handlers.

Available events

This section contains all available events that can be registered using the EventHandler.

All event callbacks will retrieve a EventArgument object as parameter. This object contains easy access to event-name, router- and request instance and any special event-arguments related to the given event. You can see what special event arguments each event returns in the list below.

Name Special arguments Description
EVENT_ALL - Fires when a event is triggered.
EVENT_INIT - Fires when router is initializing and before routes are loaded.
EVENT_LOAD loadedRoutes Fires when all routes has been loaded and rendered, just before the output is returned.
Fires when route is added to the router. isSubRoute is true when sub-route is rendered.
Fires when a url-rewrite is and just before the routes are re-initialized.
EVENT_BOOT bootmanagers Fires when the router is booting. This happens just before boot-managers are rendered and before any routes has been loaded.
Fires before a boot-manager is rendered.
EVENT_LOAD_ROUTES routes Fires when the router is about to load all routes.
EVENT_FIND_ROUTE name Fires whenever the findRoute method is called within the Router. This usually happens when the router tries to find routes that contains a certain url, usually after the EventHandler::EVENT_GET_URL event.
Fires whenever the SimpleRouter::getUrl method or url-helper function is called and the router tries to find the route.
EVENT_MATCH_ROUTE route Fires when a route is matched and valid (correct request-type etc). and before the route is rendered.
EVENT_RENDER_ROUTE route Fires before a route is rendered.
Fires when the router is loading exception-handlers.
Fires before the router is rendering a exception-handler.
Fires before middlewares for a route is rendered.
EVENT_RENDER_CSRF csrfVerifier Fires before the CSRF-verifier is rendered.

Registering new event

To register a new event you need to create a new instance of the EventHandler object. On this object you can add as many callbacks as you like by calling the registerEvent method.

When you've registered events, make sure to add it to the router by calling SimpleRouter::addEventHandler(). We recommend that you add your event-handlers within your routes.php.


use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Handlers\EventHandler;
use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Event\EventArgument;

// --- your routes goes here ---

$eventHandler = new EventHandler();

// Add event that fires when a route is rendered
$eventHandler->register(EventHandler::EVENT_RENDER_ROUTE, function(EventArgument $argument) {
   // Get the route by using the special argument for this event.
   $route = $argument->route;
   // DO STUFF...


Custom EventHandlers

EventHandler is the class that manages events and must inherit from the IEventHandler interface. The handler knows how to handle events for the given handler-type.

Most of the time the basic \Pecee\SimpleRouter\Handler\EventHandler class will be more than enough for most people as you simply register an event which fires when triggered.

Let's go over how to create your very own event-handler class.

Below is a basic example of a custom event-handler called DatabaseDebugHandler. The idea of the sample below is to logs all events to the database when triggered. Hopefully it will be enough to give you an idea on how the event-handlers work.

namespace Demo\Handlers;

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Event\EventArgument;
use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router;

class DatabaseDebugHandler implements IEventHandler

     * Debug callback
     * @var \Closure
    protected $callback;

    public function __construct()
        $this->callback = function (EventArgument $argument) {
            // todo: store log in database

     * Get events.
     * @param string|null $name Filter events by name.
     * @return array
    public function getEvents(?string $name): array
        return [
            $name => [

     * Fires any events registered with given event-name
     * @param Router $router Router instance
     * @param string $name Event name
     * @param array ...$eventArgs Event arguments
    public function fireEvents(Router $router, string $name, ...$eventArgs): void
        $callback = $this->callback;
        $callback(new EventArgument($router, $eventArgs));

     * Set debug callback
     * @param \Closure $event
    public function setCallback(\Closure $event): void
        $this->callback = $event;



Multiple route rendering

If you need multiple routes to be executed on the same url, you can enable this feature by setting SimpleRouter::enableMultiRouteRendering(true) in your routes.php file.

This is most commonly used in advanced cases, for example in CMS systems where multiple routes needs to be rendered.

Restrict access to IP

You can white and/or blacklist access to IP's using the build in IpRestrictAccess middleware.

Create your own custom Middleware and extend the IpRestrictAccess class.

The IpRestrictAccess class contains two properties ipBlacklist and ipWhitelist that can be added to your middleware to change which IP's that have access to your routes.

You can use * to restrict access to a range of ips.

use \Pecee\Http\Middleware\IpRestrictAccess;

class IpBlockerMiddleware extends IpRestrictAccess 

    protected $ipBlacklist = [

    protected $ipWhitelist = [


You can add the middleware to multiple routes by adding your middleware to a group.

Setting custom base path

Sometimes it can be useful to add a custom base path to all of the routes added.

This can easily be done by taking advantage of the Event Handlers support of the project.

$basePath = '/basepath';

$eventHandler = new EventHandler();
$eventHandler->register(EventHandler::EVENT_ADD_ROUTE, function(EventArgument $event) use($basePath) {

	$route = $event->route;

	// Skip routes added by group as these will inherit the url
	if(!$event->isSubRoute) {
	switch (true) {
		case $route instanceof ILoadableRoute:
		case $route instanceof IGroupRoute:



In the example shown above, we create a new EVENT_ADD_ROUTE event that triggers, when a new route is added. We skip all subroutes as these will inherit the url from their parent. Then, if the route is a group, we change the prefix
otherwise we change the url.

Url rewriting

Changing current route

Sometimes it can be useful to manipulate the route about to be loaded. simple-php-router allows you to easily manipulate and change the routes which are about to be rendered. All information about the current route is stored in the \Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router instance's loadedRoute property.

For easy access you can use the shortcut helper function request() instead of calling the class directly \Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter::router().


// -- or you can rewrite by url --


Bootmanager: loading routes dynamically

Sometimes it can be necessary to keep urls stored in the database, file or similar. In this example, we want the url /my-cat-is-beatiful to load the route /article/view/1 which the router knows, because it's defined in the routes.php file.

To interfere with the router, we create a class that implements the IRouterBootManager interface. This class will be loaded before any other rules in routes.php and allow us to "change" the current route, if any of our criteria are fulfilled (like coming from the url /my-cat-is-beatiful).

use Pecee\Http\Request;
use Pecee\SimpleRouter\IRouterBootManager;
use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router;

class CustomRouterRules implement IRouterBootManager 

     * Called when router is booting and before the routes is loaded.
     * @param \Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router $router
     * @param \Pecee\Http\Request $request
    public function boot(\Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router $router, \Pecee\Http\Request $request): void

        $rewriteRules = [
            '/my-cat-is-beatiful' => '/article/view/1',
            '/horses-are-great'   => '/article/view/2',

        foreach($rewriteRules as $url => $rule) {

            // If the current url matches the rewrite url, we use our custom route

            if($request->getUrl()->contains($url)) {



The above should be pretty self-explanatory and can easily be changed to loop through urls store in the database, file or cache.

What happens is that if the current route matches the route defined in the index of our $rewriteRules array, we set the route to the array value instead.

By doing this the route will now load the url /article/view/1 instead of /my-cat-is-beatiful.

The last thing we need to do, is to add our custom boot-manager to the routes.php file. You can create as many bootmanagers as you like and easily add them in your routes.php file.

SimpleRouter::addBootManager(new CustomRouterRules());

Adding routes manually

The SimpleRouter class referenced in the previous example, is just a simple helper class that knows how to communicate with the Router class. If you are up for a challenge, want the full control or simply just want to create your own Router helper class, this example is for you.

use \Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router;
use \Pecee\SimpleRouter\Route\RouteUrl;

/* Create new Router instance */
$router = new Router();

$route = new RouteUrl('/answer/1', function() {

    die('this callback will match /answer/1');



/* Add the route to the router */

Custom class loader

You can easily extend simple-router to support custom injection frameworks like php-di by taking advantage of the ability to add your custom class-loader.

Class-loaders must inherit the IClassLoader interface.


class MyCustomClassLoader implements IClassLoader
     * Load class
     * @param string $class
     * @return object
     * @throws NotFoundHttpException
    public function loadClass(string $class)
        if (\class_exists($class) === false) {
            throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('Class "%s" does not exist', $class), 404);

        return new $class();
     * Called when loading class method
     * @param object $class
     * @param string $method
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return object
    public function loadClassMethod($class, string $method, array $parameters)
        return call_user_func_array([$class, $method], array_values($parameters));

     * Load closure
     * @param Callable $closure
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return mixed
    public function loadClosure(Callable $closure, array $parameters)
        return \call_user_func_array($closure, array_values($parameters));


Next, we need to configure our routes.php so the router uses our MyCustomClassLoader class for loading classes. This can be done by adding the following line to your routes.php file.

SimpleRouter::setCustomClassLoader(new MyCustomClassLoader());

Integrating with php-di

php-di support was discontinued by version 4.3, however you can easily add it again by creating your own class-loader like the example below:

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\ClassLoader\IClassLoader;
use Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\ClassNotFoundHttpException;

class MyCustomClassLoader implements IClassLoader

    protected $container;

    public function __construct()
        // Create our new php-di container
        $this->container = (new \DI\ContainerBuilder())

     * Load class
     * @param string $class
     * @return object
     * @throws ClassNotFoundHttpException
    public function loadClass(string $class)
        if ($this->container->has($class) === false) {
            throw new ClassNotFoundHttpException($class, null, sprintf('Class "%s" does not exist', $class), 404, null);
        return $this->container->get($class);
     * Called when loading class method
     * @param object $class
     * @param string $method
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return string
    public function loadClassMethod($class, string $method, array $parameters)
        return (string)$this->container->call([$class, $method], $parameters);

     * Load closure
     * @param Callable $closure
     * @param array $parameters
     * @return string
    public function loadClosure(callable $closure, array $parameters)
        return (string)$this->container->call($closure, $parameters);


This section contains advanced tips & tricks on extending the usage for parameters.


This is a simple example of an integration into a framework.

The framework has it's own Router class which inherits from the SimpleRouter class. This allows the framework to add custom functionality like loading a custom routes.php file or add debugging information etc.

namespace Demo;

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter;

class Router extends SimpleRouter {

    public static function start() {

        // change this to whatever makes sense in your project
        require_once 'routes.php';

        // change default namespace for all routes

        // Do initial stuff



Help and support

This section will go into details on how to debug the router and answer some of the commonly asked questions- and issues.

Common issues and fixes

This section will go over common issues and how to resolve them.

Parameters won't match or route not working with special characters

Often people experience this issue when one or more parameters contains special characters. The router uses a sparse regular-expression that matches letters from a-z along with numbers when matching parameters, to improve performance.

All other characters has to be defined via the defaultParameterRegex option on your route.

You can read more about adding your own custom regular expression for matching parameters by clicking here.

Multiple routes matches? Which one has the priority?

The router will match routes in the order they're added and will render multiple routes, if they match.

If you want the router to stop when a route is matched, you simply return a value in your callback or stop the execution manually (using response()->json() etc.) or simply by returning a result.

Any returned objects that implements the __toString() magic method will also prevent other routes from being rendered.

If you want the router only to execute one route per request, you can disabling multiple route rendering.

Using the router on sub-paths

Please refer to Setting custom base path part of the documentation.


This section will show you how to write unit-tests for the router, view useful debugging information and answer some of the frequently asked questions.

It will also covers how to report any issue you might encounter.

Creating unit-tests

The easiest and fastest way to debug any issues with the router, is to create a unit-test that represents the issue you are experiencing.

Unit-tests use a special TestRouter class, which simulates a request-method and requested url of a browser.

The TestRouter class can return the output directly or render a route silently.

public function testUnicodeCharacters()
    // Add route containing two optional paramters with special spanish characters like "í".
    TestRouter::get('/cursos/listado/{listado?}/{category?}', 'DummyController@method1', ['defaultParameterRegex' => '[\w\p{L}\s-]+']);
    // Start the routing and simulate the url "/cursos/listado/especialidad/cirugía local".
    TestRouter::debugNoReset('/cursos/listado/especialidad/cirugía local', 'GET');
    // Verify that the url for the loaded route matches the expected route.
    $this->assertEquals('/cursos/listado/{listado?}/{category?}/', TestRouter::router()->getRequest()->getLoadedRoute()->getUrl());
    // Start the routing and simulate the url "/test/Dermatología" using "GET" as request-method.
    TestRouter::debugNoReset('/test/Dermatología', 'GET');

    // Another route containing one parameter with special spanish characters like "í".
    TestRouter::get('/test/{param}', 'DummyController@method1', ['defaultParameterRegex' => '[\w\p{L}\s-\í]+']);

    // Get all parameters parsed by the loaded route.
    $parameters = TestRouter::request()->getLoadedRoute()->getParameters();

    // Check that the parameter named "param" matches the exspected value.
    $this->assertEquals('Dermatología', $parameters['param']);

    // Add route testing danish special characters like "ø".
    TestRouter::get('/category/økse', 'DummyController@method1', ['defaultParameterRegex' => '[\w\ø]+']);
    // Start the routing and simulate the url "/kategory/økse" using "GET" as request-method.
    TestRouter::debugNoReset('/category/økse', 'GET');
    // Validate that the URL of the loaded-route matches the expected url.
    $this->assertEquals('/category/økse/', TestRouter::router()->getRequest()->getLoadedRoute()->getUrl());

    // Reset the router, so other tests wont inherit settings or the routes we've added.

Using the TestRouter helper

Depending on your test, you can use the methods below when rendering routes in your unit-tests.

Method Description
TestRouter::debug($url, $method) Will render the route without returning anything. Exceptions will be thrown and the router will be reset automatically.
TestRouter::debugOutput($url, $method) Will render the route and return any value that the route might output. Manual reset required by calling TestRouter::router()->reset().
TestRouter::debugNoReset($url, $method); Will render the route without resetting the router. Useful if you need to get loaded route, parameters etc. from the router. Manual reset required by calling TestRouter::router()->reset().

Debug information

The library can output debug-information, which contains information like loaded routes, the parsed request-url etc. It also contains info which are important when reporting a new issue like PHP-version, library version, server-variables, router debug log etc.

You can activate the debug-information by calling the alternative start-method.

The example below will start the routing an return array with debugging-information


$debugInfo = SimpleRouter::startDebug();
echo sprintf('<pre>%s</pre>', var_export($debugInfo));

The example above will provide you with an output containing:

Key Description
url The parsed request-uri. This url should match the url in the browser.
method The browsers request method (example: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE etc).
host The website host (example:
loaded_routes List of all the routes that matched the url and that has been rendered/loaded.
all_routes All available routes
boot_managers All available BootManagers
csrf_verifier CsrfVerifier class
log List of debug messages/log from the router.
router_output The rendered callback output from the router.
library_version The version of simple-php-router you are using.
php_version The version of PHP you are using.
server_params List of all $_SERVER variables/headers.

Benchmark and logging

You can activate benchmark debugging/logging by calling setDebugEnabled method on the Router instance.

You have to enable debugging BEFORE starting the routing.



When the routing is complete, you can get the debug-log by calling the getDebugLog() on the Router instance. This will return an array of log-messages each containing execution time, trace info and debug-message.


$messages = SimpleRouter::router()->getDebugLog();

Reporting a new issue

Before reporting your issue, make sure that the issue you are experiencing aren't already answered in the Common errors section or by searching the closed issues page on GitHub.

To avoid confusion and to help you resolve your issue as quickly as possible, you should provide a detailed explanation of the problem you are experiencing.

Procedure for reporting a new issue

  1. Go to this page to create a new issue.
  2. Add a title that describes your problems in as few words as possible.
  3. Copy and paste the template below in the description of your issue and replace each step with your own information. If the step is not relevant for your issue you can delete it.

Issue template

Copy and paste the template below into the description of your new issue and replace it with your own information.

You can check the Debug information section to see how to generate the debug-info.

### Description

The library fails to render the route `/user/æsel` which contains one parameter using a custom regular expression for matching special foreign characters. Routes without special characters like `/user/tom` renders correctly.

### Steps to reproduce the error

1. Add the following route:

SimpleRouter::get('/user/{name}', 'UserController@show')->where(['name' => '[\w]+']);

2. Navigate to `/user/æsel` in browser.

3. `NotFoundHttpException` is thrown by library.

### Route and/or callback for failing route


SimpleRouter::get('/user/{name}', 'UserController@show')->where(['name' => '[\w]+']);


public function show($username) {
    return sprintf('Username is: %s', $username);

### Debug info




Remember that a more detailed issue- description and debug-info might suck to write, but it will help others understand- and resolve your issue without asking for the information.

Note: please be as detailed as possible in the description when creating a new issue. This will help others to more easily understand- and solve your issue. Providing the necessary steps to reproduce the error within your description, adding useful debugging info etc. will help others quickly resolve the issue you are reporting.

Feedback and development

If the library is missing a feature that you need in your project or if you have feedback, we'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave us feedback by creating a new issue.

Experiencing an issue?

Please refer to our Help and support section in the documentation before reporting a new issue.

Contribution development guidelines

  • Please try to follow the PSR-2 codestyle guidelines.

  • Please create your pull requests to the development base that matches the version number you want to change. For example when pushing changes to version 3, the pull request should use the v3-development base/branch.

  • Create detailed descriptions for your commits, as these will be used in the changelog for new releases.

  • When changing existing functionality, please ensure that the unit-tests working.

  • When adding new stuff, please remember to add new unit-tests for the functionality.



This is some sites that uses the simple-router project in production.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Simon Sessingø / simple-php-router

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


simple-php-router's People


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simple-php-router's Issues

Get the parameter define in a route

Hi, how can i identify if a route with any name has a or multiple parameter?

ex :

SimpleRouter::get('/{query}.html', "SimpleController@search")
->where([ 'query' => '[A-Za-z0-9-]+' ])

so i can create (example) :

SimpleRouter::getParams( 'search' );

it will return

return array('query');

if the route dosn't has any parameter, it will return "null", etc.

thanks :)

'Route not found' error shows original route instead rewrited route

If i use one RouterBootManager to rewrite routes using request->setRewriteUrl() to rewrite one url and the new url have a route not defined, the error message tell me about not found original route.


I will rewrite /page/login to /ask/login, but i don't have defined route for /ask/login.

I get this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException: Route not found: /page/login in ..\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router.php on line 286

I will be better:

Fatal error: Uncaught Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException: Route not found: /ask/login (redirected from /page/login) in ..\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router.php on line 286


Fatal error: Uncaught Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException: Route not found: /ask/login in ..\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router.php on line 286

Question about Router::resource

I have controller like

class Test
    public function testIndex(){}
    public function testShow(){}

I want to make resource on this class with custom $methodNames. Something like this

Router::resource('/test', Test::class)

But when I hit http://mydomain/test/testIndex I received error
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

What I'm doing wrong?

Subdomain routing on root domain?

Not really a bug, just a question ...

I'm trying to use the router as a basic redirector for subdomains (planning on expanding it later though).

I've got it working fine for full subdomains ... like

If I invoke it without a subdomain, i.e.,, I get the following error:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function {closure}(), 0 passed in /usr/local/www/chitour/www/html/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/ClassLoader/ClassLoader.php on line 69 and exactly 1 expected in /usr/local/www/chitour/www/html/index.php:10
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/local/www/chitour/www/html/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/ClassLoader/ClassLoader.php(69): {closure}()
#1 /usr/local/www/chitour/www/html/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Route/Route.php(99): Pecee\\SimpleRouter\\ClassLoader\\ClassLoader->loadClosure(Object(Closure), Array)
#2 /usr/local/www/chitour/www/html/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Router.php(181): Pecee\\SimpleRouter\\Route\\Route->renderRoute(Object(Pecee\\Http\\Request), Object(Pecee\\SimpleRouter\\Router))
#3 /usr/local/www/chitour/www/html/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Router.php(247): Pecee\\SimpleRouter\\Router->renderAndProcess(Object(Pecee\\SimpleRouter\\Route\\RouteGroup))
#4 /usr/local/www/c in /usr/local/www/chitour/www/html/index.php on line 10

I'm using the example in the readme to do the redirect ...

SimpleRouter::group(['domain' => '{subdomain}'],function($subdomain) {
  SimpleRouter::get('/', function($subdomain) {

Any suggestions?

Parameters are NULL if the route contains '-' for param value.

I found a problem (I think) when trying to create some routes dynamically.

Route /p/{any}/{id}
/p/word/{id} -> returns: "word"
/p/another-word/{id} -> returns "null"

I want to match the route "p/my-cat-is-beatiful/1" and use the {id}=1 in order to show the content I want.

I read about "Bootmanager: loading routes dynamically", but I don't want to write all the routes there because I have 1,8 million..

I also tried with setMatch() method, but the results are the same.

SimpleRouter::get('/ajax/{any}', function($param1) {

$param1 = null when the "any" part from the route contains "-".
Is there any way to avoid this?


Issue with php 7.0

Before, the script was compatible with PHP 7.0 and even previous version down to 5.6. But now it seems like the project is only compatible with php 7.1 and greather. That is nto a bad thing, but i've received a lot of issue submittion on my item description (even refund request). Hope we can find a wayout for this. You have a great tool, that's why so far i'm using it.


Optional parameters default value

I tried this code from the documentation :
SimpleRouter::get('/user/{name?}', function ($name = 'Simon') { return $name; });

But it seems that the default value doesn't work. The returned value will be null or empty in my case, if my url is "/user/" without a parameter.

I also tried the same thing by using a controller but the result is the same.

subfolder problem


i wanna use this in subfolder in my host.
but there is no auto detect system.

adress : localhost/AybimCms/admin
router :

SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => 'AybimCms/admin/'], function () { 
SimpleRouter::get('/', 'Home@index')->name('adminpanel');

then i want to redirect " localhost/AybimCms/admin" with url('adminpanel') function but redirect to "localhost/admin"

how can i fix it

Mismatched route


I have this routes:


/aviso/enviado match /aviso/{aviso}
/contacto match /{pagina?}
/pagina/usuarios match /pagina/{pagina}

But /avisolegal match /aviso/{aviso} insteadof /{pagina?}


problem slug contain dashes

Hi. Thanks for your work.
I have an error if slug contain dashes
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException' with message 'Route not found
I tried to work with method where, but I have problem even with code from example.
SimpleRouter::get('/user/{name}', function ($name) {
})->where(['name', '[A-Za-z]+']);
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 130968 bytes) in vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Route/Route.php on line 405
Can you check this please
With Regards, Sergey.

Groups with placeholders cause parameter shift

Not really sure if this is a bug or feature or side effect but this is somehow error prone:

SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => 'v1/{item}/'], function () {
    SimpleRouter::get('/{foo}', function ($foo) {
        echo "Got {$foo}";

as requesting /v1/AAA/BBB will result in Got AAA which is not what is expected.

Routes on paths

The routes do not work if I have the project for example "localhost/project/public" or ""

accept body with json format (post/put/patch/delete)

Hi, sorry, I just noticed yesterday. So the previous issue I addressed #115

I want to send body with json format from post method. something like:
$.ajax { url: /book/insert method: 'post', type: 'json' }
I want to make /book/insert endpoint with post method and able to accept body with json format.

response()->json utf8 issues

It returns gibberish (see name):

[{"trans_id":"a0N1lXIfjome+JJOUXK8A4fvQEs=","status":"created","name":null,"for":null},{"trans_id":"eT0TawffDyArKiT8JtB0RiKa4Jg=","status":"created","name":null,"for":null},{"trans_id":"xvw\/GoksovyxSvftSRHBgTjc8pE=","status":"created","name":null,"for":null},{"trans_id":"+pJ2pSPm5zJanlMnpLIllAr5biM=","status":"created","name":null,"for":null},{"trans_id":"k4ribuEu0E8RWlEMla+YQh03org=","status":"created","name":"\u10e1\u10d0\u10dc\u10d3\u10e0\u10dd","for":null},{"trans_id":"54hj7Oqvm1L3al8mtpQzzPBkMy8=","status":"success","name":"\u10d5\u10d0\u10ee\u10e2\u10d0\u10dc\u10d2 \u10db\u10d4\u10d2\u10e0\u10d4\u10da\u10d8\u10e8\u10d5\u10d8\u10da\u10d8","for":null},{"trans_id":"igd\/UEoLdc9d\/t9TZ+YkYkO1Chc=","status":"failed","name":"\u10e1\u10ee\u10d5\u10d0 \u10e0\u10d0\u10db\u10d4","for":null},{"trans_id":"GK0nResZI23FrWU3sVnRL05v9zA=","status":"success","name":"\u10d5\u10d8\u10dc \u10d5\u10d8\u10dc \u10d0\u10e0\u10d8\u10e1 \u10e1\u10d0\u10e5\u10d0\u10e0\u10d7\u10d5\u10d4\u10da\u10dd\u10e8\u10d8","for":null},{"trans_id":"i5YVfAyzmy\/JtCpHiq7cquOOGZU=","status":"created","name":null,"for":null}]

Simple variable dump, not going throng this method:

array(9) { [0]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "a0N1lXIfjome+JJOUXK8A4fvQEs=" ["status"]=> string(7) "created" ["name"]=> NULL ["for"]=> NULL } [1]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "eT0TawffDyArKiT8JtB0RiKa4Jg=" ["status"]=> string(7) "created" ["name"]=> NULL ["for"]=> NULL } [2]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "xvw/GoksovyxSvftSRHBgTjc8pE=" ["status"]=> string(7) "created" ["name"]=> NULL ["for"]=> NULL } [3]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "+pJ2pSPm5zJanlMnpLIllAr5biM=" ["status"]=> string(7) "created" ["name"]=> NULL ["for"]=> NULL } [4]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "k4ribuEu0E8RWlEMla+YQh03org=" ["status"]=> string(7) "created" ["name"]=> string(18) "სანდრო" ["for"]=> NULL } [5]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "54hj7Oqvm1L3al8mtpQzzPBkMy8=" ["status"]=> string(7) "success" ["name"]=> string(58) "ვახტანგ მეგრელიშვილი" ["for"]=> NULL } [6]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "igd/UEoLdc9d/t9TZ+YkYkO1Chc=" ["status"]=> string(6) "failed" ["name"]=> string(25) "სხვა რამე" ["for"]=> NULL } [7]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "GK0nResZI23FrWU3sVnRL05v9zA=" ["status"]=> string(7) "success" ["name"]=> string(69) "ვინ ვინ არის საქართველოში" ["for"]=> NULL } [8]=> array(4) { ["trans_id"]=> string(28) "i5YVfAyzmy/JtCpHiq7cquOOGZU=" ["status"]=> string(7) "created" ["name"]=> NULL ["for"]=> NULL } }

Route not found when url's parameters contains dash ('-')

SimpleRouter::get("/{lang}/products-categories/{name}", function ($lang, $name) {
	include './public/' . $lang . '/products-categories/' . $name . '.html';

on this route i got an error when the name parameter contains '-' like '/it/products-categories/system-track'.

'/it/products-categories/system' works.

Fatal error: Uncaught Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\NotFoundHttpException: Route not found: /it/products-categories/system-track in /home/vagrant/Code/prima-automotive/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Router.php on line 286

i've tried with this

SimpleRouter::get('/{lang}/products-categories/{name}', function ($lang, $name) {
	include './public/' . $lang . '/products-categories/' . $name . '.html';
})->where(['lang' => '[a-z]', 'name' => '^[A-Za-z0-9\-]+$']);

but the problem still remain

Asking for getUrl() without parameters but getting with current route parameters

Hi simon,

This is what it's happening to me:

I have one route named 'listados' with the regex: /cursos/listado/{listado?}/{filtro?}/

I go on the browser to url /cursos/listado/especialidad/test/

If I run router()->getUrl('listados', ['full','one']) I get: /cursos/listado/full/one/.
But, if I run router()->getUrl('listados', []) I am getting: /cursos/listado/especialidad/test/ when I expected to get only /cursos/listado (without parameters).

The problem seems to be on LoadableRoute->findUrl(), who adds the parameters of the current path if $parameters is empty.

Documentation issues

README says that to install simple-php-router one needs to

composer require pecee/framework

but that installs whole framework of yours and router. Shouldn't it rather be just router?:

composer require pecee/simple-router

Also sample code shows

use \Pecee\SimpleRouter;

but it it will not work, unless changed to

use \Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter;

Also the whole sample is not working because of this line:

// Do the routing

which uses method that does not exist. It should be:

// Do the routing

Next, I tried to figure out how custom exception handler that is mentioned in the README is supposed to work, but I failed to locate any code that would care of the exceptionHandler setting key at all. Same for middleware key which I am not seeing being handled. Am I missing something?

Lack of tests?

I just need a router for one of my project and Laravel compatibility of yours is a 'pro' for me, so I am going to evaluate your project, however I see no single test in here which frankly speaking scares me away a bit. How do you test your router?

CSFR documentation issue


Nice library : ))

In the readme documentation don't said how set the CSFR token in a form, and not too the name of the field.

I finded that in src/Pecee/Http/Middleware/BaseCsrfVerifier.php, but it will be better has it in documentation.


Posting content-type : 'application/json'

PHP 7.2 apache 2.4

Posting 'application/json' content to the router.

file_get_contents('php://input') successfully returns the json content

router::request()->getInputHandler()->all() returns an empty array

The all() method only checks this input for ['put', 'patch', 'delete'], is this correct?

Route with parameters don't work

Here is my code:


require "./vendor/autoload.php";

use \Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter as Route;

Route::get('/', function() {
    echo "index";

Route::get('/{foo}', function($foo) {
    echo $foo;


When I access "/", it works fine. But when I access the URL "http://localhost/shit", it will throw an exception:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Pecee\SimpleRouter\RouterException' with message 'Route not found: /shit' in E:\wwwroot\route-test\vendor\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\RouterBase.php:131 Stack trace: #0 E:\wwwroot\route-test\vendor\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter.php(24): Pecee\SimpleRouter\RouterBase->routeRequest() #1 E:\wwwroot\route-test\index.php(21): Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter::start() #2 {main} thrown in E:\wwwroot\route-test\vendor\pecee\simple-router\src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\RouterBase.php on line 131

What's the problem?

Nested groups does not work

SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => 'v1'], function () {
    SimpleRouter::get('/', function () {
        echo "OK 1";
    SimpleRouter::group(['prefix' => '/system'], function () {
        SimpleRouter::get('/', function () {
            echo "OK 2";

Route /v1 works, but /v1/system does not.

What if two routes matches ? Which one has the priority ?

Hi again,
i'm facing some situation where in some cases two routes matches. My Concern is there should be a way for a route to have a priority. For example :

is matched by the following

Route::get( '/go', function(){
Route::match([ 'get', 'post' ], '/go/{param?}', function(){
// this will match in all case even if it's added before 'Route::get...'

in my situation, the route with match method alway respond in both cases "/go" and "/go/somewhere". There should be a way to prevent it by taking in consideration the first match for example.


Allow response()->json() to accept JsonSerializable

First off, thanks for SimpleRouter. It's awesome.

Currently, the json() method on the Response object requires the $value argument to be an array. It would be really useful if it could accept either an array or any object that implements the JsonSerializable interface. We want to use it to build simplified Fractal like translators.


Resources Problem in v3.2.0

    SimpleRouter::resource('/m11', 'DoktorController')->name('doktor'); // Doktorlar
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m1', 'KurumsalController')->name('kurumsal'); // Kurumsal
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m2', 'HizmetController')->name('hizmet'); // Hizmetler
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m3', 'ProjeController')->name('proje'); // Projeler
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m4', 'ReferansController')->name('referans'); // Projeler
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m5', 'BlogController')->name('blog'); // Blog
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m6', 'VideoController')->name('video'); // Video
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m7', 'FotoController')->name('foto'); // Foto Galeri

I updated version v3.2.0. But my resources not working :(

And then I again downgrade 3.1.1 and there is no problem.

How i can fix it ?

Where is the basepath setting? and where is the csrf_token function?

yesterday, i have add this func() for personal use. but i forgot to back it up. so i forgot where to set this function?

how do i make it work if it run from sub-dir?

(dont use the htaccess rewritebase)

and for the csrf_token, its mentioned at the docs, but actually where it is?

Route Parsing issue

Hi i'm facing some problem with the script.
When i'm registering a route like so :

   Route::get( 'foo/{slug?}/{action?}', function( $slug, $action ) {


   // and

   Route::get( 'foo-slug/{slug?}/{action?}', function( $slug, $action ){


the first route seem to match to this route :

And the second route is not triggered.

Unable to easily disable CSRF checks

There's no easy way to disable CSRF check but to write dummy CsrfVerifer implementation as neither SimpleRouter's csrfVerifier() nor RouterBase's setBaseCsrfVerifier() accept null, even if rest of the code checks for null.

Use getHeader('unencoded_url') for IIS instead of $this->getHeader('request-uri')

Hi simon,

I'm using IIS and i'm not sure if this issue happens also on Apache and another Web Servers.

When i have one url with utf8 characters, like: oría, i'm getting a strangely encoded version of Dermatología, but not Dermatología or Dermatolog%C3%ADa

Strangely, for something like oría i get Dermatología or Dermatolog%C3%ADa for $_GET['especialidad']

I've researched and, apparently, IIS encodes somehow the part that corresponds to the path of the url, but not on querystring part.

You can get more information here: tjanczuk/iisnode#486 and here:

Then, i have made this change on __construct() method of Peece\Http\Request class:
$this->uri = urldecode($this->getHeader('unencoded_url')) ?: $this->getHeader('request-uri');

And it's working like a charm.

unencoded_url seems to be present only when url contains utf8 characters.

The library does not work

not work:

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter as Route;
Route::get('/', function () {
echo 'Hola';
Route::get('/profile/{id?}', function ($id) {
echo $id;

Yes work:

use Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter as Route;

Route::get('/profile/{id?}', function ($id) {
echo $id;
Route::get('/', function () {
echo 'Hola';

Uncaught Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\HttpException: Route "/login/" or method "get" not allowed.

Hi , My route file is
Router::get('/login','Application\Controllers\login@index')->name('login'); Router::post('/login','Application\Controllers\login@store')->name('');

But I have error . My error is
Fatal error: Uncaught Pecee\SimpleRouter\Exceptions\HttpException: Route "/login/" or method "get" not allowed. in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/udemy2/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Router.php:287 Stack trace: #0 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/udemy2/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/SimpleRouter.php(52): Pecee\SimpleRouter\Router->routeRequest() #1 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/udemy2/app/Router.php(12): Pecee\SimpleRouter\SimpleRouter::start() #2 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/udemy2/index.php(4): Application\Router::start() #3 {main} thrown in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/udemy2/vendor/pecee/simple-router/src/Pecee/SimpleRouter/Router.php on line 287

What is Problem ?
Thank Yo.

NotFoundHttpException if route parameters are 'encoded'

Hi Simon,

I'm using your library on one spanish web site.

For the route: /especialidad/{especialidad}
Sometimes i have one url like: /especialidad/cirugía local.
I have encoded the url and final url is: /especialidad/cirug%C3%ADa%20local, but i get NotFoundHttpException with this url.

In summary:

This works:

This don't work:
/especialidad/cirug%C3%ADa (/especialidad/cirugía)
/especialidad/cirug%C3%ADa%20local (/especialidad/cirugía local)

Thank you

Handle 404 Page

Hi, thanks for this powerfull simple Routing. I have use your routing for my sites.

After i implement a routing to handle 404, like i did in laravel :

SimpleRouter::all( '{notfound}', 'AdminController@404notfound' )->where( [ 'notfound' => '(.*)'] );

where the function 404notfound() inside AdminController is ;

function 404notfound() {
       header("Location: " . home_url() );

Why it causing a 302 status header for all of my routing, including homepage, single page, and also another. Please help me...

I cannot find any documentation on handling 404 request to return to homepage, thanks.

Resource problem..

    SimpleRouter::resource('/m1', 'KurumsalController')->name('kurumsal'); // Kurumsal
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m2', 'HizmetController')->name('hizmet'); // Hizmetler
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m3', 'ProjeController')->name('proje'); // Projeler
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m4', 'ReferansController')->name('referans'); // Projeler
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m5', 'BlogController')->name('blog'); // Blog
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m6', 'VideoController')->name('video'); // Video
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m7', 'FotoController')->name('foto'); // Foto Galeri
    SimpleRouter::resource('/m11', 'DoktorController')->name('doktor'); // Doktorlar

when i try to enter "", its running "KurumsalController" which is "m1"

how can i fix it


Error on converting callback to string


When using getUrl() in a named url with a anonymous function, throws one error on getMethod(), at line 268 of src\Pecee\SimpleRouter\Route\Route.php

I have changed the code to:

    public function getMethod()
        if (is_string($this->callback) && strpos($this->callback, '@') !== false) {
            $tmp = explode('@', $this->callback);

            return $tmp[1];

        return null;

    public function getClass()
        if (is_string($this->callback) && strpos($this->callback, '@') !== false) {
            $tmp = explode('@', $this->callback);

            return $tmp[0];

        return null;

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