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skn_base's Introduction


This package is under construction


An exploration into Dry-RB, Rom-DB, and Roda tooling for Ruby Web Applications.

In concept, I plan to create a runtime for SknServices content security application. SknServices provides Admin features which enables this application to be a runtime consumer, and access content from SknServices using the API it provides for that purpose.

I'm looking for an alternative way to build enterprise ruby web applications. I've tried Rails and salute it for it's Web Interface and Web framework. However, I've never been comfortable with it's MVC development model for enterprise applications.

I'm finding that most ruby web tools are as opinionated as Rails. The difference being tools like Roda, as web interface, allow you to override its conventions through configuration; the reversal is not lost on me!

For now I will keep notes and comments here, until I get to a workable baseline. Baseline is now Complete

Online Demo


Branch: JRuby-Master, JRuby- with Warble configuration to produce Tomcat Warfile

Branch: master, Ruby-2.5.0

Before engaging the advanced Dry-RB gems and other Gems of Interest. I thought to code the basic app with minimal assistance from add-ins. The overall structure of Roda is very flexible, so other than the normal scss/js struggle there were no surprises in the web-component portion; and more importantly, no imposition on business logic structure.

User information is the only database requirement I have right now. Rom-DB handled the task well even though I've not invested in creating a DB migration needed to create the database and table. I'm using a PGSQL Dump backup of the Users table and Database from an existing demo application: SknServices. As a result, Rom-DB is overkill for this task, Sequel would be the correct level technology, if I have no further needs for Database services. But I have an interest in Rom-DB so it stays.

SknService also offers a ContentAPI which I am using on the Resources page.

Instead of using an advanced container and DI gem, I've started out using my SknUtils gem; since I was already using it for application settings. This gem is a thread-safe wrapper over Ruby's Hash, with dot-notation, presence(?) testing, and nested deep-merge capabilities. Since a hash can use any object/value as it's Key or Value variables, it works well as a global container for environment based application settings, caching, central/critical application-class instances.

I have adopted the Command and CommandHandler pattern to contain the HTPP Request service used to call the ContentAPI of SknServices. Commands encapsulate the request params, in a validateable command class, as input to the command handler which will invoke the related service.

To link the the Roda Routes to the appropriate services, I've created a ServicesRegistry and HTTP/SendFile wrappers to make the link between the Application Classes and the Web Interface. The basically moves the lines of code that would have been in the Routes into the ServicesRegistry; which I can mock out as needed for testing later.

Aside from DB migrations and increasing RSPec test coverage, I'm done with this example and very impressed with its structure.

Gems of Interest

Under Consideration

  1. What directory structure is required, and what options are there to override those requirements?
    • Seems Roda and Dry-RB both impose a filesystem structure.
    • Would a Ruby Gem filesystem model be suitable?
    • Partial answer is: RubyGem and Roda.Plugin file layouts.
  2. How does activities per-request factor into things like singletons, or Object lifecycles?
    • No Impact
  3. Ruby $LoadPath vs Bundler vs Application Source AutoLoad seem to be at odds, in some ways.
    • Autoload is of little interest at this scale. Each Dir has a same-named rbfile that requires all its components
    • Bundler.setup and Bundler.require handle loading all gem for now; may change as I dig into RSpec testing.
  4. While the notion of (Roda) Sub-Apps is valid for large applications, it also serves to segment application source into domains.
    • A sub-app filesystem structure is relevant for the web interface, it becomes clumsy for Domains.
    • For now, I will use one single app with multiple routes to handle the web interface segmentation.
  5. Several plugin automatically require and instantiate other plugins on their own. Each plugin has to be reviewed to understand its side effects or dependancies.
    • This is a pain to be experienced one time. Middleware and Plugin order DOES MATTER.
  6. Require vs AutoLoad? Autoload would prevent loading the whole app when it's not needed during test or CLI operations. However, Require does allow me to control what's loaded and any dependencies with greater clarity.
    • Don't really care yet! Using the Ruby Require and Require_Relative methods.
  7. Not sure about the lifecycle of critical objects in Roda yet. How to create something that will survive the request/response cycle; like the database component.
    • Again, DI Container maybe helpful. I'm current using SknUtils::NestedResult class adapted to be a Global Container for regular yaml settings and holding application resources.

File Tree

    ├── assets
    │   ├── stylesheets/        - Sass based CSS
    │   └── javascript/         - JQuery, BootStrap, and general Javascript
    ├── config
    │   ├── settings/           - SknSettings Environment-biased Application Settings
    │   ├── puma.rb
    │   ├── settings.yml        - Default Application Settings
    │   └── version.rb          - Application Version Object
    ├──               - Rack Initializer
    ├── coverage                - SimpleCov HTML Reports
    ├── docs                    - rubocop HTML Reports
    ├── i18n                    - Message Translation files
    ├── main
    │   ├── skn_base.rb         - Main Roda Web App/Adapter
    │   ├── warden.rb           - Extended Warden Configuration
    │   └── boot.rb             - LoadPath Management and Log file setup
    ├── persistence
    │   ├── entity              - Entity Struct for User
    │   ├── relations           - Users definition
    │   ├── repositories        - User repo
    │   └── persistence.rb      - Rom-DB setup
    ├── public
    │   ├── images/             - View Images
    │   └── fonts/              - View Fonts
    ├── routes
    │   ├── profiles.rb         - Profile Routes
    │   └── users.rb            - User Routes
    ├── strategy                - Business UseCases and Integrations
    │   ├── authentication      - User Management
    │   ├── services            - API services and ServicesRegistry
    │   └── utils               - Application Utilities
    └── views
        ├── helpers/            - View HTML Helpers
        ├── layouts/            - Site Layout
        ├── profiles/           - Profile Pages
        ├── sessions/           - Signin Pages
        ├── about.html.erb      - Root Pages...
        ├── contact.html.erb
        ├── homepage.html.erb
        ├── http_404.html.erb
        ├── http_500.html.erb
        └── unknown.html.erb


SknBase needs a database of users, which should be a shared copy of the table used by SknServices. This may not be practical, so a pgsql dump file has been includes in the config directory and the following script will install it.

Setup Application and Create Database Tables:
$ bin/setup
Start Server with Puma, Port 3000:
$ bundle exec puma -v
Start Server with RackUp, Port 9292:
$ rackup
Start Console with Pry:
$ bin/console
Start Console with RackSh:
$ bundle exec racksh

Problems Sovled

ActiveRecord Serialization for Arrays with YAML format was handled nicely by Dry-Types, since I can't easily change the data model.

# added to Types:
module Types
  include Dry::Types.module

  Email = String.constrained(format: /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-]+(\.[a-z]+)*\.[a-z]+\z/i)
  SerializedArrayRead = Types.Constructor(Types.Array(Types::Strict::String)) { |yaml_str| Psych.load(yaml_str) }
  SerializedArrayWrite = Types.Constructor(Types::Strict::String) { |ary_of_str| Psych.dump(ary_of_str) }

# Entity

  class User < ROM::Struct
    attribute :id, Types::Strict::Int
    attribute :username, Types::Strict::String
    attribute :name, Types::Strict::String
    attribute :email, ::Types::Email
    attribute :password_digest, Types::Strict::String
    attribute :remember_token, Types::Strict::String.optional
    attribute :password_reset_token, Types::Strict::String.optional
    attribute :password_reset_date, Types::Strict::Time.optional
    attribute :assigned_groups, Types::Strict::Array.meta(desc: :yaml_array)
    attribute :roles, Types::Strict::Array.meta(desc: :yaml_array)
    attribute :active, Types::Strict::Bool
    attribute :file_access_token, Types::Strict::String.optional
    attribute :created_at, Types::Strict::Time
    attribute :updated_at, Types::Strict::Time
    attribute :person_authentication_key, Types::Strict::String
    attribute :assigned_roles, Types::Strict::Array.meta(desc: :yaml_array)
    attribute :remember_token_digest , Types::Strict::String.optional
    attribute :user_options, Types::Strict::Array.meta(desc: :yaml_array)

    def pak


  class Users < ROM::Relation[:sql]
    schema(:users, infer: false) do

      attribute :id, Types::Serial
      attribute :username, Types::Strict::String
      attribute :name, Types::Strict::String
      attribute :email, ::Types::Email
      attribute :password_digest, Types::Strict::String
      attribute :remember_token, Types::Strict::String.optional
      attribute :password_reset_token, Types::Strict::String.optional
      attribute :password_reset_date, Types::Strict::Time.optional
      attribute :assigned_groups, ::Types::SerializedArrayWrite.meta(desc: :yaml_array), read: ::Types::SerializedArrayRead.meta(desc: :yaml_array)
      attribute :roles, ::Types::SerializedArrayWrite.meta(desc: :yaml_array), read: ::Types::SerializedArrayRead.meta(desc: :yaml_array)
      attribute :active, Types::Strict::Bool
      attribute :file_access_token, Types::Strict::String.optional
      attribute :created_at, Types::Strict::Time
      attribute :updated_at, Types::Strict::Time
      attribute :person_authentication_key, Types::Strict::String
      attribute :assigned_roles, ::Types::SerializedArrayWrite.meta(desc: :yaml_array), read: ::Types::SerializedArrayRead.meta(desc: :yaml_array)
      attribute :remember_token_digest , Types::Strict::String.optional
      attribute :user_options, ::Types::SerializedArrayWrite.meta(desc: :yaml_array), read: ::Types::SerializedArrayRead.meta(desc: :yaml_array)

      primary_key :id


    auto_struct true

    # Define some composable, reusable query methods to return filtered
    # results from our database table. We'll use them in a moment.
    def by_id(id)
      where(id: id)


  • Relation Table Names should be plural form
  • SQL Table names should be plural
  • Relations themselves should be plural and match the real-sql table name
  • Entities representing a relation should be singular
  • Entities composed of other entities must use relation-name (plural) as the attribute keyname
  • Repositories can be named anything since they specify the relation name in their constructor
  class Users < ROM::Repository[:users]
    struct_namespace Entity

    def all

    def query(conditions)

    def by_pak(pak)
      find_by(person_authentication_key: pak)

    def [](id)

    def by_id(id)

    def find_by(col_val_hash)


puma or rackup commands alone will start the server. But wont read puma's config which means the default port maybe 9292 vs 3000. Roda's uses RackBuilder to create an Rack App, which confuses the more deliberate Rack::Handler::Puma.reun(app) method.

racksh is a console for Rack based applications, see docs at Gem RackSh In racksh console: $ $rack.get "/", {}, { 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '' }

plugin: multi_route has a very strange structure for associated route files.

# File: ./routes/prefix.rb

class SknBase
    route('prefix') do

It opens and extends the existing app name class. SknBase is also the name of this apps main. Helper files have the same behavior.

The assets plugin initially failed (HTTP-404) to send bootstrap.css at Roda V3.3.0. Switched to 2.29.0 and it worked, tried 3.3.0 again and everything seems to work now! Making this note in case the trouble shows again. Asset Plugin Failure: Sending bottstrap.css with a 'Content-Type' eq 'text/html' 'Content-Length' eq '3045'; verus 'text/css' and 146K.

The PostgreSQL gem gave me trouble when brew updated to Version 10 of PostgreSQL, this solve the install problem.

$ bundle config --with-pg-config=/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/10.1/bin/pg_config

Code Cache

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
  # TODO: Experiment with direct file and/or minimized sources
  # plugin :assets, {
  #     css: "bootstrap.css",
  #     js: ["jquery-3.2.1.min.js", "bootstrap.js"]
  # }

  # TODO: Experiment with Gem-Based files
  # plugin :assets, {
  #       css: 'bootstrap.scss.indirect' ,
  #        js: 'bootstrap.js.indirectraw',
  #        dependencies: {
  #            Bootstrap.stylesheets_path + '_bootstrap.scss' => Dir[Bootstrap.stylesheets_path + '/**/*.scss'],
  #        }
  # }
    File.join(Dir.pwd, "views")

Discover Warden inside app under Test

     manager = app -- =
     manager = manager.instance_variable_get(:@app) while != 'Warden::Manager'


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

skn_base's People


skoona avatar



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