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applicationset-progressive-sync's Issues

Improve logging

In #114 we needed the Scheduler to log some information. To do that, we passed a logr.Logger to the scheduler from the reconciliation loop.

What we need to do:

  • Is that a good idea or do we prefer to add the information we need to the context, pass a context and create a new logger from it? We need to agree on the implementation
  • We only use log.Info, while we should agree at least on 2 different logs levels (INFO and DEBUG), their values and start using log.V().Info to differentiate between the 2 levels.
  • Add a new flag to enable or disable debug logging or setting a log-level.

Infinite loop when multiple stage targeting the same clusters

We got an infinite loop with the following ProgressiveSync

  - maxParallel: 1
    maxTargets: 1
    name: one cluster as canary in eu-west-1
            region: eu-west-1
  - maxParallel: 3
    maxTargets: 3
    name: one cluster as canary in every other region
          - key: region
            operator: NotIn
            - eu-west-1
    name: rollout to remaining clusters
  - maxParallel: 25%
    maxTargets: 100%
        selector: {}

After some investigation, we found the following issues:

Reset ProgressiveSync object

The ProgressiveSync object needs to be reset when there's a change in stages status. This applies to both stages status - which could be reset/cleaned - and to conditions - which should be set to reflect the new overall status of the object.

An example is a completed progressive sync (with condition Complete set to True) that starts synchronizing again and sets a stage to be Progressing. The latest event's Complete condition should not be True at this point.

Add stage status

We should provide users with a feedback about not only the ProgressiveRollout CRD itself, but about each of its stages.

A status.stages should look like

    - name: canary in emea
      phase: Completed
      message: Stage completed
      startedAt: 2019-07-10T08:23:18Z
      finishedAt: 2019-07-10T08:40:18Z
    - [...]

Add basic controller structure

Create the basic structure of the controller with a basic CRD. A basic CRD looks like

kind: ProgressiveRollout
  name: myservice
  namespace: argocd
    kind: ApplicationSet
    name: file-cache-proxy
    - name: one cell as canary in eu-west-1
      maxParallel: 1 # can be omitted as default is 1
      maxTargets: 1
              region: eu-west-1

The cluster selection logic should be on a different PR.
The CRD status looks like

    - lastTransitionTime: "2019-07-10T08:23:18Z"
      lastUpdateTime: "2019-07-10T08:23:18Z"
      message: Progressive rollout completed successfully, rollout finished.
      reason: Succeeded
      status: "True"
      type: RolledOut

When creating a ProgressiveRollout object, the controller should reconcile and just succeed.


[ ] Tests
[ ] Update README with CRD specs

Add scheduling logic

Add the logic that giving the target clusters returns the list of applications that we should sync.

Add shuffleKey

Consider the following example
With this stage, we will update cells-1-eu-west-1a-1 and cells-1-eu-west-1b-2 and no clusters in eu-central-1. A bad deployment will affect 2 of 3 clusters in the same region
The shuffleKey alternates the clusters, so a bad deployment will only affect 1 of 3 clusters in each region.

[ ] Naming is hard: is shuffleKey a good term? Is alternatebyLabel better?

Support maxTargets and maxParallel with % values

The ProgressiveSync CRD is designed as to support maxTargets and maxParallel as IntOrString.

Consider the following scenario, when you have 4 clusters and a ProgressiveSync similar to

  - name: one cluster
     maxTargets: 1
     maxParallel: 1
           name: cluster-one
  - name: everything else
     maxTargets: 100%
     maxParallel: 25%
         selector: {}

In the second stage, we would expect maxTargets to be 3, but instead we set it to 4. This is because the scheduler looks at every application matching the label selector - in this case all of them.

We need to change this logic so when we express maxTargets and maxParallel as %, they are scaled against the remaining clusters.

Discuss pointer vs value semantics, agree and refactor

Unable to start controller

The latest version doesn't start because of the following error

argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout 2021-04-12T10:06:16.393Z	INFO	controller-runtime.metricsmetrics server is starting to listen	{"addr": ":8080"}
argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout 2021-04-12T10:06:16.393Z	ERROR	setup	unable to read configuration	{"error": "strconv.ParseBool: parsing \"\\\"true\\\"\": invalid syntax"}
argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout*zapLogger).Error
argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout 	/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/zapr.go:132
argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout main.main
argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout 	/workspace/main.go:74
argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout runtime.main
argocd-progressive-rollout-5dc46f5d86-x5qb8 argocd-progressive-rollout 	/usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:204

Allow partial rollout

Users might write their stages in a way so they forget to update some of the clusters they have deployed into.
To allow users to deliberately doing a partial rollout but protect against errors, we should add a flag. The spec should look like

  allowPartialRollout: true

Default to false.

We should have a validating webhook that rejects a ProgressiveRollout object if the flag is not set.

Add finalizer

Finalizers allow controllers to implement asynchronous pre-delete hooks. They also set a delete timestamp on the object. Presence of deletion timestamp on the object indicates that it is being deleted. Otherwise, without finalizers, a delete shows up as a reconcile where the object is missing from the cache.


Fix data race condition

When running the test, we sometimes have a data race condition

[1620309206] Controller Suite - 8/8 specs ••••••==================
Write at 0x00c000b2c968 by goroutine 50:
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0x450*runner).runSync()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/leafnodes/runner.go:113 +0xfc*runner).run()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/leafnodes/runner.go:64 +0x184*SetupNode).Run()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/leafnodes/setup_nodes.go:15 +0xb9*Spec).runSample()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/spec/spec.go:193 +0x2f2*Spec).Run()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/spec/spec.go:138 +0x187*SpecRunner).runSpec()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/specrunner/spec_runner.go:200 +0x17b*SpecRunner).runSpecs()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/specrunner/spec_runner.go:170 +0x235*SpecRunner).Run()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/specrunner/spec_runner.go:66 +0x145*Suite).Run()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/internal/suite/suite.go:79 +0x839
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/ginkgo_dsl.go:229 +0x357
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/ginkgo_dsl.go:217 +0x125
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0x148
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x202

Previous read at 0x00c000b2c968 by goroutine 67:*ProgressiveRolloutReconciler).syncApp()
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0x175*ProgressiveRolloutReconciler).Reconcile()
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0x76c
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/fmt/print.go:806 +0x28fa
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/fmt/print.go:865 +0xf37
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/fmt/print.go:712 +0x284
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/fmt/print.go:1026 +0x330
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/fmt/print.go:219 +0x73*ProgressiveRolloutReconciler).Reconcile()
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0xed8*ProgressiveRolloutReconciler).Reconcile()
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0xbbc*Controller).reconcileHandler()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:293 +0x42a*Controller).processNextWorkItem()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:248 +0x368*Controller).Start.func1.1()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:211 +0x64
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/fmt/print.go:1026 +0x330
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/fmt/print.go:219 +0x73*ProgressiveRolloutReconciler).Reconcile()
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0xed8*ProgressiveRolloutReconciler).Reconcile()
      /Users/ruio/go/src/ +0xbbc*Controller).reconcileHandler()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:293 +0x42a*Controller).processNextWorkItem()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:248 +0x368*Controller).Start.func1.1()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:211 +0x64
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:185 +0x4e
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:155 +0x75
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:156 +0xba
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:133 +0x114
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:185 +0xb3
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/util/wait/wait.go:99 +0x64

Goroutine 50 (running) created at:
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1238 +0x5d7
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1511 +0xa6
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1193 +0x202
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1509 +0x612
      /usr/local/opt/go/libexec/src/testing/testing.go:1417 +0x3b3
      _testmain.go:95 +0x356

Goroutine 67 (running) created at:*Controller).Start.func1()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:208 +0x6e4*Controller).Start()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/internal/controller/controller.go:218 +0x264*controllerManager).startRunnable.func1()
      /Users/ruio/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/manager/internal.go:659 +0xe3
 SUCCESS! 23.129771481s --- FAIL: TestController (23.15s)
    testing.go:1092: race detected during execution of test
coverage: 73.8% of statements

Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 1m4.201436219s
Test Suite Failed
make: *** [test] Error 1

Fix k8sClient in test

According to the latest kubebuilder book about writing test

Note that we set up both a “live” k8s client, separate from the manager. This is because when making assertions in tests, you generally want to assert against the live state of the API server. If you used the client from the manager (k8sManager.GetClient), you’d end up asserting against the contents of the cache instead, which is slower and can introduce flakiness into your tests. We could use the manager’s APIReader to accomplish the same thing, but that would leave us with two clients in our test assertions and setup (one for reading, one for writing), and it’d be easy to make mistakes.

We should change to use a different client.

Inconsistent object declaration

We are not consistent when we declare a new object.

Sometimes we do something like

pr := deploymentskyscannernetv1alpha1.ProgressiveRollout{}

and sometimes we do

pr := &deploymentskyscannernetv1alpha1.ProgressiveRollout{}

We agreed on using the first format because then it's very explicit when you need to pass a reference to it. For example

if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &pr); err != nil {...}

is more clear then

if err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, pr); err != nil {...}

Add targets selection logic

Add functions to retrieve the targets selection. We should be able to test it in isolation, outside the reconciliation loop.

Add pause

Users might want to pause a rollout in a break-glass scenario.
The spec looks like

  paused: true

In this case, the desired behavior is to just don't reconcile this object anymore until we change the spec back (or set paused: false) and reflect this in the status.
By default pause should be false.

Fix test structure

During #25 we agreed on a writing the unit tests in the following format

for _, testCase := range testCases {
		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
			got := Scheduler(testCase.apps, testCase.stage)
			g := NewWithT(t)

This allow to run the test individually and we get one output per test (see #25 (comment))

We need to make sure we use this style for every unit test.

Add Application and Secret watch

A change to ArgoCD Applications or Clusters (kubernetes secrets) needs to trigger a reconciliation loop, but only for the resources owned by the ApplicationSet defined in the ProgressiveRollout CRD


[ ] Add sourceRef in the ProgressiveRollout CRD
[ ] Add watches for Applications and Secrets
[ ] Filter only owned Applications and Clusters
[ ] Add additional rbac rules

CodeQL fails on dependabot PRs

See for example

 Error: Workflows triggered by Dependabot on the "push" event run with read-only access. Uploading Code Scanning results requires write access. To use Code Scanning with Dependabot, please ensure you are using the "pull_request" event for this workflow and avoid triggering on the "push" event for Dependabot branches. See for more information on how to configure these events.

Race condition during testing

Found this during CI from #78
The test [It] should forward events for owned applications is failing because (I think) the namespace is global but reset before each test, which could lead to a race condition where the namespace is changed during the reconcile loop and ends up being inconsistent.

The namespace is set here:

and the test is performed here:

Investigate flaky `[It] should forward an event for a matching argocd secret `

Sometimes this test fails as in

ProgressiveRollout Controller requestsForSecretChange function [It] should forward an event for a matching argocd secret 

      <int>: 0
  to equal
      <int>: 1



We should investigate and either fix the test or document why this flakiness is OK and expected.

This issue has been reported by @nebojsa-prodana as well.

Scope the controller to a single namespace

We coded the controller under the assumption that is running in a single namespace but we've seen instances where we have multiple Applications or ProgressiveSync under different namespaces interfering with each other (#103).
We also want to run multiple controller versions in the same cluster under different namespaces so we can test a new version without impacting every customer.

However, we didn't do the proper setup as per In particular, we're not passing the required Namespace to the manager and we might also want to watch a specific set of namespaces only.

We need two CLI flags to specify two different namespaces:

  • the namespace where the controller is running (default to the ArgCD default namespace, argocd)
  • the namespace where ArgoCD is running, since we need to watch its Applications and Secrets

When we do this change we also need to change the Helm Chart because if it's namespace scoped we don't need a ClusterRole and a ClusterRoleBinding but just a Role and a RoleBinding.

Rename the controller before cutting the alpha release

There is an ongoing discussion about incubating this project under the official argoproj-labs organization as per argoproj/argoproj#25

One of the feedback we got from the community is that the argocd-progressive-rollout name might be confusing for the Argo users.

We should rename this project before cutting an alpha version:

Add the ability to cancel a rollout

We need a way to signal to the APS that a progressive rollout is cancelled by a user.

That includes a new final state (Cancelled) and some way of notifying the APS object of the cancellation.

Pass context in reconciliation methods instead of defining a new one

We have few methods of our ProgressiveRolloutReconciler structure which they need a context.

Instead of using the context defined inside the Reconcile method, we re-define it as a background context. This mean we lose all the information about the deadlines if we ever need to cancel the context for whatever reason.

We should instead propagate the context to the dependent methods

Remove predicate.GenerationChangedPredicate{}

In #96 we added a predicate to the For responsible for sending ProgressiveSync events.
While that helped us moving forward, it means the controller is not able to auto-heal in case something changes the CRD Status.
We should remove the predicate and make the reconciliation loop idempotent, so it should converge over time to the desired state.

Add ProgressiveSync failed status

When a progressive sync is completed, the controller sets the CRD status to Completed.

In the case when a stage fails, the controller doesn't have the logic to set the progressive sync to Failed. We already have a scheduler function to determine if the stage is failed, we need to update the ProgressiveSync object.

Add sync Application logic

Add the logic to tell ArgoCD to sync a target Application. We should document on which approach we are taking before implementing it.


Add well-known sorting when selecting targets

The target selection returns the list as we get that from the controller-runtime client. We should have a predictable order because

  • easier to test
  • easier to debug
  • if we released bad code we make sure we always update the same clusters first, reducing MTBF

Note that we don't want the same order for every ProgressiveRollout CRD as we would end up having the same "canary" cluster for every service. Using the PR CRD name as seed might be a good idea

Add clusters status in stage status

In #8 we introduced the concept of status.stages.

To complete the information about the status of each stage, we should extend status.stages with information about the cluster status.

It should look like

    - name: canary in emea
      phase: Completed
      message: Stage completed
        - cluster-1-eu-west-1a-1
        - cluster-2-eu-central-1b-1
        - cluster-1-eu-west-1a-1
      requeued: []
      failed: []
        - cluster-2-eu-central-1b-1
      startedAt: 2019-07-10T08:23:18Z
      finishedAt: 2019-07-10T08:40:18Z

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