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tsl2nano's Introduction

TSL2 Html5 Application Framework

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  • pure model implementation + platform independence (naked objects, works on android, too).
  • small, having as less as possible static dependencies to other libraries
  • using with zero code possible
  • everything has a default - all defaults are configurable (Convention over Configuration)
  • application, session and entity behaviors are configurable
  • implementation through simple java beans + optional bean presenters
  • you develop ui independent, but are able to use ui dependent extensions.
  • no new language to learn. knowing html5 allows to improve layout and styling.
  • navigates through given beans, showing bean-lists and bean-detail dialogs.
  • resolves all bean/entity relations to be browsed.
  • navigation can be a configurable workflow - or simply an entity browser
  • pre-defines formatting, validation and presentation of relations
  • pure html-5 (no javascript, only html5-scripting-api for websockets)
  • jvm scripts like javascript, groovy and python can be included by rules using the java scriptengine
  • using websockets to show status messages, input-assist and dependency field or timer refreshing
  • using websockets to provide a chat system
  • pure jpa - jpa-annotations are read to resolve attribute-presentation
  • independent of a special o/r mapper. all o/r mappers supporting javax.persistence with an EntityManager are usable.
  • simple database replication on user-loaded data - offline working possible
  • full key-navigation (shortcuts)
  • framework designs interfaces and provides extendable implementations
  • useable as standalone or web-service (with offline access), can connect to application-server or works standalone.
  • many features through nano.common, and nano.incubation like a rule, sql, action engine, network executor etc.
  • resolves all external (jdbc-drivers, etc.) jar-dependencies on runtime on an available network connection
  • handling blobs of data (byte[]) to be presented in html as picture, audio, video or object.
  • providing attributes as virtuals (not bound to a real bean-attribute, rule-expressions, sql-query-expressions and RESTful-service-call-expressions
  • automatic translations through network connection
  • secure connection over https and wss (_app.ssl.activate=true)
  • supporting yaml on environment and bean configurations.
  • update mechanism
  • injecting own logic on the forms html dom document
  • inject onw logic in all phases of presenting through annotations
  • show complex dialogs through websockets to edit beans without leaving the current page
  • REST service for access/modification of all loaded entities


Documentation of Submodules



application+datbase-login entity-attribute-configuration entity-browser entity-configuration entity-detaildialog entity-searchdialog

tsl2nano's People




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tsl2nano's Issues

all historic issues


  • [v] BeanCollector.createItem() --> replace common BeanUtils call to be able to run on android

  • [v] main arguments: bean-jar, jdbc-url, user, passwd

  • [v] Show count of items

  • [v] Navigation Links have Problems

  • [v] show logging

  • [v] visible icons read by page

  • [v] Button-Panel for

  • [v] Use Xml-Configuration for BeanDefinitions

    • [v] Print
    • [v] Export
    • [v] select all
    • [v] deselect all
  • [v] Use Environment

  • [v] Extend BeanContainer:

    • [-] new action: 'getValueBetween()'
    • [v] extend all finders with start index (see maxresult) to have a result range
    • [v] beancollector with next() and previous() data (using 'start' index and 'maxresult')
  • [v] tooltips for buttons

  • [v] check running in java 7

  • [v] add java-compiler (tools.jar, 12MB) of jdk6

  • [v] create ide for sample project

  • [v] If search result is only one element, select it

  • [v] hibernate-tools: (solved through beancollector.createNewItem() setting UUID

  • [v] on multiple selection, put all selected elements to the stack

  • [v] Problem: creating a new element, copying an existing one, one-to-many connections will be lost

  • Dependencies

    • [v] Log and LogFactory
    • [v] DefaultFormat: StandardToStringStyle and ToStringBuilder
    • [v] StringUtil --> BeanUtil
    • [v] BeanClass --> StringUtil --> CollectionUtil --> DefaultFormat
  • [v] extract jars through constants

  • (x) Application Menu: reset (--> caches, environment, navigation), restart, login, logout

  • (x) default attribute names without @id field

  • (x) Nesting Beans

  • (x) Bean with Layout

  • [v] Right-Alignments for Numbers

  • Problem on NanoHttp cancelling button panel (sometimes)

  • [-] Check for single selection

  • Check navigation (check input on button action like 'open' without selecting an item. At the moment it will return to the last bean)

  • Styling (Collector, Details)

  • Show Progress-Page (using Statistics)

  • Html-Table:

    • [v] Sorting-Header
    • [v] Previous, Next
    • Style (of sorting header etc.)
    • up, down (for sorting values)
  • configure to have generated IDs

  • read documentation

  • Searches on big data:

    • first count data
    • [v] button to show one-to-many in table
    • use thread to be interupted
  • [v] internal export and view (replacing ant-like variables and showing the document)

  • generate const class from property file

  • (x) create xsd through CommonTest with trang.jar

  • (x) add configuration action (html-tool to edit xml files)

    • ConfigBeanContainer to configure BeanDefinition for special beans
  • Nice-To-Have

    • eval validation annotations
    • BeanPresenterHelper: test OptionsWrapper
    • min-search-field + button ==> max-search-field visible. standard: filtering with astericks
    • add navigation to new sub-class of beandefinition
    • create wiki-logger
    • envolve logictable and/or tableprocessor
    • create GenericOperator from SOperator to read available Operations from xml.
    • eval language per session
  • Refactoring:

    • [v] RegularExpressionFormat ==> RegExpFormat
    • [v] refactore ScriptUtil: extract Ant calls
    • [v] util.bean ==> bean
    • extract bean-package as project
    • nano.h5 ==> fullrelation
    • [?] refactore environment property names to use logic path-algorithm
    • (x) file-access: use Environment.getResource() reading through jar or file system
    • extract api
  • Interfaces:

    • java-interface-jar filled with BeanProxy to be used as mocks
    • reading xsd through dom - creating beandefinitions (as xml)
    • BeanEnhancer enhancing Beans having only attributes with getters/setters
  • Replication / Offline

    • [-] FileBeanContainer serializing all lists of all BeanCollectors
    • [-] GenericBeanContainer using filled FileBeanContainer re-attaching all serialized bean lists
    • mechanism to synchronize local and remote database - no serialization needed.
  • Validate against Html5-xsd in debug mode

  • include LogicTable?

  • (x) check starting application multiple times

    • depends on the datamodel: gruppe --> grupperolle(only for specific gruppe) --> rolle
      • The new item has to be put to the list of it's parent container. This list has to be saved before the new item!
      • The beancollector now holds a
  • Problem: Filtering on Entities doesn't work (findBetween is not able to do a between for 'entity-columns')

  • [v] Problem: Filtering BeanCollectors of Entities doesn't work after sorting twice

  • internationalization: english RegExpFormat on date, date-time

  • [v] remove config path from environment (-->transient)

  • dynamic jar-loading inside used standard jars does not work without static entry in manifest

  • Argo-UML 0.34

    • how to create ddl from model
  • PowerDesigner

    • [v] create ant-script:
      • [v] sql-statements with ddl
      • [v] hibtool hbm2java
      • [v] replace jdbc-connection-properties
      • [v] start nano.h5
      • jmeter integration test
      • automated crud test (pushing search/new/delete buttons for all entity types), profiling and counting errors in log-file
  • multiple type/format evaluation in BeanValue (new member for type?) Presentable and BeanPresentationHelper

  • (x) permission configuration

  • waiting message - new thread, answering on finish (e.g. on generating)

  • provide last exception of log-file

  • use actual h2 or hsqldb

  • [-] extend layout-managment for nested beans <- extend your bean-definition with attributes of other beans.

  • (x) generic navigation through hsql statements

  • bean navigation actions


    • hsqldb 1.8 is not able to do select max(count(color)) from Colors group by color
    • hibernate3 is - on special circumstances - not able to load fields with empty ('') strings. This results in an java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 0
    • failure: presentable.layout --> simple-xml: Transform of class java.util.LinkedHashMap not supported
    • [v] failure: sorting numbers/currencies sorts as strings
    • BeanPresentationHelper.defineAdditionalAttributes(): how to avoid javaassist class
    • presentation not written to xml --> see first failure
    • every bean gets a new beandef copy with copies of attributedefs --> attributedef evaluations for every bean!
    • one-to-many: if no cascade-type is defined,the attribute should not be editable!
  • hibernate-tools generates id-beans like times-->timesid.

    • (x) check for @id is no standard-java-type and is true
      • (x) BeanPresentationHelper fills all id-bean fields as virtuals to the main bean
  • on export, the filtered names (like id) are given --> nullpointer

  • performance/memory: create only specific bean/beanvalue instances for changed values - use definition-instances if possible.

  • field-order of bean-def may change after new compile --> serializing/deserialings will differ, see CommonTest

  • Value class extends attributedefinition and beanvalue

  • RuleAttr --> RuleValue?

  • temp value registering through environment

  • all generic interfaces registered in environment (IAttributeDefinition, IBeanDefinition, IBeanContainer, ..) to be extendable

  • [v] refactore attribute-def-hierarchy: attributedefinition should not extend beanattribute. what to do with beanvalue?

    • how to fill virtual beans ? default-values may be checked with errors, serializings...?
  • AttributeConfiguration with value-expression

  • Views with expression as listing output

    • DirectSQL: SQL or HQL
    • TableProcessor
    • LogivView: LogicTable
  • JMeter as macro configuration

  • [-] html-frames as perspective (left side: beans and views)

  • [v] refactore ForwardedException. delete FormattedException. Stacktrace with member-info

  • ParseObject <-- Bean(Map)


    • test with multi values - using best id's

    • [-] test on android

    • languages

    • on appserver

  • spalten-layout tag: section (landscape, portrait), max-rowcount

  • detail hintergrund-bild

  • ve mit ? ???

  • konfig format

  • Expectable-Data? Convention-Master-Developer?

  • TAGs: crud, grud, crud2gui, crud2html, bean2html, entity2html, bean2gui, entity2gui, jpa2gui, jpa2html, jpa persistence provider, openjpa, hibernate, datanucleus, eclipselink, data-editor, data-sheet, entity browser, jpa2, full stack framework, orm, o/r mapper

  • perhaps use before invoking maven-repository

  • in jdk1.7 it is possible to close a classloader (unlocking and reloading jar-files is now possible). but the URLClassLoader doesn't use this mechanism yet.

  • [v] NetworkClassLoader should recognize resources (e.g. for loggers) to avoid reloading from network every time.

  • ebean uses an own query language but is able to 'parse' an ansi sql statement

  • ormlite needs field-annotations - while hibernate-tools only create property/method annotations

  • [v] problems on event 'onchange' with value = 'function() {...}' on attachments

  • problems on de/-serializing 'EventController'

  • create uml documentation (websockets, bean-package)

  • [v] changing beandefs value expression will not change attributes value expressions.

  • TODO

  • wenn �bernehmen aktiv, diesen button als default deklarieren

  • [?] l�schen: navigations-fehler

  • collector mehrfach verwendet --> nav nicht als set

  • [v] jpa: was, wenn collection-joincolumn nullable = false? <== composition!

  • [v] persist von composition-kette

  • [v] ve von composition darf nicht id sein - da bei neu-anlage erst mit parent erstellt

  • [v] enum.toString() mit Punkten (siehe Festsetzungsmethode)

  • l�schen von transientem und persistentem composite l�uft manchmal schief!

  • deaktivieren von neuen composites zeigt nicht erw�nschtes ergebnis an

  • [v] verwende incubation-rule in constraint (-->check())

  • [v] verwende incubation-rule in bean (-->check())

  • [v] attribute.presentable +isSearchable

  • lose kopplung von apache fop?

  • Verwendung von sourceforges Admin/MySQL Webhosting

  • Untersuche Verwendung von sourceforge VHost (

  • declaration over programmation

  • print-Verzeichnis: Suche nach jrxml und xsl-fo

  • rule-definition: Zur Anbindung anderer rule-engines

  • [v] fade-in, fade-out

  • [v] show if application was stopped

  • (x) show message if offline

  • where to use instrumentation agents?

  • [v] how to ignore unset primitive search attributes?

  • add database-logging to genericservice (if exist 'Log'-Table: user: action, bean-diff old and new)

  • evaluate reverse tools:

  • create jars for:

    • weltjar (getjar, NetworkingClassloader, main with instrumentation and input)
    • schalentier (ant + shell.xml + tsl2nano.common)
    • w�hler: menuitem
    • verteiler: vNet

  • avoid dump of bean PersistenceUI$8 < simple-xml exception

  • create shell like main()-methods on util classes

    • getjar, crypt, print, net, XmlUtil, currencyUtil, ByteUtil, Profiler, ConcurrentUtil, SchedulerUtil, GeneratorUtility, NumericConditionOperator
    • ScriptTool/Util, RulePool, neuron, routing, workflow, equationsolver, vector3d
  • jarresolver jars into sub-modules (--> filemonitor on file-tree)

  • jarresolver creating pom.xml for all modules

  • Refactorings:

    • AttributeDefinition --> Attribute
    • BeanValue --> Value
    • Bean --> AttributeContainer
    • Bean soll BeanDefinition referenzieren und nicht erben
    • Value soll Attribute referenzieren und nicht erben
  • mybook: wcopy + concat files(date) + fop:xhtml2fo.xsl

  • MDA Steps

    • use any tool to create an uml class diagram with persistent stereotypes and export an xmi file
    • generate a ddl file from xmi through xsl transformation
    • generate java class files through the ddl file with hibernate or openjpa
    • use tsl2nano to have a full application through the generated model
      • adapt the standard gui-design (xml-files) of tsl2nano to fit your requirements
  • Note: xmi2ddl.xls no script found

h3. Tools

h4. Permutator

Source: collection of strings
Transf: action to transform source-string
swap : whether to swap keys and values
Dest : property map with: source-string=transformation
Trial : action on each dest-key, checking if action-result equals key-value
: distributing the work to many stations

Etc:Connection-->IConnection(core, descriptor)
Net:Connection-->Link-->Cover(content, descriptor)

  • Terminal:
    ** status-bar: space, time, time-last-action, count(items-changed), user
    ** own jar file
    ** network classloader
    ** (x) if only one item available --> select it
    ** file-selector
    ** picture viewer (asciipicture)
    ** beanexaminer ;-)
  • [-] automatische Uebersetzungen einer ueber restful (--> Google �bersetzer)
  • Volltextsuche
  • Query wird bei jeder Aktion ausgef�hrt - um den Context zu aktualisieren
  • (x) Sequence (action through a selector)
  • xpath-selector
  • sql-selector
  • (x) shell: providing interactive parameter (e.g.: print printer=pdf, or 11 printer=pdf)
  • (x) reflect
  • checker (polling action)

TODO f�r zeiterfassung

  • [v] id --> sequence

  • [v] Vorbelegungen und Suche in Suchmaske (z.B. aktueller Monat <-- 'Merken')

  • [v] labels, tooltips not from presentable but from messages* charge=Erfassung, order: fromdate + wochentag, party-k�rzel, fromtime, totime, value, comment
    ** pause=(end-start)-value,
    ** -todate, -discharges
    ** dependeny: fromdate --> todate
    ** dependeny: totime --> value

  • Category: Art des Kunden

  • Area: Kunde

  • Type: Typ des Dienstes (meist Standard)

  • Classification: Klasse (frei, ?)

  • Item: Projekt (Standard)

  • messages �bersetzen

  • [v] +Bankverbindung (+Paypal, ...)

  • +Party.k�rzel

  • ER-Diagramme link

  • frm an online-model zum verlinken

  • Digital Identity (mail, twitter, homepage...)

  • [v] Bilder mit blob?

  • [v] Summenzeile (beandef oder columndef: + summarize=$feld1-$feld2)

  • Wochentage + unterschiedliche Farben am WE+Feiertage

  • DependencyListener f�r Stunden-Berechnung: Ende-Beginn

  • Sekunden entfernen

  • macros aufnehmen und abspielen

  • verschiedene workflows zur verf�gung stellen

  • datenbank-user --> benutzer --> session-context + actions

  • [v] Statistik eingeschr�nkt auf Suchparameter


  • erweiterte attribut-sortierung: von --> bis, string --> date --> time --> value --> timestamp --> blob

  • NanoTask, NanoProc, NanoLogic?

  • [-] TODO: simplexml --> xstream

  • [v] simplexml: type = java.lang.byte[] --> [B

  • how to show a pdf file inside the html response

  • interactions on svg-pictures?
    ** using jax-rs: javascript implementieren

  • Datenbank: +Version, +Benutzer+Rollen

  • Nano.H5 im Web-Container starten
    ** �ber Restful: nano.h5/start/config/8686
    ** als Servlet

  • QS (jenkins Probleme)
    ** Jacoco agent erstellt kein *.exec
    ** tests korrigieren
    ** Checkstyle warnungen bearbeiten

  • RasterBean like TslTableProcessor?

  • [v] Nesting panels in collectors

  • [v] Nesting Attributes

  • [v] Page for Environment

  • Triggers:
    ** [v] start search, if not more than 20 entries
    ** [-] create new, if no entry available
    ** [v] assign entry , if only one available

  • [v] show count on beancollectors

  • (x) Terminal: +pegdown (markdown processor)

  • home-page on: /home/user-web/s/sn/snieda/htdocs

  • Test App starten!

  • beandef.xsd in *.xml integrieren

  • terminal: flat mode (super-tree with selection e.g. 1.1.1)

  • [v] terminal: scans --> varargs like String...

  • (x) SecurityManager ausschalten und eigene policy in jar ausliefern

  • signing: probleme beim start von ant script reverseeng.xml: LogFactory

  • property jnlpx.origFilenameArg (how to get the root jar from jnlp)

  • admin-anyway.sql verlagern, damit es bei jnlp nicht angezogen wird

  • [v] jnlp: funktioniert erst beim zweiten Start <-- jars abwarten

  • was tun, wenn zum zweiten Mal generiert wird und schon Klassen in generated-src vorhanden sind? diese sind dann von jpa nicht ladbar.

  • doc+test rulescript, actionscript (javascript)

  • [v] kion: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: org.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value : de.eom.kion.beans.festsetzung.steuerakte.Austrittregel._austrittregel_BUNDESLANDIDBackref

  • Doc: Verwende am besten Chrome+Hibernate+Hsqldb

  • implement XmlPresentableConverter to provide readable xml files

  • test: create random data through lists with: german-names.lst, cities.lst, countries.lst, banks.lst

  • rules:
    ** [v] RuleCover
    ** integration of external rule engines like visual rules, drools
    ** entscheidungstabelle --> csv-Datei --> rule-xml, --> tree (graphviz)

  • trace: Runtime.traceInstructions

  • webstart: JAVA_VM_ARGS

  • SEO: page ranking mit Seorch, diagnoSEO

  • Argumentator --> GetOpts

  • [v] QueryResult, Statistics sollten wie BeanDefinition konfigurierbar sein.

  • [v] DecisionTableInterpreter --> Rule, LogicTable
    ** (x) table <--> tree
    ** table.rotate

  • BeanCollector --> LogicTable, LogicTableUI mit dependency listeners

  • FormattedLogFactory per session

  • java 8 Probleme:

    • ant start erst beim 2.mal
    • [v] javascript engine = null
  • [v] bean.action --> annotation

  • [v] bean.action(arguments) --> create Dialog for action arguments

  • do more integration of packages like timesheet - perhaps link to the zip file

  • (x) HOTFIX for image integration

  • Integration of REST(map of properties, with serialization) with XML/JSON response

  • store map/json to database (service-URL, fixed properties, user properties, result xml/json)

  • Html-Tree element (details+table+css?)

  • x/y --> svg

  • Statistics graph: select function (like sum, avg, ...), x-column/y-column

  • responsive design (table-->div+span+css)


  • WEB-INF/web..xml rausschmeissen
  • jar --> war
  • h5 bin --> WEB-INF/classes (Vorsicht: manchmal ex. classes/WEB-INF..., oder ...test)
    ** core Klassen mit nach WEB-INF/classes kopieren!
  • Es darf nur eine RestfulApplication in WEB-INF/classes... existieren
  • Alle nicht-jars aus jar-Hauptverzeichnis nach WEB-INF/classes verschieben
  • nach WEB-INF/lib: simple, common, direct, incubation websocket
  • serviceaccess nach WEB-INF/lib: Problem NamedQueryCache in Modul schon vorhanden <-- MANIFEST.MF l�schen
    • am besten serviceaccess in WEB-INF/classes, dann als resource nach .nano.h5
    • im JAX-RS den parent.class.path auf war-file setzen
    • serviceaccess: persistence.xml_ --> persistence.xml
  • serviceaccess: test raus
    ** abstractstatelessservice, genericservicebean, namedqueryservice, fileservicebean raus
  • jdbc-properties: wenn hsqldb dann default-schema PUBLIC


  • [v] CR werden aus type=text entfernt --> type=textarea
  • [v] Das Zeichen ` rausschmeissen
  • (x) AUTO_INCREMENT, LONGBLOB,... <-- hsqldb compatibility mode
  • mysql   : AUTO_INCREMENT must be before PRIMARY KEY
  • postgres: BYTEA
  • oracle  : Triggers with :NEW

erdplus: kann nichts allgemeines exportieren

  • [v] environment.keys

  • Messages.send uses ENV to evaluate the right exceptionhandler

  • only singelton beancontainer with one user

  • RegexFormat only with german formats

  • session hash id?

  • timesheet: pause

  • holidays, workdays

  • assign + cancel: new assignment will be shown

  • (x) timestamp --> date ?

  • Feiertage:
    ** [v]
    ** ICSCalendarImport implementieren

  • remove h5 test classes from jar

  • remove disabled buttons in menu

  • h2 db test

  • ICSImportCharge in timesheet Test (script) integrieren

  • export to ICS

  • (x) rest-call with ?-=-&

  • [v] correction on new actions not having mode-ok

  • [v] NEW: OneClick-Charger / Fast-Collector
    ** base-type, charge-type
    ** charge-type constraints
    ** value-attribute
    ** icon-attribute
    ** +-action showing sum(values)
    ** --action showing sum(values)
    ** o-action as reset
    ** list on top showing current actions
    ** customized button to charge customized base-types
    ** save-button
    ** storno-button

  • PROBLEM: loading definitions from file and using BeanClass.copy(src, dst) does not a deep copy!

  • (x) BeanContainer.instance() <-- use ThreadLocals

  • sometimes session-context.xml with Stackoverflow

  • Holiday import (file name/path, chargeitem)

  • workflow: organisation, ma, project

  • [v] pause --> UTC

  • +Charge.creation, Discharge.creation

  • [v] +Admin:see full bean (inclusive all attributes)

  • PROBLEM: value --> change-event should only do something if value is empty

  • (x) persistence.xml: javax.persistence.schema-generation.* properties

  • REST generator for each entity using BeanContainer

  • CRUD generator for each entity using REST

  • H2:
    ** [v] mda-->runServer.bat <-- define the h2-script-file
    ** [v] jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/PUBLIC
    ** LUCENE integration?

  • [v] HTTPS:
    ** keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias nanoh5 -keystore nanoh5.jks -storepass nanoh5 -keysize 2048 -ext SAN=DNS:localhost,IP: -validity 9999
    ** server.makeSecure(NanoHTTPD.makeSSLSocketFactory("nanoh5.jks", "nanoh5".toCharArray()), null);
    ** [ ] websockets (org.java_websockets) on wss:// not working
    ** [v] Chrome not working <-- GET + '/' redoing response

YAML --> ObjectMapper
MDA: manyToMany Error
slf-api Version (1.5.8 --> 1.7.5) Problem

  • [v] login for simple-remote users only with name and passwd
  • [v] more styling for pages
  • [v] how to inherit foreground-color?
  • principal not with simple wildcard but with regex
  • configuration: +AddVirtualAttribute
  • configuration->action: read annotations to show dropdowns etc.
  • top buttons invisible
  • top buttons -> aside
  • listener zerschiesst wert beim speichern
  • select-first-item: nur wenn nur ein item verf�gbar
  • beanconfigurator thread-safe
  • translate bundle --> onetime access
  • NanoSwiX? Nano + Switch (Schaltung (Defaults), Leitungen (Relationen)) + X (Anlehnung an Namen bei Asterix)
  • Icons ueber REST-Service global beschaffen?
  • Icons ueber ValueExpression Namen suchen
  • Ergebnis-Dienst, Tipp-Spiel:

h5.sessions,,, ConcurrentUtil -> Collections.synchronizedMap(.)
h5.builder �berfl�ssig
h5.serve synchronized raus
info: min --> sec
h5.request --> info tooltip
MapExpressionFormat.parseObject(..) --> ve.from() raus
ValueExpression.createInstance() --> Formatter?
BeanAttribute.wrap() --> Convertert?
BeanClass.createInstance() --> Formatter?
BeanContainer.createBeanInstance() --> Formatter?
FormatUtil <-- DefaultFormat <-- GenericParser <-- RegExpFormat
twice ant (ant-1.6.5) on running ant-task
hibernate not depending slf4j-simple --> ant-task error
[v] login ok-button not working on ALT-o
status-line with tooltip not working
MS InternetExplorer: first app login --> Inet6Address, second session request: Inet4Address
createDataTag, isData <-- iframe + srcdoc, +svg
integrating VNet as scripting rule with parameters
rule: attribute 'test' for specification on 'app.clean' or ''

Nano Sorry, your browser does not support inline SVG.

nalgox ?

Anyway : Allgemeine DB für timesheet, bestell+kasse, estore
EM-2016 :
Skill-DB :
eStore :
forum :
PhotoSharing :
Logbuch : Eintragung von Aktivitäten, Summierung+Statistiken
Haushaltsplan : Dienstplan und Eintragung letzter Aktivitäten (==>timesheet)
Nahrung : Erechne aus eingeg. Nahrung den Anteil von Stoffen am Tagesbedarf
Bestellung+Kasse: Bestellung+Kasse


TOOD: android (java?, datanucleus?),, EM-2016, neue apps (siehe unten)

Aufgabe (name, gewichtung, frequenz)
Teilnehmer (name)
Aktion(teilnehmer, aufgabe, datum)
Plan(teilnehmer, aufgabe, datum)

Teilnehmer (name)
Eintrag (datum, Kategorie, Werte-Typ, Wert, Einheit, Beschreibung, Bild)

--Zeiterfassung (anyway):
Organisation -> Betrieb, Mandant
Party -> Mitarbeiter
Category -> Art des Kunden
Area -> Kunde
Type -> Typ des Dienstes
Item -> Projekt
Classification ->
Charge -> Zeiteintrag
Discharge -> Abrechnung

--Bestellung+Kasse (anyway):
Organisation -> Betriebe
Party -> Betrieb/Admin/Mitarbeiter / Kunde
Mission -> Bedienung etc
Category -> Reservierung / Bestellung
Area -> z.B. Lokal/Restaurant
Type -> Nicht definiert / Getränk / veg. Speisen / Speisen / Nachtisch ...
Item -> z.B. Tisch 1 o. Wasser
Classification -> schnelle Lieferung / Standard
Charge -> Anfrage (Bestellung, Reservierung)
Discharge -> Kasse

--Haushalt (anyway):
Organisation -> Haus
Party -> Bewohner
Category -> Typ der Einteilung (Zimmer/Keller, ...)
Area -> Einteilung (Wohnzimmer o.ä.)
Type -> Typ der Aktion (Wischen)
Item -> Gegenstand (K�chenherd)
Classification ->
Charge -> Aktion pro Zeit in bezug auf Gegenstand
Discharge -> Abgeltung

jar-file: #anyway.jar
--> javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named genericPersistenceUnit

Problem bei Eingabe im Timesheet wahrscheinlich in:

  • User-Agent(Mobile) (store in Session-Thread) in Html5BeanPresentation as filter?

  • ERROR: persistence loaded in nano app instead of session - using this on all sessions
    -> eigentlich correct implementiert, siehe NanoH5.connect(..)

  • Schulverwaltung (Noten-Listen):

    • Klassen-Raum
      • Resource
    • Kontroll-Enum
    • Status-Enum
    • Durchschnitts-Noten pro Schueler
    • Durchschnitts-Note pro Kontrolle
    • Durchschnitts-Note, Anzahl-Sch�ler pro Klasse
    • Note für Schüler zusammengesetzt aus Kontrollen
  • Schulplanung?

YAML2DDL (mapOfMaps):
id: primary-key
default: 1

keywords: class, from, until, order, table, column, view, like

TODO: yaml --> @PostConstruct

YAML: howto invoke initSerialization() + initDeserialization() (32 occurrencies)

constraints on methodaction: +predefined sets (all classes, all beans, all bean-attributes)
create standard actions: print, crypt, etc.
fill messages.properites with all configurator action names


  • download
  • run with name
  • model from ponyorm
  • copy as database
  • ok --> create environment
  • model: item, party... -> icon, value-expression, attribute order
  • model: charge -> create compositor


  • rename, run photo
  • memorize user
  • set layout: style=background-image: url(icons/beanex-logo.jpg)
  • value-groups
  • create slq-query: project statistics
  • create rule: weekday-color
  • create rule: calc-hours
  • admin=false, secure=true
  • color-theme
  • adding a REST-attribute

- previous->next: java-action-script (like "copy old env.xml", "remove property")

- [v] sql
- [v] formula extensions
- [v] labels
- growing fields

- (x) create transient default entries to be saved by controller actions
- AsciiSignature: mit sub-zero

analyse integration with REST etc.

(x) maven+refactoring TODO:
- [v] integration test NanoH5
- (x) jars: war, sign, standalone, pure, sishell
- [v] Cp1252 -> UTF-8
- [ ] clean code (unused imports etc.)
- [v] Test timing app
- [?] dependencies (ant+hibernate -> javax validation-api)
- [-] build: replace src/resources/ with maven build
- [v] release

derby.jar + derbynet.jar aus JAVA_HOME/db/lib kopieren
runServer: java -jar org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl start %*
java -cp *

  • jta1.1


  • test.html
  • file-upload-test.htm
  • *.grn

refresh default-resources.jar

[v] refresh MANIFEST.MF in h5:
Application-Name: Nano.H5
Application-redirect: /download
Permissions: all-permissions

  • [v] log info for extract

on external database, anyway-scripts are used 'anyway'

  • Bean: multi-instance holder?

  • [v] PROBLEM: style.template saved as UTF-8 becomes NULNULNUL at the end on saving it in environment.xml

  • [v] NanoHandler -> replace Loader or Main-Class in h5 manifest

  • [v] test timesheet with rulecover

  • test EntityReplication with JMockit

  • [v] int test: shell.xml not found by mda.xml

  • int test: DelegationHander in environment.xml

  • deploy 2.1.3 EINZELNE KOMPONENTEN, pom fehlt!!!

  • [v] merge inspection brunch

  • create tag 2.1.5

  • (x) don't try to reload unresolved classes!

  • [v] no script engine on jdk8

  • (x) &.*; wird in tables angezeigt...

  • (x) button size ???

  • (x) useSideNav > 3 buttons

  • (x) resorting fetched data

  • [v] compositor -> RunnableExpression.setValue() -> UnsupportedOperation

  • timesheet test: presentations without jpa informations (e.g. nullable=true)

  • test in android

  • [-] vNet jar vervollständigen (Classfinder: find all implementations)

  • (x) vNet in terminal

  • (x) error on actions in sidenavbar if more than 3

  • Statistik aus Haushalt in TimesheetTest einfügen

  • [v] Ablauf (Undo/Rdo -> Repeat)

  • Migration 1.1.0 -> 2.1.3

  • (!) alle environment jar-files löschen - ausser dem generierten beans jar file

  • [v] ClassFinder -> InputStream.readLine -> NPE <- install new jdk8 version

  • [v] policy file problem <- java_home to jre

  • (!) de.tsl2.nano.DefaultFormat -> de.tsl2.nano.core.util.DefaultFormat

  • (!) de.tsl2.nano.messaging.ChangeEvent -> de.tsl2.nano.core.messaging.ChangeEvent

  • [v] de.tsl2.nano.h5.timesheet.ActionImportHolidays in test ?

  • Message beim Öffnen, Schliessen, Neu, ...

  • Zeitmessung falsch

  • Exception 'collection is empty but must contain at least one item'

  • quicksearch schränkt such-ergebnis nicht ein

  • [v] Performance bei BeanCollector.onActivation

  • [v] ETimer -> keine Entity? <- from, until muss umbenannt werden

  • [v] Relationen alle als Binary <- bijective manytoone, joincolumn

  • [v] jarFile mit Suchvorschlägen aus sql, jar funzt nicht, wegen falscher BeanValue-instance

  • [v] ref. RuleCover --> bean extracting super class AttributeCover (RulePool is in specification)

  • [v] Test new annotations

  • [v] Test attachments

  • test https and use it as default

  • [v] check, why NanoWebSocketServer is not connected to client

  • [v] gimmicks not as default!

  • what if table not loaded, but gimmick active?

  • [v] Controller: go straight into the most reasonable entity and show directly all actions

  • h2-lucene integration <-- problem in h2

  • [-] hibernate-lucene integration (since hib 5.0)

  • [v] show picture instead of valueexpression

  • [v] send broadcast)only to users defined by a rule (message context defined by rule, too)
    WebsocketExceptionHandler.server.session.main.sessions with websocket.address = session.address
    send bean attribute to session.authorization

  • error in configuration? <-- only on first start + initialization

  • sidebar button layout correction

  • [v] application.html without https

  • [?] Verlaufs-Graph?

  • file or media from Mobile client not transferred

Apps auf Serverway:

  • [v] logbook --> git

  • [v] haushalt : 8067/9003

  • [v] timesheet: 8068/9004

  • exam : 8069/9093 connection refused <-- wrong/duplicate h2.jar libraries, users.xml?

  • ergdi : 8070/9095: npe: jarfile not found <-- jar-file selector true not working

  • photo : 8071/9097 npe: environment.xml corrupt <-- wrong System LANG, LANGUAGE so Date cannot be loaded

  • skiller : 8072/9096: message 'object event'

  • EM-2016 : 8073/9092

  • logbook : 8074/9094

  • GENERELL auf Serverway: Speicher-Problem <-- Xmx512 -> Xmx256

  • [v] restart-all -> reset-all +restart +backup

  • BeanConfigurator.actionCreateController testen

  • Translation uses random language

  • [v] anyway.sql +Mission, +Charge->Location

  • Date.toString() <-- LANG, LANGUAGE --> LocalDate verwenden <--java.sql.Date eingebaut

  • app backup: service.url raus und app.update.last nur als Date

  • login funzt bei transferrierten apps nicht

  • linux+openjdk10: NoClassDefFoundError java.sql.Blob

    • --add-modules ALL-MODULES ALL-DEFAULT ALL-SYSTEM java.sql not solving
    • --limit-modules java.base,java.sql not solving
    • dos2unix on, runServer.cmd, *.sql?
    • createusers.sql as root?
    • slf4j logger problem in
  • population 23.8.: ~7.600.314.137 (

  • OWASP-ZAP message: SQL-injection possible <- websocket info text

  • action-logging + exceptions as link, exception-stack on client: remove that on production mode

  • hsqldb/h2 server only local availability on default!

    • java -cp path/to/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.ServerAcl path/to/acl.txt
  • websocket info text not in production mode!

  • date/time stamps on current time/date

  • beancontainer list height constraints

  • presenting key/values -> 1:key, 2:value

  • timesheet: pause field not working

  • h5 tests don't shutdown java h5 app

  • h5 sign=false in maven properties

  • sidenav button: width: 100%

  • logbook auf heroku deployen

  • [v] create own velocity-maven-plugin: generator-maven-plugin

  • [v] velocity template for spring-data-rest repositors with finders for all attributes

  • velocity template for tsl2 to generate rest interfaces with annotations for all entities resolved by a util through resteasy

  • [v] velocity template for tsl2 to generate thymeleaf templates for each entity

  • velocity template for tsl2 to generate openapi-tools rest yaml-documents for swagger

  • [v] create maven archetype

  • [v] encapsulate common: collection+tree, (action, execution), generator

  • [v] GeneratorMojo: Refactore PackageGenerator.main -> ACodeGenerator.main

  • [v] JobServerTest wieder aktivieren

  • NanoH5ITTest: ant-run im post-integration-test stoppen

  • Version 2.3.0 auf serverway testen und release erstellen

  • test archetype:generate mit net.sf.tsl2nano:tsl2.nano.archetype

    • [v] neues project setzt falsche groupid/artefactid (von parent) <-- pom: resource filter=false?
    • bei mvn clean install wird anyway generiert, websocket ist nicht ansprechbar
    • nach erneutem start über (falscher jar-file name) ist login nicht möglich , wegen falschem login/passwd
  • test mavengenerator+tsl2spring-archetype
    [v] index und controller nicht startbar <-- mvn install muss ein zweites mal ausgeführt werden
    [x] wo werden bean java klassen generiert? class files sind vorhanden <-- absolut path in project

    [ ] util: class.isMaterlizable() <-- Class.isLocalOrAnonymous() Modifier.isAbstract
    [ ] util: getImplementations(Class)

  • xml-formatting (using enums)

    • ENV: ElementMapUnion on property-tag
    • LogFactory: levels as enums
    • IPresentable type and style as enums
  • LibClassloader extracting all files in directory unpack

  • tutorials for generator mavengenerator and gp

  • bibliothek: grc, bat, graphene, media-beschreibung: m3u, links, ...


  • [v] jarresolver is not able to download maven-zip correctly (file is empty) <-- url to maven-bin-zip changed
  • [v] online refresh
  • [-] add mvn search from sonatype: e.g.: ''
  • heroku.logbook: login is not possible!!!
  • after bugfixing: test deployment of logbook on heroku
  • [-] tsl2.nano.instrumentation: test ScriptAgentIT
  • tsl2.nano.instrumentation: add classfinder
  • fix cross site scripting bug
  • replace application-cache mf with service workers
  • [v] ask before downloading through jarresolver
    • [v] extend websocket to do background dialog communication
  • add undo/redo mechansim through cursus and provide it through menu
  • fix the time-info in status-line
  • heroku.logbook: Caused by: Password verification failed at
  • WebSocketExceptionHandler aufräumen und nochmal response testen
  • [v] NanoH5AttachmentTest wieder aktivieren
  • show help on url commands
  • [v] copy to github (git clone --bare/mirror {old rep} --> push --mirror {new rep})
  • translate button in administration
  • [v] navigation styling
  • help -> graph datamodel like ponyorm
  • help on compositor, controller
  • admin-button: show beancollectors for : not-default, only-virtuals, all
  • memorized values are present - but too late so dialog shows up
  • oldstyle tables are active. style the .table to be centered, double-click on rows not working


  • CSheet with action/query/rule sql-statements
  • create Compositor
  • create Controller
  • test on add Attribute (rule/web/ etc.)
  • test add Action (rule/action/web etc.)
  • test on add listener
  • test Scripttool with named result (as MyName)
  • [v] cumulate integration test to be covered by Jacoco
  • [v] fix h2 server shutdown <- database is shutdown, the external h2 application must stop
  • htmlunit test for configuration


  • [v] fromValueMap() implementieren (full json support for beans!)

    • [v] +BeanDefinition.strict: import all attributes!
  • [v] dynamic REST implementation

  • [-] show REST infos on bean

  • [v] NanoHtmlUnitTest in anderem Verzeichnis starten - Kollision und 10 Sekunden entfernen

  • Lucene Test aktivieren

  • auf GitHub hosten

  • manuell testen (auf serverway deployen)

  • [v] release hochladen

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