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Fast unsafe collections for memory reuse by stack type. Adding elements without overhead when increasing Capacity. Can also be used in as classic collection with resizing or on a custom memory allocator.

License: MIT License

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collections memory-management stack analysis roslyn-analyzer roslyn-generator list queue unsafe-code netcore allocator memory-allocation stackmemorycollections csharp csharp-sourcegenerator roslyn source-generator fast-collections

stackmemorycollections's Introduction


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Fast unsafe collections for memory reuse by stack type. Adding elements without overhead when increasing Capacity. Can also be used in as classic collection with resizing or on a custom memory allocator.

Allows you to allocate memory for a method / class and place all sets of variables in it. Avoid repeated copying of structures when placing them in collections. And other use cases.

The generated code uses .Net 6 features. So use only with .Net 6+.

Supported collections:

  • Stack
  • List
  • Queue


    using (var memory = new Struct.StackMemory(sizeof(int) * 100))//Allocate memory for all your collections 400 byte.
            using var listOfInt32 = new Struct.ListOfInt32(2, &memory);//2 * 4 = 8 byte
            for(int i = 0; i< 48; i++)
              listOfInt32.Add(in i);//+ 4 byte, shift index memory.Current by 4 byte: memory.Current +=4;
            //listOfInt32 is 200 byte
            list.ExpandCapacity(50);// + 200 byte: memory.Current +=200;
            list.TrimExcess();// - 200 byte: memory.Current -=200;
            //Do whatever you want with list of Int32 items
        }//return memory

        var listOfInt64 = new Struct.ListOfInt64(50, &memory);//get memory 400 byte
        //Do whatever you want with list of Int64 items
    }//free all memory

In our example, we will allocate a list of 50 elements on this memory. Then we increase the capacity to the 100 elements. No copying or reallocation. Then we free old collection and allocate new collection of Int64 on the same memory.

In the future(TODO), you can compress memory if there are areas that are no longer used, thereby not sealing the collection. This can be useful for allocating memory for an entire method if we know approximately how much memory it can consume at the maximum.

Stack of composite type example:

//Marking a class/struct with attributes is all that is required of you.
public struct SimpleStruct
    public SimpleStruct(
        int int32,
        long int64
        Int32 = int32;
        Int64 = int64;

    public long Int64;
    public int Int32;

public class SimpleClass
    public SimpleClass(
        int int32,
        long int64
        Int32 = int32;
        Int64 = int64;

    public long Int64;
    public int Int32;
//Stack of pointers
    using (var memory = new Struct.StackMemory(SimpleStructHelper.SizeOf + (nuint)sizeof(IntPtr)))
        using var stack = new Struct.StackOfIntPtr(1, &memory);
            var item = new Struct.SimpleStructWrapper(&memory);
            item.Int32 = 456;
            *stack.TopFuture() = new IntPtr(item.Ptr);
        var item2 = new Struct.SimpleStructWrapper(stack.Top().ToPointer());
        //item2 point to same memory as is item
//All alocate memory = SimpleStructHelper.SizeOf * 100 = 12* 100 = 1200 byte
    using (var memory = new Struct.StackMemory(JobStructHelper.SizeOf * (nuint)100))//allocate memory
            var item = new Struct.SimpleStructWrapper(memory.Start, false);
            using var stackOfSimpleStruct = new Struct.StackOfSimpleStruct((nuint)100, &memory);//get memory
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                item.Int32 = i;
                item.Int64 = i * 2;
            //Do whatever you want with stack
        }//return memory

        var item = new Struct.SimpleClassWrapper(memory.Start, false);
        var listOfSimpleClass = new Struct.ListOfSimpleClass((nuint)100, &memory);//get memory
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            item.Int32 = i;
            item.Int64 = i * 2;
    }//free all memory

stackmemorycollections's People


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stackmemorycollections's Issues

Add deep copy method generation

Now you can create a copy like this:

var tempWrap = new Benchmark.Struct.JobStructWrapper();
tempWrap.Fill(in item);
var copyItem = tempWrap.GetValue();

But this way is slow.

You need to generate something like the following:

public static JobStruct DeepCopy(in JobStruct item)
    var result = new JobStruct();
    result.Int32 = item.Int32;
    result.Int64 = item.Int64;
    result.JobStruct2.Int32 = item.Int32;
    result.JobStruct2.Int64 = item.Int64;

    return result;


var copyItem  = JobStructHelper.DeepCopy(in item);

Add support for collections on pointers


    using (var memory = new StackMemoryCollections.Struct.StackMemory(JobClassHelper.GetSize() * 15))
        using var stack = new Benchmark.Struct.StackOfIntPtr((nuint)Size, &memory);
        for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
            var item = new Struct.JobStructWrapper(&memory);
            stack.Push(new IntPtr(item.Ptr)); 

Add Stack Class/Struct Generator

By the presence of an attribute in a structure or class, generate an auxiliary class.

For Example:

    [GenerateStack]//generate stack class/struct
    public struct SimpleStruct
        public SimpleStruct(
            int int32,
            long int64
            Int32 = int32;
            Int64 = int64;

        public long Int64;
        public int Int32;

Generated class:

public unsafe struct StackOfSimpleStruct : IDisposable, IEnumerable<SimpleStruct>
        private readonly Struct.StackMemory* _stackMemoryS;
        private readonly Class.StackMemory? _stackMemoryC = null;
        private readonly void* _start;
        private int _version = 0;

        public StackOfSimpleStruct()
            throw new ArgumentException("Default constructor not supported");

        public StackOfSimpleStruct(
            nuint count,
            Struct.StackMemory* stackMemory
            if (stackMemory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stackMemory));

            _start = (*stackMemory).AllocateMemory(SimpleStructHelper.GetSize() * count);
            _stackMemoryS = stackMemory;
            Capacity = count;

        public StackOfSimpleStruct(
            nuint count,
            Class.StackMemory stackMemory
            if (stackMemory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stackMemory));

            _start = stackMemory.AllocateMemory(SimpleStructHelper.GetSize() * count);
            _stackMemoryC = stackMemory;
            _stackMemoryS = null;
            Capacity = count;

        public StackOfSimpleStruct(
            nuint count,
            void* memoryStart
            if (memoryStart == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memoryStart));

            _start = memoryStart;
            _stackMemoryS = null;
            Capacity = count;

        public nuint Capacity { get; private set; }

        public nuint Size { get; private set; } = 0;

        public bool IsEmpty => Size == 0;

        public void ReducingAvailableMemory(in nuint reducingCount)
            if (reducingCount <= 0)

            if (Size < Capacity - reducingCount)
                throw new Exception("Can't reduce available memory, it's already in use");

            if(_stackMemoryS != null)
                if (new IntPtr((*_stackMemoryS).Current) != new IntPtr((byte*)_start + (Capacity * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize())))
                    throw new Exception("Failed to reduce available memory, stack moved further");

                (*_stackMemoryS).FreeMemory(reducingCount * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize());
            else if (_stackMemoryC != null)
                if (new IntPtr(_stackMemoryC.Current) != new IntPtr((byte*)_start + (Capacity * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize())))
                    throw new Exception("Failed to reduce available memory, stack moved further");

                _stackMemoryC.FreeMemory(reducingCount * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize());

            Capacity -= reducingCount;

        public void ExpandAvailableMemory(in nuint expandBytes)
            Capacity += expandBytes;

        public void SetAvailableMemoryCurrentUsed()
            ReducingAvailableMemory(Capacity - Size);

        public void Push(in SimpleStruct item)
            var tempSize = Size + 1;
            if (tempSize > Capacity)
                throw new Exception("Not enough memory to allocate stack element");

            SimpleStructHelper.CopyToPtr(in item, (byte*)_start + (Size * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize()));
            Size = tempSize;

        public bool TryPush(in SimpleStruct item)
            var tempSize = Size + 1;
            if (tempSize > Capacity)
                return false;

            SimpleStructHelper.CopyToPtr(in item, (byte*)_start + (Size * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize()));
            Size = tempSize;

            return true;

        public void Pop()
            if (Size <= 0)
                throw new Exception("There are no elements on the stack");


        public void Clear()
            if (Size != 0)
                Size = 0;

        public SimpleStruct Front()
            if (Size == 0)
                throw new Exception("There are no elements on the stack");

            SimpleStruct result = default;
            SimpleStructHelper.CopyToValue((byte*)_start + ((Size - 1) * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize()), ref result);

        public void* FrontPtr()
            if (Size == 0)
                throw new Exception("There are no elements on the stack");

            return (byte*)_start + ((Size - 1) * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize());

        public void Dispose()
            if(_stackMemoryS != null)
                (*_stackMemoryS).FreeMemory(Capacity * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize());
            else if (_stackMemoryC != null)
                _stackMemoryC.FreeMemory(Capacity * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize());

        #region IEnumerable<T>

        public IEnumerator<SimpleStruct> GetEnumerator()
            return new Enumerator(this);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return new Enumerator(this);

        public void CopyTo(Array array, int index)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator<SimpleStruct>, IEnumerator
            private readonly StackOfSimpleStruct _stack;
            private SimpleStruct _current;
            private int _currentIndex;
            private int _version;

            internal Enumerator(StackOfSimpleStruct stack)
                _stack = stack;
                _currentIndex = -1;
                _current = default;
                _version = _stack._version;

            public SimpleStruct Current => _current;

            object IEnumerator.Current => Current;

            public void Dispose()
                _currentIndex = -1;

            public bool MoveNext()
                if (_version != _stack._version)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The stack was changed during the enumeration");

                if (_stack.Size < 0)
                    return false;

                if (_currentIndex == -2)
                    _currentIndex = (int)_stack.Size - 1;
                    SimpleStruct result = default;
                    SimpleStructHelper.CopyToValue((byte*)_stack._start + (_currentIndex * (int)SimpleStructHelper.GetSize()), ref result);
                    _current = result;
                    return true;

                if (_currentIndex == -1)
                    return false;

                if (_currentIndex >= 0)
                    SimpleStruct result = default;
                    SimpleStructHelper.CopyToValue((byte*)_stack._start + (_currentIndex * (int)SimpleStructHelper.GetSize()), ref result);
                    _current = result;
                    return true;
                    _current = default;
                    return false;

            public void Reset()
                _currentIndex = -2;


        public SimpleStruct this[nuint index]
                if (Size <= 0 || Size <= index)
                    throw new Exception("Element outside the stack");
                SimpleStruct result = default;
                SimpleStructHelper.CopyToValue((byte*)_start + ((Size - 1 - index) * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize()), ref result);

        public void* GetByIndex(nuint index)
            if (Size <= 0 || Size <= index)
                throw new Exception("Element outside the stack");
                (byte*)_start + ((Size - 1 - index) * SimpleStructHelper.GetSize());

Add property/field ignore attribute

The generator does not support complex properties/fields like dictionaries or if your property has logic. In this case, you need to use a special attribute.


Add Helper Class Generator

By the presence of an attribute in a structure or class, generate an auxiliary class.

For Example:

    [GenerateHelper]//generate helper class
    public struct SimpleStruct
        public SimpleStruct(
            int int32,
            long int64
            Int32 = int32;
            Int64 = int64;

        public long Int64;
        public int Int32;

Generated class:

using System;

namespace StackMemoryCollections
    public unsafe static class SimpleStructHelper

        public static nuint GetSize()
            return 12;

        public static void* GetInt64Ptr(in void* ptr)
            return (byte*)ptr + 0;

        public static Int64 GetInt64Value(in void* ptr)
            return *(Int64*)((byte*)ptr + 0);

        public static void SetInt64Value(in void* ptr, in Int64 value)
            *(Int64*)((byte*)ptr + 0) = value;

        public static void SetInt64Value(in void* ptr, in SimpleStruct value)
            *(Int64*)((byte*)ptr + 0) = value.Int64;

        public static void* GetInt32Ptr(in void* ptr)
            return (byte*)ptr + 8;

        public static Int32 GetInt32Value(in void* ptr)
            return *(Int32*)((byte*)ptr + 8);

        public static void SetInt32Value(in void* ptr, in Int32 value)
            *(Int32*)((byte*)ptr + 8) = value;

        public static void SetInt32Value(in void* ptr, in SimpleStruct value)
            *(Int32*)((byte*)ptr + 8) = value.Int32;

        public static void CopyToPtr(in SimpleStruct value, in void* ptr)

            SetInt64Value(in ptr, in value);

            SetInt32Value(in ptr, in value);


        public static void CopyToValue(in void* ptr, ref SimpleStruct value)

            value.Int64 = GetInt64Value(in ptr);

            value.Int32 = GetInt32Value(in ptr);



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