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someline-starter's Introduction

Someline Starter PHP Framework

Tested and used in production by Someline Inc.

Latest Version on Packagist Software License

Someline Starter is a PHP framework for quick building Web Apps and Restful APIs, with modern design pattern foundation.

It is built on top of popular Laravel 5.8 framework, Vue.js 2.6, Restful API, Repository Design, OAuth2, JWT, Unit Tests, isolated front-end and back-end layer.

Someline Starter is born for 3 reasons:

  1. Quick web application starter without the need to build from scratch using Laravel.

  2. Isolated front-end and back-end layer using Restful API.

  3. Introducing modern design pattern, which have a better foundation when starting, for PHP projects.

See In Action

Frontend with Vue.js and displaying data via Restful API

Email: [email protected]

Password: Abc12345

See In Video

Watch the video tutorial from below.


Framework Overview

Someline Starter is suitable for Restful API oriented projects.

The Restful APIs as a backend layer which provide simple unified interfaces for frontend: Web and Mobile apps.

It utilized Laravel Passport to authenticate protected resources.

It also provides Unit Tests for API testing and framework testing.

It is shipped with Angulr Theme and features in every part that you can easily reference.

It is fully utilised Repository Design pattern.

Out-of-box Components

If you are not familiar with any of these packages, you are recommended to get to know them as they are really helpful when you needed.







  • Vue.js Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces

Get Started

Make sure you have already installed PHP 7.1 and composer.

You can get started either option A or B:

A. Get started via composer

Under working folder, run the command:

composer create-project --prefer-dist someline/someline-starter someline-starter

A.1. Add to a git repository (When Needed)

Change to your own git repository address.

cd someline-starter

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial commit'

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

B. Get started via cloning repository

Clone this project to your working folder and open the directory:

git clone

B.1. Add to a git repository (When Needed)

Change to your own git repository address.

cd someline-starter
rm -rf .git

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial commit'

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master


Development Requirements

Install Essentials

Open someline-starter folder (Optional, run only when you are not inside the project root folder)

cd someline-starter

All these commands should be executed under the root of someline-starter project

Install composer dependencies

composer install

Install npm dependencies using Yarn dependency management (suggested)

Note: This command should be outside homestead environment. Also, you can still use npm install if you want.

yarn install

Install bower dependencies

bower install

Set-up Laravel, after these commands, please change .env file for your own environment settings

sudo cp .env.example .env
sudo chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache
php artisan key:generate

Database & Seeding

You need to create a Database e.g. someline_starter with Encoding utf8mb4 and Collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci.

MySQL Query:

CREATE DATABASE `someline_starter` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = `utf8mb4` DEFAULT COLLATE = `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`;

Change database config in .env file to the match the database that your just created.

After having database configuration setup, you can now do migrations and seeding.

php artisan migrate

php artisan db:seed

Install Laravel Passport with encryption keys to generate secure access tokens.

php artisan passport:install

When deploy in server:

sudo chown www-data:www-data storage/oauth-*.key
sudo chmod 600 storage/oauth-*.key

Ready to go

Until this point, you should be able to visit the home page.

For example, if you have set the domain:

Just visit:

It should prompt you for login, use:

You are free to change the seeding account information from the file: database/seeds/UsersTableSeeder.php

You are done. Yeah!

Explore and start to build on top of it.

Development Process and Flow

Essential Knowledge

You will need to know, read and understand fowllowing before you can start build on top of these.

We recommend use PHPStorm IDE to build and develop your projects.


The default namespace for app/ folder is Someline.

It is NOT recommended to change the namespace, if you are not familiar with namespace of Someline Starter as the Someline namespace is used heavily within whole project.

However, you can still change it if you know how what you are doing, because some namespaces required manually changing.

To change namespace to your preference:

php artisan app:namespace YourApp


In order to utilize all features provided by Someline Starter, you should extended the Class from BaseClass (if there has one), e.g. BasePresenter, BaseController, etc.


All models are located under app/Models/ folder.

User Model under folder app/Models/Foundation/ is created by default with primary key user_id, you should not change this class heavily because it is used almost everywhere within whole project. You can use global function auth_user() to access currently logged in user.

Every model should extend Someline/Models/BaseModel which has a observer Someline/Observers/BaseModelObserver that you can utilize all model events within the Model, e.g. onCreating, onCreated, onUpdating, onDeleting, etc.

When creating new model, you should do it using command to auto generate related Repository classes.

php artisan starter:entity Post

Web Http

All Web related files are located under app/Http/ folder.

Web Routes are defined in file routes/web.php

Web Controllers are defined in folder app/Http/Controllers/

Restful API

All API related files are located under app/Api/ folder.

API Routes are defined in file routes/api.php

API Controllers are defined in folder app/Api/Controllers/

When you create APIs, you need to test them before you can use it. You should test all APIs using Unit Tests provided or create new Unit Tests. Not recommended to test using Browser or Postman, etc.

Repository Pattern

All repository related files are located under app/ with specific types as parent folders.

Repositories: app/Repositories/

Repositories Eloquent: app/Repositories/Eloquent/

Repositories Interface: app/Repositories/Interfaces/

Repositories Criteria: app/Repositories/Criteria/

Presenters: app/Presenters/

Transformers: app/Transformers/

Validators: app/Validators/


Angulr Styles and Scripts: resources/assets/angulr/

Angulr with Blade views: resources/views/angulr/

Vuejs: resources/assets/js/

Less styles: resources/assets/less/app.less

Sass styles: resources/assets/sass/app.scss

When made changes in scripts, styles, you will need to run the command.

In development, run:

yarn run dev

In development and watching assets for changes, run:

yarn run watch

In production, run:

yarn run production

When you changed theme files, run:

yarn run theme

API and Unit Tests


You may need to change the local service configs under dev environment from config/rest-client.php to fit your local development configurations.

Also change the value of API_TEST_CLIENT_SECRET in .env file to the secret value of Password Grant Client record in oauth_clients table.

Unit Tests: tests/

API Unit Tests: tests/Api/

Debug and Clockwork

View all requests and request information from file storage/clockwork.sqlite

OAuth Web Support


Web Log Viewer

Log Viewer HTTP URL:


We recommend to use migrations for database structure and seeding.

Directly changing from database or not follow migrations is strongly NOT recommended.

Flow of creating database migrations:
  1. Create a migration file (Auto generated when use php artisan starter:entity), under folder database/migrations/

  2. Add essential columns to migration file (Auto generated when use php artisan starter:entity):

You are recommended to use tablename_id format as primary incremental key, for example, for table posts, you need to use post_id, and when this become a foreign key, you should keep the same name in other table post_id.


You are also recommended to use the user_id field in all tables, for example, use user_id as staff id instead of staff_id in company_staffs table. If there are no meaning for user_id in certain tables, you should still put user_id field in case for future usage. So, you need to use it smartly to fit your table scenarios accordingly. And, similarly, you may optionally want to add a related_user_id field to indicate certain record is related to a user depends on your own needs.

The following columns are always required by BaseModel:



And remove timestamps():

// $table->timestamps();

Finally, the table blue print should be looks like, e.g. in posts table:


// Adding more table related fields here...

  1. Add factory support, under file database/factories/ModelFactory.php

  2. Create seeding support, under folder database/seeds/

Refresh Database Migrations and Seeding

When you added or changed to migrations or seeds files, or you just simply want to refresh everything in database:

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed


The Someline Starter framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

someline-starter's People


libern avatar


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someline-starter's Issues

How to change base_uri for Unit Test

I've setup the new version of Someline (Laravel 5.3) and it point to but when i run unit test i get this error:

Connection timeout:

I'm looking the video tutorial (the new video version, that is related to Laravel 5.2) and this show how to modify the base_uri in BaseApiTestCas.php

But in this new version the structure has changed and i dont find how to change that URI.


Hi, i looked at this project and it is very nice.

it would be nice to implement a generator to do all the heavy work.


Issue when runing php artisan migrate


Thanks for this greate framework.
i'm watching your tutorial on Youtube. But when i want to migrate the database using the command php artisan migrate --seed i had this error message : [Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'oauth_client_endpoints' already exists (SQL: cr eate tableoauth_client_endpoints(idint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,client_idvarchar (40) not null,redirect_urivarchar(255) not null,created_attimestamp null,updated_at` timestamp null)
default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci)

SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'oauth_client_endpoints' already exists`

I have on my Homestead box "MariaDB version 10" (i added mariadb=true on the Homestead.yaml file).

I joined some snapshot, i think it will help.
capture d ecran 2016-07-20 a 15 30 56
capture d ecran 2016-07-20 a 15 31 04


There are no commands defined in the "jwt" namespace.

I'm trying to follow your YouTube tutorial.
I've got as far as running the command php artical jwt:generate. However I'm getting the following error message:

 There are no commands defined in the "jwt" namespace.

I haven't been able to find anything on google to help. Any ideas?

Getting error while "php artisan migrate"


Getting Error on php artisan migrate command

only 3 tables are getting created migrations, password_resets, users;

here is output file of php artisan migrate > artisan_migrate.txt
full path is removed in output


Steps i followed

  • composer install
  • cp .env.example .env
  • chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache
  • php artisan key:generate
  • php artisan migrate ( database already created and .env configured )

system environment

  • PHP: 7.1.18
  • MySQL: 5.7.22
  • SQLite installed
Migration table created successfully.

   Illuminate\Database\QueryException  : SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes (SQL: alter table `password_resets` add index `password_resets_email_index`(`email`))

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:664
    660|         // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error
    661|         // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a
    662|         // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors.
    663|         catch (Exception $e) {
  > 664|             throw new QueryException(
    665|                 $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e
    666|             );
    667|         }

  Exception trace:

  1   Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOException::("SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes")

  2   PDOException::("SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes")

  Please use the argument -v to see more details.

BaseModel error

# php artisan make:entity Order
//modify Order extend BaseModel 

class Order extends BaseModel implements Transformable
    use TransformableTrait;

    protected $fillable = ['title','price','note'];

   public function store(OrderCreateRequest $request)
        $data = $request->only(['title', 'price', 'note']);


        $oder = $this->repository->create($data);  // Can get an Eloquent instance

        return $order ;  // 500  error,   class Order extends Model is ok 
// get all data  return 500 ,no errors
  public function index()
        return  $this->repository->all();

Why is `.idea` included?

Quoting the readme:

Note: You may notice that .idea folder is included. No worries, any conflict files in .idea folder has been ignored as in .gitignore file.

My question is: Why is it included?

Anyway, thank you for this package.

Side note: hey, I just noticed it uses Laravel Log Viewer (author here). Thank you to use it!

"AccessDeniedHttpException" while seeding new model

The UsersTableSeeder works well and also passes all the tests; however, when I created a new model "Post" according to the guide, it throws "[Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException] " while seeding.
I have also checked on Tinker, it was there for Post model but not for the User model.
Can you give me some pointers that how to resolve it?

How to change timezone?

I want to change the timezone, I have changed the timezone in config/app.php to 'timezone' => 'PRC'.
And when I check the database, I found the field I added myself showed the correct time, however the default field added by the Framework itself created _at, updated_at showed the UTC time.

I want to know whether exits a place to change the framework timezone?


Migration error

Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes (SQL : alter tablepassword_resetsadd indexpassword_resets_email_index(email))

Using MariaDB 10.1

db:seed error

php artisan db:seed

Class Someline\Api\Auth\Provider\Passport does not exist

Unit Testing Someline V0.3.4 - Failed to get access token.

I did tried to setup the version 0.3.4 of Someline Starter but when i run Unit test i get the follow error:

Response STATUS CODE is 401:
    [error] => invalid_client
    [message] => Client authentication failed

Failed to get access token for grant type [password]!

I run all the commands, the oauth_* tables are populated but i get the error Failed to get access token...

I'm trying to run the pre-built test of Users. Too difficult at the moment write other tests... :)

429 Too Many Requests

Client error: 'POST' resulted in a '429 Too Many Requests' response: Too Many Attempts.

Hello, when I send some requests a little fast, I would got the error above.

I have try do modify the throttle config in routes/web.php and routes/api.php, but nothing changed.


php artisan migrate

when I run

php artisan migrate

I get the flowing error

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: nodena
me nor servname provided, or not known (SQL: select * from information_sche
ma.tables where table_schema = someline_starter and table_name = migra

problem with vuex

I can see this error in my firefox console:
"Error: [vuex] must call Vue.use(Vuex) before creating a store instance."
when i try to use Vue


用里面的模板,api 请求都返回message":"Unauthenticated.","status_code":401,"debug": 是什么原因?


安装一些其他扩展,默认使用 user 表 id 作为主键, 但这里用的是 user_id ,给操作带来一些不便

Specified key was too long in initial migration

I'm getting this error when I run migrate.

While installing on mysql 5.5.42
encoding utf8mb4 collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci

Migration table created successfully.

  SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes (SQL: alter table `oauth_client_endpoints` add unique `oauth_cli
  ent_endpoints_client_id_redirect_uri_unique`(`client_id`, `redirect_uri`))

  SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

No CSS Displayed

Newbie to laravel,
Followed the instructions, but when I deployed the site, no CSS is being pulled.

Getting 404 errors
(index):12 GET
(index):11 GET
(index):365 GET
(index):364 GET
(index):363 GET
(index):366 GET
(index):367 GET
(index):364 GET
(index):365 GET
(index):366 GET
(index):367 GET 404 (Not Found)

I have tried following the steps but no dice.

Why PHPUnit error ?

error message:

        Failed to get access token for grant type [password]!






Which should I use access token ?

is .env file's APP_KEY ? or API_TEST_CLIENT_SECRET ?

or OAuthTest.php client_secret ?

The following is my information:





'client_secret' => 'GHhWZFvak0iEJ5yh43hP8VVquuZJTp3fPgVIm6mF',

Vue i18n cannot translate

I am getting the following error:

[vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath "user.users". Use the value of keypath as default

I do not know how to generate them, thanks

Error while running php artisan route:list


i have this error while running the command php artisan route:list :

Class Someline\Http\Controllers\HomeController does not exist

Solution :

  • Remove the line from Http/routes.php file
  • Add a HomeController to the project

Another issue : I dont see Api routes in the result of that command, why ?


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