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delphi-event-bus's Introduction

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DEB an Event Bus framework for Delphi

Delphi Event Bus (for short DEB) is a publish/subscribe Event Bus framework for the Delphi platform.

DEB is designed to decouple different parts/layers of your application while still allowing them to communicate efficiently. It was inspired by EventBus framework for the Android platform.

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  • Easy and clean: DelphiEventBus is super easy to learn and use because it respects KISS and "Convention over configuration" design principles. By using default TEventBus instance, you can start immediately to delivery and receive events
  • Designed to decouple different parts/layers of your application
  • Event Driven
  • Attributes based API: Simply put the Subscribe attribute on your subscriber method you are able to receive a specific event
  • Support different delivery mode: Specifying the TThreadMode in Subscribe attribute, you can choose to delivery the event in the Main Thread or in a Background ones, regardless where an event was posted. The EventBus will manage Thread synchronization
  • Unit Tested
  • Thread Safe

Show me the code


1.Define events:

IEvent = interface(IInterface)
// additional information here

2.Prepare subscribers:

  • Declare your subscribing method:
procedure OnEvent(AEvent: IAnyTypeOfEvent);
  // manage the event 	
  • Register your subscriber:

3.Post events:;


1.Define channel:


2.Prepare subscribers:

  • Declare your subscribing method:
procedure OnMessage(AMsg: string);
  // manage the message 	
  • Register your subscriber:

3.Post event on channel:, 'My Message');


  • DEB is a 100% ObjectPascal framework so it works on VCL and Firemonkey
  • It works with Delphi2010 and major
  • It works with latest version Alexandria

Release Notes

DEB 2.1

  • NEW! Introduced dedicated thread pool for DEB threading

DEB 2.0

  • NEW! Added new Interface based mechanism to declare and handle events!
  • NEW! Added channels for simple string-based events
  • NEW! Removed internal CloneEvent because now events are interface based!

Breaking Changes

  • A subscriber method can only have 1 parameter that is an IInterface or descendants
  • EventBus.Post method can accept only an interface as parameter now


Copyright 2016-2022 Daniele Spinetti

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

delphi-event-bus's People


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delphi-event-bus's Issues

Memory leak

TEventBus.Post makes a clone of the event, and this clone is never freed. This causes a build up of event objects in memory.

Some questions

I started testing the DEB code and I have a few doubts:

  1. In the examples (e.g. weather station) in the event handling methods, event objects are not released, there is a continuous memory leakage.

  2. Why aren't cloned event objects released by the event bus? The bus could do this when the event handling method is returned.

  3. I don't know why there are two identical methods:

function TEventBus.GenerateThreadProc(ASubscription: TSubscription;
  AEvent: TObject): TThreadProcedure;
  Result := procedure
      if ASubscription.Active then

function TEventBus.GenerateTProc(ASubscription: TSubscription;
  AEvent: TObject): TProc;
  Result := procedure
      if ASubscription.Active then

RAD Studio 12 shows a deprecation warning for DisposeOf

[dcc32 Warnung] EventBus.Helpers.pas(215): W1000 Symbol 'DisposeOf' ist veraltet: 'Use Free instead'

class destructor TInterfaceHelper.Destroy;

Any good reason why DisposeOf should still be used?

A little bug in Unregister ?

I believe there is a small bug in the Unregister mechanism:
if it takes a Unregister, all those who have made a subscription for that class of events are removed.

I think the problem is the 290-292 lines of the unit EventBus.pas, where instead of:

 if (LSubscription.Subscriber.Equals (ASubscriber)) then
    LSubscription.Active: = false;
 LSubscriptions.Delete (I);

put it:

 if (LSubscription.Subscriber.Equals (ASubscriber)) then
   LSubscription.Active: = false;
   LSubscriptions.Delete (I);

But it is better if you look at the code...

Congratulations for the good work.

About thread mode

Can you provide a ThreadMode:
The subscriber method will be invoked in the thread the RegisterSubscriberForEvent be called.
Alternatively, when calling RegisterSubscriberForEvent, we can specify the thread the subscriber method will be invoked

user defined type for TSubscriberMethod

It would be very usefull if Context type in TSubscriberMethod can be defined by developer , something like this

//EventBus.Develoer //new unit
TSubscriberContextDefault = ''; //could change to TSubscriberContextDefault = 0
TSubscriberContextType = string; //could change to TSubscriberContextType = integer; or even flat to carry two part

//EventBus.Subscribers unit
TSubscriberMethod = class(TObject)
FEventType: TClass;
FThreadMode: TThreadMode;
FMethod: TRttiMethod;
FContext: TSubscriberContextType;

it needed to change some lines in other units

my (and some friends) implementation of events is based on integer and a long list of integer constants and methods that could use this perfect event bus implementation

thank you.

Can not Post the class

Can not Post the following class:

TOnNotifyDocEvent = class
FData: TDictionary<string, TValue>;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy;override;
property Data: TDictionary<string, TValue> read FData;

constructor TOnInfoNotifyDocDataLoadCompleteEvent.Create;
FData:= TDictionary<string, TValue>.Create;

Remove dependency on DUnitX.Utils

Thats a rather large sand obscure dependency for the little bit of code you rely on. Can you maybe implement the required yourself and move away from needing DUnitX altogether?

Background / Async tasks deadlock

Deb uses TTaskRun, which submits to a shared threadpool. When multiple events are fired quickly, the app deadlocks and does not recover. I have fixed this by creating a threadpool for DEB and modifying the run to use that threadpool.
TTask.Run(LProc, FDebThreadPool);

Pull request for fix is: #74
If anyone has an example of using TThreadPoolStats to check the health of that thread pool before the task runs it would be great to see to ensure the pool is healthy enough not to deadlock later.

'Access violation' in TDuckTypedList.CanBeWrappedAsList (line 169)


Do you have any idea why the following error might happen? It seems happens when duplicating the event object. Currently I workaround it using the TObjectClone class (shown at the end), but I really want my copy of delphi-event-bus to be fully in sync with the official repository, otherwise it's really a pain when committing changes.

error details:

compiled with      : Delphi XE4
madExcept version  : 4.0.19
callstack crc      : $e81d85aa, $52a6acdb, $8ac0e71b
exception number   : 1
exception class    : EAccessViolation
exception message  : Access violation at address 00C6882F in module 'Program1.exe'. Read of address 00000000.

main thread ($3850):
00c6882f +02b Program1.exe DuckListU         169  +1 TDuckTypedList.CanBeWrappedAsList
00d4ba7c +220 Program1.exe RTTIUtilsU        589 +31 TRTTIUtils.CopyObject
00d4c39f +377 Program1.exe RTTIUtilsU        833 +59 TRTTIUtils.Clone
00d4c351 +329 Program1.exe RTTIUtilsU        827 +53 TRTTIUtils.Clone
00e5b203 +00f Program1.exe EventBus           89  +8 TEventBus.CloneEvent
00e5bc8a +0e6 Program1.exe EventBus          204 +20 TEventBus.Post
0102510f +067 Program1.exe WorkSpaceForm     757  +3 TfrmWorkSpace.TryOpenMostRencelyProject$237291$ActRec.$1$Body
00929d3a +08e Program1.exe OtlTaskControl   4220  +7 TOmniMessageExec.OnMessage
00926969 +1c1 Program1.exe OtlTaskControl   3170 +18 TOmniTaskControl.ForwardTaskMessage
0040fc8a +012 Program1.exe System          34138 +12 @IntfCast
00929707 +03b Program1.exe OtlTaskControl   4114  +1 TOmniTaskControlEventMonitor.ForwardTaskMessage
0092b837 +07f Program1.exe OtlEventMonitor   330  +6 ProcessMessages
0092ba49 +0a1 Program1.exe OtlEventMonitor   363  +7 TOmniEventMonitor.WndProc
007f562f +07f Program1.exe DSiWin32         6175 +15 DSiClassWndProc
762e7885 +00a USER32.dll                                   DispatchMessageW
006a2143 +0f3 Program1.exe Vcl.Forms       10288 +23 TApplication.ProcessMessage
006a2186 +00a Program1.exe Vcl.Forms       10318  +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
006a24c1 +0c9 Program1.exe Vcl.Forms       10456 +26 TApplication.Run
010df31a +0f2 Program1.exe Program1    150 +44 initialization
76cc343b +010 kernel32.dll                                 BaseThreadInitThunk

My workaround (I got TObjectClone from the Internet but forgot the source :p):

class function TObjectClone.From<T>(Source: T): T;
  Context: TRttiContext;
  IsComponent, LookOutForNameProp: Boolean;
  RttiType: TRttiType;
  Method: TRttiMethod;
  MinVisibility: TMemberVisibility;
  Params: TArray<TRttiParameter>;
  Prop: TRttiProperty;
  SourceAsPointer, ResultAsPointer: Pointer;
  RttiType := Context.GetType(Source.ClassType);
  //find a suitable constructor, though treat components specially
  IsComponent := (Source is TComponent);
  for Method in RttiType.GetMethods do
    if Method.IsConstructor then
      Params := Method.GetParameters;
      if Params = nil then Break;
      if (Length(Params) = 1) and IsComponent and
         (Params[0].ParamType is TRttiInstanceType) and
         SameText(Method.Name, 'Create') then Break;
  if Params = nil then
    Result := Method.Invoke(Source.ClassType, []).AsType<T>
    Result := Method.Invoke(Source.ClassType, [TComponent(Source).Owner]).AsType<T>;
    //many VCL control properties require the Parent property to be set first
    if Source is TControl then TControl(Result).Parent := TControl(Source).Parent;
    //loop through the props, copying values across for ones that are read/write
    Move(Source, SourceAsPointer, SizeOf(Pointer));
    Move(Result, ResultAsPointer, SizeOf(Pointer));
    LookOutForNameProp := IsComponent and (TComponent(Source).Owner <> nil);
    if IsComponent then
      MinVisibility := mvPublished //an alternative is to build an exception list
      MinVisibility := mvPublic;
    for Prop in RttiType.GetProperties do
      if (Prop.Visibility >= MinVisibility) and Prop.IsReadable and Prop.IsWritable then
        if LookOutForNameProp and (Prop.Name = 'Name') and
          (Prop.PropertyType is TRttiStringType) then
          LookOutForNameProp := False
          Prop.SetValue(ResultAsPointer, Prop.GetValue(SourceAsPointer));

DEB on Android

Firemonkey project is working well on Windows platform but will fail on Android.

Is there any chance for getting support of mobile platforms by DEB?

Create Groups of Observers

at the moment, the Event Bus creates a global (default) event bus to manage the the communication. This means that every time a message is being post, all the subscribers receive it and react on it.

May I suggest to create something like groups of subscribers?

They can be registered like this:
TEventBus.GetDefault.RegisterSubscriber('Group 1', self);

and send messages like this:'Group 1', LEvent);

An observer can be, also, subscribed like this:
[Subscribe ('Group 1')]
procedure OnEvent(AEvent: TAnyTypeOfEvent);
// manage the event

Before I try to do it myself, I wanted to check with you if this is something that you would be interested in bringing into your project.


infinite loop in TRTTIUtils.Clone

Hello Daniele,

So I've just started integrating delphi-event-bus into my program.
The first issue I'm experiencing is that, TEventBus.Post will be in a dead-loop in line 162, which calls TRTTIUtils.Clone, which in turn loop infinitely in line 827:

if Field.GetValue(cloned).IsEmpty then
          targetObject := TRTTIUtils.Clone(sourceObject); // infinite loop here...

I guess it must has something to do with my event definition:

  // Base event about a TWoDoc
  TBaseDocEvent = class(TBaseAppEvent)
    FDoc: TWoDoc;
    property Doc: TWoDoc read FDoc write FDoc;

Where TWoDoc has properties like

   property ParentDoc: TWoDoc read FDoc write FDoc;
   property NextSibling: TWoDoc read FDoc write FDoc;
   // and so on...

I wish you can shed some light on the issue, thanks.


There four event-handler invocation mode:
TThreadMode = (Posting, Main, Async, Background);

I use only the default (Posting) mode and Main mode (ensure the code to be run in the UI thread if it needs to access any UI controls).

But I don't quite understand the rest of the modes, care to explain a little :)

The project's headed to the wrong direction, unfortunately...

I've been using DEB for many years and I LOVE it!

However, I must say, after the way of defining an event changed from TObject to interface, it's no longer as handy as before.
With the old TObject-based events, it's very easier to define an event - just define a class.
But with the latest version, for every single event/message, you have to define both:

  • the interface
  • and the implementation class for that interface.
    And this is only a message!

So I have been sticking to the old TObject-based events and I'm more than happy with it ;)

[Question] MVVM and DEB

I hope this is the right place to ask a question. Feel free to remove this false "issue".
I used the deb protocol some years ago in java with a small "single" page application. I think it is an elegant solution to an hard architectural problem.
I built an MVVM structure in Delphi with your deb pattern library.
How would you solve this (the problem is simplified):
Assumption: One ViewModel (called vmA) with three Views and One ViewModel (called vmB) with 2 views.
The [Subscribe(...)] is positioned in a "master view" class of the framework and the five views inherits from it.
The master view subscribe to "viewmodel.topic" an avent called "OnViewModelCalling".
The ViewModels calls the post() to the "viewmodel.topic".
How can I be notified who is the "Sender" ViewModel of the event? I mean vmA or vmB?
Do I add these infos in the event object or are there any other solutions?

One solutions without object sender I am thinking:
One "topic" per "sender" (viewmodel.topic.vmA and viewmodel.topic.vmB). But I have to move the [Subscribe(...)] to children and the responsibility of MVVM comunication system is passed to the concrete class. I don't like this.


Any plan to support XE4?

Thread-safe event broadcasting - this is a great concept, I don't know how do you achieve that without using Windows handle ( I assume you don't, since it supports FMX).

Most important - do you have a plan to support XE4?

Error invoking subscriber method. Subscriber class: <something> . Original exception: EInvalidCast: Invalid class typecast

I use a MQTTClient and onReceive I post a event for a lot of subscriber on my code.

procedure TDMMain.riempiDatiMqtt(ADevice, APayLoad : string);
  LEvent: IMQTTReceiveEvent;
      LEvent := GetMQTTReceiveEvent;
      LEvent.SN := ADevice;
      LEvent.Payload := APayLoad;
      ToCodeSite('LEvent',LEvent.SN + ' ' + LEvent.Payload);
        on e : exception do
          ToCodeSite('GlobalEventBus.Post(LEvent) except: ', e.Message);
    on e: Exception do
      ToCodeSite('RiempiDatiMqtt except: ', e.Message);

Rarely, the GlobalEventBus.Post method raises a typecast error like subject with different type of Subscriber class. like TAniindicator, TStyledEdit, TEdit, and more.

Can you help me?

Question: Explanation/Examples for TThreadMode Subscriptions

Hi Folks,

I'm just starting to use delphi-event-bus and I'd like to have some more information on the subscription types, like typical use cases and when to use which subscription method.
I assume, but I'm not 100% sure:

  • TThreadMode.Posting is the default when no type is given in the subscribe attribute
  • TThreadMode.Main should be used, when the consumed event results in an ui update
  • If an event is produced and consumed in the UI, Posting is equvalent to Main

What about the others?

[Suggestion] - Return value from posting an event to the same thread

Is it reasonable to make the TEventBus.Post method be able to return a value (can be any type of value, a TObject or TValue? not sure)?

The idea is like the `SendMessage' winapi.

It's very necessary, in case we use an event to represent an action (a concept borrowed from Redux action.

That being said, I want to achieve an application architecture, where:

  • the modification of the model is centralized in a single module (which will subscribe events from other modules - including, but not limited to the UI),

  • and the other modules will not modify the model directly, but only post through the EventBus "action events" to describe what they desire the model to change.

And it must come in handy if the event posting would be able to return values when posting to the same thread.

Not sure if I have described it clearly, but I mainly have inspired by Redux Framework.

I hope this makes sense.

And this stackoverflow question might help understanding my suggestion: React.js - flux vs global event bus

Exception error while using Spring4D Dependency injection and multiple UnRegister.


I'm using Delphi Tokyo, latest version. I'm using Spring4D container and declaring an IEventBus (not using the built in singleton) as a singleton.

In one part of my code I call twice the method to UnRegister the current object.


if not Assigned(fEventBus) then Exit; // shouldnt be needed but, hey just in case

If fEventBus.IsRegistered(Self) then

Calling this twice will cause an exception. The exception happens while attempting to Acquire the critical section via FCS. It seems that the finalization section was already called and the FCS critical section is now nil, causing the issue.

In general Finalization sections mixed with Dependency containers will cause trouble. I will suggest an implementation that completely skips the use of that methodology if the developer is not using the built in singleton.

Thank you for your great work with this, it is extremely useful. It will be great if you wrap it into a component so its easier to share and it can be exposed via Delphinus or GetIt.

I did a quick test changing the Critical sections with a TMonitor (new versions are faster than TCriticalSections due to use of Spinlocks) and it did the trick. Another option could be to put the critical section inside of the object and only use the global one when creating the GetDefault singleton.

lock in eventbus class is a class var

Given the possibility to create multiple event bus instances and the non existence of any other class vars I think the lock should be instance wise and not the same lock for possibly multiple instances.

[idea] Tiny.Rtti is 500+ faster than the system RTTI


I recently discovered Tiny.RTTI, according to its just-commited benchmark demo program, as shown on the repository's github page, it's 500+ faster than System.Rtti! I tried to recreate the

I've no idea why it's that faster, maybe people as knowledgeable as @sglienke can tell us something :)

And since DEB invokes the subscribing methods using System.Rtti, so it might be a candidate for improving the performance.

Error Undeclared TEventBusFactory

Hi Guys,

I try use but error [dcc32 Error] EventBus.pas(272): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'TEventBusFactory'

Show in unit Eventub

function GlobalEventBus: IEventBus;
Result := TEventBusFactory.GlobalEventBus;

The error is on my project because i do a pompile from your samples and no show errors

REQUEST: Set Context on registration

A useful feature will be to allow the Context to be defined on registration (RegisterSubscriberForEvents and RegisterSubscriberForChannels) if set and override the attribute especially when using MDI forms that get events for specific MDI form.

TList inside posted event objects empties on Delphi 11 Alexandria

if posted event object contains a TList, that TList arrive empty to subscribers.

I make a simple application to demostrate that

Place a breakpoint on frmMain, on line 62
Evalueting AEvent.List result this

On Delphi 10.4 Sydney
(((('test', False, 20), nil, nil, nil), 1, $850538, $32F9310, nil, nil), Pointer($863C4C) as {System.Generics.Defaults}IComparer<frmMain.TTestObject>, (nil,nil), 1)

On Delphi 11.0 Alexandria
((nil, nil, nil, nil), 1, $7C4004, $30E4AA0, nil, nil, Pointer($7D7D58) as {System.Generics.Defaults}IComparer<frmMain.TTestObject>, (nil,nil))

As you can see, on Alexandria the TList part arrive filled with nils

Hang on splash screen

I created a new app, included EventBus and then ran it on an Android device and it started regularly.
Right after I added System.Messaging, I run and 8 times out of 10 it doesn't start and stays on the splash screen.

Threading issues with asynchronous messaging to inactive subscription

There are threading issues in asynchronous messaging with inactive subscription.

Namely code in Post methods checks whether subscription is active before invoking subscription method


for LSubscription in LSubscriptions do begin
  if (LSubscription.Context <> AChannel) or (not LSubscription.Active) then Continue;
  PostToChannel(LSubscription, AMessage, LIsMainThread);

for LSubscription in LSubscriptions do begin
  if not LSubscription.Active then Continue;
  PostToSubscription(LSubscription, AEvent, LIsMainThread);

But, depending on threading mode PostToChannel and PostToSubscription methods can invoke subscription method asynchronously with TThread.Queue or TTask.Run or TThread.CreateAnonymousThread

During that time subscription can get inactive and that can cause crashes by calling subscription method on dead object.

Help with memory leak reporting

Add the following to EventBus.pas which will decrement the interface counter on finalization (if set) and release allocated memory. This specifically helps in situations where your using a memory manager which reports memory leaks on shutdown.

  FGlobalEventBus := nil;

Request/Reply pattern

The Delphi-Event-Bus library works great for pub/sub pattern. Is that possible to use the library for request/reply pattern?

Cloned Event leaks


the cloned event in Post is not freed. I have corrected that.

How do I push on github?

Deadlock when posting events synchronized in background

Dear Danielle.
I try to process as much as possible in background. The event bus is perfect for simplifying my code. I'm using some additional libraries for some reason, and I get synchronized (Delphi-) events from those libraries. I would like to post some of the processing into background, but unfortunately the eventbus post gets into deadlock. I prepared a simplified test for reproduction. As a workaround I removed the critical section from your code in post routine, because I can't see any disadvantage. But maybe you can explain, what you wanted to avoid by using the critical section in the post routine?!
Kind regards,
Detlef Schweng.

Crashes galore on theme change

My app uses DEB heavily, pulling data from multiple industrial devices and posting to channels for events to operate on the data. This includes the app's main form, which displays an overview of the devices so it's processing dozens of posted events per second, and other forms that may be displayed at the same time with different views of the data.. If the user changes the program's theme, subsequent Posts to any form with registered events all throw an exception - I assume this is because of the underlying window re-creation during the theme change breaks something DEB depends on.

It would seem that a global Active property for the event engine, that suspended all events when False (i.e. Posts would be swallowed and discarded rather than processed) may work around this sort of situation, and would be a great addition. As of now, individually unregister/re-registering each form/frame that's handling events around the theme change is a huge effort, and forcing the user to not see their theme change request until the app is re-started is pretty unfriendly.

Or if you have a better suggestion, I'd love to hear it. Thanks!


Minor improvement of subscriber registration

Please add the parameter ARaiseExcIfEmpty : Boolean to the RegisterSubscriber() method to pass it on to the FindSubscriberMethods() method.
At the moment, in the RegisterSubscriber() method, when calling the FindSubscriberMethods() method, this parameter is hardcoded to True, it should not be so, see:

procedure TEventBus.RegisterSubscriber<T>(ASubscriber: TObject); <== please add ARaiseExcIfEmpty param
  LSubscriberClass: TClass;
  LSubscriberMethods: TArray<TSubscriberMethod>;
  LSubscriberMethod: TSubscriberMethod;

    LSubscriberClass := ASubscriber.ClassType;
    LSubscriberMethods := TSubscribersFinder.FindSubscriberMethods<T>(LSubscriberClass, True); <==== HARDCODED
    for LSubscriberMethod in LSubscriberMethods do Subscribe<T>(ASubscriber, LSubscriberMethod);

I have a problem with this because I have a base class that supports caching and I want to call RegisterSubscriberForEvents() in this base class (not to do this in many inherited classes). But because not every descendant cache class uses events, I get an EObjectHasNoSubscriberMethods exception in runtime.

And of course a change is necessary in these two methods

procedure TEventBus.RegisterSubscriberForChannels(ASubscriber: TObject); <== ARaiseExcIfEmpty param

procedure TEventBus.RegisterSubscriberForEvents(ASubscriber: TObject); <== ARaiseExcIfEmpty param

[Bug] Memory leaks in the TEventBus.Post() method.

The cloned LEvent local variable is not freed.

My partial (read only handling the freeing when in main-thread mode):

      for LSubscription in LSubscriptions do
        LEvent := CloneEvent(AEvent);
        PostToSubscription(LSubscription, LEvent, LIsMainThread);

        // edwin: fix memory leaks
        if AEventOwner and (LSubscription.SubscriberMethod.ThreadMode in [Posting, Main]) then
        // edwin end.

But my code doesn't free the LEvent var when in async mode...

This doesn't seem to be fixed, even with the latest commit as of Aug 18, 2020. When TEventMM = mmManual or mmManualAndFreeMainEvent, LEvent is NEVER properly free-ed, and will result in memory leak!

This doesn't seem to be fixed, even with the latest commit as of Aug 18, 2020. When TEventMM = mmManual or mmManualAndFreeMainEvent, LEvent is NEVER properly free-ed, and will result in memory leak!

The test cases do not cover mmManual and mmManualAndFreeMainEvent

Originally posted by @wxinix in #10 (comment)

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